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SAS is case insensitive

all keywords in blue (if not syntax error)

KW - data - to create a new SAS data set eg: data GET_DATA;
infile - input file eg; infile 'filepath' dlm=',' dsd missover firstobs=2;
dsd missover firstobs - allow SAS to deal with missing values
dsd - 2 succesive delimiters indicates a missing value eg: a,b,,d
- ignore delimiter within quotes eg: "david, Jr"
missover- to skip over missing values i.e return a mising value
firstobs=2 - start reading data from row 2
informat - to indicate that data in source file is in a particular format eg: in
format var_name mmddyy8;
length - by default limit 8 eg:length var_name $20;
input - order of var same as in source file eg: input var_name1 $ var_name2;
- $ after char var
- var name need not be the same as in source file, up to user to fix var
format - display in particular format in the SAS data set eg:format var_name dat
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log is in output explorer
- SAS datasets stored in work in libraries under local under server expl
orer tab by default (stored temporarily - only during
- dataset ->click on data -> column properties -> will attributes of dat
- if only want to view dataset, no need for 'proc print' - better to vie
w from work folder
KW - set - eg: data getdata2;
set getdata1;
- the data for getdata2 must come from getdata1
- IF - eg: data getdata2;
set getdata1;
if var_name = 'x';
- only those data from getdata1 would be copied to getdata2 whose var_na
me is 'x'
- getdata2 would have the same number of var but fewer rows of data if a
ll not = x
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permanent datasets and libraries
- create library using 'libname' statement
eg: libname FIRSTPRJ(<=8) "already existing folder location"
- now create dataset in this library
eg: libname FIRSTPRJ(<=8) "already existing folder location"
data FIRSTPRJ.getdata1;
eg: similarly for set statement

- can be seen under libraries now in server explorer

default naming convention for dataset
- libname.datasetname for permanent dataset eg: data forstprj.getdata1;
new session
- no firstprj can be seen
- to retrieve permanent dataset -> simply run libname firstprj "location" and ge
tdata1 will appear (all datasets stored in loc will
show up. no need to impo
rt again)
eg: data second.getdata2;
set firstprj.getdata1;
-> this would create getdata2 ds in lib second
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PROC import
-to convert a non SAS data set to SAS dataset. if SAS, use set
eg: proc import
datafile ="file location"
out = dataset_name (create a dataset of the foll name)
dbms = csv; (dbms equivalent to dlm)
-not specifying var
-not specifying attributes
-bcos SAS determines data types by looking at first 20 rows of data -> problemat
ic with mixed data
it auto-generates the code in the log
proc import options
-guessingrows (default is 20)
-replace - instructs SAS to overwrite existing dataset
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GUI import
- file -> import wizard
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------log - execution history
kw - commands understood by sas
.sas7bdat - dataset

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