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Release 4.72
GBU Financials, SAP AG













Company Codes
Master Data
Postings and Documents
Account Balance Display
Installment Plan
Interest Calculation
Dunning / Collections
Collective Bills
Closing Activities

SAP AG 2004












Processing Locks
Mass Activities
EMMA Enhanced Message Management Analysis
Integration of Schedule Manager
Integration of Dispute Management
Integration of Credit Management
Integration of Business Warehouse
Integration of Funds Management
I-Doc Interfaces for external billing systems

SAP AG 2004



This presentation shall give an

overview about new functions in
SAP FI-CAX Release 4.72.

It shows only the delta-functions to

the earlier release 4.71.

SAP AG 2004


1. Company Codes
The responsible company code is replaced by three new
Company Code Group: defines the set of company codes, that
are permitted for posting to a contract account. One company
code group has to be assigned to each contract account.
Paying company code: A company code, that is responsible for
paying transactions. Payment methods and bank details have to
be assigned to the payment company code. In Customizing one
paying company code is exactly assigned to each company
code group.
Standard company code: used for all postings for which no
company code can be determined by other means (e.g. payment
on account).

SAP AG 2004


1. Company Codes
Assignment of Company Code Group and Standard Company Code
in Contract Account

Assignment of Paying Company Code to Company Code Group:

SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing:
Define Company Code Groups
Assign Paying Company Codes to Company Code Groups


2. Master Data
New Transaction FPP4
With the new transaction FPP4 you can admin business
partner-related bank data. In detail you have the possibility to:

Create new bank details

Change existing bank details
Delete existing bank details
Create new payment cards
Change existing payment card details
Create customer contacts
Print confirmation letters

SAP AG 2004


2. Master Data
Why new transaction FPP4?



Customer Call

Customer calls and informs:

about new bank details
about change from direct debit to bank transfer
about change from bank transfer to direct debit

Clerk has to change:

Bank details in Business Partner Master Data
Transaction BP
Payment method, Bank-ID in all affected contract accounts
Transaction CAA2

Improvement: ONE transaction for all changes

SAP AG 2004

The big benefit of the new transaction is, that you can simultaneously change data in dependent objects. E.g.:
If a customer changes from being a cash payer to a direct debit payer you can change the bank details in the
business partner master record and simultaneously in the contract account.


3. Postings and Documents I


New attribute Classification Key

The attribute Classification Key has been added to the document
header. This input field has a length of up to 35 characters and can be
defined for document display, document change, document reversal
and mass reversal. It is inherited in the business partner items and can
be displayed in the account balance or in the processing of open items.
2. Negative Postings
There are negative postings possible. A negative posting reduces
the transaction figures on a account in the general ledger. That causes,
that after an incorrect posting and correction of it, the accounts are set
as if the incorrect posting had never taken place. If negative postings
are allowable, you can decide for company code and per document
3. Parallel Open Items Processing
If several contract accounts belong to a business partner, different
clerks can simultaneously access those contract accounts and handle

SAP AG 2004

Keep in mind:
For Classificiation Key: To use this input field you have to activate it explicitly by using a report.
For Negative Postings: You have to decide once if you want to use negative postings. After activating the
settings in customizing you should not change them anymore.


3. Postings and Documents II

4. Hold Status of Open Item Processing
During manual processing of clearing transactions, you can save the
status of open item processing and reload it later. For this purpose, the
new functions Hold Processing Status and Retrieve Processing Status
are available on the processing screen for open items. The processing
status is held in the system for 30 days.
5. Transfer Postings in Account Maintenance
In the account maintenance, you can transfer difference amounts to a
specific general ledger account defined in Customizing.
6. Write-Offs
In the transaction FP04 for Write-Off Items you can maintain notes to a

SAP AG 2004

To maintain notes in a specific document you use the following menu path:



Enter Notes


4. Account Balance Display

Restriction of Item Selection
On the first screen of the account display there is a new button in the menu bar
Change period for item selection. Here you can limitate the period, for which
the items are selected.

Context menu in Account Balance Display

Via click with the right mouse button on a line of the account display you can
call the context menu. The functionality of the context menu can be maintained
and expanded in the events 1247 and 1248.

SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing:
Define the required function modules for events 1247 and 1248 in the IMG under Program Enhancements
Define Customer specific Function Modules.



5. Payments I
Arrears Surcharges
If open items are cleared by payments or clearing of payments, you
can define arrears surcharges. The calculation of surcharges is
dependent on the value date of the payment. If clearing processing
takes place online, you can deactivate or reduce the calculated
surcharges manually.
The following transactions enable the calculation and posting of
Cash Desk / Cash Journal
Payment Lot
General posting online
Account Maintenance
Automatic Clearing

SAP AG 2004



5. Payments II
Cash Journal / Cash Desk

1. Barcode Reader
From Release 4.72 you can
connect a barcode reader in the
cash journal and the cash desk.

2. Transfer Postings with a sales tax in the cash desk

You can now transfer incoming and outgoing payments with a sales tax
part. Therefore the field Tax code has to be added to the initial screen
on the cash desk.
3. Reversing Withdrawals in cash journal
You can now reverse withdrawal documents in the cash journal menu.
This function also corrects the cash desk balance.

SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing for the Barcode Reader:

In Customizing you have to define whether the barcode enter field is hidden or displayed.
You can define it per workplace.
The barcode read is interpreted in event 6060.



5. Payments III
Payment Lot


- In posting area 1040, you can determine the clarification account
depending on the document type.






- You can create notes during clarification.

- If you want to post a clearing document the clarification note to
payee also appears on the processing screen for the open items.
- In the search function, you can now also search for business
partner with just the name and optionally the city in the field Account

SAP AG 2004

Effects on customizing:
You define the clarification account in the following IMG path:
Business transactions


Processing of Incoming/Outgoing Payments > Define Clarification

if you want to use the document type as selection criterion, you first have to select the field Document Type
via the menu Goto Key Selection.



5. Payments IV
Payment Lot
2. Archive Connection: You can now display both archived and non-archived
lots (FP05).
3. Default Value for New Key: If you want create a new lot, you can have the
system default a suitable key. Prerequisite is a development of the event 0211.
4. Changes to Protected Fields
In payment lots created automatically, you can change the bank data of the
payer and the note to payee during clarification. It is necessary, for example,
when the data reader has incorrectly interpreted a hand-written note to payee.
In check lots, you can use the special function Correct Check Number to
correct the check number in lots that have already been closed or posted. It is
necessary, for example, if you discover that check numbers have been entered
incorrectly, while creating the check deposit list.
5. Transfer of Payment Lots
In the transfer structures BFKKZP and BFKKZS the field lengths of the fields
SELW1, SELW2 und SELW3 have been extended from 30 to 35.

SAP AG 2004

Archive Connection:
To display archived lots you need an additional index table. This table is created during archiving with effect
from release 4.72. For earlier releases you can create the index entries using report RFKKPLAR.



5. Payments V
Payment Run

Restriction to One Payment Card Type

The payment run can now be restricted to
one payment card type.

New event 0652

In the new event 0652, the partner bank,
that was automatically selected by payment program, can be overwritten.


Payment Media Creation

Note to Payee

The standard options to define the note to payee have been enhanced. In the
user-defined specifications, you can now specify the number of items to be
prepared only once per payment. If the note to payee is the same for all the items,
it will be output only once and not for each item.
Correspondence Banks
You can define correspondence banks for payment media formats EDIFACT
and S.W.I.F.T. This means, you can specify up to three intermediary banks for the
transfer from one bank to another.

SAP AG 2004

For the new event 0652 see the documentation of function module FKK_SAMPLE_0652.
The customizing for correspondence banks takes place under the following IMG-path: Bank Accounting
Bank Chains.


Basic Functions

Bank Chains.


5. Payments VI






Archive Link: Both already archived and non-archived returns are able to
display (FP09).
Zero Total Tax Items: At the posting of charges of return with a tax rate 0.0%,
the system creates zero total tax items and displays these in the return
Manual Postings: In the automatic creation of return lots there are manual
posting lines possible. You can handle this with the type of posting = new
receivables according to explicit entry.
Check for Changed Bank Details: Optionally you can check for a return whether
the bank details of the partner have changed since the last payment run. If this
is the case, you can either use an alternative returns reason, or you can define
your own activities to be carried out by the return via event 0293.
Selection via Payment Form Number: When you are assigning payments, you
can also use the payment form number as selection criterion.
Reversal of Returns with a Clarification Document: You can now also reverse
returns with a clarification document.

SAP AG 2004



6. Installment Plan I
1. Display of Processing Locks
Previously, the different processing locks in installment plan
items were displayed via a joint icon (lock). The display of the
installment plan items now also has, in addition to the joint lock
icon, a column for each processing lock with the respective lock
reason. If there are several locks of the same type with different
lock reasons, a tilde appears (~). Additional to payment, dunning
and interest locks, you can now also display clearing locks.
2. Selection by Classification Key
You can select items for which a new installment plan is to be
created by classification key.
3. Standard Company Code
If the system can not derive a unique company code from the
original receivables when you are creating an installment plan,
the system posts the installment plan to the standard company

SAP AG 2004



6. Installment Plan II
4. New Display Fields in the Installment Plan History
When you display the installment plan history, the contract account,
business partner and address of the business partner are displayed for
each installment plan. The fields Number of Installments and
Distributed Interests are displayed in the header data of the installment
plan history.

5. Determination of superior fields in the Installment Plan

When you create an installment plan, the company code, contract,
business area and business place are taken from the original item as
standard, as long as these fields have the same value in all original items
selected. Previously this check took place in event 3000, now it takes place
in the standard coding before the event 3000.

SAP AG 2004

Additional information to event 3000:

If you do not want to fill the standard superior fields in the installment plan, or want to enter other values, you
can define event 3000 accordingly.



7. Interest Calculation

1. Interest calculation rules

There are two new interest
calculation methods for defining
the interest calculation rules:
30/30E for the exponential interest
calculation on a monthly basis
act/actY for a calculation based on
the number of days in a calendar

2. Setting Interest Calculation To Date

You can change the date for the Interest Calculation To in event 2065. As
standard the due date of the invoice and clearing date of both items are used
to calculate interests.

SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing:
You define interest calculation rules in the following IMG-path:
Business Transaction


Interest Calculation

Item Interest Calculation

Define Interest Calculation


8. Dunning / Collections
1. Dunning
You can now display a text for the business partner in
the dunning history. As standard, the text appears with
the name and address of the business partner. You can
adjust this text in event 4700.
2. Submission of Receivables to Collection Agencies
Derivation of Collection Agency Responsible
If you want to release receivables to different
collection agencies using rules in your organization, you
can define these derivation rules in Customizing. The
derivation rules can be analyzed in single release or mass
release run for receivables.
Deletion of Submission Logs
By the mass run for submitting receivables to
collection agencies (FP03DM) submission logs will be
recorded. You can delete this logs with transaction

SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing:
You can define the derivation rules for responsible collection agencies in the following IMG-path:
Business Transactions


Submission of Receivables to Collection Agencies

Define Derivation Rules.


9. Requests
Request = Input help for entering documents in FI-CA.
You can use requests to park and process posting data for incoming and outgoing
payments. You post requests in two steps: In a first step you enter document data
without updating transaction figures. In the second step, the system uses the
posting data entered in the request to create an accounting document.
If the system creates documents based on requests in periodic intervals, they are
called standing requests.
Before you convert requests to FI-CA documents, you can subject these to a check
and approval by one or more clerks within a workflow.




SAP AG 2004

There are two different types of request in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable:
You use requests as input help for posting one-time incoming or outgoing payments. Amount and business
partner are known. A request results in an FI-CA document with a specific due date.
Standing requests
You use standing requests to park periodically recurring incoming or outgoing payments. You use standing
requests if a business partner is to pay or receive an amount at periodic intervals. The system creates several
FI-CA documents with different due dates for a standing request.



9. Requests
Printing Requests: You can print requests and standing requests as of Release
4.72 (correspondence type 0039).
Entering Notes: You can enter notes for requests and standing requests . If you
generate documents from requests, the notes are copied over into the notes on
the documents.
Business Blocks: You can set the clearing block for request items
payment/dunning/interest and clearing blocks that are copied into the documents
when the documents are generated.
Entering Documents for each Request Item: If you create requests with lots of
lines, you can generate documents from requests for each request item, so that
the items keep clearly arranged.
Multi-Level Control: You can also enter requests and standing requests with a tax
code that contains several tax codes.
Classification Key: The new field Classification Key is now also available in the
request items.
Displaying Requests in Account Balance: SAP provides new function modules
for events 1203, 1209, 1211, they cause display requests in account balance.
Approving Requests: Until now you could only approve requests through
workflow. As now you can alternatively approve requests using a work list.
SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing:
To generate documents for each request item set the indicator Document for each request item in the
following IMG-path:
Basic Functions


Document Creation

Define Specification for Document Creation

To define which requests should be approved per request class, request category or document type through a
worklist you use the following IMG-path:
Basic Functions



Define Settings for Approving Requests


10. Collective Bill

The collective bill makes it possible to group documents from
different contract accounts in a collective bill document. You can
manage and process all of the individual documents in a collective
bill together via a third account the collective bill account. You can
create a joint invoice and make the payment or dunning run for all
items in the collective bill together.
at master data level, you have to assign the individual contract accounts
to a collective bill account.

on event 0063, you have to enter the FKK_COLL_BILL_ CREATE_0063

provided this module is not already integrated in the industry-specific

SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing:
enter a contract account category for collective bills accounts.
create a document type for collective bill documents and assign a number range to this document type.
define this document type as the default for creating collective bill documents.
if necessary determine the main and subtransaction for the collective bill item in event 2222.



10. Collective Bill - Example

Collector Corp.

Anne Richards

Acct cat.:

Account: 4712
Acct cat.: 01
CB acct: 8711

Contract acct cat.

collective bill

John Smith

Account: 4713
Acct cat.:
CB acct: 8711

Marie Clarke

Account: 4714
Acct cat.:
CB acct: 8711

Normal contract acct cat. with

reference to collective bill contract acct

SAP AG 2004

Bank Details of Collector Account are always used for all sub-accounts
for payment regulation.



11. Closing Activities

1. Foreign Currency Valuation
In the transaction Foreign Currency Valuation
(FPW1) you can now save the valuation differences
for each open item.
Benefit: Compatibility with different GAAPs;
according to the reporting view, the open item
can be valuated differently.
Furthermore there exists the new transaction log for Foreign Currency Valuation
(FPW2), in that each foreign currency valuation that requires correction postings is
logged. In the Implementation Guide you have to define the Valuation methods,
Valuation areas and Valuation variants.

2. Reclassifications
You can now display reclassifications for a group of accounts or company codes
by Summarization Accounts and Summarization Company Codes.

3. Evaluation of Open Items

In the Key Date-Related Open Item List (transaction FPO1) you can now select the
currency type, the valuation variant and the valuation key date.

SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing
For the foreign currency valuation you use the following IMG-Activities:


Foreign Currency Valuation

Valuation methods
Valuation areas
Valuation variants
General ledger accounts for the unrealizes gains and losses



12. Processing Locks

New transaction FKLOCK2
With the new transaction FKLOCK2 you can
create mass processing locks. The selection
criteria can be Business Partner, Contract
Account, Contract, Company Code.
The processing locks must be specified for a
combination of Lock Category, Process, Lock
Reason. Furthermore you have to set the
validity period of the processing lock.
To delete mass locks, you can use the
transaction FPLKDEL.

SAP AG 2004



13. Mass Activities

Repeated Processing of a Job Interval
If an interval cant be processed in a payment run, interest run or
interest calculation for cash security deposits because data is locked by
another processing function, the system can restart the processing
automatically and as frequently as required.
You have to enter the maximum number of repetitions in the
Implementation Guide for mass activities in FI-CA.

SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing:
Use the following IMG-path:
FI-CA > Technical settings


Prepare mass activities


14. Enhanced Message Management Application (EMMA)




Preparation of messages
from Application Log

Scope of EMMA in 4.64


Cases from Front office,

workflow, etc.

Case creation


on cases

SAP AG 2004

Enhanced Message Management Analysis (EMMA) analyzes and monitors mass activities and dialog
transactions centrally. EMMA places the problem messages that occur during mass processing in a
clarification worklist. This enables you to:
Get an overview of the progress of the job quickly
The effort involved in manually checking the entries in the application log is no longer necessary.
React to errors quickly
The clarification worklist provides the clerks with standard business processes for solving problem cases
quickly. You can use the status management to monitor the current status of processing of the clarification
Increase the stability of your system and thereby ensure that errors in mass processing (for example, the
payment run), do not lead to losses for your company.



14. EMMA
The Enhanced Message Management Analysis (EMMA) has been
enhanced. The Transaction Code is no longer required to identify
the job logs. Instead, business process areas and business process
codes have been introduced.
Business Process Areas: consist of similar business processes.

Business Process Codes: rewrite a specific activity of a business

process area (ex. transaction, report, mass activity).
You can assign Case Categories to Business Process Codes, if you
want to create clarification cases.

With transaction FPEMMACGEN you can now create clarification

cases in mass activity.

SAP AG 2004

There are different types of clarification cases:

Clarification cases generated automatically
The system generates this type of clarification case based on the Customizing in the Implementation Guide for
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Basic Functions Enhanced Message Management
Specifications for Generating Clarification Cases that evaluates the messages in application logs.
Manual clarification cases
These are clarification cases based on errors where the system could not identify the business object affected
and where you created the clarification case manually. You enter all information required via the API function
CASE_CREATE, which then creates the case.
Automatic clarification cases
These are clarification cases that you create in a mass run for individual or several intervals of a mass activity.



15. Integration of Schedule Manager

You can schedule now mass activities in Contract Accounts with
the program RFKK_MA_SCHEDULER.
In addition, some periodic programs have been changed so that
you can also schedule these with the Schedule Manager:

Automatic Closure of Reconciliation Keys


Transfer of FI-CA Totals Records to General Ledger


Bill Payment Cards


Document Transfer


Payment Lot Transfer


Returns Lot Transfer


Transfer of Data from Account Statement to

Payment/Returns Lot


Read Collection Agency File

SAP AG 2004



16. Archiving
1. Document Archiving
In future, the program for archiving documents RFKKAR10 checks
whether the balance of the document is zero. In addition two new events
are available:
Event 0501 for check document headers in blocks

Event 0505 for installation-specific checks at document level.

2. New archiving objects


Foreign Currency Valuation


Clearing Histories


Doubtful Receivable


Invoicing by third parties

SAP AG 2004

At present you can archive the following objects:

Official document numbers
Payment lots
Returns lots
Returns history
Contract Accounts
Dunning history
Business partner
Check management
Customer contacts
Revenue distribution table
Revenue reporting tables
Tax reporting tables
Additional table for tax reporting
Information for foreign currency valuations
Doubtful receivables
Archiving data for invoicing by third parties
Clearing history


17. Integration of Dispute Management I

With integration of SAP Dispute Management you can manage
complaints from your business partner with regard to incorrect or
missing invoices and credits. In the case of complaints from your
business partner you can create dispute cases.
A dispute case contains attributes, such as
Disputed Amount


Action Log

Reason for the complaint


Internal Dispute Type

Responsible Clerk for resolution



Status of processing
Contact data of the business partner



List of related objects (document, invoice,...)



SAP AG 2004

1. Creating Dispute Cases

Dispute cases are created in the dispute system or in the FI-CA system. In the FI-CA system you can create
dispute cases from the document display or from the account balance. In the document display you can create
dispute case concerning the invoice; from the account balance you can create dispute cases without an invoice
2. Displaying Dispute Cases
You can display dispute cases in the Document Display or in the account balance. Also you can use the
report RFKKDM00, that provides additional selection options to the master data.
3. Changing Dispute Cases
When you display a dispute case you can use the function Change to switch the mode and therefore change
the disputed amount, include additional documents in the dispute case and make follow-on postings. Followon postings for dispute cases are reversals, write-offs, invoice-related credits and the posting of replacement
You can also post invoice-related credits or replacement receivables with transaction FPE1. In this transaction
there are new fields for creating invoice correction or invoice replacement with assignment to a document
number or the ID of a clarification case.



17. Integration of Dispute Management II

Integration in the Payment Run
If an open dispute case exists, you can reduce the amount to be
collected from a business partner by the disputed amount. You can
make the logic of the reduction dependent on status, complaint
reason and the priority. You can define your process logic in the
event 0610.
Activation of Dispute Management
You have to activate SAP Dispute Management in the FI-CA
Customizing on company code level!

SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing:
The activating of dispute management takes place at company code level in the FI-CA system. Use IMG-path:
Organizational Units Set up company codes. Mark the Flag Dispute for individual company codes.



17. Integration of Dispute Management III

SAP R/3 Enterprise


SAP Web AS 6.20


SAP Dispute

SAP Web AS 6.40

SAP AG 2004

SAP Dispute Management is running on SAP Web Application Server 6.40. Therefore you need an additional
Server, if you are running SAP R/3 Enterprise with a basis lower than WAS 6.40. Then the systems are
connected via ALE.
If you run your SAP R/3 on WAS 6.40 you can implement SAP Dispute Management in the same system.



18. Integration of Credit Management

With SAP Credit Management you can manage liabilities and
scores for a business partner. The central Credit Management
server manages information from different systems (CRM, FI-CA, FIAR,...). The use of the interface technology of the Exchange
Infrastructure means that you can also connect external systems.
FI-CA supports the following activities in Credit Management :
- Sending the liability for a business partner
- Sending an FI summary (last payment, last dunning,...)
- Replication of the score

SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing:
Activation of Credit Management in FI-CA
Define Specifications for Credit Management (type of liability)
Maintain Credit Segments



18. Integration of Credit Management

Credit Limit
Management &

Credit Decision


Credit Rules

SAP AG 2004

These are the four credit management components.

The Credit Limit Management is used for Defining Credit Limits for Business Partners.
You use the Credit Rules Engine, for analyzing internal and external information to calculate credit limits.
Credit Decision support is given by the credit management manager portal.
Credit information can be analyzed from external institutes like D&B



19. Integration of Business Warehouse

1. Extracting Open Items
During the evaluation of receivables balances in BW, you can now
simulate the clearing of credits with the oldest open receivables for
a business partner. Therefore is in FI-CA an extractor provided. In
event 2506, you can determine which data has to agree for the
credits to be cleared (company code, business area, general ledger
account). Further the restriction by business partner has been
added to the extraction of open items.
2. Extracting Installment Plan Items
A new mass activity enables the Extraction of installment payment
items to BW. You can extend the extract structures using events
2525 and 2530.

SAP AG 2004

FI-CA provides the following extractions for reporting in BW:

Extracting Open Items
Extracting Cleared Items
Extracting Collection Items
Extracting Installment Plan Data
Extract Administration



20. Integration of Funds Management

The task of Funds Management is to budget all revenues and expenditures relevant
for individual management areas and to control future financial transactions of
distributed budget and thereby prevent the budget being exceeded.
Up to now the Funds Management was only released for industry-specific
component Public Sector. As of Release 4.72, Funds Management is released for
Utilities Industry, all other industry-specific components can use Funds
Management with a pilot project.

SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing:
- Activate Funds Management in Customizing
- Define function module FKK_EVENT_FM_1102 with event 1102.



21. IDoc Interfaces for Communication with External Billing

1. Evaluation of Mass Runs with EMMA
The Enhanced Message Management Analysis (EMMA) has been activated for
following programs:
Document Data Transfer
Linking with Archive Data
Reversal of Documents

2. Functional Enhancements in the IDoc FKK_EBS_TOI_COPA (Document Data

Transfer from External Billing Systems)
In document header data you have several adaptabilities by maintaining different
events. Particularly it is necessary for the new field Classification Key.
You can define basic settings for data transfer in Customizing under Data Transfer
Communication with external Billing Systems
Transfer of Accounting

SAP AG 2004

Effects on Customizing:
There are enhanced activities under the following IMG-path:
FI-CA Data Transfer


Communication with external billing systems

Transfer of Accounting


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SAP AG 2004



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