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1) Abate(v)-becomes less severe-MODERATE

to reduce in degree or intensity

-slack(v), let up, die away
Usg: "The storm abated"
The rain let up after few hours

2) aberrant(n)-not normal or unacceptable-ATYPICAL

-deviating from the usual type

eg:his behaviour is aberrant

3) abeyance(n)-temporarily not occurring or not in use-SUSPENSION

eg: the system is driven into abeyance now

relative words:deferral(n),recess, moratorium,

moratorium(n): A legally authorized postponement before some

obligation must be


recess(n):a pass from doing some work

deferral(n):abeyance, act of putting some work to a future

4) abscond(v)-leave quickly and secretly to escape from custody or

avoid arrest

-run away, make off, go off, absquatulate(run away with


5) abstemious(adj)-taking care to limit one’s intake of food or alcohol

Related words: ascetic, frugal, moderate, restrained , self-denying,

Ascetic(adj): strictly self disciplined and avoiding any pleasures
and luxuries
Frugal: sparing(protecting) with money and food
Temperate(adj): showing self control
Opp: self-indulgent,gluttonous
Indulgent-allow oneself to enjoy all the pleasures
-cosset:protecting in a soft-hearted way
-pamper: give(someone) to a great deal of attention
and comfort

6) admonish(v):1) reprimand firmly 2)urge or warn severely

Reprimand: formal expression of disapproval


7) adulterate(v): make poor by adding another substance

Related words: contaminate, corrupt, debase, dilute

Debase: lower the quality

8) aesthetic(adj): concerned with beauty or appreciation of beauty ,having a



-artistic, beautiful, cultivated

9) aggregate(n): a whole formed by combining several different elements.


10) alacrity(n):brisk eagerness or enthusiasm

Enthusiasm- A feeling of excitement

Eg: "he accepted with alacrity"

11) alleviate(v): Provide physical relief, as from pain, Make easier

-abate, assuage, lessen, ease, facilitate ,moderate, quench,

relieve, palliate

Quench-Suppress or crush completely

Palliate(v): Provide physical relief, as from pain

Assuage(v):make less intense, give physical relief

12) amalgamate(v): To bring or combine together or with something else

-affiliate, ally, associate, blend, coalesce, combine, compound,


integrate, fuse, mix, mingle, consolidated

Affiliate (v): Join in an affiliation

Usage : "They affiliated themselves with the organization"

ally(v): Become an ally or associate, as by a treaty or marriage

usg: "He allied himself with the Communists"

coalesce(v): Mix together different elements

confederate(v): Form a group or unite

consolidate(v): Unite into one, Make firm or secure; strengthen(e.g. :

"consolidate one’s gain)

OPP: split

13) ambiguous(adj):having more than one meaning

-equivocal(Open to two or more interpretations; or of

uncertain nature or significance; or (often)
intended to mislead)

Relative meanings:

-ambivalent, indefinite, confuse, unclear, vague

Ambivalent(adj): Uncertain or unable to decide about what course

to follow

Usg: "was ambivalent about having children"


14)Ambivalence(n): having mixed feelings or emotions

-backhand, uncertain, confusing, doubtful, equivocal, inconclusive,

self contradictory
15) ameliorate(v)-make better

-amend, better, meliorate(make better)

Amend(v)-make minor improvements

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