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Walter Tamattey

Accra, Ghana. Phone: +233 266232167

Email: Other:

A business graduate with a passion for learning and the determination to embrace new challenges. Has good
analytical skills and critical thinking ability developed through applied business cases analysis and projects.
Con ve rs an t wit h acc oun t in g an d fi na nc ia l m an ag em en t pri nc ipl es an d ca n p erfo rm de ta il ed fin an ci al rep or ti ng
and analysis. A talented leader with a facility for teamwork, good communication and organizational skills.

Looking for entry-level opportunity to work in accounting and financial management within financial services

Hult International Business School

Shanghai, China

Master of International Business (MIB)

Graduate in August 2013

Ashesi University College

Greater Accra, Ghana

BSc. Business Administration

Graduated in June 2011

Achievement: Graduated with above 3.0 GPA and First Class Honours (Cum Laude)
Related Courses: International Accounting/Financial Management/Corporate Finance /Global Economics/
International Marketing/Entrepreneurship/Global Management

Financial Management

Case Analysis
June July 2013

Applied Business Cases


L ed a fi ve - memb er te am in a na lyz in g re al corp ora te bus in es s cas es dur in g fin an cia l man ag em e nt m odu le
Applied concepts such as financial ratios, project valuation principles (i.e. NPV, ROI, FCF) and capital
budgeting tools in situation analysis
Presented a compelling report for very business case including spreadsheet evaluations and analysis to
support insights and recommendations

Corporate Finance Project

GOIL Petroleum Company

Company Valuation Project

April May 2011

R e s e a r c he d G h a n a p e t r o l e u m i n d u s t r y , f o c u s i n g o n m a j o r i n d u s t r y t r e n d s a n d r e l a t e d m a c r o e c o n o m i c
factors impacting company.
C o n d uc t e d f i v e - y e ar fi n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t r a t i o a na l y s i s e v a l u a t i n g t he o v e r a l l p e r fo r m a n c e o f t he co m pa n y
P r o j ec t e d t he g r o w t h o f t he co m pa n y c as h f l o ws ba s e d o n k e y e c o n om i c i n d i c a t o r s, t he hi s t o r i c a l
perf orm an ce of t he compa ny an d co mpan y objec ti v es
Derived free cashflow of the company to ascertain the intrinsic value of the company; resulting

Ashesi University College
Finance Chairperson (Students Council)

Greater Accra, Ghana

August - December 2010

Responsible for managing councils funds and cash disbursement

P l a n n e d p e r io d fi n a n c i a l bu d g e t p r e s e n t e d fo r ad m i n i s t r a t i o n ap p ro v a l
Documented all financial expenditure for the academic year
R ece ipt /Co ll e ct io n of do na ti on s fr om f un d ra isi ng e ve n ts or ga ni ze d by the cou nc il
Prepared and presen ted financial stateme nts to administration and student body

DeVere-Group (Financial Consulting & Wealth Management)
Business Development

R espo ns ibl e for l ea d ge ne ra ti on t hro ug h ne t work in g act iv it ie s an d di rec t mark et in g

Ma na ge d comm un ica ti on proc es s be tw ee n pot en t ia l cli en t s a nd se ni or co ns ul ta n ts

Shanghai, China
August 2013 April 2014

Schedulin g first and review meetin gs/appoin tments between clients and consultants
Repo rt ed pe nd in g an d wr it te n bus in es s cas es and cl ie nt up da te s o n w eek ly basi s t ea m ma ng e r

Hisense International Ghana (Consumer Electronics)

Trainee Sales & Marketing Executive ( National Service)

Greater Accra, Ghana

July 2011- August 2012

Pr es en t ed qua rt er ly mark et i ng a nd sal es rep or t, ass ess in g sal es ta rg e t perf orm anc e in li ne wi t h an nu al
marketing and sales objectives
Organized sales training program for 20 in-house personnel in product, providing necessary sales aids
Built good business relationship with suppliers resulting in better price negotiations and services
Created customer service database to communicate special price offers, discoun ts, and service; increasing
marketing effort.


Proficiency: Microsoft Tools (Excel, Word & PowerPoint)
Personal Interest: Community service, networking and music
References: Available upon request

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