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Abbas Rozimin, Salman Khan, Atok 150FZ,


Achey| Thermodynamic |


1. Experiment Outcome
Thermodynamic is a basic engineering science course that introduces and applies
fundamental concepts of thermodynamic. Thermodynamic is the study of work, heat,
and energy, and the rules whitch govern how each of these is transformed into the
others. The course explores relationship between properties of matter and basic laws
of thermodynamics, which are fundamental laws of nature governing the behavior of
all physical systems, Mathematical model of these physical laws are presented and
applied to systems involving pure compressible substance. These principle are used
to analyze energy conversion process, cycle, devices and systems. Economic,
environment, sustainability and political implications are discussed to provide a
context for the technical material.

2. Theory
The main distinguishing property of gases is their uncanny ability to be compressed
into smaller and smaller spaces. Gases are also the least complex state of matter.
The ideal gas law relates temperature, volume, and pressure, so that we can
calculate any one of these quantities in terms of the others. Gases are easily
expandable and compressible unlike solids and liquids. Gases have a measurement of
pressure. Pressure is defined as force exerted per unit area of surface. It can be
measured in several units such as kilopascal (kPa), atmosphere (atm), and
millimeters of Mercury (mmHg). Gas has alow density because its molecules are
spread apart over a large volume. A gas will fill whatever container that it is in.

3. Apparatus/Equipment

TEPGC unit
Compression tank (large)
Depression tank (small)

4. Safety Precautions
4.1 Make sure the student follow the laboratory or workshop safety regulators.
4.2 Experiment must be conduct by lectures or experience lab assistance.


5. Safety Precautions
5.1 Connect the interface and execute the SCADA-TEGPC program, supplied
with the equipment.
5.2 Place the valves in order to the air pump is supplied with the external air
and pressurizer the larger pressure tank. When the air is filled with the
external air, close the valve.
5.3 Click START in the program and change the file name for the practice and
click the ACTUATORS button.
5.4 Select the time for 15 second for the practice and 5 second for the second
5.5 Click on TAKE DATA button to start collecting data.
5.6 Take the reading of initial temperature and pressure. Estimate how much
the data we want to collect for 15 second and 5 second.
5.7 Press on the ST1 button. The press on the SP1 button.
5.8 When the data have been taken, click DONE button. Then, click QUIT
button to exit the program
5.9 After the program closed, click WINDOW button and search for COMPUTER
5.10 In COMPUTER folder, search for OC storage. In the OC storage, search
for TEPGC folder.
5.11 Search for the file that we save at the initial process from the practice.
Note the data to make the analysis of the process.


7. Discussion
The data between the two experiment exactly the same because the time given to
calculate the data are same. The higher the volume of gas the higher the pressure

8. Conclusion
In conclusion, this experiment need to be done twice or more to get the exact data
and avoid error reading.

9. Referenced



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