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Tinnitus and Meniere's Disease

Tinnitus, the medical term for "ringing in the ears," appears to be increasingly
more prevalent in the general population. Found in all age groups, tinnitus sym
ptoms are especially common after hearing loud noises or sounds, or being expose
d to high sound pressures and decibel levels. These sound levels are becoming in
creasingly more common for young people being exposed to today's over amplified
musical groups, and to those who over amplify the sound levels of music played f
rom portable MP3 or similar musical playback devices into headphones that direct
this high level of sound directly to the eardrum. Continuous exposure to high s
ound levels can also cause permanent damage to the eardrum, damage that is not c
orrectible or treatable.
Tinnitus is often transitory, with spontaneous recovery, with or without treatme
nt, during the first six months. If the condition persists for more than six mon
ths, the condition is considered chronic. Continued exposure to high sound level
s can cause tinnitus to be a chronic condition.
COMMON CAUSES OF TINNITUS: Common causes of Tinnitus include head trauma, sinus,
ear, and respiratory infections, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, TMJ pro
blems, food allergies, and certain types of tumors.
ANTIBIOTIC DAMAGE: The use of many standard antibiotics to treat staph and strep
infections may cause hearing damage (ototoxic) including tinnitus. Vinpocetine,
which reduces vascular resistance and increases circulation to the brain and in
ner ear, may help minimize the damage caused by antibiotics by increasing oxygen
levels to the ear and brain. Alpha Lipoic Acid has also been shown to be effect
ive in reducing antibiotic induced damage to cochlear ear tissue.
HOW COMMON IS TINNITUS: It is estimated that 10 to 20% of the North American pop
ulation suffers from mild tinnitus symptoms, and 80% of tinnitus sufferers hear
ringing constantly. About 30% of the elderly experience tinnitus.
It is important to differentiate common tinnitus with Meniere's disease, a serio
us condition that is characterized by tinnitus, vertigo and hearing loss. Some n
atural products may be effective in the treatment of tinnitus and Meniere s diseas
e (Ventigoheel).
PULSATILE TINNITUS: Pulsatile, also called vascular tinnitus affects approximate
ly 3% of tinnitus patients, and is usually treatable. Nutritional supplements th
at improve cardiovascular health may be effective in treating Pulsatile Tinnitus
. Symptoms of pulsatile tinnitus include a pulsing that is often in rhythm with
the heartbeat. Cardiovascular disease, arterial blockages (caused by fibrin, pla
que, etc.) and hypertension (high blood pressure) can all be causes of pulsatile
Other causes of pulsatile tinnitus can include:
Middle Ear Fluid. An ear infection can cause the normally air filled space in th
e ear to become filled with fluid. This can be caused by infection or inflammati
on, causing eustachian tube dysfunction. The fluid buildup up behind the middle
ear results in pulsatile tinnitus.
Glomus tumors, or parangangliomas. While usually benign (not cancerous), vascula
r tumors in the middle ear can cause pulsatile tinnitus. Surgery is often requir
ed to correct this form of tinnitus.
Venous Hum. Increased blood flow through the jugular vein, the largest vein in t
he neck, can be caused by pregnancy, anemia, or thyroid gland abnormalities. The
jugular vein carries blood from the brain to the heart, traveling past the midd

le ear. Restriction of blood flow to the jugular vein can cause turbulence, resu
lting in a "hum" which can sometimes fluctuate in rhythm with the heartbeat. Nut
ritional supplements may help resolve the cause of this problem, including suppl
ements designed to reduce platelet aggregation, and antioxidants which may lower
cholesterol or reduce arterial plaque.
Middle Ear Infection. The body naturally signals increased blood flow to any inf
lamed tissue. If there is a middle ear infection, this increase in blood flow to
the ear can result in an audible, pulsating tinnitus.
Carotid Artery-Cavernous Sinus Fistula. Usually the result of a concussion or ot
her head trauma, this condition is caused when there is a blockage or abnormal c
onnection between the carotid artery and blood stored in the cranial cavity. Cer
vical ligation and balloon occlusion are common treatments.
Arteriovenous Malformations (AVMs). AVMs are circulatory defects that are believ
ed to arise during embryonic or fetal development, or soon after birth.
AVMs located in the brain that occur near the auditory nerve can cause pulsatile
tinnitus. Other neurological symptoms of AVMs can include seizures, headaches,
muscle weakness or paralysis, dizziness, visual disturbances, numbness, tingling
, memory problems, hallucinations or dementia.

Tinnitus Related Symptoms

MENTAL DEPRESSION: The constant ringing in the ears can be so troubling for some
that depression can result. Many natural products designed for anxiety and depr
ession increase circulation, and as a result, may also help with tinnitus sympto
ms. These products include the essential fatty acid EPA, niacinamide, St. John's
Wort, 5HTP, L-Tryptophan, and Zenbev.
INSOMNIA: Tinnitus can be especially noticeable in a quiet bedroom, and the cons
tant ringing can be a major obstacle in achieving sound sleep.
MELATONIN*: In a double-blind study, 3 mg of melatonin per night for 90 days res
ulted in improved sleep and a lessening of symptoms for tinnitus sufferers. Choo
se a sublingual form that is dissolved in the mouth or under the tongue.
L-TRYPTOPHAN: Melatonin is a hormone produced at night by the pineal gland. Its
secretion is stimulated by the dark and inhibited by light. L-Tryptophan convert
s to melatonin in darkness, and serotonin during the day, and a deficiency of th
is important amino acid can result in sleep difficulties and depression.
Tryptophan can be extremely effective in helping to naturally induce sleep. It i
s also important that Vitamin B3 and B6 are supplemented in the diet, to ensure
that L-Tryptophan crosses the blood/brain barrier, and converts to melatonin. Av
iva recommends a quality multi vitamin that is taken with each meal, with a mini
mum of 25 mg of Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6. For improved absorption, choose the c
oenzyme form of Vitamin B6, Pyridoxal-5 Phosphate.

The Importance of Eye Shades in Producing Melatonin

Published studies have shown a link between lower rates of various cancers (brea
st, prostate, ovarian) and higher levels of melatonin. One of the easiest and mo
st effective methods of increasing natural melatonin production is to wear eye s
hades, to ensure no ambient light enters the eye while sleeping.

By combining a light shielding eye shade with sufficient levels of Vitamin B3, B
6 (using Pyridoxal-5 Phosphate), Vitamin B12 (oral Methyl, Hydroxy, or Dibencozi
de) and natural sources of L-Tryptophan (Zenbev is recommended), you will ensur
e you have given the body the nutrients required to achieve deep, continuous sle
Megaloblastic Anemia / Pernicious Anemia
Vitamin B-12: In a published report from the American Journal of Otalaryngology,
47% of people with tinnitus were deficient in Vitamin B-12. Aviva recommends an
oral form of B12, either Methyl Cobalamin, Hydroxocobalamin, or Dibencozide, as
Vitamin B12 is often poorly absorbed in the stomach, especially in those over 4
0. The most absorbable forms are sublingual products that are dissolved under th
e tongue or in the mouth, although there are coenzyme forms that are also well a
bsorbed in the stomach, as they are not dependent on intrinsic factor for absorp


Two matching joints on each side of your head, located in front of your ears, ar
e called the temporamandibular joints. The temporomandibular joints (TMJs) conne
ct your lower jaw to your skull TMJ problems include popping sounds in the jaw,
jaw stiffness, jaw pain, headaches, earaches, toothaches, and of course tinnitus
To determine if tinnitus is being caused by TMJ problems, a visit to a dentist m
ay be beneficial. Often, the preparation of an oral splint may be of benefit, es
pecially if teeth clenching exacerbates the tinnitus, making it louder or softer
. A change in the sound of the tinnitus when pushing on the jaw with the palm of
your hand may also be an indication that tinnitus may be related to TMJ disorde
If you believe you may have a TMJ disorder, I recommend visiting a dentist with
specialized knowledge in this area. Dr. Sidney Fleischer is a Winnipeg dentist w
ith many years of success in treating tinnitus, myofacial pain, and other proble
ms that can be corrected by minor adjustments. His gentle treatments can be mira
culous. He can be contacted at (204) 786-6617.

Many of the supplements found effective for tinnitus have additional side benefi
ts for cognition, hearing loss, hypertension, skin health, headaches and vision.
While not all research supports the benefits of antioxidants in relation to imp
roved circulation, especially to the brain, cochlea and retina, choosing nutrien
ts that have cognitive, visual, or auditory benefits may provide a variety of we
lcome "side benefits," improving other important senses. Supplements that improv
e circulation to the ear will also provide enhanced circulation to other parts o
f the body.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is found in high concentrations in the cochlea and the retin
a. Sensory receptor cells, the cells that transmit auditory and visual signals
to the brain, require Vitamin A and Zinc. Several studies have confirmed that Vi
tamin A provides substantial health benefits to those with tinnitus. I recommend
either solubilized or emulsified Vitamin A.

Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 is gaining a great deal of press for reducing the incidenc
e of migraine headaches. More recent studies have shown a reduction in the incid
ence of cataracts. Additional Vitamin B2, also called Riboflavin may be therapeu
tic in the treatment of tinnitus. I recommend the coenzyme form, Riboflavin-5 Ph
osphate, as this form is more easily absorbed. The benefits from Vitamin B2 will
be enhanced if taken with Vitamin B3 (Niacin).
Vitamin B3 Niacin (nicotinic acid) helps increase blood flow by relaxing and wid
ening the blood vessels. Most well known as an inexpensive and effective treatme
nt for elevated cholesterol, niacin has a wealth of other health benefits. To re
ceive these benefits, 2-3 grams per day are usually required. High dosages of ni
acin may be contraindicated for diabetics and for those with liver disease. Some
time release / sustained release niacin products have been associated with elev
ated liver enzymes, but many modern time release/sustained release products use
Brazilian wax to control the release of niacin, which minimizes the flushing tha
t many find uncomfortable. It is best to have your liver checked by a qualified
health care practitioner if you choose to use high dosages of niacin.
Niacin is famous for the "niacin flush," a reddening of the skin accompanied by
severe itching. This condition usually passes within two hours, and is the resul
t of the release of histamine from the blood. The flushing usually subsides with
in two to three days, and can be minimized if niacin is taken with food. Inosito
l Hexaniacinate (called Flush Free) is not recommended for tinnitus.
Vitamin B6/Pyridoxine
One of the most important of all vitamins, B6 functions as
a coenzyme, working with other vitamins and enzymes to help produce energy from
food, and speeding up cellular chemical reactions. Vitamin B6 has many known be
nefits for the nervous system, and is also used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome.
B6 is also required (along with Folic Acid and B12) in keeping homocysteine lev
els low, which improves overall circulation. The best form of Vitamin B6 is Pyri
doxal-5 Phosphate, the coenzyme form.
Vitamin B9 Folate (with B12 and B6) helps reduce homocysteine, an amino acid-lik
e compound that in excess amounts can contribute to the buildup of arterial plaq
ue. While there are no published studies supporting the use of folic acid for ti
nnitus, the role of folic acid in lowering homocysteine levels indicates it is a
valuable nutrient for improved circulation and increased blood flow to all part
s of the body. Ensure you only purchase 5-Methyl Tetrahydrofolate, not "folic ac
id," which is a synthesized vitamin that many cannot absorb.
Vitamin B12/Cobalamin
Many studies have found a connection between B-12 deficien
cy and auditory problems, including tinnitus. Low levels of B-12 were found in 4
7% of patients with tinnitus associated with noise induced hearing loss. With B6
and Folic Acid, B-12 is required for the metabolism of homocysteine. Choose a c
oenzyme form, (Methylcobalamin, Hydroxocobalamin, or Dibencozide) in sublingual
tablet, liquid, or capsule. Take 3 mg per day.
Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids: While there are no published studies supporting th
e use of Vitamin C, or bioflavonoids, for the treatment of tinnitus, there are m
any studies supporting Vitamin C and bioflavonoids for improving capillary stren
gth. The many delicate capillaries that circulate blood and nutrients to the ear
would be strengthened and improved through the addition of Vitamin C with Biofl
avonoids. I recommend choosing a Vitamin C supplement that has equal quantities
of bioflavonoids, or add a separate bioflavonoid supplement.
Vitamin D3 Vitamin D has been reported to improve hearing in some patients. Ther
e is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency, especially in northern climates, but a
lso because there is less exposure to the sun, and the sunlight to which we are
exposed is filtered from UV by glass in most office buildings and homes.
Vitamin E Complex

The importance of Vitamin E as an aid to improved circulation,

and as an antioxidant makes this one of the most important of all vitamins for
overall health. Vitamin E, as it occurs in nature, consists of a complex of eigh
t isomers, 4 tocopherals, and 4 tocotrienols. A biologically balanced E-Complex
provides both antioxidant, and cardiovascular benefits, and should be part of a
ny health program designed to treat tinnitus, although there will be many additi
onal health benefits. An excellent antioxidant supplement that contains all Vita
min E isomers is Antioxidant Synergy from AOR, which contains all forms of Vitam
in E, with R Lipoic Acid and other antioxidants.
Magnesium*: In one study, 300 male military recruits undergoing basic training w
ere exposed to high levels of sound, with tinnitus as the result. Those who rece
ived 167 mg of Magnesium Aspartate had a significant reduction in tinnitus sympt
oms. Aviva recommends MPA caps, a combination of Magnesium and Potassium, in a h
ighly absorbable aspartate form, or one of the chelated forms, like Metagenics M
agnesium Bis-Glycinate (Albion).
Low magnesium levels can cause constriction of blood vessels, including the arte
ries that circulate blood to the inner ears. When combined with high levels of s
ound, the lack of circulation may cause damage to critical cells in the ear, whi
ch may lead to tinnitus. High sound levels can also cause arterial constriction
, which can contribute to tinnitus. Sufficient magnesium may help the body adapt
to higher sound levels that might cause permanent inner ear damage.
Zinc*: In patients with sensorineural hearing loss and low serum zinc levels, zi
nc supplementation for 3-6 months resulted in a reduction in tinnitus in about 2
5% of the cases, in one uncontrolled trial. The inner ear, like the retina of th
e eye, has a very high concentration of zinc. Animals fed a diet low in zinc par
tially lose hearing function, and apparently, even the kind of marginal zinc def
iciency often seen in older people causes greater hearing concerns associated wi
th ear damage from noise or aging.
George E. Shambaugh, Jr., M.D. professor eme
ritus of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery at Northwestern University Med
ical School in Chicago, estimates that about 25% of the people he sees with seve
re tinnitus are zinc deficient. Another uncontrolled trial found that 52% of pat
ients with low serum zinc had an improvement within one month. Balance Zinc with
Copper, and choose either chelated zinc, or a zinc formula that has added Betai
ne HCL, to aid in absorption. I recommend 15 to 20 mg, three times a day with fo
Ginkgo Biloba Extract Choose a product that has been standardized to contain at
least 24% ginkgo heterosides. 40 mg, 3 times per day has been reported helpful i
n some studies. Do not choose a Ginkgo supplement with Ginkgo leaf or any part o
f the plant that has not been standardized as an extract, as only the extracts h
ave been found to be consistently free of lead contamination. NOW Foods has an e
xcellent product that combines Ginkgo Biloba with synergistic herbs that include
Gotu Kola.
SMART GINGKO BY NEW ROOTS is a superior formula that includes a variety of nutri
ents that are synergistic to Ginko Biloba.
Vinpocetine* An extract of the periwinkle plant, vinpocetine has been shown ti i
mprove cognitive function, and has been used in Germany for over twenty five yea
rs as a treatment for tinnitus. Recommended dosage is 10 to 15 mg, three times
a day.
Vinpocetine may be effective if tinnitus is caused by fatty plaques that are clo
gging arteries that feed oxygen to the inner ear and brain, as this amazing herb

has been shown to increase blood flow to these areas. Vinpocetine has also been
shown to reduce the cell death that can occur when a brain region is temporaril
y deprived of blood flow.
Often recommended for migraine headaches, feverfew may be effective in
treating tinnitus, as this well known herb helps to increase cerebral circulatio
While there are no published studies that have shown an improvement in
tinnitus using this well known herb, it is this author s opinion that the many ca
rdiovascular benefits attributed to this herb, which is growing in popularity, m
ay be effective in alleviating tinnitus symptoms.
With impressive clinical studies for migraine and allergic rhinitis, B
utterbur, along with Feverfew, supports healthy blood flow to the brain. This sa
me mechanism indicates that Butterbur should be helpful to those with tinnitus.
Curcumin As tinnitus is primarily caused by inflammation, botanicals that fight
inflammation should provide therapeutic benefits. Curcumin, an alkaloid found in
the popular Indian spice turmeric, has over 100 known constituents that help to
lower inflammation. Curcumin has also been shown to lower CRP (C-Reactive Prote
in), a marker for cardiovascular disease, that is often caused by inflammation.
Butcher's Broom
A well known herb used to treat varicose veins and hemorrhoids,
Butcher's Broom helps to lower inflammation and improve circulation to the extre
mities, and may be helpful in treating tinnitus.
Pomegranate Extract
In a recently published study, pomegranate extract was shown
to be effective in reducing carotid artery stenosis, while lowering blood press
ure. The combination of these benefits may be effective in treating tinnitus, wi
th the "side benefits" of lower blood pressure and improved circulation. Pomegr
anate is a rich source of antioxidants. Antioxidants help prevent oxygen relate
d cell membrane damage, keep blood vessels and arteries free of plaque, and may
help reduce LDL cholesterol, while raising HDL (the good) cholesterol. The end r
esult, improved circulation, can assist in alleviating tinnitus.
Garlic There are more publications and positive research on the health benefits
of garlic than for any other herb. Garlic can help lower cholesterol, blood pres
sure, and may prevent plaque buildup that clogs arteries. The powerful circulato
ry benefits of garlic make it a perfect addition to a nutritional program design
ed to reduce tinnitus symptoms. Fermented garlic preparations, including DobbleH
eart by Spagomed, have greater biologically effects than standard garlic prepara
tions. Other recommended garlic products include Kyolic Aged Garlic supplements,
and Garlinase.
Omega 3
Essential Fatty Acids
The essential fatty acids EPA and DHA have been sh
own in thousands of controlled studies to be effective in improving cardiovascul
ar fitness, and improving circulation. To be effective, a minimum of 3 grams of
EPA and DHA should be taken each day. Recommended dosage is 1 gram of combined E
PA and DHA or more, three times a day. Vitamin E should also be taken whenever O
mega 3 Essential Fatty Acids are consumed. Vitamin E protects the essential fatt
y acids from potentially damaging oxidation in the body. I recommend a minimum o
f 400 mg of mixed tocopherals (E-Complex is best) per day, to balance 3 grams of
Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids
Nattokinase Nattokinase can reduce fibrin, the clotting substance in the blood,
while improving blood flow. Nattokinase should be part of any program where impr
oved circulation could be of benefit.
Serratio Peptidase - Another well known fibrinolytic enzyme, Serratio Peptidase

has similar fibrin reduction benefits. Serratio Peptidase has been shown to be m
iraculous for pain relief, increased circulation, reduced fibrin and inflammatio
n. Serratio Peptidase works well when combined with nattokinase and other proteo
lytic enzymes including bromelain and papain.
A bioflavonoid, quercetin can inhibit histamine production, which can
contribute to tinnitus. Quercetin is enhanced if taken with bromelain, an anti-i
nflammatory enzyme.
Green Tea Matcha, and EGCG Powerful antioxidants that bring a host of health ben
efits, including improved circulation, which can help reduce tinnitus.
Numerous published studies have shown a relationship between antioxidants in the
diet and improved circulation. Specific supplements recommended for tinnitus in
clude EGCG (antioxidant from Green Tea), N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), Curcumin (AOR
is best), Alpha Lipoic Acid (R+ Version), Pycnogenol (Maritime Pine Bark Extract
), Astaxanthin, Acai, Coenzyme Q10, and Quercetin.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Preventing Antibiotic Induced Ear Damage. Choose the R+ Versio
n. Alpha Lipoic Acid Alpha lipoic acid has shown dramatic effects in providing s
upport for antibiotic induced hearing impairment. At the Hearing Research Labor
atories at Duke University, in Durham, North Carolina, researchers investigated
what positive effect lipoic acid could have on aminoglycoside (a class of antibi
otics) induced damage to cochlear tissue of the ear. Lipoic acid-protected anima
ls did not have part of their hearing impaired compared with animals receiving t
he damaging antibiotic alone. The researchers thought that lipoic acid was part
icularly well suited to protect the ear because it is widely distributed in both
aqueous and lipid tissues after administration.
Alpha Lipoic Acid easily crosses the blood-brain barrier, has low toxicity, and
is easily absorbed by neural tissue. Given the positive safety profile of lipoic
acid and the promise of a significant degree of auditory protection, it makes g
ood sense to add lipoic acid to your supplement program. The best form of Alpha
Lipoic Acid is R+ by AOR, available in a standard and SR (sustained release) fo
This remarkable antioxidant has proven specific benefits for people suffering il
l hearing effects from antibiotics. The antibiotics used typically for staph an
d strep infections are ototoxic (harmful to hearing). Vinpocetine has also been
found to help prevent ototoxicity from antibiotic use.
As mentioned earlier in this article, many supplements designed to improve cogni
tion should be helpful in the treatment of tinnitus, as supplements in this cate
gory improve cerebral circulation, and by association should have a positive eff
ect on hearing and vision.
The most well known supplements for improving cognition include Ginkgo Biloba, V
inpocetine, Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Citidine diphospha
te choline, L-Pyroglutamic Acid, Huperzine-A, Bacopa moniera and Glycero (3) pho
L-Arginine: L-Arginine is becoming one of the most well known supplemental amino
acids. Arginine increases nitric oxide (NO), which dilates blood vessels (vasod
ilation), and improves blood flow. Often used to address male impotence, and a c

ommon ingredient in many male potency preparations, Arginine is also often recom
mended as a nutritional supplement, usually with Ribose, Coenzyme Q10, and L-Car
nitine, to treat congestive heart failure and related cardiovascular diseases. T
he same circulatory benefits that can aid in improving heart function can be eff
ective in improving cerebrovascular circulation, and thereby, attenuating tinnit
us. It is also thought to protect the ear by scavenging free radicals.
NAC - N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

Precursor to Glutathione

Glutathione has antioxidant activity and may promote healthy hearing function, a
nd is crucial in possibly protecting against free radical damage. NAC is also cr
itical to phase 2 liver detoxification.
Ventigoheel, by HEEL, is a homeopathic remedy that has been used to successfully
treat vertigo, Meniere s disease, and tinnitus. Not technically a homeopathic pro
duct, HEEL products have measureable amounts of herbals extracts in their formul
as, and many find this formula effective.
Using an electric toothbrush, put a rubber eraser, the type you normally put on
the end of a pencil, on the end of the toothbrush. Move the rubber eraser around
the area just behind the ear until you feel and hear the vibrations, and contin
ue the massage for two to three minutes, for each ear. Many have found this tech
nique to be extremely beneficial in treating tinnitus, with many reporting compl
ete cessation of symptoms.

Before embarking on a specific treatment plan for any health concern, I believe
that everyone should implement a comprehensive nutritional and exercise program
for a minimum of three months, which includes eliminating dairy products, drinki
ng 8 glasses of water with trace minerals added, electric massage behind the ear
3 X per day, regular exercise, and the following supplements.
1. Multi Vitamin Mineral Antioxidant Supplement taken with each meal. The best M
VMA supplements include Douglas Laboratories Ultra Preventive X and Vita Synergy
2. 3 Grams per day Omega 3 from marine sources (cold water fish), in the ratio o
f 2/3 EPA, 1/3 DHA (Aviva Professional Omega 3 Ester, Carlson Elite Omega 3)
3. 5,000 10,000 IU Vitamin D per day
4. 100 mcg Vitamin K2 as MK7, or 5 mg Menatetrone (MK-4), 1 per day.
5. Super Green Food Powder mixed with water each day upon arising, with added Ri
ce Bran Solubles, nature s richest source of plant sterols (Pure Synergy, etc.)
6. Sublingual B12 Supplement (Biotics B12-2000), twice per day.
7. High fibre breakfast, preferably using sprouted grains, with added walnuts, g
oji berries, Panachia, Aviva Rice Bran Solubles, Sesame Seeds, Sunflower Seeds,
If, after three months on this program you are continuing to experience tinnitus
, I recommend the following, maintaining the nutritional foundation above, for a
n additional three months.
1. Melatonin, 3 mg lozenge, dissolved under the tongue, 30 minutes before bed.
2. Vinpocetine, 15 mg, 3 X per day
3. Magnesium Glycinate, 120 mg, 3X per day


New Roots Smart Ginkgo, 1 capsule, 3 X per day

Curcumin Longvida, 1 capsule, 3 X per day
Chelated Zinc (Albion Chelate) 30 mg, 2X per day
L-Arginine, 500 mg, 2 Capsules, 3X per day

2011-2014 Nathan Zassman, O.N.T.

Claims made about specific products have not been evaluated by Health Canada or
the U.S. FDA and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseas
e. Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended as
a substitute for product label information or advice from your health care profe
ssional. Aviva recommends that you consult with your physician or healthcare pro
fessional prior to starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, and b
efore discontinuing or changing your use of any medications. For any suspected o
r known illness or health concern always consult with your healthcare provider p
rior to the purchase or use of any health related products.
Tinnitus - Nathan Zassman - Health Disclaimer
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