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Lying in water depths of 2,400ft to 3,400ft, the West Seno field is Indonesia's first deepwater

development. It lies in the Makassar Strait PSC off Kalimantan, on the continental slope of
the northern Mahakam Delta and 50km from the Attaka field. It is operated by Unocal.
The reservoir sands were deposited in the Miocene. The structure is a four-way dipping
north-south oriented faulted anticline separated by faulting into two domains. The reservoirs
have porosities of up to 30% and permeabilities of 10mD to 1,000mD.
Based on 3D seismic and nearby wells, the West Seno field was discovered in 1998 by the
West Seno 2 well which encountered 205ft of pay. This was followed by West Seno 1, which
encountered 270ft of oil and 103ft of gas. West Seno 5 (60ft oil and 141ft gas) was drilled to
look at the southern extension while West Seno 3 (24ft oil and 39ft gas) looked at the
Northern down-dip extension. West Seno 7 (163ft oil) was drilled 2km from West Seno 1.
West Seno 8 (127ft oil and 97ft gas) was drilled in 1999.
The field is being produced in a staged development by two tension leg platforms and a
floating production unit, tied back by two export pipelines to onshore infrastructure.

Berdiri di kedalaman air 2,400ft sampai 3,400ft,West Seno adalah pengembangan

deepwater pertama di Indonesia. West Seno terletak di Selat Makassar di lereng kontinental
utara Delta Mahakam dan 50km dari lapangan Attaka. West Seno dioperasikan oleh Unocal.
Pasir reservoir disimpan di Miosen. Struktur adalah empat arah mencelupkan berorientasi
utara-selatan menyalahkan antiklin dipisahkan oleh faulting menjadi dua domain. Waduk
memiliki porositas hingga 30% dan permeabilitas dari 10mD ke 1,000mD.
Berdasarkan sumur seismik dan di dekatnya 3D, lapangan West Seno ditemukan pada tahun
1998 oleh West Seno 2 sumur yang ditemui 205ft membayar. Hal ini diikuti oleh West Seno
1, yang ditemui 270ft minyak dan gas 103ft. West Seno 5 (60ft minyak dan gas 141ft) dibor
untuk melihat ekstensi selatan sementara West Seno 3 (24ft minyak dan gas 39ft) melihat
ekstensi down-dip Utara. West Seno 7 (163ft minyak) dibor 2 km dari West Seno 1. West
Seno 8 (127ft minyak dan gas 97ft) dibor pada tahun 1999.
Bidang ini sedang diproduksi dalam pengembangan dipentaskan oleh dua platform kaki
ketegangan dan unit produksi terapung, diikat kembali oleh dua pipa ekspor ke infrastruktur


The first tension leg platform, TLP A, was installed in February 2003. Drilling plans
call for 28 wells which will be completed by the end of 2004. The weight of the TLP
deck and hull are 1,700t and 4,800t respectively, giving a total weight of 7,500t.
This TLP saw the first application of several design features including fixed, nonstroking tensioners for the production risers, a drilling production riser with mostly
threaded and coupled connections and tender supported drilling operations.
The TLP tendons are 3,200ft in length and made up of 18 segments of 165ft each,
with top and bottom segments used to attach it to the vessel and sea floor. The
tendons have a diameter of 26in and a wall thickness of 1.036in. Drilling is carried
out via Smedvig's tender assist vessel West Alliance.

The second tension leg platform, TLP B, will be installed in 2005, three miles from
TLP A, and will be the centre of a 20-well programme drilled by 2006. The TLP itself
will have a capacity of 24 wells


Tension leg platform pertama, TLP A, dipasang pada bulan Februari 2003. Pengeboran
rencana panggilan untuk 28 sumur yang akan selesai pada akhir tahun 2004. Berat dek TLP
dan lambung masing-masing 1,700t dan 4,800t, memberikan total berat 7,500t.
TLP ini melihat aplikasi pertama dari beberapa fitur desain termasuk tetap, non membelaitensioner untuk bangun produksi, riser produksi pengeboran dengan sebagian besar berulir
dan ditambah koneksi dan lembut didukung operasi pengeboran.
TLP tendon 3,200ft panjang dan terdiri dari 18 segmen 165ft masing-masing, dengan atas
dan segmen bawah yang digunakan untuk melampirkan ke kapal dan dasar laut. Tendon
memiliki diameter 26in dan ketebalan dinding 1.036in. Pengeboran dilakukan melalui lelang
Smedvig yang membantu kapal Barat Alliance.
Tension leg platform kedua, TLP B, akan dipasang pada tahun 2005, tiga mil dari TLP A, dan
akan menjadi pusat program 20-baik dibor oleh 2006. TLP sendiri akan memiliki kapasitas 24


The FPU, located 500m from TLP A, is a spread-moored barge lying in 3,200ft of water. It supports the
production facilities and living quarters. It has a design capacity for 60,000b/d oil, 150 million ft/d gas and
40,000b/d water. A maximum of 50,000ft/d gas of the produced gas can be reinjected for reservoir
support. Produced fluids arrive at the FSU via flexible flowlines. The FPU hull weighs 6,500t and the
topsides 1,900t, giving a total weight of 8,400t.

The first tension leg platform, TLP A, was installed in February 2003.

The floating production unit, located 500m from TLP A, is a spread-moored barge lying in 3,200ft of water.


The first tension leg platform, TLP A, was installed in February 2003. Drilling plans
call for 28 wells which will be completed by the end of 2004. The weight of the TLP
deck and hull are 1,700t and 4,800t respectively, giving a total weight of 7,500t.
This TLP saw the first application of several design features including fixed, nonstroking tensioners for the production risers, a drilling production riser with mostly
threaded and coupled connections and tender supported drilling operations.
The TLP tendons are 3,200ft in length and made up of 18 segments of 165ft each,
with top and bottom segments used to attach it to the vessel and sea floor. The
tendons have a diameter of 26in and a wall thickness of 1.036in. Drilling is carried
out via Smedvig's tender assist vessel West Alliance.
The second tension leg platform, TLP B, will be installed in 2005, three miles from
TLP A, and will be the centre of a 20-well programme drilled by 2006. The TLP itself
will have a capacity of 24 wells


Tension leg platform pertama, TLP A, dipasang pada bulan Februari 2003. Pengeboran
rencana panggilan untuk 28 sumur yang akan selesai pada akhir tahun 2004. Berat dek TLP
dan lambung masing-masing 1,700t dan 4,800t, memberikan total berat 7,500t.
TLP ini melihat aplikasi pertama dari beberapa fitur desain termasuk tetap, non membelaitensioner untuk bangun produksi, riser produksi pengeboran dengan sebagian besar berulir
dan ditambah koneksi dan lembut didukung operasi pengeboran.
TLP tendon 3,200ft panjang dan terdiri dari 18 segmen 165ft masing-masing, dengan atas
dan segmen bawah yang digunakan untuk melampirkan ke kapal dan dasar laut. Tendon
memiliki diameter 26in dan ketebalan dinding 1.036in. Pengeboran dilakukan melalui lelang
Smedvig yang membantu kapal Barat Alliance.
Tension leg platform kedua, TLP B, akan dipasang pada tahun 2005, tiga mil dari TLP A, dan
akan menjadi pusat program 20-baik dibor oleh 2006. TLP sendiri akan memiliki kapasitas 24

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