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Animates everything being in the center of universe .It is the source of life force in
the individual .Air is said to be yogvaha that means easily mixable and it produces
heat when mixes with fire and coldness when in combines water element or
kapha .Air is equivalent to neutron which produces atomic fire by joining fire
element or electron in nucleus of an atom and atomic coldness by mixing with
proton or element of water .In an atom neutron stands for the vata element which
splits up atom in to electron and protons .Electron stand s for pitta while proton is
kapha .Vata has high mixing qualities and by mixing qualities it helps the other two
doshas .The two other doshas are lame and cannot move in the absence of vata
element .Only they are driven by the vata they shower like clouds . one can
visulaise the quiet sea which becomes turbulent due to storm. Philin in 2013 and
hudhud now in 15 th oct 2014 is a calamity because of air in the sea .Similarly fire
spreads with the assistance of air without which it would be extinguished .In the
language of mythology Vishnu is vata and blue in colour same colour which we see
of clean sky in the daytime blue , brahma is pitta and red coloured ,the colour of
blood or fire ,and maheshwar is kapha white coloured .Brahma is creator similarly
as the pitta is involved in creation. Like Vishnu is all pervasive air pervades every
life and preserves it .Maheshwar is the destroyer of the world even as cold kills by
destroying heat.
Vata is in every cell tissue organ or in limb, it is the vital force and present
everywhere in the body. It is the cause of the origin growth and destruction of all
animated beings.
Vata is light cold dry mobile and piercing.

LOCATION OF AIRIt resides in the intestines, thighs, loin, feet, bones, urinary bladder and pelvis. The
special seat of air is lower intestine called colon.
Air maintains the two other doshas, ten principles of Vayu and simultaneously
controls their functions .The air is generated from colon and then spreads from here
thus when this area remains under control of vata that is vata is in balance other
parts of body remains under control, and similarly when this area is controlled in
cases of vitiated vata or vata imbalance the diseases also comes under control.

TYPES OF VATAPRANA-forward moving air

It moves inward
This resides mainly in the cavity of the mouth, ear, tongue, nose, the head, and
thorax including the heart and lungs.

Prana is propulsive in nature that is setting things in motion and guiding them .
This enables food to go in to the stomach drinking of water and liquids inhalation of
air ,reception of senses and sensory impressions and mental experiences. . Due to
its vicinity with heart it protects life .

Spitting , sneezing , eructation, breathing and swallowing of food are also done by
this vayu .
Prana also maintains the working of heart ,the mind ,the senses,the intellect
,veins,arteries ,lymphatics and nerves etc.
Derangement-hiccough ,asthma
UDANAIt occupies the other part of the body and especially the throat .The other seats are
umbilicus and thorax.
We talk sing ,cough ,or sneeze with the help of this air .Due to malfunction of udana
hiccoughs result.
One of the special power of the udan vayu is the rousing of the mind, memory and
Derangement paralysis of speech ,Sneeze ,cough
SAMANAIt is located in the umbilical region between stomach and intestines.
It helps in digestion by splitting up food in to fragments and separate waste matter
like urine stool and also separates the dhatus from the food to nourish the
It excites the pachkagni
Samana pushes downward the waste products from stomach.
Derangementdysentery ,diarrhea and like .
VYANAIt is present throughout the human organism.
It supplies the rasa dhatus to all parts of the body and cell, keeps them lubricated.
Outflow of blood and perspiration.

Upward and downward movements ,contraction and expansion and movement in

general is caused by vyana.
Derangement paralysis of single part , hemiplegia and quadriplegia or whole body
APANAThe special seat of Apana is in the rectum and carries down forward waste matter
like faeces ,urine etc.
It is also located in the both testicles ,generative organs-penis, hip joint ,urinary
bladder ,the thighs and the umbilicus .
Apana helps the fetus to come out of the womb.
Derangement-diseases of large intestine and bladder .

The word Prameha is derived from the 'Miha sechane' which means watering. Pra
means excess of urine in both frequency and volume. Prameha, thus, becomes selfexplanatory and holds the twin meanings of "Prabhutha mutratha" or excessive
urination and "Avilmutratha" or turbid urine
PRAMEHA is caused by the vitiationof adipose tissue or vasa or medas dhatu ,urine
and kapha .it is of 20 types. Three doshas and tissue elements dhatus like medas
(adipose tissues), rakta blood , sukra-semen, ambu-watery element ,vasa-muscle
fat,lasika-lymph ,majja bone marrow,rasa plasma , ojas, and pisita muscle tissue
all these are afflicted in thetwenty types of prameha.

ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS OF PRAMEHA "Aashyasukham swapnasukham dadhinigramyoodkanuprasaa pyaamsi

Navaaanpaanam gudvayikritam ch prameha hetu kapahakrich swaramn.
1.Asyasukha (excessive food intake)
2.Swapnasukha (excessive sleep)
3.Dadhi (curd)

4.Gramya mamsa (meat of domestic animals)

5.Oudaka mamsa (aquatic animals)
6.Anupa mamsa (marshy animals)
7.Payamsi (milk and milk products)
8.Navanna (new grains)
9.Gudavikriti (jaggery and its products)
10.Kaphakara ahara (food and beverages increasing kapha dosha)
11.Avyayama (sedentary life)
12.Alasya (laziness)
13.Sheeta-snigdha-madhura ahara (old, unctuous and sweet substances)
14.Dravanna (excess liquid diet) etc

Origin of the disease:

Due to the above said factors, Kapha dosha is dominantly aggravated (in
association with other doshas) and they affect medas (fat), mamsa (flesh), udaka
(lymphatic channel/endocrinal secretions) etc. Due to the abnormal digestion, the
afflicted dhatus (tissues and their derivatives) are driven towards urinary system
and the disease prameha is resulted. Based upon the dosha involvement their
degree of affliction and gradation of the illness, various signs and symptoms are
resulted. According to the features, different names are given


1. Prabhutavilamootrata (polyuria): Swedawaha srotoavrodha causes increased

urinary out put with turbidity

2. Madhuratava in mutra : Glycosuria

3.Dantadiham mala sanchaya: Due to ama, deposits are seen in mouth. sticky
material in the joints of teeth etc .

4. Panipada daha : Abundance of unutilized glucose in the blood. This causes

disturbance in the equilibrium of dhatus and doshas in the body exposing body to
further complications. It gives rise to padapani daha, which means burning
sensation of feet and palm.
5.Chikkanta - Stickiness.

6. Trishna (Thirst and Polydipsia) : In the process of lypolysis, more water is utilized
which results into activation of thirst center in the brain.

7. Swadasyata : Sweetness is experienced in the mouth due to increase in the

sugar level. appearance of sweet taste in the mouthg-fruit odor or aldehyde odour
from mouth

8. smoothness of the skin in the body ,

Common s/s1] Excessive urine formation & Frequent urination.

2] Burning of palms and soles.
3] Increased hunger
4]Excessive Thirst.
5]Sweet taste to mouth etc.
6]Weight Loss
7]Blurry Vision
8]Wounds that take time to heal
9]Skin Infections
10]Unexplained extreme fatigue
Voiding large quantity of muddy urine

A) HETU BEDHAS (As per etiology)
1. Sahaja prameha : Juvenile or congenital diabetes.
Diabetes right from birth or who is born of diabeteic parents is not curable
because of defective genes or bija dopsha.simillary other congeniotal or
hereditary diseases is kulaja that is familial and are not curable .
Genetical view regarding prameha are clearly mentioned by Charaka and Shusurata
samhita. They have given a specific word 'Beej dosha' i.e., which means a defect in
genes if transliterated to English. Beej means seed and dosha means defect.
Charaka has described anatomy of beej as below:
Beej = Semen or Shukra
Beej bhaga = Chromosome
Sushrutha has said that kshetra, ambu, beeja and ritu are the four factors involving
genetic factor of any diseases, and these mean:
Kshetra > Womans reproductive organs
Beej > Sperm
Ambu > Watery contents that gives nutrition to fetus
Ritu > Environment around the fertilized ovum or fetus
Also the physical and mental stages including dietary habits of pregnant lady can
cause changes in the body of the offspring.
2. Kulaja : Familial
3. Apathyaja : Due to improper dietary habits
B) DEHA PRAKRITI BEDHAS (As per features of the body)
1. Sthula pramehi : Obese-related
2. Krisha pramehi : Leanness-related

C) MUTRA BIKARA BEDHAS (As per urinary abnormality)

Kaphaja :
Kapha causes pramehas by affecting medhas thus altering lipid metabolism),
muscles and body fluid situated in urinary bladder. Easily curable with sama
kriya i.e. tissue elements affected are all amenable to similar types of
treatment. They are of ten types as:

(Chronic nephritis, Diabetes insipidus) > Watery urine. urine transparent white ,cold
and smellless like udaka or water
(Alimentary glycosuria) > Like sugar cane. Urine slightly muddy, slimy and
extremely sweet like sugarcane juice or ikshu rasa.
(Phosphaturia) > Viscous urine. Urine concentrated (Sandra= concentrated)and
thick if kept overnight .
> Having solid precipitate
Sura mehaUrine transparent above and thick below like alcohol or sura
Pista mehaPt gets horripilation and passes urine in large quantity which is thick and white like
a paste of flour or pista. (from pista --pisthi and thenpeda)
(Chyleuria, albuminuria) > White
(Spermaturia) > Urine with semen. Urine is mixed with semen and is also like semen
or sukra in appearance .
> Cold urine. Urine is profuse in quantity with sweet in taste and sita or cold in
> Delayed and very slow impulse of urination. Urine passes very slowly and in very
small quantity.

LALAMEHA (Albuminaria)
> Saliva-like urine. Urine extremely slimy and string comes out of it when touched
(Lithuria) > Urine with gravels. Urine comes along with waste products like gravel of
Complications in kaphaja pramehaIndigestion , anorexia, vomiting , excessive sleep ,cough and pinas that is chronic

2. Pittaja/ Paittik prameha

Pitta aggravated by hot things causes the same by affecting medas, muscles and
body fluid situated in urinary bladder.Tissues afflicted here need dissimilar or
oppositetypres of treatment called visama kriya and thus they are only palliable
that means they are free from all the s/s and ailment as lojng as pt is taking
medicines but becomes victim of these diseases again after he gives up medicines .
They are of six types as :

(Alkanuria) > Urine like alkali. Smell taste ,colour , touch and appearance of the
urine is like those of the alkali preparation.
(Indikanuria) > Black urine. Urine is coloured like Black.

(Indikanuria) > Blue urine. Urine is coloured like indigo or blue
(Biluria) > Turmeric-like urine. Taste of urine is pungent and the colour is yellow like
turmeric .
(Urobilinuria) > Urine is lighter. Urine is foul smelling and is red in colour like the
juice or decoction of manjishtha Rubia cordifolia.

(HAEMETURIA) > Urine is deep red. Urine is foul smelling ,hot ,saline in taste and
red like blood in colour .
Complication of paittika pramehaPain in the region of pudendum and urinary bladder ,cracking pain in the scrotum,
fever , burning sensation,thirst ,mental fatigue , fainting and diarrhea.

3. Vataja /vatika prameha:

Vayu, on relative diminution of other two doshas, draws on the dhatus in urinary
bladder and thus causes Prameha. Prameha caused by vata and associated with
pain has blackish or reddish urine. By nature they are very serious or mahatyaya
and are incurable . They are of four types as:

(Albuminuria) > Urine with majja . Urine comes very frequently and the urine is
mixed with bone marrow or majja like substance and he passes only bone marrow or
majja while passing urine .
(Diabetes mellitus) > Urine with ojas.
Urine is astringent ,sweet in taste and unctuous like is of two
variety is caused by the diminution of dhatus or elements as a result of the
aggravated vata or vayu. Second variety is caused by the diminution of tissue
element because of the obstruction in their channel of circulation or srotas by the
doshas .in the obstructed variety s/s of obstructed doshas is manifested. At times
these dhatus gets reduced and at times these are replenished. Ultimately the
madhu meha becomes incurable .in all types of diabetes sweet element of the body
is passed thru urine .Because of excessive sweetness in the body,all such ailments
are called madhumehaOjas is essence of life, extract of all the dhatus (body tissue), which manifests in the
form of bala (strength). This essence of all dhatus (tissues) and the main entity of
immunity is spread all over the body. Normally all the physical, psychic, sensory and
motor functions are determined by ojas. It is frothy, clear, unctuous, sweet, thick,
heavy, cold and slimy in nature. The appearance of ojas is supposed to be like ghee
(in purity and luster), taste is supposed to be like honey, and smell like fried paddy.
In diabetes mellitus normal quantity of ojas in the body hampered in two ways:

i) By obstruction in vessels (Srotorodha)

ii) By degeneration of the body contents (Dhatukshaya)
Due to the relative causes of the disease Madhumeha, imbalanced Doshas
(especially Kapha and Pitta in association with Vata) block the channels related to
Meda (adipose tissue / fat tissue) and Mamsa (muscle). Due to obstruction of Vata, it
transforms sweet ojas into astringent mixed sweet taste like honey. Thus, it
discharges in the urine. Thus, the condition Madhumeha is resulted.

(. . ) any of the prameha (urinary disorder) if

neglected ultimately it ends up in madhumeh due to nature of the illness

Causes for diabetes as per Ayurveda
1. Sahaja (inherited factor)
2. Guda (jaggery)

3. Ikshurasa (sugar cane)

4. Madhura Ahara (sweet substances)
5. Pishta Ahara (carbohydrate rich food)
6. Adyashana (repeated food intake)
7. Adhikashana (excess food intake)
8. Ahitashana (unwholesome diet)
9. Chinta (stress)
10. Shoka (grief)
11. Bhaya (fear)
12. Deergha roga (long standing illness)
13. Alasya (sedentary life)
14. Avyayama (lack of body exercise)
15. Guru ahara (heavy food)
16. Samashana (improper diet) etc
Stages of the illness: a special reference10 stages for Diabetes in succeeding order:
1. Vasti bheda (pricking pain in bladder)
2. Murtra peedana (pain during micturition)
3. Vata prakopa (features of aggravated vata in urine)
4. Sannipata dosha prakopa (multiple dosha involvement/tissue damage)
5. Dhatu nasha (tissue necrosis/systemic effect)
6. Daha-moha (burning and hallucination)
7. Mootratisara (severe urination)
8. Mootra granthi/mootra sada (dysuria or controlled urine)
9. Ati trishna (severe thirst) and
10. Mrityu (death)

Features of Madhumeha:
1. Atimutrata (excess urination)
2. Avila mutrata ( turbid urine)
3. Madhu tulya (urine similar to honey- sweetish astringent)
4. Panduta (pallor of the body)
5. Rukhsata (dryness of the body)
6. Dourbalya (debility)
7. Ratisu anasakti (loss of sexual urge)
8. Dourgandhya (bad body odor)
9. Dhatu kshaya (emaciation) etc

Complications of diabetes:
1. Hridroga (cardiac disorder)
2. Loulya (urge to have food)
3. Anidra (loss of sleep)
4. Stambha (stiffness of the body)
5. Kampa (shivering)
6. Shoola (body ache)
7. Baddha purishata (constipation)
8. Udavarta (regurgitation)
9. Shosha (emaciation)
10. Kasa (cough)
11. Shwasa (dyspnea) etc.
(Lipuria) > Urine with vasa. Urine is mixed with vasa or muscle fat

(Prostatitis) > Urine with lasika. Urine copious like rouge elephant .he always has
the urge for passing urine .urine contains lymph or lasika and nodule like substance
Complications in vatika pramehaUdavarta or upward movement of wind in the abdomen,obstruction and irritation in
the throat and the heart, colic pain, sleeplessness ,consumption,cough ,and

Additional varietiesKhatika pramehaUrine looks like chalk or khatika khadi powder mix with water .It is caused by vayu
and and kapha .this ailment is easily curable .
Puya pramehaPus comes in theurine and all three doshas are vitiated and thus very difficult to
cure .

Secondary diabetesAll types of prameha if not treated in appropriate time and appropriately they lead
to madhu meha diabetes mellitus and then becomes incurable .

Intake of protein content should be normal i.e., 1gm/kg. In children it may be
Fats should be moderate; excessive intake of fats forbidden.
Carbohydrate intake must be minimized in order to reduce blood sugar.
Total calories should be adequate for the growing children and underweight
persons. In obese patients it might be necessary to reduce calories.

Adequate amount should be supplied.

Vitamin-B complex group should be taken to prevent and treat polyneuritis.
Sweet drinks and carbohydrate drinks should be avoided. Cakes, pastries, cream,
dried and caned fruits, sweet pickles, and meats should be avoided.
Thin vegetable soups supply fewer calories. So obese persons are encouraged to
take large quantities which would fill up their stomach and give them a sense of
Green vegetables:
Diabetics should consume large amount of green vegetables, which are poor source
of calories. Brinjals, spinach, and tomatoes can be consumed in plenty. Salads with
lime or vinegar are useful.
Dried fruits and nuts should be avoided, and so should be bananas and mangoes.
Orange and apples can be taken.
Sweets and ice cream or custard are not allowed.
Cooking media:
Ghee, oils, butter all are rich in calories so an obese diabetic is allowed only 1
teaspoonful per meal.
Tea and coffee:
Tea and coffee are permitted but milk and sugar should be regulated.

Regimen for diabetes

1] Diet planning- is the cornerstone of managing diabetes.The diabetic diet is an
otherwise normal balanced diet, with a few modifications and proper spacing
between food intakes. Avoid diet increasing kapha dosha such as sugar, fats,
potatoes, rice. Avoid alcohol.

Use barly ,Varee, Mung, Kulittha, Chickpeas, old rice, bitter gourd, Dodaka, dudhee
gourd in diet. Roasted rice and wheat are more useful . Include 'Tikta ras' items in
2] Daily exercise- One of the methods to heal prameha include strenuous exercises.
Regular exercise in any form is a must. In 'Yogasanas' -Forward bending asanas like
'Paschimottanasan','Halasan' etc. are effective
3]Restrict and reduce weight.
4] Avoid sleeping during daytime.
5] Avoid smoking.
6] Try to reduce stress by implimenting 'Yoga'practice.
7] Unwholesome diet: avoid these
1.Kanda moola (root-rhizome)
2.Ikshu (sugar cane juice)
6.Kanjika/shukta(sour gruels)
8.Pishtanna(carbohydrate rich food)
9.Anupamamsa(animals of marshy land)
10.Dadhi (curd)
11.Navanna (new grains)
12.Divaswapna (day sleep) etc

Useful herbs for diabetes management

1] Jambhul (Eugenia jambolana)Powder from jamun core is useful.
2] Gurmar(gymnema sylvestre).
3] Bitter Gourd/bitter melon (Momordica charantia)
4] Bel (Aegle marmelos).

5] Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum)

6] Turmeric
7] Neem.
8] Triphala
9] Shilajit
Haridra Turmeric Curcuma longa
Amalaki Amla Indian Gooseberry
Jambu Jamun seed Syzygium cumini (Linn.) Skeels.
Udumbara Ficus glomerata Roxb.
Haritaki Terminalia chebula Retz.
Meshashringi Gymnema sylvestre R. Br.
Lodhra Symplocos racemosa Roxb.
Asana Saraca indica Linn.
Vata Ficus bengalensis Linn
Guggulu Commiphora mukul (Hook. Ex. Stocks.) Engl.
Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers.
Nimba Neem Azadirachta indica A. Juss.
Pata Cissampelos pareira Linn.
Ashwattha Ficus religiosa Linn.
Durva Cynodon dactylon (Linn.) Pers.
Gokshura Tibulus terrestris Linn.
Manjishta Rubia cordifolia Linn.
Khadira Acacia catechu Willd.
Devadaru Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) Loud.
Aragwadha Cassia fistula Linn.

MUDURAM MUDRAThe patient should do the practice of Mudurama Mudra in this disease. This mudra
helps in the treatment of this disease and makes the body healthy. The practice of
this mudra should be done by twice a day sitting in the position of any mudra.
First, sit on the floor in any asana for practice of Mudurama Mudra. Now clench fist
of the right hand and raise it up and put the elbow on the palm of right hand. Stay
in this position for one minute. After that, change the position of hands and put the
left elbow on the right palm and stay in this position for one minute too. Thus, the
practice of this mudra should be done at least for 30 minutes regularly.
Pitta-naashak mudra

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