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Sex trafficking

The term sex trafficking means the recruitment, harboring, transportation,

provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.
Domestic Servitude
A very common form of forced labor in the United States is the involuntary
servitude of domestic workers. This includes women and men who are held
captive and forced to work within a home environment as cooks, housekeepers or
nannies. Such an environment, which often socially isolates the victims, is
conducive to exploitation since authorities cannot inspect private property as
easily as they can inspect formal workplaces. Investigators and service providers
who uncover such cases report extremely high levels of untreated illnesses and
widespread sexual abuse.
Child soldiers. A notable subcategory of labor trafficking, child soldiering occurs
when a person under the age of 18 is made to be a combatant in a national army
or rebel militia. Examples include the so-called Invisible Children forced to fight
for the Lords Resistance Army, a rebel group originally from Uganda, or children
impressed into military service in Burma (Myanmar).
Child Labor
Globally 218 million children ages 5-17 are being exploited for the benefit of
others. As children are more easily manipulated and require fewer resources to
survive, the use of child labor has increased at the same time as poverty,
globalization, and the demand for cheap labor. Children may be abducted,
sacrificed for the betterment of the family as a whole, or promised an education
by their trafficker. They are trafficked into domestic work, sexual exploitation,
hazardous child labor, begging and other illegal activities such as stealing, illegal
adoption or early marriage.
child - A person under the age of 18.
TrafficRecruitment, transfer, transportation, receipt or harbouring, whether
byforce or not, by a third person or a group. Trafficking implies that someone
hasorganized the movement of a child with the immediate or ultimate aim of
thechilds exploitation. This could involve a transaction where someone
receivespayment or a benefit to agree to a child being exploited. An element
ofmovement within a country or across borders is needed in order to
distinguishtrafficking from other forms of slavery and slave like practices.
Traffickers All those who have contributed to the movement of the child
andknew that what they did was likely to lead to the exploitation of the
child.Recruiters, intermediaries, document providers, corrupt officials,
employers,exploiters and transporters are traffickers
Example of Child Trafficking
Cote dIvoire: (explain)
, dreamed of buying a bicycle. When a manhe had known for sometime told him
that he could work on a cocoa farmand make enough money for a bicycle, radio,

clothes and more, Ibrahimdid not suspect the man to be a trafficker. The man took
Ibrahim to CotedIvoire and sold him to a cocoa farmer. Ibrahim and other
trafficked boysworked long hours doing back-breaking and dangerous work
whilefarming cocoa and bananas. The farmer gave them little to eat, beat
themseverely and forbade them from leaving the farm. Ibrahim suffered inforced
labour for two years before he escaped and returned to Mali
Why do victims fall prey to the practice?
Poverty is one of the reasons which make the majority of children vulnerable totrafficking. There
are many cases where children are being sold in exchange for asum of money. However, it should
be mentioned that poverty is not the only reason for trafficking.
Unsafe migration
also affects trafficking. There is a demand for sex for the migrated labour and there are brothels
in the city which meets thisdemand for cheap sexual gratification. The cities have large brothel
areas and thedemand for children is very high in these cities.
political disturbance
makes children more vulnerable thanthey usually are. During the time of unrest, if the men are
away from home, itsthe women and children who suffer due to the lack of security. The
traffickerstake advantage of this vulnerability and may induce a woman or a desperatechild into
commercial sexual exploitation

Impacts of Child Trafficking (explain)

On Victims
Loss of support from the family and community
Loss of Proper Education
Obstacles in Physical Development
Psychological Traumas
Isolation of boycott from the society
Exploitation of child rights

On Society
Fuels organized crime
Deprives countries of human capital
Promotes social breakdown
Undermines public health
Subverts government authority
Imposes enormous economic cost
Motives behind the trafficking of children (explain)
The different forms of exploitation of the children who fall prey to trafficking are
guided by a wide range of motives of the traffickers as well as others who play apart
in this enterprise. The motives behind the trafficking of children are as follows,

Bonded labour, agricultural labour, domestic work, construction work, carpet

industry, garment industry, fish or shrimp export as well as other sites of work in the
formal and informal economy.
Begging, drug peddling, smuggling and organ trade.

Forced prostitution, socially and religiously sanctified forms of prostitution, sex

tourism and pornography.
Circus, beer bars, dance troupes and camel jockeys.
As child soldiers or combatants in armed conflicts, for marriage and adoption.

Common Work and Living Conditions: The Individual(s)

in Question (explain)
Is not free to leave or come and go as he/she wishes
Is under 18 and is providing commercial sex acts
Is in the commercial sex industry and has a pimp / manager
Is unpaid, paid very little, or paid only through tips
Works excessively long and/or unusual hours
Poor Physical Health
Lacks health care
Appears malnourished
Shows signs of physical and/or sexual abuse, physical
restraint, confinement, or torture
Lack of Control
Has few or no personal possessions
Is not in control of his/her own money, no financial records, or
bank account
Is not in control of his/her own identification documents (ID or
Is not allowed or able to speak for themselves (a third party
may insist on being present and/or translating)
What is being done to respond? (explain)
*services offered to victims of trafficking
-Case Management
-Legal Assistance
-Clinical Intervention
-Safe and appropriate housing
-Raise Public Awareness
*Increase awareness about trafficking

-Provide information about the TVPA and the protections

available for victims of trafficking.
*Coordinate response to Assist and Protect Victims of
-Assist with service provider and law enforcement
Offer comprehensive and specialized service provision for
victims of trafficking.

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