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Total score: 17 out of 22, 77%

Question Feedback
Block 1: Question block
1 of 20
Certifications can be assigned based on which of the following criteria:
Job title in SAP
LDAP specific flag/attribute
Appraisal result
Location where you are mapped
QUEST Access Privilege

1 out of 1
2 of 20
Can you find an HSE event by its report number?

1 out of 1
Of course.
3 of 20
In the list below, select the best correct statement:
A- QUEST is the Schlumberger Reporting Web
B- QUEST is used to report questions
C- QUEST is the Quality, Safety and Environmental Tool
D- QUEST is the single QHSE data capture and reporting tool for
1 out of 1

Correct, that' the best answer.

4 of 20
Is it possible to find all HSE and SQ events for a particular country?

1 out of 1
Of course.
5 of 20
At a folder level in QUEST location tree:
A- Records (eg. RIR, meeting report etc) can be created
B- Reports cannot be run from reports menu
C- Records (eg. RIR, meeting report etc) cannot be created
D- Reports can be run from Reports menu

1 out of 1
Great job.
6 of 20
Can suggestion for local improvements of the Q&HSE be reported in QUEST?

1 out of 1
Well done.
7 of 20
If you want to change your default location from the QUEST menu, you can
"Reports" link
"My Preferences" link

The "Location" link

The "Menu" link

1 out of 1
Correct. Congratulations.
8 of 20
Users with Guest profile cannot create HSE or SQ event in QUEST, but they
can view the reports?

1 out of 1
Good job.
9 of 20
If you want to report an event for another location than your default location,
you should use:
The "Menu" link
The "Reports" link
"My Preferences" link
The "Location" link

0 out of 1
Sorry. That's not the correct answer.
10 of 20
You can download the QUEST offline wizard from:
(select the correct options)
(a) The "Help" Link

(b) The "Downloads" link

(c) The "Location" link
(d) The "Reports" Menu

1 out of 1

11 of 20
In the list below, select the correct statements about the QUEST rules:
All catastrophic, major and serious accidents must be reported in English
Avoid the use of people's names in the report description
The report must never be offensive
The report description must be objective
Remember that what you write can be read by all Schlumberger employees
It is allowed to use QUEST to ventilate frustration

1 out of 1
Great job.
12 of 20
Which types of training are available from "My Certifications" in QUEST?
Minimum training
Linguistic training
Function training
Generic training
Driving training

0 out of 1
Wrong; Minimum, Driving, Generic, Segment, Function, Local training are all
different types of certification monitored via QUEST
13 of 20
Can user with Basic User profile receive automatic email notifications?

1 out of 1
Of course. QUEST is an open system.
14 of 20

In the list below, select the correct statments:

A- QUEST project initiated to support deployment of QHSE programs
B- QUEST is the single QHSE data capture and reporting tool for
C- QUEST is not used by all Segments
D- QUEST is Web based to allow real time consolidation
E- QUEST can be accessed by all employees

0 out of 1
You made at least one mistake.
15 of 20
How do you access the QUEST Help?
From the Hub
From InTouch
From QUEST Reports
From the QUEST menu

1 out of 1
Correct. That's the answer.
16 of 20
Can a user with QUEST Guest profile update his own training record or those
of others?

1 out of 1
Well done.
17 of 20
It is not possible to find HSE and SQ events for a particular Segment?

1 out of 1
Well done.
18 of 20
Which ones of the following standards are supported by QUEST?
SLB QHSE S012 Contractor/Supplier Management
SLB QHSE S010 Management of Changes and Exemption
SLB QHSE S013 Mechanical Lifting
SLB QHSE S011, Employee and Asset Security

1 out of 1
19 of 20
Select the definitions that matches the links in the QUEST menu:
To display the status of your QHSE training
My Certifications
Search/Edit Entry

To find a record in the selected location

My Subscriptions

To create or edit subscriptions to receive emails

Create New Entry

To create a new record in the selected location

My Action Items

To display the list of assigned action items

1 out of 1
Very well done.
20 of 20
The "Reports" link allows:
A- To view the available reports in QUEST
B- To select the criteria for a given report
C- To select the level of the organization for which you want to run the
1 out of 1
Correct. That's the best answer.

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