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1- The ____________ box displays the name of the selected cell, chart, or object.
a) reference
b) text
c) dialog
d) name
2- The row heading consists of numbers along the ___________ of the worksheet
that indicate the row number.
a) right
b) top
c) bottom
d) left
3- Two ranges of cells that are next to each other are called __________ ranges.
a) nonadjacent
b) selected
c) adjacent
d) truncated
4- Two ranges of cells that are not next to each other are called ________ ranges.
a) nonadjacent
b) adjacent
c) selected
d) truncated

9- Data displayed in the Formula Bar is referred to as the ________ value.

a) displayed
b) cell
c) data
d) underlying
10- A feature of Excel called ___ fills in the remaining characters for you when you
type in the first few characters in a cell that match an existing entry in the column.
a) AutoType
b) AutoCorrect
c) AutoComplete
d) AutoFill
11- A font is a set of _____________ with the same design, size, and shape.
a) numbers
b) symbols
c) letters
d) characters
12- A(n) ____ cell is a single cell created by combining two or more selected cells.
a) combined
b) merged
c) active
d) aligned

5- Anything typed into a cell is referred to as cell ___________________.

a) data.
b) content.
c) information.
d) values.
6- Column ___________________ identify the data in the columns.
a) names
b) values
c) titles
d) content
7- When data is ___________________ it does not fully display in the cell because
the cell to the right is not empty.
a) truncated
b) wrapped
c) justified
d) formatted
8- Data displayed in a cell is referred to as the _______________ value.
a) underlying
b) displayed
c) cell
d) data

13- ___________ are text, page numbers, and graphics that display and print at the
bottom of every page.
a) Footers
b) Titles
c) Headers
d) Elements
14- ___________ tools enable you to perform specific commands related to the
selected area or object.
a) Excel
b) Menu
c) Worksheet
d) Contextual
15- You may select commands to change the manner in which a worksheet will
print in the Page Setup ____________box.
a) dialog
b) selection
c) text
d) formula
16- The dialog box launcher displays in some groups on the ______ and opens a related
dialog box which provides additional options and commands related to the group.
a) menu
b) toolbar
c) ribbon
d) status bar


17- _______________ adjusts the size of the printed worksheet to fit on one page
and is convenient for printing formulas.
a) Scaling
b) Formatting
c) Selecting
d) Autofit
18- Use the _________ Text command to display long cell entries on more than
one line within a cell.
a) Format
b) Wrap
c) Justify
d) Align
19- Reverse an action or a series of actions by using the _________ command.
a) Undo
b) Redo
c) Overtype
d) Reverse
20- To start a new line of text at a specific point in a cell, double-click the cell, click
the location where you want to break the line in the cell and then press_________.
a) [Ctrl] + [Enter]
b) [Alt] + [Enter]
c) [Alt] + [F1]
d) [Ctrl] + [F1]

25- _________________ cell references change when copied to a new location to

reflect the new location.
a) Relative
b) Absolute
c) Nonadjacent
d) Adjacent
26- Format Painter copies a __________ from one cell and pastes it into another
cell or cells.
a) formula
b) function
c) format
d) entry
27- A chart is a graphic representation of __________ in a worksheet.
a) data
b) cells
c) text
d) formulas

21- To enter data by range, first select the _____________ where the data will be
entered so the active cell will move to the next cell where data will be entered.
a) cell
b) row
c) column
d) range
22- Calculation ________________ specify the type of calculation that you want to
perform on the elements of a formula.
a) operators
b) formulas
c) functions
d) methods
23- Arithmetic operators provide __________ operations such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division.
a) statistical
b) contextual
c) general
d) mathematical
24- The small black square in the __________ corner of a selected cell that is used
to copy a formula in the worksheet is called the fill handle.
a) top left
b) top right
c) lower left
d) lower right

1) Which of the following is NOT a valid cell reference?

A) =G6
B) =$X14
C) =$B$K
D) =T$11
2) Which of the following is NOT a type of cell reference?
A) relative
B) absolute
C) mixed
D) formula
3) Which of the following statements about cell references is FALSE?
A) Cell references can refer to a single cell.
B) Cell references can NOT refer to a range of cells.
C) Referencing cells improves efficiency should cell data change over time.
D) None of the above statements is false.
4) Which of the terms below would be most closely associated with the
following formula: =J1*H4
A) absolute reference
B) mixed reference
C) relative reference
D) named range


5) Which of the terms below would be most closely associated with the
following formula: =$J1+44
A) absolute reference
B) mixed reference
C) relative reference
D) named range
6) Which of the terms below would be most closely associated with
the following formula: =Q$4/3
A) absolute reference
B) mixed reference
C) relative reference
D) named range
7) Which of the terms below would be most closely associated with the
following formula: =100*$B$7
A) absolute reference
B) mixed reference
C) relative reference
D) named range
8) If a cell included in a formula needs to remain unchanged when the
formula is copied, use a(n) ________.
A) absolute reference
B) mixed reference
C) relative reference
D) named range

13) Which of the following is TRUE about hard-coded values?

A) A formula such as =P1*Q2 contains a hard-coded value.
B) Hard-coding makes it easier to update data and adapt to change.
C) Hard-coding is recommended when you have a value that may change.
D) In the formula =J5*12 the 12 is a hard coded value.
14) In order to simplify a formula, users can replace cell ranges such as
J2:J5 with a(n) ________.
A) absolute reference
B) mixed reference
C) relative reference
D) named range
15) Which of the terms below would be most closely associated with the
following formula: =SUM(Quantities)
A) absolute reference
B) mixed reference
C) relative reference
D) named range
16) Which of the following is a valid name for a range?
A) S2011
B) 2011Sales
C) Sales_2011
D) All are valid names for named ranges

9) A(n) ________ allows a cell's row and column to change when copied.
A) absolute reference
B) mixed reference
C) relative reference
D) named range
10) If a cell in a formula should remain in the same row when copied, but
change the column, use a(n) ________.
A) absolute reference
B) mixed reference
C) relative reference
D) named range
11) If a cell in a formula should remain in the same column when copied,
but change the row, use a(n) ________.
A) absolute reference
B) mixed reference
C) relative reference
D) named range
12) Which of the following formulas contains a hard-coded value?
A) =SUM(J1:J3)
B) =AVERAGE(Sales)
C) =$F$4*$F$5
D) =F1*0.07

17) Which of the following is the argument in the following formula:

A) =
C) J2:J4
D) None of the above is an argument.
18) Which of the following is the function in the following formula:
A) =
C) E2:E5
D) None of the above is a function.
19) The structure and order of a function and its arguments is also known
as the function's ________.
A) syntax
B) range
C) reference
D) pseudocode
20) In order to display only the current date, use the ________ function.


21) Absolute values of a number, rounding, and summing are all part of
the category of functions called ________ functions.
A) Math & Trig
B) Statistical
C) Logical
D) Engineering

25) IF, AND, and OR are examples of ________ functions.

A) Math & Trig
B) Statistical
C) Logical
D) Financial

22) Finding the maximum, minimum, and average values for a range of cells
are all part of the category of functions called ________ functions.
A) Math & Trig
B) Statistical
C) Logical
D) Financial
23) Loan payment calculations and net present value calculations are
formulas found in the ________ category of functions.
A) Math & Trig
B) Statistical
C) Logical
D) Financial
24) To perform a comparison and make a decision based on that decision,
use a ________ function.
A) Math & Trig
B) Statistical
C) Logical
D) Financial

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