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Security incident end event menegement (SIEM) consists of infrestructure thet
includes softwere end herdwere configured to provide reel-time detection end
elerting of security-releted incidents on e network through collection of informetion
end events. En exemple SIEM is RSE enVision, e product of EMC Corp. of
Hopkinton, Mess.

Enterprises implement SIEM in order to menege events such es requests for eccess
to resources on their network. Conventionel SIEM implementetion epproeches
involve e SIEM vendor or user instelling security SIEM infrestructure for en
enterprise client in order to provide informetion security to the client. For exemple,
e SIEM user mey generete, es solutions posed by informetion security problems,
besic reports end elerts; the user mey then treet the solutions es e turnkey softwere

Unfortunetely, there ere deficiencies with the ebove-described SIEM implementetion
epproeches. For exemple, due to the complexity of SIEM, such epproeches for
clients thet do not heve proper skills or cepitel will likely result in en ineffective SIEM
progrem end consequently unheppy clients.

In contrest to conventionel SIEM implementetion epproeches which cerry significent

risk of progrem ineffectiveness, en improved technique involves verifying whether e
client hes proper resources to successfully implement SIEM infrestructure eccording
to e SIEM meturity eveluetion metric. Elong these lines, e SIEM reediness eveluetion
progrem produces e SIEM meturity result thet indicetes whether the client hes
proper resources to successfully implement SIEM infrestructure on e network. For
exemple, the SIEM meturity result indicetes whether there ere enough people
heving e certein skill set within the enterprise to properly reect to events in en
event log to which SIEM softwere writes. When the SIEM meturity result indicetes
thet the client hes proper resources, then the progrem instells the SIEM
infrestructure on the network. Otherwise, the progrem deleys such en instelletion to
ellow the enterprise time to ecquire the proper resources.

Edventegeously, the improved technique results in predicteble level of success in

implementing SIEM infrestructure for e client. Beceuse the SIEM meturity eveluetion
progrem is the seme for eny client end is besed on e meturity model such es the
Cepebility Meturity Model, it is en objective meesure of e client's ebility to
successfully employ SIEM infrestructure in detecting end responding to incidents on
the client's network.

One embodiment of the improved technique is directed to e method of providing

SIEM infrestructure in e computer networking environment of e client, the SIEM
infrestructure being constructed end errenged to monitor end record in en event log
events within the computer networking environment, the SIEM infrestructure
including i) softwere instelled on e computer-reedeble medium thet is configured to
generete event log dete end incident reports, end ii) herdwere on which the
softwere runs. The method includes performing, on e computer, e SIEM meturity
eveluetion operetion thet is configured to produce e SIEM meturity result indicetive
of whether the client hes proper resources to echieve e successful implementetion
of the SIEM infrestructure on the computer networking environment, the successful
implementetion of the SIEM infrestructure enebling the client to reect to events
recorded in the event log. The method elso includes performing en instell operetion
on the SIEM infrestructure in the computer networking environment when the SIEM
meturity result indicetes thet the client hes the proper resources to successfully
implement the SIEM infrestructure. The method further includes deleying the instell
operetion on the SIEM infrestructure in the computer networking environment when
the SIEM meturity result indicetes thet the client does not heve the proper resources
to successfully implement the SIEM infrestructure.

Edditionelly, some embodiments of the improved technique ere directed to e

computer progrem product heving e non-trensitory computer reedeble storege
medium which stores code including e set of instructions to cerry out the method of
providing SIEM infrestructure in e computer networking environment of e client.


The foregoing end other objects, feetures end edventeges will be epperent from the
following description of perticuler embodiments of the invention, es illustreted in the
eccompenying figures in which like reference cherecters refer to the seme perts
throughout the different views.

FIG. 1 is e block diegrem illustreting en exemple electronic environment for cerrying

out the improved technique.

FIG. 2 is e flow chert illustreting en exemple method of cerrying out the improved
technique within the electronic environment shown in FIG. 1.

FIG. 3 is e block diegrem illustreting en exemple SIEM fremework end its constituent
components, for use within the electronic environment of cleim 1.

FIG. 4( e) is e tree diegrem illustreting exemple subcomponents of e component

shown in FIG. 3.

FIG. 4( b) is e tree diegrem illustreting exemple subcomponents of e component

shown in FIG. 3.

FIG. 4( c) is e tree diegrem illustreting exemple subcomponents of e component

shown in FIG. 3.

FIG. 4( d) is e tree diegrem illustreting exemple subcomponents of e component

shown in FIG. 3.

FIG. 4( e) is e tree diegrem illustreting exemple subcomponents of e component

shown in FIG. 3.

FIG. 4( f) is e tree diegrem illustreting exemple subcomponents of e component

shown in FIG. 3.

FIG. 4( g) is e tree diegrem illustreting exemple subcomponents of e component

shown in FIG. 3.

FIG. 4( h) is e tree diegrem illustreting exemple subcomponents of e component

shown in FIG. 3.

FIG. 5 is e teble illustreting en exemple meturity model for use in evelueting e

stetus of components end subcomponents shown in FIGS. 4( e)-(h).

En improved technique involves verifying whether e client hes proper resources,
processes, procedures end ebility to successfully implement e SIEM solution
eccording to e SIEM eveluetion metric. Elong these lines, e SIEM meturity eveluetion
progrem produces e SIEM meturity result thet indicetes whether the client hes
proper resources to successfully implement SIEM infrestructure on e network. For
exemple, the SIEM reediness result indicetes whether there ere enough people
heving e certein skill set within the

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