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Topic 5: Wave Motion

lf the waveform of a wave moves or progresses relative to its space, it is a progressive wave.
The transfer of energy is facilitated by progressive waves. Stationary waves retain enersv.

Related formulae Derivation ofv= f

Period tr-11
Dr(ldn(e lravelled by wave in one pe od - i
l:4 5pee0 ol wave
distdn(p lrdvellpd by wave in onp ppriod
period ofwave

T \'T,]
Phase Difference 0

This is expressed in terms of a fraction ol lhe wdve cy( lp or in ter m\ o[ dn anglp.

Note:2n rad or 360" = one cycle

2tt 1 'l'

Situations Graphical lllustration

(assuming wave(s) is/are moving from left to ri

Between 2 waves ofthe same (i) From displacement-distance graph

Distance between 2
correspondinq points

Phase differen.e between the5e 2 wdves:


(ii) From displa€ement-time graph

Time interval between 2

corresponding points (At)

Phase difference between these 2 waves:

{b) Between 2 points on the same From displacement-distance graph

Distance between
P and Q (Ax)

1 wavelength ( )

Phase difference between points P and

0 =Exzn


lntensity o( (amplitude)'?

16A2 or

/ "(+ or
[a !q!g-!: Forthe same point source, power {P} is a constant.

Note 2: Most questions involving the concept of intensity should be approached using the
'comparison' method, i.e. using ratios_

Example 1:

A small source produces a sound of intensity 3.0 x 1O2 Wm_, at a distance 5.0 m away. Calculate
the intensity of the sound at a distance 10.0 m away.


Given 11= 3.0 x 10-'Wm 2; r, - 5.6 6

lz= ?; r, = 10.0 m

For the same source, P is a constant. Hence Ix{

- ("\'

,, (';)' ",, (#)' x 3.0 x lo 2 7.s x r o-r wm )

Example 2:

A plane wave of amplitude A is incident on a surface of area 5 placed so that ,t is perpendicular

to the direction of travel ofthe wave. The energy per unit time intercepted by the surface is E.

The amplltude of the wave is increased to 2A and the area ot the surface is redLrced to S/2.

How much energy per unit time is intercepted by this smaller surface?


Given: Pr = E; Amplitudel - A; Area, = 5

P, = ?; Amplitude, = 2A; Area2=S/z

Since intensity =ry = k x (Amplitude)z,

P2 (Arnplitude2)2 x Area2
4 t Arnpt,hlden, xAreo,

P2 (2A)2 ' "-

E A2xS

fxample J:

A sound wave is emitted from a point source: The intensity ofthe sound wave is inversely
proportional to the square ofthe distance from the source. At a distance r from the soltrce, the
amplitude ofthe wave is 8X.

What is the amplitude at a distance 2r from the source?


Given: A=8X; r=r

A'=?; t' =2r

Since intensity c< + and intensity c< ,42,

Hence Az e \ or A <!.

A' 7r

!q!e.f: ln other questions, you'll see that more than one relationship is stated. This suggests
that you may have to consider them simultaneously.

ExamDle 4:

The intensity of a wave depends on the amplitude. The intensity is also proportional to the
square of the frequency.

A wave has Jrequency 3.0 Hz, amplitude 1.5 cm and intensity l.

What is the intensity of a similar wave offrequency 6.0 Hz and amplitude 0.5 cm?


Given I c< Az and I d. f2

Hence I (x A2 fz
Further given 4 : ,l; Ar = 1.5 ctn; fr - 3.O Hz

Iz =?; Az = 0.5 c-m; fz = 6.0 Hz

I, Az2 fzt

12 0.5262
T = Ls4,

Note 4: We have also seen many questions which require you to determine the diaection of
movement of a particular point P on the wave profile. This is how to do it:

Transverse wave moving to the right )

Step 1: lf the question states that the wave is moving to the ig[t translate the wave profile
slishtlv to the !gb!.

,' Translated profile

Step 2: As this is a transverse wave, we know that point p will vjbrate in the vertical plane, i.e.
aand +.

' Translated profile

5!gL1: As the point corresponding to P on the:translated profile lies below the or;ginal point p,
we can say that the P was moving downwards at that instant.

Exception: lf the points lie on the crest or trough, the points can be viewed as being stationarv
at that tnstant,

Comparison between Transverse and Longitudinal Waves

Ttansverse waves longitudinal waves

Direction of wave particles is perpendicular to Direction of wave particles is parallelto wave
wave direction. direction.
Electromagnetic waves can travel through Need a material medium to propagate, cannot
vacuum. propagate through vacuum.
Can be polarized. Cannot be polarized.

Difference between a displacement vs distance graph AND a pressuae vs distance graph

A displacement node is a pressure antinode. A displacement antinode is a pressure node.

Displacement -distance graph Pressure - distance glaph

rarefaction Min pressure {Not zero pressure)
compressron Max pressure
displacement / m
Points P, Q and R
are particles on a
longitudinal wave.

distance / m Particles Pand Rare

compression while Q
is experiencing
Pressure I Pa rarefaction.

Its corresponding
pressure while it is at
its current positions
are shown in the
pressure vs distance

distance / m

Using a cathode-ray oscilloscope (c-r.o,) to determine the tlgglelly of sound

Procedure 1:

The sound source is placed near to the microphone

which in turn is connected to a c.r.o.
The time base ofthe c.r.o. is adtusted until a
stationary trace is obtained. This trace can be seen as
a displacement-time graph.
The frequency of the wave can be calculated using Period (T)

Using a cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.o,)to determine the Eeygblglh of sound (stationary

The sound source is placed at a distance awayfrom a

hard suaface. The sound waves produced are
consistently rebounded from the hard surface,
forming a straight trail ofstationary wave-
The microphone connected to a c.r.o. is moved along
the trail.
Alternating high and low intensity signaltraces are
recorded by the c.r-o,
The distance between 2 consecutive high signal traces (d) on the c.r_o. is measured using a
measuring tape placed between the sound source and the reflecting surface.
The wavelength of the wave can be calculated using

Practice ouestions from booklet


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