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Waste Management and Recycling

Tutorial Lecture 3
Q1. Based on the VCU technology video;
(a) Identify the type of system being used
(b) What types of wastes can be treated?
(c) Determine the stages in the process
(d) What would you consider as the unique selling points for the system?
(a) An enclosed In-Vessel Composting tower
(b) All organic waste including meat and fish; and paper and card
(c) Reception some waste streams need pre-treatment and require additional machinery to perform
this. For example paper and card must be turned into a wet slurry before processing. Organic waste
is fed into the top of the tower in a continuous and gravity fed process. The tower does not require
artificial heating, biofiltration, mechanical agitation or air injection to compost. High temperatures
can be reached so the process can be ABPR compliant. Length of the process depends upon the
product required. The shortest being seven days for a stabilised material that can be used as surface
mulch. For a better quality product a longer cycle is needed and the product must be left in static piles
to mature

Modular system means you can increase capacity fairly easily (you would need extra space
for maturation though).

Units can process between 200kg and 100 tonnes per day adaptable to your requirements.

Vertical tower means a small operating footprint compared to other in-vessel processes.

Odour is controlled and no leachate it produced sealed unit.

Operational in Australia, working on MSW organics in Hillingdon, and working on

commercial organic streams in UK (Manchesters Smithfield Market) a definite possibility.

Q2. Based on the Bedminster video;

(a) Identify the type of system being used

(b) List the stages in the system
(c) What are the unique selling points for the system?
(d) How is odour controlled within the system?
(e) What markets are available for the product?
(f) What type of collection system will the technology fit?
(a) A Rotating Digestor. Mixed municipal waste
(b) Reception oversize materials are removed. Waste then goes into a rotating digestor for three
days where the organic fraction is digested. The material then goes through a screening process
where Inorganic materials are removed. Recyclables can be separated and sold on. Organic material
remaining then goes into an aerated chamber to be cured for six weeks. At the end of the process
the material is then put through a final screening.
(c) No need for shredding or grinding product is screened after its time in the rotating digestor. High
temperatures achieve composting regulation standards and produce an inert inorganic material that
can go to landfill. No odour enclosed facility. 60/70% reduction recycling rate.
(d) Facility is completely enclosed. Air is circulated and passes through biofilter beds under the site.
(e) Agriculture / Horticulture
(f) Mixed waste collection with recyclable materials either collected separately or remaining in the
waste stream

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