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Father Nicholas Gruner Publisher, The Fatima Crusader

Producer, Heaven's Peace Plan

Worldwide Daily Radio Program
May 31, 1989Our Lady's Feast Day
"Many souls go to hell because they have no one to pray and make sacrifices for
them." Our Lady of Fatima
Dear Friend of Jesus and Mary,
I have prayed very hard that this letter will touch your heart today.
Letters like this are always difficult to write, but this one is especially hard for
You see, once more I must come to you with open hands, urgently begging for
your prayers and help to meet pressing bills.
Oh, how I wish I did not have to ask you again!
But the many battles we have fought (and victories we have won!) for Our Lady
over the last months have taken a terrible toll on our meager resources.
To put just this issue of The Fatima Crusader into your hands has meant
going out and borrowing over $100.000 to pay for printing alone.
Combined with the costs of Our Lady's daily radio program (now on more than
50 stations around the world!) and so many other activities, we have reached
the financial breaking point!
For You and Your Family?
Why Do We Continue to Risk Everything
As you will read in this issue, hell's war on our faith and families is gaining in
fury with each passing day.
Drugs and pornography are poisoning our children while blasphemy and heresy
shake the very foundations of our Holy Church.
The great "spiritual disorientation" that Sister Lucy of Fatima said had infected
many bishops and priests has gotten to the point where the lives and souls of
our children are now in dire peril.
In many, many Catholic schools, sex education classes have replaced religious
instruction and in place of the ancient, proven truths of our Holy Faith, children
now receive trendy "theories" and modernist heresies.

Our children are being corrupted by some of the very ones who are entrusted
by God with their education and spiritual welfare ... and incredibly, almost no
one dares raise a voice in protest!
And while we unilaterally disarm, godless Communism (under a new "friendlier"
face) is continuing to encircle the Free World and hold captive millions of souls,
planning and preparing for the day when we are too morally dispirited and
militarily weak to resist.
Everywhere we turn, the warning words the Mother of God spoke to the
world at Fatima are unfolding before our very eyes!
But consider how few people (including our fellow Catholics) have actually even
heard those words ...
When was the last time you heard about Fatima from the pulpit ... or were told
that Our Lady's Message is our only hope to prevent enslavement or death at
the hands of Communist Russia?
When was the last time you heard a priest say "pray your Rosary everyday ...
wear the Brown Scapular ... Offer up reparation and penance for sins against
God and His Holy Mother"?
I am sure it has been a long, long time ...
And yet these solemn requests of Our Lady are more crucial to our welfare and
more necessary to our salvation than ever before!
That is why we believe it is worth any sacrifice to bring the saving words of Our
Lady to you and to others of good will.
Why I Must Keep Asking for Your Help
A few people have written or called to criticize me and complain about our
requests for financial assistance.
Perhaps these people do not realize that we do not have million-dollar
endowments or stock portfolios to help us make ends meet.
Like Sts. John Bosco and Maximilian Kolbe (who also went into debt to promote
the cause of Jesus and Mary), we depend totally on your offerings of love and
faith to help pay our bills.
And while over 1 million people will read this free issue of The Fatima
Crusader, less than one percent will actually help us pay the high costs of
printing and postage.

As much as I wish (and pray) there were another way, I have no choice but to
continue to ask for your sacrifices and pray that those who have not helped in
the past will help us now.
"We Are in a Spiritual Crisis Without Precedent"
For indeed time is desperately short, the signs of impending disaster can be
seen everywhere. Incredibly the USA continues to finance the Russian Military
machine which is poised to attack and take over the free world (see Phyllis
Schlafly's article Americans Should Say No to Financing the Soviets in this
But nowhere are these signs so evident as in the continuing crisis in our own
Holy Faith.
We are, as one leading Catholic writer has said, "in a spiritual crisis without
Slowly, but surely the Faith of our Fathers is being dismantled piece by piece.
And the Church's feeble missionary effort is presently failing badly.
Attendance at Holy Mass continues to decline (proportionally now lower than at
any time since the days of the Apostles and Martyrs) ...
In response, many priests are removing holy statues and high altars from their
churches in the name of "modernizing" them and making the Faith more
"attractive" to lapsed and non-Catholics.
One misguided bishop in Canada has gone so far as to take the kneelers out of
his cathedral, explaining that kneeling in the presence of our Lord in the Blessed
Sacrament of the Altar is no longer necessary or desirable!
So Goes the Rest of Society!
As the Church Goes,
Cardinal Ratzinger has confirmed that the 3rd Secret of Fatima "concerns
dangers to our faith and therefore to the life of Christians and therefore to the
life of the world."
Crime, drug-addiction, public corruption and private immorality are the surest
"fruits" of this great spiritual crisis which Our Lady warned us of at Fatima.
The war on the unborn has reached unprecedented heights. In a mere 15 years,
abortions in the U.S. have more than doubled (more than 22,000,000 babies
have been murdered since this crime was "legalized.")
But then, when you have priests and nuns marching in pro-abortion
demonstrations and Catholic schools teaching artificial contraception, can any of

us be surprised that Catholic women account for more than ONE-THIRD of all
U.S. abortions?
This Perverse Generation."
"Save Yourself from
These are St. Peter's own words on Pentecost to the people of Jerusalem. And
they ring truer to us today than ever before!
Our Lady came to Fatima to give each of us the chance to turn from the sin and
perversity around us and to rededicate ourselves to the solemn promises of our
Her Fatima Message remains our single greatest and our only real hope
for peace and an end to the crisis in our Holy Church.
My dear friend, Our Lady has called you and I to bring this Message of hope and
warning to the world.
We cannot wait, we dare not wait for others to do the work for us. If we do not
do it, who will?
Your Sacrifices Mean Everything
Only the past prayers and gifts of faithful friends have made it possible for us to
bring Our Lady's great Message of hope and warning to millions around the
As you may know, the Fatima Crusader is the only large-circulation magazine
promoting Our Lady's full Message just as She gave it at Fatima.
And "Heaven's Peace Plan" is the only radio program broadcasting Her words
around the globe on a daily basis.
Today, we desperately need your help to prevent these strong, loud voices for
Our Lady from being silenced forever!
to Reward Her Faithful Ones!
Our Lady has Promised
As I said, I wish I did not have to ask for your help today.
But knowing that Our Lady has promised to reward with great graces those who
remain faithful to Her makes it easier to ask ...
Your sacrifice of $1000, $500, $100, even $75 will help guarantee that Our
Lady's words will continue to reach out across the face of the earth,
transforming lives.

But if you cannot manage that much, a gift of any size or a monthly pledge
will help so much as I struggle to meet our bills and pay our debts.
Please, give whatever you can possibly afford. You and yours are in my prayers
every single day. Please pray for me also.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Father Nicholas Gruner
P.S. I will be praying for you at all my Masses throughout June the month of the
Sacred Heart. In the near future I will be on pilgrimage to Fatima.
I will be praying for each one of you at the very spot Our Lady appeared and
will personally pray there for your intentions at Her feet.
I will be praying especially that this letter will truly touch your heart and that
Our Lord and His Mother will give you the means to help us at this time of need.
Please send me your intentions that you wish me to remember at Mass on the
attached card.

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