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Temporal Conditions and Integrity Constraints in Active Database

A. Prasad Sistla, Ouri Wolfson
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
University of Illinois
Chicago, Illinois 60680

Abstract condition parts introduces a contrived dichotomy be-

tween events and database states, since there are
In this paper, we present a uni ed formalism, based natural conditions which involve both, events and
on Past Temporal Logic, for specifying conditions predicates on the database state 1. For example,
and events in the rules for active database sys- the temporal condition| \the value of attribute A
tem. This language permits speci cation of many remains positive while user X is logged in" means
time varying properties of database systems. It also that the value of A remains positive between the
permits speci cation of temporal aggregates. We X-login event, and the X-logout event.
present an ecient incremental algorithm for detect- In this paper we propose to eliminate the distinc-
ing conditions speci ed in this language. The given tion between the event and the condition parts in
algorithm, for a subclass of the logic, was imple- rules, and replace both of them by the notion of
mented on top of Sybase. 0 a temporal-condition. The temporal-condition en-
ables the speci cation of both, temporal events and
conditions on the evolving database, and thus is
1 Introduction more powerful than existing rule languages. We use
Past Temporal Logic (PTL) for specifying temporal
The most popular model of rules in active database conditions. It allows us to specify conditions that
systems is the ECA model [41, 6, 28, 5, 14, 18]. It involve both, events and database states, and their
de nes a rule to consist of three parts, event, con- evolution over time. Basically, PTL consists of a reg-
dition, and action. The semantics is that whenever ular query language augmented with a set of tempo-
the event happens, the condition (which is usually ral operators, such as Previously and Since . Con-
a database query) is evaluated, and if satis ed then sequently, PTL is independent of the data model, or,
the action is taken. The event may be composite and in other words, it can be combined with any query
temporal, such as, transaction A starts after transac- language.
tion B ended. However, the condition is static in the The logic proposed in this paper also allows tem-
sense that it refers to the current database state, but poral aggregates, i.e. aggregate functions over time.
not to the way the database evolves over time. For Therefore, we can specify a condition such as: \The
example, the condition cannot specify that the value moving average of a stock price in the last 20 minutes
of a certain object in the database increases by 2% in exceeds 50". Or, \the Dow Jones Industrial Average
2 minutes. Additionally, this separation of event and fell more than 250 points in the last 2 hours."
 This research was supported in part by Grants NSF IRI- In addition to the language, we also present an
9224605, NSF CCR-9212183, AFSOR F49620-93-1-0059 ecient algorithm for incremental evaluation of the
temporal conditions. The evaluation is incremental
1 One may argue that in addition to semantics, the separa-
tion between event and condition parts was advocated from
eciency point of view, i.e. the condition part is going to be
evaluated only when the event occurs. However, even if we
combine these two, we will explain that we can still maintain
the eciency by rst analyzing the events and going to the
database only when necessary.

in the sense that when a new database state is cre- algorithm can accommodate both notions.
ated as a result of an update, the algorithm only We also demonstrate that our rule formalism also
considers the changes in the new database state in enables the speci cation of temporal actions, i.e.,
order to determine if the condition is satis ed, in- composite actions built from atomic ones using tem-
stead of considering the whole database history. The poral operators. For example, the user can specify
evaluation algorithm is also an add-on component, that when a certain condition is satis ed, the sys-
executed on top of, and using the existing query pro- tem should execute the BUY-STOCK transaction
cessing system. every 10 minutes (in order to prevent driving up the
Temporal integrity constraints are temporal con- stock-price), as long as the stock-price remains be-
ditions that must be satis ed at every commit point low 50. Previously, such temporal actions required
of a transaction. We propose a new framework for extended transactions models ([9, 10, 13]) that must
processing temporal integrity constraints. Existing be controlled by an additional software system run-
methods for processing such constraints ([17, 38]) ning on top of the database management system.
translate them into a set of rules with nontemporal The temporal condition formalism also requires an
conditions. In contrast, we process integrity con- additional software system, the condition evaluator,
straints "from rst principles" so to speak. Our but this is the same system used for rule process-
rule conditions are temporal, thus we use the algo- ing, integrity constraint enforcement, and temporal
rithm that processes temporal conditions for both, actions. Furthermore, the speci cation of temporal
rule processing and integrity constraints processing. actions involving iteration and absolute and relative
We show that our proposed language and pro- timing properties (every 10 minutes) is not straight-
cessing algorithm can work with valid time as well forward in existing models of extended transactions.
as transaction time. The important distinction be- In summary, the contributions of this paper are as
tween the two notions of time was introduced in follows.
the context of temporal databases [31], and is criti-  We introduce a temporal-logic based language
cal in rule and constraint processing, in the follow- and incremental processing algorithm. The lan-
ing sense. The database is usually a model of the guage can be used for temporal integrity con-
real-world and the time at which changes happen straints, and for rules that are simpler (only in-
in the real-world, namely the valid time, may pre- volve conditions and actions) and more powerful
cede the time at which these changes are posted in than existing rule languages. It also supports
the database, namely the transaction time. Further- temporal aggregates, and it is independent of
more, the temporal conditions may refer to the valid the underlying data model.
time rather than the transaction time. For example,
consider a transaction that updates the price of a  We de ne various semantics for rules and in-
stock, i.e., posts to the database the price of a stock tegrity constraints with respect to two notions
sale. The sale may have occurred ve minutes be- of time, valid time and transaction time. We
fore the change in the stock price is committed to show how to use the processing algorithm for
the database. It is easy to see that there are trig- the various semantics.
gers that will re with respect to the valid time but  We show that the temporal conditions can be
will not re with respect to the transaction time, or used for the speci cation of temporal actions,
vice versa. For example, consider the temporal con- which are a form of extended transactions.
dition: "the stock price remains constant for seven
minutes". This condition may be satis ed with re- This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
spect to the transaction time, but not with respect scribes the model that we use; section 3 introduces
to the valid time, and vice versa. temporal rule systems. Section 4 de nes the ba-
We show that in the valid time model temporal sic Past Temporal Logic (PTL) without aggregates.
conditions in rules and integrity constraints can have Section 5 presents the processing algorithm for PTL.
di erent semantics. For example, we show that an Section 6 incorporates temporal aggregates in to
integrity constraint with respect to a database his- PTL and shows how they can be processed. Sec-
tory can be online satis ed but not oine satis ed, tion 7 shows how temporal and composite actions
and vice versa. Similarly, we show that execution of can be speci ed using our formalism. Section 8 de-
an action in a rule can be based on either tentative scribes the execution model. Section 9 shows how
or de nite history, and our language and processing we can handle valid time model. Sections 10 and 11
contain comparison to other work and conclusions, along the history are strictly increasing.

2 Transaction Time System 3 Temporal Logic Rule Sys-

Model tem
In this paper we propose the Condition-Action (C-
A database consists of a set of database items. A) model of a rule. The condition part is speci-
These are names of relations or object classes. Ad- ed by a Past Temporal Logic (PTL) formula. The
ditionally, there is a set U of events that can oc- PTL formula can use various past temporal opera-
cur at any time. For example, Transaction-begin, tors and propositional connectives, events, database
Transaction-commit, Rule-execute, Insert-tuple etc., predicates involving database items, variables and
are some of the events. Many of these events may be temporal aggregate functions. The PTL formulas
parameterized. For example, the Transaction-begin can also refer to a special predicate on rule exe-
event may have a parameter denoting the id of the cutions, called executed, whose importance will be
particular transaction. We assume that the events explained later. The variables can be instantiated
are instantaneous. Temporal conditions may involve inside the formula by binding them to a database
both, database items and events. query. They are, essentially, used to compare query
A database state is a mapping that associates values at di erent instances of time, and can be used
a value from the appropriate domain with each to specify various patterns of change in the database
database item. A system state is a pair (S, E) where state over time. The temporal aggregates allow us
to use aggregates of various database query values
S is the database state and E is the set of events; in- over time. The condition part can have some free
tuitively, a system state is a snapshot of the system variables (i.e. variables which are not instantiated
giving the database state and the set of events that inside the condition). In this case, any assignment
occur at a particular instant. The formulas of the of appropriate values to the free variables can cause
temporal logic, which we de ne later, are interpreted the condition to be satis ed and the rule to be red.
over system histories. A system history is a nite se- The action part of our C-A rules may be a
quence (S0 ; E0); :::; (S ; E ) of system states. A new
i i
database operation, a program, or it may simply be
system state is added to the history whenever an an abort operation on the current transaction. Fur-
event occurs. Two or more events may occur simul- thermore, the action part can refer to some of the
taneously, but if so, then a single new database state free variables referred to in the condition part. This
is added to the history. We impose some constraints facilitates parameter passing from the condition part
on system histories. First, we require that no two to the action part which is often very useful. This
transactions commit simultaneously, i.e. the event aspect of our rule system is not di erent than exist-
set in each system state may contain at most one ing nontemporal active databases. Also, the options
Transaction-commit event. Secondly, the database on the coupling between rule executions and trans-
states of two consecutive system states are identi- actions (see [24]) are the same for nontemporal and
cal, unless the event set E contains the commit of temporal active databases, except that in our model
a transaction. If so, then the new database state the event component of the rule is eliminated.
re ects all and only the database changes made by A rule is either a trigger or an integrity constraint.
the transaction. In other words, the new database An integrity constraint is a rule in which the action
state is identical to the previous one, except for the is abort(X), and the condition consists of the event
changes to the database made by the transaction. attempts to commit(X), and the negation of the in-
A time stamp is associated with each system state. tegrity constraint. The rule is executed as part of
It denotes the time at which the change to the previ- each transaction when the transaction attempts to
ous state occurred, i.e. the time at which the event commit. A trigger is any other type of rule.
that produced the new system state occurred, ac-
cording to a xed global clock. We assume that
the value of this time stamp is given by a data-item
called time. Since events that occur simultaneously
4 Past Temporal Logic (PTL)
produce a single new database state, the time stamps
4.1 Syntax of PTL Formulas PTL formula. This denotes assignment of the query
t to the variable X. All occurrence of X inside g are
The formulas of PTL use two basic past tem- said to be bound. If g1 and g2 are PTL formulas,
poral operators Since and Lasttime . Other then :g1, g1 ^ g2 , g1 _ g2, Lasttime g1, Previously g1,
temporal operators, such as Previously and g1 Since g2 and Throughout the Past g1 are also
Throughout the Past , can be expressed in terms PTL formulas. true and false are PTL formulas.
of the basic operators. The symbols used in the
logic are the following: temporal operators Since ;
Lasttime ; Previously ; Throughout the Past ; 4.2 Semantics of PTL Formulas
boolean connectives :; ^; _; propositional constants The semantics of a PTL formula is de ned with
true; false; assignment operator ; variables respect to a time-stamped system history. For a
denoted by X,Y,...; function symbols denoting PTL formula f , let free var(f) be the set of
database queries, relation symbols, event symbols all variables that appear free in f, i.e. variables
denoting various events; integers and standard op- that are not bound in f. An evaluation  for f
erations on integers etc. We assume that each func- is a mapping which assigns appropriate values to
tion symbol and relation symbol has an associated the variables in free var(f). The satisfaction of
arity denoting the number of parameters to it. Simi- a formula f over a time-stamped system history
larly, each event symbol has an associated arity with h = ((S0 ; E0); : : :; (S ; E )) with respect to an eval-
it. Each n-ary event symbol when used with actual
i i

uation  is de ned inductively according to the fol-

parameter values speci es a single event. For ex- lowing cases:
ample, Transaction-begin(30) denotes the beginning
of transaction 30. Each n-ary function symbol de-  If f is an atomic formula then f is satis ed by
notes a function that takes n-arguments of particu- h with respect to  i the system state (S ; E )
i i

lar types, and returns a value. For example, + and satis es f with respect to . More speci cally,
* are function symbols denoting addition and mul- if f is an event then it is satis ed by h if the
tiplication on the integer type. Similarly, ;  are event f is in E . Otherwise, f is satis ed by h

binary relation symbols denoting arithmetic compar- if the database state S satis es f.

ison operators. The functions symbols are also used  If f is of the form f = f1 ^ f2 , or f = f1 _ f2 , or
to denote queries on databases. For example, con-
sider the following relational query, OVERPRICED, f = :f1 , then the satisfaction of f by h depends
that retrieves all stocks with a price above a certain on, respectively, the fact that database state S i

threshold from a relation called STOCK-FOR-SALE satis es both f1 and f2 , or S does not satisfy

(the relation contains tuples consisting of a stock f1 , or S satis es either f1 or f2 , with respect

name, the price, the company's name and the cate- to .

gory of products the company produces):  If f is of the form [X1 t1 ]f1 , then h satis es
RETRIEVE ( WHERE f with respect to  i h satis es f1 with respect
STOCK-FOR-SALE.price300 to 1 where 1 is an evaluation for f1 in which
The above query is represented by the function sym- 1 (X1 ) = value of function t1 at database state
bol OVERPRICED, that takes a single argument S , and for all other variables X 6= X1 , 1 (X) =
which is a 4-ary relation, and returns a unary rela-

We rst de ne the syntax of terms in the logic.  If f = Lasttime f1 , then f is sat-
Every variable and constant is a term. If f is a n-ary is ed by h with respect to  i history
function then f(t1 ; :::; t ) is a term where t1 ; :::; t ((S0 ; E0); : : :; (S 1 ; E 1)) satis es f1 with re-
i i

spect to . If i = 0, then f = false.

n n

are terms of appropriate type.

Now, we de ne a PTL formula recursively. If  If f = f1 Since f2 , then f is satis ed by h with
t1 ; t2 are terms and  is a comparison operator, respect to  i there exists a j  i, such that
 2 f>; ; <; ; =g, then t1  t2 is a PTL formula. history ((S0 ; E0); : : :; (S ; E )) satis es f2 with
If R is a n-ary relation symbol or an n-ary event j j

respect to , and for all k; j < k  i, history

symbol and t1 ; : : :; t are terms, then R(t1 ; : : :; t )
n n
((S0 ; E0); : : :; (S ; E )) satis es f1 with respect
is a PTL formula. We call the above type of formu- to .
k k

las as atomic formulas. If g is a PTL formula, X

is variable and t is a function, then [X t]g is a  If f = Previously f1 , then f  true Since f1 .
 If f = Throughout the Past f1 , then f  The Basic Algorithm
: Previously :f1 . Let f be the given PTL formula. The basic idea of
the algorithm is to eliminate the temporal operators
4.3 Examples in each subformula g of the trigger f, and express
each such subformula as a boolean expression in-
The following formula, called SHARP-INCREASE, volving results of database queries on past database
uses the assignment quanti er and the Previously states and variables that appear free in g.
operator. In this formula, price(Motorola) is a Let s1 ; s2 ; :::s ; ::: be a database history where s is
database query that retrieves the price of the Mo-
i i

the system state after the i update since the trigger


torola stock. The formula indicates that the price for is entered. For each subformula g of f and for each
Motorola stock increases by 10% within 30 minutes. i  1, we inductively de ne a boolean formula F
The formula states that there exists a past state such

as follows.
that: if X; t denote the values of price(Motorola)
and time in current state respectively, then there  If g = R(t1; :::; t ) where R is an arithmetic re-

exists a past state before it in which the value of lation symbol such as ,  etc., then F = g;i

price(Motorola) is at most 90% of X and the time R(val(t1 ); :::; val(t )) where val(t ), for j =
k j

is more than or equal to t 10. Here, X and t are 1; :::; k, is the result of evaluating the term t in j

variables. We split the formula over two lines. the database state s . Any variables appearing

in t are left as they are. F may evaluate to

j g;i

(A) [t time] [X price(Motorola)] the constants true or false, or it may be boolean

Previously (price(Motorola)  0:9X ^ time  t 30). valued expression involving variables.
We can specify multiple conditions in one for-  If g = g1 ^ g2 then F = F 1 ^ F 2 . g;i g ;i g ;i

mula by allowing free variables . For example, the

following formula uses the free variable Y to specify  If g = :g1 then F = :F 1 . g;i g ;i

a sharp increase in price of the company denoted by  If g = Lasttime g1 then F is de ned as fol-

lows. If i = 1, i.e. this is the rst update after

(B) [t time][X price(Y )] activation of the trigger, then F = false. Oth- g;i

( Previously (price(Y )  :9x ^ time  t 30). erwise, F = F 1 1.

g;i g ;i

In the above formula, the variable Y can be con-  If g = g1 Since g2 then F is de ned as follows. g;i

strained to Computer companies by binding Y to a If i = 1 then F = F 2 . Otherwise, F =

g;i g ;i g;i

query that retrieves all names of all computer com- F 2 _ (F 1 ^ F 1).

g ;i g ;i g;i

The following PTL formula is an example of a  If g = [x q] g1 then F = h where h is the g;i

condition that uses external events. This condition expression obtained after substituting the result
speci es that the value of attribute A has gone above of executing the query q in the database state
50 while user X is logged in. Note that the second s iinto the expression F 1 . g ;i

conjunct in the formula denotes that user X is still Note that of F can be computed incrementally
logged in. g;i

and inductively using the values of F 1 and F g;i h;i

where h is a proper subformula of g. After com-

A > 50 ^ (:user X logs out Since user X logs in) puting F for all subformulas g of f, the previous

values F 1 for di erent g can all be deleted.

5 Algorithm for Evaluation of

The trigger detection algorithm operates as fol-

lows. After the i update, it simply computes F
PTL Conditions

for each subformula g and res the trigger i the

formula F evaluates to true. Also, it discards the
In this section, we outline an approach for detecting previous values F 1 for each subformula g.
triggers speci ed in PTL. We also discuss some im- The following theorem can be proved by induction
plementation and optimization techniques that can on i.
be applied. THEOREM 1: The above algorithm res the
2 These free variables can also be used in the speci cation trigger after the i update i the formula f is sat-

of the action part of a rule. is ed at state s . i

We illustrate the operation of the above algorithm is bound to the the query q. Note that the value re-
on the trigger condition given by the formula f given trived by q can be a scalar or it can be a relation.
below. This formula is satis ed if any time the price Assume that the query q retrieves a k-ary relation.
of IBM stock doubled in 10 units of time. Now, corresponding to x, we use an auxiliary rela-
tion R with k+2 attributes. This relation captures

the values of the query q at di erent instances of

[t time] [x price(IBM)] time. The rst k attributes of R correspond to the
Previously (price(IBM)  :5x ^ time  t 10).

attributes of the relation retrived by q. The last two

attributes, denoted by T start and T end, denote an
Now, we de ne two subformulas h and g of f. interval of time during which the particular tuple in
the relation is valid. Initially, i.e. when the trigger
condition f is rst entered at time T, R is set to the

h = price(IBM)  :5x ^ time  t 10; relation retrieved by q on the database at that time,
g = Previously h. and by having T start = T and T end = MAX in
each tuple. . Later, as the value of query q changes
In the operation of the algorithm we use the (due to updates on the database), T start and T end
equivalences Previously h = true Since h. We are appropriately modi ed. It should be easy to see
consider the following history where each system that the value of the query q at any previous time
state is represented as a pair containing the value can be retrived by performing a selection, followed
of price(IBM) and time in that order. Here we do by a projection on R .
not show the update events.

(10,1) (15,2) (18,5) (25,8)... Optimization

We give the values of F ; F and F after sim-
Clearly, the size of the formulas F keeps grow-
h;i g;i f;i

pli cation and rearrangement, for each i = 1; 2; 3 g;i

and 4. ing with i, i.e. with the number of updates. We can

F 1 = F 1 = (10  :5x ^ 1  t 10); F 1 = use optimization techniques to reduce the size of the
formulas F . Suppose g has a clause of the form
h; g; f;

false; g;i

F 2 = (15  :5x ^ 2  t 10); F 2 = F 2 _ t  c where t is free variable in g, c is a constant,

and t is assigned the value of time, then we can use
h; g; h;

F 1 ; F 2 = false;
the following optimization technique. If the value of
h; f;

F 3 = (18  :5x ^ 5  t 10); F 3 = F 3 _

time in s is greater than c, then it clearly is the case
h; g; h;

F 2 _ F 1 ; F 3 = false; i

that the clause t  c will never get satis ed in the

h; h; f;

F 4 = (25  :5x ^ 8  t 10); F 4 = F 4 _

future. In this case, we can replace the clause t  c
h; g; h;

F 3 _ F 2 _ F 1; F 4 = true;
by the constant false and simplify the formula. We
h; h; h; f;

>From the analysis, we see that F 4 evaluates to

illustrate this by considering the previous example

true and the trigger gets red.

Implementation Using Auxiliary Relations for the following history.
It is to be noted that each of the formulas F (10,1) (15,2) (18,5) (11,20)...
The rst three states in the history are same as be-

contains the results of database queries on previous

database states. The values of these queries can be fore. Hence, F ; F and F are same as before
h;i g;i f;i

maintained in separate auxiliary relations and the for i = 1; 2; 3. However,

query values can be retrieved from the auxiliary rela- F 4 = (t  30 ^ x  22); F = F 4 _ F 3 _
h; g;i h; h;

tions by a selection operation that uses time stamps. F 2 _ F 1 ; F 4 = false;

h; h; f;

It is enough if these time stamps are maintained as

part of the formulas F . Also, the formulas F Since the value of time in the last state is 20,

can be maintained as an and-or graph. The use of

it should be obvious that F for i = 1; 2; 3 will

auxiliary relations is elaborated below. never be satis ed when t is substituted by any future
We assume that, in the given PTL formula f, each values of time, and hence we can replace all these
bound variable x is assigned a query value at most clauses by false and simplify F 4 to get F 4 = (t 
g; g;

once in the formula; if this condition is not satis- 30 ^ x  22).

ed, we can simply rename some of the ocuurrances The above method applied to triggers formed us-
of x to satisfy the condition. Furthermore, we as- ing only bounded temporal operators, allows us to
sume that each reference to a database query in f is keep only bounded information from the past his-
through a variable. Now, consider a variable x which tory.
6 Temporal Aggregates It is not dicult to see that one may need aggregate
functions in which the starting and sampling for-
6.1 De nition mulas are temporal. In addition, in our formalism,
aggregate functions can be nested, i.e. the starting
We extend the basic PTL, de ned earlier, by using and sampling formulas in an aggregate function may
temporal aggregate functions. These functions allow themself contain aggregate functions.
us to refer to di erent aggregates of database values The following PTL formula asserts that the hourly
over time. A temporal aggregate function has the average of the IBM price has remained above 70
form f(q; ; ), where f is the name of the aggre- since 9AM (i.e. time = 540 minutes). It is to be
gate function, q is a database query,  and are noted that, in this formula, the left side of the Since
PTL formulae. The above function denotes an ag- operator denotes the moving hourly average of the
gregate of the database query q starting from the IBM stock price.
latest point when  is satis ed. The formula de-
notes the points (i.e. sampling points) that should [u time]
be considered for computing the aggregate. We call (Avg(price(IBM); time  u 60; update stocks) > 70)
 and as the starting formula and sampling for- Since time = 540
mula, respectively.
The formal semantics for the above aggregate
function can be de ned as follows. Let h = 6.1.1 Extensions to the basic algorithm
(S0 ; E0); (S1 ; E1):::; (S ; E ) be a history, and j be
i i

the highest integer less than or equal to i such that Here we show how the previous algorithm can be
the pre x of the history up to (S ; E ) satis es . extended to handle the temporal aggregates when
the aggregates do not contain any free variables.
j j

Also, let k1; k2; :::; k be all the integers between j

Consider a rule r that uses the temporal aggregate

and i, such that the history up to the system state

(S r ; E r ) satis es . Then, the value of f(q; ; ) f(q; ; ) in its condition; here q is a database query,
 and are PTL formulas. Assume that f(q; ; )
k k

(at the end of above history) is the aggregate (as

speci ed by f) of the values of q at the system states does not contain any free variables. At any time the
given by k1 ; k2; :::; k . above aggregate denotes the aggregate of the value
of the query q calculated since the latest time when

consider the stock market example. The function  is satis ed, and the aggregation is taken only at
sum(price(IBM); time = 540; time mod 60 = 0) those times when is satis ed. The computation of
denotes the sum of the the prices of the IBM stock this aggregate can be programmed into our rule sys-
taken every hour since 9AM (i.e. time = 540); tem. We rst introduce a new database item F and
here, we are assuming that value of time is given replace every occurrence of the function f(q; ; )
in minutes. The following expression denotes the in the condition of r by F. Next, we introduce two
hourly average of the IBM stock price since 9AM| new rules that update F. F is initialized by a rule
sum(price(IBM); time = 540; time mod 60 = with condition , and is updated by a rule with con-
0)/sum(1; time = 540; time mod 60 = 0). Note dition . We illustrate this construction using the
that the denominator, in the above expression, de- following example. Consider the following rule r.
notes the number of hour boundaries since 9AM. (Avg(price(IBM); time = 9AM; update stocks) > 70) ! A
In the above example, by appropriately choosing
the starting and sampling formulae, we can specify The above trigger res if the the average price of the
hourly or daily averages, or averages using sampling IBM stock since 9AM is higher than 70. We replace
points where some condition is satis ed. Suppose, the average by
update stocks denotes the T ransaction Commit sum(price(IBM); time =
event for a periodically run transaction that updates 9AM; update stocks)=sum(1; time =
all stock prices. Then, the following expression de- 9AM; update stocks).
notes the average of IBM stock price since 9AM, Since we have two di erent aggregates, we intro-
where the sampling points are instances when stock duce two new database items {CUM PRICE and
prices are updated| TOTAL UPDATES. The single rule r is replaced
sum(price(IBM); time = by the following three rules.
540; update stocks)/sum(1; time =
540; update stocks). r : (CUM PRICE=TOTAL UPDATES > 70) ! A;
r1 : time = 9AM ! require that A2 be executed ten minutes after the ex-
CUM PRICE := 0 ;T OT AL UPDATES := 0; ecution of A1 . Now consider the following rule r.
r2 : update stocks ! r : C(x) ! A(x)
CUM PRICE = CUM PRICE + price(IBM) The rule r can be implemented by the following two
T OT AL UPDATES + +; rules r1 and r2.
It is easy to see that the above approach can be
used, for any temporal condition, if the aggregates r1 : C(x) ! A1(x)
do not have any free variables. Note that all of the r2 : executed(r1; x; t) ^ time = t + 10 ! A2 (x)
above can be done automatically.
In a more general case, i.e. when f(q; ; ) has Many types of dependencies between commitment
free variables, we need to have multiple database of di erent transactions/actions of a nested transac-
items, indexed with di erent values for the free vari- tions have been studied in literature. These depen-
ables. For example, the following rule r(x), which dencies can be programmed into our formalism by
is similar to r except that the stock name IBM is using the di erent types of predicates/events. Tim-
replaced by a free variable x. ing dependencies among them can also be speci ed
elegantly in our formalism.
We can also use the executed predicate for pro-
(Avg(price(x); time = 9AM; update stocks) > 70) ! A gramming certain types of temporal actions. For
To handle the above rule, we introduce two example, a rule r may say that whenever condition
sets of database items, CUM PRICE(x) and C is satis ed execute an atomic action A every ten
T OT AL UPDATES(x), corresponding to the dif- minutes for the next one hour. For example, the
ferent values of x. As before, the rule r(x) will then condition C might say that price(IBM) < 60 and
be replaced by three rules r(x); r1(x) and r2 (x). action A may be buying of 50 IBM stocks3 . The fol-
lowing two rules together implement the above rule.
7 Temporal and Composite r1 : C ! A
Actions r2 : executed(r1; t) ^ (time t  60)
^(time t) mod 10 = 0 ! A
In this section, we describe how certain types of
composite and temporal actions can be implemented The executed predicate can be handled as follows.
elegantly by using a special predicate executed as The temporal component needs to maintain an ad-
part of the temporal conditions in rules. Essentially, ditional auxiliary relation denoting containing the
the executed predicate denotes which rules were ex- information about the execution of each rule, in-
ecuted at what time. The executed predicate takes cluding the parameter values and time. When this
three arguments r; x; t where r is a rule name, x is is done, we simply consider executed as a predicate
a list of parameters and t is time. The predicate on this auxiliary relation. In this auxiliary relation,
executed(r; x; t) is satis ed at time T if t < T and only information necessary for future evaluation of
the rule r was executed with parameter list given conditions will be maintained. All other information
by x (i.e. the condition part of r was satis ed, the will be removed as and when it is not needed.
rule was red and the action part of the rule was All the optimizations discussed in the previous
committed by the time t); sections can also be applied to the extensions dis-
Now, we show how the composite action can be cussed here.
expressed using the executed predicate. A compos-
ite action is speci ed by a set of atomic actions to-
gether with a partial order on them and a set of 8 Execution Model
timing constraints on their execution. The partial
denotes the order in which the individual atomic ac-
tions should be executed. Consider the a compos- In this section we will address some issues about
ite action A(x) which consists of two atomic actions the relationship between the user transactions and
A1 (x) and A2 (x). Here x denotes the parameters 3 Actually, this temporal action can be speci ed in future
that are passed to the action. The timing constraints temporal logic cite SW93.
the execution of the rules. As mentioned, the user To overcome this problem the temporal component
can specify for each rule any possible coupling be- invocation can be executed for multiple events at
tween user transactions and rules. For example, TC- the same time. The only implication of such an ac-
A denotes the coupling in which the condition of the tion is that trigger ring may be delayed, but not go
rule is executed as part of the user transaction, right unrecognized.
before the latter's commitment, i.e. when an event
attempts to commit occurs. Integrity constraints
are TCA rules, i.e. their condition and action are 9 Valid-time system model
executed as part of the user's transaction.
Now consider T-CA or T-C-A rules, i.e. rules 9.1 The model
that are executed independently of user transac-
tions. These rules seem to be more natural in tem- In the model we discussed so far we considered the
poral rule systems, since the condition satisfaction is transaction time rather than the valid time. Specif-
usually not attributable to a single transaction, but ically, our model and the temporal conditions re-
is the cumulative e ect of the execution of many ferred to the time at which the values assigned to
transactions over time. In principle, each one of database items are committed.
these independent rules are evaluated whenever a In order to accommodate triggers that refer to
new system state is added to the history, i.e., when- the valid time we will assume that that every up-
ever an event occurs. Thus, whenever an event oc- date presented to the database management system
curs the database management system invokes the is associated with a valid time, and this valid time
temporal component, i.e. a system that executes may precede the current time. For example, the
the temporal condition evaluation algorithm for each update (IBM, 72) indicating that the price of the
trigger. Consistency constraints are evaluated only IBM stock is 72 may occur at 1pm and have a valid
when the attempt o ommit event occurs. time of 12:50pm. We assume that when this happens
t c

Obviously, this is only a schematic way of viewing the database management system makes the change
the evaluation process, and many optimizations are retroactively.
possible. For example, rules may be associated with In order to distinguish in the system history be-
relations or object classes, and evaluated only when tween the valid time and the transaction time, we
an event relating to the object class (e.g. an update modify our model. The valid time model is iden-
of an object in the class) occurs. tical to the transaction time model, except for the
In the ECA rule model the Event part played a following revisions. An update of the database is
performance optimization role, by forcing condition an event in both models. However, in contrast to
evaluation to be executed only when the respective the transaction time model, the event is assumed to
event occurs. We can obtain the same e ect in our have occurred at the valid time, say v. If there is a
model as follows. Rules that refer in the condition system state with time-stamp v then the update is
part to events are considered only when the respec- added to the set of events E of that system state.
tive events occur, and disregarded otherwise. Rules Otherwise a new system state is added to the history
that do not refer to events, only to database evolu- with time-stamp v.
tion over time, are considered only at commit points, Furthermore, in the valid time model we do not
4 since this is the only time when the database assume that the changes occur at commit time, but
changes. Rules that refer only to database histo- at the valid time. Speci cally, the database state of
ries, but their condition can be satis ed only as a two consecutive system states is identical, unless the
result of the execution of some transaction T, can event set E contains an update of the database. If
add to the condition part the event commit(T), and so, then the new database state re ects all and only
thus constrain the evaluation to occur only when T the database changes made by the updates (possi-
commits. bly from di erent transactions) that appear in E.
Thus, whenever an event occurs, the tempo- In other words, the new database state is identical
ral component considers only the relevant triggers. to the previous one, except for the changes to the
Even so, the overhead may become excessive, and database made by the updates that occurred at that
trigger evaluation may fall behind event occurrence. instance in time.
In the valid-time model we are still interested
4 A commit point in a history h is a state that contains the only in committed updates, and we ignore updates
commit transaction event. of aborted transactions. Indeed, it does not make
sense to re a trigger based on updates that will be update, the maximum di erence between the cur-
aborted. However, the time of the committed up- rent time and the valid time is at most . In other
dates is not the time of the transaction commit as words, an update cannot make a retroactive change
in the model discussed in previous sections, but the which goes back more than  time units. The im-
time at which the update occurs. This is a subtle but plication of the maximum delay assumption is that
important distinction, which, as explained in the in- a committed value in the database can be in one
troduction, may make a trigger re in one model but of two states, de nite or tentative. If the commit-
not in the other. ment occurred less than  time units ago, the value
In order to restrict attention to committed up- is tentative, otherwise it is de nite.
dates we rst need to de ne the concept of a commit- Suppose that triggers are de nite in the sense that
ted system history. Intuitively, given a system his- their actions can be taken based only on de nite
tory h, the committed system history at a time t is a values. In this case a trigger res if its temporal
subhistory consisting of the changes made by trans- condition is satis ed by a history that is at least 
actions that committed before t. Formally, given a time units old. Observe that in this case the ring is
system history h, an update made by a transaction delayed, and it occurs at least  after the condition is
T is committed in h if h contains a system state in satis ed. In other words, de nite triggers inherently
which the commit of T appears. Given a system imply a delayed ring.
history h, a committed history at time t is the pre x In order to evaluate de nite triggers, the temporal
p of h consisting of states having a time-stamp not component algorithm is still executed whenever a
higher than t, in which each system state that con- system state is added to the history. However, it
tains an update that is uncommitted in p is modi ed only considers the system states that have a time-
as follows. The database state in the system state is stamp that is at least  time units smaller than the
modi ed to eliminate the e ects of the each uncom- current time. Since the algorithm is incremental, it
mitted update. actually considers only the system states that have
not been considered in the prior invocation of the
9.2 Triggers algorithm.
Now consider rules in the valid time model. Can 9.3 Integrity constraints
a trigger re, i.e. the action part of the rule be
executed, when the temporal condition is satis ed by When does a committed history satisfy a temporal
a committed history? If the history can be modi ed integrity constraint? It turns out that there are two
retroactively at any point in time in the future, this possible ways to de ne the notion of integrity con-
means that any history is tentative in the sense that straint satisfaction, one is oine and the other is
each database value is uncertain, and furthermore, online. Suppose that h is a complete history, i.e.
it remains tentative forever. an history in which every started transaction is ei-
Suppose that triggers are tentative in the sense ther committed or aborted. A temporal integrity
that their actions can be taken based on tentative constraint c is online-satis ed in h if the temporal
values. In order to evaluate tentative triggers, the formula c is satis ed by the committed history at
temporal component algorithm is executed when a time t, for all times t which denote commit points
system state is added to the history, as before. How- of transactions. A temporal integrity constraint c
ever, the temporal component does not consider only is oine-satis ed in h if the following condition is
the latest system state. It incrementally performs satis ed for the committed history at time in nity,
the evaluation algorithm for each state starting with h0 . For all times t which denote commit points of
the oldest system state that was updated by the transactions the temporal formula c is satis ed by
transaction, until the last system state in the his- the committed history at time t.
tory. If the condition is satis ed for one of these Intuitively, the di erence between the two notions
states, then the trigger is satis ed and the action is of satisfaction is the following. Oine satisfaction
executed. means that the condition is satis ed at every commit
Now assume that tentative values can be queried point p; the history up to p contains all updates,
and viewed, but actions can only be based on def- including the updates of transactions that commit
inite values. When do values become de nite? To after p. Note that these updates are not "visible"
answer this question we introduce the concept of a at time p. In contrast, online satisfaction means
maximum delay, denoted . It means that for every that the condition is satis ed at every commit point
p; the history up to p contains only the updates of history, and let h0 be its collapsed committed history.
transactions that commit at p or before p. A temporal integrity constraint c is online-satis ed
Now let us demonstrate that the two satisfaction on h0 if and only if it is oine-satis ed on h0 .
notions are di erent. Consider for example the fol-
lowing temporal condition. Whenever update u2 oc-
curs in the history, it is preceded by update u1. Now 10 Comparison to Relevant
suppose that update u1 is issued by transaction T1,
and update u2 by is issued by transaction T2, and Literature
consider the history in which the events occur in the Other Temporal Logics: The work that is clos-
following order: est to ours is presented in [1, 2, 22, 23]. In
u1, u2, commit-T2, commit-T1. [1, 2], Chomicki considers a rst order temporal logic
It can be veri ed that this history oine-satis es the with past temporal operators (FPTL) for specifying
temporal condition, but it does not online-satisfy it. and maintaining Real-time Dynamic Integrity Con-
Similarly, it can be shown that a history can online- straints of relational databases. FPTL uses rst or-
satisfy a temporal condition, although it does not der quanti ers, whereas PTL uses the assignment
oine-satisfy it. operator. This operator can be viewed as a form
Ideally, one would like to enforce oine- of quanti cation that naturally ensures safety [39]
satisfaction of temporal integrity constraints. How- of the formula. For example, the trigger condition
ever, practically only online satisfaction can be en- SHARP-INCREASE given in subsection 4.3 is nat-
forced, since at some point in time the system does ural, but it is considered unsafe and cannot be han-
not know which transactions will commit and which dled by the methods in [1, 2]. Furthermore, certain
ones will abort; therefore it cannot consider current types relative time conditions cannot be expressed
updates of transactions that will commit in the fu- concisely using the formalism of [2]. The following
ture. condition is one such example: Three events A; B; C
The way to enforce the integrity constraint is to occur in that order within a span of 60 minutes.
make the auxiliary relations changes and invoke the Additionally, Chomicki's logic and processing
temporal component at every commit point of a method are strongly tied to the relational model.
transaction. The temporal component algorithm The work presented in [22, 23] considers temporal
should evaluate the temporal condition at commit logic with future (as opposed to past) operators for
points in the history, starting with the one imme- specifying temporal integrity constraints. This logic,
diately following the earliest update of the current called Propositional Temporal Logic, does not allow
transaction, and ending with the committing trans- quanti ers and thus is less expressive. In [36] we also
action. If the condition is violated at any one of concentrate on future TL (that uses future temporal
these points, then the transaction attempting to operators such as Until, Nexttime etc.) and do not
commit is aborted. This procedure enforces both discuss temporal actions, aggregates, or valid and
online and oine satisfaction, i.e. the resulting his- transaction times.
tory online- and oine- satis es the integrity con- Event Expressions: Event expressions (EE) is
straints. However, when considering oine satisfac- another elegant formalism for specifying temporal
tion, it may have aborted transaction that shouldn't conditions [15, 16]. Event expressions are based on
have been aborted. regular expressions. They consider the basic events
A system history in the transaction-time model to be the letters of the alphabet, and the expression
can be obtained from a committed system history de nes the order in which these basic events occur.
in the valid-time model by changing the database Regular-expressions and temporal-logic are two
states in the history to re ect all the database di erent and widely-accepted formalisms for the
changes made by a transaction at commit time of speci cation and veri cation of concurrent pro-
the transaction, rather than the update time. A grams. While the former is algebraic based, the lat-
committed system history so modi ed is called a col- ter is logic based.
lapsed committed history. An event expression is processed by constructing a
The following theorem indicates that although the nite-state automaton. Since event expressions use
two satisfaction de nitions di er in the valid-time all the operators of regular expressions and also use
model, they coincide in the transaction-time model. negations, it can easily be shown (see [35]) that the
THEOREM 2: Suppose that h is a complete size of the automaton can be superexponential in
the length of the event-expression, even when vari- algorithm determines, based on analysis of the given
ables (called attribute values in the terminology of temporal condition, which information to save, and
[16]) are not used. In this case, the space complex- for how long to do so.
ity of our algorithm does not su er from this super
exponential blow up.
The work in [15, 16] does not explicitly address 11 Conclusions
the speci cation of relative timing properties. We
assume that relative timing properties of events can In this paper, we have presented a uni ed formal-
be handled in EE by using a special clock-tick event, ism, based on Past Temporal Logic (PTL), for spec-
i.e., a special event that occurs at every clock-tick. ifying events and conditions in active database sys-
However, it is not clear how to eciently process tems. Our formalism allows temporal aggregates. It
such event expressions. also permits elegant speci cation of temporal as well
It is to be noted that [15, 16] also propose to sim- as composite actions. In addition to the language,
plify the ECA rules by combining the event and con- we have also presented an incremental algorithm for
dition parts of a rule. However, their processing al- processing conditions speci ed in the language. We
gorithm seems to emphasize the event part. have also shown that that one can use either valid
All the languages mentioned so far in this section time or transaction time in our system.
cannot handle temporal aggregate functions. The Based on the work presented in this paper, a sys-
importance of such functions was observed by the tem for processing trigger conditions speci ed by a
temporal-database researchers, e.g. [32]. subclass of PTL formulas called decomposable for-
mulas was implemented[8]. This system operates as
Other work on Triggers in Active follows. When a trigger condition is rst entered,
Databases: The other relevant work is the work it automatically identi es and creates auxiliary rela-
on active databases (e.g. [5, 7, 4, 19]), on triggers tions. Later, whenever the database is updated, the
[3, 11, 25], and on rule-languages [21, 26, 28, 41, 20]. temporal component part of the system is invoked.
These works lack the temporal component in the fol- The temporal component updates the auxiliary re-
lowing sense. They concentrate on the speci cation lations and checks for the satisfaction of the condi-
of triggers that involve at most two database states: tion. This whole system was implemented on top of
the current one, and the previous one. In contrast, Sybase using Sybase triggers.
in this paper we address the more general temporal As part of the future work, it will be interesting
aspects in triggers. Also, the notion of time travel in to see if we can extend the speci cation logic and
POSTGRES [29] falls short of providing the ability the processing algorithm to include both the future
to specify complex queries on the way the database and past temporal operators (in our earlier paper
evolves over time. [36], we used only future temporal operators such as
Valid and Transaction Times: These two no- Until, Nexttime etc.). It would also be interesting to
tions of time were discussed in the context of active provide a graphical user interface for specifying the
databases in [12] 5 but that discussion was restricted temporal conditions.
to append-only databases, and it did not provide a
formalism for dealing with these various notions of
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