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Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita

Gender and society


This unit is the first one in the 3rd trimester. It has been designed in order to promote critical thinking when it comes to how
gender stereotypes are constructed and reinforced by society. It will be carried out with two groups at the same level (1st

Batxillerat A and B). Most of the students are preparing to take the FC exam this year so I predict that they will encounter no


major difficulties to keep up with the learning activities. Taking into account that not everyone has the same level, many of the
activities in the unit are meant to be done either in pairs or in groups so there is learning between equals.



1st Batxillerat




9 sessions


Communicative competence (linguistic and audiovisual): students read, write, listen and communicate in English. There are a

variety of activities which entail verbal interaction, descriptions and the organization of information. Texts also come in a variety of
formats, both on paper and digital. Students learn how to become competent communicators of coherent oral and written messages.
Students also learn how to use non verbal communication in order to transmit the message in an adequate manner. Students will
learn how to use language in a non-sexist way. This competence also implies training the students in media culture (audiovisual) in


order for them to complement linguistic communication with other strategies for non-linguistic communication when expressing
ideas, opinions experiences and feelings.

Information competence: Students will access information in order to gather, analyze and select the appropriate data needed to

carry out some activities as well as generate knowledge so as to be able to complete their final tasks (Opinion essay, Digital poster
and Oral Presentation).

Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita

Digital competence: Students will watch videos for didactic purposes. They will analyze how other have used technological

resources (PowerPoints, videos of oral presentations). Students will actively use digital tools in order to pass on knowledge and
express their opinions. They will record their oral presentation (final product) both in video and PowerPoint formats (and
synchronize the two formats) using Zeniting. The will create a digital poster (using Glogster) where they will add brief opinions on
certain matters discussed during class.

Research competence: Students will use their own criteria in order to choose a topic for their essay and their oral presentation.

They will be the ones to develop the tasks using their creative capacity. The fact that they can choose and research a topic
strengthens their autonomy. It is also a way of developing the spirit of creativity and research which mean: asking the proper
questions, make decisions, plan a methodology, act, draw conclusions and self-assess.

Personal and interpersonal competence: The learning activities create an environment of collaboration which facilitates not only

the understanding with others but also getting to know oneself. Students acquire flexibility (adapt to different situations), self-control,
creativity and the ability to mediate (through dialogue), but also express points of view without offending others. Through the selfassessment questionnaire at the end of the unit students will reflect upon the learning process but also upon ones level of
engagement and the quality of ones work during the unit (create an accurate image of oneself). Students develop the ability to listen
to others and learn from them, but also to accept other points of view different from their own.

Knowledge and interaction with the world competence: Students question how society works and what they could do to

change it for the better. By learning about gender-based stereotypes, students will know how to identify them in their daily lives.
They become responsible members of society, capable of analyzing social problems form a local and global point of view. Students
also become aware of the variety of perspectives and the necessity of dialogue in order to reach agreements. This competence is also
liked to recognizing the equality between men and women and avoiding all stereotypes and prejudices, which is also the topic of this

Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita

Plurilingual and intercultural competence: During the unit, through the learning activities students find out how people from
different countries view gender-based stereotypes). Students will watch videos, read and listen to peoples opinions (people from
Indonesia, USA, Chile, UK etc.) on aspects concerning gender.


Communicative competence
Oral competence
Interaction: Working in pars or groups during most of the learning activities.
Posing questions on sexism and listen to the answers.
Making a list of connectors. Playing Find someone who in order to revise connectors (at what they are used
for) and the parts of an opinion essay.
Describing/discussing sexist clothes for babies and teenagers. Creating a non-sexist t-shirt with a classmate.
Discussing with a partner the issue/existence of toys for boys and toys for girls.
Talking in groups about stereotypes about men in three commercials.
Discussing and deciding in groups, the characteristics of good oral presentations.
Discussing with a classmate the associations we make of certain jobs/objects/activities with either men or women.
Listening: Listen to the explanation/description that a classmate gives of sexist clothes.
Listen to people from other countries give their opinion on aspects concerning gender.
Listen to a young activist than made a toy company change the way they marketed toys.
Listen to a good oral presentation by Richard St John and identify characteristics.
Production: Oral presentation about a topic concerning gender.
Written competence
Reading: Reading a newspaper article about sexist comments made by a young boy in MasterChef Junior. Reading
a newspaper article about the death of DIY. Read an opinion article and the parts it should have.
Read examples of good/bad oral presentations.
Writing: the qualities of a good opinion article; the parts it should have; Writing an opinion essay. Write short
comments on different aspects concerning gender.
Audiovisual competence: communicate/share their opinions on different topics concerning gender with others through

Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita
the creation of a: digital poster (Glogster) and of an oral presentation with a PowerPoint (Zeniting)
Literary competence: watch videos from TV programmes/ series through a critical lens. Identify the resources used. Identify the
protagonists and which stereotypes are being perpetuated or discouraged through them.

At the end of this unit, students

will be able to:
- Write an opinion essay
- Deliver an oral presentation
- Reflect upon their participation


o Redactar un article dopini

Fomentar lutilitzaci de manera habitual de la
sobre un tema prxim als
llengua estrangera com a llengua vehicular a classe.
interessos dels estudiants
Participaci activa en converses reals cara a cara
relacionat amb la unitat, on
que abordin diverses situacions i temes rellevants
s'expliqui de manera ordenada
per a l'aprenent en aquest cas els estereotips i el
i coherent una opini amb
llenguatge/actituds sexistes.
correcci formal (ortogrfica i
Presa i cessi del torn de paraula de manera
morfosintctica) bsica.
apropiada durant les converses amb els companys i
(Instrument 1)
el professor
o Fer una breu presentaci orals
Comprovaci de la comprensi quan es troben
prviament preparada sobre un
dificultats en la conversa, i demanda i oferiment
tema relacionat amb la unitat
fent servir estratgies per captar
Participaci activa en discussions o debats orals
i mantenir l'atenci de
sobre el tema del sexisme a la societat, escoltant o
l'audincia. (Instrument 2)
llegint atentament, i expressant de manera breu la o Realitzar un pster digital
prpia opini.
utilitzant les opinions breus
escrites durant la unitat i
Comprensi de missatges orals, escrits i audiovisuals
Alt grau de comprensi del discurs propi de l'aula,
corregides per un company.
relacionat amb el tema. tant oral com per escrit:
Incloent a ms a ms imatges
instruccions per executar les tasques de classe,
i/o vdeos rellevants als temes.
organitzaci de la feina, explicacions del professorat
(Instrument 3).
i dels companys i companyes.
o Comprendre les idees


- Create a digital poster


Participaci en interaccions orals, escrites i audiovisuals



evaluate it.
- Have a critical attitude towards
gender stereotypes
- Recognize, reflect upon gender
issues and express an opinion

Opinion essay (35%)

Oral Presentation
Digital Poster Glogster
Participation and Class
engagement (Selfassessment) (15%)

Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita

Comprensi bsica de la funci i la intenci

discursiva principal de diferents documents orals i
Comprensi dels elements centrals de narracions,
explicacions i converses autntiques enregistrades en
udio o vdeo en condicions determinades:
situacions de la vida quotidiana, amb unes
condicions d'audibilitat i intelligibilitat favorables.
Identificaci de les idees principals i extracci
d'informaci especfica principal de varietat de tipus
de textos orals i escrits sobre el tema del sexisme en
la societat i els estereotips.
Inferncies a partir del context lingstic,
paralingstic i no lingstic, en textos orals i escrits
del mateix tema.
Iniciaci a la interpretaci de titulars de premsa
sobre notcies el tema de la unitat.
Producci de discursos orals, escrits i audiovisuals
(article dopini, pster digital incloent opinions
breus i presentaci oral duna tema relacionat amb
la unitat).
Descripci oral i escrita d objectes (roba per a nens
i adolescents amb missatges sexistes) amb una
finalitat comunicativa.
Exposici oral a l'entorn d'un tema interessant lligat
al tema de la unitat, prviament preparat, tot
explicant raonadament les opcions personals, amb el
suport d'elements visuals i/o d'un breu esquema.
(utilitzant PowerPoint)

principals i els detalls essencials

de converses, debats,
narracions o explicacions on
participen nadius i/o no nadius,
enregistrats, sempre que es
parli amb claredat i en varietats
estndard de la llengua.
(Instrument 4)
Prendre la paraula i cedir-la de
manera apropiada en converses
i debats. (Instrument 4)
Participar en converses i debats
de classe per intercanviar idees
i opinions sobre el tema de la
unitat, i arribar a acords
argumentant breument la
prpia opini. (Instrument 4)
Comprendre el sentit global de
notcies autntiques aparegudes
en premsa tradicional o
electrnica fent servir les
informacions que aporten els
elements textuals i icnics de la
notcia: titular, entradetes,
fotos. (Instrument 4)
Cooperar amb els companys en
la realitzaci de tasques
d'aprenentatge demostrant
capacitat d'organitzaci,

Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita

Argumentaci bsica de les idees prpies en debats

o discussions a l'aula.
Autoavaluaci de les prpies fortaleses, dificultats en
l'aprenentatge i competncies en llengua estrangera
assolides. Identificaci dels progressos i d'rees de
millora prioritries.

s efica de material de consulta tant per trobar

informaci (enciclopdies, revistes, llibres de
divulgaci, pgines web) com per millorar les
capacitats de comprensi i expressi (diccionaris).
Collaboraci per resoldre en equip tasques de tipus
cognoscitiu o social i autoavaluaci de la capacitat
per treballar en equip.
Planificaci i elaboraci individualment dun treball
sobre una rea cultural relacionada amb el tema de
la unitat. La recerca ha dimplicar la recollida,
processament i interpretaci de dades, i la
presentaci oral de resultats.
s de les eines TIC/TAC per a l'elaboraci i la
comunicaci del coneixement.
Respecte pels drets d'autoria i citaci de fonts segons
algun dels estndards acceptats per la comunitat

Sensibilitat envers les dificultats dels parlants

allctons quan parlen la prpia llengua.

responsabilitzaci, compartir la
informaci i valorar l`opini
de laltre. (Instrument 4)

Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita

Reflexi sobre les similituds i diferncies

significatives entre costums, comportaments,
actituds, valors o creences que prevalen entre
parlants de la llengua estrangera i de la prpia pel
que fa al tema de la unitat.
Valoraci de la llengua estrangera com a mitj de
comunicaci i entesa entre pobles, facilitador de
l'accs a altres cultures, a altres llenges i com a
enriquiment personal.
Reconeixement de la importncia de la llengua
estrangera com a mitj per accedir a coneixements
que resultin interessants per al futur personal
(formular opinions de manera correcta), acadmic
(fer presentacions oral ajudar als alumnes el seguen
curs quan hauran de presentar el TdR) i
professional (fer pster digitals, aprendre a utilitzar
correctament leina del PowerPoint) de l'alumne/a.



The unit is task-based since it focuses on the use of authentic language. In addition, students are asked to do
meaningful tasks using the target language. In real-life we have to give our opinion all the time. The purpose
of writing an opinion essay is to help students learn how to organize thoughts and ideas in a logical manner.
Nowadays, knowing how to deliver an oral presentation is a must. Nevertheless, this aspect is not worked
with enough in class (neither the speaking in front of an audience nor making slides). The purpose of the
presentation is to ask students to investigate an issue concerning gender and present the findings and/or a

Internet connection
Camera, microphone

Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita
proposal for change. It is a way of showing them how to do research but also to look at aspects in our
society critically. In my opinion, it will also help them in 2nd of Batxillerat when they will have to present
their TdR.
As for the digital poster, I was considering asking students to blog their opinions. However, since many of
the opinions are brief I thought that a Glog is more visual and they can be more creative and reflect their
The Warming-up activity is meant to motivate them into knowing what the unit is going to be about. It
creates a sense of mystery which they want to discover. The different activities are meant to develop critical
thinking as well as promote group work/debates. In order to complete some of the learning activities,
students have to cooperate and listen to opinions different from their own, aspects which they will have to
evaluate in the self-assessment questionnaire.

Activity 1:Warming up
Students can see the title and a Wordle with words that are related to the unit. Tell them to talk in pairs and find out what the unit
will be about. Give them some time than ask different pairs for an answer. Then make groups of 4 and give them an envelope with
definitions/synonyms and the words in the Wordle and tell them to match the definition with the word.

Activity 2:Opinion Essay

Tell students that they are going to read an opinion article. Ask them when do we do that (what is the aim). Tell them that the
opinion article has three parts, ask them to match the parts with the explanation, then watch a video where it is explained and see
if they were right.
Then, students have to read the article and identify the stance of the author. Students have to identify the main idea in each
paragraph. Show them the outline of an opinion article. Ask them to work in pairs and fill it out with ideas from the text.

Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita
Explain that an essay is improved when there are connectors. Ask them to find linkers in the text, then think of more expressions
they consider linkers. Divide the class in groups of 4 and give them an envelope with more linkers. Tell them to put the likers in
the correct category (they have a table with the categories).

Activity 3:Glogster
Let your students know that they will have to do a digital poster using Glogster. During the unit students have to give their opinion
on different topics concerning gender. These comments are peer-corrected and must be included in the poster.
Present to them and show them: how it works and some glogs as examples
They will have to take all the brief comments/opinions along the unit, which have been per-corrected, and put them together in a
poster. Explain that they should also include photos, videos, other opinions etc. to their poster to make it more original. As well as
other elements they may wish to add. Show them the rubric used to assess the poster and explain it in class.

Activity 4:Oral Presentation

Tell your students that apart from the opinion essay they will have to do an oral presentation. They can choose the topic as long as
it is related to gender (toys, clothes, stereotypes, how gender roles are learnt, sexist commercials etc.) The presentation will be
done using Zeniting. Explain how the program works and show them examples.
Ask them to work in groups of 4 and talk about the characteristics of good and bad oral presentations. Then, tell them to watch
two videos where there are examples of bad and good elements of oral presentations. Ask them to make a list of 10 aspects to take
into account when doing an oral presentation. From the most important (1) to the least important (10).
Then, tell them to consider PowerPoint presentations (slides). They have to work in groups of 4 and write down characteristics of
a good PowerPoint presentation. Then, they will analyze two PowerPoints in pairs, and decide which has the best quality and why.
They will then look at a PowerPoint with ideas for how to make quality slides. The students will them watch a presentation using
PowerPoint (Richard St Johns at TED) and tick what the speaker is doing. They will then make a list of bad and good things to do
when presenting. Finally, they will analyze the structure of an oral presentation by putting in order the key elements with their

Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita

Activity 5: Self-Assessment
Create an Exit Slip with envelopes for your students to self-assess. At the end of each session, tell students to write down:

What they learnt during that session in GOT IT

What they havent understood very well in GETTING IT

What they haven`t understood NEED MORE HELP

Gather all the papers at the end of each week. Clarify the doubts from the categories Getting it and Need more help.
At the end of the unit, pass a self-assessment questionnaire to your students.

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