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Spiritual work on the 7 chakras should be done with the aim of awakening of the so-called "snake

power" or kundalini energy, which leads to spiritual self-realization. This creative energy rises up
the spinal cord, awakening the energy centers from their dormant state as it passes through.

The meditation should be focused without any kind of strain,and each of the seven mantras
should be recited with your mind comfortable focused on the corresponding chakra.

Muldhar chakra
ll Om Lam Par Tatvaay Vam Sham Sham Sam Om Phat ll

(Root )
Meaning : Foundation / Root Element : Earth Action : Grounding Mindset : SelfAspects: Food
and shelter Guna: Tamas Yoga: Hatha

Foods : Meat, proteins, onions, garlic, beans, nuts, dairy products releases adrenal gland. Red
food beet, red meat, red wine are good. Being a root chakra food grown below the soil is
good for muladhar.

Swaddhistthan Chakra
Om Vam Vam Swaadhishtthaanam Jaagray Jaagray Vam Vam Om Phat

Meaning : Home of
self Element : Water Action : Comfort Mindset : Enjoyment Aspects:Procreation Guna : Tama
s Yoga: Tantra

Foods : Juices, soups, water, drinks, alcohol. Orange foods like carrot, oranges, sweet lime are

Manipur Chakra
Om Ram Chakra Jaagrannay Mannipuraay Ram Om Phat

Meaning : Home of
gems Element : Fire Action : Recognition Mindset : CompetitiveAspects: Ego /
family Guna : Rajas Yoga : Karma

Foods : Starch, carbohydrates, sugar, sweets, caffeine. In the endocrine system, Manipura is
said to be associated with the pancreas, and the outer adrenal cortex. These glands create
important hormones involved in digestion, converting food into energy for the body. Yellow food
like lemon are good.

Anahat Chakra
Om Yam Anaahatam Jaagray Jaagray Sfottay Om Sham

Meaning : Unstruck Element : Air Action : Love Mindset : Charity Aspects: BalanceGuna :
Rajas or sattva Yoga: Bhakti

Foods : Vegetables, green leafy vegetables gives the body a balanced hygiene and is good for
anahata. Music, scenery fulfill anahata

Vishuddh Chakra
Om Ham Vishuddh Jaagray Jaagray Tatva Beejaay Om Phat

Meaning : Pure Element : Ether Action : Creativity Mindset : Communication Aspects:Knowle

dge Guna : Rajas or sattva Yoga: Mantra

Foods : Fruits.

Sahastrahaar Chakra
Om Hreem Sahastraaaram Jaagray Jaagray Sfotay Udbheday Ayeim Om Phat

(Crown)Meaning : Thousandfold Element : Thought Action : Understanding Mindset :

Bliss Aspects: Is in communion with the highest energies Guna : Sattva Yoga: Jnana or

Foods : Fasting

AJNA CHAKRA (Third eye)

Mantra: "Aum" or "Om" is the Bija(seed) mantra which is the drone of the person's body itself.
The mean sound from the nadis coming in from the two sides are "Hum" and "Kshum".

Meaning : Perception Element : Light Action : Intuition Mindset : Humanity Aspects: Spends
life for others Guna : Sattva Yoga: Yantra

Foods : Grass, Herb, Marijuana, Weed, Incense etc.

Om hreem hakini devyey ardhnarishwar parshivayey swaha

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