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5 Essential Keys to Unlock your Ultimate Life


5 Essential Keys to Unlock your Ultimate Life

In this eBook, youll learn 5-Keys that support One in living a conscious, healthy and thriving lifestyle. These
are essential ingredients that are Universal for each person. In each key we have broke them down into 3Sections, the Key, the Shadow & the Lesson. In this way, you can learn what each key means, its coreteaching and when the key is showing up as a shadow and how to be aware when you arent living fully
within the essence of what it represents.
At the end of each Key is some questions to help you get clear on where you stand in relation to the Key in
your own life, and how you can integrate the lesson more into your daily livelihood. We are so excited to
present to you this groundbreaking material.
If you are interested in learning more about how to Align Your Life, visit:

Enjoy your Journey!

1st Key



Lesson: Accepting

1st Key

Change is the only constant. Life is novel, powerfully unique, and always throwing a myriad of
different experiences at us. We can never be certain of what surprises the Universe has in store for
us. However, we can be flexible, open and move with change rather than against it. Our alignment
is the ability to maintain ourselves amidst constant change and uncertainty.

Shadow: Stagnancy
Simply put, stagnancy is the nature of being stuck or blocked. The moment one is unwilling to
deal with the lifes unexpected circumstances or isnt open to progress, you can be sure that at
some level fear, overwhelm will sure follow. When stagnancy meets uncertainty, the pressure
builds, and action can seem impossible.

Lesson: Accepting Change

The key to overcoming stagnancy, is adaptability and accepting change. By doing so you
allow energy, events and challenges to flow through your life. Why be surprised by
change when you know its always going to happen? Remember all those times
previously when things changed unexpectedly and you handled it just fine. You are built
to adapt, just accept it and accept life. Its on your side!

How are you adaptable?

How are you unwilling?

How do you commit to accepting change?

2nd Key

Shadow: Hiding


Lesson: Ownership

2nd Key


When you can show up fully, truly be present in your life and take responsibility for everything you experience, You
Win! Thats it. Showing up is the key to being unstoppable. When you meet your life full on, when you are not
afraid to confront and be confronted (with compassion of course), you create a spaciousness and a clarity in your
life that ripples through everything you do. Show Up & Be Present, Its All Life is Asking From You.

Shadow: Hiding
Weve all done it. Its been programmed into us since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, fight or flight doesnt
need to apply anymore. Our reptilian brain cant tell the difference between a saber-tooth tiger and a difficult
conversation. When we hide from taking action, when we repress instead of express, we hold in energy. This
energy wants to move through us & express outward. Hiding is the opposite of showing-up for what we are
designed to do. Dont hide from Destiny.

Lesson: Ownership
When you fully show up and own your experiences, you grow. Challenges and even negativity are here to teach
us, push us past our comfort zone and expand our awareness. When you can take ownership of your life choices,
decisions and the involvement you have in creating your own life, freedom is the result.

How are you showing up for life?

Where are you hiding? How are you hiding?

How can you take ownership of your circumstances to move out of hiding and showup?

3rd Key




3rd Key



Wisdom is knowledge applied. Its time to step into your ideas and live the life of your imagination. How can you
actually be the living example of your values, your dreams and aspirations? Embodiment is not only the practice of
walking the talk, but walking with outstanding posture, vibrant energy as you impact every person you pass by.
When you are embodying your true-self, the Universe creates around you. Plus, others can feel it. Its undeniable.

Shadow: Disassociation
This shadow shows up in many forms, but most commonly it show up as laziness, apathy and lack of drive.
When you disassociate, you forget that you are the answer you seek. What you do right now with your body,
your breath and your creativity is what will actually get you results. Clarity comes in the doing, and more often
than not when we are feeling stuck or confused, its because there is actually a deeper level of engagement
necessary for the solution to be uncovered.

Lesson: Movement
Yes. In every sense of the word. Moving your body, your mind, your emotions, your workspace, your play-space.
Give yourself every opportunity available to use your human suit and all of its amazing sensory and physiological
glory. You dont need to be sore 24/7 and exercise your guts out every day, but you do need to find the groove
that your body requires. No matter what lifestyle you have, full embodiment is the key to longevity, sustainability
and full access to enjoyment of the present moment.

How are you living embodied? What are you doing each day to live physically?

How are you disassociating from truly being here and now?

How are you committing to creating movement in your life going forward?



4th Key

Conscious Communication



4th Key

Conscious Communication


Communication is the way we create the World we live in. In fact, its so magical, its why we call it spelling (think of
spell-casting). Conscious communication means we take extra awareness regarding the choices of our words and the
intentions in which we use them. Its up to us to empower or sabotage ourselves and others with our speaking habits
and expression.

Shadow: Disharmony
It can be very easy to overlook the power and importance of our language. Each word is a vibration and carries a
meaning, which science has proven affects things down to that atomic level. When you have a sore back, the
phrase Ahhh, my back is killing me. is technically a lie. The truth is that you back is maintaining your livelihood
and contributing to your life. We lie all the time and dont even know it. The more we lie to ourselves, it creates a
disharmony in our lives and relationship to others. That which is most meaningful to us begins to deteriorate from
this disharmony and we can begin to feel like life is against us.

Lesson: Consideration
Express yourself considerately and stick to your truth. Conscious language is primarily realizing you have a more
supportive way to phrase what you have to say. Consider saying, My back is experiencing pain, and Im open to
a solution. Always be willing to consider the effects of your commonly stated phrases and be open to optimizing
your lexicon. The more considerate your communication can be the more conscious you become.

Conscious Communication
Where do you feel you are communicating consciously?

Where are you blocked in communicating your truth?

What conversations do you need to have you have been putting off?

How can you be more considerate in your relationships?



5th Key




5th Key



Im sure you are familiar with the term in-house, using your own resources to accomplish a task, without the need
to outsource it to another. The Generative Key is all about Sourcing Yourself. You generate your own energy. The
more you can source yourself, the deeper in alignment you become. In this state, there is an infinite stream of
creativity, inspiration, love and wisdom from which to draw upon.

Shadow: Dependency
When we are out of touch with our own generative nature, we look to the outside world to satisfy the energetic
sourcing only we can give ourselves. Soon we can become dependent on relationships, material things, addiction
and the list goes on. When we forget that we generate our own energy, dependency is always there to remind us
to look within to fill the emptiness. Only then, can we truly support others.

Lesson: Self-Sourcing
Learn to listen to your gut. Breathe into your lower-abdomen and feel your confident essence living within you.
This is the furnace from which you generate your energy. Everything you are hear to create in the world is living
within your design, and its up to you to remember that. You must source this design, and when you do so, the
infinite energy will follow and you can create anything. Literally, anything. You can acquire and become excellent
at any skill and totally live an epic life.

How are you choosing to generate your own energy?

What dependency patterns are you aware of in your life?

What can you do to be more Self sustaining?

How will you support others in being self-generative?



We hope that this eBook has been helpful in giving you clarity about how you can live a more
conscious and aligned life.
To evolve ourselves is an essential part of our growth and development as humans, and sometimes
it takes being aware of things and tracking things in order to ensure we are living in accountability
to them. Know the sky is the limit and when you live by these keys, and anything is possible when
we step it up together.
To learn more about how you can Align Your Life, visit:
Much Love,
Amateo Ra & Nathaniel Solace
Creator Course





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