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End of Quimester 3 Summary Tables

Complete the following table summarizing the activities you have

completed this quimester. Tick which category each activity contained.
One activity may involve more than one category or indeed all three



Junior Branch
Agasajo Navideo
Andinos Camp
Ju Jutsu
Environment CAS Group

hours this term:

of total


Complete the following table summarizing your progress towards

achieving the 8 learning outcomes. Explain in what way the activity
helped you achieve the learning outcome.
Learning Outcome
Increased awareness of your
Well to begin with Ju Jutsu really
own strengths and areas for
increased my own strengths not
onl physiscally but mentally also
due to the fact that I had to
force mysealf to follow all of the
training days and all o the
training hours, I managed to
create a routine and follow this
routine. It also increased my
awearnes for areas for growth
because it really helped,with
each passing class, to define
what needed to be addressed
and what techniques I neded to
improve on. In the Gym I was
really awear of what muscle
groups were good on strength
and what muscle groups I
needed to work on, I would
perform a monthly check on

Undertaken new challenges

Planned and initiated activities

strength to see which of my

muscles have really improuved
on strength and which muscle
groups I needed to work at in
order to increase my strength.
Therfore it opened up my
opportunities for my areas for
growth and helped me to define
my workouts and meal plans.
In the Junior Branch I undertook
new challenges due to the fact
that I was in the directive board
for the planning of activities of
the Junior Branch and I was new
to it it was a challenge in the
beginning. In Andinos we had
the challenge of planning out
the regional projects and still to
this day making sure that they
are carried out properly. As for
the other activities in which I
took part in my re-forestation
group in CAS made me take on a
leadership role in the school
which in the beginning also
proved to be a challage to me
and to my fellow classmates
sicne we were in charge of
smaller years and other
children, we also had to plan out
the activities for them to do and
the different things goals which
we wanted to reach by the end
of the quimestrer.
In the JB I planned out activities
since I was in the directive
board, also in Andinos we had
the power to plan out the
regional projects which we
hoped to accomplish in the year
of 2015. Besides this I was in
charge of planning out the visit
in my CAS group in the school so
I needed to plan ahead of time
what we will be doing in the
visit to el vivero and also what
we did in some of the classes
which were given to us. Another
project in which I helped to plan

Worked collaboratively with


Shown perseverance and

commitment in your activities

Engaged with issues of global


out and initiate activities was in

the Gym I needed to formulate a
plan according to my tri monthly
progress in my priviouse routine
and how effective it had
been.For example if the old
workwout had really helped to
improuve the gains and the
strength in my upper body but
not in my lower body I would
have to change up the routine in
the lower body.
In CISV, the Junior Branch and in
my CAS group in school I had to
work collaboratively with others.
Because in order to plan out
activities for all three of these
we needed to see what was
really going to be effective and
what was going to be a wast of
time. In the JB directive board
meetings we needed to make
sure that every activity for the
next JB gathering was done
correctly with its wam ups and
the debrifings. For the CAS
group we needed to plan in
conjuction with my classmates
how we were going to carry out
the sessions for the next week
and the next visists to the
places which we all agreed on
going to, involving reforestation
In all of my activities I had to
show persevereance and
commitment they all were not
just a one day thing and
required a routine and
commitment in order to carry
them out.
In the CISV and in the JB we
dealt with issues of global
importance, such as conflict and
resolution and also concepts like
peace and what it really
represents. There we were
presented with the social reality
of the lower social classes and

Considered the ethical

implications of your actions

Developed new skills

with ideas of how we as global

citizens could help them out
through CISV and the JB in
conjuction. Also in Ju Jutsu we
dealt with self defence which is
an issue of global importance
since it implies knowing how to
defend yourself against
potential harm. Besides this in
El Agasajo Navideo we saw the
realitly of poverty in our country
and this to me as an individual
is an issue of global significance
since it is something which
people ignore but it is
something which needs to be
In the Junior Branch and in CISV,
but more importantly in my
schools CAS group. I saw how
litering an area can really affect
the eco-system and the plants.
And how endemic plants of the
area can help to restorate the
soils of the ecosystem and how
recycling can really help out in
the process of eliminating the
waste off our planet.
In Ju Jutsu I developed new skills
involving the developing of my
fighting techniques, also In the
gym I developed new ways in
which I as an individual commit
mysealf ot something like a
work out plan.

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