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Chandra Namaskar Will Help You Lose Weight

Fitness Tips You must have heard about the classical Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation, but not
many know about the other side of it the Chandra Namaskar or the Moon salutation. Like the
former, this too comprises different postures for the right side and left side, making a complete
cycle. While Surya Namaskars 12 Postures Chandra Namaskar has 14 positions correlating to
the lunar phases.
This set includes the Ardha Chandra Asana as a part of it and involves the Ida nadi, which is
cooling and relaxing. Breathing is more demanding when it comes to performing Chandra
Namaskar. This includes puraka (inhalation), kumbhaka (retention) and rechaka (exhalation). There
are some practitioners who also include the Balasana and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana too. We
spoke to yoga professionals Dr Amrapali Patil, Keya Ray and fitness consultant Asif Shaikh, for
Benefits of the Asana
- Channelises your lunar energy
- Cools and relaxes you Strengthens your back
- Brings mental clarity by oxygenating the blood more effectively
- Benefits all the visceral organs
- Just like Surya Namaskar, it stretches your spine, works on your hamstrings and strengthens your
legs, arms, back and stomach muscles.
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Points to Ponder
- It is essential that you prepare your mind and body before you begin. Stand straight and keep you
feet together. Your hands should be by your side and you should breathe gently, focusing on your
inhalation and exhalation. Bring your awareness to the pattern of your breathing.
- All the yoga positions should be in sync with your breath. Avoid any kind of discord between your
breathing and the asana.
- Gradually bring your awareness to the point between the eyebrows, at the level of ajna chakra.
Visualise the moon and its soft, gentle light there.
- Slowly, let the awareness fade away and gradually bring your focus to the body.
Different Positions of Chandra Namaskara
First half of the series:
1) Pranamasana / prayer pose
2) Hasta utthanasana / raised arm posture
3) Padhastasana / hand to foot pose
4) Ashwa sanchalanasana / equestrian pose
5) Ardha chandrasana / half-moon pose
6) Parvatasana / mountain posture
7) Ashtanga Namaskara / salutation with eight parts of the body
8) Bhujangasana / cobra posture
9) Parvatasana / mountain pose
10) Ashwa sanchalanasana / equestrian pose
11) Ardha chandrasana / half-moon pose
12) Padhastasana / hand to foot pose
13) Hasta utthanasana / raised arms pose
14) Pranamasana / prayer pose
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Second half of the series: In this, the backward stretched leg positions in Ashwa sanchalanasana
are done by reversing the earlier sequence. This means that in the second half, instead of stretching
the right foot backward, stretch the left. And the second time in the sequence, bend the right leg and
bring the right foot between the hands Exercise Tips.
15) Pranamasana
16) Hasta utthanasana
17) Padhastasana
18) Ashwa sanchalasana
19) Ardha chandrasana
20) Parvatasana
21) Ashtanga namaskara
22) Bhujangasana
23) Parvatasana
24) Ashwa sanchalasana

25) Ardhachandrasana
26) Padhastana
27) Hasta Utthanasana
28) Pranamasana
Keep in mind
Consult a qualified doctor and a yoga expert before embarking on any practice
those with hernia, high blood pressure, with a history of stroke, back problems, undiagnosed
lumbago, sciatica, fever, heart disease etc. should avoid these Asana Health and Fitness News.
When should you do this?
This asana should preferably be done at night when the moon is visible and, like most other asanas,
should be practiced on an empty stomach
After completing the Chandra namaskara do the Shavasana or the corpse posture for some time.
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