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Art of

Background Information
Dr. C. Samuel West discovered the Art of Lymphasizing. It is based upon the research
concerning the blood protein being able to cause death. This is the greatest health discovery
since the beginning of man.
He presented his findings to the medical research society, the International Society of
Lymphology, in September 1981, in Montreal Canada. The title of the paper Dr West presented
was, The One Basic Formula showing how the plasma proteins produce the conditions that
cause loss of energy, disease and death at the cell level.
His book, The Golden Seven Plus One was first published in September 1982.
Due to the nature of the discoveries revealed in his book The Golden Seven Plus One; a
caution is given that anyone who uses any of the information that it contains must do so on their
own as a result of their own free agency. Nature is no respecter of persons. If man puts his hand
on a hot stove, he gets burned. If he steps in front of a moving car, he gets hit. With an
understanding of this research, anyone can know that when they break natures laws, they will
cause trapped blood protein because they will be able to feel it just as sure as their hand will be
burned if put on a hot stove.
The purpose of the book, The Golden Seven Plus One, is to help get the blood protein
research and the art of Lymphasizing to the nations of the earth. With the knowledge contained
in the Golden Seven Plus One you will not only learn the cause, but also how to prevent and if
possible, reverse every crippling and killer disease known to man.
If we are to have health and peace then love must rule our emotions and wisdom should rule
our appetite.
The first atomic bomb killed approximately 70,000 people. Trapped blood proteins are killing
approximately 240,000 men, women and children in the United States alone every two months.
That is 60,000 people every two weeks or 4000 a day!
By learning and applying the principles taught in the Golden Seven Plus One, you will begin to
realize the blessings of health and peace in your life to a greater degree than you have ever
dreamed possible. You will know them to be true, by seeing the effects that take place in your
own life and in the lives of family members who apply them. Peace on Earth will come as
families learn and apply the Laws of Health.

The Seven Golden Discoveries

Golden Discovery #1 - Every cell generates an electrical field. It is an actual electrical
generator. The thought wave is electrical, the energy coming from the eyes is electrical, and the
muscles work by electrical impulses from the brain.
Golden Discovery #2 -To keep the electric generators going, the cells must have oxygen to
convert glucose into energy, and the potassium (K+) inside the cells must remain high and
sodium (Na+) inside the cell must remain low. Excess fluid or excess sodium around the cells
will damage or kill the cells and cause the various health problems that man may experience.

Golden Discovery # 3 To have healthy cells, the body must be able to maintain a negative
sub-atmospheric pressure condition or a dry state, where there is no excess fluid only
enough fluid to fill the crevices around the cells, and that is all.
Even under normal conditions, the blood proteins continually seep through the tiny pores of the
blood capillaries into the spaces around the cells. There is not enough pressure in the spaces
around the cells to push the blood proteins back into the blood capillaries; hence the blood
proteins must be continually removed via the lymphatic system.
Golden Discovery # 4 - Trapped blood proteins attract excess sodium and will pull water out of
the blood stream to produce excess fluids and excess sodium around the cells which are the
conditions that will cause a lack of oxygen and will upset the delicate sodium-potassium balance
in and around the cells which will cause loss of energy, disease or death at a cell level.
The blood plasma is 91% water. The blood proteins are the albumin, the globulin and the
fibrinogen. One of the main purposes of the blood proteins is to hold the water in the blood
stream. Shock will dilate the tiny pores of the blood capillaries allowing the blood proteins and
the water to leave the blood stream so fast that it causes the circulatory system to collapse.
Stress causes a shock-like effect in the body.
Golden Discovery #5 - The Art of Lymphasizing is a new science that reveals the mental,
nutritional and physical laws of health which man must obey to keep the blood proteins
circulating via the lymphatic system. Physical inactivity, poor mental attitudes and poor nutrition
will cause the blood proteins to become trapped.
Golden Discovery #6 - When trapped blood proteins reduce the energy field produced by the
cells, they stick together or cluster which makes them very difficult to be removed by the
lymphatic system.
Golden Discovery #7 - Trapped or clustered proteins can be dissipated or removed to help
relieve pain, speed up the healing process and possibly reverse injury or disease by proper and
correct use of the following natural healing arts:
1. various methods of electrical stimulation
2. specialized services of a physician or surgeon
3. various bio-electric Lymphasizing techniques
4. deep breathing techniques on and off a lymphasizer
5. herbs
6. naturopathic remedies
7. homeopathic remedies
8. chiropractic and other forms of physical therapy
9. special diets, colonics, distilled water, fresh juices, or a food supplement that will help
eliminate excess fluid along with the poisons and re-establish the delicate chemical balance
in and around the cells
10. colour therapy
11. zone therapy or reflexology
12. other energy producing therapies
Iridology, urine, saliva and other tests can be used to tell certain conditions of the blood as a
result of trapped blood proteins.
To summarize:
No trapped blood proteins, no lasting pain, no loss of energy and no diseases!

The One Basic Formula

Dr West wrote the One Basic Formula on the 24th June 1980.
The one basic formula for healthy cells and for life is:
No TPP = No EX FL or EX Na+ = EE = Perfect Healthy Cells
(No trapped plasma proteins, no excess fluid or excess sodium,
no loss of energy and no diseases)
The one basic formula for death is:
TPP = EX FL or EX Na+ = an altered Electric Energy = Damaged Cells
(Trapped plasma proteins cause excess fluid and excess sodium,
altering cellular energy, causing disease)
SCIENTIFIC FACT: The life process has been found to generate Electrical fields in every
organism that has been examined.
SCIENTIFIC FACT: The delicately balanced distribution of inorganic salts (minerals), in and
around a living cell, whether plant or animal, accounts for its Electrical properties.
SCIENTIFIC FACT: If we have the delicate mineral balance in and around the cell, the life
process will be producing the Electric Energy necessary to produce a healthy cell.
SCIENTIFIC FACT: The Sodium-Potassium pump is the rotation of the sodium single positive
ions (Na+) and the Potassium single positive ions (K+) in and out of the cell, which generates
the Electrical Field produced by the Life Process of the cell. The main purpose of this pump is to
bring potassium, calcium, iron, glucose and other minerals and nutrients into the cell, and pulls
any excess sodium out of the cell. This is the key to the Life Process and the Electrical Energy
produced by healthy cells.
SCIENTIFIC FACT: To keep the Life Process working, the potassium single positive ions (K+)
inside the cell must remain high; the sodium single positive ions (Na+) inside the cell must
remain low.
SCIENTIFIC FACT: Anything that will change or upset the delicate balance of Na+ and K+ inside
the cell will also change and alter the Life Processes and the Sodium Potassium pump that
brings minerals and nutrients into the cell, and this will damage the cell and cause loss of
energy, disease and death.
SCIENTIFIC FACT: Excess fluid or excess Sodium outside or around the cell will alter the
Sodium Potassium ratio inside the cell and will cause loss of energy, disease and death of the
SCIENTIFIC FACT: Trapped plasma proteins cause excess fluid and excess Sodium around the
cells. These proteins that make up part of the blood plasma carry a negative charge. If they get
trapped in the spaces around the cells, they will cause fluid retention and pull the positive
sodium ions to them. On a moderate scale this will produce the conditions that will cause pain,

loss of energy and every disease known to man. On an extreme scale as in shock, trapped
plasma protein can collapse the circulatory system and cause death within a few hours.
The formula for death can also be written backwards. If you damage an area of the body, the
poisons from the damaged cells attack the capillaries and dilate the tiny pores producing a
sudden shock-like effect in the area. The result is trapped blood proteins, which due to the
reduced energy field produced by the cells will cluster, causing fluid retention, lack of oxygen
and resulting pain.
This knowledge helps us to understand that any healing art that works must somehow be able
to dissipate the trapped blood proteins, which produce the conditions that shut the electrical
generators off to damage or kill the cell.
Theoretically, if the conditions described in the One Basic Formula for Life existed throughout
your body, you would be able to live forever. You would be able to run and not get weary, walk
and not faint.

The Basic Mental, Nutritional and Physical Laws of Health

It is well known that stress is one of the main causes of the crippling and killer diseases. The
mental attitudes associated with stress are worry, fear, anger, loss of temper, holding grudges
and resentment. The Blood Protein Research shows that we must love ourselves enough to
love our enemies if we are to have peace.
Foods which cause the blood protein to become trapped should rightfully be called poisons.
Most people are aware that alcohol, tobacco, certain teas, coffee, cola and other drinks
containing caffeine are not good for the body.
Anything which damages a cell will cause trapped blood protein.
When you eat something that is a poison, you get thirsty. Poisons damage the cells which
causes trapped protein, excess fluid and sodium. Trapped blood protein will pull water out of the
blood stream, leaving the body dehydrated.
If your energy level drops after eating a big meal, you have just eaten one or more poisons. This
causes trapped proteins and loss of water leading to thirst and loss of energy.
Transition to a healthy way of eating requires a lot of wisdom. In light of the stress factors, if you
decide to have a ball and eat foods that cause trapped blood protein, you should enjoy it.
Transition is not a diet; it is a new way of life.
During the transition process, trapped protein, excess fluid, excess sodium and old poisons
begin to come out. The sodium-potassium balance becomes
re-established in the cells, the generators begin to turn on and energy levels go up. Health,
strength and endurance will increase. The more you eat right, the better you feel; and the better
you feel, the more you can to eat right.

Foods that cause trapped blood proteins, but are not widely recognized as harmful are salt,
fats, the red meats, high cholesterol foods like dairy and animal products, and simple sugars like
cakes, candies and ice-cream.
The goal of the physical part of the Art of Lymphasizing is to pull out trapped blood protein,
excess fluid and excess sodium, turn the generators on so that you may run and not be weary
and walk and not faint. Everyone can lymphasize, regardless of their physical condition.
The average life span after retirement is three to five years. The Blood Protein Research reveals
that inactivity will produce the conditions that cause pain, loss of energy, disease and death. To
willfully be physically inactive, is to willfully destroy ourselves.
If you get tired, or cause any negative effects on your body, you are exercising and not
Lymphasizing. This will cause trapped protein. The more you do it, the better you feel. And the
better you feel, the more you are able to do it.
Dr West learned the Walker-West Walk from Dr. Walker who is known as the juice man. By
using the first part of the Walker-West-Walk, which is the easiest and simplest part to do,
anyone can lymphasize. This entails breathing deeply. The lungs act as a suction pump for the
lymphatic system, which pulls the blood protein, excess fluid and sodium out and turns the
generators on.
There are two parts to the Walker-West Walk. The first part is inhaling and exhaling as deeply
as you can, using the SHHH sound. Follow this simple rhythm inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale,
inhale, exhale, exhale, exhale. For the second part, swing your arms and step in a lively manner
and exhale. You can also use the rhythm - inhale, inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale, exhale until the
lungs are empty. Repeat this for as long as you feel comfortable.

Knowledge of the Lymphatic System

The relationship between the lymphatic system and death is found in the Textbook of Medical
Physiology by Dr. Arthur C. Guyton. On page 397 in the fifth edition he writes:
The lymphatic system represents an accessory route by which fluids can flow from the
interstitial spaces (the spaces around the cells) back into the blood. And, most important of all,
the lymphatics can carry (blood) proteins and large particulate matter (dead cells and other toxic
materials) away from the tissue spaces, neither of which can be removed by absorption directly
into the blood capillary. We shall see that this removal of (blood) proteins from the interstitial
spaces (by our lymphatic system) is an absolute essential function without which we would
die within about 24 hours.
Until this discovery was made, it was believed that our blood proteins were too big to come
through the tiny pores of the capillary membranes into the spaces around our cells.
The Lymphatic System looks like a tree. The branches go up into the head, the roots down to
the feet and the trunk is in the chest. It is made up of lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels,
lymphatic nodes and lymphatic ducts. The thoracic duct dumps the blood proteins back into the
blood stream in the subclavian vein at the base of the neck. The Lymphatic vessels have one
way check valves that keep the fluids moving in one direction.

Clear water with dissolved nutrients that has passed through the wall of the blood capillaries is
called the lymph fluid. Every solid structure in the body is bathed in lymph. The lymph in the
capillaries is the irrigation water that brings minerals and nutrients to the cells. As long as the
fluid around the cells remains free of toxic waste and contains the right mineral balance, the
cells will continue to live and function normally.
Vitamin E helps to prolong life because it prevents the fats from robbing the oxygen from the red
blood cells. Scientific research states that there is a continuous automaticity of the body. All the
cells will live in a healthy condition until one or more of the functional structures in the body
loses its ability to function properly. Elisa Bonaventura who has worked with cell cultures for
about 10 years as part of her cancer research believes that, cells are meant to be eternal. They
should not die or degenerate if their environment is kept clean, nutritious and chemically
At rest, the lymph system will drain away about 1.2 to 2ml of dead fluid per minute. During
activity the lymph system will drain away about 20ml of dead fluid per minute.
The lymph nodes fulfill the function of filter beds. They form secretions and possess cells which
have the power of neutralizing, dissolving, destroying or taking up the debris or waste products,
which may be in the body. The liver is one of the biggest detoxification plants in the body; hence
it is loaded with lymphatics.
Any mental, emotional or muscular activity puts cells to work, and working cells put off poisons
that must me carried off by the lymph system.

Additional Information on the One Basic Formula

Excess sodium outside the cell will upset the delicate sodium-potassium balance
inside the cell. Loss of energy is one of the first indications of trapped plasma protein.

Three examples which show that the body works electrically are: our thought waves
are electrical, the energy coming from our eyes is electrical and our muscles work by electrical
impulses coming from the brain.

The delicately balanced distribution of minerals in and around a living cell, accounts
for its electrical properties.
With a heart attack, the generators are being switched off. A heart attack shot works by pulling
the excess fluid and sodium out, and turning the generators back on.
There are three quarts of blood that goes through the blood capillaries every 60 seconds. These
three quarts of blood diffuse back and forth 80 times to irrigate the cells with oxygen and
nutrients. If the cells get away from the capillary membranes, oxygen and nutritive damage
takes place.
Body fluids follow the blood proteins. Interstitial fluid pressure is negative or sub-atmospheric.
To explain this, we must understand the importance of tissue fluid protein concentration. Fluid
retention in the body is inextricably bound to that of protein concentration in the spaces around
the cells.

Dr West learned from Professor Dr Friedrich M. Plog of Germany that when the energy fields
are reduced in the spaces around the cells, the blood proteins will cluster; and even the
lymphatics have a difficult time removing them. He also learned that electricity will dissipate the
clustered blood protein.
Dr Joseph M. Waltz M.D. from New York Citys St. Barnabas Hospital has successfully applied
electrical stimulation to the spinal cord of an 18 year old girl who was confined to a wheelchair.
After the treatment she was able to walk unassisted and able to feed herself.

The Cause of Disease

Most pain is caused by lack of oxygen.
When you smash your finger, the damaged cells release poisons, which attack the blood
capillaries. This dilates the tiny pores of the capillaries, which lets the blood protein flow into the
tissue spaces faster than the lymphatics can pull them out. The blood proteins cluster, causing
fluid retention and loss of oxygen. This results in pain. Damaged cells produce the poisons
histamine and bradykinin, which dilate the blood capillary pores.
Congestion is a form of lymphatic stagnation.
If lymphatic stagnation occurs through cells having access to the eliminating organs of the body,
such as the skin, the bronchial tubes, the throat etc as well as the digestive tract and the internal
secreting surfaces, the poisons built up in the lymph system may begin to cause an oozing of
the lymph through these open surfaces. This oozing is a common condition known as catarrh
and inflammation of the mucous membranes.
A cold occurs when the lymphatic circulation in that part of respiratory tracts is so retarded that
the lymph must be extruded through the lining surfaces of the tissues concerned. If the lymph is
extruded through the skin it will produce sores or rashes and other skin problems.
Trapped clustered proteins and fluid retention in the muscles of the neck will cause the muscles
to pull the bones out of place and make one leg shorter than the other as the whole body
When the muscles of the neck are pulled tight, it will block circulation and cause pain going up
into the head and the neck. When trapped blood protein and fluid retention takes place in the
hip, it pulls the muscles tight across the lower back, blocking the circulation and causing lower
back and sciatic nerve problems.
Simple trauma or poisons from damaged cells cause a dilation of the blood capillary pores. This
causes leakage of large quantities of plasma-like fluid out of the capillaries into the damaged
area, followed by a clotting of the fluids. The trapped blood proteins reduce the energy fields,
cluster and produce the clotting of the fluids. As energy cannot be destroyed, the reduced
energy field is converted to heat; and this gives rise to inflammation.
Dr Robert C. Olney considered blocked oxidation and toxic substances in the body to be the
prime cause of malignant, viral, bacterial and allergic disease.

Without oxygen, glucose will ferment. Cancer cells live on the fermentation of glucose due to the
lack of oxygen. Dr Otto Warburg has withdrawn oxygen from healthy cells and they turn
cancerous every single time. Cancer is a hot spot.
Damaged cells produce poisons that have a shock-like effect on the body.
Arthritis is caused by trapped proteins and excess sodium, which shut the generators off,
causing calcium to drop out of solution and form calcium deposits everywhere it happens.
Body fluids follow the blood proteins. Trapped blood protein causes fluid retention in the cellular
spaces. It is possible to retain 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or more gallons of fluid. 3 gallons weighs 24
pounds. Obesity is caused by fluid retention. People with a loose cellular structure will have a
greater tendency to retain the fluid in the cellular spaces.
High blood pressure is directly related to cardio-vascular disease. Blood protein is responsible
for the fluid pressure in the blood stream. Trapped blood protein will produce fluid pressure in
the spaces around the cells. This increased pressure out in the spaces around the cells will also
increase the pressure in the blood stream. This is the cause of hypertension.
Most Lymphologists agree that congestive heart failure is fluid retention in the heart that is
characterized by Venous Hypertension (high blood pressure).
When the electrical impulses cannot get from the brain to the muscles as a result of these
trapped clustered proteins, it will cause multiple sclerosis, polio and other spastic crippling and
killer diseases.
Shock dilates the capillaries throughout the entire body. When the blood proteins come out with
the water, it collapses the circulatory system causing death.
In short, trapped blood proteins produce the conditions
which cause every crippling and killer disease known to man.

The Self Help Pain techniques

The use of pressure can heal a smashed finger in minutes, not hours.
A light, fast stroke generates electricity which dissipates the trapped clustered blood proteins,
turns the generators on in the cell and lets the oxygenated blood get to the cells to help relieve
the pain and promote healing.
The lymph system pumps fluid and protein out of the tissue spaces each time the tissues are
compressed or moved in any way.
The secret to the healing process is A person must continue to repeat the self help techniques
while it still feels good; to keep the blood proteins circulating so that healing can take place. If a
person waits until the blood proteins get back in there and gets clustered, they have waited too
long. It may be necessary to use the self- help pain relief techniques for 15 seconds every
fifteen minutes.
Bio-electric energy is energy produced by the body, directly or indirectly, that can be used to
dissipate trapped clustered proteins out of damaged areas of the body.

The principle behind the Bio-electric Gentle Bounce for Health is electrical energy. By moving up
and down on the lymphasizer, you convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. This
electrical energy can magnify the thought wave and the person can direct the energy to any
area of the body to increase the circulation, relieve pain and cause healing to take place.

To perform the Bio-Electric Gentle Bounce for Health, stand with feet shoulder width
apart, with coned fingers on the chest. To generate, move gently, but rapidly up and
down without having your feet leave the mat. Working through the body chart, generate
up and down 2 to 4 times for each body part, thinking of each body part as you do. If
tightness is felt in the claves, shift the weight from one foot to the other, by gently raising
the heel of the one foot and then the other. Start slowly and built the routine according to
endurance capabilities.

To bounce someone in a wheelchair, have the individual put their feet on the lymphasizer
and then bounce up and down for them. The magnetic electrical energy that is
generated from their legs moving up and down, magnifies their thought waves enough
that when they mentally direct this energy to an area of pain or disease, the healing
process begins and pain relief occurs.

To lymphasize someone who is bedfast, have the individual lie on the lymphasizer, and
standing with your feet on either side of their torso, bounce on their behalf. As with the
wheelchair method, the magnetic electrical energy that is generated from their body
moving up and down, magnifies their thought waves enough that when they mentally
direct this energy to an area of pain or disease, the healing process begins and pain
relief occurs.

To do the bio-electric Pin Point Technique, curve the fingers of your left hand and have a
partner do the same. Connect the fingertips of both left hands. Place your right coned
hand onto your area of pain, and have your partner place their right hand on top of your
right hand. For self relief, place your left hand on your abdomen to tap into the energy
field, and place your coned right hand onto your area of pain.

To make a Bio-Electric Energy Field, curve all of the fingers of both hands as though you
are holding a big soft ball. Put your hands in front of your body, with the fingertips of one
hand one half of an inch away from the fingertips of the other hand. Rotate the hands in
a clockwise direction, keeping the fingers no farther than 1 to 2 inches apart. Energy is
dispersed from the fingertips. An energy field is created as the hands are rotated through
the magnetic field going around the earth.

The Mental Laws of Health

Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin with me.
As stress causes loss of energy and disease by producing a shock like effect on the body, so
does anger, fear, condemnation, criticism, finding fault, loss of temper, holding grudges,
resentment and jealousy.
A major destructive factor in the heart of Cain was the uncontrollable desire to get gain. The
desire for gain causes mankind to conspire and bury information that is causing the death of
millions worldwide. We continue to promote products that cause crippling and killer diseases.

Anger loss of temper, greed etc can be likened to a serpents venom. Like the venom of a
snake, they dilate the blood capillaries, causing trapped blood protein. This is symbolic of the
heart of Cain. Anything that traps blood protein will cause disease and death. This could be
mentally, nutritionally or physically.
Medical doctors are afraid to teach the blood protein research, because they can have their
licenses revoked for teaching the cause of death. Doctors are told to treat disease and not to
prevent disease. If they step out of line, hospital privileges are revoked first and then their
It is the doctors and the people themselves who now must fight for health freedom. It was Dr
Benjamin Rush, surgeon general of George Washingtons army who said Unless we put
medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an
undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men (conventional orthodox
medicine) and deny equal privileges to others. The Constitution should make special provisions
for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.
What Dr Rush feared has become a reality!
The same mental attitudes that will cause death in our body will also cause a man to kill his
We must be big enough to love our enemies, bless those who curse us, do good to those who
hate us and pray for those who persecute us. Mankind becomes a servant of that which he
chooses to obey.
Forgive them for they know not what they do!
To willfully cause stress in another person, is to cause their destruction.
The next time that someone disturbs you and you feel like firing back, ask yourself these
questions. Am I going to give in to anger, loss of temper, holding grudges and resentment? Am I
going to serve love or hate?
This will give you the strength to say and do that which will bring health and peace to you and to
those with whom you are involved. To do otherwise, would be to willfully cause your destruction.
The basic formula for health is the basic formula for peace
No TPP = No EX FL, No EX Na+ = Electrical Energy = Health and Peace
To prevent war, sickness and death and to help establish peace on earth, the knowledge and
understanding of the Basic Formula For Health and World Peace must grow until it fills the
whole Earth.
Everyone who learns about the blood protein research and thereby obtains the knowledge that
will help restore health and peace to the earth has a responsibility to get this research to their
family and loved ones first, and then to others just as fast as their time and talents will allow.
Everyone who reads these words and feels in their hearts that they are true, should start using
the Dietary Goals and the mental laws of Peace and begin educating others. As you give, so
shall you receive.

The blood protein research has given birth to the most important scientific message for health
and world peace on the face of the earth.

The Nutritional Laws of Health

Foods that are now promoted are actually playing a major role in causing every crippling and
killer disease. In America alone, over 60 000 men women and children are dying every 2 weeks
from cancer and heart disease. We accept this destruction as part of life, because the causes
are unknown or seen as inevitable. With the blood protein research, we now know that this is
not true. It is every human beings birthright to live without pain or disease. However we cannot
be saved from the destruction that is coming over the earth from crippling and killer diseases
while we continue to live in ignorance of the causes.
In the beginning of the 19th century modern day diseases were scarce and there are some
civilizations that dont have them today. Improper diet and lack of exercise each play as big a
part as mental attitudes is the cause of disease and death. According to the formula, if you didnt
have any trapped blood proteins in your body, all your generators would be on and you would
be perfectly healthy. You would not have any painful crippling or killer disease, no infection, no
allergies and no loss of energy in your body.
There are foods that will trap your blood proteins and as you learn to tell what they are, you
need to work with the mental addictions that these poisons produce, or this knowledge will
cause stress and cause even more problems than you have at this time.
A poison is a poison because it causes trapped blood protein. This pulls the water out of the
blood stream into the spaces around the cells and you will feel a need to replace the water in
your bloodstream immediately.
The 2 symptoms that tell us that we are eating a poison that will cause sickness and death are
thirst and loss of energy.
Foods that cause loss of energy and make you thirsty are salt, simple sugars (candy, cakes, ice
cream etc), fats, the high cholesterol foods (animal and dairy products) and too much meat.
Too much salt is poisonous because trapped blood proteins have a negative charge and they
pull positive sodium ions to them. Salt will also trap the blood protein and this combination will
pull the water out of the blood stream. This is why salt makes you thirsty. Excess sodium outside
the cells will also upset the delicate sodium potassium balance inside the cell. This is why salt
can damage or kill the cells causing crippling and killer disease.
Complex sugars in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and sprouts are released very slowly into the
blood stream. Simple sugars are poisonous because they are released very quickly into the
blood stream. Too much sugar in the blood stream will dilate the capillary membranes just like
shock, stress or poisons from damaged cells. Simple sugars will trap blood protein, pull the
water out of the blood, make you thirsty and shut the generators off, damaging or killing cells.
A body charged with oxygen is a body charged with electrical energy. Too much fat, like sugar
and salt, will rob the body of oxygen and reduce the electrical energy produced by the cells. Like
the negative polls of 2 magnets, 2 oxygen-laden red blood cells repel each other. Blood moves
through the body electrically. Three liters of blood move through the capillaries every 60

seconds. The red blood cells must travel through the capillaries single file. If there are not
enough charged oxygen-laden red blood cells, the red blood cells will stick together and cause a
microscopic traffic jam. This blockage will dilate the blood capillaries and cause trapped blood
proteins in the spaces around the cells. Too much fat in the blood stream will rob the red blood
cells of their oxygen and produce the microscopic traffic jam and resulting trapped blood
Pay attention to the warnings: thirst and loss of energy. You may also lose the ability to
High cholesterol foods are poisonous. When you take excess cholesterol into the body,
cholesterol epoxide and other poisons are formed. These will cause cells to mutate and cause
The same principle applies to eating too much of the wrong kind of meat. It is the poisonous byproducts produced from the breakdown of meat that dilate the blood capillaries and cause
trapped blood proteins, thirst and loss of energy.
A government document, called the Dietary Goals for the United States states: Appropriate
public education must emphasize the unfortunate but clear limitation of current medical practice
in curing the common killing diseases. Once hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis or heart
diseases are manifest, there is, in reality, very little that medical science can do to return a
patient to normal physiological functioning.
It goes on to state: As a nation, we have come to believe that medicine and medical technology
can solve our major health problems. The role of such important factors as diet in cancer and
heart disease has long been obscured by the emphasis on the conquest of these diseases
through the miracles of modern medicine. Treatment, not prevention, has been the order of the
The Dietary document nutritionally diagnoses and prescribes for heart disease, cancer, obesity,
stroke and the other major killer diseases in the United States.
It is the AMA that has obscured the role of such important factors as diet in cancer and heart
The only way to prevention, is through appropriate public education.
Too much fat, too much sugar or salt, can and are linked directly to heart disease, cancer,
obesity and stroke, among other killer and crippling diseases. Six of the ten leading causes of
death in the United States have been linked to diet.
The bodys requirements for calcium are low, not high. Phosphate is absorbed well most of the
time in the body, except when excess calcium is in the diet. By far, the major source of calcium
in our diets is milk or milk products. Excessive calcium tends to form almost insoluble calcium
phosphate products that cannot be absorbed; therefore they pass on through the bowel to be
excreted in the feces. Excessive calcium will drain the phosphorous out of the body which the
cell must have to make ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the source of energy for the cell.
Without it the cell dies. This is why, if you have milk products, you must eat meat, which is high
in phosphorous, in order to preserve the phosphorous in the body.

The bodys requirements for protein are low. Mothers milk is only 2.38% protein at birth and
reduces to 1.2 to 1.6 % within 6 months. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and sprouts are the
primary source of glucose, which is fuel for cells, to keep the electrical generators going. Protein
is for building cells, but is a poor source of glucose, which when combined with oxygen, is
converted into energy inside of the cell. When will a human being ever require more protein to
build cells, than as a little baby who is doubling and tripling in size on mothers milk? Most leafy
green vegetables and baked potatoes have about the same percentage of protein as mothers
milk! By eating more fruit, vegetables, whole grains and sprouts, we obtain the glucose, protein,
vitamins and minerals needed to build strong healthy bodies.
Humans are frugivores, like the gorilla. If you were to lay the digestive tract of a gorilla side by
side with our own, you would not be able to tell the difference.
Excess protein saps energy from working muscles. Trapped protein not only saps energy from a
muscle, it will also sap energy from any organ or area in the body where it accumulates. Too
much protein is actually toxic in the body, due to the build up of poisonous waste build up from
breaking the meat down.
To drastically cut your chances of ever getting cancer, a simple diet high in complex
carbohydrates and low in fat and protein is recommended. Ideally the diet should consist of 80
% carbohydrates, 10% fat and 10% protein.
Hypoglycemia is caused by not enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains and sprouts in the diet.
Loss of energy is the first sign of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. These symptoms can be
caused by anything that will cause trapped blood protein.
It is better to sprout grains and seeds because it makes them sweet and they become a better
source of glucose, minerals and nutrients for the cell.
Hypoglycemia can turn into Diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease in the following
way. If you are not getting enough glucose from fruits, vegetables and sprouts to supply the
demand from the cells; and you are not on a high protein diet, then the adrenal glands will
produce cortisol in an attempt to take protein out of the cells and convert it into glucose and
return it to the cell to supply the need. Conversion of protein to glucose takes place in the liver.
To break down the protein, the body has to get rid of the poisonous by-products. Remember that
poisons dilate the blood capillaries, causing trapped blood protein. This is why protein is a poor
source of glucose.
When the adrenal glands secrete cortisol to pull out the protein from the cell, the pituitary gland
secretes growth hormone that goes into the cell in an attempt to hold onto the protein. The
growth hormone has a dangerous side reaction in the cell. It prevents the glucose from entering
the cell. The glucose that is released from the liver through this process ends up in the blood
stream. When there is too much sugar in the blood stream, the pancreas is called upon to
release more insulin to get the sugar out of the blood and into the cells. If this condition lasts
too long, the insulin producing cells are burned out. The body is no longer able to produce
insulin. This is how hypoglycemia turns to permanent diabetes or diabetes mellitus.
Too much sugar in the blood stream from any source will trap the blood proteins and lead to
high blood pressure.

The blood protein is responsible for the pressure within the blood stream. When the blood
protein is trapped in the spaces between the cells, this increases the pressure in the blood
capillaries. This is the reason for high blood pressure.
A high protein diet makes you feel good, while it kills you. A high protein diet arrests or appeases
the disease until the dangerous side reactions of the program makes the person feel worse or
kills them. The diet is treatment, not prevention. The reason that you feel better on the diet is
that the diet by-passes the pituitary/adrenal gland battle. The body uses the protein that is taken
in the mouth, and converts it to glucose in the liver. As this is a slow process, the glucose that
comes from the protein can be used by the cell for energy. However the putrefaction that takes
place in the colon and the poisonous by-products cause trapped blood protein in the liver and
the kidneys and this will cause the person to have worse problems than before.
You need to drink a lot of water if you eat the wrong kinds of foods, because the trapped blood
proteins will pull the water out of the blood stream, and the body needs water. 91% of the blood
is water. Dehydration sets in. This is why 8 glasses of water are recommended a day to
replenish the trapped water. Thirst is one of the first signs of trapped blood proteins. Too much
water will eventually damage the kidneys and cause further disease.
When you eat properly, you are eating foods that are almost all water. Therefore, you may never
get thirsty, unless you exercise and perspire or do something that will put the body under stress.
A transition diet is necessary when changing from a diet that causes trapped blood protein to a
diet consisting of fruits, vegetables and sprouts.
If you change the diet too quickly, the poisons that are stored in the cells and the spaces around
the cells will come out so fast, that people can become very ill in a short time. Also the stress of
changing your diet can kill you as quickly as eating wrong foods can.
Some people eat fruit and get sick as it pulls the poisons out. They eat a hamburger and feel
better, because it stops the cleansing process.

The high protein theory is false.

Strength and vitality comes from a clean system.
Eat meat sparingly.
Do not eat unless you are hungry.
When you eat wheat bread, toast it first.
Eat nuts sparingly; they are too high in fats.
Never drink water with meals.
Make the transition as fast as you can enjoy it.
Transition is not a diet, it is a new way of life.

Fruit is ideal for breakfast, as it is a relentless cleaner. Herbs are a good supplement during the
transition as they assist in the cleansing.
Oxygen is the most important food that you can get, so breathe deeply.
If you do not have the support from your family, then transition is even more important. Do not
cause stress, as it is worse for you than bad food and improper exercise.

The Physical Laws of Health

Activity is directly related to health and inactivity is directly related to death.
Dont just exercise; lymphasize.
Lymphasizing is the secret of the Tarahumara Indians, who can run 150 to 200 miles without
rest. When asked why they run, the chief replied: We run because we run. It is necessary. That
is all! What he was saying was if they stopped running they would lose their ability to run.
Their diet consists mainly of corn, squash and beans. They rarely eat meat and they go to great
lengths to protect their fruit from animals.
They have health and peace. They never inflict pain upon their children, there are no jails,
soldiers or policemen and crime is almost non-existent.
The Art of Lymphasizing is:
Knowing what to do mentally, nutritionally and physically to keep the blood protein
circulating in the body via the lymphatic system.
Knowing what to do mentally, nutritionally and physically to untrap and dissipate the
clustered blood proteins to relieve pain and cause healing to take place in the body.
Knowing how to conquer disease and live in peace.
The Four Physical Laws of Lymphasizing:
Lymphasize on a mini trampoline at least once or twice a day. Continue to lymphasize
wherever you go, or as often as possible doing the Walker-West walk. The golden rule:
is walk-run, walk-run, but never get tired.
Never cause negative stress on the body. This is exercising not Lymphasizing and will
cause trapped blood protein.
Never get tired. If you do, you are exercising not Lymphasizing. If you get tired during the
day, lie down and breathe deeply. You will feel restored and fresh in 5 10 minutes.
Never give up. The more you do it, the better you feel and the better you feel, the more
you can do it. The key to healing in the body starts with an E and that word is
endurance. Unless you can run 100 miles, you have trapped blood protein!
Dr Van Aaken, MD wrote a book called Finding the Endurance to run faster and Live Healthier.
He says:My whole teaching in one sentence: Run slowly, run daily, drink moderately, and dont
eat like a pig.
Dr Van Aaken claims that true health starts with endurance.
If you get dizzy when you lymphasize, you have too much poison built up in the body. When you
untrap your blood proteins, the poisons will go back into the blood stream along with the excess
fluid that was being retained by the trapped proteins.
A lymphasizer is:

A set of lungs. (At peak inhalation, the lymph shoots into the blood stream.) Gently
moving up and down on a lymphasizer propels the lymph through the body, just like
breathing deeply.
A lymphatic exerciser.
A mini trampoline lymphatic exercise unit.

Gently moving up and down on a lymphasizer acts as a pump on the lymphatic system. The
lymph system pumps fluid and protein out of the tissue spaces each time the tissues are
compressed or moved in any other way.
At the bottom of the bounce the one way check valves close. At the top, they open, and the
lymph fluids are propelled through the system, just like they are when you breathe deeply.
Our first experience in Lymphasizing was in our mothers womb. After we are born, we cry to be
lymphasized, as it is necessary for health and strength. Babies associate Lymphasizing with
love. When a baby is awake, it is constantly moving. When they are big enough, children jump
up and down, laughing and yelling for joy. However we teach them to break the physical laws of
health, by telling them to keep quiet and to not jump on the furniture or to sit still.
Scientists have tried an experiment with a group of monkeys, using a wire and a cloth mother.
The monkeys went to the cloth mother only until the scientists put them both in a rocking chair.
Then it didnt make any difference; they went to both without preference.
When an old Indian felt it was time to die, he would go out and find himself a tree, sit down, not
move and breathe very shallowly. In 24 hours he would be dead, just like the blood protein
research says.
The average lifespan after retirement at present is approximately 3 to 5 years. Activity is directly
related to life and inactivity is directly related to death. If a person goes into retirement and sits
in a chair, to take it easy, he is committing willful suicide. Activity is a magic healer for the body.
Laughing is a Lymphasizing experience and so is crying, but either one in excess produces

Glucose, Glycogen and Super Strength

Glycogen is a miracle substance.

Water is 18 grams per mole.
Glucose is 180 grams per mole.
Glycogen is 5,000,000 grams per mole.
Picking up a gallon of glycogen would be like picking up 27,000 gallons of glucose or
270,000 gallons of water.
Glycogen makes it possible for a person to perform seemingly impossible tasks through
super human strength.
It takes about 27,000 molecules of glucose to make one molecule of glycogen.
The first phase of the energy cycle within the cell takes place in the absence of oxygen.
Four molecules of ATP are produced from glucose without any oxygen in the first phase.
There are 28 molecules of ATP produced in the second phase which requires oxygen to
convert glucose into energy.

Glycogen makes super human strength possible. When the mind calls for a sudden
demand of strength, the adrenal glands secrete adrenaline, which cause glycogen to
turn lose of the glucose inside the cell. One molecule of glycogen releases 27,000
molecules of glucose. Because the first phase of energy production takes place in the
absence of oxygen, there is a surge in ATP (energy) production. We can therefore
understand how the body can produce a small earthquake inside.
When you are breathing deeply and flooding the cells with oxygen, the cells are able to
convert glucose into ATP and glycogen.
Glycogen is more easily stored in muscle cells.
Through aerobic lymphasizing, the bodys ability to convert glucose into glycogen is
increased with deep breathing, inside the muscle cells.

The first two steps in the Run and not be Weary, Walk and Not Faint lymphasizing program are:
1. Perform a Gentle Bounce on the mat, while keeping your feet on the mat. This will
immediately increase circulation in the body and make it possible for the cells to
receive more oxygen and nutrients.
2. Do the Soft Walk by keeping your toes on the mat and raising one heel; and then the
other. This will cause you to bend the knees slightly. As you get the feel for it, shift
your weight from one foot to the other and rock back and forth.
You should not go past step 2 of the lymphasizing program, until you can do it for at least one
half hour without getting tired.
When you lymphasize your body should always feel like you are sitting in a chair. You will never
cause any negative stress and you will never get tired.
To build endurance in step 2, do the Walker-West walk and the light, fast stroking techniques.
You should not step off a lymphasizer too fast as you will trap blood protein and lose energy.
End your Lymphasizing program with the Gentle Bounce.
When you stop lymphasizing you should be able to speak in a normal voice, breathing normally,
with absolutely no stress of fatigue in your body whatsoever.

Additional Information on Nutrition

Excess protein saps energy from working muscles.
The human diet consists of three basic food groups proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The
most important of these three is carbohydrates.
Excess protein cannot be stored and must be quickly metabolized. Acceleration of metabolism
does deliver a boost of energy; however excess protein over stresses the kidneys with an
enormous amount of useless decomposition by-products which must be quickly eliminated.
Potatoes are valuable in a balanced reducing diet. You would need to eat 11 pounds of potatoes
to gain one pound of weight. It is high in vitamins B1, B2, B3, iron and Vitamin C. It is a good

source of essential amino acids, high in potassium and a valuable aid in treating digestive
Arnold Ehret is known as the Daddy of Transition. In his book Mucusless Diet Healing
System, he proposed these dietary recommendations over 70 years ago. He cured himself of
terminal Brights disease after having been diagnosed by 24 different doctors.
As you free your body from toxins, your generators turn on. Therefore the cleaner the body
systems are, the less food will be required for energy. The more toxic your body is, the greater
will be your desire for food.
Many health food writers say, Heres good food, come and eat! Arnold Erhet taught that
nothing needs more supervision than when a person begins to eat good food. He said, Heres
good food, watch out, it can kill you!
Arnold Ehrets 8 basic rules for disease free life are:
1. To lengthen your life, shorten your meals. Eat slowly and thoroughly chew your food.
Avoid overeating and leave the table while still hungry.
2. Avoid drinking any liquid with meals.
3. Avoid all harsh condiments and spices.
4. Avoid using butter, margarine and most cooking oils. Use pure olive oil where necessary.
5. Avoid all denatured and over processed foods.
6. Avoid constipating foods like mashed potatoes with gravy, hot buns, cakes and pastries.
7. Avoid all frozen desserts like ice-cream, sorbet, etc.
8. Make it a daily habit to visit the bathroom the first thing in the morning or immediately
after eating. Allow yourself time. Concentrate on elimination taking place. It may take
time before nature accepts the suggestion.
Carbohydrates appear to be essential to prevent weakness. Carbohydrates are burned in
preference to the burning of protein for energy, which is very important for preserving functional
proteins in the cells.
Carbohydrates preserve the proteins in the body. Complex carbohydrates are a protein sparer.
This helps us to more fully understand why we should eat more fruit, vegetables and sprouts
and eat meat sparingly.

The secret to the fast depletion of protein at the beginning of starvation is that your body feeds
itself on the most impure and inferior materials such as dead cells and morbid accumulations,
tumors, abscesses, fat deposits etc.
The fast depletion is a burning of rubbish.
People do not die in the first stages of fasting from lack of food, they die because fasting pulls
out pockets of excess fluid, excess sodium and poisons too fast. The generators are turned on,
dissipating other pockets of clustered proteins which will release a tremendous amount of fluid
(along with the toxic waste) into the blood stream. Exercise can do the same thing.

When excess toxins and poisons are dumped into the blood stream too fast, it shocks the entire
system and causes trapped proteins all over the body, and death can take place in just a few
If you can survive the shock factor of starvation, you would not die in the first phase
After the first phase of starvation, there is a greatly slowed down depletion of protein. The
essential tissues and vital organs, the glands, the nervous system and the brain are not
damaged or digested in fasting. The proteins in the body are in a dynamic state of being
constantly decomposed and re-synthesized and reused for various needs within the body. When
old or diseased cells are decomposed, the amino acids are not wasted, but are released and
used again in the process of building new vital young cells.
Exercise and fasting pull out trapped blood protein, excess fluid, excess sodium and poisons
and turn the generators on. This means that strength and vitality do not come directly from food,
but as Ehret proved, from a clean system.
Having come out of the greatly slowed down depletion of protein in phase two of fasting, one
should end the fast by eating fruits and vegetables to obtain better health, strength and vitality.

The "Golden Seven" refers to seven conditions that must exist for the body to produce healthy
cells. Wrong habits of thinking, eating, and exercise lead to trapped blood plasma proteins
(TPPs) in between cells. They interfere with the chemical balance required for healthy cells and
produce conditions that, if uncorrected, decrease cell energy and lead to illness and death.
1. Every cell is an electrical generator, and produces an electrical field. The human body is
electrical. Thought waves are electrical, as is energy for the eyes, etc. Muscles work by
electrical impulses from the brain. Our health, strength and endurance depend on energy
currents running through the body.
2. To keep cellular electrical generators going, (a) Cells must have oxygen to convert glucose
into energy, and (b) Potassium inside cells must remain high in relation to sodium. Anything
producing excess fluid and sodium around cells causes them to "drown" from lack of oxygen
and upsets the delicate sodium-potassium balance in and around cells. This may explain why
you feel tired after eating a big meal with too much salt.
3. For cells to remain healthy, they must remain in a "dry" state with only enough fluid to fill
crevices around cells. Elevated pressure in the bloodstream, caused in part by eating too much
animal-based protein, leads to the continual seeping of blood proteins through tiny capillary
pores into the interstitial spaces around cells. These TPPs -- trapped plasma proteins -- must be
continually returned to the blood stream via the lymphatic system. When the lymphatic system
weakens, the TPPs are trapped in the inter-cellular areas of the body, and low energy results. If
the lymphatic system fails, such as in a severe accident, rapid death may ensue. We now
understand how the old Indian who chose to die rather than suffer disease would sit motionless
and breathe in a shallow fashion to suppress his immune system. As you'll see, deep breathing
is the key to activate immune function! He would die within 24 hours from conditions caused by
trapped proteins...perhaps a natural way for us, too, to invite death when our time comes.

4. Trapped blood proteins attract excess sodium and pull water out of the bloodstream. This
produces (a) Excess fluids, and (b) Excess sodium around cells. This leads to a lack of oxygen,
which upsets the delicate sodium-potassium balance in and around cells. Loss of energy,
disease and cell death result. Trapped blood proteins on a moderate scale produce conditions
that cause pain, inflammation, viral and bacterial infections, allergies, loss of energy, heart
disease, cancer, obesity, hypertension, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, polio, cerebral palsy, and
every other crippling and killer disease known to mankind.
5. The Art of Lymphasizing (jumping in a percussive fashion) on a small rebounder (minitrampoline) -- together with positive mental attitudes and good nutrition -- support the circulation
of blood proteins, and good health. Physical inactivity, poor mental attitudes, and poor nutrition
allow blood proteins to become trapped, leading to poor health. Deep breathing and muscular
movement are an essential part of the art, because the lymphatic system has no pump like the
heart of the cardiovascular system. People who don't choose to or are unable to exercise may
use a small trampoline, which Dr. West calls a "lymphasizer." It's "like having a second set of
lungs," he says. Using it properly activates the body's bio-electrical system -- and helps a
person reverse injury and disease.
6. When trapped proteins reduce the cellular energy field, cells stick together or cluster, making
it difficult for the lymphatic system to remove them. When a person injures any part of the body,
poisons from damaged cells dilate tiny capillary pores. This produces a shock-like effect in that
area. Trapped blood proteins result, with associated results: Reduced energy field (and loss of
energy); fluid retention (swelling); lack of oxygen; and pain.
7. Trapped or clustered proteins can be dissipated or removed to help relieve pain, speed
healing, and reverse injury or disease by proper use of bio-electric lymphasizing techniques
together with other techniques specifically recommended by Dr. West, including...
a) Chiropractic practices and/or other methods of physical therapy.
b) Color therapy.
c) Deep breathing techniques, with or without a lymphasizer.
d) Electrical stimulation via various methods.
e) Homeopathic remedies.
f) Naturopathic remedies.
g) Other energy-producing therapies.
h) Special diets, colonics, distilled water, fresh juices, and/or food supplements to help
eliminate excess fluids and poisons.
i) Specialized services of a physician or surgeon.
j) Zone therapy or reflexology.
Iridology, urine, saliva, and other tests can be used to "read" the body and identify the degree to
which one has trapped blood proteins.
A disclaimer from Dr. West: "Anyone who acts upon these discoveries does so on his own by
applying his own free agency. At this point in time, these discoveries will not take the place of a
surgeon or doctor, for there are times when specialized services are needed. But generally
speaking, the doctor of the future, as Thomas Edison said, 'will give no medicine but will interest
(teach) his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of
disease.' And I now know that a person cannot completely fulfill the role of the doctor of the
future without knowledge of how the blood proteins produce the conditions that cause loss of
energy and death at the cell level."

* Trapped blood proteins on an extreme scale can lead to death in a few hours.
* One feels the symptoms of TPP destruction -- including loss of energy and thirst -- in minutes!
* Eating too much salt in relation to potassium upsets the delicate sodium-potassium balance
required for optimal cell function. This condition is "poisonous."
* Excess sodium outside cells upsets the balance inside cells.
* This upsets the sodium-potassium pump, which influences the rotation of sodium and
potassium in and out of cells -- and influences the basic chemistry of healthy cell function, which
produces the electrical generation that is key to the life process and cell energy.
* The delicately balanced distribution of minerals in and around a living cell accounts for its
electrical properties.
* An adequate balance of all 60 or so essential minerals in colloidal form is required to produce
the electrical energy necessary for healthy cell function and promote healing! The proper
assimilation of minerals by the body requires enzymes.
* Medical researchers working with tissue cells know that cells can be kept alive indefinitely by
maintaining the proper chemical balance in and around the cell and eliminating waste products
from their metabolism. This appears to be a formula to live 100 years or more with ease!
* Unhealthy cells are characterized by fluid retention, lack of oxygen, and insufficient nutrients.
* Insufficient nutrients are in two categories: (a) Not providing the body with all 90 or so
essential nutrients. (b) Not providing the body with adequate amounts needed for physical
energy and to promote cellular health and healing.
* Deep breathing is important because the "tree-like" lymphatic system drains through the
thoracic duct, which overlays the lungs. Deep, lymphatic breathing moves lymph and with it,
releases TPPs from inter-cellular pumps, returning them to the bloodstream.
* The effectiveness of aerobic exercising is in part because it stimulates deep breathing, which
activates the lymphatic removal of TPPs.
* The best way to pump the lymphatics is to engage in deep breathing while exercising
aerobically. Examples of aerobic exercise include brisk walking, jogging, and
swimming...whatever moves oxygen. Next best way to move lymph is to engage in deep
breathing even without exercise. Least effective way is to exercise without doing deep lymphatic
* Concerned about obesity? Blood proteins can cause fluid retention of three to 15 gallons of
water, representing a weight gain of 24 to 96 pounds. A person with a tight cellular structure - as
opposed to the obese one with a loose one - experiences the negative effects of TPPs.
* The optimal amount of water to drink is ounce per day per pound that you weigh! Gradually
drink more water until you reach your optimal level. Drinking more water -- along with activating

lymphatic flow -- will support your body in releasing retained water. (If it's tap water, pour it into a
glass and let it set on the counter for at least 30 minutes before drinking. The chlorine will
evaporate out of it.) * When we obey the laws of Love, Peace, Blessing, Doing Good, and
Positive Mental Attitude, we are immediately rewarded with more cellular electricity and energy!

Discover the Electric Power Plants in your Body

Dr. Joseph Waltz in New York puts electrodes down the spine and brings previously helpless
Cerebral Palsy, MS, and Polio patients out of wheel chairs. All this electricity does is activate the
lymphatic system. We can accomplish these same things without electrodes because the
Creator supplied the body with it's own Power Source! We have now discovered how to use the
electrical energy that is generated in the Brain and the Seven other Power Plants (Glands) to
activate our lymphatic system in every organ and in every part of our body. By doing so, we can
help overcome pain, loss of energy, and previously incurable diseases faster and easier than we
have ever seen.
If every cell in every organ and every part of your body were working properly, you would have a
perfect body free of pain, loss of energy, and disease. Therefore, to solve all of our health
problems, all we have to do is find out what causes cells not to work, and what we can do to get
them to work again. However, if people obtain the knowledge of how to get cells to work again,
and if they can do it by them selves, at home, without drugs, surgery, or medication of any kind
-it would put most of those who treat out of business - True? That is what this new technology
It is basic biochemistry to know that if cells do not make Adenosine Tri-Phosphate, they don't
work. In order to get them to work again, the cells must get Glucose and Oxygen from the blood
stream to make Adenosine Tri-Phosphate. The mystery, up until now, has been how to get the
Glucose along with the Oxygen and other nutrients the cells need, from the blood stream to the
The International Academy of Lymphology (I.A.L.) is the only organization in the world that is
teaching people how to do this.
Here is an illustration to help you understand what has to be done to get cells that are not
working, to work again. Think of a new car with a new engine, but no fuel in the gas tank. There
is really nothing wrong with the car - right? Most of the time, when cells in the eyes, muscles,
pancreas, joints, arteries or even when the white blood cells which have the ability to destroy
cancer, etc. seem not to work, they are all like a new car with no fuel in the gas tank. There is
nothing wrong with them; they just don't have the fuel they need to work. Isn't this a beautiful
concept? It took 18 years of research to get it.
Now, when fuel is put in an empty gas tank, what do you have to do to get the engine to run?
Prime it. To "Prime the Pump" so that it can bring Glucose and Oxygen from the blood stream to
the cells, so they can in turn make the Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (the fuel that cells need to
work), you must know to activate your Lymphatic System. To our knowledge, the (I.A.L.), the
International Academy of Lymphology has developed the only program in the world to teach
people how to do this and that this new technology works!

To tap into the electrical energy that is available in these Power Plants and to provide the"
currents" needed to allow the body to heal itself, we must know how to magnify our thought
In 1976, Dr C. Samuel West discovered how to use a lymphasizer (mini-trampoline) to magnify
the thought wave, and miraculous healings have taken place. Although we have now learned
two other ways to magnify the thought wave without using a lymphasizer, we still highly
recommend using the trampoline whenever possible. Remember, always use a "gentle" bounce
when on the trampoline.

We can now magnify our thought waves by:

(1) Using a lymphasizer, (2) Stroking across the body with both hands starting at the navel,
or (3)Tapping into an outside energy source such as: a) an electrical device, b) magnets,
or c) the Supreme Intelligence of the universe. Many refer to this intelligence as God,
Heavenly Father, Earthly Mother, Great Spirit, Allah, Krishna, etc.
Now, while using the above methods 1, 2, and/or3 to magnify the thought wave, we can use the
following 3-breathtechnique to increase the electrical energy throughout our bodies. We will use
#1 from the chart below as an example.
Breath #1:Take a deep breath in through the nose, if possible. When the lungs are filled, say or
think: "Heavenly Father (or your terminology) Bless and heal my right brain and left brain.
Number 1". Blow out your air.
Breath #2:Inhale, and again say or think: "HeavenlyFather Bless and heal my right and left
Brain. Number 1".Blow out the air.
Breath #3:Inhale deeply. Hold the breath as long as you can without creating stress and either
read or say out loud the wording below that follows number1. I.E. "The electric energy produced
in the brain can now be directed to every gland, and to every part of my body from my head to
my feet, Number 1."
Repeat this 3-breath process for each of the remaining numbers in the chart below. Do this at
least once a day. Best if done in the morning to set the daily computer mind program. This only
takes about 15~20 minutes a day. You're worth it!
1) My Right Brain &
Left Brain

The electric energy produced in the brain can now be

directed to every gland, and to every part of my body from
my head to my feet, Number 1

2) My Pineal Gland

The energy goes from this Power Plant to help all my

glands, Number 2

3) My Pituitary

The energy goes from this Power Plant to help my mind

and memory. It also goes from my head down through my
body into my big toes, Number 3

4) My Thyroid

The energy from this power plant maintains metabolism in

my cells, Number 4

5) My Thymus

This Power Plant goes to my heart, lungs, and bones. It

brings white blood cells from my bone marrow to the
Thymus Gland to make "T-Cells" that can kill bacteria,
viruses and even cancer. (Where do I want these "T-Cells"
to go? Mentally direct the "T-Cells" now!) Number 5

6) My Adrenal

This Power Plant sends energy to my skin and my kidneys,

and it sends the electrical current from my tail bone to the
base of my skull and up and down my spine, Number 6

7) My Pancreas

The energy goes from this Power Plant to control my

digestion, sugar level, and heat, Number 7

8) My Reproductive

[Male-prostate and testes. Female-ovaries, uterus and

mammary glands.] These are responsible for my hormone
secretions, sexual energy and responses and reproduction,
Number 8 .

Now, all my Power Plants are on! Where does my body need special help and attention
right now? This information is stored in my subconscious mind and can be accessed by
adding the two steps below.
We give all the glory to the Great Mystery(God) for what happens from the electric
energy produced by these Seven Power Plants Plus the Brain.

9) All Allergies from

my body

What I have been allergic to has acted like a poison to my

body, and all poisons have frequencies. The energy
generated in these Power Plants can now Identify,
Neutralize, and Eliminate all the energy incompatibility of
any poison that is in my body or outside of my body whether it be foods, chemicals, plants, animal or anything
in the air - Right Now! Number 9

10) My Delicate
Chemical and
Emotional Balance

All vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, enzymes, coenzymes, amino acids, essential fatty acids, pro-zeranine,
chondriana, seed of light, Breath of God, all elements
known and unknown to my mind are made available for
healing my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
bodies - Right Now! Number 10

Emotions. All emotions have frequencies. Obtain a chemical balance and apply "The
Language of Friendship and Peace", then the electric energy produced from all of these
power plants can help balance all emotions with peace, love, joy, and harmony.
To remove sufficient dead cells and poisons to allow the healing process to begin, it is
necessary that you repeat this sequence as many times as you can for the first half-hour. To
activate each one of the power plants (1-10) using the 3-Breath Technique every half-hour takes
time. However, once you have used the 3-Breath Technique to activate each one, the
subconscious mind already knows what each number stands for -right? Therefore, instead of
saying what each number stands for, we can just say the number.
Therefore, to make this powerful process even faster and easier, all we have to do is:
1. Breathe deeply three times - in through the nose and out the mouth. While you
hold the third breath say or think: "Heavenly Father (or your terminology), Bless
and Heal, number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, Repeat, Repeat." Let your air out.
2. Breathe deep and hold your breath again and say: "Heavenly Father, Bless and
Heal number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, Repeat, Repeat. Activate 5 & 9 to send the Tcells into my area you wish to heal to Identify, Neutralize and Eliminate ALL the
Energy Incompatibility of Anything in this area of my body that is interfering with
my natural healing processes.
Repeat this sequence 7 times every half-hour or follow our guidelines.
When needed, use the "re-dial system: Breathe deeply three times holding the 3rd
breath as long as you are able to without creating any stress and say:
"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10; repeat, repeat, repeat."
If you get dizzy, rest and give your body a chance to handle the poisons that are being
removed. The important thing is Do Not Quit!

Testimonial Letter
By Dr. C. Samuel West DN, ND. Chemist & Lymphologist
A man by the name of Alexis Carrell who is an award recipient of at least one Nobel peace
prize, knew a lot about cell food, cell waste, and the fluid that cells live in. For 29 years he
managed to sustain the life of heart tissue from a chicken embryo by immersing it in a solution
containing all the nutrients necessary for life and changing this fluid on a daily basis. This meant
that from a cell point of view, the garbage was taken out and the groceries were brought in. 29
years was long enough to convince Dr. Carrell it could be kept alive indefinitely.
Once they finally got tired of tending to the tissue, one of his assistants neglected to tend to it;
and the fluid around the cells, called the lymphatic fluid, became polluted and deficient of
nutrients and so the chicken heart tissue finally expired.
The thought that cells could live forever may be to many, an emotional subject, and may even
cut into their religious views, yet there are many scientists today who believe it is so. Once we

understand that there is nothing about a cell, which cannot be replaced, or regenerated, this
makes sense.
My purpose for writing this letter is to bless as many lives as possible by raising their
consciousness concerning how they can keep the Lymph fluid that cells live in pure and
renewed with nutrients.
In 1976, I dedicated my entire life to enlighten the earth on this subject. I became the first
person in the entire world to lecture publicly on the lymphatic vessels that parallel all blood
vessels. As well as the important role they play in keeping the lymph fluid pure and renewed
with nutrients so the body can remain free of pain, loss of energy and disease as long as we
This life-saving research came to my attention in 1974. Mr. Chase, the biology teacher across
the hall learned that I was doing medical research, and he put the 1961 2nd edition of the
Textbook of Medical Physiology by Dr. Arthur C. Guyton in my hands. Here I learned about
some medical research that is not yet being taught in any college, university or medical school
in the United States.
I learned that if the lymphatic vessels in our body worked properly, the lymph fluid that our cells
live in would remain pure, and the cells would be able to receive the minerals, nutrients and
oxygen that they need to be healthy. In that condition, our bodies would remain free of pain, loss
of energy and disease as long as we live. There would be no pre-mature death, and the body
could heal so fast that it is almost impossible to believe.
With this knowledge, I put my hand on a hot stove accidentally. I had blisters on my fingers.
With the knowledge of knowing how to activate the lymphatic vessels in my hand, in minutes the
pain was gone; and in six hours I had a brand new hand. This research reveals how to do
Dorothy Howard had polio from the time she was ten months old until she was sixty-five. At
sixty-five years of age, she came to one of my lectures and learned how to activate her
lymphatic vessels. In four months, she was standing four inches taller, the pain was out of her
back, and she was moving her toes.
Joy Bishop fell on her hand and broke her finger. With the knowledge of this research, she had
the bones set in five hours and healed in eight. No other healing art on earth can duplicate what
people can do with this knowledge.
An eleven-month baby boy in Pennsylvania fell into a septic tank. It took about ten minutes to
find him. He came out of the hospital after several weeks blind and permanently brain damaged.
With this knowledge, the family had the eyesight back and no brain damage in five days.
This life-saving research revealed that blood proteins leave the blood stream, and if they are not
removed by the lymphatic vessels, the lymph fluid that those cells live in will become corrupt,
and this could cause our death "in about twenty-four hours". And it could happen "in just a few

Later I learned what causes blood proteins to leave the blood stream faster than lymphatic
vessels are able to remove them, which revealed the cause of pain, loss of energy and every
disease on earth.
What brings blood proteins out of the blood stream to alter the lymph fluid that cells live in is
man made tea, coffee, liquor (beer), and drugs along with too much salt, sugar (table sugar,
candy, cakes, and ice cream) carbonated drinks (pop), and too much meat. Other killers are
anger, loss of temper, holding grudges, resentment along with all of the other stress factors. And
to get enough oxygen to the cells to keep the cells healthy, you can t be lazy. You must do
something to cause you to breathe deeply several times a day.
When the lymph fluid that cells live in becomes altered, the result is pain, loss of energy,
disease, and pre-mature death by disease.
I discovered that every "healing art" that works has the ability to activate the lymphatic vessels
which pulls the blood proteins, the excess water along with the dead cells and poisons to keep
the lymph fluid that cells live in pure. Understanding what brings the blood proteins out of the
blood stream, and the role of the lymphatic vessels is what turns a healing art into a true healing
To put it in as few words as possible: All of this research is taught in our "Applied Lymphology
Course," and this new science is called "The Art of Lymphasizing."
"The Art of Lymphasizing" involves deep breathing, bouncing, stroking, and a variety of energy
healing techniques. This complete science along with the healing techniques are taught by the
use of video tapes and audio tapes and are used for the immediate speed-healing of injuries or
for tipping the scales in favor of regeneration in the case of many diseases.
Bouncing up and down on what I call a "Lymphasizer" is one of the most effective ways to
combine deep breathing, bouncing, stroking and the other energy healing techniques into one
exercise. Yet those who have needed it the most have had difficulty doing so.

Lymphasizing Tools

Walker-West Walk
Deep Breathing Technique
Magnify the Thought to Charge the Power Plants

Light Fast Stroke

Headaches, Sore Neck and Migraine

Lower Back and Sciatic Pain
Sore Knees
Liver Gallbladder
Smashed Fingers

Turned Ankle

Lymphasizing Program

Gentle Bounce
Soft Walk
Low Jog
Front Kick
Side Kick
Seat Bounce
Turning the Other Cheek
The Pony Trot
The Bronco Buster
Aerobic Lymphasizing (turn glucose into glycogen)
Medium Jog
High Jog

Advanced Bio-Electric Lymphasizer Techniques

Bio-Electric Gentle Bounce for Health

Bio-Electric Eye Exercises
Bio-Electric Breathing and Directed Thinking Techniques
Bio-Electric Wheelchair Technique
Bio-Electric Pin-Point Technique
Bio-Electric Energy Field Technique
Bio-Electric Energy Stroking and Directed Thinking Technique

Deep Breathing

Suck in through the teeth, and when you think that you have sucked in as deep as you
can, try to suck in 2 or 3 times more, to make sure that you have reached the peak of
inhalation where the whole lymphatic system shoots like a geyser.
As you hold your breath, suck your tummy in, pull your buttocks in and tighten your arms
legs and whole body as much as you can.
Visualise energy, or the Power of God going into your adrenal glands, the kidneys, liver,
gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and heart and anywhere that it hurts, or where the body
needs to heal.
When you exhale, push out through your teeth or your tightened lips.
Do this technique 3 to 7 times every hour or 11 times a day. If you feel like doing more
you can. Listen to your body.

Bio-Electric Eye Exercise

Using the Bio-Electric Gentle Bounce for health technique, Put your left hand on your abdomen
and the coned fingers of your right hand on your left eye. Reverse the hands for the right eye.
You can also put the coned fingers of both hands over both eyes.

Bio-Electric Breathing and Directed Thinking Techniques

When not on a lymphasizer, to direct the energy mentally into any area of the body, generate
the energy by breathing deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth 3 times and hold
the third breath. This takes the pressure off the Thoracic Duct in the chest and the lymph shoots
into the blood stream. While holding the 3rd breath, mentally direct the energy you have
accumulated into the desired area, to help dissipate the blood proteins. To increase the flow of
energy, place your hands on the appropriate area of the body. (see pictures)
Bio-Electric Energy Stroking and Directed Thinking Technique
When not on a lymphasizer, to direct the energy mentally into any area of the body
stroke the navel area to increase the flow of energy (similar effect to jumping on the
lymphasizer, or use the Heavenly Father Bless . Mentally direct the energy into the desired
area, to help dissipate the blood proteins. To increase the flow of energy, place your hands on
the appropriate area of the body.
Massage and Light Fast Strokes
Apply pressure, massage the area gently and then stroke briskly with a light stroke (this is to
generate static electricity). Always work both sides of the body. For headaches, work through
the neck and out into the shoulder. For the lower back, work both hands through the centre as
well. To work the organs, cone the fingers and perform the light, fast stroke through the area.
Keep the other hand on the body, where possible, over the navel or as otherwise demonstrated
in the pictures. For the liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas, kidneys and adrenals, work just
under the ribcage; starting in the centre and moving outwards. (see pictures)

The Language of Friendship and Peace

How can we have peace unless we can be friends; and how can I be your friend unless I care
how you feel - from your point of view and not from mine!
If I care how you feel, I care why you suffer and how you die. If I am your friend and I care how
you feel, if I have food on my table and you dont, we share.
If I care how you feel, from your point of view and not from mine, then I will not Ridicule,
Criticize, Condemn, Find Fault or Cast Blame.
You can tell how you feel, and not Ridicule, Criticize, Condemn, Find Fault or Cast Blame.
Do not say the word you in a derogatory way. You do this; or You do that! They will fight you
even if you are right.
I will not do anything or say anything where you can say, You are not my friend. If I ever break
these rules, I will say, I am sorry! real fast!
When we learn to live in peace, we will then be able to conquer disease and not until then.

Because scientifically speaking, when we ridicule, criticize, condemn, find fault or cast blame, it
will cause the albumin ( a blood protein) to become trapped in the bodies of those involved.
The result is loss of energy, pain, suffering, disease or pre-mature death.
We must love ourselves and others enough to be determined to learn how to effectively
communicate in a way that will control the forces of anger and loss of temper, that destroy.
There is a language that offers a new way of communication that makes it possible for us to live
together in perfect peace and harmony, regardless of race, colour or creed. It is a very simple
language. In fact it is only two sentences long. The first is: How can we have peace unless we
can be friends? The second is: How can I be your friend unless I care how you feel? After
repeating these sentences a few times, they may become a part of you.
If I am your friend, the I will accept you as an individual, regardless of race, colour or creed. I will
care how you feel from your point of view and not from mine.

The Arty of Expressing Feelings

The Art of expressing feelings helps family members to eliminate anger, loss of temper, holding
grudges and resentment, so a spirit of love and peace can prevail.
When someone offends us there are 3 things we can do:
1. We can fire back at the person who has offended us, but this could cause the conflict to
2. We can hold it inside and not fire back. This tends to build up inside until we explode
over some other little thing at a later stage.
3. We can find some non-judgemental way of communicating that someone has done
something that has offended us. This is not always easy, but is is the only solution that
doesnt place stress on either person.
The Art of expressing feelings is a simple way of letting someone know that have offended you
without you offending them. To use the Art of expressing feelings you must teach it to your
family and/or friends and they must enter into an agreement with you that, for the sake of peace,
they will use the technique.
When a person offends you to the point where you cannot hold it inside any longer without it
causing you stress, instead of firing back, say to that person Do you know how much I love
you? This means in effect: You are offending me, but I love you so much that I do not want to
fire back at you.
For the sake of peace, the person who has made the offence must answer, I am sorry if I
offended you, will you forgive me?
You must answer in a sincere manner, Yes.
If the person who has made the offence does not apologise, or ask for forgiveness, then you
must love yourself enough to say within your heart, Forgive them, for they know not what they

This simple practice can help to completely eliminate arguments and contentions and establish
a spirit of love and peace within the family and among friends. It also helps people to
understand one another better. Too often, we do not realise how we are giving offence, and
hence are not able to avoid offending. This technique provides us with a non judgemental way
of expressing offended feelings thereby promoting better communication and understanding.

Three Principles of Love

The First Principle of Love is NEVER CRITICIZE
Think of people as little children. As children learn to walk, they stub their toes, smash their
fingers and bump their heads. As they grow older, they fall and skin their knees while learning to
ride a bike. But, instead of criticizing them, are we excited when they finally learn to do things
right? How are certain mistakes part of the learning process?
In a way, all of us are little children, stubbing our toes, smashing our fingers, skinning our knees
and bumping our heads. When we finally learn how to do things right, then our suffering isnt in
vain or without success. When we learn to see ourselves and others as little children we will
never criticize. Instead, we will be filled with love and understanding and rejoice as we learn
how to do things right.
The Second Principle of Love is to FORGIVE EVERYBODY
Since all of us are little children, stubbing our toes, smashing our fingers and bumping our
heads, we need to forgive everyone, even ourselves. To forgive is also to forget, at least to the
point that you do not make it a part of your conversation today and tomorrow.
The Third Principle of Love is to SERVE EVERYBODY
To serve everyone, we must think of others and love them as much as our own children. We
must do everything we can to help them become the best they can become. We must overlook
their weaknesses and encourage them in their strengths. Our combined strength actually comes
from our individual differences and to help everyone reach their maximum potential is what life
is all about. It is not what we are now, but what our potential is what makes us all so great.

The Art of Listening

As expressed in the Art of Expressing Feelings, one of the chief causes of arguments,
contentions and stress, especially within the family is miss-communications. We simply do not
understand each other. Communication skills are vital to help establish peace and none of these
skills is more important than listening. Listening can help to bring peace in three ways.
1. It can prevent arguments and contentions due to miss-understanding.
2. It is a powerful way to show love.
3. It can be used to help disarm anger, fear, worry, etc. in others, even when they will not
use the Art of Expressing Feelings.
Listening is something that most of us think we know how to do, but in reality, how many of us
really listen very well? Here are two principles of effective listening which we can all use to help
maintain peace.

1. Listen with full concentration.

a. Listen with your eyes. Look at the person you are listening to. Help them to feel
you have their full attention.
b. Listen with your heart. Listen not just to the words, listen to the feelings and the
meaning behind the words, the meaning in the hearts of people.
2. Demonstrate you are listening by:
a. The way you sit or stand. Having good posture, keeping your arms unfolded and
leaning forward can be ways of showing interest.
b. Using encouraging phrases, such as uh-huh, yes, is that so, thats interesting,
c. Repeating back to the person what you think they are trying to say to you. This
confirms that you are listening and also gives the other person a chance to make
sure that you understand what was said.
d. Not changing the subject or asking questions. When you change the subject or
ask questions, you begin to take over and control the conversation.
In theory, these principles sound easy. In practice, they are much more difficult and require
some time and patience to master. However, they are well worth the effort, as they will enable
you to create a greater environment for peace. When someone is angry or upset with you, all
they may really want you to do is listen.

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