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1-how many movements are there in a classical symphony:

4 movements

2-in a classical orchestra, which family of instruments serves the on symbols chord: strings
3-which of the following best describes the opening idea of Beethovens symphony no#5:
4 note motive (3 short, 1 long)
4-how many symphony did Beethoven write: 9
5-what did Beethoven suffer from: deaf or deafness
6-how did Haydens military symphony earned its nickname:
It uses percussion instruments associated with Turkish military music
7- Janissary bands are associated with what country: Turkey
8- Quickly ascending themes with a strong rhythmic drive. These are
known as:
Rocket themes
9- The third movement of a Classical symphony is most frequently in what
Minuit and trio form.
10-the faster and more humorous version is called what: scherzo trio
11-theme and variation form often utilize which of the following
compositional techniques: all the above

12-which of the following is not considered an multi movement cycle:

13-what is unique about Beethoven symphony no#5: the attaca
14-how many movements in a classical concerto: 3 movements
15-first movement of a classical concerto features a sonata-alegro form
with a:
Double exposition
16-classical music is characterized by what: singable, numerical
melodies, diatomic, homophonic texture
17-Classical period of music ranged from: 1750-1825
18-who is the librettist for Mozarts opera don guvane: Lorenzo depont
19-name the members of the Vietnamese school composers:
Beethoven, Hayden, Mozart, Schubert
20-what is unique about moonlight: first movement is slow, modified song
21-in the classical multi movement cycle, which movement is the slowest:
2nd movement.

22-a string quartet consist of what instruments: 2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello

23- Eine kleine Nachtmusik is what: a little night music
24-mozart died while composing: the requiem mass
25-which Vietnamese school composers rebilled against the patronage
system, struggled to receive financial independence: Mozart
26-Rondo: is a piece of music where the musical material stated at the
beginning of the piece keeps returning
27-sonata: a long piece of classical music that's usually made up of
several parts
28-requiem: mass for the dead
29-rounded binary: a music then b with a little bit a
30- Libretto: ????
31-theme: a musical idea that is used as a building block in the
construction of a composition
32-motive: a fragment of a theme
33-opera buffa: buffone charectar(buffone means idiot)
34-coda: the end of the sonata
35-cadenza: solo passage within the concerto

36-thematic development: the reworking or changing or altering theme

(same melody)
37-sequence: restating the motive in a different

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