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A number of scholars opine that AmenHoteb/p IV was the first Egyptian Monarch

who was a Monothiest and a founder of Egyptian Monothiesm. But this opinion is
incorrect. Since Monothiesm did exist in Ancient Egypt. Although majority of
Egyptian were Polythiests and followed a Polythiestic religion may be renamed as
Egyptian Polythiestic Religion, there were two more religions beside this one,a]
Monothiestic Religion, b]Harmonic Religion.
Egyptian Monothiestic Religion believed in only one God.Harmonic religion believed
that there is only one God , and all the lower gods and godesses are just the
incarnations or manifestations of this God.
But these two religions were in minority in ancient Egypt. Dr Burgsche has provided
sufficient evidence on the existence of Monothiestic Egyptian in ancient Egypt.
Some articles of faith of Egyptian Monothiestic Creed:a)God is with out a proper name.How ever He hath numerous names/epithets.
b)God Is One and Alone
c)God hath made All Things.
d)He Hath been from the Begining. He Hath Been from the Old.
e)He Existed when nothing else Existed.
f)God Is Truth and He liveth by Truth.
e) God is Eternal and Infinite.
f)No man knoweth His Likeness.
g) No man knoweth how to know Him.
Monothiestic Religion believed in a Self Existing ,Eternal and Infinite God,One That Is
Without a second,
(See M.Pierre), the Almighty One, the Maker Of Evdery Thing, the Father of all
Fathers, and the Mother
Of all mothers, This God hath no Proper Noun but Hath several Improper Nouns and
God is One and Alone, and none other existed With Him. He is a hidden Spirit. He
Existed from in the Beginning.He Hath Existed from the Old. He Endureth every eye.
This God was in the beginning when nothing Existed beside Him. He Existed when
when nothing else Existed.No one (man) is able to seek his likeness. He is a Mystry
to His Creatures.

This God is a Spirit. This God Is Truth. This God liveth by Truth. He is the King of
The Almighty Power Of Divine Spirit appeared in the form of Sun. This God Is the Life
Through Which Humans Live. He giveth life to humans (men). He begeteth
(Maketh,Produceth) but is not begotten(Made,Produced).
He is the maker of the World (Universe), He Maketh All that there in is.
A number of passages written on Tablets shews that Sun was a sign of Him inwhich
He (His Glory) Henifests. How ever this may not be a view of initial follwers of
Egyptian Monothiesm but a latter addition.

One may see:Dr Brugsche De Rouge works:1] Studes des Ritual Funeraire des Ancient Egyptians i Revue Acrcheologique Paris
1860 p-72
2] La croyance a Uni du Dieu Supreme.
If this is all correct then it is clear that Amen Hoteb/p IV was not the first person who
was a Monothiest in ancient Egypt but this religion Pre-Existed him.
How ever like Hitler who made his own reforms in the game of Cricket , this
Egyptian Monarch modified Monothiestic Religion of Ancient Egypt according to his
mentality and sensiblity. Such modifications cannot prove that Monothiestic Ideas
came in his mind out of nothing , and from no where.
Instead he borrowed them from Ancient Egyptian Religion and modified to some
AkhenAten tried to equate the the nameless God of Monothistic Egyptian Religion by
a god named Aten in Polytiestic Religion of Egypt.
So ancient Monothiestic Religion of Egypt was merged with AkhenAten's
Monothiestic religion. Yet it cannot be said that the followers of the ancient ceased
them must have become much less in number.
After AkhenAten however all Monothiestic religions in Egypt must have declined ,
and did cease to be even as a minority religions, wwith the possible exception of
some individuals holding some sort of Monothiestic religion.

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