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Improbable etymologies

In this subchapter, I include 70 etymologies which I have found either unacceptable

or at least improbable. I first deal with those 28 which required longer argumentatio
and then with those which can be covered in brief.


Notes on some improbable etymologies

[cickan] 'shrew, Soricidae' 11800 tzitzkany [cickan] 1cickati < "cickan +Grm scientific lg 1EOT sicgan id. < * slcV- 'to defecate' [with suff -gAn} 1 ee dschilkistsitskan 'Mus Lagurus, Rauchschwanzige Maus, Zugmaus' (Georgi 1 97: 15 0) +- ?
T sickan, ctckan 'mouse, rat'.
Of Grm origin.
E/H Earlier research (Varnbery 1882a: 219; Munkacsi 18 6-1
: 4 1; Gombocz
1912b: 66-67) considered the H word to have come directl fr T. Paasonen (1913:
57) and Doerfer (1963-1975/3: 307) pointed out that the H ord cannot po ibly be
connected with the Chuv word forms. Citing Barczi \ Tithout an remark
LiL ti
(1986: 118) mentioned this word in his monograph. In the Inde t his boo -, he did
not place cickany in brackets, which is eith r a lip r mean th t he believ ed it t be
ofT def. According to Benko (1967-1984/1: 427; 1993-199711: 166), the H word .as


mediated through the Grm scientific literature.

The word is of immediat
Grrn origin. It has a 11 n rill in the H
guzu. The T word came through the work of eorgi 1797 [or a lat r edition]: 15 0 r
its source (perhaps P Has, Rcise durch versch i d ne Provinzen d Ru i h n R i h .
1771-1776: 1563 Tat jilki
it kan 'Mu
agus , jilkis ts itskan 'Mu Lagurus int
the Grm scientific literature. The H word first app ared in th H - Trilldi t by J z..
Marten (1800) as the H equi al nt of rrn ' pitzrnaus'. Th upp
d phonetic han]



in H cickan


* cickan can be explained through


the influence of the H

ord ndmg

+Any, +kAny, +vAny, etc.

For the T etymology, compare Mo cicagulin 'mole, gopher, prairie squirrel' e:
(MMo MA cici- 'to defecate', LM cicaga 'diarrhoea', cicarkayla- 'to defecate wateryfeces', Bur sese- 'stradat ponosorri': cf. Ramstedt (1952-1966/1: 96); Starostm-DyboMudrak (2003: 1287). Mo "cica- may go back to "sica- (see also Scerbak 1997. 145'
Tenisev 2001: 167-168) .
Georgi 1797: 1570; Czuczor-Fogarasi

1862-1874/1: 1126; Fialowsky

1886-1887: 471; Szily 1902-1908/1: 41; Gombocz

1912: 146; Nerneth

1878: 215; Vambery

1907a: 154; Gombocz

1912: 401; Paasonen 1913: 57; Varnbery 1914: 144; Gornbocz+Melich

660; Ramstedt 1952-1966/1: 96; Scerbak 1961: 148-149; Doerfer

Benko 1967-1984/1: 427; Rasanen

1912b: 66-67; Meiich

1914-194411: 659-

1963-1975/3: 307-308; Egorov J964 336.

1969: 414; Clauson 1972: 796; Doerfer-Tezcan

1980: 188; Ligeti 1.86: J:

Erdal 1991: 88; Benko 1993-1997/1: 166; Fedotov 1996/2: 452; Scerbak 1997: 145; Tenisev
Dybo 2003: 425-430; Starostin-Dybo-Mudrak

1 82a: 1. 9.

2001: 1


2003: 1287, 1301.

'gipsy' 11370 GN ? Cygan, 1476 Czigan-os, 1495 Czigan I H ~ Balkan 1.

According to Benk6 (1993-1997/1: 167), H cigany may be a Southern SI word
through Rom mediation. According to him, the source of the Southern SI words is
of Gr (Byzantine) origin: nrLyyavoS- < aelyyavoS- 'the name of a people in the Middle
East in the 9th c.'. Ligeti (1986) did not include cigany among the T copies in H.
Stachowski (2002: 159-169) recently discussed the possible etymological link between H cigany and szegeny. Stachowski's article contains very important remar
about the phonetic stumbling blocks in a Gr starting point for the "Wanderwor "
that means' gipsy'. However, the solution he proposed (H cigany ~
1 ~ T * cikiiri * cigiui - * cikan - * cigari ~ OH * sigan > H szegeny) raised new and insurmountable
phonetic issues. According to Stachowski, the older form of EOT cigan wa * cikan.
but he offered no explanation for the unusual weakening of the intervocalic E T
guttural. There is no foundation for the hypothesis that H szegeny had an OH form

Czuczor-Fogarasi 1862-1874/1: 1128-1129; Halasz 1888: 250-255: Rozvany 1895: 7 -5 9; Gornbocz+Melich 1914-1944/1: 665-670; Wertner 1917: 146-149; Pais 1936a: 233-236; Barczi 1941: 31; Ramstedt
1952-1966/2: 223; Benko 1967-1984/1: 429; Rasanen 1969: 104, 107; lau on 1972: 40 -409; Benk6 19q~1997/1: 167; Tenisev 2001: 334; Stachowski 2002: 159-169; Tietze 2002: 519; Starostin- Dybo- \ludrak
445; Erdal 2004: 71-75.

'2 03:

[bltak] 'mud, marshy place' \1783 tsatakos [catak-os], dial csatko [.at ~ -:]
id., 1802 tsatak [catak] 'mud' \ catak +- * catak \ EOT catik titig 'clinging mud'
. t'to add, to bring together, to join' \ See csatol.


E/H According to Gombocz-Melich (1914-1944/1: 883 s.v. csatakosi.

.atak may
be a back-formation fr csatakos, which is of unknown origin. Bar zi 1o 1: ~6. ' atakos) considered the H word to be an internal H dev lopment f n onomatop
base. Rasonyi (1941-1943: 114) argued for a T beginning for the word nd ited me


t di 1 word

to tr n

h n hi vi w: catak 'viztclya

h 1


helve: pIa e where rivul ts flow tog th r', catak delta'. In thi as. the T. rd
be etymologically
id ntical with the T etym n for s tol. Ben 6 (1967- 19' 4/1;

193-194, csatakos) accepted Barczi's (1941 position

H r




word-final -k to be a suff and suggested that the base of th H word-family La

be determined precisely. It is also possible that the H ord de eloped r he ha
formation csatakos
in que tion.


satak. Ligeti (1986) did not discuss the etymolog

of th



The H \ ord is certainly not related to T cat- 'to add, join'. In the expression. c ti.
titig 'clinging mud', catik denotes 'clinging' fr cat- 'to add, to join'. In Tur " 'e In
catak uniting, meeting: confused' (Turk]) fr the same base .
Edel pacher 1876: 197: Gornbocz+Melich 1914-1944/1: 883; Barczi 1941: 36; Rasonyi 194~-1
Doerfer 1963-1975/3: 54; Benk6 1967-1984/1: 485; Benko 1993-1997 1: 193-194.



[cepp], csopp [copp] 'drop, a bit, tiny, very small, minute' /125 ? G~ Chep
[cep], 1307 ? GN Chepch [ccp-c], c1493 cheeppyn- [cepp-in] I Of onomatopoeic on in
but perhaps influenced by T cop I See EOT cop.
E/H The H linguistic literature has generally discussed H csepp. csopp as onomatopoeic word forms and mainly compared them with their FlTgr and l-gr counterparts (Benko (1967-1984/1: 501; 1993-1997/1: 202)). Barczi .1941: 3 ). howe -er. righ 1~'
pointed out that in the case of words of onomatopoeic der the
and U gr forms cannot possibly serve as proof that the H word re re ents par of he
old FU gr or U gr heritage.
It was Vambery (1914: 148) who first argued in favour f the po ible T rigi
the H word. More recently, Vasar (1994: 2 ) mention d the paten ial interr Iation
between H csepp, csopp and T words, According to him, the H word t c .pp' d op.
a bit, csepeg- 'to drop, dribble') were somehow influ need
- T data. They are no
fr T; they are on matopoei . How \ r th . arne under th influen
f Twords
Substanti ting asary': opinion i ,nevertheles , a diffi ult t k. One -an add t
that the semantic sid of his po: iti n de' n t ~e m v ry tr ng b au e th on 'Ill
meaning of the T v ord d . n t form part f the sarn ernanti field. The H 'I cl '
csepp, csopp ignif 'drop, a bit' nd th T fonn d n t 'dr
. dim nt

dirt, filth', The word-final

Ligeti (1986) did not in lud

long cons nant (-pp) in the H word


"pp among th T h

may b .

~n H. _~

i 1 62-1874t1" 055; Bud nz 1 ,-1
1: 365: Balmt 1
. O. Be
h 191 -19 0: 954, ambery 1914: III : Szinnyei 1020a. 14:c.: Bar ::1 1"i1 ,;~~.
22 . B nk6 ]967-19 4;1: 501, Lake 1967-1078d' 11.. Rasanen 164: llL;
13W~)n P 2.
n l
'IlHY" -. c , 'tar sun Dvbo
; - )
1997/}; 202; Va oar J994: 275-1..77' Fedoto 1990/1..: 1'i;
le ze w'






[cerge] 'a coarse woven cloth (used for tent as carp t)' /1331 cherge [e r ],
1362-1365 cherge-sator [cerge-sator] 'cerge tent', 1604 Sergelepel [$ rg 1 p 1] , v rR

garment', I cerge +- * ciirgii through Rom I MT cargd.

MT ciirgii 'tente, petite tente appelee kalenderi' (AChag), carg 'palat a dlinnaja, na dvuh stolbah' (AChagBud), ciirgii 'Zelt, das mit zwei Stangen g stii zt : ,
kleine Zelte der Nomaden' (AChagR), ciirgii 'cadir' (AChagSS), cerge 'Wand rz
Hutte' (AChagSSK), ciirgii 'kleines Zelt' (AChagZ), cerge, jerge 'derme catma cadir'
(AOtT); NT NW cerge, cerge, cer'i 'sank yuninnan basilgan kiez: kosma, vojlo '
(TatD1), cerge 'kiez; vojlok, kosma' (TatD2); SW cerge, cergi 'small, makeshift tent,
gipsy's tent; (hist.) marqee used as a porch to a royal encampment' (Tt), cerge =
cergi 'zanaves, naves na dvuh stolbah; malen'kaja masterskaja (po remontu caso ,
obuvi i t.p.), sater, jurta' (TtB); cerge, cergi 'gocebe cadm, cerden copten yapma golgelik, bostan ve bahcelerde yapilan kulube', cergi 'ince kilim, cardak, cadmn etrafma
cevrilen kil orme' (TtD), cerge tcergi. c;erke) 'kilirn, bir cesit dokuma ortu', cerge
(cerge, cergi, fergi) 'gocebe cadin, tente' (Ttfrt): SE cirgi 'potnik', cirgilik 'kosma,
prigodnaja dlja izgotovlenija potnika' (Uzb).
ElT The T word ciirgii 'tent used by the nomads, carpet, etc.' has only been known
since the MT sources and its occurrence in the contemporary lgs is very limited. It
seems to be a lw in the T 19s. According to Redhouse (1968: 248), it has a Gr etymology. Tietze (2002: 498) discussed the corresponding Tt dial data under two entries.
According to him, ferge I 'kilim, yun ortu' was copied fr Gr toepva (tserga) while
cerga in the various SI (BIg, Croat, Serb) 19s goes back to Lat serica 'silk'. According
to Tietze, the Tt dial word c;erge II I cerge 'cadir, derme catma kulube' was taken fr
BIg cerga 'tent'. On the adequate Tt and SI word forms, see also Rasanen (1969: 105)
who thought that BIg cerga 'grober Teppich' and Croat cerga 'Hutte came fr Cha ,
OtT carga 'Zelt'.
The word forms in Kashgari with the base * carmd-, Kar dial erbs cerge- obma vat" (KarC), cerge- 'obvivat', obmatyvat" (KarH), et ., Chu cerke- 'begong olni poIyazni; wickeln, winden, einwickeln, umwickeln' (ChuvP), ciirka- Szp. id. 'burkolni
racsavarni, polyazni; wickeIn, winden aufwinden (Chu P), etc. as ell a 10 cere
'hitching post for horses' (L) are of different origins and do not pertain hr.
E/H It was EdeIspacher (1873: 344) who fir t regarded the H ord a being n inally T. According to Gornbocz-Melich (1914-1944/1: 981-9 3), the H
have been copied several times. While the H word meaning 'tentorium
derived fr T, the word that denotes 'Decke, Kotzen, Vorhangd ck "i m r lik I r t
go back directly to its Rom or South SI counterparts.
niez a (1955: 611-01
out that H cserge is a widespread international word
hi h ha it ultim t r t In
Lat (serica), thence it emerged in OIt and fr it in Gr and ttT. in
attested in H fr the 14thc. it seems plausible that it
n t t k n dir tl fr

11 3

1.H argu d that th d finition 'tentorium; Zelt' c rtainly point tal

b rr in
and the s ~se of' gausepe; Decke' to a Rom one. The word 0 urs in om Byzantin
sources. Nemeth (1965b: 231-234) distinguish d the "leather bathtub" r(pyafr h
tent r(cpya and suggested a H origin for the first, which is not acceptable. ~ rav i
(1983/2: 312) compared the H word to Tt data with the meaning 'Zelt, Holzbarac
Viehhurde'. Benko (1967-1984/1: 510-511; 1993-1997/1: 206)believed that the H ord
is of international character and that it was borrowed into H several times fr an mber of different 19s. He noted that the first occurrences of the H word may indicate
a South SI starting point. According to him, the OT origin of the H word can b refuted. Although Ligeti (1986: 315) mentioned H cserge among the possible T lws in
H, he did not discuss it.
In any case, the word is not originally fr T and did not come to H through T
mediation. Along the way, it entered several T 19sat different times. The two words
stem fr a semantic split: 'a kind of material' - 'a kind of tent made of the material'.
The balneum turcicum, used on the travels of the Byzantine Emperor, has to be the
same tent.
Edelspacher 1873: 344; Gornbocz-Melich 1914-1944/1: 981-983; Kniezsa 1955: 611-612: 1 erneth
1965b: 231-234; Benko 1967-1984/1: 510-511; Redhouse 1968: 248; Rasanen 1969: 105; Moravcsik 1983/2:
312; Ligeti 1986: 315; Benko 1993-1997/1: 206; Tietze 2002: 498.

[dikic] 'shoe knife' I 1767 Dikis [dikis], 1801/ dikits [dikic], dial gyikics
[d'ikic] , dikicsel [dikic-el] 'to stuff, to knead something with great difficulty into
a hole, into a gap, a pit, etc.' (B. Lorinczy 1979-2002/1: 979) I * dikic ~ Tt * dikec I
EaT tikiu: 'a pastry cook's instrument for ornamenting bread and cakes' < tik-giic.
Of OttT origin.
E/H The T etymon for the H word goes back to the erbal ba e * tik - 'to in ert
to sew', which must be separated fr the base *tikV- 'to thru t, squeeze, or cram'. The
immediate T etymon for the H word was a noun formed fr the verbal ba e with the
suff -gUc, which can be found in Kashgari's compendium ith a different meaning,
tikiii: 'pastry cook's prick', and it may be a crasi of "tikgu (ee Clauson 1972: 9'
Erda11991: 358). The PT verb *tikV- is not ob iou ly a simplex, but it segm nta ion
is not necessary for the etymological
planation f the H ord. It a Gombo zMelich (1914-1944/1: 1356)who first propo ed the T etymolog ,but the point d ut
that the H word may be conne ted to OuT dikii (dilkus)'
aht, ab n'. Bar zi 1 1:
51) rejected Gombocz- elich's proposal b eau e of manti problem and n.ered the H word to be of unknown origin. Rason i 1941-1943: 2 0- 2 1 ar ,u d 1
favour of the T etymology of the word. According to B nko (1967-19 1: 6
dikics is a dial word of unknown origin. He rejected the pl at! n th: t th
may be a copy fr Tt dikis 'sewing, seam'. According to him, it t m 1 1 lli
ertain other T w rds (cf. tiki 'thorn (AHou) all f r urth in' ti ti n....~.~ ..

(197 , 1996) did not list th word among th Ott lw in H. B n <5 (1
h nged his opinion and thought it plau ible that th H word
d riv cl r T.
he pointed out, the T counterpart of th H word may b d rs fr ti - ' t .",_
The copied form could have contained a final -5 or -c. According to B n 0, h T
etymology of the word pre ents some semantic and chronological difficulti . Li I
(1986) makes no mention of the word. The etymon for the H word IS atte t cl i
dikici * tikicci) 'sapoznik, zanimajuscijsja sit' em obuvi (v otlicie ot raskrojsiika ,
portnoj, zanimajuscijsja posivom odezdy (v otlicie ot zakrojscikat, (ist.) ulicnyj torgovec (torgujuscij v palatke na opredelennom meste)' (TtB), tikec 'cit kazigi', dike;
'bag cubugu dikmek icin yere delik acrnaga yanyan demir veya aga~ kazik, kazi ,di
boynuzlu manda, kagru koplerinin iki basma dikilen kazik' (TtD). Its late appearance
in H also points to the Tt origin .
Alexics 1887: 441; Gombocz-Melich

1914-1944/1: 1356; Barczi 1941: 51; Rasonyi 1941-19 3: 280-2 I:

Ramstedt 1952-1966/2: 255; Doerfer 1963-1975/2: 527-528; Egorov 1964: 325-326; Benko 1967-19 4/1: 635'

Rasanen 1969: 479-480; Clauson 1972: 476-477, 479, 483-484; Sevortjan 1974-1980/3: 226-228; B. Lorinczy
1979-2002/1: 979; Erdall991: 358, 385; Benk61993-1997/1:
2001: 105-106; Starostin-Dybo-Mudrak
2003: 1370.

262; Fedotov 1996/2: 211-212

417-41 'Teni ev

nUL [duI] 'to ravage, devastate, pillage' I 1358-1359 GN Dulow-peturzewle [dulopetursole], c1456 dul-ya [dul-ya] I aai < 'joi < "[uli- ~ ? WOT *julr-I EaT yuli-

'to plunder, to pillage'.

E/H The word is of unknown origin. The T der poses phonological and semantic
difficulties. The H change j- > d'- > d- only took place before /i/. ee dio and diszno.
It was Vambery (1914: 151) who first considered d111- to have originated in T,
but he compared the H verb with T data which cannot pos ibl be related to the H
verb. According to Gombocz-Melich (1914-1944/1: 1437-1438) Bar zi (1941: 55) and
Benko (1967-1984/1: 685-686), it is unclear where the Herb came fr. Benk6 claimed
that the basic meaning ofH dul- could ha e been to turn 0 er'. Pa1l6 (19 : 6 -6 )
argued in favour of the O'T etymology of the H verb. he a urn d that there had been
confusion between O'T yuli- 'to pillage' and ul- 'to pull out, to pluck out. Ac ordm
to her, the depalatalisation of the initial on onant in H d111- *jul-) could h .
appeared to distinguish the verb fr another H verb, g ul ( ich anzunden'.
to Benk6 (1993-1997/1: 284), the v rb is ofunkn
n origin and a T t rting
is less likely. Berta (2003: 110) reject d a T d r for d111- but he th u ht th t th T
forms of yuli'- could hav b en mixed up arly on ith oth r w rd th t r d
the basis for H gyilkos. Ligeti (1986) did not n te H d111- am n th T 1 m nt In
the H lexicon.
Gombocz-Melich 1914-1944/1: 1437-1438; Vambery 1914: 151; Bar zi 1 1:
685-686; Clau on 1972: 919; Pal16 19 2: 68-69; Erdal is 1: 9, 95' B nko 1 <} -1
109-112; Starostin-Dybo-Mudrak
2003: 996.

.B n
71. ...

11 5

[godoye] 'kid (of goats)' I 1349

Gudullew [gudullo], 1519 ghedole-th [gedole -t].
.. 0 y

udullew [gu ullo], 13

? P

E/H According to Melich (1895: 248), H godolye is of rm origin. Barczi 19 1:

97) assumed that a Grm dial form gittele 'she-kid' had been borrowed, but B
(1953b: 19-20) ruled this out because of phonetic problems and for rea on of ord
geography. It was Pais (1955: 107-108) who first suggested that the H word could b
traced back to T, however he did not explain his proposed etymology. According 0
him, the original word form of H godolye could have been *gudu16 or *giidiile In H.
Benko (1967-1984/1: 1082) viewed the etymology of the H word as debatable. It may
be a der of the H word gida 'kid', which may go back to a beckoning word used for
domesticated animals, but it may also be of Grm origin. Later, Benko (1993-1997/1:
472) considered the H word godolye as a der fr H gida. Ligeti (1986) did not mention
godolye among the plausible T lws in H.
A similar word occurs in Kirg as ketelik '(v epose) nazvanie dikogo zivotnogo'
(Kirg) and in Nog kedey 'jagnenok ili kozlenok, ostavsijsja bez matki' ( og). They
may come fr a T beckoning word (cf. TatD2 koto-koto-koto 'baran cakiru Iml1g1;
vozglas, kotorym podzyvajut jagnenka'). The T der is improbable for phonological
reasons .
Melich 1895: 248; Barczi 1941: 97; Benko 1953b: 19-20; Pais 1955: 107-108; Benk6 1967-1984/1: 10
Benko 1993-1997/1: 472.

[ham] 'harness' 11336 ham [ham], 1558 hamfejet [ham feyet] I ham < * hom ~
? WOT "xom < kom I EOT kom 'camel's pack saddle'.
Of Grm origin.
The H word was compared with the following T words: OT qom 'bat de chameau
(UHamTouHou), qiim 'pack saddle for a camel' (AK); MT qom: qomladi tisi teweni
'polozil sedlo na verbljudicu; Mo qomlaba ingeni', qomnitj ile i 'perednjaja ea t
verbljuzego sedla, Mo qomunu omiineni' (AChagMA), kom' attelunterlage, E elsattel'; NT Chuv xamat 'hornut' (Chuv ~ Rus, with illustration);
qum 'cepr
(Bashk), kom 'verbljuz' e v'jucnoe sedlo' (Kirg), qom 'piece of felt hich repIa
saddle on a double-humped camel, fat ba k (on a camel)' (Kaz), qom ' pinn j zir u
verbIjuda), verbljuze v'jucnoe sedlo' (Kklp): SW gom 'zirovoe utolscenija na b ray rh
storonah gorba verbljuda' (Tkrn); SE kiim ' erbljuz'e sedlo' (Uzb);
om jarm
v'jucnoe sedlo' (AltTel, Verbi kij 1884: 140), kom 'do tilka pod 'ju noe dlo' Tu',

hom 'zir na spina izjubra' (Tof).

Mo qom 'piece of f lt under a pack on a camel, hor e collar (L),

m t
f f It, thi

nemezbol, vastag faggyu a tevepup tovenel [camel addle m d
u t t
the base of a camel's hump]' (Khal, ara 1998: 582), om'di
t 11 unt n m
Buckel des Kamels (D), ein Filzstu k, das man uf d m am 1 ru
n h t, enn m n


11 6

ss tt It, Kamelsattel, Kamelfilz' (Kalm), xom 'camel addl " omid 'ye,
lar' (Oyr +-- Ru ), xom 'vojlok, potnik (podkladivaemyj pod v rbljuzij v'ju ,
(dlja verbljuda)', xomud 'homut' (Bur), xom 'les deux coussin r rnbourre d


chameau' (Ord).
E/T The T word originally meant 'fat, the fat side parts of the hump of a cam '
hence also that of a deer (see Tof and Khal). This has been preserved in many I .
See also komu bar 'ocen' zimyj verbljud, verbljud vissej opytannosti', komdu 'oce
zirnyj (0 verbljude, korove, byke)' (Kirg). As a secondary development, this gay ris
to the sense of 'one or two pieces of felt, cushions, cover on the sides of the hump 0
a camel to ease the burden of baggage, a pack saddle on a camel'. The ma ing 0 a
kom goes, according to Kashgari, as follows: "One takes the camel blanket and stuf s
it with straw, then props it up level with the hump so that one may place things on
top" (Dankoff- Kelly 1982-1985/2: 217). The word is present in Mo and was borrowed
by Man and Evnk fr Mo. The relationship between the T and Mo words IS not clear.
The monosyllabic form of the Mo word may point to a T origin, and perhaps to a
relatively late borrowing. However, the two words may have come fr a non-AItaic
E/H The H word has been tied to MHGrm Ham (+-- Lat camus 'muzzle'; cf. Gr
KT]JlOeJ, Dorian kamos) (see Benko 1967-1984/2: 39-40; Benko 1993-199 /1: 520' also
Kobilarov+Gotze 1972: 194; Mollay 1982: 302-303). The Grm word is now Hamen
'Kummet' (Wahrig 1968: 1636; Kluge 1934: 229) < Hame +- MFlemish Hame (~Eng
hames n. pl. 'two curved pieces of wood or metal that form (part of) the collar on a
draught horse'.


Vambery (1882a: 256; 1914: 166) claimed that the H word is originally fr T, and
argued that it belongs with T * kam- 'to bind' but this erb eem to be one of
Vambery's "creations". He derived it fr kamci , hip' and kamal 'siege' (the latter Ott
kamala- 'umgeben, belagern' (TtR. Ramstedt (1935: 1 4) wa the first to compare T
and Mo kom with H ham. In a paper dedicated to the origin of H \ agons and coaches,
Paladi-Kovacs (2003: 110-134) cited earlier literature in whi h it is maintained th t
the H type of harness is either fr T or Mo. The notion of the "Oriental' be inn in
of this type of harness goes back to Haudri ourt, who
llected harne
term in I
in Inner Asia (Haudricourt 1948). Jenkins (1961) and Paladi- 0 ac (00 : 110-1
later used his linguistic mat rial. B fore going into th detail, we ha
data which are surely lws, and thus only play a secondar role in the re
r h n th
terminology. Tib hom 'a pad placed und r a camel's load
a la ifi d
1 1
early as jaschke (1949: 597). 'Harness' is chibs-chas in Tib
h re chib i 'h r . and
chas is 'tool, instrument' (see H loszerszam 'harnes ': I' 'hor ' nd
t 1'.
Man komo 'a felt blanket placed under a cam 1's addle' i
Rozycki 1994: 142), and the final -0 is a Man vo
I u d for d ptin

11 7

Y t m of fin 1 in that 19. The M w rd wa al 0 borr w d

Tu (
om C.
in ius 1975-1977/}: 408). tarostin-Dybo-Mudrak
(2003: 717) .on id r d
rawhide' and T kiim to be genetically related, which is s mantically and phc
cally improbable. They are right, however, in their ob ervation. "In th
e rn ar ,
the root basically denotes a carpet or covering (> saddle) made of ins",
Rom ham 'Pferdegeschirr' (Tamas 1966: 399) and SerbCroat ham, am 'P erdegeschirr' (Hadrovics 1985: 253-254) represent lws fr H. We have to eparate Grrn
Kummet +- SI homut < "xomont > Po1 chomqt (SI ~ H hamut). SI homut is pre en
in many lgs, among them Os (hamut), Chuv, Tat, Bashk and other T lgs. In Eura "a,
we must distinguish T- Mo kom fr SI * xomont, and fr lE * kam. A fourth word is 10
kom 'rawhide' (Starostin-Dybo-Mudrak 2003: 717).
Phonetically, the H word ham may be related to T kom, but the semantic gap is
hard to bridge. The T word does not mean 'harness'; it is related to the pack addle on
a camel everywhere. It is not very probable that ham was originally a type of ha mess
lined with some soft, downy material, and therefore may have taken its name fr a
camel blanket stuffed with straw to ease the burden of baggage (see Kashgari above),
particularly since Grm Hame means 'harness; Kummet'.
To sum up, for semantic reasons, the H word is more likely to ha e originated in
Grm than T.

1882a: 256; Verbickij 1884: 140; Vambery 1914: 166; Kluge 1934: 229; Ramstedt

1948; jaschke, 1949: 597; Jenkins 1961; Tarnas 1966: 399; Benko 1967-19 4

1968: 1636; Kobilarov -Gotze 1972: 194; Cincius 1975-1977/1: 408; Dankoff-Kelly
lay 1982: 302-303; Hadrovics

1935: 1

: 39-40:




1985: 253-254; Benko 1993-1997/1: 520; Roz cki 199 : 142- Kara 199 : 582

Blagova 2000: 55; Paladi-Kovacs

2003: 110-134; Starostin-Dybo-


2003: 717.

[horn] arch 'cook (to the king)' I 1232 P Hurov [hurou] 1272-90/1346 P
Horrow [horrou], 1313 Hushhorou [hus-horou], 1400 Belhorow [bel-horou] I horo <
*hara < *xoray < *xayuray +- ? WOT *xayuray I EOT kagur- 'to bake roa 1', iT

kavurga 'parched grain, roasted meat'.

OT qagur- 'rosten' (UHeilkI 173), kagur-, kavur- 'to fr
heat or other)'
MT qur- 'to fry, to roast' (AGul), qag- 'to be cooked' (ARbg) , qavur- 'griller
rotir, fricasser' (AChag), qavurmai 'zarenaja psenica' (AChagB) qa ur-: qa rdi
'podzaril' (AChagMA), qavur- 'to roa t' (AChag
) qavur-: qavurqina 'ein
Pfanne zum Braten oder Rosten' (LC I), qavur-: qavurdi 'kavurdu' qal-urm
kizartilrms et parcasi' (AAH) , qav 'rneche (pour allum r le feu),
ur q rur'braten' (AHou), qavrul-, qavrun- 'zarit'sja'
Tu h), ovur- uvur- rire'
quvdur- 'to et fire to, set aflame, bum down (tr)' (Am h), qa ur-' z rtm .'
(AOtT); NT NW kuir- 'zarit', zazari at', obda at' (Tat), qiiir- z rit, p dz ri
kalif, palit" (Bashk), qaur- 'ro: ten, brat n' ( ibTBR), kiir- 'z rit',
Z 1 r' .rir~)
quir- 'zarit', obzarit', podzarivat" ( azB), quwir- 'z fit', p
). uvtr1



rit', podzari
t', zazarivat" (
g), qavur- 'zarit' ( __r at,
uvur- z ri
kuvur- 'zarit' (KarH), qavur- 'zarit' (Kar ), kaur- ' iitni (tr) - t
(Kum ), quwur- 'zait', pec', topit' (KrchBlk); W govur- 'zarit', podzariv r
vat" (Tkm), govur- 'zarit', podzarivat, zazarivat' (Az) , kavur- 't ry, t r a
dry' (Tt), kuvurma 'kendi yagiyle kavurulup kizartmis et, kavurma' ( t ), kaur- 'zarit', zazarivat' (Gag), goyur-, gowur- 'braten, rosten' (Khor), qauur- 'braten, ro t n'
(SOg); Kh qavur- 'braten, rost n (Fleisch, Erbsen usw. trans)' (Kh): SE qavur- 'zarit',
zazarivat', podzarivat' (Uzb), qaur- 'to roast (grain), to fry' (TurkiSh), qoru- 'zari "
zazarivat', podzarivat' (MUyg), kov'r- 'nakalivat' (Sal), qagir- 'mesat' (lozkoj v otl
pri varke v nem pisi), rezat' (travu dlja ku san'ja)' (YUygM); NE kiir- 'zarit' podzarivat' (jacmen'), devest' (Alt) , kur- 'Gerste rosten' (AltR) , kaur- 'zarit' (AltQK), kur'Gerste rosten' (AltTeIR), xiir- 'zarit', podzarivat, zazarivat', kalif' (Khak), xiir-, xor'zarit', podzarivat', zee" (Tuv); Y xoruy- 'zarit' cto-nibud' (Y).
Mo qagari-, qayira- * qagira-i, qagur-, qugur- 'to fry, grill, roast, to singe ith
a hot iron, cauterize, scorch' (L).
ElT The T word is a caus der with -Ur- (ErdalI991: 710-726) fr a hitherto unattested verbal base * kag-, which may be found in kagut 'roasted, parched grain'.
Clauson (1972: 609) has the base, but kagil 'a willow shoot' and kagun 'melon do
not belong here. Early on, Kashgari mentioned the form kawur- and later hands note
kogur-, kowur- in the MS. Mo kagur- is a perfect match for the T word and seem to
be a T lw, as Starostin-Dybo-Mudrak
(2003: 657, 684) also concede. Other. 0 form
are secondary; some may have been inner Mo developments, and other may ha e
evolved under T influence. Words like Ul xari-, yoruan xari- and ...1an xaraxaru- 'pec', zarit' represent Mo lws.
E/H According to H historians, horo was a H word for cook in the 1iddle Age .
In addition, it occurs in a number of GNs. It has been noted in a donation document
issued in 1275 and renewed in 1323. Here we read' duo man ione co[ corum"] qui
vulgo horo apellantur". The parchment i mutilated in that spot and the e ond part
of the word eoeorum is almost ill gible, but thi is th onI Lat word
hi h fit
the context. Futaky (1991: 192-195) uggested that the word may b connected t
the "Altaic" words cited abov . A cording to Futak ,th fmal -6 i a Huff
forms adjs and th word later b came a nun.
c rding to Ben 6 1967-1
150; 1993-1997/1: 578), H horo D rms part f th
horol- 'to
scratch', horzsol- 'to graze, bruise', which is 0
gr ori in. It d n t d th
who had to scrap or crat h th m at r th hid. T
1 13 Hu h r
horo] 'meat-hero' and 1400 Belhorow [b el-horo] "int tin -horc
II th 1
of a verb * hor- 'to roast' in H, whi h should
1 ng
L i.e. h - - 1 it
comes fr T, rend r Benko's ugg stion m re plau ibl than Fu ak '
r h I ic: 1
probl m also tend to support B nkc' s pinion: th r i n
t n i n rith >


.13 nk

1967 198
7/1: '78; 't, rostin-I

12. 1 0 I- uson 1972: 6 9; Erd

ybo Mudr: k 2003: 657, 684.

1991: 710-1U;

ut, y

l' 91; 1'J2 1

un ari: n title from th MiddI Ag on' I ]269

Y .panl uy
[i: panl iiyJ) a1282" x hi. ti, m Huni: plu s fu r nt in x r itu c pitan i on tit
qui Hun UI lingua Spani r pani] vo abantur" I ispan
1 zupan zupa pan th zupa lord, th 1 rd of a zupa '.

AN [i"p'n]'

A 1 tit!

f d b t bl ori in) which may hay b n tr n mitt d by T-


p opl .
E/H Th
arli t it ID for th titl is in th Foundation Ch rt r 0 th m na ry
of Kr m mun t r in Upper Au tria, wh re a jopan is r cord cl among th WItness
(. .que eoniuravit ill japan qui vo atur Phy: so ...). Th autograph d hart r 1 dat d
777 (
Hagn 1852: 2). Th titl crops up i the Byzantine sources in th form (wrcav
or (ouJTav with or without th
r nding -os (s Morav ik 1983/2: 131-132) and on
the Tr asure of Nagy zentrniklos in th forms SUJaJrav, soarcav ( e Gobl-Rona-T
1995: 23). Th Gr forms can b found in th PBuig in ription (e
sevli v 196 :
No 52, 60, 62 and R gister) and in many hi: torical ourc ,among th m in th D
Administrando Imperio of Con t ntin VII (s Moravcsik 1983/2: 131-132) th t i
in the 9th_10th c.s. The earliest Lat sourc s furnish us with forms. ueh
suppan in
Pomerania (...omnium baronum c upp norum ... ; e Z tt 1975: 212). Th ph netic
form of the titl can be reconstruct d s * iupan for th 9th_] O'" .s. It origin i debatable. A T starting point uggest d by Nern th i unlikely.
'm th (19 la: 1
1932a: 8-9) and oth r thought of T coban, whi hour
in AK a iupan JUB
'assistant to the village chief', which i p rhaps
opy fr P "opan '. h ph rd, thou h
Clauson found thi unlik ly (1972: 398). Lig ti d mon tr t d that th origi al for i
cupan and that it is pr s nt in th
h sour
as th tit! f two 1 ad r in th tribal
as 0 iation of th T nArrow
( n q) (Li ti 1986 : 140). In th T f ir and in f
oth r MT ourcc we find coban ' h ph rd' (~
le.u n 197' : 3 8). Th
ar titl
h uld be link d to zupa 'pr vin , ounty (it di tribution i th S ID
th t
iupan), but th ir m rphol gic 1 r lati nship i also un 1 . r: p rhap th A ~ tit] i
er . i of iupa pan 'th 1 d of th zup '. ni z: (1955: 22 -226) 1 rl
th t
H i pan mu t b the :
a 1 upan but f und that th ir ph n ti
P nd ne
is un 1 ar. A f rm lik zupan w uld hay proclu d om thing lik :upan in H. Z tt
(1975: 207 216) umm cl up th , urr -s on zupan nd it diff r nt rm a
-ell ,
th opinion' fr th
arli lit rature.
uba v (1 65: 71-75) pu lish d a~ imn rt ~t
pap r, in whih h ont nd d th t, a. it m. fr n
Ii r * op n'b' nd L . nIl
1) th 1 titl pan '1 rd, t. i ..rt inly not lat d t iupan. h titl 1 t . th
f rm span in .arly H ur .. Sin
tu. t r su h a. p-' nd kr no
). Ihl It
th binning
f word. in rly H, th Y t ok n pr ith tl j-, in tsk: I h I



(+- Lat scola) , ispotaly 'hospital'

Lat spital), etc. According to ni z a 1 :
225), the forms span, t. evolved fr such compounds as vari-zupan, udvan-iupan
'zupan of the castle (var), of the court (udvar)' through such (unatte ted form
* vari span and * udvari span. This is, however, highly improbable. Zett is 0 far right
that zupan changed to span and that H adapted this to its phonotactic sy tern a

IfH had borrowed iupan, it would have been altered to supan. Since the stre s is
placed on the first syllable in H, span could never have come fr supan; instead supan
would have been preserved. The change fr zupan to span could only have come
about in a Ig where the stress is not on the first syllable, and this is the case in the T
19s. If iupan was borrowed by T-speaking Avars, the stress was on the last syllable,
hence the reconstructed T form should have been * supan > span. All SI forms that
reflect a form * span are either copied fr the Avar form or borrowed fr H. Postulating
a "Pannonslavic" Zbpan'b (Skok, Mazuranic, cited by Zett 1975: 208) seeks the solution
in the same way but within SI. This would, however, only be possible if we supposed
that the stress changed in the "Pannonslavic" 19 under T influence. In any case, H
ispan could have been transmitted by a T Ig spoken in the Carpathian Basin, but
to prove this we need further data. According to Benko (1993-1997/3: 626-627), the
word may be of SI origin, but the borrowing is not quite clear phonetically .
Hagn 1852: 2; Nerneth 1931a: 184;Nerneth 1932a: 8-9; Kniezsa 1955: 224-226; Besevliev 1963: os 52,
60,62 and Register; Trubacev 1965: 71-75; Benko 1967-1984/2: 239; Clauson 1972: 398' Zett 1975: 207-216;
Moravcsik 1983/2: 131-132; Ligeti 1986a: 140; Benk6 1993-1997/3: 626-627; Gobl-Rona-Tas 1995: 23.

[korso] 'jug' I c1395 korJo [korso] I korso

T * korcay +- SI korcay < * k'brcag.
Of SI origin, probably through T mediation.


* kurso


* kursav

T * korsay


E/H The H word has been linked to SI * k srcag 1 kurcaga 'glinjanyj sosud, kuvsin,
korcaga' (on which, see Trubacev 1974-1995/13: 207-208), Rus korcaga, Benko (19671984/2: 588) was inclined to suppose that it came fr SI, but noted that this i not
clear ~nd that the SI ~ord may have derived fr T (cf. Teleut kurcak 'hoop of the
b~rrel ; on further details, see below). Later, Benko (1993-1997/2: 803) changed hi
VIew and suggested that the starting point of the H word ma be either 1 or T and
that the relationship between the SI and T word remains obscure. He concluded that
the T source is unlikely to be traceable via SI kurcag because of eriou
conce:ns (see k~r and Truba~ev's arguments (1966: 215; 1974-1995/13: 20
The T
word ISpresent In Rus kusak belt' (Fasmer 1964-1973/2: 439). As Kni z a (1955: 6
correctly pointed out, a SI source for the H word is problematic becau
th r i n
;xa~rle o~ SI lel -> H iu. If we begin at SI, the final H -6 is 'also uncI ar. Th H
ma ~ng 0 may go back to an -ay or a diphthong. Thi
clud all 11
rith th
exception of Slvk, which contains krcah, which evolved fr * krcag * kr a





The origin fr Slvk presents chronological difficulties and i less probabl . In

whi h Kniezsa also mentioned as a possible candidate 19,there is korcaga, whi can
be ruled out. The only possible solution is that SI ksrcag entered a T 19,perhaps that
of the Avars. According to Agyagasi (personal communication), we have to expec
a form like * kuriiag > * korcay in the southern dialects of East SI of the (9th ?) iov11th C.s. This may have been adapted by the Turks as korcav, or the word may have
developed into it. This was changed to * korsav. A T * koriav produced korsau (cf.
1344 Korsaui and later kors in H. On the T /e/ -+ H Isl after It], see also barsony,
bors, borso, koporso, etc. The phonetic problems can be solved by supposing a T
mediation. The semantic hurdles disappear when we suppose a SI origin. Whether
Trubacev's idea of deriving the SI word fr * k'br'bk 'seja: neck' can be verified remains
an open question. In any case, the word is an OSl one. Rus gorsok 'pot' does not
pertain here. The latter is a dim form of *gume (e.g. kamen / > kamesek; see Fasmer
1964-1973/1: 445; Trubacev 1974-1995/7: 210).
Some T data on * kurcag, kursag < kursa- < * kur+ i"s+a- < kur-:
OT kursag 'belt' (AK); MT qursaq 'pojas' (AIM), qur qursan- 'to put on a belt'
(ARbg); NT NW korsau 'obruc, obvodka' (Tat), qoriau 'obruc, tes'rna, okruzenie'
(Bashk), kursau 'bandaz, obruc' (Kaz), kursav 'obruc', kusak 'pojas' (CrTat), qiriav
'obruc, pojas' (Kum), qursov 'obruc, skobki' (KrchBlk); SW gursav 'obruc, obod
okruzenie, sreda', gusak 'kusak, pojas' (Tkm), gursag 'kusak, opojaska, podpojaska,
obruc, (geol.) zona' (Az), kusak; kursak 'girdle, belt, sash, (diagonal timber) tie
or stay, (geom.) zone, bands' (Tt), kursak 'kadmlann arkadan bellerine bagladiklan islemeli kusak' (TtD); SE qorsav, qursav 'okruzenie, osoda' (MUyg); NE qur
'Leibgurt, Kreis, Rang, Stellung' (AltR, AltTelR, AltLR). All these words denote 'belt
hoop, etc.' and not 'barrel or jug, etc.'
Kniezsa 1955: 674; Fasmer 1964-1973/1: 445; Fasmer 1964-1973/2: 439; Trubacev 1966: 215; Benk6
1967-1984/2: 588; Trubacev 1974-1995/7: 210; Trubacev 1974-1995/13: 207-208; Benk6 1993-199 '2: 03.

in konyorul [konorul] 'to show mercy' I p1372/c1448 kenyerewl-e [kenerule], kimyorog [konor-og] 'to ask for mercy', konyortelen [konor-telen] 'mercile s (neologism) I konoriil- < * koniir- {with suff -VI-} I cf. EaT kondgiir- 'to straighten to
guide to the right road' < kon-, kiint- 'to be or become straight'.
Erroneously considered to be of T origin.
E/H A T der fr OT kondgur- 'to straighten', as sugge ted b Pa1l6 (19 : 1 5136), is unacceptable for serious semantic and morphological rea ons. Th
t ym n
should be * koniir-, which is absent fr our database. The exi ting form kond r-, t.
carry the meaning 'to guide' and hardly pertain here. The relation hip m ng th H
words is unclear, and neither a proposed possible FUgr startin point n r an ri in
fr an inner development (Mokany 1980: 32) bear up und r cl


]98 /2: 61'


l( 7

61iJ; 19l)' -]997/2:


61 ;


81X), It i.

32, P'dJ6

ot kr ow
J<JX2. t





[10] 'h rs '110

IN adluazu liolma [ad luv: su he 1 a], 119,
hi l'], pl
low [Iou] I P J r "luv.

) lg



Lo z h'


0) igin.

T ula- It j i "(RTlrk 8), ulag 'tra sport hors I tout 0 hire' (U

.2- i
uLa j sapig 'R .ih .nfolg \ V .rknupfung' (U VI01C:, 12), ulag 'a hor whi h '
pr s. ouri r t' k . by rd r of th mir : nd rid . until h flnds noth r', of yip uladi
'h j in d th trin (r oth r)', I yaguq uladi 'h c cnt d hIS kin hip b n
( K), ula- 'to join,
nn t' (U uanzan lnd x), ulal- 'v rbund n : in', ulalur r
wird v r und .n' (u la lu r) (B 1); M ula- 'b vI, m: k, .kl m k' ( Y), ulagci p 1 fr in r ' (UIIy), ulam 'ad iti n, supplem nt, n or ' (UI1yS), ulae 'j cl s Haustier,
w Ich zum Tran: p rt on S h n
br u ht wird, in L' tti r' (U iv RH 1 ~3),
g, in sue ssion' (A ul), ulam, ulas 'd -vamli' (AI MA), olam (r: ulam)
p , r dni twern,
rz z, od, t, I " ula
t I , z' wsz , b z p z r y, ni u: t nni
(AH ), ulagci ul k al: n' (AIMI), ula- 't forward' ula '"-'t join' (AK r), ulai- 'so inj: t'sj: ' (AM), ul g:
I ulaglig 'with th wind f r a hor:
ul m prib, vI ni , prib vk , ~:" " ula -', .dinjaf j , .0 bscat' j "(ATef) ula-b gl m k,
1 m k' (AY ) ulag, ulaq , h val, . urri r ' (A 11' g), ula " ul q 'hors '(A h Ab,
ulas (j d . H u: ti r, w 1 h , zum Tran: port von ' .h n g brau ht ird, in La tti er, aumti f, Ti r w ,1 h
cl n Wag n der .hlitt n zi ht' (A h R), ul g. ul q
riding horse,
m s: n r r ouri r (: nt fr ID n pl:
to an th r) (
ula 'v rbind 1', ulam 'mitt J , durch ' (L
) ulaq 'p t ul: gl', ula biti tirrn k.
r. pt trn k' (AAH) , ula- aneiru nd rfuz n' (AH u) ulastur- 't
onn t (
ula-t dinj 1', . vj zyv t' (A uh), ula- 'ul rnak' ( Tuh.A), ul " ulaq ' sin
y rdcn bas a y r p sta
ya hab r otur n . t' .casionall
t hors
( t'T):
huv lav 'voz (t I ga ili . '\ i), {Z (k
s ta), (p
n.) ()Z, ujm ,(u,'t.
izv Z, j m. In,
rovoz, pr
11 pr
zdnoj, rog nnyj, (i t.) uz aj p inn t',



tmirsk j p vinn sti)', lam: lamr 11 I ",(a) 'i7 ust

v okol .ni '( huv): I v' OZ, podv le, mir: aj p< d xln ja

(v s

usta, iz ok 1 nij:
inn 1" ula , (ll

'u din nnyj, u in ni , no '11) sobr: ni molod i' 1 u ) Ilav;': zp. lav ' lolot; Vor sps no, Pfli lit
'I ann, cl
ahr n d. rt n r rti r n mit 11 tpf r n
( huvl'); NW slau 0 z podv da ib rzn j' olau i b( zni
b )Z" ik, iz )., t
V z ik, p dvod ik (Tat), lau 'Vor: I ann' (1' t ), I u li I flu htp
i (Tat
ilau 'p dv d )1(Z, 1 zn
(It. sh ), ul
injatkon 1 i idsta ljat , In.)
I r dol t',.1 dovat' za k m m-I. n itstupn ,vo. I ri imat', I r nimat It ( ) l. i
1', (ust.) prtvivat' (r st uij ), ulo I "s xlin nie ton ami udlit me, 1 tl


pI nija', ufo, uo 'v hov

ZlV tn
ili p dv d ,vy "V jaernP j dk 0 ';c stvenn j p vinno ti', ulo (tjan's.) 'uprjaznaja (n v r vaj
10 ad', v z' (Kirg), lau [law] 'hor e nd cart, (hist.) tr n portati n f rni h
p ople to offi ials vi iting on ill ial bu in ' (Kaz), lau 'Pflichtpf rd (Ta , ' zp ,
law '(ust.) podvoda' (Kklp) , ulaksin' ep'{dlja podv sivanija ko lanado n m '(
W ulag 'v rh v e Hi v'jucnoe zivotnoe, (razg.) transport', ula- 'so dinj t', rl
dinjat' , (Tkm), ulag 'v'jucno ziv tno , os 1, (per n.) luh' (Az), ulak 'courier, m senger, (arch.) n ar, t hand, neighbouring', ula- '(arch.) to join one thing to ano h r'
(Tt), ula-' 0 dinjat' , vjazyv t', scepljat', srascivat', so tavljat' (Gag); Kh ulay 'E 1,
als Lastti r' (KhT); E ulov 'verhovoe Hi v'jucnoe zivotnoe rabocij skot, tjaglo, tjaglovaja ila', uloq 'svjazannyj, sceplennyj, uzelok, soedinjaju "cij oba konca (cego-l.,
napr. verevki, nitki, i t.p.), zaplatannyj (ob odezde): z plata' (Uzb), olaq 'losad', on"
(UzbD, evortjan 1974-1980/1: 588), ulag 'beast of burden, sumpter, animal, load'
(Turkij), ulaq 'v'jucnyj skot', tos ulan 'perednjaja podpruga u edla' (Turkil.), ulaq
din nij: ,

'jede Hausthier, welches zum Transporte von Sachen gebraucht wird, ein La tthier,
Saumthier, Thier, welches den Wagen oder Schlitten zieht' (Turki'TR), ulaq 'verho oe
ili v'jucnoe zivotnoe, rabocij skot' (MUyg), ulag 'v'jucnyj kot, podvoda
ula- 'soedinjat', svjazyvat" (YUyg), olag 'skot, podvoda', ulag 'v'jucnyj kot' (YUygM);
ula- 'nadstavljat' dlinu, soedinjat', svjazyvat' koncy' (Alt), una 'das Pflichtgespann
(AltR, AltTelR +- Mo), unag 'das Pflichtgespann' (AltQKR) ulii' das Pflichtgespann'
(AltLR, AltTKR +- Mo), uta 'podvoda', uladii 'podvodscik jamscik' (AltQK), ula
'podvcda' (AltTK), ulag 'podvoda', ulastir- 'udlinjat' cto-l., soedinjat' cto-I. vjazyvat' koncy cego-l,' (Khak), ula- 'udlinjat' cto-l., soedinjat' cto-l., s jazyvat' koncy
cego-I,' (KhakS, KhakQb), ulag 'das Pflichtgespann' ( hulR) ulag 'perekladnoj', ula
a"! 'perekladnaja losad' (Tuv), ulag 'podvoda, tran port, ula-' oedinjat' koncy, nadstavljat' (Tof): Y ulam 'vse esce, esce bol'se, pu Ye, postepenno' ( ).
Mo ulaga, ula 'relay horses; relay tran portation' (L).
E/T According to lauson (1972: 136), uliig is probably a Dev. . fr. uia- 'to Join
(something Acc.) to ( m thing Dat.)'. Lig ti (1986: 139-1 1 238) and Erdal (1991:
212-213) al 0 accepted this proposal. It i tymologi all identical to ulag , om thing join d on' but it cri
s th p ifi m aning 'p t hor ,r la hor e'. Clau n
thought th t it may originally h ve m ant a tring f h r e and not a ingl hor .
It b c m an early lw in Mo a ulaga. It i alr ady do urn nt din th
r t HI r
of the M ngols (cf. also
rbak 1997: 161; 0 rfer 1963-1975/2: 102-107' Ra an n
1969: 512 vortj n 1974-1980/1: 588-590). Th T word 0 urr d a a r lati r 1 TIt
b rr wing in ev r 1Ir 19s, in Urdu, Ar, Tib, in s v rallg
f the alk n In
(ulav), h r (ula), Vog (010) and
ty (ataw), and in v r I
u 19. t r tin
(2003: 1035-1036) r on tru t d th
T v rbal b
a ul -
t nd, prolong, t attach, j in ( nd )'. A c rding to i ti (1 6: 23 .fh
rd-ini i 1


T u- di appeared during th PT- gr contacts ( r 2

an un re d po ition. The 0 el in th second yllabl
uld al 0 ha e been a long one. One can find xamples of th 10 s 0 he
o el e pecially b fore the consonant 11/; see Rus losad ~ T alasa, Ch
Rus lacuga +- T alacuk. The ord-initial vowel could already have disapp ar d .
PT. emanti ally, ulag was not equivalent to yont, yunt a riding hor e'. Its pri
meaning could ha e b en transport horse'. The semantic change transport hors
'riding horse' took place on the Ugr side. Egorov (1964: 124) erron ously thought
the T word \ as copied fr 0 Jam. It seems likely that Chuv lam as in lamran la
iz ust uta, iz pokolenija v pokolenie' also pertains to the same T verbal base la
OT * ulam < ula- 'to join, connect and not to r 0 dam, as Fedoto (1996/1: 3
E/H According to Budenz (1869: 13),H 16 may be ofUgr origin. 1un acsi 1 Sa:
182) and later Szinnyei (1920a: 137) and Gombocz (1922a: 203) all accepted Budenz s
etymology. Later, unkacsi (1901b: 445) suggested that the H and other ord
forms are of Cauc der. Vambery (1914: 187) argued in favour of tracing the H '-ord
back to T and compared it with Kaz lau, among other words. Accordinz to Barcz
(1941: 190-191), H 16 goes back to Ugr. Hajdu (1953: 81) considered the ource or
H 16 to be unknown. Meszoly (1982: 321) pointed out that H 16 cannot ha 'e come
fr T but that it is unfamiliar in the western FUgr 19 . According to him, it belon
to the common lexical stock of the Ugr branch of the FUgr 19 .. Iocr 195 : 6 - O
1959c: 281) observed that T ulak, ulag ha no direct bearing on the H -ord 16. He
thought, however, that 16 ma reflect ancient connection between T and Lgr. L .
(1967-1978/2: 405) supposed that 16 came fr gr. Benko (196 -19
belie -e
the H word to be an ancient inheritance fr the gr peri d. He u e ted tha the
Ugr protoform could be * lufJe or * luye and conclud d that it ri in all f r furth r
investigation. Ligeti (1986: 139-141) stres ed that the H -ord 16 'horse' oe a k
a Ugr form * luwe or more probabl * luge which i a v r old T 1 - in Pl, gr. Th T
word * ulag is first mentioned in the uanzang biogr ph . The h char cter n d
the term 'post horse' as wu-lo on the estern T territo . lCh uo-lak ee Pell
1929:220).According to Benk6 (199 -1997/ :902) the H
Ugr word may come fr a Cauc 19. The P r form m r rath r ha
nt in
A T source for the PUgr ord po e
ral pr bl m . Th \i - rd tr
the first yllable in PUgr, therefore th initial u- could onl hav
T. Howe er, if the first 0 el as dr pped fr ulag, .h t r m in cl ,.
econd ylla le and mo t probabl a long ia/. Thi
ould th n r quir
law etc. change, but the pre en
f a labial "0 el (la} 1,.
1 I
motivated. In any a e, the H ord i of PUgr ori in, an th st, rtin
PUgr word i unclear.





i uS') , : 1~2,

1~62- ]~74tj'


B: rczi

/2' 102-107;


161; Starostm

1941. J90



mb 'ry ]914' IfS7; Szinny

11' jdu

J9,)1: HI,

0' I

1 )64 124; Sin r 19(,'). 'i12 'H ; H

z fSTi-lR

I 70


1 19iCy:

1)SR' (J




M< i r



z 1~2 a'
I .

777; L


' 1~f)7



n 1972: 136, vortj: n 1974 1980/1; 588 90; , z Iy I

238; . rdaJ 199}: 212 21'i; Ben {) 1993 ]997/2: 902; r .dotov 1996/1: 'i26 'iZ

406, Ras: n n 1969.

198 : l'i9-J4],

1 0.1 ] 09, Bud nz 18(/): 1'1;.k d

a S] 1<)0]b. 445;


1929: 20]




-I yb -Mudra


200'j: 103') 1(3).

[m d' oro] 'haz l' /1055 monorau [m riorau], 1156 (, Mogorod [TTH'HTr,
r d] I mod'oro motiorau
munaray / 0 butjuz-ak.
-; MT -; N
huv miiyar ( r h I ir hi, or h vyj' ( huv), miiyar, mayara
m ay rii, muyiir, muyara, mur'ii, mure, mir'ii 'or h' ( huvA), maydr 'mogyoro: Halnu ) ( huvP); NW mayar milase 'bayb y agaci; buzina kra naja ambucus r cemo '( at 1), mayran 'dulana: bojarysnik' (TatD2); Y monyogon, moyno ''On,
moynyogon 'e rn: ja . rnorodina' (Y).


Mo moyilsun, moyisun, moyil 'bird-eh rry' (L).

E/H It w Munkacsi (1884a: 262) who fir t ompar d H mogyoro with hu
miiyar and r c nstructed a T form * miyirik or * muyuruk on th basi f th H word.
ombo Z (1907a: 08) pr ent d a mall coIl ction of th historic 1 0 urr nee 0
th H word which hay c me up since th 11th . tmunorau. monarau, monyero, e c.)
and 1 0 li ted om of its dial variants (m 0 nyoro, monyoru, magyaro). A cording
to him, th H word may b a lw r huv. Th
huv word md ar ha no corr sp nding forms in ther T] . Paason n (1908a: 271-272) r je t d the T et mol g
of mogyoro and thought that huv miiyiir may b of H origin. A
rding to him H
mogyoro may go back to a compound f two w rds f
gr d r. Th fir t I m nt
of the omp und urviv
in H
bogyo 'b rry'; th
nd I m nt ro arri d th
sam m ' ning. V' mbery (1914: 190) rr n ously
nn t d H mo yoro monyoro to
yomori 'round', yumruk 'fi: e.
mb Z (1912b: 220-221) a. urn d th t th
w rd had corn fr I I. L' t r, ombo z (1924a: 61) han d hi i
and thou ht that
H mogyoro m y ban
no n form with th uff: of r+o nd that it fir t I m nt h
r ogn t . ,
a on .n Ir dy uppo cl ( f. Vot mu!'; 'b rr ').
iko 1 5:
289) r j t cl
,.son n': xpl D' tion.
r in to him mog ro m: b
r fr H
mony ' g " whi h rigin tea in 'lJ . Bar zi (1 1: 2 7) vi
.d th
m gyor a: d batabl . I ~.'an n (1949: 20 ) . tt In t cl t li k ..huv mu 'ar ' la: Inu
H mogyoro) to Y monyo ion, m) no ion, mo no'
n '{ rn: j' .morodm:
Kirg, K' Z w rd C rms lik moy- un, mo it-sun 'Faulb r '. B: r zi (1951:')
int d
t th t th word int rn: I gy- in th H
r In be s
nu: r and
It th: t
(1 ~27: 14) h d of red the moo t pl: usibl
pl n ti n f r th
t me 1
in mo y
to H mon ( gg'. Th fir: t 0 .urr
th H
munorau in th F un latio I .d )f th


m n r



Z irai and h
-942) a cepted Z irai' e mol
,.nd r J C
rding 0 Lig i 19 6: 234), one cannot ex
i a HI)
bu on th ba 1 of the
in mogyoro and t e explanation
f he FCgr -n- - C



ulties. Egorov

ou that he Chu

1964: 130 ompar cl Ch

ord i 0 nkn
n origin.



ed to

(1996/ : 346)

.L4V ~J.l."

ord may have its beginnings in Chu .

ona-Tas (200 : 432-435) r constr e ed an old altema ion mo or 0 ,
- ore 0) based on the Chu forms. One cannot r le 0 tha the a iJ" i e
in the plant name mayar milase bajbaj agaci: red elder [Samb
]' ma a, 0

LJ J.'U' ..

ddi ionally, see mayran 'dulana: bojarysnik' (Ta D2) The Ta
ma al 0 take the form bayar since the OChu alternation
mo ori 0) "mu
..mayor 0) may go back to PT ..botior! 0), * bunur! u) - bano 0
' a-T

exclude the possibility that AH mutiaro (> mogyoroi could be he 0 fee
T forms in the olga region, ha e er he pointed DU hat
s exp an 1 n
up both chronological and phonetic stumbling blocks, He claimed tha
route of the connection between the Hand Chu forms eerns more
Ancient Chuv bonori 0) or * bunuri U) which comes fr ."borjor eo cl e
changed to * mutior! 0 in OChu and this is the form tha cou cl ha ~eb e borro e
by H, The T etymon for H mogyoro can then be linked 0 he PT ~ -ord b rja . 0
.hich could have he Ancient Chu corre pondmg 0 m b .a
the disappearence of he guttural element}. The eman ic sid of hi e -p ana 0
be supported by the fact that the hazelnu has a hard hell and he ha
a Cl.
h of the bone. Thus, the folio ring chancre ma., be uppo e : Ho'
a ()
mutiarau < munarav < O'T butiaray < butiarak < T butjuz
A .
The isolated Chuv e idence and th man h p thetical 0
ogy uncertain and even improbabl . The
d ta g bac
0 rnori a
perhap also to motu. Do the e it m
pport th T ori i 0 h H
research is need d.



- 1 nkacsi 1884a: 262; Gomb cz ]9 7': ~(


nen 1912-1913: 2

~941. 207: Ra
130; enko
44; 'a-Ta

67- r;
2( [)4:

; 'arnbery 1

b cz 19

9 9.209: Pai 1950: "1: Barczi 1

2 9 }-9 2' Li

[na ] 'n ) I 1 4?
p1372/cl 4 n ak-okot [nak-o

: 1)'0'

ti 19 6: 2

1: 2 ; P
: Fed

0 ]

I ricik


: 27 ; Z r 119


1 ~ b:

19 /1:

[fen ern
na a ?


1. 1





OT eft anda toqitdim yay anda yayladim yaqa anda yaqaladim 'I made a toe ad
driven into the ground, 1spent the summer there and fixed the frontier (of my dominions) there' (RMShin E 8), yaqa anda yaqaladim '1 fixed the frontier there' (
S 2), yaqa 'collar' (AK), yaqa 'collar' (AQB); MT yaqa 'collar, bank, hore' (AGul ,
yaka 'yaka, kIYI,kenar' (AHMA), yaqa 'kolnierz', yaqa 'brzeg' (AHS), yaqa 'vorot,
vorotnik, bereg, kraj' (AHSF), yaqa 'vorotnik' (AIM), yaqa 'giyimin boynu ku atan
yeri' (AIMI), yaqa 'collar' (AKD), yaqa 'vorotnik, vorot' (AM), yaka 'yaka, kenar,
kIYI' (ANeh) , yaqa 'vorot, vorotnik, bereg, kraj' (ANehF) , yaqa 'vorotnik' (ATef),
yaqa 'bord, cote, collet d'un habit' (AChag), yaqa 'vorotnik' (AChagMA), yaqa 'der
Kragen' (AChagR), yaqa 'boundary, shore, bank, a collar, the fur which they sew
to the edge of a collar' (AChagSC), yaka 'Rand, Kragen, Kuste, Ufer' (AChagZ),
yaga 'Kragen' (LCCI), yaqa 'yaka' (AAH), yaka 'dagm kenan, bayir olan mahalle'
(AAHI), yaga 'cote, de cote' (ABul), yaqa 'col' (ADur), yaqa 'Kragen' (AHou), yaqa
'vorot, vorotnik, osejnik, bereg' (ATuh), yaqa 'yaka' (ATuhA), yaxa: ota yaxa 'the
opposite bank, other side, Anatolia' (AmCh); NT Chuv suxa 'vorot, vorotnik, vorotnicok, monisto, ozerel' e iz monet' (Chuv), suxa, soxa 'vorot, sejnaja povjazka, ozerel' e
iz monet tukraseniev (ChuvA), suxa 'Kragen' (ChuvP); NW yaka 'vorot, vorotnik
(Tat), yaga, yaga 'yaka: vorotnik', yaga.jaqa, yaqa 'elekta: tar gina materiya kisagena
tarjkalar tezep yasalgan ham rnuymga baylap kuyila torgan bizanu aybere: starinnoe zenskoe ukrasenie iz monet, nadevaemoe na seju' (, yaga yaga, yaqa
'tar materiyaga tarjkalar tezep yasalgan ham muyinga kiyela torgan bizanu aybere:
starinnoe zenskoe ukrasenie iz monet, nadevaemoe na seju', yaga, yaqa, jaqa 'yaka:
vorotnik' (TatD2), yaka 'galler: Kragen' (TatB), yaqa 'der Kragen, der Rand, der Ufer',
jaqa 'der Kragen, der Rand, die Grenze' (TatKR), yaga 'vorot, vorotnik, (etn.) nagrudnik (zenskoe nagrudnoe ukrasenie iz nasityh materiju serebrjanyh monet, korallov i
dragocennyh kamnej)', s pritjaz. affiksom 31. 'kraj, bereg' (Bashk), yaga 'szel szegely,
rnellek [edge, border, environs]', yaka ' galler [collar]' (BashkP), yaga 'yaka: vorotnik; yan, kiny, cit: bok, kraj, storona; su buyi: bereg' (SibT), yaga 'bereg, kraj, vorotnik, vorotnicok' (SibTBD), yaga 'der Kragen' (SibTBR), zaka 'vorotnik, (v nekotoryh mestah) odezda, kraj, bereg, predgor'e, (tjan's, str.) mauerlat' (Kirg), zaga 'shore,
coast, beach, collar' (Kaz), zaga 'bereg, vorotnik, poberez' e, pobereznyj' (KazB), ja .a
'der Kragen, das Ufer', jaqa 'der Kragen, die Rand, die Grenze' (KazR), iaga ' orotnik, kraj, bereg, beregovoj' (Kklp), yaga 'vorotnik, bereg, beregovoj' ( og), yaqa
'vorotnik' (CrTat), yaga 'der Kragen, das Ufer' (CrTatR), yaga 'bereg, konec, kraj,
predel' (KarH, KarC), yaqa 'vorotnik' (KarSh), yaga 'vorot, vorotnik, ber g, r j'
(Kum), yaga 'Kragen, Ufer, Rand' (KumN), dzaga 'bereg, poberez'e, beregovoj, r tnik, vorot' (KrchBlk), jaga 'Kragen' (KrchP); SW yaka 'vorot, orotni, b reg, kr j
obocina, storona, kraj' (Tkm), yaxa 'vorot, vorotnik' (Az), yaka 'collar (of a garrn ~t ,
edge (at the neck), skirt (of a mountain), border (of a a or ri r), hore, ank, ide



(of a ail)' ( t), yaka 't r f, cihet' ( tD), yaqa 'd r Krag n' (Tt ), Y~ a v re,
renik' ( ag), yaqa, yaga, yaxa, yaxa, va a, yaxa, yaxa, yaxa, ya e, yaXX(l
(Khor), yaxa 'Kragen' ( g); Kh yaqa, yaxa 'Krag n' (Kh
Az), yaqa, yaqqa yii ii
'Krag n' (KhT); SE yaqa 'vorot, vorotnik, b reg, kraj, bocina' (Uzb), yaqa a 1
lar of a garment; out ide' (Turkil), yaqa 'a border, an edge, a collar {of a garm n '
(Turki h), yaqa 'bereg, kraj, bok' (Turkil.), yaqa 'cl r Kragen, der and, d r . r'
(TurkiTR), yaqa 'kraj, bereg, vorot, vorotnik' (MUyg), yaxa 'vorotnik, vorot' (Sal),
yaxa 'col' (SalK); NE d'aka 'vorotnik, kraj' (Alt) , d'aga 'bereg, vorot', t'aga 'v rotnik' (AltL) yaqqa 'der Kragen, Hutrand, Brustlatz des Pelz ,das Vfer, der and,
die Grenze' (AltR, AltTeIR), yaga 'der Kragen' (AltLR), d'aga 'bereg', d'aka 'voro nik, bereg, okraina', caga 'bereg' (AltQK), d'aga 'bereg', daka 'bereg, vorot, voro nik' (AltTK), caga 'pojas (stanov), kraj, gran', (ust.) vorotnik' (Khak) , caga 'vorotnik' (KhakS, KhakQb), caga 'vorot, verhnij kraj brjuk' (KhakB), caga 'der Kragen,
die Grenze' (KhakQbR, KhakSR, KhakShR), yaga 'der Kragen' (ChuIR), daga jaga
'collar' (FY), caga 'otvorot, vorot, vorotnik' (Tu v) , ea "ha 'vorot, vorotnik (odezdy ,
pojasnaja cast' (brjuk), okraina, kraj (poselenija)' (Tof): Y saga 'vorot, vorotnik suby,
pal'to), kraj, granica, opuska (lesa, skosennago sena)' Uaga 'kraj' (~ Mo)] (Y), haga
'Kragen' (DIgS).
Mo jaqa 'brim, rim, border, frontier, side, flank, coliar, bazaar, market, u ed a a
"classifier" for counting garments',jaqada- 'to collar, seize by the neck, to be situat cl
or move along the border or edge' (L). Cf. also the Mo phr aimag-un jaqa 'the border
of an aimak'.

ElT In the linguistic literature, many scholars have considered

th H word nyak
to be of T origin. In their opinion, the T etymon for the H word could be yaka 'the
edge, or border (of something)', a word which is well-known a of the OT period and
which also carried the secondary meaning 'the collar (of a garment)' in earl tim .
Clauson (1972: 898) regarded the word a a po ible der which ma contain
the verbal base yak- 'to approa h, or be near to ( om thing)'. On the ba e, S
Clauson (1972: 896-897). Vladimircov (cited by Egorov 1964: 222 and al 0
ortianLevitskaja 1989: 83 without any comment ) pr vi usly not d this e planati n. Erd I
(1991: 381) accepted this etymology of th T ord and imilarl
gm nted th
yaka 'edge, collar' with the ba e yak- 'to draw n r' and the uff -g . rdaI pint d
out that the initial segment "g in th suff
uld already ha e di app ar cl in T ft r
~he verbal ~ase ending in Ik/. rdal's opinion could n t be r j et d (
. th d: t
In Kas~g~n),. howeve~ th O'T s urces writt n in Runi
ript r in pt f r th t k
of providing informati n /kk/. Th geminat could not h V b nIDI
1 im lif~ed for this word in all vari ties of OT. Th tra
f th 1 n
n n nt in th
( yak-ga) can be obs rv d in om cont mp rary 19 (f . . .
. r ). h



primary meaning' edge, border' was preserved in many sources (c . AHMA,

AAHI, ABut, ATuh, BashkP, SibT, Kirg, KazB, Kklp, Tt, TtD, M yg, Alt, et ..
According to Starostin-Dybo-Mudrak
(2003: 983-984), th PT "yaka 'coll r:
edge', PMo "nigur-su 'spinal marrow, vertebral gristles' and PTu "nikimna 'n
nape of neck' may go back to PA * niiike 'neck, vertebra'. They rejected Doerfer'
(1963-1975/4: 102-104) critical r marks concerning Ramstedt (1935: 463) and Ra anen's (1920: 194) attempts to find an old genetic interrelation between the T word
yaka and Mo jaka. Rasanen also mentioned H nyak among his data. Doerfer pointed
out that the T and Mo words cannot be genetically related. The T word never carried
the meaning 'Hals, Wirbel, Nacken': it only denoted 'Kragen', which may be traced
back to an earlier semantic change 'Rand' > 'Rand der Kleidung'. The Mo word represents a lw fr T. Clauson (1972: 898) regarded the Mo wordjaka 'edge, frontier, collar'
as a so-called Second Period lw. Scerbak (1997: 122) however, listed it in the earlier layer. Chuv suxa 'collar' was borrowed into Cher (soga 'Kragen, Brustschmuck'
sogan 'Kragen' (cf. Rasanen (1920: 194.
E/H It was Vambery (1870: 165) who first viewed the H word as a T lw. Budenz
(1873: 105; 1883: 444; 1884: 11) thought that the etymology presents serious semantic problems. In the T Igs, one cannot find an equivalent word that means 'neck'.
Nerneth (1928-1930a: 468) did not accept the T etymology of the H word. According
to Rasanen (1939: 99), the BulgT ri- ,..,CT y- correspondence may be as important
as the r : Z and I : S oppositions. He supposed that H nyak 'Hals, acken, Kragen'
may come fr an OBulg form "naka. Barczi (1941: 216) considered the H word to be
of unknown origin. Later, he (1952: 350) noted that fr among the H ny- - T y- correspondences mentioned by Rasanen, only nyak and nyar can be regarded as relatively
convincing. According to Barczi, one of the weakest points of the etymology i that
the Mo equivalent of the T word has an initial I: and not an n-. (Barczi's remark,
however, would be crucial only in the case of a genetic interrelation between the T
and Mo words). In Barczi's view, the loss of the final vowel in the word can be explained with the possible phonetic change -a> -i > =li > -0. Moor (1960: 393) rejected
the T etymology, because it can only be supported by some bare data that demonstrate the H ny- [ri] ,..,BulgT "ri- correspondence. Ligeti (1961: 39) did not e elude the
possibility that the H initial ri- could go back to a T initial * y-. This hypothe i an
also be borne out by the initial Mo l: in the counterpart of the T word. Bar zi (196 :
1-10) believed the H word to be of T origin in AH. According to Lig ti (1963b: 90391), the H word cannot possibly belong to the ancient common T borro ing in the
U 19s.It is not connected to the Tu 19s.The etymology has som weakn
. n th
basis of the T and Mo data, one would be hard-pressed to recon tru t an initi 1 n-,
Ligeti also pointed out that we do not know any T 19sor dial
h r th
rr p nding Tword with the meaning 'neck' can be document d. Bar zi 1 65: 9) did n t

the semantic problem as serious. According to Lako (1967-1978/3: 474), th
of the H word can only be accepted if the final consonant -k r pre nt an n
U segment * -kk and not a * -k. Lako rejected the T etymology of th H word. B.... v
(1967-1984/2: 1031) believed the H word to be of unknown derivation. Th troub
with a U beginning is that the possible corresponding form only occur in
A T source for the word places both phonetic and semantic obstacles in our ay
Ligeti (1986: 156-157) regarded the PT starting point of the H word as not altogether
impossible. The weakest point of the etymology is its semantic side. Redei (19 1991/1: 328) listed the H word among the U inheritances in H. Benko (1993-1997/2
1034-1035) considered nyak to be of uncertain origin. He also said that starting ou
at U can only be supported with the Selkup words nukka, nug, nog' acken' and that
a T etymology throws up serious semantic stumbling blocks. Rona-Tas (1997b: 4950) accepted his position. The semantic side of the etymology is very shaky. On the
T side, one cannot find the corresponding word that denotes 'neck'. It would be an
argument in favour of this etymology if we found the meaning 'border' or 'frontier'
for this word in H, but this has hitherto not been the case.
According to Starostiri-Dybo-Mudrak (2003: 61), PA initial /n/ is reflected in AT
as /yl and in Mo as Ij/. This would mean that the H word nyak dates fr the PA period
which is impossible for chronological reasons. Even more serious is the semantic side.
H nyak carries two meanings, 'neck' and 'collar of a shirt, coat, etc.'; the second is a
later, H development.
.L.L.I' .

Varnbery 1870:165;Budenz 1873:105;Budenz 1883:444; Budenz 1884: 11;Rasanen 1920: 194; erneth
1928-1930a: 468; Ramstedt 1935:463-464; Rasanen 1939: 99; Barczi 1941: 216; Barczi 1952: 350; Ligeti 1960:
302; Moor 1960: 393; Ligeti 1961: 39; Barczi 1962: 1-10; Doerfer 1963-1975/4: 102-104; Ligeti 1963b: 390391; Egorov 1964: 222; Barczi 1965: 49; Benko 1967-1984/2: 1031- Lak6 1967-1978/3: 474; Rasanen 1969180; Clauson 1972:896-898; Doerfer 1985: 125-Ligeti 1986: 85 153,156-157,523; Redei 1986-1991tl: 32 ~
Sevortjan-Levitskaja 1989:83; Erda11991: 381; Benko 1993-1997/2: 1034-1035; Fedotov 1996/2: 1 6-1
R6na-Tas 1997b:49-50; Scerbak 1997: 122; Starostin-Dybo-Mudrak
2003: 61, 9 3-984_

[nargal] 'to gallop' I 1541 jargal-jak [yargal-yak], c1550/1638 nyargal-a

[nargal-a], 1569 fel-gyargai-anak
[fel-d'argal-anak] I nargal- < yarga/- < * r a{with suff -l-} +- T *yorga- or nargal- < yargcil- < ? jar 'to walk' +- T 'orf-"t



I EOT ~orfga

'a horse that ambles or goes at a jog trot'.

1 OT yorigi: at 'ambler (horse)' (AK), yoriga 'ambler' (AQB); T or a ' "
(AHMA), yorga 'inohodec' (AIM), yorga 'yorga yiiriiyen at', yorqa ' elen at'
yoriga '(horse) of a light step', yorqa 'ambler' (AKD), yorga 'ambl r'
'che:,a! coureur'.: yorgala- 'aller d'un pas tres-pres e, prendre I gal'

yorg~. der P:ssga~ger, Pass?ang' (AChagR), yorga 'ambler ( h g ), yorg a' r

~~z,Clfte qosmaq (AChagSS), yorga 'Traber, Dopp Itrab r' (h
), y r alaim Trabe gehen, gut schreiten, eilen' (AChagZ), orga 'k
gid n', 'or' ala-


'ko~arak yurumek' (AAH), yurga (r: yorga) 'Passgang r' (AHou) , yorga 'inoh cl c
(losad')' (ATuh), yorga 'yorga' (ATuhA), yorga 'rahvan' (AOtT), yorga 0 casionally
yorqa 'rahvan' (AOtT); NT Chuv siirxa 'inohodec, inohod' (Chuv), sarka 'inohod c',
sarxa (sorxa) 'inohodec, inohod' (ChuvA), siirxa, Szp. sargav 'poroszka 16; Passganger' (ChuvP); NW yurga: yurga at 'inohodec', yurga 'inohod', (peren., vul'g.
zenscina legkogo povedenija' (Tat) jurga 'der Pass gang, der Trab', yurga 'der Passgang' (TatKR), yurga 'inohodec' (Bashk), yorgala- 'yurgalau; bezat' inohod'ju' (Sib'T),
yurga 'der Passgang' (SibTTR), iorgo 'inohodec, inohod", iorgolo- 'idti inohod'ju'
(Kirg), zorga 'pacer, ambler' (Kaz), zorga 'inohodec' (KazB),jorga 'der Passgang, der
Passganger' (KazR), iorga 'inohodec' (Kklp), yorga 'inohod', inohodec' ( og), yorga
'inohod' (CrTat), yorga 'inohodec' (KarT, KarSh), yorga 'inohod": yorga at 'inohodec' (Kum), dzorga 'inohodec, inohod", diortuw 'rys', beg rys'ju, (peren.) speska,
sueta' (KrchBlk); SW yorga 'inohod' (hod losadi), inohodec' (Tkm), yorga 'inohod",
yorgala- 'idti bystro' (Az), yorga '(horse's) jog trot, going at a jog trot' (Tt), yorga
'atlarda bir turlu yiiruyus, tath rahvan, rahvana yakin yuniyus' (TtD), yorga 'rahvarun kabasi, rahvan ve eskin arasi yurume' (TtDA), yorga 'der Passganger, Passgang' (TtR); Kh yu'rga 'der (graziose) Gang des Rebhuhns, Gangart des Pferdes,
wenn es weder Galopp noch Schritt geht (also: Trab) , schneller und geschmeidiger Gang der Tiere' (Kh): SE yiirga 'inohod', (vul' g.) zenscina legkogo povedenija,
(etn.) cast' ljul'ki, kacalka (v vide poloz' ev polukrugloj formy), na kotoroj kacaetsja
ljul'ka' (Uzb), yurgte 'ambler, ambling' (Turkij), yurgha 'an amble' (TurkiSh), yorga
'inohodec' (TurkiL), yorga, yoga 'inohodec' (MUyg), yorga at 'inohodec' (YU g );
NE d'orgo 'inohodec, inohod', sposobnost' hodit' inohod'ju', d'orgolo- 'idti inohod'ju,
polzat' (Alt), yorgi), yorgo 'der Passganger, Passgang' (AltR), d'orgo, yorgo 'inohodec
inohod' (AltL), yorgo 'der Passganger, Passgang' (AltLR AltTeIR), d'orgo 'der Passganger, Passgang' (AltTeIR), d'orgolo- 'bezat' inohod'ju' (AltQK) d'orgo 'inohodec
(AltTK), corga 'inohcdec, inohod', sposobnost' hodit' inohod'ju (Khak) corga'inohodec, inohod' (KhakB), yorga 'der Passganger, Passgang' (KhakQbR KhakQchR),
corga 'der Passganger' (KhakSR, KhakShR),jorgo at 'ambler' (FY), cira a't 'inohodec
(Tuv +- Mo), coruga 'bystryj, bystrohodnyj (0 kone Hi olene)' (Tof); Y d oruo joruo
'inohod', inohodec' (Y +- Mo).
Mo jiroga 'ambling, fast amble ambler' (L).
2 OT yori-, yor?-: yoridimiz 'we marched' (RMKT E 37) tasra oryor "the ar
marching out' (RMKT E12), oriyor armis 'they are aid to march out' ( I'T n 10)
yormazun 'do not march out!' (RMTon 11), yoridim '1 mar hed (out)' ( 1~hm
9), yorf- 'to walk, pass, to live, get on' (RTlrk 53), yorf- 'geh n
and m' TT 11
28:47), adaqin yorip 'walking on our legs' (UChuast, see Clau on 19 0:.: 9 7), ri'to walk' (UXuangzanglndex), yorl- : ar yorldl 'the man ( t.)
1 d. Th ame f r
anything that travels or walks. (AK), yorimaz na atma '( d) d
n t alk r




'r-' eh n, ulti
'ort- 'to dri . -iirii- 't

ith - ~ d -p
m k'



). y


'p ru z:

ljat' j , tran tv
1 n ileriv
t r
\ iir i - 'h dit"


vn j





namerevat'sja, byt' blizkim k cemu-l., s glagolom bol- okazat'sj

ern-cem-l., v roll
vspomogatel' nogo glagola pridaet dejstviju osnovnogo glagola harakter dlit I nosti ,
postojanstva' (Kirg), yiir- 'in Bewegung sein, auf dem Weg sein, geh n, fahr n, r j_
ten, wandern' (KirgR), ziir- 'to move (intr), go, ride' (Kaz), jur- 'hodit', dvigat' ja;
gehen, sich bewegen' (KazR), ziir- 'dvigat' sja, byt' v dvizenii, prodolzat'sja, rabo t'
po najmu, okazat'sja kem-cem I., v kacestve vspomogatel'nogo glagola pridaet dejstviju osnovnogo glagola harakter dlitel'nosti, postojanstva' (Kklp), yur- 'hodit', idti,
dvigat'sja, vesti sebja, derzat' sebja, byt' v obrascenii, imet' obrascenie (0 den'gah ,
vystupaet v kacestve vspomogatel' nogo glagola ivyrazaet povedenie, storonu haraktera' (Nog), yort- 'bezat' truscoj, idti', yiirii-, yiir- 'hodit' (CrTat), yiirii- 'hodit', eha "
zit" (KarT, KarC) iri- 'peredvigat'sja, byt' v dvizenii' (KarH), yiri- 'hodit', ehat', byt
v dvizenii, zit" (KarH), yur'u- 'hodit' (KarT, KarC), ur'u- 'idti, hodit', marsirovat',
guljat' (Kar'T), yiirii- 'hodit', idti, hodit', delat' hod (v igre), byvat' vrneste, obscat'sja
s kern-l., nahodit'sja vmeste' (Kum), diiiru- 'hodit', ezdit', dvigat'sja, byt' v hodu,
funkcionirovat', vodit'sja, imet'sja, etc.' (KrchBlk); SW yort- dial 'begat", yore- 'hodit'
idti, dvigat'sja, rabotat', dejstvovat', postupat', idti, hodit' (0 casah), etc.', yor- vspomogate!' nyj glagol v socet. s deepr. na -fp, -ip, -up, -iip, -p oboznacaet mnogokratnost'
prodolzitel' nost', nezaversennost' dejstvija (Tkm) , yeri-, yurii- 'hodit', stupat', idti'
(Az), yiirii- 'to walk, to move, to go in any way or direction, to advance, to make
progress, to march (of an army), to hurry along, etc.' (Tt) orii- 'idti, hodit' peskorn,
sagat' (Gag), yi/r- 'gehen' (Khor): Kh yQorrs 'Gang', yu'ra Art zu gehen Gangart'
(Kh), yori- 'wandern', yorut- 'jemanden herumfahren' (KhT); SE yur- 'hodit', idti,
hodit', delat' hod (v igre), ezdit', ehat', etc.' (Uzb), yur-, YUy-, YU-, d3il- 'to wander, to
wander about, to walk, to walk about, to stroll, to stroll about, etc.', yuru-, yiirii- 'to
walk, to wander, to go, to stroll, to fly' (Turkil), yuyu- 'fit', hodit' dvigat' ja' yui'hodit', prozivat", yiiyii- 'hodit', dvigat'sja, fit" (Turkil.), yiir- 'in Be egung sein, auf
dem Wege sein, gehen, fahren, reiten, wandern' (TurkiTR) iur- 'hodit', ezdit' sestv 0vat', hodit', idti (rabotat' 0 mehanizmah) imet' hozdenie, v socetanii s osno nym
gIagolom v forme deepricastija na -p, etc.' (MUyg), yir-, yer-, yor-, yoi- yiir-, iiryur-, yur- 'hodit, peredvigat'sja' (Sal), yor-, 30r-, 30r-, oi-, Jor- 'hodit', dvigat' ja'
(YUyg), yor- 'ehat', hodit", dzor- 'hodit' (YU gM) NE d'iir- fit', hodit', d igat' j ,
(AIt), yiir- 'in Bewegung sein, auf d ID ege sein, gehen fahren, reiten, wandern'
(AltR, AltLR), d'or- 'idti dvigat'sja' (AItL), iir- = d'ur- 'in Be egung sein, uf dem
Wege sein, gehen, fahren, reiten, wandern' (AltTelR), d'or- 'hodit", d'ori- h dit' d igat'sja, slezat", d'br- 'hodit", cor- 'brodit', hodit', dvigat'sja', cor- 'hodit", iiir- 'b z t,
hodit', dvigat'sja, idti, brodit', v kacestve vspomogatel'nogo gl gola u z" a t n: e izodlceskoe postojan tvo dejstvija' (AltQK), d'or- 'hodit", d'iir- 'idti h t, i t' j
begat', hodit', brodit', ra hazivat', ezdit' na kon verhorn' (AltTK, ..r- 'd 'g' t ~j ,
hodtt', ezdit', v kacestve vspomogatel' nogo glagola obrazu t id 1 la
zn e-



ni m epizodicnosti soversenija dannogo dejstvija' (Khak), cur- 'in

auf dem Wege sein, gehen, fahren, reiten, wand m' (KhakSh ), jur- 't mo ,
(FY), cor-, coru- 'idti, ehat', uezzat', byt', nahodlt'sja, plyt', ehat", kak v pomo,........
nyj glagol v socetanii s deepricastiern na -p osnovnogo glagola vyraza
dli I no
dejstvie (Tuv), yor- 'gehen wandeln' (TuvSR), coru-, cori- 'idti, ehat", coruq poezd a,
putesestvie, hod, alljur' (Tof); Y sfr? 'hod, hod'ba, pohodka', sirit- 'hodit', dviga ' ja
(hodit', ezdit', plavat'), itti, stranstvovat', etc.' (Y), hirit- 'gehen, fahren, reisen', frzs'kornmen', sfrf 'Reise, Fahrt' (DIg).
Mo jori- 'to move in the direction of, to strive, intend, plan, to be resolved' jorci'to walk, go, to travel, to set out, start for' (L).
ElT According to Doerfer (1963-1975/4: 151-153), the PT word could be *jjorfga,
which developed into jiruga in Mo. The Mo word was copied by Tu (see jiro, joran,
etc.). This would bring together Mo jiruga and T yori-, Mo jori-.
The T verb was borrowed by Tu dials (jori-) and Man (jori-) through Mo (see
Doerfer (1985: 115. On the Mo forms, see also Scerbak (1997: 125). The T word
which some scholars previously regarded as the etymon for the H word (see E/H)
is the dev nominal yoriga '(a horse) that ambles or goes at a jog trot', which has
the base yori- 'to walk, march' (cf. Doerfer 1963-1975/4: 151-153; Clauson 1972:964;
Sevortjan-Levitskaja 1989: 225; Erdal1991: 377).
As Clauson (1972: 957) rightly noted, the vowel -0- in the first syllable of the
verbal base can be confirmed due to both the data in sources written in Brahrm
script (B TTVIII B:1,3,7,E:50, G:19) and the first-syllable vowels in its ders yorik and
yoriga, but the verbal base otherwise only shows the vowel 101 in a very limited area
of the contemporary T 19s (cf. AltL, Tof). Nearly all modern forms contain -u-: E
Alt yiir-; SE yiirii-; NC jiir-; SC yur-; NW Kklp yiir-; Kaz yor-; og, Kum yiirii-; \
Az yeri-: Osm yiirii-; Tkm yorii-. These forms are secondary T development . On the
T verb, see also Sevortjari-Levitskaja (1989: 229-231).
The Mo verb jori- 'to move in the direction of, to strive, intend, plan, to be
resolved' (L) is a T lw despite Ramstedt's assumption (1935: 478) that T ori- and
Mo [ori- are genetically interrelated verb forms. Doerfer (1963-1975/4: 219) rejected
Ramstedt's suggestion earlier on. Starostin-D bo -Mudrak (2003: 482-483) re nstructed "yori-, "yiiri- 'to walk hodit' and compared it with
0 durb - 'to run (in
panic)', which is another word, and they also connected PTu * aare- 'to al
ander (off), to run, to leap, gallop' to them. Since T yiirii- is a late, secondar dev I pment, the comparison is hardly acceptable (see also Doerfer (1963-19751 : 21 - ...
T yort- "yorit-; was borrowed by the Mo lg (Jorci-). In discu in th
hu 'er
sure- 'hodit', ezdit", Fedotov (1996/2: 149) erroneou I ti d it to T -u iir-,
E/H Vambery (1870: 165) considered the Herb to b f T ri in nd th u ht
that the primary meaning of the H verb could ha e b n 't mbl '.
rdin t



Horger (1924: 127-128), the unusual phon tic change j- > ny- in nyargalcurr d
under the influence of the verb nyergel- 'to saddl '. Rasan n (1939: 101) wa of th
opinion that H nyargal- 'galoppieren' may go back to an OBulg verb. cor (1
40) believed that the H verb was a T lw and thought that it had been b rrowed
together with other lexemes associated with horse breeding. According to Barczi
(1941: 217), the etymological beginning for H nyargal- is uncertain and debatable.
It may be a der fr H jar- 'to go' and in this case the phonetic shape of the H verb
developed under the influence of H nyereg. It may, however, also be an OT lw. Bo h
possibilities pose some difficulties. Barczi (1957a: 189-191) later claimed that it seems
highly plausible that the H verbs jar- 'to go, walk' and nyargal- 'to gallop' may
be interrelated. In this case, one can regard the short vowel in the first syllable of
nyargal- as a secondary phonetic change. According to Benko (1967-1984/2: 260-262;
1037), the H verb represents a der fr the H verb jar- 'to go, walk', which is of FUgr
origin. According to Pallo (1969: 460), the primary phonetic shape of nyargal- was
in H jargal-. This verb may be etymologically tied to H jar-, which may itself come
fr T yori- 'umherziehen, frei nomadisieren' and the first-syllable long vowel in H
(jar-) may be a preserved old feature. Pa1l6 thought that jar- and jargal- (> nyargaT)
could have been borrowed fr T at the same time. Pallo (1982: 139-140) suggested
that because of the preserved OT y- in the verbs jar- and nyargal- jargal- ) in
H, these verbs may be among the oldest T borrowings in H. The copied form for
nyargal- could be the T verbal form yorgala- 'im Passe gehen'. According to Benk6
(1993-1997/2: 1037), Pallo's explanation is unacceptable. The H verb nyargal- stems
fr a special type of word split in which great changes came about in the semantic
between the starting point (jar-) and the new form (nyargal-), as in H bukik- 'to
tumble' - baktat- 'to trudge', 61- 'kill' - iildoz- 'to chase'. Ligeti (1986) did not mention
nyargal- among the T lws in H.
The initial 1nl in H is secondary. The connection between T yorga- and Hjargal- >
nyargal- presents us with semantic concerns. A horse's amble pace represent a very
special term in horse breeding, and the H word has never carri d this meaning. The
link between H jar- 'to go' and T yort- presents chronological problems. This would
be the only word with a preserved y-. On the oth r hand, the H der jar- > jargal- i
also unclear. If dev, the suff -gAl- serve a frequentative function, as in szaladgalszalad- 'to run'), taszigal- taszit- 'to push'), rongal- ront- 'to poil'), nevetgel- (
nevet- 'to laugh'), etc. The only possibility would be to suppo e that H copied form
jorga 'ambling horse' as *jorga and that this changed in H to jarga, lat r t yarga
and narga, and took on the H den suff + 1-. For th H chang IJI > I I in the initial
position, see gyart > jart-, jarat-, gya z, dial jasz. The semanti tumblin
1""", ." ..
remain, and forms like *jorga or *jarga are also ab nt fr H.


12 6

1870: 16 ; Horger

1924: 127-128,


R mst dt 1952-1966/1: 52,148; Moor 1956: 40; Bar


tedt 1935: 478, Ha an

1957a: 189-]91;

220; Egorov 1964: 208, 223, 351; B nk6 1967-1984/2:


260- 262, 1037;

19' 9: HI, Bar

rfer 19()3-197


1969 459-



Benko 1993-1997/2:

1996/2: 99. 149,493; Scerbak 1997: 125; Staro tin-Dybo-Mudrak

vortjs n1037; B rta 1

lauson 1972: 957, 959-961, 963-964; PalIo 1982: 139-140; Do rfer 1985. 37, 115;

1989: 225, 229-231; Erda11991:

/4: 1




n 1


2003: 482-483.

[nar] 'summer' 11398 GN kysnyarlew [kis-riar-lo], p1416/C1450 nyar-ba [ria

ba] I nar < "nar ~ WOT "nar < PA *riaz > yaz I EOT yaz 'summer',
OT yazitja 'in the summer (or spring)' (RMKT N 8), yazina 'in the summer or
spring)' (RMBilg E 31), yazin 'in the summer (or spring)' (RMBilg S 2), yazqii 'im
Sornmer' (MManIII Nr.7: 12), yaz 'Fruhling' (UTTVII 38:1), yaz 'spring' (UXuangzanglndex), yiiz 'summer', yiizin qatiglansa qiiin siiwniir 'Whoever works hard (and
earns) in summer, will be happy in winter', kilz kaligi yiizin biilgilrar 'The (manner of the) coming of autumn becomes apparent in the summer'. This is coined about
something whose end can be predicted at its beginning. (AK), yaz 'spring' (AQB); T
yaz 'ilk bahar, yaz' (UY), yaz 'printemps' (UHy), yaz 'Sornmer' (UCivWP 04:21), yaz
'summer' (AGuI), yaz 'wiosna' (AHS), yaz 'leto, vesna' (AHSF), yaz 'vesna' (AI ),
yaz 'ilkyaz, ilkbahar' (AIMI) , yaz 'summer' (AKD) , yaz 'Ieto' [the context suggest
'spring', not 'summer'] (AM), yaz 'ilk bahar, yaz' (AYC), yaz 'l'ete' (AChag), yaz
'spring (season)' (AChagG), yaz 'vesna' (AChagLN), yaz 'vesna' (AChagMA), yaz
'der Sommer' (AChagR), yaz 'the first six month of the year, the three months of
spring (bahar)' (AChagSC), yaz 'tabistan' (AChagSS), yaz 'der Sommer' (AChagZ),
yaz 'Fruhling' (LCCG), yaz 'Fruhling' (LCCI), yaz 'ilkbahar' (AAH), yaz 'printemp
(ABuI) , yaz 'nyar; Sommer' (AKav) , yaz 'summer' (AMGh), yaz, yay leto' (ATuh ,
yaz, yay 'yaz' (ATuhA), yaz 'ete' (AmTr) , yaz 'ete' (AmE), yaz 'bahar me sirni
ilkbahar' (AOtT); NT Chuv sur, sura 'vesna, ve ennij, vesnoj, vesnoju, po ve ne'
(Chuv), sur, sor 'vesna' (ChuvA), sur 'tavasz; Fruhling', sur: sur-kunne 'tava z,
tavasszal: Fruhling, im Fruhling' (ChuvP); NW yaz 'vesna, vesennij' (Tat), yaz 'Ja ~
leto' (Tatfrt), jaz 'Jay; leto' (TatD2), yaz 'Friihling', jaz 'der Friihling, da Fruhjahr
(TatKR), ya8 'vesna, vesennij' (Bashk), ya8 'tava z' (BashkP), as' e na ( ibTBD ,
iaz 'vesna' (Kirg), iaz 'summer', zazga salim 'in pring' (Kaz), zaz 'Ieto' ( azB),ja ...
'der Fruhling, das Fruhjahr' (KazR), zaz 'I to, letnij' (Kklp) , yaz '1 to, Ietnij (
yaz 'leto' (CrTat), yaz 'der Friihling' ( rTatR), yaz 'I to' (KarT, KarH, ar ), az ' d r
Fruhling' (KarLR), yaz 'der Fruhling' (KarTR), yaz 'ye na, yes nnij' (Kum), az 'n ir:
Sommer' (Kum ): diaz 'ye na, ve ennij', (Blk.) 'Ieto, Ietnij' (KrchBlk),]az 'Fruhlin
(KrchP); S~ ydz vesna, vesennij' (Tkm), yaz 'vesna,
ennij' (z
a 'Fruhlin
(AzR), yaz summer, (arch) spring' (Tt), yaz 'der omm r (TtR) , az '1 t , 1 tni '
~Ga~); Kh yaaz 'Sommer' (Kh); SE yoz '1 tO,I tnij' (Uzb), yaz' umm r' (Tur "1]). \
spnng, summer' (TurkiSh), yaz eve na' (Turkil.), yaz 'd r omm r' Tu kiT ,y?




'leto' (MUyg), yaz 'vesna' (Sal), yaz 'printemps' (SalK), yaz 'vesna', yarin' leduju 'cij
god' (YUyg), yarin 'na buduscij god', yaringo 'otnosjascijsja k buduscemu godu', yaz
'vesna' (YUygM); NE d'as 'vesna' (Alt), yas 'der Friihling' (AltR, AltTelR), d'a 'der
Fruhling' (AltTR), (as 'Ieto' (AltL), d'aski 'vesna, vesennij' (AltQK), cas 'der Fruhling' (KhakSR), jas 'spring' (FY), cas 'vesna' (Tuv), cas 'vesna' (Tof): Y siis 'vesna,
vesnoju' (Y), sas 'vesna' (YS), has 'Fruhling' (DIg), has 'Fruhling' (DIgS).
? Mo niray 'newborn, baby, fresh, new' (L).
ElT The T word yaz is well attested in the T sources as of the OT period (see yaz
'spring or summer' (cf. Clauson 1972: 982. Its primary meaning and its interrelation with the T word yay 'spring or summer' (cf. Clauson 1972: 980) are, however,
a matter of debate in the T linguistic literature. Clauson (1972: 980) thought that the
basic sense of yiiz was 'summer' and that yay primarily denoted 'spring'. According
to Doerfer (1963-1975/4: 66-67), the OT word yay could have been used to mean
'summer' and yaz mainly signified 'spring'. Clauson's position was based on Kashgari's explanation that yay is the T word for 'spring', which stands in opposition to
kuz 'autumn'. In the Divan of Kashgari, however, the word yay also comes up in
the sense of 'summer'. In the entry yay, Clauson provides a short overview of the
semantic fields of yiiz and yay in the contemporary T 19s.His attempt can certainly
provide important information, but the contemporary word forms prove inadequate
to decide the problem of the basic definitions of the words under investigation. The
distribution of the words yay vs. yaz in the NT 19s seems secondary. The T word
yiiz means 'spring' in the following T 19s: Chuv, Tat, Bashk, Kirg, Kum, Kar, Tkm,
Az, Sal, YUyg, Alt, Khak, Tuv, Y and DIg. It denotes' summer' in Kaz, KrchBlk, Kklp,
Nog, Tt, Gag, Kh, Uzb and MUyg. In some cases, the meanings are simply reflect
decisions made by the lexicographers. In Tt, besides its usual sense of' summer', yaz
also has 'spring' as an arch use. Meanwhile, yay as an arch word can signify the
same thing, while in colloquial Tt the Pe lw bahar is u ed to a oid the polysemy.
It is very important to see certain facts. (1) The word yay only appear in the
sense of 'spring' as an exception (cf. e.g., in addition to the above-mentioned ea e\
the NogD data); (2) The den verbal der yay+la- and its nominal der yay+la-g (cf.
Erda11991: 109; Sevortjan-Levitskaja 1989:78-79) only carry meanings hieh h
a direct connection with' summer'.
For a clarification of the primary definitions of the words under in e ti ati n
the best arguments can of course be provided through an etymology of th
Before demonstrating an internal T etymology for yaz, a brief 0 er i \ m b in
order of the earlier etymological explanations of these words.
Ramstedt (1935: 272; 1952-1966/1: 111) ompar d T yiiz ith H nyar umm r'
Kor nal 'sun' and Mo naran 'sun', but he also includ d
r ieri .. umm r' nd
Tu nel-ki 'spring' in his investigation. Doerf r (19 -1 75/ : 6- 7) d i ti (1 b:



15 -156) ri htly pint d out that R ID t dt'

tt mpt i una c pt bl 0
nd phon tic r a on .Popp (1960: 7- 8) thought that th T word yaz may
1 t d to Mo nirai 'n ug bor n, fri h' and Man niyarhiin 'fri h'. Ac rding t im,
th H word nyar - a n Id T lw - al 0 b long to thi word-family, Although Li c i
(1 86: 156) did not rej et this compari on f Popp '5, h did not th tit d
v ry onvincing. A cording tort;
r (1963-1 75/4: 67), th Man w rd cited a 0
i lw fr Mo and th compari on T yaz 'Fruhling' - Mo nirai 'frisch' i very dubi
for mantic reason. , but it also poses phonetic problem . Doerf r's opinion cone rning th diver s manti fi lds of th T and H words can he con idered - a we hall
blow - a well-f und d and his r mark cone rning th phon Ic ticking point
i also crucial. However, his counter-argument
are not unsolvable.
Having di cus ed the T word yaylag , umm r pa tur " Doerfer (1963-1975/4:
252-25 ) made some criticisms of Ram tedt' (1952-1966/1: 75,96) compari on ofT
yay"" Bur naiir {summer' ,..,Kor nat 'midday'. H cat gorically r jected the Kor data
fr the comparison, but in the case of the Buriat item he only mentioned that the rarely
attested word may also be a lw. Ramstedt's assumptions were actually reinforced by
St rostin- ybo-Mudrak (2003: 963-964). According to them, PT *yay 'summer (I)'
summer pasture (2); spring (3)', PMo * najiir ' umrner ' and PKor .,.nai: day, daytime'
may go back to PA *naj'V ' umm r, midday'. Starostin-Dybc -Mudrak (2003' 988989) also di cuss d the A parall 1 of the T item yiiz. They assumed that PA * njaf[ cl]
'young, spring, umm r' ouId have had the following representatives: PTu * riargu- 'new, fre h, young willow', PMo "nirai 'newborn', Plpn "natu 'summer', P or
"njeri-m 'summer' and PT "yar' pring, ummer' (cf. also Tenise (2001: 74. De pit
~cerbak' opinion (1997: 123), they did not accept the T origin of the Mo word. The
did not agree with Doerfer (1963-1975/4: 67), how ver th y added that "[t]he root
has indeed some problems," This position seems to be entirely corr et and one can
only add that the Mo word * nirai could long ago have b n interrelated with the T
word yaz. On the ders of yaz, see lauson (1972: 985 yazii- 'to p nd th pring', 9 5986 ya~ki: 986 yazik- 'to spend the pring', 987 yazlig 'belonging to the summer', 9 7
yazla- to sp nd the summer (som where)', 987 yazlat- eau : cf. 01 ko i'n aylagda
yazlatti 'he put his h ep for the spring on th umm r pa ture').
The word do not seem to b a impl x. If it r ally can be r lat d to 0 nirai
'newborn, baby, fr sh, n w (L), it m y ome fr an n i nt v rh I ha * riarV- 't b
or b c me renewed, fre: h'.
. Th nci ~t v rb 1 ba ~riarV- did n t di app ar in th
T P ri d it
n m
In th phon tic shap yaro- to. hin '( e I uson (1972: 956), . h r th
can b c rr et d to yaro-). Th T w rd iiz ' pring' w form d fr thi
th uff -(~z. ,~h ~ong v w Iin the first yllabl i n t impli itl
m 10 i 1 '.
kmD: yank light', Y sara- but al 0 sirda- 't d wn'). It
m: p] u ibl th t it

ily, u



n h
s, ) (1 C) 1: 2


1 ' In cl ' r1 .h
32) and Br ahrni s
m: y P rh' p b '
r . nstru t cl n
p . sib} that

th vow J -o~ in th do
ript (BT'1 III ~ 1'~, I 18) J. so
de Ire)
truct d v rh J b: s
un * r, which i~a d v ne min 1
PT riarV- JS n ' irnpl x.
v rb aro ha
uy ders, n which cl. jo

(1 72) and Era' 1(]<)91: 300-'~Ol). St' rostirr-Dyb
th .ty 1 i I nn ction b twe n O yaro (~ at
rni g'. Th -Y r m stru t d P
yar-in 'm irnin
mI r it with PM "naran 'sun', P'Tu "t] r(i) 'li zht',
* nar ' un, day,
th .r'. n P "yar- 't hme, to dawn



200': ]028-] )2

th m yaru- (

Plpn ari- a n
Ii ht,

n,m on yeI , (lS12).

t bli hcd, the prim ry m arung ofthi d ,r
uld h: v
bri zht' ' nd th n it d not d 'in th
arly mornin J', th ne 't m rr
I U' n

nd fr th r , m r g n r

l1y 'tomorrow'

rdal 1991: 255-256). Th

nd 1 m nt ofth


w rds s
1 e bid


v n 'n

aro-k app ars frcqu ntly a a m m


d t



word form. kilniis

m rrun

r '.

f bin m

of th

nd ku


"sun'. (

rta 1997).


n of th

v rb tiar -

ar - ould h:


b. om r new cl, t b born" nd th m an in 'I b r b

S ond ry A 'or ing tour
dat ,th
rb coul prim: rH..
o spun
nd th cl v n mm. I jj
Jar - ') (cf nar
ri in II r In n
c nd not',
mm er'). It is ' nothe qucsti n h th r th . manti fi Id
aL 0 cl 'pt nd: on lim: li( r -lauon: thi point 0 1 ,lh
v ~fy important: Y y r arin 'tl t n
1 Uil1 'in th n
'p rt inmg to tl n t
a '. '1 h -n i: 1h Ill. trum It'11

en ..

s nou:

11, 'lr










riar. According to Barczi (1941: 217), the der of the H word is uncI ar. I may p rhaps
b an OChuv lw in H, but this etymology is not very convincing. Bar zi la er (1952:
350-351) thought that the only crucial point of the T etymology is the mi ial nythe H word. According to Ligeti (1961: 39; 1963b: 390), the H word may go bac to
a PT form * nar but the etymology can only be explained within the fram wor 0
comparative A linguistics. Nyiri (1964: 414; 1965: 101) attempted to find an etym logical link between H nyar 'summer' and nyarfa 'poplar < "morass tree' under the
supposition that the original meaning of H nyar could be 'morass; the period when
the fields became marshy as the ice melts'. Barczi (1965: 48-49) believed that the H
word came fr T. Lak6 (1967-1978/3: 476) listed the H word in the category of words
of uncertain etymology. He did not reject Nyiri's proposed etymology, however he
also left open the possibility of a PT starting point. According to Benko (1967-1984/2:
1036),the der of the H word is debatable. Either it is identical with the homophonous
noun nyar 'morass', which is a U inheritance in H, or it is borrowed fr the OT word
*riar 'spring, summer'. Clauson (1972: 982) thought that H nyar can be regarded as a
very old T lw. According to Ligeti (1986: 155-156), nyar is of T origin and its initial
ny- can, like nyereg, be a "regular" representative of the PT * ri-. Benko (1993-1997/2:
1037) viewed the etymology of nyar as uncertain. He thought it may be an internal H development which occurred due to a split fr the homophone nyar 'morass',
however this explanation presents semantic difficulties. Benko did not reject the possibility that nyar was borrowed fr a T 19 of the Chuv type. According to him, the
copied form in this case would have been * nar 'Fruhling, Sommer'. In the latter case,
Benko, however, saw chronological pitfalls. According to Rona-Tas (1997b: 50), the
FUgr etymology of nyar is more convincing than the T one. The semantic problem
is added to the chronological one .
Varnbery 1870: 165; Bang-Gabain

1930: 97, n. 1; Ramstedt

1935: 272; Rasanen

1939: 99: Barczi 19 1:

217; Barczi 1952: 350-351;Joki 1952: 352-353; Ramstedt 1952-1966/1: 75,96,111; Poppe 1960: 37-38; Ligen
1961: 39; Ligeti 1963b: 390; Doerfer 1963-1975/4: 66-67, 252-253; Egoro

1964: 215, 219-220;

414-423; Barczi 1965: 48-49; Nyiri 1965: 101; Benk6 1967-1984/2: 1036; Lak6 1967-1978/
1969: 179, 189, 193; Clauson 1972: 956, 960, 962-964, 970, 980, 982, 985-9
523; Sevortjan-Levitskaja

yiri 1964.

: 476; Ra men

7; Ligeti 19 6: 153 155-15 ,

1989: 71, 74, 78-79, 134; Erdal 1991: 109, 255-256, 300-301, 793-79 ~ Benko

1993-1997/2: 1037; Fedotov 1996/2: 128, 138-139; Berta 1997: 23-31; Scerbak 1997: 123; Rona-Ta
50; Tenisev 2001: 73-74; Starostin-Dybo-Mudrak
2003: 963-964 988-989, 1028-1029, 1512.

19 -;ob.

[nereg] 'saddle' 11227GN Nerges [nerges], c1380 nerg [rierg] I riere

"neger +- ? PT "neger > "yeger > eger I MT eger 'saddle', T etjer, itjir, cf. I 0 eder.
1 OT -; MT egiir 'saddle', itjircaq 'pack saddle' (ARbg), eger 'selle' (A ha ,t ir
(with g) 'saddle' (AChagAb, Cl.), iger 'eyer' (AChagAbA), iger n ereg
hAbV), egiir 'sedlo' (AChagB), eger 'sedlo' (AChagBud), agar' d r tt
egiir 'saddle' (AChagSC), eger 'eger, ser]' (AChag ~S), ikar (r: ar \ tt I'
h,SSK), yinircaq 'Packsattel' (LCCI), agar 'eyer' (
H); T hu
"n r ' dlo,



1') 1

del'n j', yen re ik ' d lka' ( hu ), yener ' dlo, podsipni

r g' att 1', enercek 'ha mparna: Kumm tpoI t r' ( huvP);


tr a
s delocnyj, sed lkovyj' (Tat), inircak hamparna: Kumm tpol ter' ( tB) 1"1)' ir q
'sedelka' (Bashk), eger, (juzn.) er sedlo' (Kirg), er' addle', ujtrsaq 'p cks dd e,
dl trap' Kaz), er' edlo' (KazB), itjiriaq der Packsattel' (Kaz ),? er ' dlo' rry'iTs q
sedelka' (Kklp), eg r s dlo' (CrTat), eger, er, yer 'sedlo' (KarT), igfT'S dIo
eger 'sedlo' (KarSh), yer 'sedlo' (Kum), dzer 'sedlo' (KrchBIk) i"'lfrcaq'sedlo
hBalk, ev.), atjrjircaq 'v'jucnoe sedlo bez prinadleznostej (Blk, ev.): S
'sedlo 0 la' (TkmD, Sev.), yahar 's dlo' (Az), ingircak kolybel Ijulka' (T De,
SE egar sedlo, sedel'nyj' (Uzb), iger, ige 'saddle' (Turkij), igar ' addle' (Tur ~'Sh
eger, egei sedIo' (TurkiL), agar' der Sattel' (TurkiTR), egar 'sedlo' ( 1Uyg), ingircaq
v'jucnoe sedlo' (1Uyg
Sev.), egdr, egii 'sedlo' (MUygB ), etjer . edlo', f1]gir3r.
f1]gfr3ux sedlo (dlja vescej)' (Sal), etjer, erjer selle [Pot. i1]er], JJJgirD:'ax 'sell de
bagage' (SalK); NE er 'sedlo', ercik sedelka' (Alt) , i'1]frcaq der Pac sattel' (Alt e ..
AltR, AltTelR), iir 'der Sattel' (AltR) , er sedlo' (AltL), iir der attel' (AltLR e
'sedlo' (AltQK) er, er 'sedlo' (AltTK), ar der Sattel', itjirga ' atteldecke AltTelR.
itjirt'aq 'der Packsattel (KhakQbR), itjircaq 'das Holzgestell de attel' (Kh
irjgiriaq 'v'jucnoe sedlo' (Tuv), ingiriaq 'v'jucnoe sedlo (Tof); Y itjir, i7Jlr. i'gzr' edlo,
v'jucnoe sedlo' (Y), f1]lr, f1]i'r 'sedlo v'jucnoe sedlo (yS), f1]Ir Rentierla t attel DIg
f1]Ir 'Frauensattel fur Rentiere' (DIgS).
Mo yangircag 'packsaddle, saddle without a cushion', ) atjgiya id. (L).
2 OT agar 'saddle (sar])', ol atjar agar kokliisdi 'he [helped him] to tighten the
bands of the saddletree' (AK); MT idiir 'selle' (UH ), iidar ( attel' { T iv a 1 : ).
eyar 'saddle' (ABF), ayiir saddle' (AGul), e dr iodlo', iidarlii-' iodl c (koni . kulbaczyc' (AHS), adariii- 'sedlat' konja ,ayar
edlo' (AHvF). dyiir ' dlo AI 1) ay 'ir
yapugl 'saddle-housing' (AIM Cl.) iyiir 'e'-' r', e) rei 'e r i. ara " ederl - 'h van In sirtina eyer koymak' (AIMI)
r ' addle ( D, Y r 'e . r ( Teh)
iiyiir 'sedlo' (ANehF), edar, adar addl (ARbg, yet' edlo' ( hag lA, Y , ttel' (AChagZ), eyiir (eyar)' att 1', iiir Vi (e~ arcii'
ttler' (L I), 'iyar ' yer' ( H .
(AHou) a ar 'nyereg: attel
a ), ydr, - "r' addle' ( 1 h .. ) ..
iyar 'sedlo' (ATuh) , e er h van " i ( TuhA) , far"
mTr ,
(AOtT); NT huv yer ' dlo' ( hu
i.. iir 'sedlo,
del n
Tat). ..
'iyar: sedlo' (TatD!) e iir 'n r
tt l' (Tat
i -ar. r ar 'd r
tte1' T t
, edlo, sedel' n j' (B sh ) "yar, ar ' ne'
(B hkP, i. tar i. :'r: dlo' ~ .
iyiir ' edlo' (SibTBD), i ar ' d r att I ( ibTBR, iar'd r tt l' ..ibTI
(Kirg),? r ' addle' (Kaz),
r' edlo'
. zB r. iiir 'd r att 1 ( . z
(Kklp), ier [i er]'
dlo ( 0 ,i) r ' dlo' ( r'Tat) , iiyiu' cl r tt l'
yer 'sedlo' (KarT), dr 'd r att l' ( arI'R). ~ r ~ I'
iyer ' edlo' ( r hBlk);
. r [ '" r]" dl ,
I n j Tkrn),


ayar, ahar 'der Sattel'

dl ) Tt ayar ' der att l' (Tt ), yer 's dl '( ag,
eyer, e

1: -


ahiir 's dl '




Ten is 2001: 539 ezer is cl a' ( yg. 1);

er' edl ' AI), ar cl r
, dlo' (Altl.), dr d r attel' (AltL ), er' edlo' Alt K), er, er '5 d '
a t l' (AltT lk), izer ' edlo' (Khak), izer ( dlo' (Khakfs) ezdr ' cl r .J<A.,"''-'KhakQchR


,azar d r att l'

ak hk), azar 'der
(Tuv), ezer ' erhovoe sedlo' (T f ; Y -.


; eze

del'n J'
The data do n t allo f r the r construction of a T etym n i h a
initial PT or T zi- or e en *y-. Actually, one can distinguish
.o older ha e: ada
(on the data, see 2) and "ingir (? *fryfr) (on the data, see 1). S parating he e ~,,'.u
not al ays easy. \ e do not know of any e idence or ingir (? ujtr] and
ith the suff TeAk in the 01 corpus. On the 1 data of agar saddle', ee '-' auson
(1972: 63), evortjan (1974-1980/1: 241-242) and Tenise (2001: 539). I he Iat r
arks, one can also find word forms which cannot possibly pertain to ..ada
their right place ould be in the entry fryfr.
The Chuv rord was borro ed by some C gr 19s. On these data see also L' ge .
(1986: 142). Ligeti (1986: 142) collected forms that correspond to L~ 10 yangirca ...
pointed out that the T word was copied relati ely early by the. 0 19. In
e H.,
one can find the form itjgircak. The 10 form yatjgircag goes back 0 an earlier r0
yi1)gir rag, itjgir cag. The suff +cag is a ell-known den nominal
_ 0, a.IJ
the back- ocalic forms are secondary. According 0 Ligeti, on he basis 0 he T
. 0 data, one can suppose the early existence of a form * irjir > tiitjir
perhap * tii i
> I< yitjir
> * itjir
as intended),
hich may be a 1dial ariant of a recon true ed
form netjer
hich as copied by H. Ligeti' s proposal is unacceptable. 0 the C er
(ori'ncak) and oty (enercak) word forms of 1origin see al 0 Fedo ov 1 96 1: 1 5.
On the basis of the T data, one has to recon ruet
0 independ
-ord a a
and * itjir. Every attempt that anticipates only one recon tructed ba ic form mus
be rejected. On the basis of the T f rms tarostin-Dyboudr
2003: -0 -5 ...
have indicated only one PT form "edtje-r (saddle' and in the nt
th r re mix cl
data that go back to the different forms f adar and * irjir. The as m d th
different reflexes of the cluster could ha
appear d in orne T form
of borrowings, Tu ezer T f e'zer
0 itjircag ~
T. Thej
pare the reconstructed PT form
ith P.. ,.emegel ' addle' and PTu emu-l
ornamen ed with horse's hair, hoop
drum, bel , ha _
pack strap'. According to them, PT edrje-r rna b a ntr t d
This explana ion is h peles ly complicated.
er r 1985: 1 re
emegen, emel, e c. addle' as 0 1 . Lig ti (19 6: 1 2 con i r
have had a
connection in an earli r p riod:.
hi h ould al be related to an eryg mu < * T) m l.


1 .1

. 01 lin to M un a( "J (1 t)O J b: 4X7 I.XX), h If W)

f th
; .or IOInl una iri, inqir 'S: tt l' (no .'01 t in JJdJ "I w ird
1.'4) th U rht that th l l word Illay hay an t I 0[< Ji ; J It
t th
d'lt .
0 diu
t B[l (ZJ (IC 41: 218), th IJ w r m: y b. (
Lak ) (1 67 197 H/3: 8 1 R2) b h v d t h cl r of t h Il wo 1d to 1

. tru 1 1 a U rr protofon
nark, for 11, but It . ~ I 0 point d out ha
cc Ul t rparts su .h as Y itjtr or Chuv trier. A .cordi g 1 B
1 8 12: 10 2-10 '1; 1993 1997/2: ]040), nyl'rcg JTI' y b a U I inh fit' n
i1 J
th P iblc ~t(rtingpoilltforlh
UT lonn(*nark'J)
';11 1 r further i V' ti tl
Lasz16 (1981: R3 8 ) assum d t h: t th 11 wor cl. h cngycl '. tirrup' nd 11 er T ' .
annc t po: ibly corn fr FIJgr but th t th y rnay h int -rn J H d. eloprn nt.. LJ
(1 6: 1 1 1 ,) li ,t .d th 1I word among th word of T der of, n earl p ri dun
th . uppo. ition that th r was word-initi: 11nl in' and a m tath . is in
nd th
th -. inal Igl In y r 'pres mt an old 'I" PFUgr * 1) h ~r . 1 h copi d form
'I J'l r
s copi cl into PUgr. R6na-T . (1997b: 50) r je t d t11 T tyrn 1 1 of th H
rdin to him, th initial Iyl in th
min .ly orre: pondin
form 1



ndary in all 'as s.

Th H word is f PUgr origin (se 8.5). Th
impr babl , b caus



T. 1 rtin

no tra c of 1nl r c


P gr f rr

fa th

n I / in the initi: I positi

n in


1C}O 1b: ~7 -488;

196'~ 197, /2: 128- 129; Eg(

Ravan n

19()9: 1('();

1985: 21; Lig'ti

ccrb k



.k i 1<.,l~2: Iq:.!; POpP( 1 '5:

10 J l
78 79; Lako 1967 1978/3; -1 1 't f nl 1 (7 1 Q if ; 10.2 10
vortjan 197 l-l<}80/1:' tl- ')'!/, 6 (-6 9; L l')zl) 1 > t: R - 'I: [( r r

izinn yci

197': ()3;.

1927; I 2; Bal

.~, 2'3~, 523; Hellko

1<86: 14l-1

v 2001: 5]9; Stai ostin

19()7: 164; T'llIS(


1<) 1: 21 ;

Ittn-lt{nn: 1040; Fcdotu


[J1iig] 'hobble (01 rop .), burden I

1545 nugnek [rlug-n .k] I tiitg
10' cl'.


lt ;



1 )Q0I1; 1 l:

kcth r nuk- t]


on: -'1.1 l( 7h:

Ilk a

) )'






t [ni - t 1


anin 'bur
word uk: is ubiquit H1S in urci .. ( h 1 salt)
load, Ir ight, h: 'gage, lugt..,ag in man rase: earn ..d b
Munka . i (190,): 79) ti d th T ord to Skrt ~ up, 1111 ' okc', hi
yiik 'load, hurd n' has an intc rnal ' <. t molo r . It 1 . a d t ( f. I
v 0 rt j a n - Levi t. k a j u 1')89: '(' ''):,; L 1 I Cl1 t 1:' R) Ir t h
I ad. t arry' C
laus H1 197 : R70). Its suf -( k f rms i 11 nnm 1
surf, S ~rd'll (1 91: I. ' 26)). The un i( -um -nt i PT b: s iu 1.' r lat ..
It 1 ad \ me thin
m on
If to an " 'to load H1 11 '. I tl k ( nirnal'
1 72: 88 886; J(i< il( }1: 6 1), hi -h ha: b In pI , nt n th
. HU' . 'in
pt riod, It j ,ho
v r, {h. nt in th M T]..
ith th
'C 'I t ion




Ramstedt (1935: 479; 1952-1966/1: 65; 1949: 31) suggest d the "Altaic p" 1 J
T *yuk-, yiid-, "yu- 'aufladen' and yiik 'Last'. Starostin-Dyb
- udra
2 0 :1 3
rightly reconstructed PT *yu- 'to load, carry' on the basis of the form, bu h n h
confirmed Ramstedt's "Altaic parallels". Mo joge-, jogege- 'transport' ]8 a T 1 , PT
"jugu- is a Mo lw. DIg tuigu> tiiigu 'Zugel' is of Evk origin (Stachowski 1993' 1 7 .
The T word was copied by Eastern SI twice. In ORus, one has juk 'Traglast' and, in
contemporary Rus and Ukr, v'juk 'Saumlast, Ballen, Packen': cf. Fasmer (1964-1973/1:
373) and Egorov (1964: 205), among others.
E/H Vambery (1914: 37, 192) considered the H word as a T lw fr yuk 'burden'.
According to Barczi (1941: 221), initial stages of the the H word are unknown and
a Ugr beginning is unacceptable for phonetic reasons. Benk6 (1967-1984/2: 1061)
regarded the der of the word as unknown and rejected its T etymology. According
to Pall6 (1982a: 204), the H word may go back to a T form * nil-g. which is related
to T yiik, yiid-. She thought that the word forms part of the oldest layer of the T
borrowings in H and that it belongs among the terms for horse breeding. Ben <3
(1993-1997/2: 1050) reiterated his earlier position and added that the original vowel
in the H word could be the sound /i/.
The semantic side of the T etymology is very weak. The T word carries the meaning 'load, burden' fr the verb 'to load'. The H word originally meant 'hobble (of rope)'
and only later, as a secondary meaning, evolved the sense of 'burden' fr 'something
which one cannot get rid of'. On the basis of the T and Mo words belonging here,
one cannot reconstruct a PT form with initial *ri-. Ligeti (1986) did not mention H
nyilg among the H words of T origin .
Munkacsi 1905: 379; Varnbery 1914: 37, 192; Ramstedt

1935: 479; Barczi 1941: 221; Ramstedt


31; Ramstedt 1952-1966/1: 65; Doerfer 1963-1975/4: 224-225- Egorov 1964: 205- Fa mer 1964-1973 1: 373;

Benko 1967-1984/2: 1061; Rasanen

1969: 212; Clauson

1972: 870, 885-8

Sevortjau-Levitskaja 1989: 262-263; Erdal1991: 224-226, 258, 346,644,726,



93, 912; Pal16 19 2a: 204;

15- Benko 1993-199

1993: 187; Fedotov 1996/2: 90; Tenisev 2001: 519-520; Starostin-Dybo-

2: 1050;

udrak 2003: 155

[ocudik], oesul [ocul] 'to awake' 11508 vcodot [ocud-ott] 1700 [el-ot [tarn [fel-ocol-tam] I ociidik-, ocul- < oc {with suff: -(V)d- and -ik- or -( )/-} < 0 x, ~
WOT * ac-I EOT ac- 'to open, to clear (the sky)'.
OT ac- 'to open' (RTIrk 40), aca 'off n' (UTT1 A:6) aci'l-' geoffn t
H il
1:57), acgay balgurtgiiy 'enthullen und zeigen' (UMI 11:5), kozin a ip
Augen auf' (UMII1 35:29), ac- 'to op n' (UXuanzang1ndex), ac- 'op n qapu
'he opened the door (or other)', qara bulitig el acar urun bila -[ a ~-r
'h n a
black cloud covers the sky; the wind clears it away; imilarly, a bribe p n th
of state' (AK), acti uitmax yoli 'open d the wa of par dise'
T "-'" nen' (UOg), ac- 'acmak' (UY), acil- 's' ouvrir, s' ,cl ir ir (l tern
H ),
(UHyS), ac- 'erschliefien' (UCivSa 08:9), a - 'to p n to r



ac- 'acmak, aciklamak', acil- 'acilmak' (AHMA), ac- 'otwierac, od laniac' AH ,ac'otkryvat', raskryvat', otvorjat', vskryvat' (AHSF), ac- 'otkryt', izja nit" (AI ,a "'_
'kapah olma halini kaldirmak, acik soyleyip anlatmak, yaymak' (AIMl), ac- t ope '
(AKD), ac- 'to reveal, to conquer, gain victory, to remove' (AKor), ac- (-j-) 'ot ryvat",
acfl- (-j-) '0tkryvat'sja' (AM), ac- 'acmak, belli etmek, ortaya cikarmak' (
eh , ac'otkryvat', raskryvat', otvorjat', vskryvat' (ANehF), ac- 'to open, to unveil' (Akbg) ,
ac- 'otkryvat', pokorjat', pobezdat' (ATef), ac- 'acmak' (AYC), ac- 'ouvrir' (AChag),
ac- 'acmak' (AChagAb), ac- 'acrnak' (AChagAbA), ac- 'nyit [to open]' (AChagAbV),
ac- 'otkryvat' (AChagB), acismaq 'folderules, folvidulas [cheering up]' (AChagBL),
ac- 'to open, undo' (AChagG), ac- 'otkryvat', raskryvat' (AChagLN), ac- 'aufmachen'
(AChagR), ac- 'to open' (AChagS), acug 'enthullt, geoffnet, kIar, deutlieh, frech'
(AChagSSK), ac- 'offnen, eroffnen, entblossen' (AChagZ), ac- 'offnen', acil- 'sich offnen' (LCCG), ac- 'offnen' (LCCI), ac- 'acmak' (AAH), ac- 'otwierac, odkryc' (ABul)
ac- 'offnen' (AHou), ac- 'kinyit, feltakar; offnen, aufdecken' (AKav), ac- 'to open to
expose' (AMGh) , iic- 'otkryvat', zavoevyvat' (ATuh), ac- 'acrnak' (ATuhA), ac- 'ouvrir, decouvrir' (AmTr), actir- 'faire ouvrir' (AmE), ac- 'parlatrnak, aC;lgavurmak,
meydana koymak' (AOtT); NT Chuv US- 'otkryvat', raskryvat', raspahivat', otpirat'
otvorj at' , raskryvat', razvoracivat, rasp ecatyvat' , vskryvat', otkryvat', osnovyvat,
ucrezdat', sozdavat', otkryvat', puskat', otkryvat', nacinat', otkryvat', delat' otkrytie
rasciscat', pahat' (nov'), podnimat', pricesyvat', rascesyvat', (peren.) vyjavljat' obnaruzivat', raskryvat', razoblacat', (peren.) resat', razresat', (peren.) razjasnjat', ob">
jasnjat', raskryvat', osvezat', pridavat' bodrosti, bodrit' (Chuv), US-, OS- 'otkryvat'
otvorjat', raskryvat', podnimat' nov', otkryvat'sja (kornu-nibud'), razresat', posta it'
na nogi (v material' nom otnosenii), razjasnit', vyrubat' (les), razciscat', davat' otradu,
legkost', prosvetit', rascesat', raskryt' (t.e. sdelat' javnym)' (ChuvA), us- offnen aufmachen' (ChuvP); NW ac- 'otkryvat', otkryt' , otpirat', otperet', otvorjat' , otvorit',
vskryvat', vskryt', raspecatyvat', raspecatat', otkuporivat', otkuporit' raskupori at',
raskuporit', raskryvat', raskryt', razevat', razinut', (peren.) razoblacat', razoblacit',
raskryvat', raskryt', vydavat', vydat' (tajnu)' (Tat), ac- 'berar narsane yaltirap torirlik
itep cistartu: cistit' do bleska; (cacne, materiyane h. b.) bik cista itep yuu; prom t',
vystirat' ocen' cisto, do bleska - 0 volosah, materii i t.p.' (Tatfrt), ac- 'ot
(TatD2), ac- 'nyitni: offnen, aufmaehen' (TatB), as- 'otkryvat', vskryvat', otkup ri rat'
raspecatyvat', otkryvat', otvorjat', raspahivat', otkryvat', orpirat', otrnykat', otk
at ,
raskryvat' (cto-I. zakrytoe, slozennoe, svernutoe), otkryvat', pokazyvat', etc.' Ba hk ,
ac-, ac- 'acu: otkryvat" (SibT), ac-, ac- 'otkryvat' (SibTBD), ac- 'aufmaehen, offn n
(SibTBR, SibTTR), ac- 'otkryvat', raskryvat', otpirat', (peren.) obnaruzivat'
ac- 'aufmachen, offnen' (KirgR), as- 'to open, reveal, unlo k une er di
er. t
ferment (of wine, etc.)' (Kaz), as- 'vskryt', otkryt', obnaruzi t, tpir t , r
(KazB), as- 'otkryvat', raskryvat, otpirat', razvertyvat', raz jaz at' (napr.




(Kklp), as- 'otkryvat', raskryvat', otpirat', otvorjat', rastvorjat', otmykat', ot Up ri

vat', raskuporivat', vskryvat', raspecatyvat', raspakovyvat', raskutyvat', rasp] nyvat', razevat', raskryvat' (napr. rot), obnazat', razzimat', razoblacat', raskryvat' (n pr.
prestuplenie), ulicat' , izoblicat', pozorit' (Nog), ac- 'otkryvat', otvorjat', ra ryvat',
rascvetat" (CrTat), ac- 'aufmachen, offnen' (CrTatR), ac- 'otkryvat" (KarT, KarC)
ac- 'otkryvat', otvorjat' , (KarH), ac- 'otkryvat', raskryvat, otvorjat', otpirat', otkryvat', vvodit' v dejstvie, raskryvat', razoblacat', vskryvat', oblicat', ulicat' , otkryvat',
obnaruzivat', ustanavlivat', raspuskat'sja, raskryvat'sja' (Kum), ac- 'offnen' (KumN),
ac- 'offnen, aufmachen, aushulseri' (KrchP), ac- 'offnen, aufmachen, endigen' (BlkP ;
SW ac- 'otkryvat', raskryvat', razmykat', raskuporivat', raspecatyvat', otkryvat', obnaruzivat', ustanavlivat' nalicie cego-L, otkryvat', obnaruzivat', razoblacat', raskryvat', vskryvat' (Tkm), ac- 'otkryvat', otvorjat', raskryvat', raskryt', obnaruzivat', obnaruzit', razvjazyvat', razvjazat', rasputat, rastegivat', rastegnut', otprjagat', otprjac',
otcepljat', otcepit', raskutyvat', raskutat', razvernut', razvertyvat', raspakovyvat', raspakovat', raskrucivat', raskrutit', razmatyvat', razrnotat', rassucivat', rassucit', raskuporivat', raskuporit', razzimat', razzat', razinut', katat' , raskatat' (testo), nravit'sja,
ustraivat', udovletvorjat' (kogo), nacinat' (razgovor, besedu), raspuskat'sja, raspustit',
rascvetat', rascvesti' (Az), ac- 'aufrnachen, offnen' (AzR), ac- 'to open, to uncover,
to unfold, to spread, to shove off, to clear up (of weather), to inaugurate, to unite,
to unravel, to solve, to make lighter (of colour), to disclose or mention, to let sy
know sg, to make overtures, (slang) to go away' (Tt), ac- 'aufmachen, offnen' (TtR),
ac- v razn. znac. 'otkryvat', prokladyvat' (dorogu), vkljucat' (svet, radio i t.p.), obnazat' (suscnost' cego-l.), posvjascat' (napr. v dela, v tajnu), poverjat' (napr. tajnu),
prjam. i peren. raspuskat'sja, cvesti, rascvetat" (Gag), as-, ac- 'offnen' (Khor), as'offnen' (SOg); Kh hac- 'offnen, ausbreiten' (Imp: hacr) (Kh), hae- 'offnen' (KhT); SE
oc- 'otkryvat', raskryvat', otvorjat', vskryvat', otpirat', otkupirovat', otkryvat',
v dejstvie, polozat' nacalo, (peren.) otkryvat', razoblacat', vskryvat' otkryvat', obnaruzivat', ustanavlivat', vyvodit' (ptencov)' (Uzb), ac- 'to open, to uncover to take
off, to unfold, to discover, to unbolt, to unfasten, to disclose' (Turkij), ach- 'to open'
(TurkiSh), ac- 'otkryvat" (TurkiL), ac- 'aufmachen, offnen' (TurkiTR), ac- 'otkr at',
raskryvat', otpirat', (peren.) vskryvat', obnaruzivat' (MU g), ac-, as-, af 'otkr at',
ac- 'otkryvat' (dver'), otkryvat', razvjazyvat' (mesok), otkryvat' (glaza)' ( al) as-' uvrir' (SalK), haJ-, has- 'otkryvat" (YUyg), ac-, as- 'otkry at" (YUygM);
ac- 'ot r vat', otpirat', vskryvat', otvorjat', raskryvat', obnazat' (Alt), ac- 'aufmachen, offnen'
(AltR, AltTeIR), ac- 'otkryvat' (AltL), ac- 'otkryvat' (A1tQK), ac- 'otkr at' ot _rt ,
raspahnut', pojavljat'sja', as'- 'otkryvat' (AltTK), as- 'otkryvat', ra kr at' t -1. otpirat', otvorjat' cto-i., vskryvat' cto-l., obnazat' kogo-cto-l., raspahi at' ito-l: .. k
as- 'aufmachen, offnen' (KhakSR), as- 'offnen, aufmach n, roffnen u in
rsetzen' (KhakShR), ac- 'aufmachen, offnen' (ChuIR), as-' tkr at', r
f', aii'-

(!) 'otkryvat'sja,


byt' otkrytym'

(Tuv: on the latter, ee atarincev 2000-20 4/1: 65

ac- 'aufmac?en, o.ff~en' (~uvSR), a 'J- 'otkryvat', raskryvat', Iistat' (napr knigu ;
(Tof): Y as- otvorjat (dver, vorota), otkryvat' (krysku, trubu), otv rzat', ras ryvat'
(put'), razverzat', otpirat', otmykat' (zamok), ottykat' (probku), snimat' (karty)' Y),
as- 'otkryvat', raskryvat' (YS), ahagas 'offen, geoffnet, aufgernacht' (DIg), as- 'offnen, aufmachen' (DIgS).

ElT Sevortjan


209-210) discussed the semantic field of the base.

In some entries, Doerfer (1963-1975/2:

14-15) demonstrated the ders fr the T base
which were borrowed into Pe. For semantic reasons, he rejected Ramstedt (1935:
18) and Poppe's (1960: 63) suggestion of comparing T ac- '""'Mo aca 'Gabelung' Man aca- 'sich vereinigen'. The Mo form was otherwise borrowed into Kirg (cf. aca
'razvilina, razdvoennyj, Uuin.) prornezutok mezdu jagodicami, rnezdu verhnej vnutrennej castju nog celoveka, ttocnee kizil aca) (kart.) cervy': and also see acakay,
a ca key, acekey, acikey 'razdvoennyj': acalan- 'razvetvljatesja' (Kirgj). StarostinDybo-Mudrak (2003: 1116) confirmed Ramstedt and Poppe's comparison of the "Altaic data". Further, Rasanen (1969: 3) collected the T items, reconstructed a PT form
* hac-, and proposed a genetic connection between this form and FUgr "ponce- 'offnen' (Redei 1986-1991/1: 352).
E/H Budenz's (1863: 339) explanation that the H forms ocso (> ocsodnii and some
T forms could have been of onomatopoeic origin was based on data which cannot
possibly be linked to each other. The T etymology of the H word that Vambery (1870:
166) supposed was also founded on unrelated items; Budenz (1873: 106) strongly rejected it. According to Barczi (1941: 221), the der of H ocsudik- is unknown. Benko
(1967-1984/2: 1066) accepted Barczi's opinion and rejected the T etymology of the H
verb. Pa1l6 (1982: 141-142) thought that the T verb ac- could alread have undergone
a metaphorical change in OT, one which can be found in the contemporary T 19s.
The sense of the H verb 'to awake' and similar meanings come up in the odT 19s in
the passive form of ac-. The semantic change in the T erb ac- can be recon tructed
in the following way: 'to open' > 'to awake' > 'to be sober' > to become active' > 'to
become free'. The H verb ocsudik- no longer denotes what the T etymon once did.
thus, according to Berta, it must already hay been borrowed into H ith it eondary meaning. In Benko's view (1993-1997/2: 1054), the H verb ocsudik- deri .e
fr a root in an unknown 19. A freq-r fl suff was added to the fictitiou
tern. Li ti
(1986) did not mention ocsudik- among the T borrowings in H. I have morph 1 ical
and semantic concerns with this. The H suffs -d- and -1- erve a freq fun tion If
use the idea that aii- carried the metaphorical meaning 'to open th
(ee ~.4-In
ac- above) hence 'to awake', as a starting point, we are confront d ith m nti
discrepancies. One would e pect 'to blink'. If we id ntify the Huff a -d-i -, it d
not help, as -ik- is refl. Benk6 thus seems to bright.



Bud nz 186 : 339; Vambery 1870: 166; Budenz 1873: 106; R m t dt 19'i '1 . T h rt 1
: 2 7-'1.. ,
Barczi 1941: 221; Poppe 1960:63; Do rf r 1963-1975/2: ]4-15, Ego ov 1964' 2'/7, Ben 0 1 7-19 /2:
R" an n 1969: 3; lauson 1972: 18-19; Sevortjan 1974-1980/1: 209-210; ohrborn 1977-19 /: 7; P ,
1982: 141-142; Redei 1986-1991/1: 352; Erdal1991: 57, 226, 584, 651-652, 800, 818; Sta he
j 1 '~. 1
Benko 1993-1997/2: 1054;Fedotov 1996/2: 292-293; Tatarincev 2000-2004/1' 65; tare tin- yb dr
2003: 1116.

Ewri(i), Ewr-ek [or-ek] I or 'b rd r

guard, custodian, sentry, a special group of people'
T * egri < * eg-ir-i 'surrounding'.
E/H Hunfalvy (1864: 23-24) contended that the H words or2 and oriz- origina cl
in FUgr. According to Vambery (1882a: 243-244), the H word may be related to the T
verb our- 'to circulate, skirt'; he observed that the guards in Central Asia did not ke p
watch at a fixed point, but regularly circulated around the army. Barczi (1941: 22
did not accept the FUgr etymology of the word and considered it to be of unkno n
origin. juhasz (1948: 135-137) felt that the H noun or2 'custos', being a T lw may be
etymologically related to the H verb or1 'to mill, grind' and one can suppose that the
source of these forms was an early nomen-verbum. juhasz also pointed out that the
H verb oriz- cannot be a den verbal form fr or2 'custos' because H den verbs formed
with the suff -z- never denote the action if the actor is signified by the nominal
base. According to Pais (1964: 480), H or2 'speculator, custos' goes back to a T de
noun which was formed fr T "iiwir-. Benk6 (1967-1984/3: 31-32) regarded or2 as a
member of a H word-family whose starting point was uncertain. He thought that the
basic word of this supposed family could be the H verb oriz-. He did not reject the
possibility, however, that the ultimate base ofH oriz- < H or-1 could have derived fr T.
He believed that orol, orveny" and oriil (orjong) might also form part of this group.
Benk6 accepted the juhasz's objections and supposed that oriz- could not b a den
der fr or2 'speculator, custos', On the basis of the older H occurrence, the meanin
of the verb oriz- could he 'to watch, to observe' and this n e of it could p rhap
be explained fr the proposed basic meaning 'to go around. Benko ugge ted that H
or2 may very likely represent a back-formation fr ori -. Pa1l6 (19 2: 147-1 ) rightl
observed that - despite Benk6's position - the T forms * abir- > iivir- dr h n'
H orol- 'rnahlen') and * iigir- 'sich urn i h dr hen (> H or eny , ora 0') ann t
be interr lated. The T verbs originally h d differ nt ph netic hape and cl n t d
different types of circulating mov ment. Ac ording to Pa1l6, the ba e f th H r r
oriz- may have been copi d fr anoth r T erb, OT or- to ri ' h
r it nnc t
be ruled out that H copied the nominal pair of thi v rb. B nl (1 9 -1
14.1: 10 )
slightly changed his earlier vi wand thought that the Herb oriz- m
th fr
form of the H v rh or-', whi h wa copi d fr T. Th
nd- 11 1 -i- 11 thi
may perhaps show the preserv d original stem -flnal 0 1. h n un r' m h
r suited fr a back-formation fr H oriz-. Th nomin I v ri nt r] i u t
d r
OR2 [or] 'guard', oriz [oriz] 'to guard'

I all00


H development (cf. [erj, fur}). Ligen made no mention of H 6r2 among th T lws in

The T etymology poses serious problems. T dwir- 'to turn something' IS a tr v rb,
as is iigir- 'to surround' (see orveny). A noun fr dgir- with the uff -J xist, but
denotes 'bent, crooked, hunch-backed form of camels' (ErdaI1991: 341) The emantic
side of the idea of the guard 'going around' cannot be substantiated. The meaning
'the one who makes the turn' would be more probable, but, though this fits better
morphologically, there are no data to bear it out. In its first occurrence, it carries he
sense of 'custodian': 1100 Custodes ... confiniorum qui vulgo Ewrii vocantur. one of
the later items point to any sort of 'going around'. See also gyepii. Ligeti (1986) did
not consider the word have come fr T.

1864: 23-24; Vambery 1882a: 243-244; Barczi 1941: 228; juhasz 1948: 135-137; Pais 1 64:

480; Benk6 1967-1984/3: 31-32; Pal16 1982: 147-148; Erdal1991:


341; Benk6 1993-1997/2: 1084.

[oreg] 'old' I p1416/c1450 oreg [oreg] I p1416/1450 'big, great', 1517 'old'.

E/T-E/H Gombocz and others connected the H word to EOT erig 'strong' or irik
iriik; iri 'great, voluminous' (see Benk6 1993-1997/2: 1085).
The H word was tied to U * ers 'graB, vie!', which occurs in the OUgr Igs as
* ar, * ardY and has such der forms as erdY (OstyV), iirw (VogT]) and ariy (VogSo)
in the dials with the meanings 'uberschussig, zu viel, rnehr' (Honti 1982: 129; Redei
1986-1991/1: 75). The H word was linked to MordE sir'e, MordM sirii alt (Redei
1986-1991/1: 440).There are morphological and semantic problems with both of these
It was Vambery (1870: 168) who first considered the H word to have originated
in T. Gombocz (1907a: 310; 1912b: 112) reconstructed the OChuv copied form for
H breg 'old' as "irik, and tied it to the T word-family iri 'great'. Ligeti (1935a: 212)
and Nerneth (1935-1939: 526) accepted Gombocz's opinion, however erneth reconstructed the T copied form as * erik. Toivonen (1936: 456-457) pointed out that the
H word also has some equivalents in Mord and Sam. According to Barczi (19 1:
228-229), the source of H oreg is debatable and may be either T or FUgr. The fa t,
however, that the FUgr etymology of the word only has one supporting item in the
FUgr lgs may point to a T starting point being more plausible. Lak6 (1967-19 13:
515-516) regarded the origin of the H word as dubious, as did Benko (19 -19
34). He was of the opinion that if the H word had its start in T (*erik or irik it uld
have been borrowed with the meaning 'rough, harsh, large, hug' and that th
of 'old' may have been secondary in H. Benko did not rule out the po ibili th t
the H word could also be a FUgr or even U inheritance in H. c ordin t Lig tI
(1986: 194), the word can be traced back to T and the final on nant in the 1 nding form weakened to -g in H. Benko (1993-1997/2: 10 5) I t r h nged hi p iti n.



He believed that it is unclear where the word comes fr, but he add d i it i a
the lending form * erig or * irig may be a dev nominal fr < * er- 'err ichen' ee e .
andoky (1993: 95-96) argued that the word originated in T, perhaps Cum. H al 0
mentioned the H dial word ere 'huge, extraordinary
huge', which may go bac to
a Cum secondary form "iri. Starostin-Dybo-Mudrak
(2003: 516) reconstructed PT
* Erig 'rough, large' and linked it to Mo * ar- 'to become dry', arga- 'to become dry
or stale', etc., not to argi- 'to grow old, to become senile'. They suggested that H oreg
comes fr T * erig. The word in the form irig, irik, iri, eri, etc. carries the meaning
'great, voluminous' everywhere and the semantic chain to 'old' is not documented,
though parallels such as Lat magnus 'great, old' exist. Kashgari has irig iir 'A man
who is steadfast and resourceful'.
The following words with which the H word was also connected do not pertain to
the etymon: EOT oriig 'rest, repose, temporary halt', idrig, irig, iyrig, etc. 'anything
hard', WOT * otey > Chuv vatii 'old' (see Mo otegii 'old man', otege 'bear', otel- 'to
age', otuyi-, oturi- 'to shrink' < * oto-).
The one possible T etymon for the H word is only attested in the T 19s very sporadically. It is mainly familiar fr Chag sources (see irk' ihtiyar' (AChagAbA), irek
'oreg, koros; old, aged' (AChagAbV), erk (spelt) 'ihtiyar' (AChagSC), ark 'ihtiyar
(AAH)). This word can also be found in some SibT 19s: see ire 'ded, deduska, praded',
irek 'ded, starik' (Tuv) , ire' deduska, otec muza, praded, predok (po muzskoj linii) ,
medved' (Tof). On the latter words, see Tatarincev (2000-2004/2: 378-3 9). In SibT,
the verb iri- 'iske, kiselgan, tuzgan bulu: byt' starym, ponosennym; to be(come) old'
can be identified as the verbal base of the T nominals mentioned (SibT , while TatD
iriiy- 'vyrasti, stat' bol'sie, krupnee' is the verbal base of the ords irig, irik 'corpulent, great, thick, strong'. However, on the morphological side we have to distinguish
between * irik 'old' (Chag) and * irig > ire' grandfather, old man, etc.' (Sib 19s). ntil
w~ ~ave data for this, the H word oreg remains of uncertain, e en improbable, T
Vambery 1870: 168; Gombocz 1907a: 310; Gombocz 1912b: 112; Ligeti 1935a: 212; erneth 1935-193 '
526; Toivonen 1936: 456-457' Barczi 1941: 228-229;Joki 1952: 127-128; Lako 1967-1978/3: 515-516; Benko
1967-1984/3: 34; Sevortjan 1974-1980/1: 371-372' Honti 1982: 129' Ligeti 19 6: 194; Redei 19 6-1991t1'-:~
440; Mandoky 1993: 95-96; Benko 1993-1997/2: 1085' Tatarince
2000-2004/2: 378-379;
taro rin-D rb _
Mudrak 2003: 516,

[san] 'sledge' 11263/1326 P Zaan-uth [ an-ut], c1395 zan [san] 1siin '
lum +- SI sani (pl) < *sana (sg) ~ ? T cana I T cana ~ ?


hi u-

OT -; ~T ~ana 'S,chlitten' [written as cap a] (AChagR,

anaq. an
. cana sledge (Am; Vasary 1969a: 168)',s T Chu ' una
nl., (h u ) ,un
sona saru, voz ~na s~nja?), voz (s senom)' (ChuvA), suna zp. id. zan:
hlitt n'
(ChuvP); NW cana sam, sanki, sannyj', dial. canaca 'sani (b l' i dlj p r

__ --------------------

__OI. (,r_.


n, dlinnyh z d j)' ( at), cana 'zein;

hlitt n' ( a B), ana
yj' (
hk), canaq ." na; ani' ( ib ), carygl: catjga 'IYZ1' J 1 I,
ten' ( ibTB ), cana, canii 'sani' (Kirg), sana ' ] dg , sl d', "arygi', J' ( . , ana
, ni, sanki, salazki' (Kklp) , sana ' ani, sanki, alazki, sannyj' ( g, "ana
nki, salazki, tormoz' ( rTat) , cana 'sani' (KarT, Kar h), canalar ' ani'
canalar 'sani' (KarH), cana 'ani, anki, alazki' (Kum), cana 'sani, drovni,
nnyj' (KrchBlk), c 'ana 'Schlitt n' (KrchP), cana ' chlitten' (BlkP);
n '
(TkmAB), ciina 'arba, povozka' (TkmD, T nis v 2001: 535), cana 'kiza ' Tt .
SE cana 'sani, salazki' (Uzb), cana 'rod volokus dlja pereno ki lodo po I'du'
(Turkil.), cana ' ani, sanki' (MUyg); N cana 'lyzi', canak c ani' (Alt) , canaq 'd
chlitten' (AltR) , cana ' chneeschuh " canaq 'der chlitten' (AltLR), canak ' ni',
cana 'lyzi', sana 'lizki, sani' (AltQK), canak 'sani', cana 'lyzi, sani' (AltTK), cana
canaq 'Schlitten' (AltTelR), sana 'lyzi' (Khak), sana 'lyz! (Kha
sana 'Schneeschuhe', sanaq 'die Schneeschuhe' (KhakShR), cana 'Schnee chuhe'
canaq ' chlitten' (ChulR), sana 'lyzi', sanaq 'sani' (Tuv), sana ' chneeschuhe' (TuvSR); y turkucatjkt, turkusatjki 'kleiner turku-Schlitten' (DIgS).
Mo cana 'snowshoes, sleigh, skis' (L).
ElT As Doerfer (1963-1975/3: 105-108) pointed out, the T word that mean
'sledge' appears in the phonetic shape cana or in its corresponding form in man
T 19s. In some T lgs, however, canak: comes up with the ame meaning,
hi eh i
the dim form of the former. Some curious word forms em rge fr th Radloff diet
(cf. AChagR capa, sanak), but they seem to be misscribed form or misreading.
ccording to Rasanen (1953: 23), one can find sana in Tkm, which ma T b a az 1 .
Tenisev (2001: 535) observed that the Tkm word "iina i onl docum nted in TkmAB.
The word cana denotes 'Schneeschuhe; lyzi' in om s ur e .
rding to :c. v r a
(1997: 112), the exa t basic en of the word i difficult tart
in and it an
nerally be defined as 'skol'zjasce
red tvo p r dviz nij '. The pI orm ID ome ar
dials re Rus s manti copi s.
ome T Ig. al 0 cont in form
hich m
ha k thu
ome ofth m indicat a nfu ion with th rm "ana, h
ing an
(se T tR catjga 'di
huhe' (R dlof 1 -1911/: 1 51
(R dloff 189 -1911/4: 42), K zR vaT)gi ( dIo f 1 9 -1911/4: 94
ca') i, Kirg sa1)gi' nd zb rangl,
yg ~aT) u. n th
dat, \

53 -537).

latt r nn
r, t fr both
a. a lw in M nd in om
au 19' (s
o rf r, th T
rds tha m an ' Id','
*' day ngl it n'. Thi i un onvi in,
r m rk d (1964: 218), th tymol g f th

(ana and ana+k Th

r -r 196 -1 75/'3: 1 7 .
nd ~.kates' m'
uld ,-.n.L""
rd i 01. ur . f


1()f)H ",0).

a n J.

, I ,.,',

1('1 '.




(ofld (>Je


)1 f f", fur


(J d III C-n t a ( I1{) W,', J ,.

V( J Y (otnpllC
at -d, !'uf nqt lIJlpO.,.,I,J(
doJI' .. c 1IIdcltlf(JldJ('Alll~J('I(hlJfJl',cI('.'lJ'"
J l "I(

I (

(Ulh, II1 JlU r lu, 1I

P L U J, If lOll J , 11If eh
It cont


-d: ,,(
an r





t ) I,.. of

to ht



I(JlVlr~, ()/~

B('1I1 ()





not r:






i.: tin'






(/r~) IH,IJ('v('d t hat tJj(' J J word





po,',t,jl>I(' . 10111','11

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I, f ( 'I
Iw I, an un] no r L,.


('cl Ih,,)



',,~all~ anlolll'




(,111',1',. ',ff'd



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,)1 word

f(' 1,11J'1',(H,I('c/llw

J f WC"

Ih;d fill



',0 , .J



01 f f


ul! eau V('JIIJ'Hwh,"

'J' ('(lflu(h) C;lflflOll)
1111 ('d 10 'I' t an a]: ',t (UP
1':111 It Wit VtlJlIJ,,y
I'IS) who fU'.t (Olllp;tted
If It If word
B;'" (' Z I ( I f) It I . ~HI) ( CHI' J d ('n- I 11)(' I f w () 1 d ;,. ;J ,) I ( ()" Y tl J( Z', i t ( If f, 'lit f)
tlu r 'OP(): ( ''I' (lytrlolol'.Y

,I I


" 1

in If.

'1 II(' word














I'/'~,I<.!(II("I IX')~




1/(' dJ',; PP -:







%HI.H ..,lt'lll'}'d

.IH, H(,ld I' JlJ(,'/


'I for





nr 'qf

I df r. In Ill(

wand('r illt', word,










10', lIJH,I"'~("()V



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'"tI 11I1

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V,I ..HY









I (tI i,I')IJi
v /t)(J)

tr it 0 th H 19, but n thing which would point t ,. earli r poken
H eh 1 rs, among them Kri to (1996), claim a


The question of the hi tory of the ethnonym Szekely enjoys a hug li r

re in H
cholar hip. pace do s not permit even a ketchy review, In 1935,
h pr . d
a brief overview (1935: 129-156). According to him (see esp. 132-134), ze ely i
ethnonym and not a word that denotes an occupation. Therefore, it canno p ib Y
carry the meaning 'frontier guard' or something similar, as as supposed ear i r.
erneth was of the opinion that the word can be explained without any di icul
the T 19s. He thought that Thury (1898: 245) had already provided the correc etymological explanation. Thury called attention to AChagSS sikil 'noble' as a possi 1
source for the ethnonym. According to Pais (in Szentpetery 1937-1938/1: 102), orne
groups of Huns who left the Hun Empire were named sikil ,..,sikii! 'qui prosiluit, [...]
perfuga', which name may have originated in T. Barczi (1941: 284) considered the
der of H szekely as unknown. He noted, however, that the explanation regarding T
sikil 'prince' is of doubtful value because this T word is only attested in one Chag
source. According to Eren (1943d: 206), the word fr AChagSS is a ghost
ord. I is
a misreading of Chag silik (see EOT silik; silig) 'clean pure'. Pais (1943b: 20 -209
contended that the H word szekely, which comes fr T in H, is a cognate of H SZQ i
'to spring, run away' T) and that it is a dev nominal formed with the T suff -l.
Gyorffy (1958: 75) tied H szekely to the VBulg tribal name <'SKL>. Eren (1941-19 3:
141-142) compared Chuv sakal 'white (of the legs of a horse'
ith Tt segiil bu did
not mention the name Szekely. According to Rasonyi (1960: 188-194), the ultimate
starting point for the H word may be Kip sakul 'Pferd mit weissen Flecken an den
Fussen', which is documented in the MT source AHou. Later he lightly modified
his earlier position (see Rasonyi (1961a: 180-187)), but he argued in fa our of the T
origin of the word in question. A tribe being named after the colour of its horses
a well-known custom among the T tribes. Thus Rasonyi' idea de erves attention:
MT sekul ' sekil [white sock on the hor e] AH
) sekiil 'sekil sekilli a .
(AAHI) , sagid (? siikul) 'Pferd mit weissen Flecken an den Fiis en (Al-lou); T Chu .
sakiil, sakiilta 'pezina, pegij, beloe pjatno (na nogah u losadi) 10 ad' pezinami'
(Chuv, ChuvA), sakal 'feher (a 16 labarol mond a'
ei (von den Fu en In
Pferdes)' (ChuvP ~ Cher
'belonogaja 10"ad" Fedotov 1 96/2: 6)'
'belonogij ken' (CrTat); W sekil 'belye volo v' (Tkm, D b 2003: 22 ,
lizna na nogah u dornasnih zivotnyh' (TkmD, Dybo 2003: 226), sakil 'b Ion
v culkah' (Az), sakil 'pezina beloe pjatno na nogah u 10sadi (i dr. Zl otn
Dybo 2003: 226), seki (prov.), sekil 'white 0 k n a hor "(Tt),
sokiil 'at, esek ve sigirlann ayaklanndaki ak leke' (TtD .
The connection between sekil and Tt seki id. i not 1 ar
compared th Chuv word with Tu R, Khak hR aka b I '





ample of it having b n us d as a tribal na~ . Benko (1967-1984/3: :01) b li v d

szekely to b f unknown origin and thought It supp
d T etym .logl cannot b
veri 1 d. Th zekely were n med siculus in th early H soure s. Thi name em rg d
on th basi of th arly H f rm * sikul and was contaminated by the Lat iculus. Th
latter origin lly d not d the people living on th bank of the River Tib r, who lat r
ttled in i ily. Thi scholarly identification fr the Middle Ages, howev r, cannot
rve as proof of the semantics of the ethnonym. Decsy (1983: 27) erroneously link d
the H word szegeny (poor, destitute' and szekely, and claimed that both of them may
be internal developments. Benko (in Szabo 1985: 29) stressed that the phonetic shape
of sz ikely may repres nt a typical FUgr word structure (CVCVC). He thought that th
word-final-Iy may be a H suff. Korde (1991;see also Korde (1995 provided a succinct
overview of the history of the question up to 1984. In contrast to Nerneth, Benko felt
that the word originally denoted an activity, occupation. Benko (1993-1997/2: 1407)
considered the source of the H word to be unknown, although he confirmed that
the word-final -ly may be a H suff. In his monograph on the origin of the Szekelys
(1996: 12-13), Kristo supposed a T form * eskel '""'* eskil and claimed that H Szekely
re ulted fr metathesis: * eskel > sekel. I could not accept this argumentation (Rona-Tas
1996:187;1999:225).The name of the Bulgar tribe occurs in Pe and Ar transcriptions.
Some of the data can brad with an internal <k>, others with a <g>, but the phonetic
value of the letters, if we collect all the data, could only be /g/. Ibn Rusta' s ~\ can
be read as as(a)k(i)l, as(a)g(i)L es(e)k(i)l or es(e)g(i)l, but the form jA---I can only be
understood as as(a)g(i)1 or dS(d)g(i)1. In another paper (Rona-Tas 1998c: 220-221), I
also stressed that the idea of the metathesis (* as > * se) in the word is not acceptable
fr linguistic point of view. The example Rus iskra ~ H szikra cited by Kristo is a
different case; we would need to use * skra as our starting point, yet there wa no
Iskr/ cluster at the time in H: Rus iskra < * skra ~ H sikra. Benko (2002: 258-264)
rejected the earlier etymologies of szekely. The ethnonym, according to him, had the
forms sikol ,..,sike! in OH. According to Krist6 (2003: 468-470), one can recon truct
the oldest known form of the ethnonym with a first-syllabic -i- on the ha i of the
OH data. Kristo thought that the -e- could have appeared in the first syllable und r
the influence of the H noun szek 'seat'.
Interestingly, Minorsky (1937: 461) noted that in the Shah-nama Afrasiyab a
by his grandsons ,- ")lA;;.... \ ~\ - Ila Astqila and "B

arZUWl -Ia, hi1 h r ml~d us of the names of the two VBulg tribes Asagal and BarsuZa.
e can add the
Gr ~tem ~r Menandr~s (Moravcsik 1983/2: 75), 'AOK'lA (th Lat translation i.. As lti
regIS), pnnce of the people of Hermi hion", i. . the Turks. It is po ibl that d iif!di
through * asga
.. "Z t *" k "1 Th
. Astqila is, if not a ribal ' rr r a par' ..
0 as a.
e It/ In
sitic sound, on which see koldus. However, a form sikol or sikel in H uld nth
come fr T dskdl. We thus have to accept Benko's argum nt ti n.

Thu y lR9X: 24 ; Nem th j:n : 12CJ 1'>(" Mlr or ky ]I),H 1'<1, z tpet ry 1 vt
]941; 284; Er-n 1941-194': 141 142; Lr .n 194'~d ~O(,; Pfii J<J4'b: 208 ~()(I, (,yorf y ( . 7
10 10 'Ra onYll<)60'188
1961: In;Ha onyi 1'H,1:' J~( lfO;H n J
701; R san n 1969: 408;
'.,y P)'D: 27; Moravc 1 19W /27), B 'ok" in /" bi, 19 'L'I), or '
199'~ 19<)7/2: 1407; Kord ~ 199t:'; F dotov 19~(jj2: 6, Kristo 1<)1)6; R6na-1~ IfJfJ) IX7, Rona-' (t
221; Rona-Ta 1999: 225; Benko 2002: 21':8 264; Lr n 2002' '~(:n,Dybo 2003. 226 2~7, n t( 2


1 ~f

s 4111'..-"

omrade' I 1138/]'32 PN Tarfadi [tar adi], l'i721

c1448 tarfyrol [tarsirol] I tar" ~ "tari: -e: "tavarci
WOT "tavarci I ()T tavarci
T tavar 'By st k, prop rty' [su f +ci}.
n th ba: i word tavar, s t ' r.
T tawarci 'an ani al for carfylng me .handis ' (AK); M
W tu
varsi 'pa: tuh' (N g), tuvarci 'pastuh, pa: tusij' (Kurn), tuarc) 'paszt r: Hirt' (Kurnl ,
tuiiarci (p stuh (krupnogo rogat go kota), p tu "if (Kr hblk), tu 'arc;
uh irt


mpani n, mat,

(BlkP); W dovarci 'ov v d' (Tkm); NE tabaris 't varEC' (AltR).

E/T H tars 'companion, mat, comrad 'does not corn with a convin In
tymology. The form * tavarci is probl matic b caus of its ~ mariti s. n it. ha ,se
tar. The Rus word tovarisc ha a v ry weak T tymology, m nti n d wi hout any
eo mm nts by Fa mer (Fasmer 1964-1973/4: 68). A c rding to this xplanation,
tovarisc 'comrade' may go back to a T construction tavar es (companion, comrad '.
Tenisev (2001: 314), among oth rs, a c pt cl thi proposal. Th final gm nt of h
Rus word -sc, how v r, calls for furth r xplanation. CT es could hay had a W T
corresponding form * elc, but this suppos d WOT con tru ti n * tavar
eli would
present emantic probl m . On the T word CS, ee also vortjan (1974-19 0/1: 313315)andTeniSev(2001:314).The
tym logicalint rr lation fev'drug,to
arise t a
verbal base * es- 'byt' takim ze' i unacc pt bl ,d pit
ortjan and T ni
pinion. Starostin-Dybo+Mudrak
(2003: 1121) r con tructed th PT form a * ~r' ri nd
companion, mate'.
huv word yis' "'i 1 nn ,1'" ovokupn st', (u L) h zjain pod bnyj bliz ij',
gorov (1964; 83-84) and
dotov (1996/1: 208). g r
rtjan nd F doto
cont nd cl that huv ye' may b int rr 1 t d ith T
In thi:
ouId perhap
b d aling with a VKip lw in huv:
> I
ye. h
h r 1 di lord
m fr Chuv ( dolov 19< /1: 2 8),
/ Ac ordin to Bud nz (1863 : 7 ; lR67b: . 1 ), H far i of lori in. un )
(1870: 3] 2) a
pt cl Bud nz's et 1 010 y and pint d ut that H tars d v I p cl r
sarn wayth,tHtar
m r dfrtovar,taar.
irnber (191
r j t d th ) tymolo y of th w rd n onn t d far
d ,t "
c n b found in T omp und . H L 0 ,1 im d th t th Ru
b int rr 1, t cl with 1 tovarisc. A
" zoly (1916: 66' 1 1 ;
tovars oc urr d
rly c;
n i r fl et d In ntt n : U
. It h



2 -2)

lw rdtovarisc.M
zi (1941: 301) and t n alman ]
Iso rgu d th H w rd ori in t d In 1.
arli r pIn
0 th
1 gy of tar, Kniezsa (1955: 769) thought that th H word may hay


tarting point in th
ame 19
1 w rd. H r j t d th id a that the H -ord
c uld hay b n a H der of tar. Ac ording to Benko (1967-1984/3: 857- 58, 199 1997/2: 1486-1487), H tars is most probably a llw. The SI word may, how v T,
of T d r. B nko did not outright r j et th po ibility that the SI and H word may
logo back to the sam sources, as it Kniezsa proposed. Ligeti (1986) did not ma

m ntion of H tars among the T lw in H.

As a possible solution, Berta suggested returning to Varnbe ry's idea and comparing the H word with the noun fr which the suff +dAs evolved. The notion that dAs
may be a era is of the loc suff +dA and the word
'companion' i not compelling
(see Clau on (1972: 253) and Erdal (1991:119-120. The internal consonant -r- in he
H word tars would be an epenthetic sound in this case (see varsanyi. The T etymon
could also be a der formed with -Xs, but I do not know of any acceptable base for it.
At present, the SI origin is more probable .


arnbery 1914: 21 :
zoly 1916: 66; Meszoly 1919: 86; Zsirai 1926: 186; Moor 1927: 438; Barczi 1941: 303; Kalman 1950: 24-26;
Budenz ]863a: 475; Budenz 1867b: 3]5; Hunfalvy


1870: 312; Miklosich

1882: 513;

Joki 1952: 3]9-320; Kni z a 1955: 769; Sulan 1957: 482; Egorov 1964: 83-84; Benko 1967-1984/3:

1972: 253-254, 532-533; Fa


r 1964-1973/4:





857- 5 ;

Erdal 1991:

119-]20; Benk6 1993-1997/2: 1486-1487' Fedotov 1996/1: 208; Tenisev 2001: 314; taro tiri-Dybo-Mudrak
2003: 1121.

[vanad] 'to wilt, droop' /1675 vannyadni [ anriadni], 1815 vanyodni [ ariodni], dial vanyiga [vaniga], vanyuga [vagiiuga], vonyiga [voiiiga] 'lean, tunted
puny' / van- {with suff -Ad-} < van- ~ WOT * van- < * on- < * 01)-1 EOT 01)- 'to fade'.
OT 01)- 'to fade, wilt' (RTlrk 17), 01)- "" o1)uq- 'fade': barcin bodugi otjdi 'the
calor of the brocade (or other) faded'. You may al 0 ay: otjuqti. iir yiizi orjuqti
'The man's face was drawn', barcin orjuqii 'the brocade (or th lik) lost it h n'
(AK) , yuzi qizdi otjdi 'his face flu hed at first, th n turned pale' (AQB); MT 01)'blednac, wiednac' (sic! according to lau on the
ord a tually
em to b
ondary form of on- 'to thrive, pro per)' (AH
01)- 'blednet'
01)- '
erbleichen' (LCCI); NT Chuv en- 'opaljat' ja, obgor t', prigorat', vygorat',
r t'
(na solnce)' (Chuv), en-,
'opaljat' ja, pngorat', zit' v kud sti (hu
), el1-' hn
Flamme brenn n, gesengt werd n, abfri ren, vor d r Kalte v rw lk n,
n d r . it
be chadigt werd n' (ChuvP); NW U1)- 'linj t', polinj t', v
t t',
rat', vygoret" (Tat), U1)- 'linjat', vycv tat', vygor t' (Ba hk), 1)- 'Iinj t',
(Kirg), 01)- 'to lose colour, fade, with r' (Kaz), 01)- 'Iinjat',
v t t' ( c Z ), )1)- 'hnjat', vycvetat', bleknut", (1)- 'linjat', vycvetat' (Kklp), orj- 'linj t',
t' 1', ~
r t'
bleknut" (Nog), ong- 'linj 1', vy v tat', ygorat' ( m t rii)' ( urn), n: 'linj t ,





gorat', (peren.) vjanut', bleknut', vnesne stanovit'sja zut , t rjat' yid (0 ~ lov
0durnet" (KrchBlk); SE iing- 'linjat', vycvetat', terjat' pervona a 'nyj evet ( ma' ~i '
(Uzb), of)- 'vycvetat', vygorat', linjat", Of}- 'vycvetat', linjat' (MUyg);
otj- 'Iinjat',
vycvetat', terjat' cvet, bleknut', vjanut' (Alt), on- 'verbleichen, ausgehen, die Farb
verlieren, welken, vergehen, untergehen' (AltR, AltLR), u1J- 'ausgehen (von arben,
die Farbe, der Glanz verlieren' (AltLR), on- 'polinjat' (AltQK), otj- 'verbleichen, au _
gehen, die Farbe verlieren, welken, vergehen, untergehen' (AltTelR), 01)- 'linjat', erjat' cvet, vjanut' (Khak), 01)- 'verbleichen, ausgehen, die Farbe verlieren, welken', u1J'ausgehen (von Farben), die Farbe, der Glanz verlieren' (KhakQbR), 01)- 'verbleichen,
ausgehen, die Farbe verlieren, welken' (KhakQchR, KhakSR, KhakShR, ChulR), 01)'vycvetat', linjat', uvjadat', bleknut', vjanut', menjat' okrasku' (Tuv), 01)- 'vycvetat',
linjat', vygorat', bleknut', menjat' okrasku (napr. zeltet' osen'ju - 0 list'jah)' (Tof).
Mo otjgu- 'to burn inside (of a person), feel heat, to change colour, wither, fade'
ElT As Erdal (1991: 647) pointed out, the verbal base 01)- referred to a horse exhausted in the desert in AK. In Kashgari, we can see two further entries. One of
them refers to a man's face and the other to a fabric (see also Clauson (1972: 169)
and Sevortjan (1974-1980/1: 460-461. Starostin-Dybo-Mudrak (2003: 1186) reconstructed the PT form as *01)-, * of)- 'to fade, become pale' and compared it to Mo
*(h)of)gu- without having found any evidence of /h/.
E/H According to Barczi (1941: 332) and Benko (1967-1984/3: 1088), H vanyadmay be a member of an extended H word-family which is of FUgr origin. The basic
word stem could be van- - vany- with the presumable meaning 'to be or become
weak'. The verb vanyad- is formed with a dev freq suff. Lako (196 -1978/3: 6 1672) linked vanyad- to H vanyol- 'to full, to mill, to felt'. Pallo (1982: 221) did not
accept the etymological connection between H vanyol- and vanyad- because of their
semantic differentiation. She was of the opinion that H vanyad- may go back to
BulgT "van- - T 01)- 'to turn pale, fade'. Pa1l6 thought that the -back/-bac vowel
alternation in the T verb forms is old, but that the original vowel in this verb had
a back quality (cf. also Rasanen 1969: 362). Kakuk (1985: 26 ) correctly noted that
Pallo's proposed etymology is uncertain. Ligeti (1986) did not list vanyad- amon the
T lws in H. Benko (1993-1997/2: 1605) did not exclude the etymologicallin be zeen
vanyad-, vanszorodik- 'to wither away, to waste away' and vanyol-, ha ye er th if
interrelation seems to be obscure. The FUgr origin is possible (see R' dei 19 6-1 91'1:
558 * wan3- 'schlagen, verprugeln' only in Finn and H), but not ithout probl m . It
link to H vanyol- 'to full, mill, scour, felt' is probable.
The H data are late. Chuv word do not contain a protheti V-. th u h th ha e n
in place of /TJ/. The semantic problems are not insurmountabl ,but TIll b if 1 ult
to solve.



zuczor-Fogarasi 1862-1874/6: 820; Miko 1896: 558; Kertesz 1914: 106-109; Pais 19 : 23 -242
Barczi 1941: 332; Lake 1967-1978/3: 671-672; Benko 1967-1984/3: 1088; Rasanen 1969: 362; CIau on 1972.
169' S vortjan 1974-1980/1: 460-461; Pall6 1982: 221; Kakuk 1985: 268; Redei 1986-1991/1: 558; rdal t 91:



1605; Starostiri-Dybo-Mudrak

2003: 1186.

[verseng] 'to compete', versenkedik

[versenkedik] id., versent, ver t
[versent, verset] 'competing' I c1395 ve'[enkedes [versenkedes], 1519 verfenkedyk
[versenkodik] I "versen- < "veriis- {with suff -n-} ~ WOT "veriis- < *6rus- I EaT
ozus- ,to compete, race " < oz- to escape, surpass. ,
OT bei baliq ani ucwn oz8;- 'Bes balik therefore escaped' (RMBilg E 28), oz- 'to
escape' (RTlrk 13), ozmaqi 'erlost' (UUII 43:11), ozqu qutrulqu yol 'Erlosungsweg
(Hend.)' (UTT In 63), oz- 'entgehen' (UTTIII 135), oz- 'run ahead': anig ati ozd)
'His horse ran ahead (sabaqa)'. The same for a person who runs ahead of another,
ozus-: ol miinig birlii at ozusdi 'He competed with me in racing (sibiiq) horses', oza
'time past, formerly' (AK), ozu bolmadi (the wicked man) 'could not win', kamugda
oza 'before all' (AQB); MT oz- 'gecmek', oza 'once, evvel' (UY), Ozmii P (UCivEx
01:25), oz- 'to outstrip, leave behind' (AGul), oz- 'gecmek, asmak', ozmaq 'yans, ileri
gecme', ozus- 'yansmak' (AHMA), oz- 'once gelmek, ileri gecmek', ozgan '[kopek
atlannadan] kosuda birinci geleri' (AIMI) , oza 'ranse' (ANehF), oz- 'to ride ahead'
(ARbg), ozgan 'perednij, preznij, pervonacal'nyj', oza 'prezde, ran'se, do' (postpos.)
(ATef) , oz- 'gecmek', oza 'once, evvel' (AYC), oz- 'surpasser, devancer' (AChag), oz'prohodit', minovat', perejti, operedit', obognat' (AChagBud), oz- 'uberholen, zuvorkommen, vorausgehen' (LCCG), oz- 'gecmek' (AAH), oz- 'przechodzic
przernijac' (ABul), oz- 'vorhergehen' (AHou), oz- 'zuvorkornmen' (AKav), oz- 'operezat, obgonjat' (ATuh), uz- (r: oz-) 'gecmek': NT Chuv [irt- 'obognjat']: NW uz- 'prohodit',
obgonjat' (Tat), uz- 'voruber-, vorbeigehen, ubertreffen, uberschreiteri' (TatB) uo'prohodit', proezzat', rninovat', prohodit, protekat' (0 vremeni), istekat (0 srokah),
obgonjat', peregonjat', ob"ezzat', prevoshodit' kogo v cern', uois ' orevnovanie, sostjazanie' (Bashk), os- 'fruher sein, zuvorkommen, sich entfemen' (SibTBR), oz- 'ujti
vpered, operedit', obognat" (Kirg), ozts 'race, competition, to take part in a race, to
try to surpass one another in work, etc.' (Kaz), oz- 'operezat', peregonjat, obgonjat',
imet' preimuscestvo, vyigryvat", oziw 'obgon' (Kklp), oz- 'operezat', peregonjat' obgonjat', imet' preimuscestvo, vyigryvat' , prohodit" ( og), oz- 'obgonjat', operezat'
(CrTat), oz- 'obgonjat', peregonjat' (KarC, KarT), oz- 'obgonjat', operezat', per valit'
projti, minovat' (0 vremeni, momente)' (Kum), oz- 'obgonjat, operezat' kog rem
prohodit', proezzat' mimo kogo-cego, cerez cto, etc.' (KrchBlk); S
oz- 'ob njat
peregonjat', operezat', pobezdat' v sorevnovanijah'
(Tkm) , oz- 'on g me,
n 1
kazanmak' (TtD); SE iiz- 'obgonjat, peregonjat', operezat', perekryvat', pr
h dit '
(Uzb), oz- 'obgonj~t', operezat', peregonjat', uhodit' vpered, zab gat", zu - 'ob nir t'
drug druga, begat vzapuski, sorevnovat'sja v bege' (MUyg), oz- min
at', p r zat"



]2 9

(YUyg); NE ozo 'davno, prezde, vp redi, vpered, p r d (po 1 log' AI .ozo

vper d', ozrn- 'ujti vpered, predvarit' (AltQK), ozo 'ranse, prezde, vna ; ,
vremja' (AltTK), os- 'spasat' sja, izbavit'sja' (Khak) , os- 'fruher sin, zu
(KhakQbR, KhakSR).
Mo urida 'before, in advance', uridu 'former, front' (L).
ElT The verb is well-known in almost all T sources, though absent fr Chu . Th
copied form of the WOT verb could perhaps be * veriis- WIth a rhotacistic -ra horizontal vowel shift o-u to a-u, and later 0- > ve-. On this WOT charac eri .
feature, see boleny, godeny and 6.4.3. In the CT 19s, one can find ozus- ' 0 rac
one another', formed with the reciprocal suff -(X)s- (cf. Clauson 1972:290;Erdal1991=
552-583). It is worth noting that Kashgari included the infinitive form of OZUS- . h
the ending -mak, but this does not seem to have any phonetic value and I vie this a
a misprint in AK. The base of ozus- is the T verb oz- 'to surpass, to run ahead', which
both Clauson (1972: 279) and Sevortjan (1974-1980/1: 425) discussed. See also oz-o
'excellent, superior' (AK) and (AQB) in Erdal (1991: 241), the subject normnal used
for a horse in AK and for a man in AQB. The primary meaning of oz- is, according
to Clauson, 'to outstrip (sometimes someone acc)' and, according to Erdal, 'to run
ahead'. The petrified converb oza developed fr it (cf. Erdal 1991:403). On other der
fr oz-, see Erdal (1991: 526, 751).
The connection between the Hand T words is highly problematic becau e of
stumbling blocks on the T side (10/ > /6/, rhotacism, /s/ and the unclear origin and
segmentation of the final in the H word versen->- verseng-. Starostin-D bo- 1udr
(2003: 1036) reconstructed PT or- 'to surpass', while they tied 10 urida 2003: 6 3
with urtu 'long' and T uzun with Chuv viiriim. It is not evident that 0 urtu 'Ion
and urida 'before, in advance' belong together.
E/H It was Munkacsi (1906d: 372) ha first argued for the T origin
hi h
Gombocz (1912b: 223) then rejected. Pa1l6 later argued in fa our of it (1961a: z:
1972b: 197-199). Ligeti accepted the T starting point ith ome light doubt 1
528). According to Benko (1993-1997/2: 1624), the H word form part of a larger H
word-family and the base wa vers ent- or v rsen-.
Even less probable is the folIo ing ugge tion, hi h came up in m t
Arpad Berta: H verien- < * vers- {with uff -n-} < vess- ~
OT her '"EOT oces- 'to wager or argue or cant nd ith anoth r' < oce- 'to d ir r
'revenge, vengeance' (? anorganic -r- as in ar an ). There are additi n
with semantics .

Czuczor-Fogarasi 1862-1874/6: 950-952;

imon i 1 81: 251: Sim nvi I 0 : ~ f'i:

372; Fokos 1909: 249; Gombocz 1912a: 100; Gombocz 1912b: 22; ambe
1 1 : ')1; r zi
1961a: 42; Do rfer 1963-1975/2: 135, 139-140; Egoro
1972: 18,21, 26,32,279, 290;Pa1l61972b: 197-199,

1 64: 5 ; B nko 1
rtjan Iv? -1 01:




. Pr I

I u'



552 58 5(J4 75]
rdal1191: 241, 265, 309, 403, ')26,
, ),
. 'rb
1997: 131, 197; tarostin-f
yb -Mudrak ~003: 623,10'36, J(J41.

Lig ti 1986: 41 528'

r d'ot v

162 ,

hort not



1 97,2

hort n t

contain 42 unacc ptable tymologies.

[agar] 'gr yh und' 11193 N Agar [agar, agar], p1395 agar [agar] I agar
1 * ogar. The hunting term may be of We t SI origin. The SI word has some T connections. Its present form in Chuv akar misled om authors (Fedotov 1996/1: 32)
This huv word goes back to a front-vocalic form: * agar, see Tat igar, Bashk igar T
Os egar, jegar 'borzaja sobaka' (Kniezsa 1955/2: 584; Benko 1993-1997/1: 9). 0


treated by Lig ti (1986).

[burok] 'h mlock, Conium maculatum' 1 a1405 berwk [berok] 'cicota' 1T
biiriik; suggested by Rasonyi (1941-1943: 105). Mixing T bur- / bur- (see borit) with
bur 'bud', Rasonyi reconstructed a v rb buru- and claimed that buriik carries not
only th meaning' over', but al 0 'd nse bu h'. This i emantically and morphologically improbable. A c rding to Benk6 (1993-1997/1: 154) the OT origin is not
onvincing. Ligeti (J986) did not ov r thi word.


[cabako "J 'a typ of cap with a p ak, mad of cloth'. The ord occurs in
a MS containing lingui tic material fr Sziic and Gyorffy. The M i maintained in
the Mu eum of Karcag and was published by Agyagasi (1999), who tied the ord to
Ru D cebak: 'rnohovaja sapka s nausnikami, zavjazkami i nazatylnikorn'. Agyagasi
claimed that the Rus word is ofT origin and goes back to a Kip form cabak fr th erb
cap-. The final is a H suff + Vs. The words belong together, but the ha ic word caba
(a kind of cap' may be either a SI or a Cum lw, howev r we d not have su ficient
material to decide. A 1 starting point i more lik ly. Ligeti (19 6) did not eo er thi


[deget] 'tar goudr n cart-wh 1gr a e' 11684 dohot [doyot], 1731 y he
[d'ehets-esek], 1767 Deget [cl g t] , xungia, terr pingvis; Duh tt
a n: hmi r' I
deget +- kr degot' or degst: mola'. B nko (1993-1997/1: 24)
n id r th
to be f I rigin, and th forms with Ihl and /g/ fr diff r nt tirn
nd 1 di 1 .
cording to Agyaga i (199 b: 23-27), th word i rigin lly 1, but am int H thr u h
Pech m diati n. Thi would re olv qu tion
chron logy , nd
The pro~lem of the lat appearance of th f rm with /g/ r m in un lv d. i
(1 86) did not cover thi word.






[d' lu] pl n ' I pt 16/1450 alu-ltat t [d'alu-lt tott] I d'alu "[alii . ilii
*jflay I T i"skr < *yis-, *is- 'to pI n '. Nern th (1 5: 55- ) u
t cl hs h
ord rkr 'pl ne'
i ting in Tat, B hk and SibTat go
ck to ylS- 't rub, r p
ff', hi hi
pt ble. u th n Nern thsupp
d form *ytTyor*yi""ay,
hi h

*)i"Iry r *)r/ay in Bul T,

opi d by H, wh re it b am jalu. Th long
1 in of hyp th s did not find a ptan . It do not occur in Lig ti 19 6) nd
B nko (199 -1 97/1: 91) r ut d th T origin.


[d'ula] 'an old Hungari n title' I 950 yVAaq [dila-s] 10th c. . <Jlh> I jula
WOT Jlla 1EaT ?yula t r h, Imp'. Th word is an old H titl ,which i fi cl by the
J yh ni tradition and by on tantine VII. Thi wa the titl of the econd dignitary
fter th king; he w in charge of the military and po s ed the actual po r. It
ori in and 'meaning" i unc rtain. It as ti cl to th word ula torch but no proof
for thi ould b put forward. Ligeti suppo ed a Khaz origin (1986: 253-254, 4- 5)
but it has not ome up in the Khaz mat rial until no . The title survi d among the
Hungarian and b ame a PN in the Middl
ge whi h th n fell out of u e and a
1 t r r viv d.

[h tak] arch' toma h pimple' I cl 05 hatek [hatek] I hatak < *Xatik ~

WOT *Xatik 1T katik ' rap (of bird)' Tt). Th H ord now nl ha th m aning
pimpl ' in th H dials. It
nn ction \ ith 'st rnach i not lear th u h treat d
uch by Benko (1993-1997/1: 5 7) a carding to whom th word i of unkno n der
and a T origin is improbabl . It was Er n (194 b: 5)
h ug t d th T t rting
point nd linked the word t a now ob 01 t Tt ord * katik, hich h found in the
17th-. ark of B rn rdo da Parigi. Lig ti 19 6) did n t '\ r thi

[h tt'ii] wan 11282P Hathia [h tt'as] 1 5 ha w [h. tu].

to B nk6 (1 93-1997/1: 538), th H
rd i f
r ri .in, but th
r w rd i a lw
fr T. Li ti h it tin 1 sug] t
T cl r (1 6: 1 -13). Th
rd i n t T, bu
Eura ian wand ring ord ( e
.5 and g ..denv,
ro t n ).


1 '

[hit '11]'

rthles: ,

"inf rior

I 1171

u lity'

n [hit :-n] I hit iin

o (hi}tu

*X tyan
huv xrtk n 'I n, m 'g '.1 h

Hituand [hi
* katv, n I
kat an

huv wo cl ) C)})' k
/ h n
uld b th
m' '" th t
to rve ny . h
Ut r cl in 11, a: in til ' .
h m: y h path
. m'

d in an arli r 11 '" of this

irk.Jrn r babl .Lig ti
, H in t
B k" 1
1 97/1: 563), th H 0 cl
n n In.

t .'






h 0 t

I' rid', dial, 'U

[hirtv 11], 1 16/
cl 'In'. h If

n t r ). Lit

i (1

lefoi \t lift an [rrt an] J) rin ,1

wo dJ orti tny [ rt (In] I L /12)R
irt uan [urtv: ri], 1369 hyrtuuan

cu do


irt im [irt- J J lilt

f I 'J) igin (sec
) 11 I n t deal
it h t his


.S .


It (" nn )t

r Jat .d t

rit-, T art- 't

r t (s


() d.
* iat

ry d v loprn nt
i n w rd or

[nador ispan] 'Hun
nand r pan [na d r 'p -0] 16 h

ri n titl )

]405 nadrujp

n [n druspan] ]5"
adar Ifpant [n dorisps n-t]

landori 'pan, 157

nn ni n 1 * nandur "pan 'th Bulg ri n i.e.

id a th t H n' dor in nadori pan i th
t' nti: t

ni z. a (195 : 3 1 tent: tiv

ly sug



d h

ri n zupan .
ul n t

tym 1 g
nd B nkr 1 9 -1997/2: 1012)
pt d it. Lig ti (1 6) id n t
d 1 ith thi w rd. aJ gh (2 08: 2 -21, manu ript) f r d hi tori ,1 unt r rgum nt . Hi m in pint w . that th r w r n " ulg r", th t i
ulg, zup ns 00








the territory of early Hungary. This may be the ea e. He add d that the verwh lming majority of the data, not cited here, show Nador without the econd 1nl nd tha
both those forms and nandor-ispan only appear late in the 16th c. Ethnonym a ti 1
or parts of a title exist (see ORus boljar 'the noble, a title'
* bolyar).
[nandor] arch 'the Hungarian name for the Danube Bulgars' I 1086 G
Nandurdi [Nandur-di], 1336 Nandoralbanense [NandoralbanenseJ, 1357 .andurfeiruar [nandurfeyrvar], 1443 GN Landor [landor] I nandur < "vnandur .f- WOT
* wnandur < * wanandur < * uanundur < * onundur < onugundur I EaT onogundur
'the name of the Danube Bulgars' < onogur 'tribal name' + suff +dur. The word as
not included in the Lexicon, because there is no trace in the H documents of its use
as a H common word. The H name for Belgrade was Nandorfejervar, Le. the 'White
Castle of the nandurs'. According to Benko (1993-1997/2: 1014),the word was transmitted through SI. Ligeti (1986) did not cover this word.

'to protect from, guard, save from' I 1228/ GN Gyznoouuel [d'izno-ovel],

1348 Wyzouow [Viz-ova] I DV- < *awf- ~ waT *awf-/ EaT abi- 'to hide, to conceal'.
In a detailed paper, Berta (1999a) suggested that H ov- may be of T origin. He sa
the weakness of the etymology in terms of semantics. The hitherto suggested PFUgr
etymologies present various problems, which are dealt with by Benko (1993-1997/2:
1076-1077). Later, Berta withdrew the article on ov- fr the Lexicon. I agreed not only
because of the semantics, but also because of difficulties on the H side. Most probably
the segment /v/ is a hiatus filler. We find the forms ogyad [od'yad] and oyyauala
[odya-vala] fr about 1372, after 1493 meg cony [megoni], 1519 oyatok meg [oyato ~
meg], etc. These problems can be solved only if we suppose that the Iv/ in ov- is a
hiatus filler. In this case, the original H verb is 0-. For the time being, I consider H
o( v)- to be of unknown origin. Ligeti (1986) did not cover this ord.


orje [or, Drye] dial 'the best part of something, the fore part' lore orye < or
{with poss suff -e / -ye} ~ T or 'height, high'. The word is known in the H di I
(see B. Lorinczy 1979-2002/4: 247, 257). B nko (1993-1997/2: 1084) contend th it
connection with H 6r-2 'to guard' is uncertain. Thi type of metaphorical u e ha et
to be demonstrated in the T 19s. But see Chu var 'lucsij ort olokna', et'"n a
'lucsee l'janoe volokno'. Ligeti (1986) did not cover thi

[por] 'dust' I c1200 pur [pur], p1395 por [por] I por ~ T "por lET bor du ..f.
The EOT word occurs, as cited by Zieme (1999: 192), in the [aitri imit
borka '[Dinge gehen] in Erde und Staub'; this means the am
b ri: - t a. Th T
material was collected by Sevortjan (1974-19 0/2: 192). fth t n dit r n m nin
of the word, 'dust, powder' is only extant in TtD nd.
rtj n' i
f lin in



halk' with boz 'gr v' i n t

pt 1. j
i 1
thi word. This would b the only T lw with a /p/ ini i 1.
purii 'chalk' is of course a late development, bu d m
WOT was 'chalk'. Perhaps this is a lw fr th Ott peri d, s e
toprak, corak toprak, etc.' Among the more than 20 H ords b gm In
unknown origin, there exists another word with possible T conn c 1 n

bor 'lay,

below). Ligeti (1986) did not cover this word.

[pocik] dial gadfly' 11643 petsic [pecik], 1787 potsok [poco ] I poci
poiek. < boce); see Tt bocek 'insect, little creeping bea t, bug'. Accordin to
(2002: 379) < "bogiek. This word does not occur in Kakuk (1973). According to B"'....
(1993-1997/2: 1198), its origin is unknown, whereas Ligeti (1986) did no de 1 it
the word at all. The word is surely of Ott origin.


[sir] 'tomb' 1 1055 fyher [siyer], 1193 sewer [sewer], p1416 fereket
ser-e - .
The word is only present among the U 19s in Cher and H. On Cher suya Gr
Friedhof' < PCher * suyer, see Bereczki (1992: 72). The reconstructed form ar : P sr
* ciyird (not in POUgr) < PFUgr * ciY3-r3, * civs-rs, * ciks-rs, * ciks-rs. A compari on 0
the Cher and H words is uncertain because of phonological problem
ith he' 'tial and the vocalism (see Redei 1986-1991/1: 59). Both the Cher and H data ma
back to a third source, see suyur 'Grube' (TatMisher
pas k ec erneti 1 6: cogormiik 'vpadina, ugublenie, napolnjajusceesja vodoj .e noj i YO rernja iln
dozdej' (TatMinz), 'ugublenije na dne reki ili ozera (TatOrenb TatD1) cogorm
'burljascij kljuc, istocnik, b'juscijsja iz-pod zemlji kljucom, kipen' (Ta Iinz). ovr ,
vozniksijsja v rezultate obvala, i vse vremja u eli i ~aju cij 'a' Tat iinz, trl
miik 'nizmennost, nizina, bolotistoe mesto, rpadina Hi uzubl nie zapolnjaju ee ja
vodoj vesnoj Hi vo vremja silnyx dozdej (TatD2). Th T tD . r
ontain th d
suff + mAk. The Tat and the h r
rd ar hardl ind enden and mu
lin .
somehow, but the relationship is not I ar. E n less cl ar i th
rigin of he H
(? EAH * ciyird > siyir > sir) though
cann t
lud a r I 1 n hi b
n th
The original meaning may have b n 'pit. hi.


[siMik] 'h lmet' 11405 ysak [ i ak] 150

ak ["i "a ] I La'
According to Kiss (1963: 18 -184) th
ord i reI t cl to T ,. " . c di
of clasps". In fact, th latt r
rd-famil p rt in to
1332) consider the w rd to b of un 0 n ri in

[suveg] 'a tall fur c p' I + 1 2/1350

fYueg [suv g] I silv g < * sive < * ile



p .crown, t .' (> huv slIlk 'sapka: cap')

Ir, cf. P yalak 'a ind f r n'. Lizeti
(1986: 23, 48, 318, 448) is h sitant about th T origin, wh ran
(19lJ3- 1 7/2:
1 75-1376) ees phonological difficultie . Th initial [s] is highly probl mati .
[silk] 'narrow, tight' I c1315 Sciukfegben [sukseg-ben] I silk ~ "suvuk
WOT * ciyik < *jigik I OT yigi 'close, compact'. Morphological dif lculti emerg,
such as T + Ik being a dim suff. Ligeti (1986) did not COy r this word. Acc rdi g to
B nk6 (1993-1997/2: 1664) the word is of unknown origin.
Z "K

[takol] 'to piece together, fabricate', tak [tak] arch, dial 'appendage, annex,
added piece, tap' 11767 tak [tak], 1842 tajkoI [taykol], 1861 tajak [tayakJ, 1863 tajk
[tayk] I takol- < tak {with suff +(V)l-} < tayk < "tayak I EOT tayak 'prop, support'
< taya- 'to prop (something Acc.) up, to lean (it) against (something)'. The word
pertains to the hoernaker's terminology and is of South SI origin (tak ~ It tacco),
see Benko (1993-1997/2: 1470). Ligeti (1986) did not cover this word.


[teher] 'burden, load', terhes [terhes] 'loaded, pregnant' I 1348 P Terhes

[terhe-s], p1416/c1450 tereh-nec [tereh-nek] I teher < "teyer ~ T "teger I EOT ~ 10
teger 'burden, hindrance'. The Mo word has an independent etymology (see tegetegege- 'to load'). There are no traces of a T background. It may go back to BavarianAustrian Tracht, as mentioned by Benko (1993-1997/2: 1495). ot covered by Ligen

[terel] 'to drive (animals)', tereget [tereget] 'to spread out, hang out (to dry) ,
terit [terit] 'to spread' I The H word has to be eparated fr ter 'to turn, change the
original direction' (see p. 896). The semantic focus is not 'to change direction but 'to
have space, to find space, to spread to bring together' which is ofPF gr origin * tero, see 8.5). The two basic words were later mixed up. Benko (1993-1997/2: 1505 1507)
is of the same opinion and rightly rules out T tar- 'to collect'. Ligeti (19 6) did not
cover this word.


[tilt] 'to forbid', tilos [tiles] 'forbidden' I c1195 tilutoa [tilutoa] I til- +T
*tiyil-I EOT tidil- 'to be obstructed'. The etymology, ugge ted b Mando
(1 7 .
296-299) and Pa1l6 (1982: 194-195), present chronological and emanti dif iculti
A comparison with Vog * tuyt- 'verb rg n is also unacceptable. Ac ording t B n "..
(1993-1997/2: 1518), th T etymology mu t b r fut d and the
rd i fun
origin. Ligeti (1986) did not deal with this word.


[tok] 'harness, case, box' I p1405 tok [tok] , c1456 t k 1< kath It
'harness(ed horses)' I tok < "toku +- WOT "toku I
T t ku 'bu lith
t n u ( n





saddle girth, etc.)'. This presents s mantic difficulti ~. A~ ording t B no]

1997/2: 1525), the word is of unknown origin, while Lig ti (1986) did n t eo er

[toport'an] in toportyanfereg 'bear, wolf' 11747 taporjan [ereg [tap ryan] 1 toport'an < "toporcan ~ T "topurian. Its connection to topurcak 'a good big
horse' (Kirg) is not acceptable because of the opaque etymology and the semantics.
Perhaps it is related to tap- 'to worship' > * tapurgan (morphologically
as kecurgen
'who pardons, etc.' < kec-ur-gen (cf. also topurgan or topragan 'soft (dry) ground' <
topra- 'to dry'). It may be a holdover fr the cult of the bear and this does not point 0
T. If it was an old name for 'wolf', it would be more interesting. The word only comes
up fr the second half of the 18th c. This causes great difficulties. Ligeti (1986) did not
cover this word and Benko (1993-1997/2: 1530) considered it to be of unknown origin.


[tor] 'feast (funeral in most cases)' 11552 torba [tor-ha] I tor ~ T tor I MT tor
(Chag) 'festin'. The word is a ghost word. Pavet de Courteille (1870: 224) took it fr
Vambery (1867: 260) and fr there it came to Budagov (1869-1871: 387) and Radloff
(1893-1911/4: 1180), Ligeti (1986: 271, 594) only mentioned the word and put it in
brackets. The word cannot be connected with tod 'satisfied (appetite)'. Benko (19931997/2: 1531) linked the word to H torok 'throat'which is also not convincing.


[tomerdek] 'countless, many, heavy' 1 1335 PN Temerduk [temerduk],

c1456 temerdek [ternerdek]. The word came under the influence of tomentelen
'many, countless, etc,' (see tomeny). Earlier, its semantics wa broader, with the
word denoting' dense, compact' even 'pregnant' as in H teher 'load' H terhes pregn~t'. I~scon~ec~ion with T temiirlik 'iron (like)' would suppose an Ir1/ > /rdl change.
ThIS shift exists In some T 19s but it is a late one and can he ruled out. In H there i
no sign of such a change in the early documents.
ot dealt with b Ligeti (1986).



[tazer] arch 'merchant' 11419 PN Tewser [to" r] 1506

[to, - ] I t:-:"'* ..
0 er
< tucer ~ T tuccer. Ott tacir id., tiiccar merchant(
man ra
m n 1
Ar on.gln, tiijir, pl tujiar, tijar. Because of the early occurr n e, the word annot b
?tt. ~lgeh sugge,s~edan Ar origin (1986: 90). A Grm tarting point fr Grm Tau her
trader ISwell founded . This is also B nko po 1't'Ion ( 1993-1 7/: 1
Ligeti treated It as Ar word, not mentioning its T origin in H (Li ti 19 6:




[tur] 'to dig, grab up' \1519 thwr [tur] I tiir +- WOT "tu (1982: 205-206), Chuv tarmala- 'jerosit', carapat' dolbit': t di rh'
10 W t' .
1 , 0 1
th oU l ascrossing ofT *ti'r- 'kratzen' and *tur- 'gr b n'. Th ir t
ewe 11- known EOTword timak ' '1' h.....
uv tarmala- 1
ri nt



t P 11'

h. t h 1-






'carapat' < WO * tirmala- < WO *tirmala- ( *tir-ma-la+

huv tarmaJa-. 1 v rh
* tur- would be repr sent d only by the H word. A ording to B nko (199 -1 97/2:
1561-1562), P rhaps of
gr origin. The word seems to b onomot poe} ,
H dial ariant dur- id.


[tudo] 'lungs' 11193 P Tudey [tudeu], c1405 tidew [tidal 1 tudo -e: tuto
*tutey +- WOT "tiitev I EO tiitek 'spout of an urn, a ewer', MT duduk 'reed pipe
flute', T tiituk 'hose, tube, etc.' According to emeth (1973: 4-5), the H word come
fr T tiite- 'to moke', which is improbable for s mantic and phonological (/t! > /d/
reasons. According to Benko (1993-1997/2: 1566), the H word is of unknown origin.
Ligeti (1986) did not deal with the word.
[unsol] 'to urge' 1p1372 onsoljad [onzolyad] I on- < un- +- T um- 'to a k,
covet'. Pallo's idea (1982: 269) is unlikely (see imad, fr the same T base). According to
Benko (1993-1997/2: 1579), this is a H inner development fr a fictional ba e, a position
which is also unacceptable. Ligeti (1986) did not cover the word.

[usti] arch 'pied, many-coloured (of horses)' 11317/1329 quidam equus noster
famosus isty [isti] coloris, c1405 hwjti [husti], 1460 vsthy [usti] I usti < isti < esti +WOT * estiy 1T estiik > istek 'name of an unknown ethnic group, later a name for
the Bashkirs'. According to Benko (1967-1984/3: 1056; 1993-1997/2: 1590), the ar h
H word is of unknown origin. The interrelation of its variants is unclear and call for
further investigation. Its etymological connection with H ust 'silver' i unconvincing.
In my discussions with Arpad Berta, the idea was raised that the ord could have
had the same der as the ethnonym Istek, which is used by some T 19 to denote the
Bashkirs. Phonologically, the match is perfect. Semantically, a tribal or ethnic name
denoting the colour of a horse is possible. Ala yuntlug represent such a name ( ee
alacs, perhaps also szekely). However, we do not know the origin of the ord, and
we have no source for the semantic of the tribal name. ot covered by Ligeti (1986).
On Istek, Istek; Ostyak, see Rona-Tas (1982f: 59-61 and 1987: 49-58).

[varsan] 'name of an ethnic group in Hungary' I 1075/ vosciani / vossiani [vossiani], 1219/1550 PN Vof an [vosyan], 1270 G Varsan [var an], 1319 G
Wosyan [vosyan] I varsiiri < "vasiiui < "vassian
WOT "vasian < "osian 'the Alan
< Os {with suff +An] As) > Oset, Georgian Osi). The onI occurren
e ofth
name is a Lat form. Ki s (1988/2: 737) covered the word but Ligeti {19 6 and
did not include it. Uncertain is the use of the thnic name in H.


V R2

[ver] 'to beat' 11138/1329 PN Werde [verde], 1300 w rethul [ r tul], pl.!!l I
c1450 megver [megver] 1 ver- +- WOT *ver- < *ur-I
T ur- 't tnk '. Th

12 8



ur- is pre ent in all sources with back vocalism; huv has viir-. Ac rding
Ben 0
(1967-1984/3: 1115-1116; 1993-1997/2: 1620), the H verb ver-' IS of un n
n on
It has a wide semantic field, thus it must be an old member of the H lexic st
and a T tarting point is unlikely. The idea that the front vocalism was eau ed by
word ber- which not only carries the meaning 'to give', but also 'to strike', 'to hit' i
some Igs, is chronologically impossible. See biir- 'udarjat', udarit', bit', kolotit', boa "
brosit', kidat', kinut' (Tat), biir- 'schlagen' (TatB), bar- 'brosat', kidat', udarja " bit',
udarjat', usibat', (peren.) udarjat', bit', (peren.) porazat' kogo-cto, udarit' (Bash ) and
(-+ Chuv per-), ber- 'udarit', naddat', stuknut' (Kirg), bir- 'to strike' (FY), per- 'bit',
bit'sja (0 serdce)' (YUygM). See also ver '. We should suppose that H represents the
only lg with the front-vocalic form * iir-, in this case only preserved in the source 19
of H, but not in Chuv.
[zaslo] 'flag' 11086 PN Zaztou [zastou], 1121/1420 P Zazlou [zaslou], c1395
3athow [zatho] 'vexillum', 3a3to viselew [zasto viSe18] 'vexillifer', 1784 aJzl6 [aslo] I
zaslo < ? a zasl < az aslo < aslo < aslii < * asliy +- WOT * aslry I EOT asil- 'to be hung,
suspended'. The idea that the H word comes fr a back-formation of a zaszlo 'the flag'
< az aszlo does not hold water because the form aszlo appears very late and results
fr the opposite change a zaszlo > az aszlo. The word is of SI origin * zastava 'propped
up' < za stavat' and the change /st/ > /sl/ occurred in H, as the early documents show.
This is also Benko's position (1993-1997/2: 1661). The word was not noted b Ligeti



un ri n words with p obl mati

tymologi s

inno-Ug ic

d grrc

Many of the following words may well turn out to be of Ftnno -Ug ne
. or U'gnc on" In
them from the corpus (see 5.3 as well as 8.5 a n d 8.6,re pec ~
. Ihave excluded
tively) on W~IC~ I based the historical phonology of the Early Ancient Hunganan
language. ThIS ISbecause Iprefer to follow the rule of proceeding "from the certain
to the uncertain".
[arik] arch 'to decay, putrefy, go bad (of food and water), art- 'to harm' <
PFUgr * ars 'reissen, abreissen, zerreissen'. H *ar- in the two former words has been
compared with FUgr * ars-, which occurs in Vog with the meaning 'mude werden',
in Osty in the sense of 'zerbrechen, zerreissen (ein Kleidungstuck)', in Zyr denoting
abreissen, matt werden, errniiden', and in Voty signifying 'abreissen, jaten, ausjaten'.
The basic definition is 'to deteriorate by falling into pieces'. The Vog word looks like
a lw fr T, though Honti (1982: 129) was certain that the Vog word pertains to the
other FUgr words. Unlike to the FUgr words, the H word ar-ik-, which is now obsolete, carries the basic meaning 'to deteriorate by growing foul'. The link between
'deteriorating by growing foul' and 'deteriorating by falling into pieces' is not impossible, but not obvious. According to this etymology, H art- 'to harm' derived fr
the basic ar- with the old H suffix -t-, which forms tr verbs fr intr ones. The semantic
development 'to deteriorate by growing foul' > 'to harm' (without any relationship
to making something foul) also poses problems. The basic sense of the T word ar- is
'to be exhausted'. FUgr * ars- and T ar- have been linked by Munkacsi (1902:272),and
Nerneth (1928-1930: 72-73) and others, but, as was pointed out in Rona-Tas (1983a:
337), semantic and phonetic challenges would prove difficult to overcome. The OT
verb contains an initial /h/. The initial/hi would be reflected in the H word if the
word were an early borrowing, however this is not the case. I uggest that H ar- 'to
become putrified' and art- 'to harm (somebody)' represent two independent words
that each go back to a different T word. The archaic H ar- is a copy of T * ar- 'to
become putrified', which only exists in OT as arta-, while H art- to ~o har~' .w~
copied from T artat- 'to damage' and was Simplified in H. On the details, see arik ID


the Lexicon.
'intestines' < AH "piil < PUgr "pal (not in POUgr) < PFUgr "piils i knotty
' 't' I b -. The b- would seem to be a oiced continuation of PFUgr p-"
b ecause 0f it
1 S nu la
before -1-, but see fel' 'half", [el' in ajtofeIfa, fiil and felM in 8.5. ee al 0 B nk







AH *puga





PUgr *pU1Jka-1 (> V g *pilklep,

sty purykel')

PFUgr "psnks, but see H bog in the Lexicon and in Benko (1993-1997/1: 115-116)
'berry' < PU gr * polii (> PVog *pal') < PFU gr *pola. The inal -6 hould b a
dim suff, but the 1 > l' > y > j shift is unjustified, and b- is irregular.

dial 'a kind of fishing net' < AH * cuyay < PUgr * cayo (> POUgr * say, * siijap
> PVog *say, *sayap, PO sty *sayap) is unacceptable because PUgr c- > POUgr s-. The
correspondence PU gr a > AH, H u is not justified. It is not even contained in Redei



'crane' AH *taray) < PUgr "targe (> POUgr *t[ry3 > PVog *t[ray, POsty
*taray) < PFUgr "tarks. The etymology is problematic for phonetic reasons; t > d
may be a late H change, but there are no data available for t-.


'to harden, to steel' < AH * eoe- < PUgr * a ta- (> POUgr * at- > PVog * at, POsty
*iit-). This is rather thorny (see AD 1531 egyzeth). If this is to read ejzet(t), rendering an older * ej- [> * ejez- > * ejz- > edz-] stem, the etymology is hardly acceptable.


'silver' (+- Perm? * ez-vsskst +- ? AI * azvist, cf. Os ievzist / tevzestee 'serebro'

(Abaev 1958-1989/1: 212). See 8.9.


'to milk' < EAH "[ey> < PUgr "piyo- (not in POUgr) < PFUgr "piye- 'to milk' (> ~
Fi, Est) +- Ir; cf. PIA payas- 'Milch', AI Avesta paiio- 'Milch', paeman- 'Mutterrnilch '.
The Ir word denotes 'milk' and is not a verb. The Ir verb for 'to milk' is * dauc, * dauxs-.
The Finn and Est comparisons are doubtful due to concerns over the vocalism.

'on foot' < ? AH "yalog < PUgr "yalk (not in POUgr) < PFUgr *yalka. The
Id I ~~,place,of Iy/- i~ ra,re"but not impossible, AD 1553 jalogot (read yalog-ot ac ),
see jo good and gyogyit- to cure', jeg 'ice' dial gyeg. The suff is also not clear.


'root' < PUgr "yekkor (> PVog "yekweri. This is problematic becau e of
~orphology (the base is yekke) as the Vog word contain -kw-. The initial i al 0



'boat' is of T origin; see the Lexicon.

PFU gr * kors, * korwa. R' d i (19

has also noted morphological and emantic stumbling blo

arch 'dry leaves, etc.'



-1 )


't bit'

PFU gr * kars- -- *kors-. Th re ar un

rtain par 111 in h P rm

19 .
'to carry' < PUgr * kur- (> PVog * kart- 'to draw, trigger') PFUgr * kurs-. The
Vog -t is uncI ar (R' dei 1986-1991/2: 860), nd the semantic side is also challenging.
The -d is a H suff.

yes, affirmative particle; very'. Neither the hitherto suggested FUgr etymology,
nor the T one is acceptable; see igen in the Lexicon.

IR 'to write' is of T der. See ir in the Lexicon.


mercy, pity'


PFUgr *Y8r3- 'sich verirren'. The semantic side is unclear,

see 8.1.2.
stirrups' < PFUgr * kecii 'Kreis, Ring, Reifen'. The word offers a great many
yet unsolved problems, on which see Redei (1986-1991/1: 142). None of the hitherto
suggested etymologies is convincing.

'to ruminate' < PFUgr "kers- 'rulpsen', According to Redei (1986-1991/1:

151), this is of T origin. See kerodzik in the Lexicon.


'to go around, to get somewhere, to avoid, to have a price, etc. The H word
covers an extremely wide semantic field. This may have resulted fr the merger of
various words. The sense of the word may be tied to the ba ic meaning of H kor
'round, circle' (see also in other 19s,where we find words with kVr for round obje ts
as in Lat circus, Tib khor id., etc.), but the detail are unclear.

'jug, jar' < AH * kiu < PUgr * kiice (> POUgr * kuc;}m > PVog * kus;}m, PO ty
* kocdm) < PFUgr * kiiie. H /e/ corresponds irregularly with PFUgr /e/.


'foot' < PFUgr * luwe 'Knocheri' or < PFU * lsmps 'Fla h . The tarting point for
-b in the first etymology and the semantic part of the econd etymology are ob cure
(see Redei 1986-1991/2: 255).


'hole in the ice', most probably of T origin, see vek in th Le ion.

'to find, to come across' AH *leld-) < PUgr * few d- (n t in P gr) < PF r
* lewbii-. The disappearanc of PUgr -w- in thi form is unu ual. Th Finn and E t
parallels are phonologically unclear, whil the word is bsent fr th
Ugr 1.

1 20

-w- i not represented in H. The H dial variants latt-, 16tt- corn fr lelt-,

hil lott-

has a short vowel.

'stallion'. The Osty word denotes 'Herde'. The comparison is also uncertain d
to phonological hurdles. The der fr many 'egg, testicle' is also unacceptable becau e


of the different vocalism.

'poison' < PFUgr * mirkks. The Finn and Est words are separate copies. The H
word is of AI der. The Os word marg 'poison' goes back to an lE base * mer- 'to die', 0grade mor- (see Lat morior-, mors, etc.). In the IIr 19s,it became * mar- (see Mayrhofer
1992-2001/2: 318). The Ir word marg means 'death' everywhere (Avestan, MPe, Pehl,
Per marg 'death'), and this was what the Os word denoted early on (see Abaev 19581989/2: 72-73). Its secondary meaning 'what causes death, poison' only developed in
Os, but the original sense could be detected in OOs. The word is back-vocalic in most
Ir 19s. It is front-vocalic in Kurdish (merk), which cannot be the starting point for
the H word. The only possibility would be that a T 19 copied AI * marg as * marg
because of the final -g, which it considered to be front-vocalic. But in none of the 19s
investigated could a reflex of a supposed * merg, * mereg be found. Finn myrkky, Est
miirk may pertain to the same word family, but no acceptable background could be
found, see 8.9.


'tale; (OH) riddle' < PUgr "maca= "maned (> POD "matte > POsty "mane). The
etymology is problematic for phonological and semantic reasons. The ord only
exists in Osty, where it may have taken on a secondary -n- in some dials or have
lost the -n- in others. In any case, both the H front vocalism and the /s/ are irregular.
The regular H form is the magy- segment of H magyar < majer. The Osty word does
not denote 'to speak', which was suggested as the primary meaning of the word ('to
speak' > 'people who speak (our language)' and 'to speak' > 'to tell tales'. or is
Redei's suggestion (1979: 353-354; 1986-1991/2: 867) convincing that the word wa
used in a construction like "Manysi-Word" imant' kol), the legends about the ogul,
and that the first part became independent while it took over the semantic of the
second part. The first part was indeed independent. It carried the sense of Vogul
and ~e h~ve ~o reason to suppose that a name for an ethnic group became a ord
'tale legend' from VlZl
i roo,t c1an ' an d
, tale. The Voty example cited viii-kil
.. ..
khil word is i~teresting, but cannot be used here. The Voty word ~iii ne er adopted
t e meaning tale'.



MU 'work:, miivel-, mivel- 'to do, to work' AH "miw;

PFUgr meke ' ache, T t

Handlung . The suggested parallels are only present in Sam (Red i 19 6-1991/ 1:... 0 .
The H word, as also noted by Redei, is of Al origin, see 8.9.




~w~ttle, w~c~er-work' < PU~r *niiks- > (POU * ney- 'binden' > PVog * ney-,
POsty ney-). This IS very uncertain and, most probably, wrong. Perhaps Vog TJC
ndk 'Schneller, Hahn, Drucke', Osty Kaz neki 'Band Pflock zur Befestigung' (Honti
1982: 202 No. 782) < *PUgr "nakk.

'lead' < PUgr wslms 'Blei'. The connection with

'Blei' is isolated, see Redei (1986-1991/2: 899).




on 'tin'

is unclear; VogT wolem

see orvos in the Lexicon.

'fox (arch.), cunning' (the vocalism is irregular, the

ruvoz < AH "ruwoz, see 8.9.



is a suff)


OH ruoz,

'to kick (with one's foot)'. The suggested POsty "rorjk- 'waten' is semantically
too distant.

'bottom' < AH *seg < *se1)ga) < PUgr *sef)ke (> PVog *saf)k) < PFUgr * senks.
The initial consonant is irregular; perhaps segg < *seg. The final long -gg- may be

'to help' < PFUgr * cii 1) ks- 'helferi'. The vowel correspondence with the solitary,
isolated EMord word is irregular and thus hardly acceptable (see Redei 1986-1991/1:



in sett- 'to harm, to hurt' (-t is a H suff), seriil- 'to become hurt' (-ill is a H suff),
the initial consonant is irregular ? AH "sero- < *sera-) < PUgr "ciirk (> POUgr
* cere y- (?) > PVog *ciirv-, POsty *cerey-) < PFU gr * ciirke. The word is of T der, see

sert in the Lexicon.


'smooth, flat', not in Redei (1986-1991). The word is T in origin, see sima in

the Lexicon.

'tomb', see 8.1.2.

'scurvy' < AH * sula < PUgr * ciikl (not in POUgr) < PFUgr * cukli: The palatalization of /1/ in H is secondary, whereas the initial consonant is irregular. The word


is originally T, see suly in the Lexicon.

'cart' < PUgr *saksrs. The Osty (V liker, Vj iker, VKjikar 'Schlitten Nart ')
and the H words may be independent borrowings fr an unknown Ir source. Ho e er,


1 22

the ba kground of the oft cited krt sakati- i ,ac ording to Mayrhof r (1 92-20 1/2:
601) "Nicht zufriedenstell nd erklart".

'coal' < PFUgr * sine 'Holzkohle', which is only extant in Saami. In the a
of the other PFUgr etymology, < PFUgr * S8ne 'Zunder, Baumschwam: tind r'. Th
PFUgr origin is semantically doubtful, the H word carried the initial meamng 'gl v-


ing embers, fire'.

'beautiful' < PFUgr * iapp. The comparison with Finn and Saami words is
thorny. Problematic is also its comparison with T words, see szep, sebes in the Lexicon. Perhaps it is a quasi-onomatopoeic word.

'soda, sodic soil' < PUgr * c8kk3 'Salz' > PVog * ciik > TJ cik, K U P sax 'Salz', cf.
*cex> Os ceexx, ceenxte 'sol" (Redei 1986-1991/2: 839). The Os word has no Ir etymology. The -xx- was originally -nx- (cf. Avar can, Anda con). The -n- may, nonetheless,
be secondary (see many Cauc 19swhich have the word, but without the nasal (for
all the data, see Abaev 1958-1989/1: 310-311). The words must be linked in one way
or another, but the phonological background is obscure. The H word has to go back
to an earlier * sek and not * ceX or * cek. Most probably, it is an old substrate word.


szo, ace szavat 'word' AH *saw)

PVog *sa ,
POsty * soya). The -y in POUgr * soy is only based on the Tremyugan form saYod. All
other Osty dials contain -W-, while in the case ofPOUgr * soy 'Fell, Haut' only Yugan
features -w and all other dials use y or y > X' see also Honti (1999: 77). In the ea e of
an earlier * s-, it would have disappeared in H. There is no rea on to uppose a PFUgr
s- here. In the case of a common POUgr borrowing, the POsty -y is not justified. The
T word saw 'word' was independently copied by the OUgr and the H 19s. ee szo in
the Lexicon. Osty * saw, Vog * saw +- WOT * saw ~ (AH * saw H szo, szavat. This
was suggested early on by Ramstedt (1922-1923: 18). According to Gombocz (192 :
174), both are equally possible, but, according to Redei (19 6-1991/2:
5), 'i t nicht
akzeptabel" though he offered no reasoning.

? PUgr *soya (> POUgr *soy


'to bear, to give birth' < PUgr * silo > Vog KM sel- 'beschaffen',
sel-' u hen,
erwerben, kaufen'. The comparison with Vog sel- 'erwerben, u hen, kauf n, et '
(Redei 1986-1991/2: 888) is scarcely a ceptable semantically. The Eng g t - b t
cited is an erroneous parallel. The Eng word beget carri s th meaning 'to pr r t
or generate (offspring), esp. of a male parent, to caus to produce a an ff f. ord
cited by Redei (1974: 364-365) with the sem ntic change to bring' > 'to bring
> 'to give birth' are valid examples, but while the f male 'bring ',th
mal 'rnr
or obtains' a child. The semantic field of the og word i to obtain'
'to arch,




to buy'. This is also the case with Eng get and beget, i.e. to get or m k , ob ain
child. On the other hand, Redei is right to reject Vog * sul- 'zur Welt bring n, ich
vermehren' as a parallel to H sziil- because of the back vocalism.
'sorcerer, medicine man' < PUgr "tults 'Zauberei, Zauberkraft' (-5 is a H
suff) (> POUgr * t-rlt 'Ieicht, Fieber' > PVog * tiilt 'leicht', POsty * toIt / tolt 'Fieber,
Hilfe'). In folklore texts collected by Reguly, we find toltn, tolten emit Zauberkraft'.
This is the only example of the /It/ cluster. The PU gr * u > H a shift is rare but not
unprecedented, see hall and mag. On the T origin, see taltos in the Lexicon.

'to open' < PFUgr "tara- 'offen, offnen'. The FUgr and T etymologies hitherto
suggested are not convincing. The Zyr word cited was initially front vocalic. Cher J
tara-, U B tora- abgelegen, entfernt, weit, fern', B tore- 'wegrucken' is semantically
problematic. It is not, as has been argued elsewhere, a lw fr a Chuv word that is only
attested in Tat (see Redei 1986-1988/1: 510). The verb T tara- 'auseinandergehen,
etc.', cited by Beke (1918a: 204) fr Radloff (1893-1911/3: 837-838), goes back to OT
tar- 'to disperse' (see also TatDl tarau 'razbrosannyj'), but this comparison is hardly
acceptable in terms of semantics. Perhaps the word goes back to a base * ta-, see tag
'wide', tat- 'to open wide'. In this case, the -r is difficult to explain as it was remarked
also by Redei (1986-1991/2: 510).


'to lay eggs' < PFUgr "toge- 'bringen, holen, geben'. The FUgr words that have
been compared (see Redei 1986-1991/1: 528-529) cover a very different semantic field
'to bring, to bring in, to give, etc.' Another etymology linked the word to PFUgr *tOY3'stossen', which has been compared with H to 1-, tosz-, taszit- 'to move forward' and
H tojik- (on the details, see Redei 1986-1991/1: 528). The word is of T der, see tojik
in the Lexicon.

UR 'Sir, Mister'

PFUgr "urs 'Mann, Mannchen'. Uncertain equivalents can be found

in Finn (uros 'erwachsener Mann') and Saami, see Redei (1986-1991/1: 545).The ord
is of T origin, see ur in the Lexicon.

UT, dial it- 'to hit'

PFUgr "iikts- 'schlageri' (Redei 1986-1991/1: 23). There are

eral phonological problems with a comparison of these word; Vog cont in ..- (TJ
yikt-, KU yiiXt-, P yiikt-, So yakt- 'schneiden') and one should suppo e an ii > i chang
in H. The semantics ('to cut') render a comparison diffi ult.

unga ian s mantic copi s


S mantic copy (SC) is a kind of selective copy, where the" denotativ

or connotativ
content lements of model code units serve as models and ar c pied onto unit of th
basic code. (The content is specified in communication
by applying pragma i nd
interactive rules that take into consideration relevant elements from the cont xt "
(Johanson 2002: 292). Called earlier mirror translation or calque, semantic copy is a
linguistic feature describing a case when a special semantic function of a word, of a
phrase or of a sentence is copied fr 19A to 19 B without copying its phonetic body.
The literature on H SCs fr T is scattered and meager. The most important works
Erdodi (1976: 213-15; 1978: 76-79), Bereczki (1981: 281-283) and Ligeti (1986: 192}t
altogether less than ten pages, are available only in H.
In this subchapter beside the Eng I give the Grm and the Rus respective translations, In the latter two cases I tried to find out whether the H word mayor may not
be a SC fr a SI or Grm 19, Of course I could not go into the details on the SI or Grm
Elaborating on the following samples I made use of a seminar work of my PhD
student Szonja Schmidt, for which Iwould like to offer her my thanks.
[ado] 'tax; Steuer, Abgabe; nalog, dan' 11359 PN Ados [ados], p1416 ado [ado]
ad- 'to give' {with suff -6}, the word is of PFUgr origin.


NT NW bergi 'nalog': SW bergi 'dolg' (Tkm), vergi 'gift, tax' (Tt)

ber- 'to give',

As we see the semantic component 'to give' is present in Grm Abgabe and Rus


'wage, rent', see ber.


'south, noon', see del.

[ebihal] 'tadpole; Kaulquappe; malek, golovastik' 11568 eb halac [eb halak],

15:~ ebhal [ebhal], 1600 ebihal [ebihal] < eb 'dog' + hal 'fish', both are of PFUgr


NT Chuv yet pulli 'golovastik'

(Chuv);, NW et bali19l.. ".V jun; Ioac,h C0 biitis. :p"

or meadow loac~ .~~sm~l fish] [Misgurnus fossilis]' (Tat), et balik 'yilan baliq'
(Bashkln), et b~h~l ugor [eel], golovastik [= siimespas]' (Bashkl'iz), et baligi ugor'
peska~, ?olo~a~hk (Ba~hkD.~): it baligi 'peskar' (SibTat), it balik golee (ryba)' ( irg),
:t balik s~~l (. )(Ka~), ltba~~k, tjulen, golovastik', itsabaq 'go Iova tik' (KazB), i tbalik
golov,ashk_ ~K~lp), iyt balik: golovastik'(Nog),
[maqa bala 'golovastik' ( r hBlk)];
SW esek balzk golovastik ["donkey fish"]' (Tkm) it baZzg 'd
I d
akl ki uk bi
z urgun u r a os
1, ucu
ir cesit u bocegi'(TtD), Kh -; SE itbaliq 'golo a tik' (Uzb .

The composition "dog-fish" denoting the tadpole is present in Chuv, B h
Kaz, Kklp, Nog and Uzb. In other T 19s it denotes several kinds of small Ish 'land
loach' (Tat, Kirg), 'eel' (BashkD2, Bashkfrr), 'gudgeon' (BashkD3, SibTa , or a ind
of small polypod creeping beast living in stagnant water. It is a typically old SC fr
the region where Oguric was spoken. I don't understand how the expression may
denote the seal (tjulen) in Kaz, this must be a learned identification.

[edes], izes [Izes] 'sweet; suB; sladkij'

I 13


c. e3e! [ezes], 1290 ydesuyz [idesviz]

iz 'taste', of PFUgr origin.

The T equivalent is in all sources WOT tatliv > Chuv tutlii, EOT * tatiglig or
"tatlig < "tatig '(good, pleasent) taste' < tat- 'to taste'. Mo amta 'taste' > amtatay,
amtatu 'sweet, tasty', see Grm schmakhaft, Eng tasty. A de notion is general and the
narrowing to 'sweet' may be a late H development.


[eyfekete] 'very black; sehr schwarz; precernyj' < ej 'night' + fekete 'black',
both are of PFU gr origin.
See Chuv tern xura < WOT tun kara 'night black', in tern xura yitii 'cemajaprecernaja sobaka'. According to Asmarin (1928-1950/15: 46) tern xura 'cernyj,
precernyj. Oboznacaet vyssuju stepen' cernoty i vyrazaet ee silnee cern Xup-xura'.
Rasanen (1969: 504) and following him Fedotov (1996/2: 215) tied Chuv tern to Tt
turn, dum 'whole, entire, round (thing)', cf. tom tiigdrek id. (TatE) , dom karatjgi
'sovsern (soversenno) ternnyj' (Tat), tom 'splos' (BashkD2), tomey 'qara kortrnele,
cemaja cernika; black bilberry' (BashkE), turn kara, kara turn, kap-kara 'cernyjprecernyj' (MUyg), diimbey 'drernucij, gluhoj, temnyj' (Tuv), turn' splos sover enno
(Y). This is a possible, alternative solution. The word is not identical with Chuv tene
'dymovoe okno v stene, dymovaja truba, otverstie s zadvizkoj v stene vyse peci (v
kurnyh izbah)' < WOT * tiiniik < tiinliik < tiitunluk see Tat tonlek, Bashk tonlok <
tiinliik: In Turcia we find tiitiinliik; tiigiiniik; tiujliik; etc., see R6na-Tas (1961: 9q).
In Chuv tern sometimes alone denotes blackness: tern kariik 'ocen' cern j gluhar'
tern tupaIxa 'ocen cernaja tavolga'. If fr 'night' then only Chuv and H. See 0 tiinen
kara 'jet-black, completly black' (L).

[farkas] 'Wolf; wolf; yolk' I 1086 GN Forkosig [farkas-ig], p13 2 farkas

[farkas] < farok 'tail' {with suff +s}, the word and the suff are of PUgr origin. AI 0


an Ir origin was suggested.

In Turcia the word bore denotes the wolf, Chuv has kaskar and tukmak, both
tabooistic denotations. Sz. Schmidt found in Tof quduruqtug beside born and dag
i'ti, dag ern: celer an. Tof quduruqtug 'xvostatyj, yolk' < qudurug 'h 0 t; tail'. It i
tabooistic denotion. The H and Tof parallel may be due to mere chan e.


1 26


[fial] 'to farrow, littel, kidding, etc., bring forth an animal, aid aIs of money'
I The H word originally meant also 'stepson', p1395 fjal, the verb appe red only at


the end of the 19th c., it is of PFUgr origin.

In Turcia verbs formed fr EaT eniik and yavru with the suff +IA- denote th
action. Sz. Schmidt found in Tuv olda- 'prinosit' detenysej, kotit'sja', Tof olla- id.
both fr EOT * ogulla-. Chuv has parula- 'telit'sja', see H borju > borjadzik-, Grm
kalben, Eng foal and to foal. A general idea is expressed in the same way in many
[fokhad'ma] 'garlic; Knoblauch; cesnok' I p1395 fog hagma [fog
had'ma] I foghagyma < fog 'tooth' + hagyma 'onion', both are ? of PFUgr origin.
ra sale 'dol'ka cesnoka',
See Chuv sal oxra 'dikij luk' (Sergeev 1968: 89), further
ra 'cesnok'. CherH oyira 'lukovica, lukovka; onion, bulb', CherM ukra 'ukrop; dill'.
The data published by Sergeev is noted fr Maloe Karackino. Otherwise in Chuv only
ra (uti) or
the expression iyra / uyra sale 'clove' is known, and 'garlic' is urral
uyruti, etc. The word is noted, but not dealt with by Dmitrieva (2000: 175). The denotation of the clove of the garlic is in other T 19s with EOT * tis 'tooth' mostly
with sarimsak as sarimsak tis 'dol'ka cesnoka', see bir dis sarimsak 'zubcik cesnoka'
(Tkm), sarimsak disi 'a clove of garlic' (Tt) and Erdodi (1979: 72-76). The metaphoric
name "tooth" originally denoted the clove of the garlic. The H name of the clove is
gerezd, a word of SI origin, The old T composition was copied early. The change /k/
fr /g/ ocurred before the unvoiced /h/.





FO [fo] 'source, origin, well; Quelle; istocnik, kljuc', in GN as in disznof6 [disnofo]

'pig-well' (see diszno), menfo [rnen-fo] 'stallion-well', kutf6 [kut-fo] 'well' 11193
cutfev [kutfeu]' < kut 'well' + fo, fej 'head', kut is of unknown origin it connection
with T kudug 'well' is erroneous. Fo, fej is of PFU gr origin.
Chuv has pus, si'v pusi: 'verhov' e reki, istok reki'. In most T 19s PT bas 'head' also
de~~t~s alone the ~~ghest place, the origin (of a river)', the 'well'. See bas 'Istok (reki,
rue ja) (Nog), bas Id. (Kum), bas id. (Kklp), in most cases the context or the ord
for 'water', 'river' specifies it . See su base 'istok' (Tat) , yilg a b asi c IS
, t k
0 ,ver hov'
ov e,
(Bashk), etc., iirex basa 'verhov'je, istok reki, versina reki' (Y).This is also the function
of the H word fej, fo 'head'. The metaphoric use of the anatomical words i a very
see Eng head (quarters), Lat caput ' Mo terigun,
,., Tib
1 mgo,
u. et c.
ut Its use as well' and the composit "head+water" is rare. The sceptic ie of Benk
(1993-1997/2: 854) seems to be unfounded. The special use of the corn 0 iti n i
common to H and the VT 19s.


,[hal-at fog] 'to fish; Fische fangen, angeln; lovit' r bo, r b lovat'
fish + fog- catch', both are of PFUgr origin,






See Chuv pulii tit- 'rybacit", pula 'ryba' + tit- 'd rzat", in other T 19 E T '* balik
tut- 'to catch fish'. A general notion fr the old times, when fish was caught by hand.
[haz-as] 'married; geheiratet; zenatyj, bracnyj-' I p1416 hazafJag [hazas-sag]
1< haz [haz] 'house', of PFUgr origin.
EaT evle- has since O'T times not only the meaning 'to live in a house' but also
'to marry'. The verb 'to marry' is mostly EaT * evlen- < ev+ lA-(X)n- as H hazasodikwith the suffs +Od-ik-, This is present in Chuv as avlan- 'zenit'sja', EaT * evlen- is
present in all branches of the T 19s, but Y OYOX il- 'zenit'sja' < oYOX 'dyra, zena', il'brat". A T-H semantic isogloss.

[ninctelen] 'poverty-stricken, penniless, pauper; Habenichts, arm, mittellos; niscij, neimjuscij, bednij' 11874 nincstelenseg [ninctelen-seg] I < nines 'there is
no(t); and has predicative function (nine < "nincen < nem+s+An)' + tAlAn privative
As Nerneth (1920: 91) pointed out the double negation in this word does not give
a confirmation, it is a SC of T yoksiz. The form yoksuz occurs in EaT, MT and in
some ModT 19s. It had the meaning 'ineffective, to no purpose', in MT it had come
to mean 'poor, destitute', see Clauson (1972: 907). The form yoksuz was replaced by
the form yoksul in most 19s. Chuv suk has not only the meaning of T yok, but also
'pustjak, yerunda, bednost', bednyj'. It can function as adj as in suk: srn 'bednjak',
but Chuv has no * suksar. EaT *yoksiz was preserved e.g. in joksuz 'bednyj' (Kirg),
yoksuz, yoksul 'possessing nothing, destitute' (Tt), yurqsuz 'arm, mittellos' (Kh), etc.
A special T- H semantic isogloss.

[selhudik] 'to become paralytic, get a stroke', earlier 'to get raged' I c1519
zelhwth [selhut] > ModH szelhildes > szeliites 'stroke'. The basic H word is szel 'wind'
{with suffs +hUd-ik- and -s}.
The change szelhiides > szeliites "wind stroke" ocurred under the influence of
Grm Sehlag around the end of the 18thc. EaT yel had also the meaning' demonical
possession, illness caused by the wind'. Hence yelpin- 'to be possessed b the evil
(or illness)'. It is highly possible that Chuv sil 'wind' and sil 'anger, rage' pertain
together and H preserved a pecial meaning if WOT sel < yel, see further szel and

[sin] 'colour, face, external appearance, the best part of omething, th upp r
part of something (of water, material, earth)' I end of 12thc. fcine [ in-e].
The extremely wide semantics of the H word is old and shared ith T "7]. ccording to Clauson (1972: 167) (1) 'the front' and (1) 'colour' are homophonou w rds
and where it has the meaning 'face, complexion' it is due to confu ion with T) 'face,


1 28



cheek'. I cannot agree with him. Chuv urn 'pered, grud', ucastok' has a narrow d s mantl s, but see Mo ongge(n) 'color, exterior, appearance, lust, sexual passion'. W
have to suppose that WOT * o1]e influenced the sem:mtics of t~e H word, itself a T
lw, see szin +-- WOT sin 'external appearance, body > Chuv san.
[terhes] 'pregnant; schwanger; beremennaja', see also 'razresitsja ot bremeni' 11348 PN Therhes [terhes] I < teher [teher] 'burden, load, weight' {with suff


Among the T 19sonly the NW 19shave the expression yokle 'beremennaja' (Tat),
yoklo 'beremennaja' (Bashk), Jiiktu id. (Kirg), jukti 'pregnant' (Kaz), yiikli id. (Nog),
[ukli id. (Kklp), other T 19s(including Kh) have bogaz 'pregnant' fr the Oguz-name
on, and other expressions. Chuv has yfvar, yiivar 'tjazelyj, beremennaja' < WOT
* agir 'heavy'. A semantic isogloss common only to Chuv, the northern and middle
[testet olt] 'to embody, incarnate; verkorpern, inkarniert; voploscat'sja,
voplotit' I < test 'body' {with suff of ace + t} + olt-, see illik. H olt has the meaning
'to stitch, put on a dress', test is of unknown origin.
Here we find a semantic shift like in kiidil-, on which see Ozertural (2005: 6571) and kodmon. The notion 'to dress; bekleiden; pereodet'sja', etc. changes to 'to
embody' in T and H.


[vad'on] 'wealth, property, having; Verrnogen, Habe; imuscestvo, dobro' I

1590 vagyon [vad'on] 1< vagy- 'to exist, be' {with suff -n}, it is ofPFugr origin.
The word has in recent H the forms en vagyok 'I am', te vagy 'you are (sg)', 6 van
'he / she / it is', mi vagyunk 'we are', ti vagytok ' you are (pl)', ok: vannak 'they are'.
In OH and in MH the form vagyon had the meaning 'he / she / it is', hence 'what
exists, wealth, property'. The lE 19sexpress the object with the nominal tern of 'to
have, possess', Le. possession. The T 19s form the word fr the ancient verbal base
bar- which has the connotation 'existence' and has now no conjugation, though it
functions as predicative. On details, see barom. Most T 19shave the continuation of
EaT barlik -- WOT * barlik > Chuv purliiX 'imuscestvo'. It is an old H- T emantic

[vakondok] 'mole; Maulwurf; krot' I c1395 vakondok [vakondok], 1676

vakond [vakond] 1< vak 'blind' {with suff +nd, +k}, it is of unknown origin.
The name of the animal is expressed by many T 19swith the notion of blindn
In AI<we find kiisiirg, kosiirgen 'a type of mole, a type of rat' < PT * koz-siiz-gen. 1T
kosiz [read kossiz] siibiik 'mole' (AKD), kozsiiz 'blind', kozsuz siibdk 'mol' (AAH),
kostiibak 'mole' (ATuh), kostabak 'mole' (AChag). In some WIgs the 'mole' i


the 'blind mouse': * sokur sicgan. See sukir tickan (Tat), hukir sicgan (als eben,
teke) (Bashk), sokir umiran (Nog), sokur cfckan (Kum). In Kirg we find sokur clckan
'slepys (zverek)', see further karigu caskan 'mole' (MUyg, Khadir Khawuz 2002: 609).
Interesting are kortiskan 'mole' (Kaz) to which pertains korsiclou: id. (Uzb), korsi'can
'krot' (Tkm), kostabiik, kor sican 'krot' (Az), kor sican 'mole' (Tt). The first part is
Pe kiir 'blind', see kiiriabak 'the mole' (Steingass 1981: 1060), kor 'blind' (Tt, Gag),
kor 'blind' (MUygTY), koru 'slepoj' (Sal), etc. all fr Pe. The SC is also present in
Os: koyrm myst / qrerrew mists: 'krot', see k.yrm / kurmte -- qrerrew 'slepoj', myst
/ mister 'rnys' (Abaev 1958-1989/1: 611; 1958-1989/2: 142). The Tuv expression Xey
kiiske 'krot' (RTuv) is in fact "blank mouse". In Chuv one would expect * kussiir or
* sukkar sasi. kussiir is now the blind by incident, sukkiir is the blind by birth (Asmarin 1928-1950/7: 32), originally the second is a lw in Chuv. This means that we
would expect * kussar saii or the like. The 'mole' is kayura, kayri ura 'krot'. In addition we find in Asmarin (1928-1950/6: 8) other meanings: kayura 'zemlerojka [Sorex,
see cickany 'shrew, Soricidze'Y, 'tuskancik' that is 'zemljanoj zajac'. The last one is
the "jumping mouse" or 'jerboa, Dipus sagitta Aegyptus' the name of which occurs
in some NW 19s: kusayak 'tuskancik' (Tat), koiayak 'tuskancik' (Kirg), kosayak 'jerboa' (Kaz), that is the "double-feet", EOT * koi adak. Egorov (1964: 96) and following
him Fedotov (1996/1: 244-245) derives the Chuv word fr kay 'backward' and ura
'foot'. To this idea, see Alt tersek < terse ayak 'krot' (Alt teskeri 'naoborot'), tisker
azar, todir azar, oyda tamas 'krot' (Khak, tisker 'naiznanku, v protivopoloznuju
storonu', todir 'obratnyj', oyda 'navznic', tamas 'lapa' [paw]), dedir-davand 'krot
(Tuv dedir 'obratnyj', davan 'konecnost', noga (celoveka)'). The names "backward
feet" and" double feet" are interesting, but do not pertain to the idea that the animal
is blind. Ch er kayira 'nyrok: mergenser, Mergus sp.' though denoting the doving or
ducking duck, may come fr Chuv kayura, which is interesting for the semantic history of the denotions of the mole. This duck goes under the water as the mole under
the earth. Chuv kay may pertain to EOT kedin 'behind', through a form WOT * kiiy. See also Levitskaja in Blagova (1997: 197). loban 'krot' (Krch), loban 'krysa; rat',
loban tesik 'krysnaja norka, mink' (Kum) are the same as MMo mo[nanJ 'al-huld:
mole' (AKD), noman 'taupe, Mus talpinus' (Hy), Mo nomin nomon 'mole', also sokur
nomon (L), sor": nomn id. (Kalm), sorer nomin id. (KhalK), mana hoxor 'krot' (Bur)
nomorj, numutj, nomiitj 'taupe' (Ord). Spoken Man metjs mole' (Yamamoto 1969: 7 .
On the /1/ - /n/ alternation, see nacin - laiin 'falcon' Mo ~ Os lacin 'sokol' (Abae
1958-1989/2: 11). SY manan SUHur 'mole' (Nugteren-Roos 1996: 64) is, a corre tl
stated by the authors, a Mo lw, see also (SYM). The Voty word for 'mole' i mudis',
or mudis'sir 'mole, the "digging mouse'", see Voty mudi- 'to dig, which pertain to
the lE expression, see lE * iikhu (Mayrhofer 1992-2001/1: 446 s.v. KHAN 'gr ben').
Other FUgr names are: Mord kaivarc, maksaka, maksazey, modamaksaka

1 0

moda pocva, zemlja', Perm mu-kati 'Maulwurf", mu 'Erd ',kari'

atze' ( ,d i 19 6:


Hungarian compositions, expressions or words pertaining to the first group, hav
a semantic function which is general and reflects a natural concept of th human
being. Its presence is the result of old semantic structures as 'to catch fish', or tax as
something "given", the metaphoric use of 'head'. The fact that the semantic unit is
present in T and in H is, or may be due to independent processes. To a second group
pertain those semantic features which are present in most or all of the T lgs and in
H. Such are the words with the meaning "to house", i.e. 'to marry' as H hazasodik-,
T evlen- or the case where the word denotes the external appearance, the face and
the color as in H szin, T Dry. Here pertains the word for 'to embody' fr the notion to
dress', or the expression for 'having' which is not formed fr the words denoting 'to
possess, have' but fr the word 'to exist, be' as H vagyon, T barlik, barim ~ H barom,
or the word denoting the absence of wealth, the denotation of the pauper, poor: H
nincstelen, T yoksiz. To a third group pertain those H SCs which are present only in
one group of the T lgs, typically in the NW. The name of the pregnant as 'burdened,
loaded, heavy' is present only in the NW Igs and a special form exists in Chu . The
name of the tadpole is "dogfish". It exists in Chuv and in this meaning in some
19s,hence also in Uzb. This looks like an old Oguric name, while Trkm has the funny
denotation" donkey fish". The use of the word for 'head' to denote 'well' is present
only in Chuv and the VKip 19s. Finally in the fourth group occur expressions which
are present only in H and Chuv as the name of the garlic as "tooth, i.e. 'clove"
onio~, H fokh~gyma, ChuvD sal orra and perhaps H ejfekete 'very black 'night"
black, Chuv tern xura. The material is not enough to make definite conclusions, but
on the whole it reflects features common with the lexical copies.



I ni n nd oth r Middl I a ian 1 n ord in

gari n

This selection of Al and other Mlr lws was reviewed by RoIand Bi lm ier, who made
important remarks on the list in his letter of 17 December 2007, whic I have included. I am also grateful to Doug Hitch for his comments in a letter dated 27 February 2008. The list was revised and important data added or corrected by Zsolt Simon,
in a letter dated 17 December 2009. The list is in no way exhaustive, but it does e e
to facilitate the reconstruction of changes during the early period of H.
'lady, dame' < AH * arsin .f- Al * arsina (cf. Os xsin, rexsijnre) < *xsinya
(see Tzetzes xalva 'arhontissa') < Ir *xsayna < *xsaiBnf-; cf. air Avestan xsaya
'prince', Mlr Sogd (a)xsiiwanii 'rule, power' (Gharib 1995: 28).


Munkacsi 1904b: 315; Skold 1925: 17; Abaev 1958-1989/4: 236; Bielmeier 1993: 13; Gharib 1995: 28;
Helimski 2001: 3; Cheung 2002: 169.

'stink, foul smell', biidos 'stinky, having a foul smell' < AH * bu6d .f- AI * biida
(cf. pas * baudii > OsI bud, D bodee 'blagovonie, ladan' < 'zapah') < air * bauda- (see
Late Avestan baoda, bao8i-) 'guter Geruch, Wohlgeruch, Raucherwerk' > Mlr Pehl
boy 'smell, scent' (MacKenzie 1986: 19), Sogd /306 'incense' (Gharib 1995: 113), Khot
lu 'incense, perfume' (Bailey 1979: 294), Khwar /3u8 'Duft, Wohlgeruch' (Benzing
1983: 204) > Nlr Pe boy, buy 'odour, fragance, perfume', Baluchi bod id. It looks as if
the feminine stem suggests a 'good smell'.

Munkacsi 1901b: 181-182; Sk61d 1925: 17-18; Abaev 1958-1989/1: 269; Bailey 1979: 294; Benzing
1983: 204; Ligeti 1986: 149; MacKenzie 1986: 19; Gharib 1995: 113; Helimski 2001: 3; Cheung 2002: 173.

'whole, entire' < EAH * egeso .f- Al * ages (cf. Os eegas, igas 'ves', celyj,
zdorovyj') < Olr * a-kasa-, ui-kasa- 'to * kasa- 'deficient", Os keesteer 'rnladsij', air
* a-kas-, Avestan kasu 'klein, gering' (Mayrhofer 1992-2001/1: 330), Mlr Pehl kas'to decrease' (MacKenzie 1986: 50), Sogd kos 'thin', okasa 'small, thin' (Gharib 1995:
195), Khwar akas, akys 'rnager' (Benzing 1983: 46), Nlr Pe kiih-, kastan- to diminish,
decrease'. The H form is nearer to the Digor form.

Munkacsi 1904b: 315-316; Sk61d 1925: 18-19; Abaev 1958-1989/1: 119;Benzing 1983:46; MacKenzie
1986: 50; Mayrhofer 1992-2001/1: 330; Gharib 1995: 195; Helimski 2001: 3; Cheung 2002: 158.

'thousand' < AH * ezere .f- AI * iiziira (cf. Os eerze, rer3re 'ne metnoe cislo,
jaca'), cf. air * hazahra Pllr ? * sahasra < lE * g'heslo) > Olr Avestan hazatjra-,
Khot ysiira (Bailey 1979: 349), Sogd ziir (Gharib 1995: 454), Pehl hazar ( ac enzie
1986: 43), Nlr Pe haziir I Ir * z'hasra ~ Vog, Zyr.

Abaev 1958-1989/1: 186-187; Korenchy 1972: 71; Bailey 1979: 349; 1acKenzie 19 0: ;
1992-2001/2: 719; Bielmeier 1989: 241; Gharib 1995: 454; Helimski 2001: 3; Cheung 2002: 16 .

a rho er

'silver' < AH * ezvist (+-- Perm ? * ez-vssks > Zyr ezys, oty azves) +-- . AI
"iizvist (cf. Os eevzist / tevzestte 'serebro', Abaev 1958-1989/1: 212). The first part




of the Perm words should be 'white' but this cannot be substantia

d. Th e nd
part would be PFUgr "waske > PUgr "waskii (> POUgr "voks > *~o~s . P ty *~OX,
PVog "was) > H vas [vas] 'iron' (originally a kind of metal), that 1 white, or a ind
of metal '. It is only Os fr which the /t/ in H can be explained. The Os word ha no
etymology within the Ir or even lE 19s. It has been compared with PSI *gvezda .
zvezda 'star' by Petersson, cited by Abaev and later by Trubacev (1974-1995/7: 181182) and others. In this case, CE- would be a prothetic vowel, and the zv- > vz- change
would have occurred in Os. The semantic part would require associations like sun
~ gold and moon ~ silver. This is hardly acceptable. At any rate, the Perm, Os and
H words cannot be separated, and H and Os contain the final -t, which is absent fr
the Perm words. See also the Ir word for 'silver' "arzata 'silver' > Os eerzeet 'ruda'
(Abaev 1958-1989/1: 187-188); cf. Olr Avestan orozata 'silver', OPe {a)rdata, Mlr
Khot aljsata (Bailey 1979: 25), Khwar aiyd (Benzing 1983: 136), NIr Yazdi
< lE
*Hark'- 'white, silver' > Lat argentum, Arm area t. There are a few other words that
pertain to metallurgy and are common to Os and some FUgr 19s. On these, see Abaev


(1958-1989/1: 212).
Munkacsi 1904b: 316-317; Skold 1925: 20; Abaev 1958-1989/1: 187-188,212; Trubacev 1974-1995/7:
181-182; Bailey 1979: 25; Benzing 1983: 136; Helimski 2001: 4; Cheung 2002: 164; Testen 2003: 100-103.

'to pay'


EAH "[izo-

*Ji8d- +- AI *fida-

{cf. Os fidynfyst,
Abaev (1958-1989/1: 473-474 < PII "prati-dii 'entgegen geben' (Mayrhofer 19922001/1: 713, 1986-2001/2: 167). -t is a H suff. According to Cheung (2002: 189), in
disagreement with Abaev (see above), according to whom this is a denominal fr
"paida-. According to Cheung, Khat piha- 'price' (Bailey 1979: 242), TochB pito 'price,
cost' peratin together. According to Adams (1999: 385), the TochB item is a Iw fr Khot
*pfBa- > piha-.


< pati-dii

Munkacsi 1904b: 317; Sk6ld 1925: 20-21; Abaev 1958-1989/1: 473-474; Bailey 1979: 242; ayrhofer
1992-2001/1: 713; Mayrhofer 1992-2001/2: 167;Adams 1999: 385; Helimski 2001: 3- Cheung 2002: 189.

'rich~ < AH ,*gazdagtl ~ AI "gazdig (ef. Os q<znyg, qeezdig, g<zdug 'bogaty] '.Digor grezdre bogatstvo); cf. Mlr "gazn- / "ganz-. Mlr Sogd gazn 'treasure'
(Ghanb ,1995: 182), ~war gazdik 'retch' (Benzing 1983: 305), Pehl ganj 'treasure,
treasury (Mackenzie 1986: 35), Nlr Pe ganj 'treasure, store', not in Cheung (2002,
2007). Accord~ng t~ He~ning (1963: 195-199), the metathetic form *gazn- > *gan 7comes fr Medic (Bielmeierj; see kincs .

. Munka~si 1904b:317;Sk~ld 1925:22; Abaev 1958-1989/2: 302; Henning 1963: 195-199; B nzing 19 3:
305, Mackenzie 1986: 35; Ghanb 1995: 182; Helimski 2001: 3.

Hf~ 'bridge' < AH *Xfdd +- Al *Xfd (cf. Os Xfd, Xed 'most') < Plr "haitu < PlIr "saitu
> setu) ~ Mord sed', sad' (Re dei 1986: 59) < PIE * seh2u)- (Ma rhofer 1 92-2001/ :
745) > OIr Avestan haiitu, Mlr Khot hf (Bailey 1979: 481), ogd itku "haituka)

( Tharib 1995: 4), NIr agn etk, Yidga yEya, hugni yad. he /h/ > IX/ hift b r
* ai in Os i odd ( heung 2002: 248, Bi lm ier 1989: 241). Acc rding to
ord r on
(1999: 282), it is not r lat d to Geor xid-i, OGeor qid-i 'bridge'. Ac ording 0 A
(1958-1989/4: 199) and Andronikasvili (1966: 128), the Geor word is of 0 origin,
here as Klimov (1998: 338) believes the word is of Geor d r.

unka si 1904b: 318; Skold 1925: 23; Abaev 1958-1989/4: 199;Andronikasvili 1966: 128;Bailey 1979:
481; Schmid 1979: 266; Mayrhof r 1992-2001/2: 745; Redet 1986: 59; Bielmeier 1989: 241: Thordarson 19 9:
465; Gharib 1995: 448; Klimov 1998: 338; Thordarson 1999: 282; Helimski 2001: 3; Ch ung 2002: 248.

'name of the Kwarezmians' < EAR * kalis (~ ? T) +- AI * kalfs < * kvalins (cf.
~ ORus xwalinskoe more) < Xwarizm. The H word may be of immediate T origin;
see kaliz in the Lexicon.


Harmatta 1997: 79.

AH * karts +- AI * kard (cf. Os kard 'noz, sablja, (v epose) mec)

< PIr * kart- < PIE *(s)kert- 'to cut' (> IAryan > Ind krti- Mayrhofer 1992-2001/1:
316, 390) (~ Osty karta, Vog kart, Zyr kart, Cher kerdo) > Olr Avestan karota. Mlr
Khot kadara * kartara-) 'sword' (Bailey 1979: 58), Pehl kiird 'knife' (MacKenzie
1986: 49), Sogd kart (Gharib 1995: 194), Khwar karc 'Messer' (Benzing 1983: 360),
Nlr Paste car'a * kartyiii (Morgenstierne 2003: 21) Shugn cad, Yagn kero, Munji
kara, Baluchi karc, Pe kard (cf. TochB kertte (Adams 1999: 197.




Skold 1925: 24-25 Abaev 1958-1989/1: 571; Bailey 1979: 58; Benzing 1983: 360~ Mackenzie 19 6:
49; Mayrhofer 1992-2001/1: 316, 390; Redei 1986:71; Gharib 1995: 194; Adams 1999: 197Helimski 2001: 3;
Cheung 2002: 196; Morgenstierne 2003: 21; Cheung 2007: 244.

'garden, place for animals' < AH * kart (~ ? T) +- Al * kiirtii (cf. Os ksert

'dvor'): cf. Ir * karta lE *garda) ---- VBulg * kiirta ~ Vog, 0 ty karda, Zyr karda
Tat kirte, Bashk kartii, etc. See Lexicon s.v. kert.

2001: 4.

1904b: 318; Skold 1925: 23; Abaev 1958-1989/1: 586-5 7; Harmatta 1997: 78: Helim ki

'treasure' < AH * keni +- Mlr *gene; cf. Mlr Pehl gan} 'treasure, trea ur '
(MacKenzie 1986: 35), Nlr Pe ganj 'treasure tore. Th word i not AI; ee gazda .
It was copied after Ugr ne > n} > j.

Ligeti 1986: 151; MacKenzi

1986: 35; H lim ki 2001: 5.

'lad, young man' < AH * legwen ~

1 * liikwen (cf. 0 D l ql' n 'jun
mal'cik, syn', according to Abaev (1958-1989/2: 19,31-32).
leeg 'rnuz ina' + \.\
+n 'muzcina+ditja'; both words are of auc origin. A cording to Bi lm i r 1 77:
180-185), the starting point for the word, which is pr ent in s ver 1 u 19 ( f. the
ethnonyms Lakk and Lezg < liigzi), is obscure. A cording to him,
have to as urn
two possibilities, either Os [EEg < "wlag < "wryak < "wiryaka foIl ing 'k"ld 1 5:


r ori in, b au: ) t
or in t who
i or nom
I 0
und j ), ( nd it i 1
rd i of 'U d .In ny a: ,th w r d '
that H nly pi cl I 'g and' dd cl 1 suf
n ;7 ny.
" ,.

+ Munk:

liru .ki


1904b: ' 18; 'kdld t')~5: :l9; Aba v 1958-1989/2:

,. I I

] 0-18

19, H- 32,

2001; 3.

M 'R'



Al *

m )rg



'1 (

marg) Mlr * mar" ( P I


m r-,

yrh f r 1) 2-2001/2:' 18) Olr "mar- 'to di '> "marka- 'd th', Av st: n mahrka
d th' ( mark- 'to kill'), Mlr P zhl marg 'd ath' (Ma K nzi 1986: 54), Ir P mar,
Kurd mcrg aluchi m;}rk'd ath'
? inn myrkky, . t murk 'd ath': s
m 1 t m rt",
al 0 8.7.
+ Munks 'si 1904b: 19;, kold 1925:

318; Harmatta

Ab v 1958 1989/2: 72, 86; M cK nzi 1986: 54' . yrhof r

1')97: 80; H limski 2001: 3; h un T 2002: 202; K' tz 2003: 275; h un 2007:

'L -265.

MU a c miivet 'work' < EAH * miws +- Al * miwa (ef. Os mi, miv

'cl 10, cl j ni
po tupok, zanjati , rabota') < "miilu 'to mov , < PT * m] uH1 Mlr Khot mvir- 'to
mov , (Bail y 1979: 341).

+ Munkac

; h un

i 1904b: 19;5k61d 1925:' l;Ab

v 1958-1989/2:

112-113; B il y 1979: 341; H lim

2007: 273.

NAD're d' < AH * nado

Al * nada ( OIr * nada, P rthian nad 'F16t '(
id. < PIE, f. H ttit niita-, nati-'
hilfrohr, Trinkrohr Pf il ') > Mlr P
flute, pole' (MacK nzi 1986: 58) NIr Pe ? nay 'pip ,flut
r cl, n
(+- ogd "nal < *na8);
al 0 RgV nada ' hilfr hr ' ( ayrhof r 199
Ligeti 19 6: 148; MacK nzi
N M"Z'

1986: 58; Mayrhof


r 1992-2001/2:

+ Aha

v 1958-1l)S<)/2: 202-')03;
1992-2001/ : 28'~; 'harib 199 : 240;



AH *e

ail> 1979' 17. " B nzin 19':

h un 2002:' 09 l10; Morg .n ti rn


Al idwe] ( f.
* Huid/1auaH
PI * Huid" Y ~h2-)
Ir A . t n * vi auuii.
(M K nzi 198 : 0), NIT P b -wa id.: f. L t vidua.

wid w'

f. PIA nadahl nay tub

Pe at 'r d'
- 001/ : 7).

7; H lirn ki 2001: 5.

"nimata, Av stan n mata, nimata, Mlr Kh t namta- (Tu

'felt' (Bail y 1979: 173), P hI namad (M ' nzi 19R6: 7),
1995: 240), Khwar namad 'Filz' ( nzing 19 : 47 ), NIr
p d', Munji n'amyo, hugni namatl (M rg n: ti rn 200::
o tyN namel 't 1t , Zyr named 'fo t- 1 th. Thi i
krt namata 'Filz'.


i 200}'


t nim



shuk), nimata namad

d namat 'f It' ( h rib
sht naml'a ' It ddl
nam int,
nd ring
1" (l: '"7
":f \

1.1 rOil'
h r


20 2: 1<)

enzi 18:90;'


1992 '001/.

. ; H Inns i2 01: : h



1 35

unning, fox' < AH "rowaso ~ AI rowasa (cf s ruvas ruba

as 1 a ,
Ir raupasa > OPe In an Elarnite transcnption * raupaila- ( r h vitc -Hinz i ed
by h~ung 2002: 221) > Mlr ~ot rriiviisa- 'jackal' (Bail y 1979:367), Sogd riipa ah
(Ghanb 1995: 345), Khwar rubas (Benzing 1983: 562), Pehl robali (Mackenzi 19
221), NIr Pe robah, Baluchi roba, Kurd rovi, Ormuri rawas, Munji raiiso; cf. S r
lopasa (Mayrhofer 1992-2001/2: 482), see 8.7.

Munka~ i 1901b: 520-522; Skold 1925: 32; Abaev 1958-1989/2: 433; Bailey 1979: 367; Benzmg 19 3:
562; Mackenzie 1986: 221; Mayrhofer 1992-2001/2: 482, Gharib 1995: 345; Cheung 2002: 221.

'a long time ago, formerly', regen id., reggel 'in the morning' < EAH "rego +Mlr "rag (cf. Os rag 'rannyij, rano, davno' > ragon 'davno, starinnyj, drevruj' < Plr
*frak( a)- < PIE *pro); cf. Os crcg 'pozdnij' * a-rag), Mlr Sogd {3r"k /frak/ 'morning,
early' (Gharib 1995: 106, 153);cf. Skrt pratar- 'fruh, morgens', PIE "pro > OIr OPe [ra, Mlr Khot ha- (Bailey 1979: 438), Pehl [radiig 'tomorrow' (MacKenzie 1986: 33), Ir
Pe [ar-, Wahi ra-, re-, Os rag 'rannij, rano' (Abaev 1958-1989/1: 171; 1958-1989/2:
340). There are serious problems with the vocalism. As a prefix, PIE pro- provided
rte- in Os, but Os rag has to go back to frak( a) with long a, as prata does. If the second
/re/ in tereeg is due to a late assimilation, * a-jrak < * afriika, the H word cannot be of
AI origin. The H word was formerly related to H rejt- 'to hide' etc.

Munkacsi 1904b: 319; Sk61d 1925: 34; Abaev 1958-1989/1: 171; Abaev 1958-1989/2: 340-341; Baile
1979: 438; MacKenzie 1986: 33; Mayrhofer 1992-2001/2: 174, 188; Gharib 1995: 106, 153; Helimski 2001: 4.

'copper' < AH "reze < "reo +- AI *redV +- Cauc (Avar rez) +- IIr "Hraudia
PIE * hlreudh-) > OIr Parthian r08, Mlr Pehl riiy 'copper, brass' (MacKenzie 1986:
72), Sogd rod 'copper, brass' (Gharib 1995: 344), NIr Baluchi rod, Pe roy, IIr > Skrt
loti 'rotliches Metall, Kupfer' (Mayrhofer 1992-2001/2: 484-485). The AI word may
be of immediate Cauc origin because of the vocalism. In any ea e, this is an old
cultural word. Munkacsi (1901b: 527) cites Uslar -Schiefner's A ar[ische] Stud[ien]
for Avarian rez 'Messing'. Bielmeier remarked: "Kauk. Avari eh red 'Kupfer' ist
unbekannt. Es gibt auch in den anderen kauk. Sprachen kein solches Etymon.
Nach Klimov/Chalilov, Slovar' kavkazskix jazykov, Moskva 2003: 148f. ist avar. pax
'Kupfer' (ahnlich auch andere Dagestansprachen) aus dem Tiirkischen entlehnt, vgl.
tturk, baxyr 'Kupfer'. lranischer Herkunft (aus parthisch r(8) sind armenisch aro r
und georgisch rvali (Bielmei r 1990 und ausfiihrlicher 1994)".

Munkacsi 1901b: 527; MacKenzie 1986: 72; Mayrhofer

1992-2001/2: 4 4-485; Bielmeier 19 0: 3 :

Bielmeier 1994: 434; Gharib 1995: 344.

'cheese' < LAR * saxta < EAR *ciyta +- AI or Khwar "cigt (cf. 0 c xt. ci"d)
~ VBulg > Chuv ciikiit (~ Cher), KarT cfgft. Vsevolod Miller (Abae 195 -1 9 1:
325) compared the word with an Ir * tfgft; see OIr * tikta; see Av tan bi-taava- 'z i
Schneide habend', Avestan tiyra- 'scharf", Mlr Khot ttfra 'bitter' (Baile 1979: 129),



P hI tiiz 'sharp' (MacKenzie

1986: 83), Khwar cyy 'S hneid " "axa()
(Benzing 1983: 228, 237), NIr Os cyrg / cirg 'ostryj', Pe tez 'sharp, a rid',
u ji fir 0
torva 'sharp', Yagn tiry id., Pashto tar id. Though the H, Chuv, Khwar and
are surely related, the history of the word remains unclear, even if the e ymology
gested by Vsevolod Miller turns out to be possible. The H form 1566 Heltai sohayt i
a hapax; see 1368 PN Saytas, 1372 say tott, 1553 saidlii. 1563 saytvat, etc. See Lexicon
S.v. sajt.
Sk61d 1925:80; Abaev 1958-1989/1: 325, 328; Bailey 1979: 129; Benzing 1983: 228, 237; Ligeti 198 ;
129, 185,542;MacKenzie 1986:83;Mayrhofer 1992-2001/1: 668; Cheung 2002: 177.
'cow' < AH "tiiyino +- Al * dayin (cf. Os dteyin dad, deeyun dad 'sosat' grud',
vymja') < OIr * dainu < PIAryan * d'uinu > Skrt dhenu- (Mayrhofer
1992-2001/1: 797);
cf. Olr Avestan daanu, Mlr Khot dinii 'cow' (Bailey 1979: 159), Pehl diinodag 'female,
milk' (MacKenzie 1986: 26); H -y- > -h-.
Abaev 1958-1989/351;Harmatta 1977:171;Bailey 1979: 159;Ligeti 1986: 146; MacKenzie 1986:26:
Mayrhofer 1992-2001/1:797;Cheung 2007:47.


'milk' < AH "tey +- Al "day. See H tehen .

Harmatta 1977:171;Ligeti 1986:147.

'rtz 'ten'

AH "tiso +- Al * des (cf. Os dces) < Mlr * dasa, Sogd dasa, das (Gharib 1995:
143), Pe hI dah (MacKenzie 1986: 23), etc. < PIAryan * daca PIE * dek'rrz). There are
problems with the vocalism; see also kilenc, harmine (Honti 1993: 192).
~ Abaev 1958-1989/1:359;Harmatta 1977:171;MacKenzie 1986:23; Mayrhofer 1992-2001/1: 70 _ 09'
Honti 1993:192;Gharib 1995:143.

TOLGY 'oak' < AH "tiilj + Munkacsi 1904b:320; Skold


Al "tulje (cf. Os tul3 tol3ce) ? 01 "t

1925:36; Abaev 1958-19~9/3' 315' H 'li kr. aurzcI.,
ms I 2001: ; Rona-Ta 2004:

TUL 'arch oak' < AH * tiilo + Rona-Tas 2004:419-422.


Ir * told (~


* tsl'.
8 3>


yr tit,

oty tel,).

'glass' < AH * eveg,]f-- AI *d vag (cf. Os avg, a vgre 'stekIo ') < * ab a f * k_
waterhke, glass'). Olr * ap- 'water' (cf. Pllr *
g (c. ap a) a
-bk- ( ) k '
a ser < PIE h2ep-) Mlr Kh ar
a tn n a Glas (Benzing 1983: 11), Pehl abganag' ry t 1 1 '(M'
4) S d - k -,
sa, g ass
acKenzle 19 6'
, og ap an crystal (Gharib 1995: 8) Bact * - 't k
_ _ .
Arm ap'ak'i 'glass, crystal').
a a-, Ir Pe abgzna Id. ( f.


Munkacsi 1904b:321; Skold 1925:38;Abaev 1958-1989 '.

Mayrhofer 1992-2001/1:81' Gharib 1995'8' H
/1. 84, Benzmg 1983: 11' ac enzie 19 6: q;
. , armatta 1997:80'' Helim ki 2001:;3 Ch eung 20 2: 1 5.
VAM customs
< AH "wiimo ~
- (
e bwam <" Pllr * apa-Hmai- < PIE *h mei .)i, Ir
Avestan maii- 'to change' P th'
, ar ran a amyb loan, Mlr Sogd pamita '1 n ( harib


1995: 258), PeW abiim 'loan, debt' (MacKenzie 1986: 1), Bact f3apot5lYo 'loan',
abam, iiwam~ iiwam. wam 'debt, loan' (cf. Skrt may- 'tausch n,leih n').

Ir P

Mackenzie 1986: 1; Mayrhofer 1992-2001/2: 314-315; Gharib 1995: 258; Cheung 2007.177-17 .

vAR 'castle' < AH "wars +- AI "war (cf. Os wart 'scit') PIIr "Huar- 'to ward
off, defend, protect (from)'), OIr Ancient Pe viira; Mlr Pehl war 'shelter, enclosure'
(MacKenzie 1986: 87), Khot vara 'court' (Bailey 1979: 376), NIr Pe bar 'fortification'
(see Os wterm, weerm 'jarna' under verem, and see also vert).
Abaev 1958-1989/4: 50-51; Bailey 1979: 376; MacKenzie 1986: 87; Mayrhofer 1992-2001/2: 512-513;
Cheung 2007: 207-208.

'market' < AH * wasaro < * wa ea ro +- Al * wa care > (cf. Os * wacar in wacayrag

crab', Abaev 1958-1989/4: 30) < "wahacarana < PIIr "uaha-carana, Mlr Pehl wiiziir
'market' (MacKenzie 1986: 89), Sogd wacaran 'market, bazaar' (Gharib 1995: 396,
398), NIr Pe bazar id.


Abaev 1958-1989/4: 30; MacKenzie 1986: 89; Gharib 1995: 396, 398.

'pit, hole' < AH "wermo +- Al "warms (cf. Os weerm, wtermse 'jama, pogreb')
PIIr *Huar- 'to ward off, defend, protect (from)'). OIr Avestan waromi, Mlr Pehl
warm 'pool, reservoir' (MacKenzie 1986: 87), Sogd warmayca (read warmecya'Ii 'surf,
hole' (Gharib 1995: 411), Khot barman 'enclosure, prison, reservoir' (Bailey 1979: 278),
NIr Pe barm 'reservoir for rain water' (see var).


Munkacsi 1904b: 321; Sk61d 1925: 39; Abaev 1958-1989/4: 95; Bailey 1979: 278; MacKenzie 1986: 7;
Gharib 1995: 411; Helimski 2001: 3; Cheung 2007: 207-208.

armour, cuirasse' < AH * warts +- Al * wart (cf. Os wart' scit') PIIr * varodra
< * vat-ora- < PIE * Huar- 'to ward off, defend, protect (from)'). Olr Avestan veroilra,
Mlr Khot batha- 'cuirass' (Bailey 1979: 266), also besa- 'shield' (Bailey 1979: 305), Ir
Pashai baro
.' id. Ashkun bada
. id. Ir ~ Arm vert' mail'; see also var and verem.

Munkacsi 1904b: 321; Sk61d 1925: 39; Abaev 1958-1989/4: 50-51; Bailey 1979: 266, 305; Harmatta

1997: 80; Helimski 2001: 3; Cheung 2002: 237; Cheung 2007: 207-208.

(green' (OH also zeld) < AH * zeldo +- Al * ziilde 'yellow, green' (> 0 D zeeld
'rnolodaja trava') < Olr * zarita- < zar- 'yellow, green'; see A estan zairita-, Ir P hl
zard 'yellow' (MacKenzie 1986: 98), ogd zartii 'yellow' (Gharib 1995: 72) Ir P
zard 'yellow'; see Skrt hari- 'fahl, gelblich, griinlich' < PIE *g'elh. -.


Munkac i 1904b: 321; Sk61d 1925: 40; Abaev 1958-1989/4: 295; Ma Kenzie 1986:9 . la rhofer 19 22001/2: 805; Gharib 1995: 472; Helim ki 2001: 3.


13 8

Problematic comparisons include:

'we d', dial 'small, bushy forest' < EAH *gaza +- AI *gaze (cf. Os qCEZ, qeez
t ik kamys') Mlr Khot gaysa- (= gaza) 'reed' (Bailey 1979: 80),
Ir P gaz
ros nl ,
f .., E
. 0
'tamarisk tree', Pashto yaz 'tamarisk, Digor q- is sec~ndary r g~. v~n In . s ea~Her: 'wood, tree', see qrezyn k'iis 'derevjannaja myska , qrezyn wldy~ derevjannaja
lozka' (Abaev 1958-1989/1: 302). There are semantic problems, which can o~ly be
eliminated if the dial meaning 'bushy forest' was the original one. See gaz In the

Munkacsi 1901b: 289-291; Sk61d 1925: 22; Abaev 1958-1989/1: 302; Bailey 1979: 80; Harmatta
81; Morgenstierne


2003: 34.

'alien' < EAH * endegen +- AI * andagan (cf. Os seddagon. emdagon 'cuzoj' <
tedse, sendee 'snaruzi, vne' < Pllr * anta < PIE * h-ent- > Grm Ende, etc.). Chronological
Intl > /d/ and phonetic /a/ ~ le/i/, which present problems.


Abaev 1958-1989/1: 104; Mayrhofer

1992-2001/1: 75; Harmatta

1997: 80.

'drunken' < EAH "resegs +- Al "rasig (cf. Os rasyg, rasug Abaev 19581989/1: 352). The Ir etymology is unacceptable due to problems with the vocalism.
See OT esiir- 'to be or become drunk' > esirik. The H word has been linked to the
stem of reviil-, regel-, etc. and considered a H lw in Os.


Munkacsi 1904b: 320; Skold 1925: 34; Abaev 1958-1989/1: 352; Helimski 2001: 5.

EAH * sawa +- Ir * srawa PIE * k'leues 'Gehortes'), cf. Avestan

srauuah- 'Ruhm, Ansehen, Lobspruch, Spruch', Olr Ancient Pe savah- 'Ruhm' in
personal names; Mlr Pehl sraw 'word, spell' (MacKenzie 1986: 76), Sogd srwk (srok)
'speech, hymn' * sruka) (Gharib 1995: 362). sr ~ s unlikely; see szo in the Lexicon.

sz6 'word'


MacKenzie 1986: 76; Mayrhofer

1992-2001/2: 667-668; Gharib 1995: 362' Harmatta

1997: 74.

'linen' < AH * vasano +- IAryan * vasana, see Skrt vQsana- 'Kleid' (Rgveda)
< * vas- 'bekleidet sein' lE * l)es-). Cf. Olr Avestan vasta, vaste 'ist gekleidet', vastra
'kleid, Gewandt', Mlr Khot viista 'clothes' (Bailey 1979: 385); cf. TochB wiis- to be
dressed in' (Adams 1999: 597). The /s/ in the intervocalic position changes to Ih/ very
early. The verb is dealt with by Cheung (2007: 405 s.v. *l)ah 'to be dre ed'). Accordin
to Gershevitch (1952: 483), cited by Cheung here, the word pertains to 0 D re: te
reewon 'povod, predlog, praetextus, excuse, pretence, pretext (Abaev 195 -19 9,":
389), fr "[ra-uah. The only possibility would be that the word is a cultural migrating
word ofllr origin which was mediated by an Ir 19with a secondary I I. Thi i imilar
to H hors 'pepper' +- T ~ Ir ~ Ind.


Gershevitch 1952 483; Abaev 1958-1989/2: 389; Bailey 1979: 385;

Adams 1999: 597; Cheung 2007: 405.


1992-2001,2: 52 ;


Unacceptable comparisons include:

agyar 'tusk', dob 'drum', edes 'sweet', ember 'man', esztendo 'year',Jek 'halt r',!eny
'light', jesu 'comb', gond 'trouble', hang 'voice, sound', has 'stomach', hus 'm at;
flesh', imad 'to adore', in(as) 'servant', ing 'shirt', kedv 'mood, pleasure', kej 'pleasure, lust', keszeg 'a fish name', koles 'millet', mag 'kernel, stone', mely 'deep', men
'stallion', menny 'heaven', nep 'people', nyereg 'saddle', ordog 'devil', oszver 'mule',
res 'rift, slit, split', sator 'tent', szeker 'cart', tine 'young ox', ur 'lord', iistok 'foreIoc ,
tuft', uszo 'heifer', zsineg 'string'.
As an example:
'forelock, tuft'; the MH form is isteg. Munkacsi (1904b: 320) cited Os stug
'Locke, Buschel Haare' (see Os styg / (ce)stug 'klok', kudrja, lokon, celka', Abaev
1958-1989/3: 156) and compared it with OInd stukii- 'Zotte, Flocke' (see Mayrhofer
1992-2001/2: 760, where only the Os word is cited fr the Ir lgs.) According to
Mayrhofer, the OInd word should be connected to stupa- 'Schopf, Haarschopf >
Stupa, Grabmal', perhaps "Wurzelverwandt", Munkacsi (1904b: 320) suggested that
the H final /k/ preserved an older Os /k/. Asboth (1905: 61) rejected this comparison
because of the final H /k/ ,...,
Os / g/. According to Benko, neither the Ir nor the T origin
of the word is acceptable; he believes the word is of unknown der in H (Benko 19671984/3: 1056 citing Asboth; Benko 1993-1997/2: 1590). Harmatta (1997: 74) suggested
another etymology. He cited East Ir ust (should be * ust) and Wanetsi ust 'hair', however we find (w)ust (with secondary loss of w-), which pertains to Pashto wext'em
'hair' (Morgenstierne 2003: 94) < "wrsiya- and is present in Avestan as varesa, Mlr
Sogd wrs (Gharib 1995: 412), Pehl wars (MacKenzie 1986: 87), Ir Pe gurs 'curled
hair' < PIE "uolk'o- > Skrt valsa- (Mayrhofer 1992-2001/2: 526-527); see Rus voles,
etc .


Munkacsi 1904b: 320; Asboth 1905: 61; Abaev 1958-1989/3: 156; Benko 1967-1984/3: 1056 1acKenzie 1986: 87; Mayrhofer 1992-2001/2: 526-527, 760; Benko 1993-1997/2: 1590; Gharib 1995: 412; Harmatta
1997: 74; Helimski 2001: 5; Morgenstierne

2003: 94.


List of umanian words

The list contains only those reconstruc t e d Cu man words which are trea
1. C um * a k"IS, * agts







H akos [akos], agos [agos] dial

* a k - 'to flow' {with suff -Xs}) ~

'stream, current' IT akis 'flow, current',

Cum "arkan "ar- {with suff -gAnJ) ~

H "arkan

d in h



. (
[arkan] dial a type of

lasso' IT arkan 'rope, lasso',

Cum * baldaw (~ Mo baldag 'knob, hilt of a sword') ~ H * baldaw > * bolda > boda
[boda] arch 'buckler with handle, handle of different arms' I MT * baldag .id.,.
Cum * barag (~ Ir) ~ H barag [barag] dial 'hairy, bushy (of dogs) (as adj), a big hairy
dog (as noun)' I barag < * barag IT barak 'a shaggy dog' ~ Ir,
Cum * baysa (~ Mo ~ Ch X~T pai-zi 'a written tablet, a label' (M 4871 ~ * biisa >
H barca [barca] 'label, tag' IMT bayza - bayja - baysa ~ Ch, of possible T origin,
Cum * boza ~ H boza [boza] dial, arch 'a kind of beer, alcoholic beverage' I MT boza
'a kind of beverage',
Cum * buzgan buz- 'to destroy' {with suff -gAn}) ~ H * buzgan > buzogany [buzogan] 'club, mace, reed-mace' I T * buzgan 'mace' < EOT,
Cum "cabak "capv- 'to move quickly' {with suff -gAk}) ~ csabak [cabak] 'a fish,
Leuciscus souffia agassizi' I EOT capak 'a small freshwater fish, the bream' < ? *capVgAk,
Cum "colak *colak) ~ H csolak 'squint-eyed, blind in one eye' I EOT "coluk 'with
one arm,
Cum * ceudur, * caiidiir, * cewdur ~ H * ceiidiir > csodor [cador] 'stallion' I MT cawdur
'stallion', of uncertain T origin,

11. Cum * daku (~

Mo daku) ~ H * daku
'raincoat', cf. Cum "[aku,

12. Cum *jaksr ~

H "[aksi



daku [daku] dial' a short fur coat'

daksi [daksi] dial 'excellent, worthless'


I EOT yaku
yaxsi good

13. Cum *kabak


H *kabak > kobak [kobak] 'gourd,

calabash, Lagenaria vulgaris, head, billy-cock-hat' IEOT kapok 'gourd, pumpkin' < kap
'container' {with suff +Ak},



"kap {with suff +Ak}) ~

Cum * kamci * kam- {with suff -1 and +c1}~ H kamci, kamii, kamzi kamcsi [kamci]
dial 'whip, lash' I EOT kamci 'whip' < * kamici < kam- 'to strike down, hit'

15. C~m ~.kanji'~a(~Mo

ganjufa) ~ H kand'ika > kand'rk > kangyik [kand'lk], kangyika

[kand ika] dial saddle strap I MT kanjuga 'saddle strap',
16. Cum * ka ramp il, karamfil (+-- Pe) ~ H * karampil > karambel [karambel] dial 'pin
several kinds of pink, Danthus, D. caryophyllus, several members of the car ophilla e .
I EOT karanfil 'clove',
17. Cu~ *k,ayta~

5< *ka~t-,{with

suff -(A)r}) ~ H kaytiir > kajtar [kaytar] dial 'do-le'

~o-httle , kaitar madar migrating bird, birds which come back e er
ar' lET kadit:
to turn back, return',

kiyts {with prefix and u s meg-, + V)", + V d- and

-ik-} > megkiytsesedik kijc [kiyts] 'felt' dial in megkijce
di [megkiytses dik] , 0
become felty (of the hair of dogs)' I EaT kidiz 'felt',
19. Cum "kobuz *kopuz) ~ H "kobuz > koboz [koboz] 'lute, cittem' I EaT kopuz '
stringed instrument',
18. Cum * kiyiz ---+ H * kiyiz

20. Cum * kolavuz ---+







> * kiyits >

H kalavuz

kalauz [kalauz] 'guide, pilot, conductor, ticket inspector'

and kaloz [kaloz] 'pirate' I EaT kolavuz, kulavuz 'guide' I Cf. Khwar xl'wr 'Fremdenfuhrer' (Benzing 1983: 671), DBulg 9th c. kolowr-os (Moravcsik 1958/2: 162),
Cum * kowaz kov- {with suff -(X)z}) ~ H kuwaz > kuvas > kuvasz [kuvas] 'a kind 0
dog, a Hungarian breed of sheepdog' I EaT kovuz 'chasing (a demonic stroke)' < kov'to follow, pursue, chase (also of a dog chasing game)',
Cum *kumandur (*kuman {with suff +dUr}) ~ H "kumandur > komondor [komondor] 'a kind of Hungarian sheepdog' IT *kumandur 'an ethnic name' < kuman 'Cuman',
not in the T sources,
Cum "kiidiigii ~ H "kudevii > "kiid'ei: > *kud'il > giigyii [gud'u] 'matchmaker' I EaT
Cum "munar mun- {with suff -(A)r}) ~ H "munar > miiniir > monar kod [rnonar
kod] dial 'dry summer fog, rainbow' I T munar id. < EaT bun-, mun- 'to be mentally
Cum * nogar (~ Mo noker) ~ H * noger > rioger > nyoger [rioger], ny6ger [rioger] 'the
name of a group of military people in Hungary, Cuman bodyguard of the Hungarian
king' I MT nogar < nokar 'comrade, member of the retinue of a military leader',
Cum "ontok un+tA- and -(O)k) ~ H ontok, ontog dial 'crumble of bread, morsel, a
small piece of bread' IT untak 'powder, groots, powdery grist',
Cum oziin ~ H "uzen > ozon [ozon] 'flood, deluge, stream' I EaT oz 'valley with river',
MT oziin 'brook, river',
Cum "sagim ~ H "sagum > szagom [sagorn] dial 'mirage' ( andoky 1993: 129) I MT
sakim id.,
Cum "sanduk (~Ar sandiic) ~ H szandok [sandok] in szandok-lada 'trou eau-box'
IT sandik 'chest, box',
Cum "sotjkur ~ H "sonkor > szongor [songor] arch 'a kind of falcon, Pielfalcus, Gyrfalco' I EaT sitjkur, surjkur 'the gerfalcon, Falco gyrfalco',
Cum * siitkiin, * siittdgiin * siit {with suff +gAn or +A-gAn or +IA-gAn} ~ cotkeny
[tsotken] 'a kind of wolf's milk, Easter flo er, Euphorbia' I EaT * sutgiin * siitiigiin,
* siitldgiin < siit.
Cum "tabur "tabgur < "tabkur ~ Mo dabkur) -+- H "tabur > tabor [tabor] , amp,
military camp' I MT tabur, of debated origin,
Cum "tezek -+- H tozek > tozeg [tozeg] 'peat, turf, dried dung' I EaT taziik 'animal
dung', MT 'dry dung',
Cum "toklu -+- H toklu> tokl'u> toklyo [tokyo] 'one year old lamb' lET tokli ' lamb
of few months old),
Cum * untak see Cum * ontok under 26.

i: 42



r not tr

t d a an ind p nd n


urn or W T * cdk
okz [., ok] dial 'f ast, christ ning fe, t (at bapn m)'
T * cok '(libati n) off ring',
um * kantarga ( Mo kantarga)
H kentreg, ee komodorog.


-. 'llk

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