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Take the basic project we worked on in class and complete the following features:
Add in switches for choosing and setting colors for the pen and fill. These colors should be passed to the object to
be drawn as we did with pre-set colors.
Add at least two more shapes to the menu. Each shape would be added to the original switch for the shape choices.
To add them you must do the following:
o Create a separate class similar to the Circle class we used. This class should have all of the functionality that was
imbedded in the Circle class. o Create the appropriate methods in the ShapeMaker class to gather information from
the user and to draw the shape.
public class CircleDraw { JFrame mainWindow; Container contentPane; public static void main(String[] args)
{ CircleDraw circle = new CircleDraw(); circle.start(); } public CircleDraw(){ mainWindow = new JFrame(Shape
Maker); mainWindow.setSize(500, 400); mainWindow.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
mainWindow.setVisible(true); contentPane = mainWindow.getContentPane();
contentPane.setBackground(Color.white); } public void start(){ int shape; //display menu of shapes //get users
choice //based on choice, call methods to get input about shape Circle circle = new Circle(); getCircleInfo(circle);
drawCircle(circle); } public void drawCircle(Circle c){ Graphics graphicsContent = contentPane.getGraphics();

c.draw(graphicsContent); } public void getCircleInfo(Circle c){ double radius =

Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(mainWindow, Enter the radius of your circle));
c.setRadius(radius); //display a menu for pen color //get user choice c.setPenColot(; //display menu for fill
color c.setFillColor(; int x = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(mainWindow, Enter upper left
x-coordinate)); c.setX(x); int y = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(mainWindow, Enter upper left ycoordinate)); c.setY(y); } } AND HERE IS THE CIRCLE CLASS: public class Circle { //data members private double
dblRadius; final public double PI = 3.142; private int xcoord, ycoord; Color penColor, fillColor; //constructor public
Circle(){ } public Circle(double radius){ setRadius(radius); penColor = Color.GREEN; fillColor = Color.ORANGE; //set
default locations xcoord = 0; ycoord = 0; } //other methods public double getArea(){ return PI * dblRadius *
dblRadius; //return PI * Math.pow(dblRadius, 2); } public double getCircumference(){ return 2 * PI * dblRadius; } public
void setRadius(double rad){ dblRadius = 0; if(rad > 0){ dblRadius = rad; } } public void setFillColor(Color fill){ fillColor
= fill; } public void setPenColot(Color pen){ penColor = pen; } public void setX(int x){ xcoord = 0; if(x>0){ xcoord =
x; } } public void setY(int y){ ycoord = 0; if (y>0){ ycoord = y; } } public void draw(Graphics g){ int width =
(int)dblRadius * 2; int height = (int)dblRadius * 2; g.setColor(penColor); g.drawOval(xcoord, ycoord, width, height);
g.setColor(fillColor); g.fillOval(xcoord, ycoord, width, height); g.dispose(); } }


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