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Tiltle of the play: A RAISIN IN THE SUN

Name of the Playwright: LORRAINE HANSBERRY
Background of the Playwright:
Playwright, author, activist. The granddaughter of a freed slave, and the youngest by seven
years of four children, Lorraine Vivian Hansberry 3rd was born on May 19, 1930, in Chicago,
Illinois. Hansberrys father was a successful real estate broker, and her mother was a
schoolteacher. Her parents contributed large sums of money to the NAACP and the Urban
League. In 1938, Hansberry's family moved to a white neighborhood and was violently
attacked by neighbors. They refused to move until a court ordered them to do so, and the
case made it to the Supreme Court as Hansberry v. Lee, ruling restrictive covenants illegal.
Hansberry broke her familys tradition of enrolling in Southern black colleges and instead
attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison. While at school, she changed her major
from painting to writing, and after two years decided to drop out and move to New York City.

Act. 1

Scene one: Friday morning

Scene two: The following morning

(Ruth comes in forlornly and pulls of her coat with dejection.Both

mama and Beneatha look at her.)

Ruth:Well, I guess everybody knows.

Beneatha:Ruth, you pregnant?
Mama:What! Lord have mercy,I hope its a girl.Travis should have a

(Beneatha and Ruth give her a hopeless look for this grandmother
Beneatha:How many months youre pregnancy is?
Ruth:Two months.
Beneatha:Did you mean to plan it? Or it was an accident?
Mama:Planning? What do you know about planning?

Ruth:Twenty years old she is,Lena.

Beneatha:Did you plan it Ruth?
Ruth:It doesnt matter, Mind your own business.
Beneatha:Its my part and Its my business. Where do you want him
to live ? On the rooftop?
(The three woman react on the sense of it) God I didnt mean that
ruth, Honest God, I dont feel like that at all. I I my God! I think it
is wonderful.
Beneatha:Indeed yes, really.
Mama: (Looking at ruth, Unhappy) Does the doctor say that youll be
Ruth: (Far way)Yes mama, She says everything is going to be
Mama: (Immediately suspicious) She What doctor you went to?
(Ruth folds over, hear hysteria)
Mama: (worriedly hovering over ruth):Ruth honey- Are you sick?
( Ruth has her fist clenched on her things and is fighting hard to put
an end to a screen that seems to be rising in her.)
Beneatha:Whats the matter with her mama?
Mama: (Working her fingers in Ruths shoulder to relax her)She will
be alright.Woman gets right depressed sometimes when they get
her way. (Speaking softly, expert and fast) Just relax there and
forget about it.
Ruth:Im okay.
(The eye with glass look melt and she fall down into a fit heavy
crying. The bell rings.)
(The front door opens slowly , disturbing him, and travis peeks his
head in, less than hopefully)
Travis: (To his mother): Mama I -.
Ruth: Mama I Youre going to get it, Travis ! Get in the bedroom,
get your self busy to ready.
Travis: But I .
Mama:Why all of you let the child explain ?
Ruth: Keep out of it, Lena.
(Mama hold her lips together , And Ruth advances toward her son
imminent harm.)

Ruth: How many time;s I told you not to go off like that
Mama(Embarassing her grandson.) Well, let me tell to him
something.I want Travis to hear it first. Come here Travis.
( The boy do what the mama says , gladly) Travis (She takes him
by the shoulder and look in to his face.) Do you know the money
we got in mail this morning?
Travis: Yes M--Mama:Well, what do you think your grandma done for that money ?
Travis: I dont know . Grandma.
Mama: (Putting her finger on his nose for attention) She went out
and bought you a house!
Travis: Oh mama Thank you Ive always wanted to live in a new
Mama: The other moneys will be put in the account and for
Beneathas medical schooling , Youll be the one to handle it.
Walter:You can trust me like that mama ?
Mama: I aint stop trusting you like I aint stop loving you.

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