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Have you ever wondered what geniuses have in common?

number of experiments have been conducted to find that out and
some peculiar behaviors have been observed among people with
high IQ. How anyone turns out to be genius is due to their genetics.
So genetics of geniuses definitely differ from not so genius ordinary
people, but these brainy people do have similarities in their genetics
that lead most of them to possess similar qualities. How would you
recognize a genius if you come across one?
Well, science answers to that. Read the list below and you will know
if you or someone you know, have got more brains than average,
because geniuses commonly have more than one of the following
1. They Dont Lose Their Virginity To Just Anybody!
A study conducted among students of top universities has found out
that the number of sexual partners per students were lower as
compared to the average control group a group with which the
results of an experiment are compared. Same results have
been found in both U.K. and the U.S. It is especially true for men. So
you question how is having less sexual partners related to higher IQ?
One quality geniuses have is they do not follow the rules, they tend to
deviate from the path designed by evolution. Men tend to be
polygamous, so they can pass on their genes to maximum offspring,
but that is an evolutionary norm. Men who go against that are more

Another reason that links monogamy and high intelligence in men is

that the male hormone testosterone tends to inhibit intelligence and
increases the libido, so when there is less testosterone, it will not only
result in monogamy or even asexuality, but also a higher IQ.
By the way, do you know Newton never got married? And, neither did
Nikola Tesla and Leonardo da Vinci. Darwin had an amazingly close
relationship with his wife, Emma, which is thought of as more like a
son-mother than wife-husband closeness!
Proof: Why More Intelligent Men (But Not Women) Value
Sexual Exclusivity
2. High Sex Drive
A sex toy retailer in U.K , Lovehoney, after analyzing their sales data
found that the students from top universities buy more of their
products than students from other universities. Cambridge and
Oxford came first with students spending $14,600 on sex toys,
compared to students of Surrey and Loughborough, who spent less
than $4900.
The conclusion of this study is somewhat contradictory to the first
one, but it can also explain why monogamy is preferred over
polygamy by more intelligent men, compared to their intellectual and
professional life, they dont want to spend more time, resources or
energy having kids (Another divergence from evolutionary trend, our
ancestors spent less time on unnecessary activities like learning,
investigating and discovering and more time reproducing), they
satisfy their libido using personal pleasure products.

When such individuals who refrain from sexual interactions even with
a high libido enter a relationship with someone who meets their both
emotional and physical requirements, tend to form a strong bond with
that person, thus leading to a monogamous relationship.
Another correlation that shows relation between a high IQ and less
sex is the difference in the number of offspring they have, both men
and women with high IQ tend to have lesser number of kids than their
less intelligent counterparts. It can also be seen in birth rates of
different countries, poor countries with less health and education
facilities (thus on average low IQ) have higher birth rate than the
developed countries with on average higher IQ.
Proof: Does a high IQ equal a high sex drive? Cambridge
University tops sales at Lovehoney
3. Sorry, Were Not Social Type
More intelligent people dont do well socially. Geniuses just dont feel
understood by people, so they withdraw themselves from society.
Their interests and priorities are usually different from those of their
peers, colleagues and even family members that makes them act
Sometimes, you will see a person talking absolute non-sense with
confidence, on the other hand, you might meet a person, who
talks once in a month, but when talks s/he talks you will be surprised
at what an amazing thing s/he said. Thats the difference between a
genius and an average person, genius thinks before speaking and

most people dont, but what does that have to do with being socially
Geniuses probably think too much, s/he will consider all the effects
and consequences of a thing s/he wants to say, like what will this
person think if I say this? Will this make sound stupid? This person
might think I am trying to act too smart and on and on and on.
Besides, social interaction might just be too boring for them, as
compared to their own activities.
Some geniuses might even become arrogant, not interacting with
people they think cant reach their mental level and may even
develop anti-social personality. Darwin probably suffered from social
anxiety disorder and there were times when the famous physicist
Galileo offended people.
4. Yay, This Is My Thing!
As geniuses like to experience new stuffs, they are more likely to
plunge in an ocean of drugs and become addicts than less intelligent
people. A study revealed that they are more likely to take illegal drugs
like marijuana, ecstasy, amphetamines and heroin.
Proof: Intelligence across childhood in relation to illegal drug
use in adulthood: 1970 British Cohort Study
5. Sleep Is Too Boring
If you like to stay up all night because you cannot sleep without
completing a Nicolas Sparks novel, welcome to the genius club.

Evolution has shaped us to work during the day and rest at night, but
apparently it doesnt matter to brainiac.
People with bipolar disorder that is associated with heightened
creativity sleep less when in their manic phase. A research says that
insomnia is associated with a higher IQ, the need to sleep per hour in
night decreases as intelligent increases.
So having a tough time trying to sleeping? It is a sign of a genius. No
wonder why Nikola Tesla never slept more than 2 hours a night!
Proof: Bipolar disorder and creativity are linked (but not by
some mad genius)
ALSO SEE: Why Some People Remember Their Dreams While
Others Forget
6. Even the Eye Color Matters!
Blue eyed people on average excel better at self-pacing activities like
academics and are better strategic thinkers, but that doesnt mean
people with other eye colors are always less intelligent. Brown eyed
people on average tend to do better at quick response based
activities like sports. But dont worry brown-eyed people, as research
states you are perceived more trustworthy than your blue-eyed
Proofs/References: Correlation of eye color on self-paced and
reactive motor performance / Intelligence and Pigmentation
of Hair and Eyes in Elementary School Children
7. Alcoholism Just Feels Good

Just like drugs, drinking alcohol is a novel task as our ancestors

werent too fond of alcohol. An experiment done in U.K. shows that
brilliant students have more tendency to become alcoholic.
Proof: Smarter People Tend To Drink More Alcohol
8. Artistic Abilities and Boundless Imagination
Whether its the magic world of Harry Potter that captured minds of
thousands or Johnny Depp making you think Jack Sparrow really
exists or incredible talent of Mozart or Da Vincis Eternal Mona Lisa,
geniuses express themselves in way world can understand them.
The ability of projecting your thoughts or expression into the world,
requires a mind more developed than average. People with high IQs
tend to share their thoughts in a way everyone finds understandable
and pleasing like poetry, writing, music etc.
ALSO SEE: An Electric Cap That Can Increase Learning
Capacity Of Brain
9. Atheism We dont confess
Researchers say that on average atheists are on average 6/7 points
higher than non-atheists. Belief in God has been advantageous
throughout evolution, so geniuses often break this trend too. The
poorest countries with less education, less IQ (most of which follow
rules our ancestors laid foundation of), tend to more religious. Among
137 countries in a study, only 23 had more than 20% atheists, which
are all higher IQ countries.

Proof: Intelligent People Have Unnatural Preferences and

Values That Are Novel in Human Evolutionary History

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