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Management Information Systems



In the name of Allah the praiseworthy, the passionate whose blessings
made itpossible for us to complete this complex and painful task. It is a matter of
greatenthusiasm and pleasure for us to complete a report in its real sequence. It is
allbecause of Almighty Allahs great guidance that made us so able.We are
cordially thankful to our respected Teacher Mr. Muhammad Naseem Qaiser
who provided us an opportunity to prepare this Project report and
whoseb e n e v o l e n t g u i d a n c e i n d i s c o u r s e a n d c o n s t a n t e n c o u r a g e m e
n t h e l p e d u s t o complete this project.


Enabling people to advance with confidence and success

To make our customers prosper, our staff excel and

create value for shareholders



It is the prime Bank in country established in 1941 having aregistered head office in

Karachi. It was nationalized in 1974, butrecently on 26th February 2004 it has been

privatized byGovernment of Pakistan and is taken over by Aga Khan Fund forEconomic

Development (AKFED). They acquired 51 percent of sharesof HBL. It is one of the

largest Banks of Pakistan with 1439 branchesand having total assets of Rs.434,931,930,000.
HBL at its present state has a long and rich history of deeds
a n d sacrifices. All this has

b e e n p o s s i b l e o n t h e a c c o u n t o f s u s t a i n e d efforts. The first branch of HBL


functioning on 30th
August,1 9 4 1 a t M u h a m m a d A l i R o a d B o m b a y , w h e r e Q u a i d e - A z a m Muhammad Ali Jinnah first of all opened his personal
a c c o u n t . Mohammad Ali Habib

w a s a m a n o f s t e r n a n d p e r s i s t e n t w i l l . G o d . Almighty had bestowed him with extra

ordinary capabilities. He wasdevoted to his Bank with a view to take his share in the

uplift of thes t r i f e t o r n a n d d e v a s t a t e d M u s l i m c o m m u n i t y. A t t h e t i m e o f i t s inception,

the Bank's total paid up capital was Rs.2.5 million but it isevident from the following

data that the Bank experienced a steep rise in the business in a few years. In 1942, on
thedesire of Quaid-e-Azam, Habib family migrated to Pakistan and lateron shifted the

B a n k ' s H e a d O f f i c e f r o m B o m b a y t o K a r a c h i o n 7 t h August 1947 just one week

prior to

independence, to play its pivotalrole in the development of this newly born country.At

the time of independence, the areas, which now constitutePakistan, were producing only

agricultural products raw material forindo-Pak subcontinent. Partially no industries were

there to
processt h e r a w m a t e r i a l , t h e r e f o r e t h e r a w m a t e r i a l w a s e x p o r t e d f r o m P a k
istan.There were 19 non-Indian foreign Banks which
w e r e engaged in the export of crops from

Pakistan with only two PakistaniB a n k s i . e . H B L a n d t h e A u s t r a l i a B a n k . T h e

circumstances werec o m p l e t e l y u n - c e r t a i n . T h e c o n f i d e n c e o f t h e
p e o p l e h a d b e e n shaken

by the un-friendly environment and till the time peace hadnot been restored, people

would naturally have been interested inother things. The nation was quite young

extreme scarcity of resources and these definitely added to the difficulties of the govt.,
tor u n i t s o w n B a n k i n g s y s t e m i m m e d i a t e l y . F o l l o
w i n g t h e announcement of the

independence plan in June, 1947, the

Hindusr e s i d i n g i n t h e t e r r i t o r i e s n o w c o m p r i s i n g

P a k i s t a n s t a r t e d transferring their assets to India and vice versa. The Banks

includedthose having their registered offices in Pakistan, transferred them toIndia in order to

bring a total collapse of the new state. It had been decided that the Reserve Bank of
Indiawould continue to function in Pakistan so that the problem of demand
Management Information Systems


and time liabilities,

coinage, currencies, exchange rate etc be settledbetween India and Pakistan and the

Indian Notes would continue tobe legal tender in Pakistan till 30th September,

Again due
toc e r t a i n d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n I n d i a n P a k i s t a n , t h e I n d i a n G o v t . , with

P a k i s t a n ' s s h a r e o f R s . 7 5 c o r e i n f o r w a r d a n d s u b s c r i b e d heavily to the

Govt. of Pakistan

to the tide over the crises,

Paymentw a s m a d e t o t h e G o v t . , b y t h e B a n k a t a v e r y n o m i n a l

r a t e o f interest, even before the actual issue of securities.At a time when this newly born

country was at whirlwind of crises, it was HBL which fulfilled generously the financial

needs of allits sectors, paid salaries to the employees of all Govt. departments,helped in
establishment of State Bank of Pakistan, which the Quaid-e-Azam inaugurated on

July1s,1948. HBL after partition opened its branches throughout Pakistanto provide

finance and other facilities to the business community. Inassociation with HBL, the
Govt. sponsored Pakistan Finance Corporation Limited for financing of cotton.
TheBank helped handsomely in the construction of WARSAK DAM PROJECT,
WAPDA,& K.D.A. by provided finance and other facilities. Another innovation

introduced byHBL is the evening Banking cash long after the crossing of normal
Banking hours. Itwas also the first in making available such new facilities as Gift
Cheques, RupeeTravelers Cheques, Credit Card System, short term and long term
schemes for small businessmen.
Products & Services:
To d a y , H B L h a s m o r e t h a n 1 , 7 0 0 b r a n c h e s a l l o v e r Pa k i s t a n a n d
p r e s e n c e i n 2 6 countries across fi ve continents. With a revamped
customer oriented philosophy, weare pursuing new avenues of leadership
through innovation, as we gear up to face thechallenges of the new
millennium. Many of the banks schemes have gained national and
international as valuable contributors to field of banking.

Rupee traveler checque.

Evening Banking Service

School Banking

Mobile Banking

Computer Service

Credit Card Scheme

Computer Accounts

Life Insurance Savings

Deposit Growth Certificates

Deposit Growth Insurance

Scholarship Awards

Auto Cash Teller Machines

Owner Driver Taxi Finance

Gold Card Scheme

Monthly Investment Scheme



Information is the life blood of an organization. Managers depend uponaccurate acc
essible and useful information, this requires the information system to
beresponsive to their unique information needs, to empower them to think and
actstrategically ,develop effective plans, and make decisions that increase their own
andtheir organizations competitiveness.Today, largely through advances in
computer and communications technology,we are living at a time that many people
call the
information age.
One major
reasonour era is named so is because most working people today have jobs that are
information intensive. For example, jobs such as
teaching, accounting, retailing andmanaging
are all predominantly based on the handling of information. This
emphasisdiffers from that of the earlier decades, in which most jobs involved some
type of physical labor applied on farms andfactories.
Many people use theterms
synonymously. However theres a distinct and important
Management Information Systems

difference. Data refers to facts. When data is filtered through one

or more processors
sot h a t t h e y t a k e o n m e a n i n g a n d v a l u e t o p e r s o n t
h e y b e c o m e i n f o r m a t i o n , i t i s information rather than
data which people use to make decisions.
Data Processing-Information Cycle
Both computer and human mind act as processors that
select data and transform theminto meaningful information.
The data processing-information cycle

shown abovei l l u s t r a t e s th i s . S o m e o f t h e t y p e s o f
i n f o rm a t i o n t h a t m a y b e p ro v i d e d t o d e c i s i o n makers
after data are transformed into information by computers or some
other kind of processing. The format of the information
received is often dictated by the needs and preferences of
the decision makers.All programs on a computer system can
break down into two main categories:

Application software

System software
Application software
includes user-oriented programs. Application software includesthe
programs, software packages, and tools needed for such specific,
end-user-orientedtasks as billing, accounts receivable, word
processing, payroll, database management.Two main categories
of application software exist.
General-purpose application software
includes programs and packages that are beingused by workers
in the organizations subunits such as word processing
spreadsheets,database or fi le management, and
presentation graphics. These are more likely to be purchased
externally than developed internally by the organization.
Special-purpose application software
includes programs and packages that supportthe activities
of workers in a particular subunit. Accounting debiting and
creditinge n t r i e s , s o ft w a re s u s e d i n AT M s , a n d p a y ro l l
a re u s u a l l y c a l l e d S p e c i a l - p u r p o s e softwares as these
softwares have been developed for special purpose operations

andhave to be custom made according to the organizations

requirements. This kind of software is being used by a
limited number of users or subunits than are in
general- purpose applications.

What Is A Management Information System?

Management information system is said to be any system
that provides people witheither data or information relating to
an organizations operations. Information systems
support the activities of employees, owners, customers, and other
key people in
theo rg a n i z a t i o n s e n v i ro n m e n t e i t h e r b y e ff e c t i v e l y p r
o c e s s i n g d a t a t o a s s i s t w i t h transaction work load or by
effectively supplying information to authorized people in atimely
manner. For example, the transaction processing (data
processing) system usedto perform accounting and clerical
operations in a Bank or any other organization areinformation
systems. So, the systems that are used to generate periodic and
pre plannedreports which is called management reporting
system.Decision support systems, office information system/office
system,a n d k n o w l e d g e b a s e d s y s t e m s a r e a l s o v i e w
e d a s f a c e t s o f a n o r g a n i z a t i o n s information system, al
ong with inter organizational
electronic data inter change(EDI) system

that strategically link a firm to its customer and suppliers

Management Information Subsystems

Management Information System include many subsystems such

as DecisionSupport System, Transaction Processing System,
management reporting system, OfficeAutomation System,
Forecasting System etc however these will be discussed in
detaillater in the report. Many types of Information Systems are
being used in Habib Bank:

Transaction Processing System

Decision support system

Executive Support System

Management Reporting System

Intelligent Information System

Office Automation System

All of these systems have been linked through Multi-user
Online Banking (MOB).


T h e Tr a n s a c t i o n P r o c e s s i n g S y s t e m ( T P S ) s u p p o r t s
t h e d a i l y b u s i n e s s transactions for example in the
accounting department where the double entry system isused for
recording the daily transactions it will record all the entries

that have beencredited or debited during the day and

prepare the full report as well as inter relate these tasks and
other into an over all accounting system. This type of system
keeps the
organization running by automation the process of the large
amount of paper work thatmust be handled daily. Unlike the
other systems the Transaction Processing System (TPS) of
Habib Bank links together all of the branches of the country in
order to haveone database so that the Customer Information can
be accessed through all the branchesin the country. Basically the
TPS has more dealings with the accounting basically TPSdeals
with the accounting department of an organization. In HBL
it is used to recordwithdraws and deposits of customers. Some
of its functions are:

Records the transactions

Records the debit & credit

Tells the balance of customer

Gives the data about the customTPS makes day to day reports
e.g. it manages the double entry system. For
accountingdepartment two types of reports are generated in it.
Detailed Report:
It is a full and computerized report of the transaction passed for
the day. It records:

How much loan was given


Who was given the loan

Address and particulars

Summary Report:
At the end of the day their report will tell what has been
debated and what has been credited, in total amounts.
A management reporting system (MRS) is an informatio0n system
provides p re d e fi n e d t y p e s o f i n f o rm a t i o n t o m a n a g e m e n
t f o r re l a t i v e l y s t r u c t u re d t y p e s o f decisions. As opposed
to focusing purely on data and the effi cient processing of
(which characterize transaction processing systems),
management reporting systemsfocus on Information and,
occasionally, on effectiveness.It generates a summarized report
for reporting business updates to managementat higher level and
for their review. It generates report having:

Name of customer

His address

Limit of loan which bank can give

Approval authority of loan

Date of giving loan

The expiry of deadline

The securities that the bank held against the loan

A d e c i s i o n s u p p o r t s y s t e m ( D S S ) p ro v i d e s to o l s t h a t e n
a b l e m a n a g e r s t o develop information in the manner that best
suits the decisions they are currently tryingto make. Unlike the
MRS, which delivers specific types of information in a preplanedf o rm a t , t h e D S S p ro v i d e s t h e m a n a g e r w i t h t h e c
o m p u t i n g a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s capabilities to develop his or
her own decision models, databases, and report formats.Decision
support systems often also focus on such areas as fl exibility
in meeting avariety of continually changing needs.After getting
the data from TPS and MIS manager makes his decisions on its
basis.The manager can also forecast a future trend on the basis of
DSS. Present decisions are based on past data that is available in
the system.
An executive information system (EIS) - which is sometimes
referred to as anexecutive support system (ESS) - is a DSS that
is designed to meet the special needs of top-level managers.

Some people use the terms EIS and ESS interchangeably,

butothers do not. Any distinction between the two usually is
because executive supportsystems are likely to incorporate
additional capabilities such as electronic mail.

Because executives deal primarily with data about the external

environment anddata that come from informal sources, they are
usually less reliant in direct contact withinformation technology
than other types of managers. When information from
their companys computers is needed, many chief executive
officers make their subordinatesretrieve that information.
Because executive information needs are more
ambiguousthat those of other levels of Management, computers
have historically been less usefulto executives. Many
executives have little hands on experience with computers
andd o n t f u l l y a p p r e c i a t e h o w i n f o r m a t i o n t e c h n o l o
g y c a n i m p r o v e t h e i r p e r s o n a l productivity and decisio
n-making skills.ESS is for executives e.g., Retail
GeneralManager (RGM) b/c executives are non-technical people
so a very user friendly systemis made for them to make their
decision making process easy and feasibility, for
this purpose reports are generated to give easy access to
OAS is the use of computer systemstoexecutea variety of
offi ce operations,s u c h a s word processing , accounting,
and e-mail.Offi ce automation almost alwaysimplies
anetwork of computers with a variety of
available programs.Offi ce Automation has traditionally
referred to a wide variety of computer- based technologies
that make offi ce workers more productive. The diverse set

OAt o o l s t h a t e n h a n c e o ffi c e p r o d u c t i v i t y , e ffi c i e n c

y a n d e ff e c t i v e n e s s a r e o f t e n collectively called
information systems. Many office systems can also be classified
asdecision support systems or DSS tools (such
as spreadsheets), which can make offi ceworkers more
productive and also help managers make better decisions. The
blurry line between decision support systems and Office
Automation System should be expected because most
decisions makers work in some type of offi ce environment.
Another example of ambiguity, a database management
system that manages data for a fi rmmight also offer some
decision support. Some of the Office Automation Systems usedin
Habib Bank are:









Habib Bank has different banking sectors these include:

International Banking

Retail Banking



Global & Overseas bankingHow ever this report is going to focus on Retail
Banking of Habib Bank, however corporate Banking in which DSS and ESS is
used has also been discussed.

System Development Life CycleFeasibility report:

The MIS manager prepares the Feasibility Report to check cost
effectivenessand the required results of developing software.
Specification Requirement:
MIS manager sees what is required for making syst
e m i . e . , s t a ff , t i m e , programmers and programmers, PCs a
nd its peripherals. The previous system isanalyzed to check what
were the short comings due to which new software is required.
System Design:
At this stage no actual programming is done but you will
design the requiredfields i.e., what are the fields for which entry
of data is necessary e.g. name, address etcand then their queries
are designed, modules are formed, data entry forms are made.
Itis just paper work.
System Construction:
At this stage actual programming is done. A skeleton
of system is made and the programmer programmed the
software exactly up to therequirement of the MIS manager.
System Implementation
After testing and debugging, the system is implemented,when
MIS manager is fully satisfied.
Post Implementation Support and Testing:
The problems are reprogrammed again.
.The term used to describe this view of information is


ResourceManagement (IRM):
a concept that recognizes information as a key resource
thatshould (as should any vital resource) be properly
managed. Other fi elds also think of their assets in this way.
MIS is perceived as an area that can generate opportunities
or value for the organization, not mainly as a source of problems.
Because MIS is seen asa playing a pivotal role in the future
successes of IRM-oriented firms including Banks.The person in
charge of the MIS area is often found at the middle managerial
level. Inthis position the information system department
participates in strategic planning andother key decisions that
are made by the organizations top level managers.
The MIS personnel can or cannot be non IT persons. The
Information SystemManager is present in all department of the
bank. The Management Information System(MIS) Manager looks
after the I.T Staff and controls their operations, the planning and
implementation of System Development Life Cycle also is
done by the InformationS y s t e m M a n a g e r. Fo l l o w i n g a re
t h e j o b t i t l e s o f p e o p l e w h o i n t e r a c t d i re c t l y
w i t h managers and users and in general manage the whole
information system-althoughthese are not the only personnel
working the I.T Department, many other job titles may be found
within this area.
Computers Operations Personnel:
These are the people responsible for the day to day
operations of TransactionProcessing System s, management
reporting system, and all other shared multi-user computers.

Some of the job titles for the people in this category are the
Computer operations manager/System Manager:
The computer operations manager is in charge of the entire
activity.H e h a s t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f h i r i n g a n d a s s i g
n i n g w o r k t o t h e o t h e r o p e r a t i o n s personnel, he is
generally a supervisor, he also plans the installation and
removal of equipment with consent of the concerned
authorities, and generally all other tasks to ensure that data
get processed as efficiently as possible.
Computers operators:
They are in charge of running the equipment in the I.T
Department. Their job isto load disks and tapes, create backup
files and ensure their safe transport to the second branch of the
Bank; they also initiate solutions to equipment malfunctions and
similar functions.
Data Entry Personnel:
These are the people within the banks I.T Department who
enter data into themain computer system.
System Librarians:
They are responsible for managing data stored on such
media such as disks.Including among these are the backup
copies of important programs and data recordskept
pertaining to the daily transactions of the bank. Accounting data,
debit and creditentries, customer info etc.
System Analysts:

S y s t e m A n a l y s t s a re t h e t e c h n o l o g y p ro f e s s i o n a l s c h a r
g e d w i t h a n a l y z i n g , designing and implementing large
computer-based information systems. Because theyare the crucial
interface among users, upper management, and programmers,
they must be skilled in business, computers, and other
technology-based areas. They must also possess good
interpersonal communication skills as they are the one who
basicallyhave to communicate with the employees of the
organization and perceives whatever they may need in the
Information System that is being designed...
The computers professional who are specifically charged with
writing computer programmers are called programmers. Some of
the types of programmers, maintenance programmers, and
systems programmers.
Application Programmers:

Code applications programs-the software that serves the

direct needs off end-users. Generally it is the systems analyst
who initially specifies what programs neededmust do. Armed with
a set of formal-often technical-specifications from the analyst,
theapplications programmer then write programs from them.
System Programmers:

Code the systems software that controls the operation of

computer hardwareand makes it possible to run applications
MIS Management:

At t h e t o p o f t h e c o m p u t er h i e r a rc h y a re M I S
exe c u t i v e s . I n H a b i b B a n k Limited I.T Managers or I.T
Director is at top of the I.T Department Hierarchy. TheseMIS
executives oversee the full range of MIS-related activities,
TransactionPro c e s s i n g w h i c h tr a d i t i o n a l l y a c c o u n t s f o r th
e l a rg e s t s h a re o f t h e i n f o rm a t i o n processing- as well as
telecommunication, data administration, and end-user support.
Duties of MIS Personnel
They manage information inflow from start of any work to its final
destinationand scrutinize all the information.

They generate report for a top manager e.g. is target matched or


They securitize the systems that are already present for
the purpose of compliance of system in bank.

It is made on MIS. In it information about employe
e s , h i s s a l a r y allowances, deductions, provided fund, tax, net
and gross salary is recorded andis given to employees in printed


E-mail is used with URL i.e.,

Through PTCL lines.They dont use a secret net connection

because they dont have web-based server andthey use dial-up
The part that cannot not be seen or touched is called hardware. As the name
representshard means hard, so physical parts are called hardware. The term
hardware refers tomachinery. This category includes the computer itself, which is
often referred to as thecentral processing unit (CPU), and all of its support


Set of instructions given to the computer to solve a problemThe term software
refers to computer programs and the manuals that support them.Computer
programs are machine-readable instructions that direct the circuitry
the hardware parts of the CBIS to function in ways that produce
useful informationfrom data.
UNIX is being used as the main operating system in Habib
Bank according
tot h e m i t i s m o r e p o w e r f u l th a n W i n d o w s . H a v i n g
b u i l t - i n offi c e a n d e - m a i l (external & internal)
The main system used by the bank is called Multi-user Online
Banking (MOB).This is the main system through which all of the
branches of Habib Bank are linkedtogether. This system has many
sub systems of which the foremost and important isManagement
information system.Multi-user Online Banking (MOB) works in
aw a y t h a t f o r e x a m p l e i f c u s t o m e r o p e n s a n a c
c o u n t i n H a b i b B a n k o n c e t h a t information is fed into
the system then that information will become available to all
the braches of Habib Bank located in Pakistan. For instance if the
account has been openedin Islamabad the customer can deposit
and withdraw money from wherever in Pakistanfrom an on-line
branch, this is mainly possible through Multi-user Online
Banking(MOB).M u l t i - u s e r O n l i n e B a n k i n g ( M O B ) i s a
c u s t o m e r m a d e s o f t w a r e a n d t h e computer language
that has been used to develop is Common Business Ori
e n t e d Language (COBOL).The software of MOB has been kept
different from same type of software so as to prevent

unauthorized entry.Habib Bank used Kindle Banking Systemuntil

2001 in their Retail Banking sector.

Internet Server:
DL320G5 (Core 2Duo), 4GBRam, Raid 5 SAS 145GB HD x 3
Database Server:
HP DL380G5 (Dual Core), 4GB Ram,Raid 5 SAS 145GB HD x 3
Application Server:
DELL (Dual Core), 4GB Ram,Raid 5 SAS 145GB HD x 3
HBL uses following supporting software through them
are performing therework daily and that are:






Database administrators:
Database administrators are responsible for en
s u r i n g t h a t u s e r s a n d programmers have access to
the data that they need in order to make decisions or
runapplications and for integrity and security of the data in the

Database management system is a collection of software that has
been designedto provide a systematic and fl exible approach
to organizing and access to data thatcould possibly exist as
separate files in database management all of the Information
is p u t i n t o a c e n t r a l d a t a b a s e a n d o n l y o n e p ro g r a m o r
fi l e e n t r y i s re q u i re d . W h e n
a c u s t o m e r m a ke s a n e n q u i r y a l l th e c h e c k i n g , s a v i n g s
a n d l o a n d a t a a re i n s t a n t l y available.DBMS has not yet
been fully implemented in Habib Bank and will be usedwhen
web-access is made. It is used for references only and soft
copies are made for example a credit database may include:



approval authority of credit



sort of finance
Managerial decision making is likely to be more effective when managers
areable to quickly access the data they need on demand. Most of the other
databases datahas been stored on computer-files and databases. These databases

Customer/client databases

Employee databases

Accounting databases

Credit databasesD a t a h a s b e e n p h y s i c a l l y s t o r e d o n a v a r i e t y o f
m e d i a , i n c l u d i n g m a g n e t i c d i s k s , compact Discs and paper such as
business forms, memos and reports. However it has been experienced that
Computer based storage offers several advantages over paper based
storage, such as abilities to;

store data compactly and efficiently

quickly edit and modify stored data and make backup copies

In HABIB BANK all the data is directly stored in head office.

Information Technology department of HABIB BANK have a simple

databasestructure and use online processing/real time processing that transaction

S i mp l e a p p l i c a t i o n s o f t w a r e i s b e i n g u s i n g t o c o n t r o l , c r e a t e a n d
m a n a g e database..

File processing refers to an environment in which data is physically
organizedinto files (collection of related records). The file processing
environment is linked tothe specific application programs that are being
used in the organization. These dataand files are shared by many application
programs. Although file management is donemanually as files on the computer
cannot be manually signed, but files are also createdon computer for record and
references. Files made on FMBS include:
Basic borrowers fact sheet (personal & professional record)

Their Securities (legal documents are manually kept0

Correspondent Files

Credit Files & Legal Files


H a b i b b a n k u s e s a fi l e p ro c e s s i n g s y st e m w i t h
d i ff e re n t c u s t o m e r fi l e s f o r example: checking, savings
and loans. Often, customers call the bank questions
ons e v er a l o f t h e i r a c c o u n t s . S e r v i c e re p re s e n t a t i v e h a s
t o g o t h ro u g h t h e f o l l o w i n g procedure:

Enter the checking-account-balance program

Get the required checking Information

Leave program

Enter saving-account-balance program

Get the required saving Information and leave program

Enter loan-account-balance program

Get the required loan Information and leave program

Network Administrator
Telecommunications mangers and network managers/Netwo
rk Administratorsare responsible for meeting the
data communications needs of users in the organization.The
increasing trend toward networking and distributed
processing has increased thei m p o r t a n c e o f th e s e

p o s i t i o n s . A l l t h e w o r k s t a t i o n s w i th i n th e B a n k a re
c o n n e c t e d through Local Area Network (LAN).The bank has
b r a n c h e s a l l o v e r t h e country which have been linked through
Microwave or Phone lines, Satellites and mostof the connections
have been provided by PTCL.
Parallel.Microwave or Phone lines.VIA-satellite.
Model RA 46-40 (Red line)

Model S3000-S3500
Power cable:
PABX for VOIPFiber Cable
As we elaborate on Information System or Manag
e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n System (MIS) we will discuss the
many sub-systems that make up a ManagementInformation
System (MIS) these are:
Before any MIS is discussed here it is to be made clear that
computer is only
a part of Information System or Management Infor
m a t i o n S y s t e m ( M I S ) . T h e i n f o rm a t i o n s y s t e m m a y b e
c o m p u t e r b a s e d o r m a n u a l b o t h h a v e to b e t a ke n
i n t o account while discussing a Management Information System

HABIB BANK has online presence. We can get data from the web.
And alsodiscussed our problems through mail.
is HBL mailing site.U can easily communicate with HBL
management on website. & also submitted your Problems.
is hbl website.

Availability of DEBIT and CREDIT.

Cash withdrawal and deposit.

Transfer of funds.
There are mainly two persons involved in online transitions to make tem
successful.The initiator (transaction creator) and the supervisor (supervising the
transaction process).


Security is a very important part of an information System, every
organizationhas to protect its vital data from unauthorized access for this purpose
Habib Bank hasmany security policies, these are:

A password is assigned to the employees and there is limit t

o u s i n g t h e password for example an employee can issue up to a specific

In order to protect from any unauthorized access into the system, the
softwarethat is being hacked from outside and is said to be fool proof.

I n or d e r t o p r o t e c t t h e d a t a , b a c k u p s a r e u s e d , f o r b a c k u p H a b i b
B a n k u s e s floppies, every day backup is done and these floppies are
transported to thenearest branch to protect against any potential hazard
for example fire, arson,earthquake, theft etc,. After a week these
backup floppies are transported back to the branch.

Whenever checque has been cashed so the bank

c h e c k s t h e s i g n a t u re a n d amount of account holder.
Biometrics, where authorization of transactions is
b a s e d o n t h e s c a n n i n g o f a customer's fingerprint, iris,
face, etc. To maintain security HBL has a new technique of thumb
impression recognition.i.e, whenever customer wants to withdraw
fromAT M a t h u m b i m p r e s s i o n w i t h p e r s o n a l I D c a r d
o f c u s t o m e r i s n e e d e d t o b e i d e n t i fi e d . I f i t i s
matched with the database maintained by HBL in
Ka r a c h i h e a d office. And this can be verified within seconds to
facilitate their customers.

C h e q u e / C a s h Ac c e p t a n c e, w h e re t h e AT M a c c e p t s a n d r
e c o g i n s e c h e q u e s and/or currency without using envelopes

Bar code scanning

O n - d e m a n d p r i n t i n g o f " i t e m s o f v a l u e " ( s u ch a s m o v i e
t i c ke t s , Tr a v e l l e r s Cheques, etc.)

Dispensing additional media (such as phone cards)

Co-ordination of ATMs with mobile phones

Customer-specific advertising

Integration with non-banking equipment


Creating duplicate copies

Duplicate copies of all data are used and all original data are
placed at the website of HBL Ltd Palistan. There is such distance
between the original and duplicate data.

Contingency Plans
Contingent plans are used to protect the hardware data.If any
problemoccurs in the hardware system then there will be no
difficulty for the data. It means that protect data in the hardware

Storage Devices

Primary and Secondary storage devices are also used in the

process to protect and save the important information from loss
or misuse. Often the master file isstored on these devices while
the users are provided access to the duplicate file. Master file
containing the permanent information is updated during
processing by transaction data.
The External Storage devices that are used in the Department
a . R A I D
b.Hard Disk Moveable.
c . D V D s .
d . C D s .

Basis for Data Backup

Daily Basis.

Weekly Basis.

Monthly Basis.


HBL is clearly the first choice of every one who believes in

qualitativeapproach of banking an environment of highly responsible
people.Bank is enjoying a healthy

market share and taste of good status interms of its operative features
and customer

support. HBL is clearlythe best bank operating in Pakistan.Personal loan is

a distinguished feature of HBL experiencing agood reputation
and reasonable mark

up with respect to prevailingmarket mark up with assurance of satisfaction


support. HBL hasmore customers as compare to other banks, if they given

properattention to every customer then in few years it will be the
leadingbank of the


The management should try to decrease job insecurity among


Training program should be started for internees and newlyappointed


There should be transport facility for the employees.

The number of employees should be increased in order todecrease


The bank charges high service charges as compared to the otherbanks, so

these should be lowered down.

Surveys must be conducted regarding customer

satisfaction leveland all employees of this dept. should
look forward to gettingfeedback wheneverpossible.
IT Engineer:


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