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Due to the onion-skin or Déjerine pattern of

topographic representation, a perioral distribu-
tion of sensory loss denotes a lesion in the lower
medulla and upper cervical cord, whereas a
more peripheral facial distribution of sensory
loss involving the forehead, ear, and chin denotes
a lesion in the cord at C3-4. Cervicomedullary
injuries often mimic the central cord syndrome
because of a greater weakness in the arm than
the leg.

Acute Central Cord Syndrome

Schneider21,22 described the acute central cer-
vical cord injury syndrome characterized by a
disproportionally greater loss of motor power in
Figure 3: Central cord syndrome. The drawing the upper extremities than the lower extremities
depicts a case of cervical spondylosis with
osteoarthritis of the cervical spine including ante- with varying degrees of sensory loss. He hypoth-
rior and posterior osteophytes and hypertrophy of esized that acute compression was an etiological
the ligamentum flavum. Superimposed is an acute factor in many cases such as cord compression
hyperextension injury that has caused rupture of
the intervertebral disc and infolding of the liga- between bony bars or spurs anteriorly and in-
mentum flavum. The spinal cord is compressed folded ligamenta flava posteriorly (Figure 3).
anteriorly and posteriorly. The central portion of Table 5 shows the similarities and differences
the cord shown in rough stippling sustained the
greatest damage. The damaged area includes the between the central cord syndrome and the syn-
medial segments of the corticospinal tracts pre- drome of cruciate paralysis. Clinically, it may be
sumed to subserve arm function. Reprinted with very difficult to make this distinction. Fortu-
permission from Tator.23
nately, the combination of plain films, computed

Central Cord Syndrome Syndrome of Cruciate Paralysis

Site of Lesions Mid to lower Lower medulla and upper cervical cord,
Anterior horn cells anterior aspect
Lateral corticospinal tract Corticospinal decussation caudal to the pyramids
(medial part)
Clinical Arms weaker than legs Arms weaker than legs
Manifestations Flaccid arms acutely Flaccid arms acutely
Legs normal or variably weak Legs normal or variably weak
Lower motor neuron deficits Upper motor neuron deficits in upper limbs develop
in upper limbs persist ± Trigeminal sensory deficit (onion skin, spinal tract
of 5th cranial nerve)
± Cranial nerve dysfunction
(9th, 10th, or 11th cranial nerve)
Prognosis for Variable Usually good

tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance

imaging (MRI) can usually accurately localize
the lesion to either the mid to lower cervical
spine in the central cord syndrome or to the cer-
vicomedullary junction in the syndrome of cru-
ciate paralysis.7
There is recent evidence that syndromes
characterized by greater weakness of the arm
than leg are not based on previously enunciated
mechanisms such as the presumed differing lo-
cations of the arm and leg fibers in the corti-
cospinal tract.13 In contrast, the new explanation
is derived from careful clinical-pathological-
MRI correlations17 and of cases of SCI. The new
understanding is based on the finding that the
corticospinal tract subserves mainly distal limb
musculature and, thus, the functional deficit
Figure 4: Anterior cord syndrome. A large disc
would be more pronounced in the hands when herniation is shown compressing the anterior
the tract is the primary site of damage. aspect of the cord and resulting in damage (rough
It is of interest that Schneider initially ad- stippling) to the anterior and lateral white matter
tracts and to the grey matter. The posterior
monished against operating on individuals with columns remain intact. Reprinted with permission
central cord syndrome because of their good from Tator.23
prognosis for spontaneous recovery. Indeed, in
some instances, his patients showed very rapid
spontaneous clinical recovery. Furthermore,
Schneider reported deterioration following lam-
view, was “a syndrome for which early operative
inectomy in some patients. Although it is true
intervention is indicated.” The anterior aspect of
that a considerable number of patients with cen-
the cord is damaged and, in severe cases, there
tral cord syndrome make a substantial recovery
may only be sparing of the posterior columns
without surgery, many remain with significant
(Figure 4). In less severe cases, there may be
deficits,3 especially with serious impairment of
some retention of motor function due to sparing
the hands due to a combination of severe weak-
of some fibers in the lateral corticospinal tracts.
ness and severe proprioceptive loss. When there is
persistent compression, instability, or neurologi-
cal deterioration, a patient with central cord syn- Posterior Cord Syndrome
drome should be considered a surgical candidate. Posterior cord syndrome is a rarely seen type
of incomplete SCI syndrome. Many researchers,
Anterior Cord Syndrome including the author, have doubted its existence.
It supposedly occurs after major destruction of
Anterior cord syndrome was originally de- the posterior aspect of the cord but with some
scribed in the setting of acute cervical trauma by residual functioning spinal cord tissue anteriorly
Schneider,20 who presented two patients with (Figure 5). Thus, clinically, the patient has re-
“immediate complete paralysis with hyperesthe- tained spinothalamic function but lost move-
sia at the level of the lesion and an associated ment and proprioception due to damage to the
sparing of touch and some vibration sense.” posterior half of the cord, including the corti-
Both patients, one of which was a young football cospinal tracts and posterior columns.
player, had a ruptured disc (the football player
also had bone fragments in the canal), and both
made a substantial recovery following surgical
Brown-Séquard Syndrome
removal of the intracanalicular space-occupying The Brown-Séquard syndrome is caused by a
lesions (Figure 4). This syndrome, in Schneider’s lesion of the lateral half of the spinal cord (Fig-

Figure 5: Posterior cord syndrome. A laminar frac-

ture is depicted with anterior displacement of the Figure 6: Brown-Séquard syndrome. A burst frac-
fractured bone and compression of the posterior ture is depicted, with posterior displacement of
aspect of the spinal cord. The damaged area of the bone fragments and disc, resulting in unilateral
cord (roughly stippled in the upper diagram) compression and damage (rough stippling) to one-
includes the posterior columns and the posterior half of the spinal cord. Reprinted with permission
half of the lateral columns including the corti- from Tator.23
cospinal tracts. Reprinted with permission from

ure 6) and is characterized by ipsilateral motor

Conus Medullaris Syndrome
and proprioceptive loss and contralateral pain Almost all of the lumbar cord segments are
and body temperature loss. The syndrome can opposite the T12 vertebral body, and almost all of
be associated with a variety of mechanisms of the sacral cord segments are opposite the L1 ver-
injury, but in the series of Braakman and Pen- tebral body with the cord ending opposite the
ning4 was most often observed with hyperexten- L1-2 disc space (Figure 7). Because injuries at
sion injuries; also reported were cases with flex- T11-12 and T12-L1 are relatively common due to
ion injuries, locked facets, and compression the mobility of these segments compared with
fractures. the relatively immobile thoracic segments, in-
The Brown-Séquard syndrome may be pres- juries to the conus medullaris are frequent. These
ent at the onset of injury in some patients; in injuries usually produce a combination of lower
others, it may become apparent only several days motor neuron deficits with initial flaccid paraly-
after injury as a gradual evolution from a bilat- sis of the legs and anal sphincter. This is followed
eral incomplete injury. Hybrid combinations in the chronic phase by a combination of some
of Brown-Séquard and other incomplete syn- degree of muscle atrophy and spasticity or reflex
dromes may occur. For example, the author has hyperactivity with, possibly, an extensor plantar
seen examples of central cord injuries that are response. The sensory picture may be variable,
quite asymmetric, with the more severely dam- and in some cases the only evidence of incom-
aged side of the cord showing features of a pleteness is retention of some perianal sensation,
Brown-Séquard syndrome. The Brown-Séquard which is an example of sacral sparing. In the
syndrome occurs most often following cervical more severe conus lesions, bowel and bladder
injuries and less frequently in the thoracic cord deficits may be profound with the ultimate devel-
and conus medullaris. In milder cases, there may opment of a low-pressure, high-capacity neuro-
be no sphincter deficit. genic bladder.

Figure 7: Conus medullaris syndrome. A burst fracture of T12 is depicted

with posterior dislocation of bone fragments from the vertebral body into
the spinal canal resulting in compression of the conus medullaris. Almost
all the lumbar cord segments are opposite the T12 vertebral body, so that a
severe compression injury at this level could affect all lumbar and sacral
segments of the cord. Reprinted with permission from Tator.23

S1 roots may be present as well. Thus, these pa-

CAUDA EQUINA INJURIES tients may have total preservation of leg strength
With the spinal cord normally terminating but complete bowel and bladder paralysis as well
opposite the L1-2 disc space (Figure 7), injuries as perineal anesthesia. The sacral roots are very
at this level or below involve the roots of the delicate and sometimes may not recover, even
cauda equina, although injuries one or two levels when decompressed reasonably expeditiously.
above also involve the origins of some of the
roots comprising the cauda equina. Clinically,
these injuries may be complete (Grade A on the REVERSIBLE OR TRANSIENT
new ASIA/IMSOP scale), whereas incomplete
injuries vary in severity and range from Grades
B to D. Similar to SCI, the motor fibers tend to There are a number of complete or incom-
be more susceptible to trauma so that incom- plete SCI syndromes that are reversible or tran-
plete cases always have sensory preservation with sient (Table 4). One of the most interesting is the
or without some motor preservation. Cases with “burning-hands syndrome,” which frequently
only motor preservation are extremely rare. The occurs in athletes.28 The syndrome is character-
degree of bowel and bladder deficits parallels ized by transient paresthesiae and dysesthesiae in
those found with cord injury. It is believed that the upper limbs, especially the hands. It may
cauda equina injuries have a much better prog- exist with or without long-tract signs, which, if
nosis for neurological recovery compared with present, are usually evanescent. Biemond2 found
SCI because the lower motor neuron inherently pathological changes in the posterior horn of
has more resilience to trauma, with fewer sec- one case and termed the condition “contusio
ondary injury mechanisms and greater regener- cervicalis posterior.” Braakman and Penning5
ative capacity than the upper motor neuron and found that hyperextension was the most fre-
its tracts. quent mechanism of injury. Intramedullary le-
One interesting and dangerous cauda equina sions may be demonstrable by MRI.28 Torg et al26
syndrome is associated with acute central disc described a transient incomplete spinal cord
herniation at L4-5 or L5-S1 and results in major syndrome with sensory and motor deficits that
damage to the sacral roots that lie centrally lasted up to 48 hours in football players and used
within the dural sac (Figure 8). Partial or com- the inappropriate term “neurapraxia.” They
plete sparing of the lumbar roots and often the found that all of the patients had radiological

children than in adults and represents a signifi-

cant percentage of pediatric SCIs.16 Children
with SCIWORA tend to be less severely injured
than those with definite evidence of bony injury,
although complete injuries have been described.
By definition, the negative radiological examina-
tion includes only plain films and tomography,
either conventional or CT. If a negative MRI was
included in the definition, the number of cases
would diminish dramatically, because of the
extreme sensitivity of MRI in detecting mild
cord injury and spinal column injuries such as
torn ligaments and ruptured discs. Children are
Figure 8: Cauda equina syndrome. The drawing
more susceptible to these injuries, presumably
shows an acute central disc herniation of L4-5 with because of the laxity of their spinal ligaments
major compression of the central aspect of the and the weakness of their paraspinal muscles.
cauda equina. The medially placed sacral roots
from S2 downward sustain the maximal compres-
True SCIWORA can also occur in adults, but
sion, whereas the more laterally located L5 and S1 is much less frequent than the syndrome of SCI
roots are completely or partially spared. Reprinted without radiological evidence of trauma (SCI-
with permission from Tator.23
WORET). In patients with SCIWORET, radio-
logical examinations are abnormal but x-rays
show no evidence of trauma. Prior to the use of
spinal abnormalities such as ligamentous insta- CT in spinal trauma, the incidence of SCI-
bility, disc disease, or spinal stenosis. These tran- WORET in adults was approximately 14%.24 The
sient cord injury syndromes are usually bilateral, addition of CT has reduced the reported inci-
which distinguishes them from the other syn- dence of SCIWORET to about 5%. There has
drome of “stingers” or “burners” in athletes due been a recent analysis of the incidence of SCI-
to unilateral nerve root or brachial plexus lesions WORET in a Japanese study of acute SCI18 which
(especially traction injury), most of which are shows that many of these patients have demon-
also transient.28 strable compression by myelography or MRI and
Spinal cord concussion is a transient loss of should be considered for early surgical decom-
motor or sensory function of the spinal cord, pression. It is likely that very few SCIs will re-
with recovery of function usually within min- main undetected by MRI, because of its high
utes but always within hours. In most instances, sensitivity for detecting mild SCI and nonbony
the patient reports that the symptoms are rap- spinal column lesions. Cervical spondylosis is the
idly diminishing and a normal neurological most common associated condition in adults
examination is found. The exact pathophysiol- with SCIWORET, but other arthropathies (e.g.,
ogy of spinal cord concussion is unknown, but spinal stenosis, ankylosing spondylitis, and disc
most likely is caused by a biochemical abnor- herniation) may on rare occasion be associated
mality in the cord such as leakage of potassium with SCI and not show radiological evidence of
from the intracellular to the extracellular space trauma.
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ondary to a vascular mechanism. The latter pos-
sibility was suggested by Schneider et al.21 Trauma Patients with an Acute
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