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Forgotten Factors
of Successful
Weight Loss
Jennifer Cuevas
Why gluten-free may not be

Weight Loss Pills

Shannon Drake

Low Carb Paleo

GMO Watch

Products We Love
Easter Roasted Herbed Brittany
Low Carb Poached Egg in Tomato
Mashed Cauliflower Casserole
Gluten Free Coconut Avocado

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hats the phrase that

many in the natural
health community will
happily quote until
the grass fed cows come home.

But seriously How many of us

really take it to heart?
Obviously there are a whole load in
the lowcarb and paleo community
who have taken out a huge range of
foods that were making them sick.

Grains for most along with

and processed food. Gluten
containing ingredients for
those with a sensitivity.
Milk products for the same
We are all good at deleting
things from our list of
what we eat in order not
to get sick and that is only
common sense.
After all Why poison

But these actions are only

half of the real meaning
behind what hippocrates
was saying - the real
essence of his simple
thought is to use food to
firstly nourish our bodies
and heal us when we arent
in tip top condition.
Its when we look at the
second part of his edict
... and let medicine be your
food that the penny really
starts to drop.

He is clearly saying that

if your medicine is your
food, then we are not being
encouraged to look to drugs
as being the source of healing
but the very food we eat.

common food types. The

thing is they can be of huge
benefit for our nutrition and
a cure for virtually every
ill known to mankind. From
autism to zits.

thoroughly than any

drug. And the only side
effect from taking food as
medicine is better health.
Except cabbage of course.
That might give you gas:)

Again, many of us pay lip What you eat can cure One lady who knows
service to the medicinal them all sometimes all about using food as
qualities of even some very even more quickly and medicine is Jennifer Cuevas.

Not that long ago, Jennifer

was ill with a multitude of
health problems including
Hashimotos and arthritis.
After eventually getting
through seven doctors, she
finally found out that she
had gluten sensitivity and
celiac disease - where even
just a crumb from a biscuit
could affect her health.
What I find shocking is that
there are over 300 health
problems that are known to
be caused or aggravated by
eating gluten.

something similar. Please feel

free to share this story with
Best selling author, scientist
and fitness athlete Martina
Johansson is joining us for the
first time this month taking
the time to share her profound
knowledge about how our
bodies hormones respond to
the food we eat and really why
that is one of the keys to low
carb diets being so effective.
And well have a brief look at
the dangers and benefit of
weight loss pills too.

Plus our usual fantastic recipes

- having a vaguely easter type
Yet how many medical
of theme.
professional do you know
that even think to look at If you can spot the connection that simple problem being please let me know. The sender
the cause of someones of the first email I open will get
a complimentary GOLD level
membership subscription.
Even though the reliable
statistic is that 60% of the It could be you!
population are sensitive to
On that note, do enjoy the
gluten at some level.
As you read through
Jennifers story Im sure All the best,
youll think of someone you
know that is going through

Forgotten Factors
of Successful
Weight Loss
on a Low
Carb Diet

by Martina Johansson

A lot of people adopt a

low carb diet for weight
loss reasons, but there are
still high numbers of the
population that continue
to struggle with weight
issues despite a flawless diet each year. How
come so many people lose
weight successfully and
some dont? Ive identified
a couple of factors behind
this phenomenon.

Photoby jefffreyw

A low carb diet is exactly

that, a diet with less carbs,
moderate in fat, and high
in protein. Many lowcarbers are also fond of whole
foods, but just as many use
a lot of substitute products for their cooking and
baking. In Sweden, where
Im from, its popular to opt
up the fat and go totally
ketogenic on a low carb
diet. That usually means
around 80% fat and 20%

The first one is about
counting calories. Thats a
bad idea because the body is
a hormonal system and the
calories are counted radically different depending
on the source. A person
stuck in the calorie trap
easily cheats oneself of
eating less nutrient dense
foods for the imagined
gain of fewer calories. This
type of food might actually
store more body fat than a
meal with a higher amount
of calories because of the
bodys hormonal responses.
This is the reason why its
completely useless to eat a

500 calorie chocolate cake

and then burn 500 calories
on the treadmill. The chocolate cake will increase the
insulin for several hours
ahead and block the fat
metabolism, so no fat loss
can occur despite the physical exercise.
Successful weight loss
occurs when calories are
accounted for, but not
counted. Food source and
nutrient value must come
first. If you have an obsession with exercise to burn
extra calories you are more
prone to halt the weight
loss instead of boosting it.

Another important and unknown
factor is the II (insulin index).
Most people know about GI
(glycemic index), but very few
know about the corresponding
effects of insulin. A food item
can be very low in glycemic
index and simultaneously have a
high insulin index. What happens
is the effect of an insulin raise

can block the fat metabolism

for hours. Examples of foods
with high insulin index are high
protein foods such as a dry piece
of chicken, canned tuna, and dairy
products. Look at the illustration
on the next page. Fermented
milk products have a tendency
to really raise insulin despite low
carbohydrate content.

Figure: Simplified graph from American Journal of Clinical

Nutrition:An insulin index of foods:the insulin demand generated by 1000-kJ portions of common foods. Susanne HA Holt,
Janette C Brand Miller, and Peter Petocz

A gram of protein and a

gram of carbohydrates each
contain 4 kcal, while a gram
of fat contains 9 kcal. The
most logical thing to do for
weight loss is to cut down
on fat because it contains
the most calories, but thats
what weight watchers and
other low calorie enthusiasts have been doing all
along. Most overweight
people have chronically

elevated insulin levels, so

by cutting down on fat and
increasing proteins, the
body will provide an environment where hormonal
weight loss is downright
impossible. For weight loss
to occur insulin must be
stabilized and glucagon
must be activated.
Glucagon is the opposite of
insulin. Instead of storing
fat it uses fat straight from

the fat cells, and that is

crucial for losing weight.
Glucagon and insulin
cannot be active at the
same time, so if insulin
is active several hours
a day, it wont matter if
zero calories are ingested;Weight loss cannot
occur, its a biochemical
fact. The body will slow
down the thyroid function or do whatever it

takes to avoid using the

body fat as energy.
Fit and trim people dont
have this problem because
their insulin response is
quicker, so these rules
dont apply to them to the
same extent. People who
have a hard time losing
weight on a low carb diet
need to spend more energy
increasing glucagon and
avoiding insulinemic foods.

How to activate glucagon

Three things can active
the glucagon hormone:
Prolonged physical exercise,
starvation, and a strict low
carb diet. The best thing for
an overweight person is to
let the glucagon be active
all the time, and avoid all

kinds of insulin activation.

There is no need for excessive exercise, starvation, or
calorie counting. The trick
is to provide a hormonal
environment in the body
where fat loss can occur

A strict low carb diet is key

The more body fat, the more
dietary fats need to be
consumed for the body to
be able to process, metabolize, and burn fat. Excess
body weight means that
insulin is too dominant and
low body fat means insulin
response is quick and
efficient. An overweight
person can increase his or
her insulin sensitivity after
weight has been normalized, and thereby eat more

protein and complex carbs

later on.
A strict low carb diet is very
easy to follow because the
only foods allowed are real
food such as meat, poultry,
egg, fish, butter, coconut
oil, lard, and vegetables.
No substitute products, no
sugar free or gluten free
food items. When followed,
this type of low carb diet
provides the best results as
seen in numerous studies.
The results last!

Photo by Michael Stern

The last factor to weight that deviations occur and
loss success is to believe success is postponed. Dare
in the process and always to be radical in your low
have a faith and a strong carb approach, and radical
mind. Its when faith wavers results will follow!

Martina Johansson
Martina Johansson is a bestselling author,
scientist,and fitness athlete from Sweden.
She is passionate about her well-being and
health, which has resulted in a strict low
carb diet for five years. Martina is eager
to share her in-depth knowledge about
hormonal responses and health aspects
of different types of micro- and macronutrients. Most of her work is focused on
optimized health through right nutrition
and smart bio hacks.
Authors Page URL on LCM



With Alain Braux and Mark Moxom

Why gluten free may not be enough

Could this be you?
Just a few short years ago, Jennifer
Cuevas was ill with a multitude of issues
including high cholesterol, pre-diabetes,
weight gain, Hashimotos and arthritis.
After eventually getting through seven
doctors, she finally found out that
she had gluten sensitivity and celiac
disease - where even just a crumb
from a biscuit could affect her health.
Ever since she found that was
the problem, Jennifer has dedicated her life to not only getting
herself in tiptop condition but also
helping others who are facing a
multitude of health challenges.
Let us find out how Jennifer got
herself back to full health..

Alain Braux: Good morning

Jennifer and Mark.
Jennifer Cuevas: Thank
you for having me.
Its very exciting!


Can you give

us a little of
your background?


Sure! My
background is
actually twisted. We all
have interesting ways of
ending up where we are.

I grew up in Ohio in a small

town, a college town and
really wanted to do nothing
but get out of Ohio, so
its kind of ironic that I
am still here! I actually
lived in Chile for a while
as an exchange student.
When I returned, I started
a career in Merchandising;
about twenty years in
the corporate world
doing product merchandising, product development and marketing.


I went through this

incredible health
journey which has
brought me to where
I am today, and
decided to change
my whole career and
support people and
their health so thats
what Im doing now.

How did you start

your business?
There had to be a day
where you decided, okay
this is it, Im going to
start doing this. Did
you go back to school
studying nutrition and
how did you decide to
start your business?

Mark Moxom:


Well its been

a journey, and
it really wasnt one
particular moment in time.

Its been sort of these

building blocks all along. I
was in the corporate world
and trying to survive as
this gluten-free girl and it
has its challenges, I guess
you could say, especially
during happy hour and
team lunches and all of
those good things. At the
time gluten free was a
relatively new term, not to
the world by any means,
but to the people I was
working with. So, after
I went gluten free and
then grain free and my

life changed completely

physically, mentally and
socially, I actually had a
lot of people approach
me and ask, Wow! What
did you do? How did
your life change? [If you
havent seen my before
and after picture, its on
my website so you can
take a look at that]
I just really enjoyed
helping people and so
I started to coach and
teach people what I have
learned. Over time, Ive
seen a lot of people get

well, feel healthier and

even younger, and so
I just decided to start
sharing it as much as I
could and realized that
this has become a true
passion. So I started out
with just a few people,
actually mostly from my
church who had seen
this tremendous change
in my life. I just started
there and I now do individual coaching and group
coaching; I do speaking
engagements not only
about my journey, but

about the journeys of all

these people that have
come through the same
methods and really gotten
better and healthier.
I started a support group
last summer and we
have been meeting twice
a month since August;
just seeing how peoples
lives have changed and
supporting one another
has just been a really
great part of the journey.
The other side of my
business and my passion

is helping people eat the

right things and helping
them to understand or
realize that their life
can be delicious thats
sort of my tagline.


Are you still

doing cooking
and baking?


I am. I run a grain

free, soy free
bakery. I have started to
make more paleo items
that are dairy and refined
sugar free as well, but it is
a strictly dedicated gluten
and soy-free bakery. I
also cook for people as
a personal chef and I
actually have a little meal

business and pizzas have

started being very popular.
I have been trying lots of
different things and really
the core of everything
I do is to help this be
sustainable for people and
help them know that they
can succeed in doing it;
they dont have to miss
out on everything at a
potluck, for example. I even
have helped clients with
their lunch by preparing
it and doing all the work
that they need to do to
keep it sustainable.


How do you find

time to sleep?


I try to ensure
that I get about
six to seven hours, but
I really recommend
eight! Most often I
probably run on about
seven, and then every
minute of the rest of
the day I am busy.


I can imagine
with kids and
your business and
your presentation and
clients and all that.
At what point did you
started moving into
paleo and why?


I started out
gluten free and
that in and of itself was

a fight, because after

going to eight doctors and
not finding out what was
going on with my body
and how I was feeling, I
met Dr. Glen Aukerman
through Ohio State
University and he coached
me for eight to nine
months before I even went
gluten-free. I attended all
of his classes and learned
about processed foods. His
specialty is Nutrigenomics.
Hes a medical doctor but
incorporates nutrition
into what he does. He
had tested me for celiac
disease and it was Mayo
clinic test. It was a
$5,000.00 test and it came
back and said I didnt have

celiac disease. For those

eight to nine months I did
everything that he said.
I ate what he told me to
eat. I took the 47 vitamins
a day that he suggested I
take and didnt get better.
I had eliminated many
things from my diet,
gluten being one of them
in a general sense. The
interesting part of the
story is that I didnt
go around saying I was
gluten free - but I avoided
it. Much like I see many
people doing these days
avoid the bun or leave
the bread off whatever
theyre eating, no noodles,
rice or something. So
that sort of where I was
at the end of 2009 - but
I was also miserable and
I had put on so much
weight. I was just feeling
terrible and fatigued.
My kids actually went
away for Christmas break

with their dad and I

decided that I was going
to lose the weight that
week no matter what
it took. So I put myself
on a yogurt smoothie
diet that Dr. Aukerman
said I could have and
took the vitamins, and
I didnt eat anything
else for a week and
yet I gained 10 pounds.
Merry Christmas to me!
I had a follow up appointment with him in February
2010 and I went with the
intention of telling him
you are number eight in
this line of doctors that
has not been able to help
me. Im done! I went to his
office and he pulled up
my labs and said, oh you
dont feel very good. Of
course I was bitter that
point and I said, I have
done everything you told
me to do. I have come to
your classes, learnt all
these things and he said,

Jen I think you need to go

gluten free. I said, youre out
of your mind. I pretty much
am gluten free. What are
you talking about? Besides
my celiac test said that I
didnt have it. He said, well
I hear what youre saying
and Im saying this nicely
now but I was not very nice
at that time, I was really
at the end of my rope.
I lost my dad to diabetes
and heart disease when he
was 56 years old and it was

ten days actually before my

son was born and so it left
this place in me that was
always, I have to take care
of myself to be here for my
kids. So I was not only frustrated, overwhelmed and not
feeling good - I was scared
at the core of everything.
I was just afraid.
So when he saw that I
wasnt buying into this
gluten free thing, he said,
well, you can do what you

want but I think you

should try it. I cant
explain why your test
doesnt say you have it. I
cant explain other things
that are going on. You
have done everything I
told you to do but look
at this number and it
was my CRP (C-reactive
protein) number and
he said, based on what
I see here and all your
vitamin levels, youre not
absorbing nutrition from

the vitamins or the food.

So with these combinations of everything
youre going to have a
heart attack or stroke in
the next 4 to 6 months.


Oh sweet!

Right and I
was 38 years
old at that time and
I said, oh my gosh!
What do I have to do?


Im listening

Yes! That just kind

of grabbed me. So
I was still upset because I
said, you know I AM gluten
free. Here is my diet log.
So he pulls it out and says,
see here after work on
Thursday of last week you
had two saltine crackers. I
said, oh gosh yes I do. I come
home and Im starving, Ive
got this craving, whatever
and it usually helps it go
away. He said, if you have
gluten sensitivity, one
crumb will set your body
into this pattern that youre
not going to get better
for weeks. I just looked
at him like he was from
outer space. So I kind of
withdrew for a few days
and mourned and grieved
and then I started. I really
didnt give up that much
gluten at that time because
I had already done some of
that, thankfully. But the
first two weeks, I thought
he was crazy because I felt
horrible. I had migraines
that would just not go

away. I was nauseated. I

thought I had a flu And
of course - in retrospect,
I know that I was going
through was withdrawal.
From that just little bit, but
I will say the other thing I
was eating at the time I
was a huge candyholic. So
the sweet tarts and the
lollipops and all the candies,
those were the things that
- over time - I gave up.
Within those first two
weeks after getting over
the symptoms - I knew he
was right. I started to lose
weight. I started to feel
better and it was just every
week that I started to feel a
little bit better, lose a little
bit more weight and then in
six months I lost 34 pounds.
My cholesterol came down.
I could tell the inflammation was reducing but what
started happening (and he
had warned me)...he had
said you really shouldnt
go into these gluten-free
products but you know,
these ones are okay, these
ones stay away from and

I sort of loosely listened

to that and I got hooked
on Udis cookies. So this
is the same year and Ive
lost 34 pounds and life
is starting to look good.
I was still questioning in
my mind, why am I still
pretty far overweight? I

also started to develop

arthritis in my knees to
the point where I was
having trouble walking
down the stairs, not even
up the stairs and I was
in the corporate environment still and trying to
figure all these things

out during that time.

I came across Dr. Peter
Osbornes website and
he asked questions like
are you gluten free but
not healthy yet or are
you still sick? So I started
reading more about that

and in 2012 is when I went

completely grain free
and committed to being
soy free, and I could not
believe the difference that
made in such a short time.
It seems to have healed
all my wounds if you will,
and my cholesterol came

down the rest of the way

and I got my lab numbers
again right before this
and just the difference
in that short amount of
time my cholesterol, my
weight, my blood pressure which was not high
but it was low actually

normalized. Just everything on my body went to

where it was supposed to
go. So I got down to my
high school weight and
Ive been there ever since
and Im very grateful.


Are you sugar

free as well?


Im not sugar free

entirely and Im
not dairy free entirely
but I have seen more
that sugar definitely has
a bigger impact on me
than I thought originally.
What I tell people is there
is unlayering process in
your body that occurs
and you have to listen to
what your body is telling
you so as much as I want
to be here eating my
cookies and eating what
Im making, I really have to
keep it balanced. That is so
important to everybody.
First you have to heal your
immune system and then
you really have to balance
those things. And even
if its a paleo treat that I
made with honey or maple
syrup or coconut sugar. I
keep those very small.
Dairy for me seems to be
fine. I know that there
are a lot of people that
are very sensitive to
dairy. I think the numbers
are over 50% of people
that have celiac disease
also react to casein.

I think Paleo is an excellent way to eliminate the

things that will cause
inflammation in your diet
and eliminating inflammation for everybody
is so important. I dont
know why its not a standard test that we do. It
is the breeding ground of
every disease. So when
I coach my clients I do
recommend, especially
if they have an autoimmune condition, to
really try to go as far
into paleo as they can.


Just a quick
question Jen,
was it the leaving off
of the grains that made
the biggest difference
towards the end?


Absolutely! If
you cant do
anything else, grain free
is the way to be. When
I first started coaching
people, I took them gluten
free first because I felt
trying to make them go
grain free was pretty
hard. When people come

to me its usually at the

same place where I was at the end of my rope and
I didnt have any answers
and Ive been to all these
doctors and theyve given
me every medication from
A to Z (usually starts with
a P- Prozac). When I helped
several people and they have
the same experience that I
did from gluten free to hey,
Ive still got all these issues,
migraines included and all

these other things, that

was a big decision for
me. I said, from here on
out its grain free. Theres
just no other way.
In fact I had someone
come to my support
group in support of
another person and
she was already gluten
free, so she just came
because she wanted to
help this friend of hers

who had been diagnosed

with celiac disease and
she heard my story and
decided to go grain free
herself. Within six weeks
her LDL cholesterol came
down 44 points. She felt
so much younger. She
said, I thought I had
these aches and pains
because I was getting
older and it was not the
case. I feel great! I cant
believe the grain makes

that much of a difference!

Its been exciting to see these
changes in everybody and
its affirmed to me the grain
part of it is so important.
It is where I learned about
dairy firsthand, as I did have
some people that did not
get better until they took
the dairy out of their diets.


Right. Can you be

specific as to which
grains need to be taken

out, not just obviously

wheat but what else?


Of course wheat,
barley, rye and
oats because we know that
those contain the gliadin
protein, but also I dont
personally use any rice; I
dont use corn. I dont use
teff or sorghum or millet.
I dont use quinoa even
though it is not a grain
per se but there is so
much cross contamination
with it. Of course, there
are the other things that
cross react but I just
literally dont use grains
(nor do I eat anything
from a package due to
hidden ingredients).
I do use tapioca from
time to time. I find that
occasionally I will react
to that but not in a very
significant way, so I just
keep those kinds of things
minimum. Of course, that
goes for anything that has
a processed flour in it, even
coconut flour. Certainly
thats not a grain but
at times it can cause an
inflammatory response.


What about beans

and pulses?

I actually do
consume legumes
but I soak and ferment
them first. I dont know
if thats why I tolerate
them better, but Ive
had really no issue with
them. The key with those
to me is that its about
healing the intestinal
tract. If youve healed
the gut, and if youre
balancing the vegetables
and the things that you
need to be eating, I find
that its generally okay
to incorporate legumes
from time to time if you
soaked and fermented
them. Soaking to me is
the key. I dont know
about the fermentation
process but the soaking
is definitely important.


So from your
point of view,
the carbs included in the
beans and legumes are
not that important?


Again my key
for everybody is

and so if
having legumes
in your diet
is going to
help you stay
on this and
feel good
about what
youre eating
and youre
not having
what you
feel like is an
response to
it, I think
theyre fine.


Some strict paleo

absolutely exclude
all beans and legumes as
well. I see from looking
at the recipes that youre
also trying to make
healthy food taste better
the way I advocate it
as well. Can you tell us
more about it and why?


Absolutely! I
think that is
important because for me
two of the things that

I hear the most are

1 Eww... I dont want
to eat like that, it
tastes like cardboard.
And 2 Oh its so expensive to eat that way.
Everything I do is to dispel
those two myths. I have
found personally that
food tastes better and
my clients find as they
unlayer their body from
the process foods and

leaves have
so much taste
to them than
they might
have before.
I hate the
word natural
because it
has been
abused by the
food industry
but natural
food tastes so
wonderful by
itself. Thats
one part of
it but then
the other
part is - how
do I create
things on their taste buds
things to taste good at
that they appreciate the
tastes of what our Creator home? I love the herb
chart because it explains
gave us to begin with.
how to use them and add
You go out and you pick
them to your meals. I use
a strawberry from the
a lot of fresh herbs in
garden, and it tastes so
much better than not only my cooking just to keep
what you get in the store the taste in it, and it just
comes alive in your mouth.
but... Once youve taken
all of the artificial sweetIm a very simple chef. I
eners and all these gluten
dont like to complicate
out of your diet and you
things or over process
unlayer and suddenly
things if I can help it.
things come alive, spinach

I really do think that

there are so many things
you can create and be
creative with that tastes
wonderful and it doesnt
have to be difficult or
complicated or expensive.


No I always tell my
clients Id rather
they eat better higher
quality ingredients and
spend a little money and
think of it as medicine
than spending tons of
money on pharmaceutical
drugs or supplements.


Thats true.

Which most
of them (the
supplements) are either
artificial or synthetic
and our body does not
absorb anyways so like
you mentioned, nature
provides everything
including vitamins and
minerals and we should
take advantage of that.




Your passion
about going
grain free comes from
your personal results?


Not only my
personal results.
It was at first and I felt
like, wow this is like a big
secret that nobody knows
about. But then when I
started seeing the results
through the people I was
coaching and my support
group and I have a Face
book page where people
had posted things and
how much difference it
has made for their lives.
That is truly where my
passion is, because I feel
like it was this gift I was
given, this knowledge
about it so I try to share
it out as much as I can.


Are you still
friendly with your
doctor now? Hahaha


Which one? Hahaha

There were a
couple of them that I
really kicked to the curb

during the process because of

what they diagnosed me with
and said. Unfortunately, Dr.
Aukerman is a couple of hours
away from here so hes not as
accessible for myself and my
clients. This is the other part
of the big secret, the big gift
that I have been given. Since
2012 I have not been sick. I
have had occasional things
here and there but I dont
think I had a full blown cold or
anything. I also believe that
this lifestyle is very conducive
to just good health in general.
When youre immune system
is functioning and healthy
its really a good thing.
Im not advocating dont
not go to a doctor, thats
not what Im saying.


No. its just better

not to need to
go to a doctor isnt it?


Right and your body

is a wonderfully put
together, self healing machine
and we should trust that it will
take care of itself as long as
you dont overwhelm it with
processed food and artificial
everything and genetically

engineered food. I think

if you give your body the
right quality fuel then your
body will typically take
care of itself without a
whole lot of pharmaceutical
help for that matter.


I have been doctorfree for 35 years.

Thats incredible.

I do yearly tests
to make sure
everything is okay but I cant
remember the last time I
was sick really. Now granted
not everyone will have the
same effect but it all makes
sense in a big picture kind
of thing if you take care of
your body the same way as
you would maintain your
car then your body will stay
healthy. Your body wants
to stay healthy so to me
it makes perfect sense.
I have a trick question
for you. Are you still
taking 47 supplements?


I am not actually

That number went up

for a time because he
actually increased some
of my vitamins and actually after I went grain
free - I didnt need 16
fish oil a day that he
had me on. I do take that
occasionally to ward off
any omega imbalance
that Im dealing with. I do
take calcium, vitamin D
and occasionally Ill take
cinnamon bark just to
keep my metabolism in
check, but I really haven
t have that for quite
some time. And then B
vitamins which I think
are really important
especially for women
and for anybody with
a thyroid condition. If I
didnt mention it already,
I have Hashimotos .


Well again, were

going back to
two issues. One of them is
if your body is inflamed
especially your digestive
system, you will not
absorb the vitamins.


Thats correct.

and get your vitamins the

way youre supposed to
from nature. Personally I
Secondly most of dont take vitamins. The
only one I take is foodthe time those
based and that is fish oil,
vitamins are lab-created
synthetic vitamins so your probiotics and vitamin D.
body will not absorb them;
Do you take
thats why the common
liquid form?
sense is go back to nature



You mentioned
a book?

Yes I am working
on my guide
book and cookbook
to hopefully get that
published here in the next
few months, working on
getting that done and
available for people.



D3 yes liquid.

I have to
make do with
sunshine hahaha
So Jen if people want to
get hold of you, what is
the best way for them to
find out what you do and
how you can help them?


Well Jennifer this

was a wonderful
interview. Thank you for
all the information you
gave us. I wish you good
continuation, hopefully
youll get a little more
sleep and try not to work
too hard. I know you have
a passion for what you
do but keep your health
in mind so that you dont
overwork yourself.

My website is
You are right.
Thank you so
com and I have a Face
much for having me.
book page Gluten &
Grain Free Gourmet, @
It was a pleasure
ggfgourmet on Twitter and
to have you.
Instagram and Pinterest;
also on LinkedIn they can
find me as The Gluten
& Grain Free Gourmet.



My name is Jen, and this

picture comparison is a
snapshot of my journey going
from the depths of despair to
enjoying the gift of great health!
Its not just about the 72 pounds I
lost, though. Even more importantly,
every negative health condition that
was going on inside of my body has now
been eliminated or is in remission!
After a long and frustrating journey to many
doctors, and despite Celiac test results that
indicated no presence of Celiac disease (read
here why that could happen to you, too), it
was suggested that I try a gluten free diet.
In 2010, I went gluten free and experienced
a lot of improvement in my health but it
wasnt until I went entirely grain and soy free
in 2012 that I found the key to perfect health!
Besides the 72 pound weight loss, I also eliminated lifelong high cholesterol that my
doctors had previously treated with statin drugs. Even more importantly, my new
dietary lifestyle eliminated dangerous inflammation I was experiencing, and put my
Hashimotos disease into remissionand even eliminated any evidence of diabetes.
Even my skin, hair, and sinuses changed! There were other improvements too I
used to suffer from debilitating panic attacksGONE! (read my full story here)
Authors Page URL on LCM
Authors Face Book URL
Authors Website URL
Authors Twitter
Authors other links

Whats the
Current conservative figures tell us
that nearly 60 million adults are
overweight in the United States.
Just over 40 million are severely
overweight or obese and around
about 3 million suffer from morbid
obesity, thats the life threatening
form of being fat.
The situation in some parts of Europe,
Australia and most of the western
countries reflect these figures too.
Since 1990, amongst the 30-40 year
old age group there has been over
a 75% increase in Type 2 Diabetes.
What is not well known is that as
small a weight gain as 5-10 kilograms
increases a persons risk of developing
diabetes two-fold, over those who
have not gained any weight. From all
of the above, we can see clearly that
the health risks of being overweight
are profound.

Loss or
Diet Pills
The fact that there are so
many people overweight
in the Western world, and
that so many of them find
it difficult to lose weight
through using diet alone,
has been the impetus for
commercial concerns to
developed a number of
weight loss pills that promise
to take the hard work out of
shedding those pounds.

Marketers of these miracle

pills promise that we can
shed pounds of fat without
life- style changes.
If we believe some of the
blurb, we can pop a pill and
can sit on our backsides while
they magically get smaller.
Just what is the truth?

The Two
Main Types
of Weight
Loss &
Diet Pills
Weight loss and diet pills come
under two main categories
those that are available on
prescription, commonly labelled
as weight loss or diet drugs
and the non-prescription pills
which you can get over the
These are most normally
called weight loss or dietary
supplements, and come under
a different set of statutes and
New ones come out all the time.
Often these are just the same
as existing ones but under
a different name. The active
ingredient is nearly always the
same. Its just the add-ons that
change with manufacturers
including things like CoQ10 to
make them seem more natural
or healthy.
Lets have a look at the first
category . . .

Loss Drugs
Available By
The most well-known brands of diet
drugs are Adipex, Bontril, Didrex, Ionamin,
Phentermine and Tenuate. All of these
are appetite suppressors.
They work by decreasing appetite
through stimulating the brain and nerves
to increase heart rate and blood pressure.
In the USA, all of these pills have to be
approved by the FDA. In The UK and
Europe, drugs can be approved by both
the Medicines and Health care products
Regulatory Agency (MHRA) or the
European Medicines Evaluation Agency
Normally, these drugs are approved only
for short term use, a maximum of a few
months. However, some agencies have
approved Meridia for longer term use.
One of the many drawbacks with this
type of pill is the fact that they affect
the nervous system, blood pressure
and metabolism. This can be a problem
for patients suffering from either
hypertension or heart risks.

Loss Pills
Inhibit Fat
To overcome some of the
problems with the appetite
suppressant type of pill, a
relatively new type of drug
has been developed which is
known as a lipase inhibitor.
These types of pills work in the
digestive system and can inhibit,
according to the manufacturers,
the uptake of fat by as much as

One of the brand leaders for

this type of pill is called Xenical.
The mentioned side-effects at
the moment are mainly limited
to the type of bowel movement
that you have whilst taking this


By inhibiting the uptake of

fat, manufacturers reason that
obviously you dont metabolise
the calories from the fat, which
pass through the gut instead.

of Prescription
Weight Loss
and Diet
Strangely enough, prescription weight
loss drugs are only truly effective when
used in conjunction with diet and exercise.
The crucial thing here is that they are
normally used as part of a medically
supervised weight loss programme. The
fact that its supervised obviously has
the added advantage in that you have a
professional mentor, who is there both
to encourage you and to make sure that
you are doing things in the right way.
Numerous studies have been carried out
on the effectiveness of these types of
pills when used in this manner. Whilst the
results vary, with the manufacturers test
results showing the most effectiveness,
the average extra percentage loss of body
weight over a placebo is in the region of

Side Effects of
Weight Loss Drugs
There are side effects to
virtually all drugs and these
are no exception. We only have
space to mention the most
common ones, some of which
are quite serious.

The side effects from this type
of pill are varied, and can include
diarrhoea or constipation;
mouth; insomnia; nervousness;
restlessness; limb tremors and
The more serious side effects
are listed as seizures and
strokes. For that reason you
would do well to consider
whether, on balance, the health
risks associated with the weight
loss drugs outweigh those of
continued obesity.

The bottom line is that

prescription diet drugs are
really designed for people
who have significant health
risks from being overweight,
and lack the ability to
approach the situation using
a more natural remedy.

If you decide to go ahead

with using weight loss
drugs, its in your own best
interests to make sure
that you fully understand
all of the side effects and
dangers that taking weight
loss pills can cause.

Before using prescription

weight loss drugs, you must
obviously consult with your
medical advisor, and make
sure that you have fully
explored all the different
options that are available to

You cant make a fullyinformed choice until you

are fully informed, so its
up to you to make sure
that you know everything
about the type of pill that
you choose to use before
you start taking it.

Dietary and
Weight Loss
These are pills, potions and
powders that you can buy offthe-shelf without prescription,
either in a pharmacy or a health
store, and from many different
web sites on line.

Different Types of
Dietary and Weight
Loss Supplements
There are a dozen or more different types of weight loss
supplements. These include body-building supplements, carb
burners, fat blockers, cold calcium, creatine, HGH, hoodia,
protein supplements, sports supplements,
starch blockers, yerbamete, and CoQ10.
In addition to those, many of the mainstream
dietary supplements also claim to have
weight control benefits, either by helping
you control your appetite through reducing
your appetite at the outset or making what
you eat seem more satisfying, or altering
the way the body metabolises fat. Some of
these are well known, such as HerbLife; you
also have Metabolife, Xenadrine-EFX, and

of Dietary &
Weight Loss
Unlike prescription diet pills, dietary and weight loss supplements
do not have to be tested for health & safety either before or after
their release onto the market. This also means that there are
fewer tests as to the effectiveness of this type of supplement.

However, the few clinical trials that there have been have
shown that whilst some of them do work, they are typically
less effective than prescription weight loss drugs. Often the
price that you pay for them can seem disproportionately high
to the benefits that they give.

Clinical Trials
a previously unused
manufacturer does not
have to provide the FDA
with the evidence it relies
upon to substantiate
its claims in regard to
effectiveness, safety or
health benefits.
It is down to us as the
consumers to make sure
that we check out that
they have indeed been
tested, both for safety
and effectiveness, in
clinical weight loss trials.
Reputable manufacturers will always provide details of all
tests and trials, either as part of or supplemental to the
information available to the consumer.
This is normally readily available. If you cant get hold of
this information, do not buy the product.

Diet & Exercise

Many of the advertisements
for weight loss supplements
give the impression that the
supplement will melt the
fat away, while you watch
TV or while you sleep, and
that really you dont have to
change anything apart from
taking the pill in order to
lose weight.
Its only when you get to
the small print that comes

with most diet and weight

loss supplements that you
see it says that effective
weight loss is not possible
by taking this supplement
alone, and you will find that
the clinical trials show that
the supplement was used
as part of a weight loss
regime which combined diet
and exercise improvements
along with the weight loss

Doctors Advice Before

Using Weight Loss
The effectiveness of even dietary
supplements can be affected by
a number of different things,
including your general state of
health when you start. Other
things that can affect their
effectiveness and in some
cases, safe use, are prescription
and non-prescription drugs that
you may be taking and other
environmental factors like the

activities that you do when

you are working and so
Whatever type you use, you
would do well to consult your
medical professional before
you embark on a course of
weight loss supplements.
Go through all of your weight
control options to make sure

that you understand how the

weight loss supplement may
interact with anything else
that you may be taking or
doing at the time.
Only by being fully informed
of all the facts, can you make
an informed choice as to
whether or not taking weight
loss supplements can be a
useful part of your weight
loss programme.


Who Can
Loss Drugs?

In a nutshell, obesity drugs

are a heavyweight version
of this type of product. They
are available on prescription
only. Common brands are Weight loss drugs of this
Meridia, Phentimine and type are for treating
seriously obese people, and
for whom to continue as a

seriously over-weight person

would have serious health
consequences. Typically, this
would indicate people who
have a 30+ reading on the
Body Mass Index, having no
other cause of being obese
such as gland problems, or
people who have a reading
of more than 27 on the Body
Mass Index, who have one or
more obesity-related health

Weight loss drugs are part

of an anti-obesity regime
and would be prescribed by a
doctor or medical practitioner
along with dietary and
exercise modifications. They
would not be used on their
Very few diet and obesity
experts would condone
anything other than the
combined approach to weight

Weight Loss Drugs

Advice & Information
When combined with a
controlled diet and exercise,
weight loss drugs can improve
the effectiveness of weight
loss only by between 5 and
10%, over and above that
which you would get without
using the drugs.
Obviously, we are all
different, so each of us would
have a unique response to
the weight loss differences
achieved, with some having
better results than others.

the medication treatment.

Most users then experience
a levelling off during the
remainder of the treatment,
although a few do experience
a slight increase after the 6
month period.
Signs of effectiveness

When taking weight loss

drugs, most patients are
carefully monitored over
the first four weeks. If the
weight loss drug combined
with the diet and exercise
does not produce at least a
Maximum weight loss
2kg weight loss over the first
This usually occurs within
month, then statistically the
6-9 months of starting
medication is unlikely to

help the patient achieve the have been very few studies on
significant weight loss they the safety and effectiveness
may be hoping for.
of taking these type of
medications for more than
In such cases, the physician
twelve months. The unique
would normally advise that
exceptions to this short term
a different type of weight
use rule are the Meridia and
loss drug be used, or that the
Xenical branded drugs. These
patient tries a different form
have been passed for longer
of weight loss management,
such as strict control and
Weight loss drugs are not
really suitable to be used
as part of a controlled
carbohydrate diet; in fact
the controlled carbohydrate
diet will normally be more
effective than the diets
Most prescription weight loss
normally recommended to be
drugs have FDA approval just
used in conjunction with the
for short term use, and there
weight loss drugs.

Term Use

A fat loss of 10kg is thought
to be reasonable and shows
success over a 3 month
period. However, as with most
prescription drugs, lesser
amounts are also considered

Fat Intake
Patients using weight loss
drugs are advised to keep
their fat intake below 30%

of total calories. Again this

makes them unsuitable for
use with a controlled carb



Using weight loss drugs,

patients are advised to
monitor the levels of salt
and abide to the other
measures as outlined in
the recommendations given
to them by their medical
practitioner, and also increase
the amount of vegetables
and fruit that they eat.

Patients using weight loss

drugs are also advised to
partake of regular physical
activity, pitched at the level
of their ongoing health

& Fat
Diet Pills
How do fat burners
cause weight loss?
manufacturers say that fat
burners work by raising the

bodys metabolism, causing

more calories to be burnt
as energy instead of being
stored as fat.
The second general claim
that the manufacturers of
fat burners make, is that
these pills trigger the body
to release fat tissue back
into the blood stream, so
that it can be broken up and
used by the body for energy
throughout the day.

By doing these things, they

say that taking fat burning
diet pills will give you
an energy boost without
harmful side effects that can
be associated with things
like caffeine-rich drinks and
energy sweets. They say that
all of these things combined
will produce effective and fast
weight loss, when compared
to diet or exercise alone.

Too Good
To Be
In general terms, ingredients
used in fat burners do have
some effect on metabolism,
which is what the makers
claim. However, the amount
taken when using the fat
burners as directed by the
manufacturers would not

be sufficient to change the The bottom line is that

metabolism enough to cause there are no diet pills or
supplements that can be used
significant weight loss.
as a substitute for a healthy
In addition to this, its an lifestyle.
absolute must that fat burners
are used in conjunction
with a programme that
includes dietary changes and
increased exercise. That is a
point which is often left out
by the manufacturers of fat The active ingredient in carb
burners, and they frequently blockers is phaseolamine.
claim that no lifestyle This is an extract of the white
changes are required when kidney bean.
using their products.
What phaseolamine does is to
react with an enzyme in the
body, called alpha amylase,
which is used to break down
carbohydrates into sugar.


Using Fat

The general process is that

the carb blockers inhibit the
breakdown of carbs changing
into sugar, which means that
the carbs are passed through
There is nothing that will beat
the body rather than entering
a properly designed diet and
into the bloodstream.
exercise regime for losing fat.
But are they for you?
Obviously the carbs that are
passed through the body
While the science behind
dont become part of the
the pills does indeed sound
food thats metabolised, thus
plausible, the amount of
the direct calorie intake is
studies carried out as to their
safety and effectiveness are
quite limited at the moment.

Assuming this is true, the

premise is that this will cause
a reduction in fat storage,
meaning that the energy
you need each day has to be
obtained from elsewhere. Its
thought that you generally
end up with a calorie deficit,
i.e. you burn more than you
Many of the carb blocker
often labelled nutrients
and supplements that
the makers claim improve
and stabilise blood sugar
levels. Nearly all of the carb
blockers contain vandium
and chromium as additional

Are Carb

metabolised by the body per
But, according to the
detractors, no carb blocker
works outside the laboratory,
not even the most expensive
ones. This is because they
say that they are broken
down in the digestive tract
themselves, before they can
do anything about attacking
the carbs in the food that we


There are a number of side

effects associated with taking
carb blockers, everything
from mild to quite excessive
diarrhoea, an embarrassingly
That depends on who you
large increase in digestive
listen to. If you listen to the
gases, and heartburn.
manufacturers and sellers,
they maintain that the
carb blocking tablets will
inhibit between 30-50gms

and Trials
on Carb

For the time being, there is

a big question mark over
the effectiveness of carb
blockers when used for
weight control. If you have
tried them and have found
them successful, or have
found them unsuccessful,

please drop us a line to let us

know by using the feedback
form on the web site.
Dont forget, whatever you
do and no matter what type
of pill you choose to take,
having first spoken with your
health professional, the best

results that youll get under

any conditions is to combine
anything you choose to use
with a healthy diet and a
good exercise programme.
Always remember that NO pill
is going to be as effective as
following a healthy lifestyle.

in detail
suppressants, The reason for this is
correctly twofold: their effectiveness
in reducing appetite tends
to wane after a few weeks,
so they are generally used
while you are learning new
ways to eat and new ways to
exercise. As that is the case,
it is vital that anyone using
appetite suppressants does
so under the supervision of
their health practitioner and
very quickly adopt new ways
of eating, combined with a
suitable exercise programme
in accordance with their
health and size.
The reason for this is that
because these drugs work
on the sympathetic nervous
system they affect the body
in a number of ways. They
increase cardiac output, they
dilate the bronchioles and
most commonly produce a
constriction of blood vessels.

a class of drugs whose
effect is to mimic those of
a stimulated sympathetic
nervous system. These type
of weight loss pills are only Because they have such an
used for the short-term effect on the bodys various
treatment of obesity.

systems, you should make

sure that you are fully
informed about all of the
risks involved in taking this
type of medicine. Both you
and your medical practitioner
should consider the following
few paragraphs:

not cause you to lose weight.

Only eating in a manner
that will cause a general
calorie deficit will do that,
so therefore for weight loss
to be effective youll need to
follow a correctly matched
(to you) diet whilst using
them, as well as adopt an
Appetite Suppressants
effective exercise regime.
and Diet
Remember, the best that you
Appetite suppressants will
can hope to get from appetite

suppressants is help with the help you to get the results

hunger pains while you are you wanted without having
retraining your body.
any adverse results or did
you have problems that no
What do you think?
one told you about?
Why not let us know what
you think about using these Let us know and we will pass
types of weight loss products it on to the other readers.
- whether you have used
them or not.
And if you have used them,
how did you get on? Did they

Sneak Peek
With Alain Braux and Mark Moxom


on Drake

Shannon Drake - who is the beauty

and brains behind The Dirt range of
paleo-friendly personal care and
beauty products.. tells us how - after getting her lips seriously sun
burnt on a camping trip - she
came up with one of the first of
her natural beauty products.
Heres a short extract
from the interview
Alain and I had with
her a little while

I got a really horrible sunburn

years and years ago. I was
camping and it really messed
up my lips and made it
crack and bleed for years.
I used to work (in my past life)
at a company that owned a
large beauty line and I tried
pretty much every product
they sold; everything from
like the natural lip treatments to the super chemical
filled wonder drug treatments
and they made my lips feel
better while they were on my
lips but as soon as it wears
off it was back to square one.
I just thought to myself, I have
to be able to fix this and there
is no way that one sunburn
have ruined my face for all time.
So I thought, all of these
companies have all these
amazing scientists behind them
but what is the one thing that
they havent thought of that
with my skill set I could think
of that they didnt looked to?
And I thought, culture anthropology paleo diet has done
a lot of good for my insides
but what about my outsides?
What do all these traditional

cultures use to heal for

the skin when they have
problems because they
obviously cut themselves
and get sunburns too?
I basically looked at traditional beauty cultures. What
fascinates me the most
about cultural anthropology
is this kind of history of
taking care of ourselves?
We all know about cocoa
butter. We all know about
coconut oil But I realized that all of the natural
products I had in my little
arsenal at home none of
them had ghee in them and
I knew that ghee was a big
beauty secret in India for
thousands of years and I
drink it in my Bulletproof
coffee every morning. So I
thought to myself, it doesnt
go bad so I could put it in
my lip balm. Lets try it
out! It will be like; youll get
the magical coconut oilghee effect that you do in
Bulletproof coffee, right?
So I took my recipe and add
a little ghee to it and it
works. I used it for a month
or two and it kept working.
I gave it to a girlfriend who

has eczema. I was like, hey,

can you try this out? You
have skin issues. Im not
certain if its just working
for me or if it actually
works? And about two weeks
later, I get a frantic text
message I lost your lip
balm! Im freaking out! My
face feels amazing. I have
been using it over my face
for two weeks and I need
more! I was like, oh maybe
it actually does work.
So I gave it to a couple more
girlfriends. I kind of get the
same frantic text message. I
dont know if my girlfriends
just have holes in their
purses but they all lost it
after a few weeks. After
about girlfriend number
four, I thought to myself
maybe I should sell this.
That was the first product,
the Dirty Balm and from
then on whatever issue I ran
into in my personal life, I
apply that same thinking
what in the historical lexicon
of beauty treatments can I
use in my products, fashion
in a way that is going to
be for a modern lifestyle.

AB: Theres nothing new under

the sun and so if culture
has done it for millenniums
from experience, they must
have figured out what works
and doesnt work instead of
using tons of chemicals and
instead of those that could
potentially poison us, because
everything goes through
the skin and is absorbed.
Besides the ghee, do you have
any fragrance or anything else
you add to that particular balm?

SD: Yeah I only add essential

oils to my products and my
number one goal for my
essential oils is that they
function and they work for
whatever the goal of the
product is. If it happens to
smell good or taste good,
thats a bonus! The lip balms
smell really great but thats
the side effect of the floral
essential oils that are healing
your skin that are in it.

AB: So next time before I cook

my fish I can rub some ghee on
my lips and theyll be good.


Yes when I cook, when I

get ghee on my hands I just
rub it in lotion bonus!

AB: I used to be a hand drummer

and I used Shea butter as a
way to keep my hands from
cracking and breaking. So how
can you explain to us how shea
butter is different from ghee
in this particular example?

SD: All the different butters

and oils have different nutrient
and fat contents. They also have
different textures. Shea butter is
rather soft and it melts quickly
so its great for balms and lotions
and anything that you need to
kind of instantly be pliable.
For things like you want to be a
little stiffer like a lip balm, I use
cocoa butter because its hard at
a higher temperature so its more
of like a combination of whats it
made out of and how it functions
in the real world that makes the
difference. So its kind of whatever
works for your lifestyle. If you live
some place really cold, Shea butter
is great because it melts at a lower
temperature. If you live some place
really hot, cocoa butter is better
because it stays solid and it will
not get all over your bathroom.


(Mark Moxom): So its practical

reasons there then, really.

SD: Very practical, yes, with

some magical reasons too.

AB: So whichever girls

wear their lip balms is
highly kissable then.

SD: Yes, I would like

to say the lip balm is
make-out ready.

AB: There you go!

heavy metals in it and

all kinds of chemicals.
I used to be an oil painter
and when I look at the
back of a mainstream
lipstick, I recognize
the pigments from my

SD: yes, youre really doing

the other person a favor too
because youre not poisoning
them with petroleum.

AB: Thats true! I have never

stepped back from a kiss
but Ive always wondered
what I was getting into
myself when I was kissing
a girl with this bright red
colored lipstick. Its like I
was not going ewww but
there was a little bit of
hesitation being that Im
careful about what I put in
my body so I would assume
that when you put lipstick
with toxic ingredients,
some of it goes into your
body as well, right?

SD: Yes I think the statistics

is women eat 10 pounds
of lipstick in their lifetime
just for having them on
their lips. Thats a lot!
Lipstick has all kinds of

oil paints and a lot of

my oil paints recommend you wear gloves
and masks when you
use them hahahaha

AB: Not to mention that

a lot of these ingredients

and additives are also

genetically engineered.

SD: Yes thats a big problem

with xylitol you can get it
from birch bark but a lot of
it is made from GMO corn. To
me, even if you made it from
birch bark, taking the bark
of a tree and then having
a sweet, white powder
theres a lot of processing in
between those steps and Im
trying to not eat processed
food so why would I eat a
natural sweetener that is
obviously highly processed?

AB: I guess it sort of makes

sense to put a sweetener
in lipsticks so they make it
more sweet for the kissing.

MM: Exactly! Obviously,

people are going to want
to know more about your
products and where they
can get them from. Where
is the best place for them
to get hold of you?

SD: At our website which

Weve got all the information on our products there.

Low Carb Paleo


Mark Moxom and Alain Braux

interview David Christopher.
David Christopher is a Hollywood
actor and stage performer who has
appeared in many well known and
loved productions. However, acting
is just his day job. His passion lies
in helping this world be a healthy,
safe and great place for us to live
in and for our children to inherit.
Shocked by the real dangers
and damage done by the rise of
Genetically Modified Organisms
and the lies and deceit that fuel
that industry, David has put his
time, effort and resources into an

upcoming film that exposes the

catastrophe thats about to happen.
The film tells the story of honest
fifth generations farmers whose
organic crops get contaminated by
a big conglomerates patented GMO
crop from a neighbors farm and how
that GMO manufacturing Goliath
then tries to take away everything
this family has worked for down
the generations - even though the
family has done nothing wrong. The
ensuing tale is tense, intriguing and
leaves us totally understanding
whats really happening behind the

The Low Carb & Paleo Show is all about

those two great ways of living and eating.
It makes so much sense to talk about the
two together as there is simply so much
overlap and the more open minded folk
in both camps can learn a lot from each
The hosts are both highly experienced in
their fields, both best selling authors, and
keen to tackle the subjects that matter
with Alain Braux holding the Paleo Flag
and Mark Moxom the Low carb one.

For people interested in healthy eating

and living, then the show features some
of the most interesting guests on the
planet, from Mark Sisson to Terri Wahls
and beyond.
You can catch up with new episodes here...
Direct Link:
this has all the show notes and
extra info and feedback contact.
Or iTunes:

Whats going on
in the world of
GMO (Genetically
Modified Organisms)
Author Alain Braux keeps us
up to date with the latest
news from around the world.

GMO News USA: FDA approves GMO potatoes, apples. More

genetically engineered food for our tummy. Yay! NOT!!!,21720922/

GMO USA: 52 Congress members sign letter warning of GMOs

killing monarch butterflies

GMO Canada: At Vancouver TED conference, hot-button science

topics include GMO food, antibiotics

Food and GMOs: New cruciferous hybrids, better than genetically

engineered foods, are the new healthy food fad

GMO News: New York Moves Forward with GMO Labeling Bills |
Natural Society

GMO News, America: Monsanto defends GMOs fiercely: What

Monsanto Has to Say | The Daily Meal

GMO News, US: USDA ditches GMO updated regulations: what it

means. When will they get their act together?

GMO News, Africa: Ghana Court Orders Temporary Halt on

Commercialization of GM Crops - Sustainable Pulse

GMO News, England: Jane Goodall and Steven Druker Expose US

Government Fraud over GMOs - Sustainable Pulse

GMO Crop News: Record US Farmers Switching to Non-GMO Crops

in 2015 Alex Jones. Farmers are starting to understand

GMO Crop News: US Farmers Turn Away From GMOs as Grain Prices
Drop. Keep buying non-GMO to change the market.

GMO Food News: A Genetically Engineered Apple a Day What do

you think? Do youn really want to eat a GMO apple a day?

GMO Labelling News: Rachel Parent, a teenage activist meets with

Health Canada to discuss GMO labelling. Great job Rachel!

GMO News: Swiss Merchant Banker Gives Backing to $ 25 Million

Factor GMO Science Project - Sustainable Pulse

GMO News: US Government, Monsanto and Gates Foundation Push

GMOs on Unwilling Africa - Sustainable Pulse


Flavors of Denver
Flavors is a culinary experience that goes beyond the traditional gala providing guests with the unique experience
of having a top local chef prepare a multi-course dinner
tableside. The evening showcases the signature dishes
of our culinary experts and takes you beyond the usual
restaurant fare. Unleash your inner foodie and experience a distinct evening of dining while helping to fund the
research, education, and advocacy efforts of the American
Liver Foundation.
When: April 2, 2015
Where: Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum
7711 East Academy Blvd Denver, CO

4 Annual Fort Pierce

Oyster Festival

Sea-Life Habitat Improvement Project, Inc., presents the

4th Annual Fort Pierce Oyster Festival. This one day festival celebrates the waterfront and its bounty with delicious oysters, seafood, land lubber food, live music, arts
& crafts, river science symposiums, a childrens area, the
Great Coconut Float Race and fun for the whole family. In
2014, our attendance exceeded 7,500 patrons!
When: April 4, 2015
Where: Along the waterfront in downtown Fort Pierce /
600 N. Indian River Dr., Ft. Pierce, FL

37 Annual
Scottsdale Culinary
Festival 2015

The six day festival offers a diverse menu of luxurious dinners, themed cocktail parties and our signature event, the Great Arizona Picnic, featuring 50
restaurants, chef demonstrations, live bands and
specialty tasting venues.
When: April 7-12, 2015
Where: Scottsdale, Arizona

Mediterranean Diet
A team of qualified professionals will lead a full day
program, which includes a discussion on all levels
of nutrition aspects, menus engineering, stores
and cafeteria strategies. Attendees will gain a deep
understanding of the health values and commercial
benefits of sourcing Mediterranean products for
their respective clients/customers.
When: April 9, 2015
Where: Cuny Graduate Center
(365 Fifth Avenue) - NYC

Tri State BBQ Festival


The Tri-State BBQ Festival held annually in Dothan,

Alabama features some of the finest barbecue competitors in the world. Teams typically come from Florida,
Georgia and Alabama to compete, but we have had teams
from Mississippi, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan and
New Mexico as well. Teams compete for over $10,000 in
prize money! There is lots for spectators to do as well,
including BBQ sampling, listening to music, shopping in
the Vendor Village, and interesting demonstrations on
Bar-B-Q. Make plans now to attend Southeast Alabamas
finest BBQ festival!
When: April 10-11, 2015
Where: Houston County Farm Center, Dothan, Alabama

Pearland Crawfish

The Pearland Crawfish Festival boils up tons of delicious,

spicy crawfish at a great price, a world of great food,
lively music, vendors, games, and more in the friendly,
relaxed fun and community feel of a small town fair
and serves it up big. Well be serving hot, fresh crawfish
throughout the festival, along with the best of Cajun
dishes and classic festival fare.Swamp Shack Catering,
our professional, world-class boilers are bringing in the
best farm-raised Crawfish the Gulf Coast at a great price.
When: April 10-12, 2015
Where: Pearland Recreation Center Grounds,
4141 Bailey Rd., Pearland, TX

Asian Cultures &

Food Festival

The 2015 Alabama Asian Cultures & Food Festival

is an annual fundraising event for the Alabama
Asian Cultures Foundation. It features food, fun,
an Asian bazaar, and educational events appropriate for the whole family. In our second year
at the Zamora Shrine Temple, the 2015 Festival
will see expanded Educational Arts and Cultural
Booths for the various Asian countries and new
vendor and sponsor booths.
When: April 11, 2015
Where: The Zamora Shrine Temple
3521 Ratliff Road Birmingham, AL

2 Annual HardPressed Cider Fest


Now in its second year, the Hood River HardPressed Cider Fest gives seasoned and novice
cider drinkers alike the chance to sample cider
from Hood River Countys very own cider makers, as well as a variety of additional Northwest
cideries. More than 20 cideries will be participating, with more than 30 ciders on tap. The daylong
event also features local food vendors, produce
and arts vendors, a kids area and a line-up of
local music, from bluegrass to classic rock guaranteeing a great time for the whole family.
When: April 11, 2015
Where: 3315 Stadelman Drive, Hood River, OR

San Joaquin
Asparagus Festival
Join us April 17-19, 2015 at the San Joaquin County
Fairgrounds in Stockton, California for the BIGGEST
Asparagus Festival in the West! With a fantastic
lineup of events and entertainment, the festival is
sure to be an enjoyable time for the entire family!
When: April 17-19, 2015
Where: San Joaquin County Fairgrounds in
Stockton, California

The Festival of
The Festival of Chocolate is the Largest AllChocolate Event in the Southeastern United States
featuring an incredible Vendor Showcase with
sales of chocolates and treats from the regions
best Chocolatiers and Confection Companies;
Demonstrations by World Class Pastry Chefs; Live
Competitions by Pastry Professionals; Chocolate
and Wine Pairing Seminars; a Chocolate Game Show
Stage; The Math and Science of Chocolate; Kids-4Chocolate Workshop; Crazy Chocolate Contests for
children and adults; Interactive Chocolate Classes
and much more!
When: April 18-19, 2015
Where: MOSI - Tampa, FL

Taste of the
Avocados Food
Everybody is invited to taste a variety of dishes
topped with Avocado or Guacamole provided by Food
Vendors and Restaurants. Additional enjoyment: Live
Entertainment, All type of Exhibitor booths, Beer &
Wine Garden, Free gifts, Cooking Books, etc.
When: April 19, 2015
Where: Los Angeles, California

2015 Kau Coffee

Taste award winning Kau coffees prepared by
baristas during the Kau Coffee Experience at the
Hoolaulea. Meet the farmers as they introduce you
to a wide variety of Kau coffees, expertly prepared
and roasted to perfection.
When: April 24-May 3, 2015
Where: Pahala, Hawaii

Naked Beauty / Symulast

Method Program
We took the time to interview the person who devised this
system - Joey Atlas (in Decembers mag). Its the result of
20 years experience in successfully helping women deal
with cellulite. The link weve given below will take you to a
page with a very informative video that will tell you exactly
what cellulite is, why youve got it and how you can get rid
of it once and for all regardless of your age or genetics
The program includes:
1) NAKED BEAUTY Streaming Online Video Version
2) NAKED BEAUTY PDF/printable version with photos and
3) Your Personal Cellulite Removal Exercise Schedule
4) Top Secret Anti-Cellulite Cardio Instructions
5) Flat Sexy Stomach Routine: 9-Minute Online Streaming
6) Tightly Toned Arms: 8-Minute Online Streaming Video
7) Free Life-Time Subscription to The Cellulite Files
8) Life-Time Anti Cellulite Prevention and Maintenance
9) 60-Day NAKED BEAUTY Guarantee: Your Cellulite is Gone
or Your Money Back
10) If you claim your Private Client Access Spot today you
also get any updates and additions to NAKED BEAUTY at
Click here for more details:

Primal Life Organics

Primal Life Organics is a Paleo Skincare Company.
Our belief is in healing the body (and the skin) with
fresh, real food sources. Our products are the MOST
nutrient dense skincare available- why?? Because we
make our Skin-Food FRESH when ordered! There are
no products on our shelves- just ingredients. When
a product is made- it has
already been sold. We do not
need harmful preservatives in
our products, since they are
made to be used immediately.
Click here for more details:

Lindt Excellence Extra Dark

Dark 85% tablets have a very intense character. The first
impression is somewhat bitter and dry, but the mellowing effect of the cacaobutter ensures this taste is well
balanced. A considered tasting will allow you to detect
hints of dried fruit, liquorice and tobacco as well as fresh
earthy notes. Why we like it? Well who doesnt like chocolate (apart from Loreta) and really wants to be able to
have some even on low carb?

Click here for more details: On Amazon:

Bulletproof Coffee
Bulletproof Coffee powerfully energizes you, keeps your
focus rock steady, and delivers crucial nutrient density far
beyond expectations. Easy to make, Bulletproof Coffee
combines three synergistic elements: Upgraded Coffee
blended with Brain Octane Oil, and unsalted grass-fed
butter or ghee. Your result is a frothy mug of morning
dynamite. Chef Alain gives this the thumbs up as he says
it helps boost him through a hard weekend at paleoFX.

Click here for more details: On Amazon:

Yawp Bars
YAWP! bars were initially designed for the Paleo lifestyle. We are happy to say they even meet the standards of the Whole30 program. The Whole30 is a shortterm nutritional reset, designed to help you put an end
to unhealthy cravings and habits, restore a healthy
metabolism, heal your digestive tract, and balance your
immune system. Why we like them... Tasty without being
too sweet and just the right amount of crunch.
Click here for more details: On Amazon:

The EPIC bar is a 100% grass fed animal based protein
bar designed as nature intended. Paleo friendly, gluten
free, and low in sugar, we believe that EPIC foods should
inspire EPIC health. Why we like them... 100% just right.

Click here for more details: On Amazon:

Exo Protein Bars

Exos mission is to normalize the consumption of insects as
a sustainable food source. We believe the way to accomplish this is through healthy, delicious food products that
include insects as an ingredient. Our protein bars are formulated to be the perfect introductory vehicle to bring
insect protein to the masses. Why we like them. You just
dont get so imotional over eating grasshopper flour and
they taste sooo good too.

Click here for more details: On Amazon:

Give Me Dirt Toothpaste

The dirt is made to boost your natural re-mineralization
process and get your teeth back to their strong, sparkly selves.It has a sweet spiced orange flavor that will
leave your mouth feeling clean and spicy! Why we like
it... Knowing youre not polluting your body when you
clean your teeth is a relief. No fluoride, no chemicals...
NO worries!

Click here for more details:


Amys Organic
Medium Chili
A milder chili, made from organic red beans and tofu, in a
flavorful Mexican sauce, for those who want the taste of
chili, but not the heat.

Web link:

On Amazon:

Bodybio Pre-Mixed Liquid

Pre-Mixed Liquid Minerals can help:
Support Mineral Density
Swings in Energy
Revitalize The Brain.
A convenient way to take a dose of the essential minerals
when you may not be able to make your daily liquid mineral drink.

Click here for more details:

Primal Kitchen Bars

Web link:

Primal Kitchen
grain-free bars are made with 100%
Real Food. Food you were born to eat. The Primal Kitchen
dont use dried fruit that contains vegetable oils, sugar or
sulphites as commonly found in other snack products.

Click here for more details:

On Amazon:

On Amazon:


Koyo Foods Lemongrass

Ginger Dry Ramen
Koyo Ramen-lemongrass ginger contain organic noodles.
These noodles are made with Organic heirloom wheat flour
and sea salt.

On Amazon:

Amys Roasted Vegetable Pizza

No cheese. Topped with marinated organic shiitake mushrooms, roasted red peppers, sweet onions and marinated
artichoke hearts. Non-dairy/no cholesterol.

Click here for more details:

On Amazon: http://0s4.

Amys Organic Medium Chili


A milder chili, made from organic red beans and tofu, in a

flavorful Mexican sauce, for those who want the taste of
chili, but not the heat.

Click here for more details:

On Amazon:

Thanks for reading the magazine!

I really do hope youre enjoying it - There is so much more for you
to see though!
Anyway, Im sure youd like more great information that will help you
become fit and healthy and get the body and life that you want.
To help you do that weve got more - just for you.
Weve done a deal with the publishers who are allowing us to let you
have four more books at a ridiculously cheap price. (In fact you can
get them for nearly 60% off the current price)
Each of them deals with fitness and weight loss, approaching those
subjects from different angles so theres bound to be something in
them that will help you achieve your goals.
Now the publishers wont let us release them to you at this price
individually but you can get them as part of your subscription to our
gold level membership with one book released every 3 months.
Heres whats in the offer so far:

Easy Weight Loss Exercise

How to Lose Weight - by Using the Power of

Your Mind

Exercise - Your way

The Revolutionary SnackBox Diet

Right now - you can get a full one year Gold subscription
including these four books for only $9.99. But dont delay... This
will be going away soon and youll never see this particular offer
This is just for the early birds.
So what are you waiting for?
Click the button now. Before this offer expires.

Go for Gold Now



Easter Roasted
Herbed Brittany
Chicken has long been the staple of many
french communities and when they left to go
to other countries they took their recipes with
and youll find variations of this in many parts
of the world. But this is the best one weve
tasted and its even better when you use the
fresh herbs. In fact its so nice youll be singing
Oops, I did it again because this is one
recipe youll want to come back to.

1 (4-lb.) whole chicken
2 fresh lemongrass stalks, tender

inner white bulbs only, minced

10 Whole shallots peeled

Herb Rub:
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary
1/2 teaspoons dried parsley
1/2 teaspoon dried sage
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

1. In a medium bowl, mix all herb rub ingredients. Set aside.
2. Clean and rinse chicken and pat to dry. Using your fingers,
gently loosen and lift the skin from breast and drumsticks
area being careful not to totally detach the skin.
3. Rub the herb mixture evenly underneath the skin (carefully
replace after) and inside the chickens cavity.
4. Rub remaining herb mixture into entire chicken.
5. Put lemongrass and shallots inside the chickens cavity.
6. Lightly grease a shallow roasting pan and place chicken, breast side
up. Cover pan loosely with aluminum foil and bake at 450 for 30
minutes. Reduce heat to 350, and bake 45 minutes more. Remove from
oven and let chicken stand, covered for 10 minutes before slicing.

Chefs Tip
Serve with salad on the side.
If you want to use fresh instead of dried herbs then heres what you need.
2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme
2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary
2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon chopped fresh sage

Number of Portions: 4 for Main Course

Nutritional Value (per portion)

Nutrients per serving

661.0 kcal
51.2 g
6.6 g
1.3 g
46.5 g
218.3 g

Low Carb Poached

Egg in Tomato
It doesnt sound very exciting at first.
Poached egg Tomato sauce.. BUT
When you try it youll see just what a
taste bomb this particular dish is. The
range of flavors will astound you and
you can be sure that its going to be a
breakfast or snack time hit.

6 large eggs
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 medium white onion, peeled and diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 small green bell pepper, chopped
3 cups ripe diced tomatoes
2 tbsp tomato paste
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
Pinch of cayenne pepper
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley

(optional, for garnish)

1. Heat olive oil in a large saute pan under medium fire. Add
chopped onion and saut until it begins to soften. Add garlic and
continue to cook. Add the bell pepper and saut for 5 minutes.
2. Add diced tomatoes and tomato paste to pan, stir to blend.
3. Add spices and allow mixture to simmer for 7 minutes until it
starts to reduce and thicken. At this point, you can taste the
mixture and adjust the taste according to your preferences.
4. Gently crack the eggs (one at a time) over the tomato mixture, make
sure to space the eggs evenly over the sauce. Cover the pan and allow
mixture to simmer for 15 minutes or until the eggs are cooked.
5. Garnish with the chopped parsley and Serve immediately

Chefs Tip
Serve with some steamed vegetables for a light, easy meal
Try echalotes or spring onions - scallions for a
different flavour from time to time

Number of Portions: 6
Nutritional Value (per portion)
Nutrients per serving

113.6 kcal
7.5 g
5.4 g
1.6 g
7.2 g
131.4 g

This dish is a rather tasty variation on
cauliflower cheese. It is wonderful as
a side dish but equally at home as a
snack or light lunch. It certainly will
become a favourite, thats for sure

4 eggs
1 large head cauliflower, cut into florets
1 cup cheddar cheese, grated
cup heavy cream
3 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon mustard
1 pinch nutmeg (about 1/8 teaspoon)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Steam
the cauliflower until fork-tender.
2. Blend cauliflower, cream, butter, salt, pepper, mustard
and nutmeg. Add eggs and blend thoroughly. Add 1 cup
of the grated cheese and blend to incorporate.
3. Pour mixture into a casserole dish, and sprinkle
with the rest of the cheese.
4. Bake about 30 minutes or until top is golden brown.

Chefs Tip
Serve as a side to meat dishes
Baking time will vary by the size of the baking dish.
Use some broccoli for something a little different

Number of Portions: 4
Nutritional Value (per portion)
Nutrients per serving

230.2 kcal
8.9 g
8.3 g
3.1 g
18.9 g
182.4 g

Gluten Free
A healthy, gluten free and no bake
dessert bar. Just heavenly!

1 Avocado
2 tsp Stevia powder
cup coconut oil
1 1/2 cup. shredded unsweetened coconut
A dash of salt
1/2 tsp Stevia powder
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Dash of salt

1. In a small saucepan, melt coconut oil over low heat.
2. Transfer half of melted coconut oil into a mixing bowl
and stir in cocoa powder, Stevia, vanilla and salt.
3. Mix thoroughly and pour in a paper lined
pan and put in the freezer to set.
4. Meanwhile, place remaining half of melted coconut oil in a blender
or food processor. Add coconut flakes, avocado and Stevia then blend
until smooth. (You can puree or have little chunks of coconut).
5. Smooth mixture into the frozen coconut oil and cocoa mixture.
Cover and place in the freezer for about 30 minutes.
6. Remove from paper, cut into bars, and serve.

Chefs Tip
Store leftover covered in the freezer.
Warning these are morish

Number of Portions: Makes 10 Bars

Nutritional Value (per portion)

Nutrients per serving


165.9 kcal
0.7 g
2.8 g
1.7 g
18.1 g
14.8 g

Easy Weight
Loss Exercises

Biceps Curl

This is designed to
strengthen the upper arm
muscles at the front. Using
the same armless kitchen
chair, sit in the chair with
your back straight. Again,
your feet should be flat on
the floor, the same width
apart as your shoulders.

Photos by Angelique Barnard

Hold your hands straight

down at your sides, with
your palms facing in
towards your body.

Take a breath and breathe out slowly as

you take 5 seconds to bend your arm at
the elbow and slowly lift the weight so
that it touches the front of your shoulder.
If youre using your left arm, you touch
your left shoulder with the weight.

Hold that position for one second, then

take five seconds again to lower it to the
starting position as you finish exhaling.
Do this 3 times, then change arms.
Keep alternating sides until you have done
the exercise with each arm 9-12 times.
Pause and then repeat the set again.

Triceps Extension
This is designed to strengthen the muscles in the back of your upper arm.

Sit in the chair facing front, your feet

flat on the floor
placed apart at the
same width as your
Holding the weight
in your left hand,
raise your left arm
so that it points
straight up towards
the ceiling, with
your palm facing in
or forward.

Using your other hand,

support the arm at the
front so that it doesnt
bend your arm at the
lower your left hand
behind you, so that it
now points as much as it
can towards the floor.
This is the starting position
for the triceps extension.

Take a breath in, and

as you slowly breathe
out, lift up your left arm
to the count of five so
that it is pointing once
again at the ceiling as
you can see in the first
Hold it in that position
for one second, and
then as you continue
to breathe out, lower it
down back to the starting position again.
Repeat 3 times, and
then change arms.
Keep alternating arms
until youve done the
complete exercise 9-12

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Contact & More

So here we are at the end of this months issue
and I hope you have enjoyed what youve seen
and heard.
Some of the links in the magazine may be
affiliate links. In cases like that we get paid
an affiliate commission, but YOUR price if you
decide to buy is not affected. Wether or not
we receive a commission does not affect the
value behind the recommendation - it merely
serves to support the general income pot that
goes towards paying the cost of producing this
magazine. You always have the option to go to
a website directly if you dont agree with this.
Until we meet again in the next issue, please do
keep on with your diet and fitness plans. I have
found that the people who succeed in getting
the things they desire the best are those who
have given themselves a huge, powerful reason
to get to their goal and who never, never, never
think that giving up is an option.

Im waiting to hear about your success.

PS Id love to know what you thought about
this magazine too. So please let me have your
feedback via
You can always get hold of us here:
or email:
Those are probably the quickest ways.
Or you can get out your quill and write to:
Suite 3609,
24B Moorefield Road
Johnsonville, Wellington
6037, New Zealand

All rights reserved. The Publisher and agents present information which is believed to be reliable, sound and based on the best judgement available to the authors but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Material is provided for information only and should not be construed as medical advice. You must at all times consult your own
medical practitioner on any matter relating to your health and well-being. Readers who fail to consult with an appropriate health advisor assume the risk of any injury.
The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. This publication should only be made available by purchase from the LowCarb Mag Official distributors.
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