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Journal of Plant Nutrition

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Henrique Coutinho Junqueira Franco , Jos Lavres Junior ,


Adilson de Oliveira Junior , Gean Carlos Silva Matias , Cleusa


Pereira Cabral & Eurpedes Malavolta

a d

Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura , Universidade de Sao

Paulo , Piracicaba , Brazil

Embrapa Soja, EMBRAPA , Londrina , Brazil

Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz , Universidade de

Sao Paulo , Piracicaba , Brazil

Published online: 27 Jan 2012.

To cite this article: Henrique Coutinho Junqueira Franco , Jos Lavres Junior , Adilson de
Oliveira Junior , Gean Carlos Silva Matias , Cleusa Pereira Cabral & Eurpedes Malavolta (2012)
SHOOT FOR FRUIT YIELD AND SEED OIL CONTENT, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 35:3, 413-427, DOI:
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Journal of Plant Nutrition, 35:413427, 2012

C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0190-4167 print / 1532-4087 online
DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2012.639921

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Henrique Coutinho Junqueira Franco,1 Jose Lavres Junior,1

Adilson de Oliveira Junior,2 Gean Carlos Silva Matias,3 Cleusa Pereira
Cabral,1 and Eurpedes Malavolta1,
Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil
Embrapa Soja, EMBRAPA, Londrina, Brazil
Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de Sao Paulo,
Piracicaba, Brazil

Calcium (Ca) and boron (B) have been reported as the major macro- and micronutrient required
for castor bean plant yield. The objective of this study was to determine the Ca:B ratios (in the
growth media and plant tissue) for fruit yield and shoot dry weight of the castor bean (Ricinus
communis L.), grown in a nutrient solution, and to evaluate Ca and B supply on concentration
and total uptake of Ca, potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and B, as well on the seed oil content.
The treatments were arranged in a 3 3 factorial fashion, consisting of three rates of Ca (40, 80,
and 160 mg L 1) and three of B (0.32, 0.96, and 1.60 mg L 1). Calcium and B rates increased
the shoot and root dry weight and fruit yield at a Ca:B ratio in the nutrient solution of 166 and
100, respectively. Symptoms of B deficiency were observed in plants supplied with 0.32 mg B L 1,
regardless of the Ca concentration in the nutrient solution. Plants which showed visual symptoms
of Ca deficiency cultivated with 40 mg Ca L 1 presented concentration of Ca in plant tissue up
to 10 g kg 1. The concentration and total Ca and B uptake increased with the rates of them.
Notwithstanding, the shoot Ca accumulation was improved by B rates. In addition, there were
no decreases in K and Mg uptake due to Ca rates. Furthermore, addition of 80 mg L 1 of Ca and
1.60 mg L 1 of B in the growth media increased the seed oil content. The Ca:B ratio in the diagnostic
leaf associated with the highest plant dry weight (shoot and root) and fruit yield, was 500 (16 to
20 g kg 1 of Ca, and for 30 to 40 mg kg 1 of B).

deficiency, biodiesel, plant nutrition, Ricinus communis


Received 6 November 2009; accepted 30 September 2010.

Address correspondence to H. C. J. Franco, Brazilian Bioethanol Science and Technology Laboratory CTBE, Rua Giuseppe Maximo Scolfaro, 10.000, Polo II de Alta Tecnologia, Cx.P. 6170, Campinas,
Sao Paulo, CEP 13083-970 Brazil. E-mail:



H. C. J. Franco et al.

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Castor bean plant (Ricinus communis L.) is one of the 7,000 species of the
Euforbiacea family, possibly originating from ancient Abyssinia, currently
Ethiopia. The castor bean seed contains 90% ricinoleic acid, which represents a practically pure source of fatty acid, being the only oil soluble in
alcohol (Beltrao et al., 2001). Such a characteristic confers broad industrial
application to castor bean oil, including that of an alternative fuel source,
providing important economic and strategic potential to the castor bean
crop (Savy Filho, 2005) mainly due to the growing interest of the Brazilian government in biodiesel production. On the other hand, although the
castor bean plant is a crop with high economic potential for Brazil, there
are few studies and little information regarding the nutrient requirements
of this plant, making the development of new research warranted. In turn,
previous studies from Lavres Jr. et al. (2005) and Lange et al. (2005) have reported calcium (Ca) and boron (B) as the major macro- and micronutrient
required for castor bean plant yield.
In the area of mineral plant nutrition, similarities between the nutrients
Ca and B on the forms and functions they exercise on plants stand out (Mills
and Jones, 1997). Nevertheless, Ca is absorbed in the ionic form and B as
undissociated boric acid. Ca uptake is active, as related to the MichaelisMentens kinetics, whereas that of B is a result of active and passive processes
(Kochian, 1991). Nevertheless, nowadays, a number of B transporters have
been cloned and functionally identified, some of them being necessary for
efficient B uptake and allocation under B-limiting conditions. Indeed, the
mRNA levels of some of these B-transporter genes are regulated by B avail
ability (Camacho-Cristobal
et al., 2011). Long distance transport of these two
nutrients in the transpiratory stream of the plants occurs in the same vessel
system, being principally one-directional. Once inside the plant, Ca and B
dont move from older to younger tissue, with the exception of B in species
which produce cis-diols, such as B-polyol complexes, and present redistribution (Konsaeng et al., 2010), or even in certain conditions of transpiratory
flow governed by relative air humidity conditions, as observed recently in
the castor bean plant Impala (Eichert and Goldbach, 2010). These two
nutrients have the youngest organs as a common denominator in which
symptoms of deficiency show.
The Ca and B nutrients contribute to the maintenance of structure and to
membrane function and both are involved in the adenosine triphosphatases
(ATP-ase) activity (Schaller and Sussman, 1988; Cakmak and Romheld,
1997). While Ca, in the form of pectate, contributes to cell wall rigidity, controlled by indole acetic acid (Marschner, 1995), B is involved in
the biosynthesis of pectic acid (Kobayashi et al., 1996; Power and Woods,
1997). When there is B deficiency, the activity of polyphenol oxidase increases, which oxidizes the indole acetic acid, which in turn impeded from
collaborating with Ca in diminishing the rigidity of the cell wall (Ali and

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Calcium and Boron Optimum Ratio for Castor Bean


Jarvis, 1988; Blevins and Lukaszewski, 1998). In addition, Ca and B influence the germination of the pollen grain and the pollen tube growth
(Gupta, 2001), with these nutrients also performing similar functions in carbohydrate transport from leaves to roots, which is reflected in nodulation of
leguminosae (Clark, 1984).
Considering Ca and B participation in the same functions or processes,
Mills and Jones (1997) and Kanwal et al. (2008) pointed out that both nutrients must be balanced for adequate plant growth. Practical results illustrate
the relationship between these two elements, e.g., leaf application of B reduces the incidence of bitter pit in apples, which is a disorder related to Ca
deficiency. Boron helps in metabolism or incorporation of Ca in the cell wall
(Yamauchi et al., 1986); in other words, B is active in the biosynthesis of the
cell wall, assisting Ca in the deposition and formation of pectates involved
in the construction of these structures. Another factor to be considered is
that visual symptoms of B deficiency are accentuated by Ca deficiency and
less evident when Ca is found in excess (Chatterjee et al., 1987).
In this context, the present study takes as a hypothesis the existence of
Ca:B ratio or a range of this ratio in the growth medium and in the plant
tissue which would be most reasonable for the plant yield. The objective was
to determine the Ca:B ratio in the growth media and in the plant tissue for
fruit yield and shoot dry weight of the castor bean (Ricinus communis L.)
grown in a nutrient solution; as well evaluate the relationship between the
Ca and B supply on concentration and total uptake of Ca, potassium (K),
magnesium (Mg), and B, as well on the seed oil content.


The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse located in the city of
Piracicaba, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the period from January to
May 2005. Castor bean plants (Ricinus communis L.) of the Iris commercial
hybrid were used, whose main characteristics are short plant stature, early
maturity and non-dehiscence fruits. Castor bean seeds were placed for germination in a tray with vermiculite, moistened with a calcium sulfate solution
(CaSO4 , 104 mol L1). When the plants reached a height of 5 cm, they
were transferred to plastic trays with a 40 L capacity containing the complete
nutrient solution (Johnson et al., 1957) and diluted to 1/5 of the normal
At 21 days after emergence, single plants were transferred to separate
1.5 L pots wrapped in aluminum foil, with the plant stem being fastened with
plastic foam, and filled with 1.0 L of nutritive solution. The experimental
design used was that of complete randomized blocks with four replications.
The experimental design was 3 3 factorial, with three rates of Ca (40, 80
and 160 mg L1) and three rates of B (0.32; 0.96 and 1.60 mg L1), for a total
of nine combinations. Calcium was supplied as calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3 )2

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H. C. J. Franco et al.

4H2 O] and ammonium nitrate (NH4 NO3 ) was used to maintain the nitrogen rate. Boron was supplied as boric acid (H3 BO3 ). One month after the
beginning of the experiment, at the second renewal of the nutrient solution,
the lowest rate of B (0.32 mg L1) was no longer supplied, conditions of B
deficiency and withdrawal of external B supply.
During the development of the experiment, the nutrient solutions added
to all the containers contained: 9 mL potassium nitrate (KNO3 ) 1 mol L1;
3 mL ammonium phosphate (NH4 H2 PO4 ) 1 mol L1; 1.5 mL magnesium
sulfate (MgSO4 7H2 O) 1 mol L1; 1.5 mL of the iron (Fe) ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution with 6.922 g L1; 5 mL micronutrient stock
solution containing 3.728 g L1 of potassium chloride (KCl), 0.338 g L1
of manganese sulfate (MnSO4 H2 O); 0.575 g L1 of zinc sulfate (ZnSO4
7H2 O); 0.125 g L1 of copper sulfate (CuSO4 5H2 O); 0.081 g L1 of molybdic acid (H2 MoO4 ). This nutrient solution was maintained under constant
aeration in the containers and was renewed every 15 days, completing the
volume with deionized water when necessary. The pH of the solution was
maintained near 5.5.
During plant growth, samples of plant matter were collected for leaf
diagnosis, with the organ used being the fourth leaf below the inflorescence,
collected when the female reproductive organ became visible. In these leaves,
the concentrations of Ca, B, Mg and K were determined in accordance with
the methodology described by Malavolta et al. (1997).
Castor bean plants were harvested as the fruit matured (around 90 days
after the beginning of the application of Ca and B), gathering the above
ground part and the roots. Then the samples were dried in forced air circulation oven at 65 C for 72 hours. Afterwards, this material was weighed
to obtain the total dry matter yield (roots and above ground part) and the
fruit yield. After processing of the samples, the concentrations of Ca, B, K,
and Mg were determined (Malavolta et al., 1997). The ether extract (total
lipids) was obtained by means of extraction of approximately 1g of the sample for approximately four hours, with ethyl ether, in accordance with the
methodology proposed by the AOAC (1995).
The results were submitted to statistical analyses using the SAS System for
Windows 6.11 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) statistical program. Analysis of
variance was undertaken and, in terms of the level of significance on the F
test, the study of polynomial regression (response surface) was carried out,
by intermediation of the RSREG procedure.


Interaction was verified between the rates of Ca and B for plant dry
weight and fruit yield of the castor bean Iris (Figures 1 and 2). As a matter
of fact, total dry matter yield (roots and shoot) increased with the supply of

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Calcium and Boron Optimum Ratio for Castor Bean


FIGURE 1 Total dry matter weight (shoot plus roots) of the castor bean Iris, related to Ca and B rates
in the nutrient solution.

the Ca and B rates. The combination of the rates of Ca and B of 160 mg

L1 and 0.96 mg L1, respectively, allowed the maximum total dry matter
yield of castor bean Iris (Figure 1). Due to the role of Ca and mainly of
B on the grain pollen germination as well as on the pollen tube growth
(Marschner, 1995), it can be expected that the Ca and B deficiencies could

FIGURE 2 Fruit yield of the castor bean Iris, related to Ca and B rates in the nutrient solution.

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H. C. J. Franco et al.

hamper the castor bean fruit yield, which were observed in the present study
as well. This impaired yield was notably observed under high nutritional
imbalance caused by the imbalance between the Ca and B supply in the
nutrient solution (e.g., higher rates of Ca related with a smaller B rate, and
vice versa) (Figure 2). On the other hand, greatest fruit yield was reached
when plants received the highest Ca and B rates (of 160 mg L1 and 1.6 mg
L1, respectively, at a relationship of 100:1).
Furthermore, in regard to fruit yield, it is fitting to highlight that the
castor bean plants grown under limiting conditions in B (0.32 mg L1), even
though the Ca rates in the nutrient solution did not produce fruit, only
an inflorescence that was not very developed. These results mirror those
of stated by Asad et al. (2002) who observed in an experiment carried out
with canola (Brassica napus L.) and sunflower plants (Helianthus annus L.)
grown in a nutrient solution, the importance of B in the reproductive stage
and, consequently, in fruit yield. Moreover, these authors verified that the
greater demand for B occurred at the end of the vegetative stage and at
the beginning of the reproductive one, since under the conditions of a
lower B supply in the nutrient solution (less than 0.121 mg L1). In other
words, symptoms of B deficiency in the shoot first became evident at 45 days
after transplanting, with young leaf blades ceasing to expand and becoming
curled upwards at the edges. Lange et al. (2005) observed visual B deficiency
in castor bean Iris at 63 days after seedling transplant in those treatments
with omission of B in the nutrient solution. According to Gupta (2001),
even in moderate B deficiency conditions, plants may grow normally, which
in part is explained by the contribution of B seed reserves, though the fruit
yield may be drastically affected, due to the high nutritional requirement
in this period, such as the effect of the strong sink. The development of
the pollen tube is more affected by the nutritional shortage of B than the
germination of the pollen grain. Furthermore, B deficiency impairs the fruit
setting and seed formation (Marschner, 1995).
Considering the rates of Ca and B in the nutrient solution that promoted
the maximum total dry matter yields (160 mg L1 of Ca and 0.96 mg L1 of
B) and of fruit (160 mg L1 of Ca and 1.60 mg L1 of B), the Ca:B ratio or
quotient of the nutrient solution of 166 for total dry matter production and
100 for fruit yield was calculated. In this way, for the normal development
and high yield of the castor bean plant to occur, it may be expected that
the relationship between the adequate supply of the rates of Ca and B on
the growth medium should be between 100 and 170, being maintained
throughout the growth cycle and mainly in the fruit set. It is also interesting
to compare these values with those of the soil solution. Asher and Edwards
(1978) reported that the Ca concentration (mg L1) of the soil solution
may be classified as: very low, from 0.012 to 0.24; critical, from 0.24 to 40
and average, at 76. It may thus be noted that the rate of 160 mg L1 of Ca
is much higher than those concentrations suggested by these authors. In

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Calcium and Boron Optimum Ratio for Castor Bean


relation to B, concentration in the soil solution varies from 0.067 to 3 mg

L1 (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 2001). Therefore, concentrations of B in
the nutrient solution of 0.96 and 1.60 mg L1, which provided the greatest
yields, are intermediate to those values suggested by Kabata-Pendias and
Pendias (2001).
The typical symptoms of Ca and B deficiency, associated with lower
plant and fruit dry matter yields, were observed in the treatments with the
lowest rates of Ca and B (Figure 3). The lack of Ca was characterized as
chlorosis which developed among the nervures of the new leaves, advancing
from the edge to the center of the leaf blade (Figures 3A and 3B). In
turn, B deficiency caused more accentuated alterations in new leaves (plant
tops), which in general presented reduced size, deformities and light green
color. The terminal buds presented necrosis resulting in secondary growth
of the lateral branches and, finally, aborting of the racemes (inflorescence).
Throughout the B deficiency development, browning was observed and,
afterward, the existence of necrotic points on the stem cortex (Figures 3C
and 3D). Besides, those plants deficient in Ca and B presented average
Ca and B concentrations of 7.7 g kg1 and 15.3 mg kg1 (entire plant),

FIGURE 3 Visual symptoms of calcium (A and B) and boron deficiency (C and D) in the castor bean
Iris grown in nutrient solutions with the rates of Ca and B of 40 and 0.32 mg L1, respectively (Color
figure available online).


H. C. J. Franco et al.

TABLE 1 Calcium concentration and total Ca uptake by castor bean Iris, related to Ca and B rates in
the nutrient solution

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Ca concentration (g kg1)

FCa = 60.8

FB = 0.10NS

FCa B = 3.5

FCa = 121,8

Ca uptake (mg per pot)

FB = 9,9
FCa B = 5,2


SMD = 2.0 CV = 18%
SMD = 140 CV = 21%

Rates: Ca1 = 40 mg L1; Ca2 = 80 mg L1; Ca3 = 160 mg L1; B1 = 0.32 mg L1; B2 = 0.96 mg L1
and B3 = 1.96 mg L1; means followed by different letters, lowercase letters in the column and capital
letters in the row, differ among themselves by the Tukey test at 5% probability; and significant at
1 and 5% probability respectively; NS: not significant; DMS = minimum significant difference; C.V. =
coefficient of variation.

respectively (Tables 1 and 2). Similar symptoms of B deficiency were observed

by Lange et al. (2005) with the castor bean Iris grown with the lowest supply
of B in the nutrient solution (0.03 mg L1).
Lange et al. (2005) observed that the castor bean plants with visible symptoms of B deficiency presented a concentration between 9 and 13 mg kg1 of
TABLE 2 Boron concentration and total B uptake by castor bean Iris, related to Ca and B rates in the
nutrient solution






FCa = 20.1

B concentration (mg kg1)

FB = 49.5
FCa B = 4.8

FCa = 5.7

B uptake (mg per pot)

FB = 36.1
FCa B = 0.2NS





SMD = 2.1 CV = 11%
SMD = 0.225 CV = 20%

Rates: Ca1 = 40 mg
Ca2 = 80 mg
Ca3 = 160 mg
B1 = 0.32 mg L1; B2 = 0.96 mg L1
and B3 = 1.96 mg L1; means followed by different letters, lowercase letters in the column and capital
letters in the row, differ among themselves by the Tukey test at 5% probability; and significant at
1 and 5% probability respectively; NS: not significant; DMS = minimum significant difference; C.V. =
coefficient of variation.

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Calcium and Boron Optimum Ratio for Castor Bean


B in some parts of the plant, which are near to those obtained in this study.
On the other hand, Lavres Jr. et al. (2005) determined the critical level of Ca
in the order of 13 g kg1 of upper leaf blade dry mass for a 10% reduction
of maximum dry matter yield of the castor bean plants.
The total Ca uptake (Ca content) by castor bean Iris were significantly
attained with the increase of the Ca and B rates in the nutrient solution
(Table 1). However, Ca concentrations in the castor bean plant were changed
a bit by the rates of B. Nevertheless, a synergetic effect was observed between
the rates of B and the total Ca uptake (Table 1). An enhanced Ca accumulation in plants by increased B supply has been reported in the literature (Kanwal et al., 2008). According to Malavolta et al. (1997), B deficiency reduces
the activity of adenosine triphosphatases (ATP-ases) and, consequently, the
availability of energy necessary for active ionic absorption (Matas et al., 2009),
which in turn may reduce Ca absorption. Salvador et al. (1999), evaluating
the mineral composition of guava tree leaves (Psidium guajava) in an experiment carried out with a nutrient solution, concluded that the lack of B in
the growth medium resulted in reduction of Ca concentrations in the plant.
However, it should be pointed out that the plant dry weigh and the value of
the nutrient concentrations must be associated to predict its uptake.
Boron rates in the nutrient solution promoted increases in the concentration and total B uptake in castor bean Iris (Table 2). In general, the Ca
supplying resulted in reduction of B concentrations in the plants. Nevertheless, such a fact is associated with the dilution effect as a result of plant growth
and biomass yield (Jarrell and Beverly, 1981). Results show that application
of B significantly increased uptake of B at various levels of Ca addition in
nutrient solution. In other words, there was a synergetic effect between these
nutrients. Similar results may be observed both for K and for Mg as related
to Ca supply (Tables 3 and 4). In addition, both of these elements were
determined due to the known relationship between them and Ca, called
the Viets effect (Viets, 1944) on the one hand, and competitive inhibition
uptake on the other (Ozaki et al., 2005). Some studies in the literature have
frequently been reported the decreasing of K and Mg concentration in plant
tissues due to Ca supplying (such as a dilution effect), notably at high Ca
rates. However, as observed for the supplying of B, total K and Mg uptake
also increased with the addition of Ca (Tables 3 and 4), probably due to
the improving of the plant dry matter yield. These ranges for K and Mg
concentrations in castor bean Iris tissues are considered adequate (Lavres
Jr. et al., 2005). In addition, there were not observed either K or Mg visual
symptoms of deficiency.
The assessment of leaf diagnosis showed that the Ca and B concentrations in the diagnostic leaf maintained a close relationship with the castor
bean Iris dry matter yield (Figure 4). The greatest yields were obtained
with concentrations between 16 and 20 g kg1 of Ca and 30 to 40 mg
kg1 of B. In regards to fruit dry matter weight (Figure 5), the Ca and B

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H. C. J. Franco et al.

FIGURE 4 Relationship among total dry matter weight and the Ca and B concentrations in the diagnostic
leaves of the castor bean Iris.

FIGURE 5 Relationship among fruit dry matter weight and the Ca and B concentrations in the diagnostic
leaves of the castor bean Iris.


Calcium and Boron Optimum Ratio for Castor Bean

TABLE 3 Potassium concentration and total K uptake by castor bean Iris, related to Ca and B rates in
the nutrient solution

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FCa = 8.8

K concentration (g kg1)
FB = 0.80NS
FCa B = 1.4NS

FCa = 11.5

K uptake (mg per pot)

FB = 5.9
FCa B = 0.6NS




SMD = 2.9 CV = 10%
SMD = 323 CV = 21%


Rates: Ca1 = 40 mg
Ca2 = 80 mg
Ca3 = 160 mg
B1 = 0.32 mg L1; B2 = 0.96 mg L1
and B3 = 1.96 mg L ; means followed by different letters, lowercase letters in the column and capital
letters in the row, differ among themselves by the Tukey test at 5% probability; and significant at
1 and 5% probability respectively; NS: not significant; DMS = minimum significant difference; C.V. =
coefficient of variation.

concentrations that are related to greatest fruit yield were in the same average values mentioned to total dry matter. According to Marschner (1995)
the Ca B interaction must be based on the fact that both of them play a role
on the membrane structural functions, as well on the middle lamella and the
cell wall. So in this sense, it is to be expected that castor bean plants grown
with adequate availability of these nutrients present a determined Ca:B
TABLE 4 Magnesium concentration and total Mg uptake by castor bean Iris, related to Ca and B rates
in the nutrient solution



= 6.7

Mg concentration (g kg1)
FB = 0.60NS
FCa B = 2.1NS

FCa = 11.2

Mg uptake (mg per pot)

FB = 5.3
FCa B = 0.20NS








SMD = 0.7 CV = 12%
SMD = 80 CV = 25%

Rates: Ca1 = 40 mg
Ca2 = 80 mg
Ca3 = 160 mg
B1 = 0.32 mg L1; B2 = 0.96 mg L1
and B3 = 1.96 mg L1; means followed by different letters, lowercase letters in the column and capital
letters in the row, differ among themselves by the Tukey test at 5% probability; and significant at
1 and 5% probability respectively; NS: not significant; DMS = minimum significant difference; C.V. =
coefficient of variation.

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H. C. J. Franco et al.

ratio in their mineral composition. In this study, the leaf Ca:B ratio used
for diagnosis, associated with maximum total dry matter and fruit yield, was
approximately 500 (16 to 20 g Ca kg1 per 30 to 40 mg B kg1). This could
be stated as a suitable Ca:B ratio to predict normal growth and yield of castor bean Iris, and also may be considered an indicative parameter of the
adequate nutrition. Nevertheless, Kanwal et al. (2008) obtained a Ca:B ratio
of 30 in the shoot of corn seedlings, grown in a nutrient solution, for obtain
95% of the maximum relative shoot dry matter yield.
After the harvest of the castor bean fruit, the technological quality of the
beans was determined, quantifying the ether extract and seed oil contents
(Figure 6). The treatment with the combination of Ca and B rates of 80 and
1.60 mg L1, respectively, promoted the greatest gross fat content per unit
of dry matter produced. Considering the greatest rate of B (1.6 mg L1) and
raising the rate of Ca in the solution from 40 to 80 mg L1, a 56% increase was
observed in the ether extract content (in g kg1 of dry matter) in the beans
produced. Nevertheless, the gross fat content reduced by 17% from the
Ca2B5 treatment to the treatment with a combination of the greatest rates
of Ca and of B, in a similar effect to that of nutrient dilution. On the other
hand, in the treatment corresponding to the lowest combination of Ca and
B, due to the nutritional deficiencies, there was not adequate development
of the racemes (inflorescence) and then, inadequate fruit development. In
the literature there are few studies evaluating the technological quality of
the castor bean seeds related to mineral nutrition. However, an explanation
for this effect is not available, and requires further investigation.

FIGURE 6 Technological quality of the beans (ether extract and seed oil content) of the castor bean
plant, related to Ca and B rates in the nutrient solution.

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Calcium and Boron Optimum Ratio for Castor Bean


Xu and Wang (2011) evaluated the effects of different fertilizers on the

growth of Jatropha curcas L, also a species of the Euphorbiaceae family, under soil conditions of low nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and boron. It
was observed that compared with 16N-16P-16K compound fertilizer, both
sulfur and a B-management Mg-Zn compound fertilizer increased the oil
concentration of the seed, and promoted the reproductive growth. In addition, Boron-Mg-Zn compound fertilizer induced a smaller increase in the
oil concentration of Jatropha curcas seed than fertilizer S. Severino et al.
(2006) related that the application of micronutrients significantly increased
the oil levels in the castor bean seed oil content (BRS Nordestina variety)
grown under field conditions in an Eutric Fluvic Neosol (Brazilian System of
Classification of Soils) from the Northeast region of Brazil, however, without
increasing the total oil quantity per hectare. As a matter of fact, new research
must be undertaken to better clarify the relationship between the nutritional
requirements of castor bean plant and the technological quality of the seeds.
The addition of rates of Ca and B in a nutrient solution was a determining
factor for production of castor bean fruit. The adequate Ca:B ratio for the
plants to reach the greatest yield levels was in the order of 500. Oil production
by castor bean was positively influenced by the supply of Ca rates. Symptoms
of B deficiency were observed in the treatments that received the lowest
rate of B regardless of the Ca concentration in the nutrient solution. Castor
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Ca deficiency and presented a concentration in the plant tissue lower than
10 g kg1 of Ca. Thus, supplying B in the solution had an effect on the Ca
accumulation by the castor bean plants.
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E. Faroni, Joao Lus C. Nunes, Carolina C. Lisboa, Isabela R. Bologna, Marcio Moraes and Pablo R. Hardoim for their help in development of the
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