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When we start doing this program 12

years ago we was very primitive.

[LAUGH] Very Silvester.
[LAUGH] More spontaneous maybe,
more less critical, more more alive.
But with the time we become much more
organized, we gain organization.
We gain also understanding.
It's very different the Mexican culture
than the North American culture.
Sometimes in, in both sides,
we do mistakes, we do,
we create misunderstandings,
more misunderstandings.
And also we certain times both
sides acting with prejudice.
I think today at least
on the Mexican side.
And, and also North American
side we avoid the prejudice,
we are more open to understand the other,
to learn from the other.
The third question.
Is that the, the University
used to have this course, now.
[LAUGH] Universities are like churches.
Very picky and touchy.
My life, is,
has been spent all the time in
universities and we are not easy people.
But now after 12 years we
are part of the gardens.
We are part of the inventory
of the university, and
they look the academia look
this with good eyes I think.
Well, every year comes a little
group of the old people that say.
And, and a large group of the new people.
Like that, the old people start teaching,
showing, informing to the new one.
And this rotation, allow that,
it's not only one coordinator,
it's many coordinators.
It's not only one professor,
it's many professors.
It's not only one idea,
it's more ideas, more suggestions.
It, it become very democratic of
proceeding of the management say of,
of the group, and also the learning and
the sharing a, among the group.
At the level of the students, yes.
Yes certain from Hawaii.
Many years people from Europe,
they also came.
We have Salvadorans,
we have Hondorians now, in, in this group.
Native people from Canada.

The, the, the, the,
the course since maybe five years ago
it started becoming international.
Very interesting because some
of these international people,
they come to the course and
then they follow us to Mexico.
Three, four, five people.
They come to Mexico and, and
they stay with us another two weeks.
To see what we teach, you know?
>> To see it in practice?
>> Yes, yes, yes.
So, I, I believe that this, this course
is, is a win to win situation, no?
Everybody is winning,
understanding, knowledge, practice.
openness, no, but yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Yeah, there are certain plants that
they are more effective, more strong,
et's say, than the native plants.
In our practice in Mexico,
we are including, plants from India, for
example, gotu kola, kava kava.
Ginkgo biloba.
Also we're including Chinese plants.
the, the, the Mexican plants is a lot.
We have 5,000 medicinal plants in Mexico.
[INAUDIBLE] were 3,000.
But we only need around 300 plants,
you know, and to heal the whole country.
So, including certain,
very specifical, strong and
efficient plants, coming from all parts
of the world is coming to enrich the,
the flora, the medical flora that we have.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
We already have since the 70s.
And before, but officially,
and, and by law in my country
since the 72 start the law that the,
the state.
Need to create what we call integrated or
mixed clinics.
It's very beautiful to see if
physicians will be white dresses and
their surgeons or
nurses educated into the Universities now.
And also to see the curanderos,
the salvadores.
The graniseros.
We have forty different nominations and
specialties among the curanderos.
And and they interact together no.
Sharing, exploring, healing,
that's the purpose to heal somebody.
So if use any type of medicine and you

can heal, perform the life of a person.

Use, use the medicine that is necessary.
>> Well and, and
does it not also keep the costs
of medical [CROSSTALK].
>> Down, of course, of course.
Unfortunately chemical
medicine is very expensive.
Very expensive.
And, and, and the, the herbs and
the Earth or the stones or the medical,
medicinal animals are by, by far
cheap than the other one, yeah, yeah.
Well, of course, when we come,
not only to be part of a course.
But we also can,
as researchers, this year,
the group coming from Mexico is
researching about energetical medicine.
Is how my energy intervening,
interacting with your energy,
would create a tarapetical
energetic proceeding.
And here in this area and, and also for
example in El Paso, and Arizona,
California, and we have
patients who have people coming with
a lot of sadness, abandon, melancholy,.
Hate, anger.
I love the emotions that
become translated into energy.
So we are now seeing how to
use on the better way and for
the better purpose or energy to heal.
We start doing that since
the last week in El Paso.
Was fantastic, very well the, the,
the response, the answer of the people to,
to this approach, which is more, more
loving approach, more tender approach.
With compassion, no?
Rather than the coldness of,
where was your pain?
I'm going to,
I'm going to heal your liver.
For us, the sickness is not on the,
when a sickness is on the liver,
the whole body is sick.
When a sickness is in your whole
body is sick, everything is sick.
It's not only one part of the, it's not
a question of the mechanics of the body.
It is the integrity,
the holistic approach.
Body, mind, spirit and other dimensions.
So we can with our research.
We're doing that.
Yesterday, we cover maybe 600

people on the south valley and

my God, many people crying,
many people release the, their energy
that was destroying their being.
So yeah.
Well so
certain North Americans now the, they,
they have maybe five or
six year coming every year, yeah.
We have followers now.
Eh, they they come with also and they,
they start healing with us here.
They start healing with us, yeah.
Every culture has his own medicine,
every culture.
>> But
don't all of them have some foundation in.
>> Right.
Not all of them remember.
But those cultures that remember, and
they have people practitioners doing the
same remedies, doing the same therapies.
Taking out cancer, taking out Lupus,
taking out sickness that apparently are
incurable, but they can do, or they do.
Well, at that moment you maintain a life,
you recover the ancient wisdom.
But yes indeed, is,
I imagine is very hard to
have in New York an idea of integrity
with nature [LAUGH] or in Mexico City.
>> Right.
>> Or in Sao Paolo, no?
Eh, this, the, the urban obsession
kill a lot of manifestations,
knowledge, wisdom, beauty coming from
the ancient time, unfortunately, no?
>> Certainly.
Is, is not the person, is the phenomenon.
The urbanization destroyed that.
Is absolutely true.
Not only losing the language, but
also the rituals and also the proceedings,
also even the, the modern life
changed drastically the interacting in,
from human being to another human being.
Today the interpersonal relations
are very dry, very empty.
And not everybody's like that of course
but most of the people is like that.
Rather than become unified,
rather than become part of the nature and
recover that we are part of the nature,
we are not something that is apart of
the nature destroying the nature,
that's why we're destroying the planet.
Exactly for that.

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