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1) Do Faragers store food long term?
They dont store food long term, because they travel constantly and cannot hold into that
2) What is agriculture as compared to horticulture according to your text and my lecture?
Agriculture is a more complex operation. It uses strategies of cultivation, domesticated
animals, seeding and irrigation systems to preserve and maintain a productive soil, while
Horticulture uses rudimentary techniques like the slash and burn to balance the acidic
soil; the use of the soil is not continuous.
3) What is reciprocity and what are the three types??
Reciprocity is the exchange between social equals who are normally related by kinship,
marriage, or another closer personal tie. Its common in more egalitarian societies among
foragers, cultivators and pastoralists.
The three types of reciprocity are
Generalized, Balanced and Negative
4) What was the first subsistance statigy employed by humans?
Foraging was the first subsistence strategy employed by humans
5) What subsistence strategy is used by the Masai? What is their primary diet?
Maasai people use Pastoralism as a subsistence strategy and their primary diet is milk and
milk derivate products.
6) The Asante recognize inheritance through the mothers line, thus they are referred as
having what type of inhertance structure?
Asante inheritance through the mothers line is called Matrilineal.
7) What does avunculocal , neolocal, patrilocal, and matrilocal,mean?
Avunculocal: married couple moves with the maternal uncle.
Neolocal: married couple get a new place for themselves
Patrilocal: married couple moves with the husbands parents
Matrilocal: married couple moves with the wifes parents
8) What are the functions of the Kula Ring in Trobriand society? What type of exchange
is it?
9) The display of wealth for social prestige is refered to as?
Conspicuous consumption
10) What is the formal definition of marriage in anthropology?

No definition of marriage is broad enough to apply easily to all societies. It could be call
a contract.
Marriage is a union between a man and a women such that the children born to the
woman are recognized as legitimate offspring of both parents.
11) What is the difference between a household and a family?
Household is considered to be a house where one or more people share the housing unit.
Where family is consisted by people who are related by marriage, birth or adoption.
12)What is Polygyny , polyandry, poligamy?
Polygyny is a kind of Polygamy where a man has more than one wife.
Polyandry is a kind of Polygamy where a women has more than one huband.
Polygamy is a type of marriage that includes more than one partner.
13) Bride service is different that bridewealth in what ways?
Bride service is when the husband is required to work for the wifes father
Bridewealth is when the grooms family gives a payment or gifts to the wifes family.
14) What are the productive resources used by all societies?
15)What kinds of attributes might be interpreted as a symbolic indicators of social class?
Health, Tattoes or other body marks, well nourished, complete teeth, number of wives.
16) What types of things can be considered needs in a society?
Food and Water, everything else will be cultural and social needs. Like transportation
needs or religious artifacts.
17) Humans communicate in many ways besides the spoken word. These ways can
include such things as what?
Body language, Art, Facial Expressions, Adornments (clothing-accessories)
18)The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests what about the above relationship?
The hypotheis holds that the structure of a language affects the ways in which the
speakers conceptualize their worldview.
19)An important way in which comparative linguists draw conclusions about the
relatedness of two languages is through comparing what?
Core vocabulary, numbers 1 to 10 and body parts are compared between languages.
20) What are phonemes, morphemes, syntax and grammar? Are all of these universals in
They are all universals in culture and they are all basic units of grammar and language
21) What is the definition of language according to your book?
22) Why did linguistic anthropology emerge in the U.S.?
the need to preserve native American languages, that were thought endangered where the

government was paying for the head of a hunted native American.

23) What is exogamy and endogamy?
Exogamy is to marry out of your culture
Endogamy is to marry inside your culture (like the amish)
25) What is the goal of corperate farming?

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