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S-function direct feedthrough handling

File: matlabroot/simulink/src/sfuntmpl_directfeed.txt
Copyright 1990-2003 The MathWorks, Inc.
$Revision: $
It is very common for S-function authors to write incorrect S-functions when
configuring the S-function direct feedthrough flag. We often find that
S-function authors are confused about what the correct setting for the direct
feedthrough flag should be. Part of the confusion is because the term direct
feedthrough is misleading. To reduce the confusion, you can think of the direct
feedthrough setting as a 'needs input' setting. Specifically, if the S-function
access an input signal in either mdlOutputs() or mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit(), then
the direct feedthrough flag must be set to 1 (true).
For example, if a level 2 C-MEX S-function uses:
in its mdlOutputs() or mdlGetTimeOfNextHit() methods, then the S-function
is required to set the direct feedthrough flag to true in its
mdlInitializeSizes() method:
ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 1); /* need direct feedthrough */
If the S-Function fails to specify the direct feedthrough, or
specifes it wrongly as:
ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 0); /* no direct feedthrough */
/* (this is the default) */
then the S-Function is incorreclty written.
Simulink R12 and prior had a special S-function block sorting mode to try and
compensate for S-functions with incorrect direct feedthrough settings. Simulink
would first try sorting blocks for execution by assuming the S-function had
direct feedthrough when the S-function specified that it did not have direct
feedthough. If this resulted in an algebraic loop, a second sorting would be
done with the direct feedthrough flag in its original state (i.e., no direct
feedthrough). The problem with this scheme is that it can lead to incorrect
execution orders for cases involving S-functions within nonvirtual
subsystems. It can also result in slower update diagram (compile) times. In
addition to these problems, accessing an input signal when the corresponding
input port direct feedthough is not set will result in uninitialized memory
reads which can cause crashes.
In Simulink R12.1 we removed the 'special S-funciton block sorting mode' and
NULL'd out the input signals provided to S-functions during mdlOutput()
and mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit() when the corresponding input port does
not have direct feedthrough. Note, for M-file/Fortran S-functions, Simulink
sets the input signal values to NaN for this condition. Therefore, in R12.1
and later C-MEX S-functions will cause a segmentation violation when
illegally accessing the input signal. On some of our supported platforms
we are able to detect this condition in our signal handler and will
report the following diagnostic message:
<segmentation violation, register state, and stack trace output>
This segmentation violation occurred while executing an S-function.

A common cause of this segmentation violation is an incorrect input port

direct feedthrough setting. Each input port of the S-function that is
read (accessed) in mdlOutputs and/or mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit must
specify that it needs its input signal in these routines by setting
direct feedthrough for these input ports.
1) To debug your C-MEX S-function, you can enable diagnostics by compiling
the S-function source with the -g flag, for example,
mex -g sfunction_name.c.
2) You can ask Simulink to try assuming your S-function has direct
feedthrough using
If Simulink can find a valid sorting mode that does not result in
algebraic loops involving your S-function, your model will execute
(assuming that the cause of this segmentation violation is an
incorrect direct feedthrough setting on an input port).
See matlabroot/toolbox/simulink/src/sfuntmpl_directfeed.txt
If you have S-functions with incorrect settings for the direct feedthrough,
we suggest correcting the settings. To correct the setting, you need
to edit your S-function source code. If you have a level 2 C-MEX S-function,
you need to have specify
in mdlInitializeSizes for each input port that requires it input signal in the
mdlOutput or mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit function. If you have an M-file
S-function you need to set the 6 element of the first output argument
(usualy sys or sizes) to 1.
In Simulink R12.1 we enhanced the mex compilation phase such that
if you specify the -g switch when compiling your C-MEX S-function, e.g.,
mex -g sfunction_name.c
your code will be instrumented such that an incorrect access to an
input signal will generate a diagnostic message like the following when
an invalid access is performed during model execution:
S-function 'sfun_name' in block 'modelname/sfcn' is attempting to
access the signal entering input port 2 in either mdlOutput() or
mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit(). This is not permitted because
this S-function did not register in its mdlInitializeSizes()
that it has has direct feedthrough using
ssSetInputPortDirectFeedthrough(S,inputPortIndex,1). Please
update the S-function to have direct feedthrough or
remove the calls to ssGetInputPort[Real]Signal[Ptrs]() in
mdlOutputs() and mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit(). Illegally accessing the input
will cause a segmentation violation by dereferencing the NULL pointer.
If for some reason you don't have the source code so you can fix your
S-function, we have provided a temporary simulation parameter,
that will enable the 'special S-function block sorting mode'. When you specify
this parameter you will receive the once per model load message:
Model 'modelname' has specified
This setting enables a special execution mode found in Simulink 4.0 and
earlier that attempts to compensate for S-functions that:
(1) Specify in mdlInitializeSizes that they don't have direct
feedthrough on their input ports; and

(2) In their mdlOutputs or mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit methods they then

access the corresponding input signals.
This compensation mode can result in incorrect block execution orders for
models involving S-functions within nonvirtual subsystems. Please update any
S-functions in your model to specify direct feedthrough for any input port
signals that are accessed in mdlOutputs() or mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit() and
then run set_param('modelname','TryForcingSFcnDF','off');
Note, the term 'direct feedthrough' can be misleading. To reduce the
confusion, you can think of the direct feedthrough setting as a 'needs
input' setting. Specifically, if the S-function access an input signal in
either mdlOutputs() or mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit(), then the direct feedthrough
flag must be set to 1 (true). For more information see

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