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Eagles shed their feathers and grow new ones.

Dealing With Disappointment by Dr. Jim Strickhausen: First, we need to

recognize that disappointment is 'normal' in life. We all face it. No, it's not just
you! It's not just me! That's a relief? In fact, we're abnormal if we don't experience
it! (James1:2-4) Second, we need to recognize that we are in a spiritual battle.
The enemy will try to use disappointment to remove our motivation to achieve our
God given vision. He would twist the knife in our wounds to make us falter, fall,
and finally, to fail. But the devil is an illusionist! He's only as effective in his
manipulations as we allow him to be. We can resist and he will flee! (James 4:7)
For we do have the victory through Jesus! (Rev.12:10-12 ) Third, we need to to
share our disappointments with others we can trust. And they do exist! There are
ones in our lives who are prepared to stand with us through our troubles... for "a
rope of three strands is not easily broken," in the natural as well as the spiritual.
(Ecclesiastes 4:12)
Let yourself weep to the sound of beautiful, majestic, anointed music.
Let yourself laugh and shout at the sound of triumphant praise music.
Let yourself rejoice. Let yourself cry. Let yourself laugh. Let yourself dance. Let
yourself shout. Let yourself weep. Let yourself smile. Let yourself sing. Let
yourself worship before the Lord. Let yourself play in His presence.
One United States President said, "Some situations cannot be understood, they
simply must be decided upon."
War is the prerequisite for peace... whether it be spiritual peace, domestic peace,
or international peace. Peace has a price. Someone MUST contend for peace.
Someone must take a stand for it. Someone MUST defend it. Someone must
fight for it. And sometimes one MUST die for it, as Jesus did to obtain our peace
with God. All other utopian methods to ascertain peace are birthed of simple
naivety. Peace is NOT free. Ecclesiastes 3:8b KJV - "a time of war, and a time of
Jesus didn't try to look good; he WAS good! (Dr. Mike Murdock)
People who are trying to look good must manipulate every situation and forever

be conjuring up another clever way to make someone cooperate with them.

Charmers and Con Men are very Clever! Some are so charming that it throws up
red flags. Beware of too much charm... it may just be an overcompensation for
something that is missing on the inside of that person.
Beware of the Charm of Flattery.
Psalm 12:2 KJV - They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering
lips and with a double heart do they speak.
Psalm 12:3 KJV - The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that
speaketh proud things.
Flattery is a technique used by Charmers and Con Men to force your submission
to their wishes. The flattery feels so good for the moment that it causes you to
temporarily drop your defenses. Proverbs 7:21 KJV - With her much fair speech
she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.
There is a vast difference between "Coaxing" and "Coaching."
Beware of Smooth Words. Don't fall for Sweet-Talk. Be on guard against Slick
Those who butter you up may be preparing to eat you for lunch!
Proverbs 26:28 KJV - A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a
flattering mouth worketh ruin.
Charmers are masters at turning the tables to make anyone who finally figures
them out to look like the bad guys. They are also masters at explanations. "There
is an explanation for everything."
1Thessalonian 2:5 KJV - For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye
know, nor a cloke of covetousness; God is witness.

We don't have to be close friends with everyone who has offended us, but we DO
have to forgive them from our hearts in prayer to God, lest our hearts become
Its easier to establish a relationship with a straight-shooter than with someone
who is a wheedling sweet-talker.
Respect your pastor.
Respect your spouse.
Respect your parents.
Even respect your children.
Respect, not affection, is the foundation for every relationship.
I do not make decisions that will cause me to be loved. Rather I make the right
decisions... and that will usually cause others to respect me. They may dislike me
or hate me, love me or like me, but in either case they will respect me.
Disconnect from Disrespect!
No respect for me, no time for you!
Do not waste precious time and energy on someone who disrespects you.
You cannot prove your worthiness of respect; the other must discern it.
You will only possess what you deeply respect.

You cannot be flippant about anything you want in life; rather you must respect it
highly in order to obtain it.
Respect another's God-likeness.
Respect another's dignity and value.
Respect something and it will be magnetically drawn towards you.
Disrespect something and it will evade you at every turn.
Do you respect time?
Do you respect money?
Do you respect God's creation?
Do you respect opportunity?
Do you respect sleep?
Do you respect your body?
Do you respect real estate?
Do you respect the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Do you respect God's Promises in His Word?
Do you respect the subtle promptings and gentle nuances of the Holy Spirit?

Do you respect what your spouse has to say by listening intently?

Do you respect prayer?
Do you respect another's space?
Do you respect another's worth?
Do you respect your high calling?
Do you respect your unique anointing?
Do you respect the Lord?
Do you respect the final authority of God's Word?
Do you respect the power of the tithe?
Do you respect the potential of the offering?
Do you respect the principle of seedtime and harvest?
Do you respect God's Idea of the Local Church?
Do you respect the Glory that is released through Praise & Worship?
Do you respect your place in the body of Christ?
Do you respect another's place in the body of Christ?
Respect your husband's reputation by NEVER discussing his faults publicly.

Respect your wife by greeting her upon her entrance, and by acknowledging her
presence above all others. Stop all you are doing or discussing at the moment to
recognize & reward her for the high place she holds in your life.
Because of The Blood, I have INSTANT & CONSTANT ACCESS to the Throne of
God! Immediately and at all times I have the Father's undivided attention!
As I faithfully TITHE TODAY, the Holy Spirit is faithfully going into my
A Time of Waiting always follows a Time of Vision.
A Time of Harvesting always follows a Time of Waiting.
A Time of Testing always follows a Time of Harvesting.
But a Time of Resting always follows a Time of Testing.
Not every season of your life will be as fruitful as another. That's OK! The Bible
says, "he bringeth forth his fruit in season."
When the enemy of your soul challenges God's mandate on your life through the
struggles of life, just know that you are most likely DOING SOMETHING RIGHT!
Your steps of obedience and faith have drawn attention and are terrifying your
enemy. These momentary inconveniences and minor irritations, as the Apostle
Paul calls them, are mere proof of your forward progress! The circumstances that
Satan stirs up against you are his last ditch efforts to try to get you to back off
your stand for Christ. But when the dust has settled... you're still standing! Glory!
When someone "blesses you out," just know that God is blessing you into a
reward in heaven... if you respond appropriately.
To love someone is to warn them when necessary; even if your love for them in
this form is rejected, or your friendship is jeopardized as a result.

Leadership is a Two-Edged Sword: The same pastor who deeply blesses his
followers as he walks in the Spirit, can also devastate his followers if he walks
into sin.
If I am Abraham's Seed, and I am, then I am Abraham's Successful Seed! I am
Abraham's Wealthy Seed. I am Abraham's Healthy Seed. (Galatians 3:29)
Because I am Abraham's Seed, I'm destined to Succeed.
If God founded it, God will fund it.
The distinguishing mark of a Believer is NOT the absence of setbacks, but the
Someone has defined COURAGE in this manner: Courage is NOT the absence
of fear, but the presence of DESTINY.
Prosperity is NOT how much money or material possessions you have at any
given moment; rather it is a WAY OF THINKING, a WAY OF FEELING, and a

Walt Disney went bankrupt several times on the way to his dream.
Colonel Sanders was refused investment money hundreds of times before
someone gave him the money to market his fried chicken.
Babe Ruth was first known as the Strike-Out King. Only later was he to become
the Home-Run King.
Abraham Lincoln lost numerous elections for various public offices before being
elected President of the United States.
A man named Gaston Glock had a small time home operation making steel and
plastic parts for various purposes. Today the "Glock" is the best selling semiautomatic handgun in the world.

Thomas Edison, as I recall, tried 1000 different ways to create the light bulb
without success before he finally discovered the answer.

Mike Murdock says, "Failure is not an EVENT, but an attitude."

Someone else has said, "If you must fail, FAIL FORWARD!"
I'd rather FAIL trying to obey God and accomplish something great for Him than
to SUCCEED in staying in my safe little comfort zone! I would rather be like
Peter, who at Jesus' invitation, stepped out of the boat on top the water (and later
sank) than to be like the other 11 disciples who cowered within the safe confines
of the boat. Risking failure is the necessary prerequisite to success.
It's hard to obey God when you're pondering what others may think about you.
It's hard to do the right thing in your situation when you are worried about how
others will view your decision.
"We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29)
What really counts in life is not others' opinion of me, but God's opinion of me,
and how I feel about myself.
God NEVER misreads you. God completely UNDERSTANDS you.
Whenever the Spirit prompts me to do something or to give something, He is
simultaneously positioning me for a miraculous harvest.
Life Is A Set Of Loyalties.

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