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Mushrooms Effects

Mushrooms taken for the high are labeled psilocybin mushrooms. This is the organic
compound naturally produced in mushrooms, in over 200 varietal types. Most users
take these mushrooms in much the same way that everyone eats themon pizza, in
salads, stir fries, etc.

Immediate Effects of Mushrooms

Ingesting these types of mushrooms has a strong hallucinogenic effect that begins to
affect the user within 20-30 minutes. Early effects of the active ingredients in
mushrooms, psilocybin, psilocin, and baeocystin, are broken down into psilocin once
they have been taken. The initial feelings are described as mild anxiety or anticipatory
sensations. Entire physical body sensation of energy or mild electricity running through
the body is common.
As the drug begins to take effect more powerfully, visual and mental changes take
place. These are beginnings of strong emotional and mental charges, such as insight,
new perspectives, and changing feelings, sometimes confusion and mild anxiety. Most
users report a lot of laughter and strong visual hallucinations when eyes are closed.
The effects one feels on shrooms is similar to those experienced on LSD or mescaline.
Users generally report high euphoric sensations, along with great mental and emotional
clarity and vision. As the drug becomes more powerfully integrated into the body of the
user, vivid visual hallucinations occur.
Some users experience mild nausea and anxiety that may border on paranoia. This
occurs most often with high doses of psilocybin. The effects last most strongly for 4-6
hours, with a residual period of up to three hours while the drug wears off for the user.
This can prevent users from falling asleep or being able to mentally function.
Research since 2010 is beginning to show the effects of mushrooms, using brain
imaging. This data is proving to be of some value in treatment for depression and other
psychological problems. Beneficial applications of psilocybin may include treatment for
memory loss, such as amnesia or possibly Alzheimers as well as other mental health
problems where decreases in ruminating thought patterns are required.

Positive Effects of Mushrooms

mood enhancing, euphoric

laughing and giggling, general feeling of happiness
strong flow of creativity, which can be in various forms
insightful ideas and sense of creative energy
users experience a strong sense of wonder and awe
most users report feeling spiritually uplifted and impacted
some medical research indicates relief from cluster headaches
newer research shows possible treatment benefits for depression and ruminating

Neutral Effects of Mushrooms

becoming more intensely aware of emotions and sensations

change in focus of attention such as seen in other psychoactive drugs
slows down perception of time, allowing some users to reduce anxiety and stress

visual and perceptual hallucinations

dilation of pupils
retrieval of memories
sensations of energetic experience (such as buzzing, humming) in the body
increased heart rate, although some may experience decrease in heart rate
high blood pressure, especially for those with hypertension
physical sensation of stretchiness of limbs

Negative Effects of Mushrooms

headaches, often experienced as the effects of the drug wear off, even occurring
the next day, and lasting up to 24 hours after taking mushrooms
intense fear, even paranoia
nausea, primarily experienced when mushrooms are eaten raw or in dried form
anxiety, which ranges from mild to extreme and may be caused by higher doses
some users report being dizzy or experiencing confusion with mushrooms
can exacerbate mental illness or push latent mental disorders into expression
attention disruption
serious interactions have been recognized when mixed with other drugs,
especially alcohol
can cause problems for those with low blood pressure, who may experience
lightheadedness and/or loss of consciousness

Permanent Effects of Mushrooms

Few permanent effects are recognized with mushroom use. Those who have psychotic
reactions to the drug may have pre-existing mental illness that has not yet been
diagnosed. A psychotic experience on hallucinogenic drugs is a risk for those who have
latent mental illness. The psychotic experience may have permanent effects on the
user. These can be recognized as panic attacks, anxiety and paranoia. A complete
psychotic episode of audio or visual hallucinations will occur with use of the drug, but
may continue in users with additional mental illness.
Some users reported long-term, even some permanent, effects of using mushrooms
including increased memory and insight. Others have reported flashbacks. These are
occasions of recurrence of hallucinations that are similar to the high of mushrooms.
These are random experiences and few have been substantiated as having been
caused by use of mushrooms.

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