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Malcolm X (50 Years After His Assassination)

Malcolm X was a strong hero for black human beings globally and for humanity in general. He was
very honest and courageous in standing up for freedom and justice. His story is a human story that
not only represented how evil economic exploitation is found in the ghettos of America. His story
showed the world that black people can rise up and fight oppression despite our socioeconomic
conditions. We are one people and nothing will turn us around. I wrote information about Malcolm
X back in 2005. Today, in 2015, we live in a new era of time. We see the rise of the Black Lives
Matter movement (I admire this movement and many people in that movement are advocating
solutions from promoting a living wage, ending the militarization of the local police, and ending the
War on Drugs. Courageous people in this movement are fighting for human rights and justice) and
we witness massive changes in the world society. Back in February of 1996, when I was in middle
school, I did a project on Malcolm X. Back then, I was 12 and I wouldn't be 13 until December of
1996, so I was born in 1983. Now, it is time to show more information about the late Brother. The
following information will show his words on a diversity of issues. Malcolm X was born in May 19,
1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. His parents were strong people. His father was named Earl Little and his
mother was Louise Little (who was from Grenada, so Malcolm X had some Caribbean heritage).
Both of his parents were followers of Marcus Garvey's movement. Earl Little was a tall man and he
was not afraid of confronting racism in public. Earl Little taught black people about black self-pride
and self-reliance (which were some of the major teachings of Marcus Garvey). You can't know
about Malcolm X without learning about Marcus Mosiah Garvey. Garvey's UNIA (or the United
Negro Improvement Association) movement was highly popular in the black community during the
early 20th century. Garvey wanted black Diasporic unity, so black people can be connected or
unified politically, socially, and economically with the Motherland of Africa. Garvey did not
complete his mission, because of U.S. government pressure and other reasons.

Earl Little preached the message of Garvey throughout his life. Earl Little's house was burned down
to the ground by white racists (on November 7, 1929), because Earl Little wanted black people to
have racial justice. He believed that black people should go to Africa, because America was cruel
and oppressive against black Americans. Malcolm X's father died at the hands of white racists. He
was assaulted and killed by being ran over by a trolley in the city of Lansing, Michigan (on
September 28, 1931). Malcolm X would never forget that moment ever in his life. Malcolm X's
mother became more stressed emotionally after her husband was murdered. The household soon
was in disarray. Bills piled up and his mother developed mental illness. Malcolm X's mother or
Louise Little was sent by the authorities into the State Mental Hospital at Kalamazoo, where she
remained for twenty-six years. Authorities split up Malcolm X (including his brothers and sisters)
into foster parents. Malcolm X was extremely intelligent when he was in junior high school. He was
once voted class President. He was popular, but he experienced racism not only from white
students, but from his own teacher. His own teacher told Malcolm X, who said that he wanted to be
a lawyer, that being a lawyer was: " realistic goal for a n____" Malcolm X soon dropped out of
high school and worked in various jobs across America. He especially loved Harlem, because of its
culture, its history, its people, and the freedom that it represented to him. He worked in trains and
saw America. He lived for a while in Boston with her half-sister named Mrs. Ella Collins. He had
numerous love affairs with women. Malcolm X was also involved in criminal activities and the
underground economy (involving drug smuggling, gambling, and prostitution). Malcolm X would
find unique ways to escape serving in the military during WWII.

He was desperate for survival, respect, and power. In the streets, his nickname was "Big Red." One
of his great friends was nicknamed "Shorty." His real name is Malcolm Jarvis. The Massachusetts
police caught Malcolm X and his friend in a robbery. Malcolm X was charged with grand larceny &
breaking and entering on January 1, 1946. Later, both of them would serve time in prison. Malcolm
X was at first very rebellious in prison against people. He once rejected any belief in God or
spirituality. He was once nicknamed "Satan" in prison for his anti-religious attitude. His conversion
to the religion of the Nation of Islam began when he was in prison. In fact, he was transferred to
numerous prisons where Malcolm X read not only the dictionary, but tons of other literature as
well. His brother Reginald introduced him to the teachings of the Nation of Islam in 1948. Malcolm
X believed that the Nation of Islam gave him the right discipline in his life as way for him to have the
knowledge of self, and strength. The Nation of Islam has similarities and differences with orthodox
Islam. Both creeds refused to allow its followers to eat pork or drink alcohol. Each had moral codes
in them. Both believed in the worship of Allah and viewed Jesus Christ as a great prophet (not the
Messiah or the Son of the living God).
Malcolm X's membership in the Nation of Islam
Yet, the Nation of Islam is more race-centered and followed a more Afrocentric cultural and
religious approach to matters than orthodox Islam. The Nation of Islam is, in essence, a separatist
movement. Its members want black people to form a separate, autonomous state as a goal. That is
why you hear its members talk about Nation building all of the time. Elijah Muhammad said that
Wallace Fard Muhammad founded the Nation of Islam and he is the Messenger of Wallace Fard
Muhammad. Wallace Fard Muhammad had a mysterious life. After Wallace Fard Muhammad
disappeared mysteriously, his disciple (Elijah Muhammad) took over the Nation of Islam. A lot of
views of the NOI are similar to the teachings of Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey. Elijah
Muhammad was a former Garveyite. In fact, Marcus Garvey supported Booker T. Washington
(who focused on the conservative philosophy of self-help, agricultural development, and economic
development). Washington and WEB DuBois disagreed on the methods on how the legitimate goal
of freedom, justice, and equality for all black people ought to be achieved. Washington was right
that there is nothing wrong with being upright morally & building industry in a positive direction.
WEB DuBois was right in saying that we must continue to struggle for political and social equality
without delay (beyond just forming some businesses. In other words, we have to develop a class
analysis. We must expose the fact about how the bourgeois has exploited the working class. The
working class must own the means of production in order for real economic justice to transpire.
Humanity must have human rights and economic rights).

There can be no worship of laissez faire capitalism. Eric Williams' "Capitalism and Slavery"
documents how white racists exploited black slaves as capital, which drove the trans-Atlantic slave
trade. In fact, there are more slaves sent to South America, Latin America, and the Caribbean than
sent into America. Afro-Brazilians today are the highest number of black people in the Americas.
Both Washington and DuBois agreed that education (I mean true education) was one vital action in
improving the lives of black people. Of course, I disagree with the Atlanta Compromise speech. We
must never accommodate to the system under the guises of "self-help" and "black capitalism."
Malcolm X left prison at August 1952. First, it is important to understand why the rise of the Nation
of Islam existed in the black community in the first place. Back during the early to mid-20th century,
black people nationwide experienced massive discrimination, racism, lynchings, and deprivation of
economic opportunities. Black people suffered outright terrorism back then and today. White
terrorists destroyed a prosperous, strong black community called Black Wall Street during 1921 in
Tulsa, Oklahoma. Nationalism, in many cases, existed in response to oppression against black
people. Nationalism is not monolithic. It can be used in a positive, progressive way to help
humanity. Also, nationalism can be used in a reactionary, regressive way which can harm the
human rights of people. Therefore, black people should control our own communities, yes. Yet,
that is not enough, because even a black bourgeoisie-controlled black community inside of a
reactionary and exploitative social and economic plus political system can’t provide full and
genuine freedom. The truth is that black people must not only fight to gain control of our
communities and our own lives, but we also have to change society as a whole, to reconstruct it
on a truly non-exploitative basis. We have to deal with the larger society and we have to
advocate a revolutionary change in the Earth (we want the system of white supremacy to end, so,
the entire human race can have justice).

Nationalism has been used by many as a defensive reaction against white racism. That is why the
Nation of Islam grew. Its focus on self-help, the love of black culture, the love of our black African
heritage, and moral improvement appealed to people. The NOI was one of the few alternatives that
Northern and Midwestern black people viewed as a means to help them. The anti-communist
paranoia of reactionary forces of the West harmed much of the progressive forces of America. The
McCarthyite era of the 1950’s caused Paul Robeson (whose ally was Sister Charlotta Bass. Her
passport was revoked too. She supported her own newspaper called “the California Eagle.”
Charlotta Bass supported the human rights for black people for years and decades), WEB DuBois,
and others to not only lose their passports, but to be slandered by extremists. Even in the North
(where formal segregation laws didn’t exist), black people were forced to live in segregated
neighborhoods with massive poverty, police brutality, and injustice. This situation allowed the
Nation of Islam to grow, especially after WWII. The NOI grew in Detroit, Chicago, New York,
Philadelphia, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Boston, Washington D.C, and in other places
throughout America. Under the leadership of Elijah Muhammad and the organizer Malcolm X, the
movement grew to about 100,000 people by 1961. After the assassination of Malcolm X, the Nation
declined in influence until the 1980’s when the Nation of Islam made a huge comeback. The 1995
Million Man March was formed with great influence from the NOI. Also, the NOI today is more
politically active (as compared to decades ago when the Nation of Islam was less involved in
political affairs). Even when Malcolm X was in the Nation of Islam, no one could refute his
arguments condemning racism in America, the hypocrisies found in American society, abhorring
police brutality, exposing imperialism, and exposing the corporate exploitation of the black
community. I agree with the NOI on some issues and I disagree with them on other issues.

There is no liberation in some token "black pro-capitalist" rhetoric when the working class and the
poor deserve economic justice. I reject anti-immigrant chauvinism or xenophobia. I oppose
misogyny. I don't believe in Islamophobia and I oppose anti-Semitism. Not to mention that I reject
blaming black people collectively for oppression (which has been done not only by white racists, but
by some black people). We will condemn not only Western imperialism, but we will condemn
slavery going on in Sudan and Mauritania. The current system can't be reformed. We need
revolutionary change.

Brother Malcolm X met Elijah Muhammad for the first time in person during the year of 1952 in
Chicago. Malcolm X became a strong spokesman of the Nation of Islam. The X as his surname
represents the unknown in mathematics. He used the X letter as way for him to signify that white
racists took black people's culture, names, religion, and land. So, X was used to repudiate that
imposed surname, which was imposed on his black ancestors by white slave-owners. His great
oratory ability and his charisma caused the NOI to increase its membership and power in leaps and
bounds. He helped to create the "Elijah Muhammad" Speaks newspaper. Malcolm X spoke
everywhere in the ghettos, in the universities, and he was involved in numerous debates. He loved
to debate people. He was debating scholars, civil rights activists, and other experts in sociology and
racial matters. Nation of Islam members (including Malcolm X) preached not only about the beauty
of blackness and the greatness of black history, which is true. They taught that white people are
"devils" sent to oppress black people and black people will have to form a separate nation in order
for liberation to exist for black people. Malcolm X later felt that the Nation of Islam should become
more involved in political engagements (not just in spiritual development) as a means for all black
people to be free. Today, the NOI is involved much more in political activism than back then.

One of the most heroically parts of Malcolm X’s life was about the Hinton Johnson incident. This
took place in 1957 in New York City (near the Nation of Islam’s Temple No. 7 or Masjid Malcolm
Shabazz today. Today, the masjid is disassociated from the NOI). Hinton Johnson (or Johnson X
Hinton) was a Nation of Islam member who was beaten by 2 New York City police officers. On April
26, 1957, Hinton Johnson and 2 other Nation of Islam members saw officers beat up an African
American man named Reece V. Poe with nightsticks. They tried to intervene to stop the brutality.
Hinton reportedly said to the officers that, “You’re not in Alabama. This is New York!” Later, one of
the officers beat Hinton Johnson so bad that he experienced brain contusions and subdural
hemorrhaging. All four African American men were arrested. A witness told Malcolm X about this
injustice and he came into action. He led a small group of NOI members to the police station (on
West 123rd Street on the 28th precinct). They demanded to see Johnson. The police lied and initially
denied that any Muslims were being held. When the crowd grew to about 500 people, then they
allowed Malcolm X to speak with Johnson. Afterwards, Malcolm X urged on arranging an ambulance
to take Johnson to Harlem Hospital. The protesters followed to the hospital too. Malcolm X and
some members of the Fruit of Islam walked 15 blocks to the hospital.
Johnson’s injuries were treated. After Poe’s injuries were treated, Poe was escorted to the NYPD
and Johnson (after he was in the hospital) later was escorted back to the precinct. When Malcolm X
returned to the police station, about four thousand people gathered outside. Malcolm X and an
attorney were in the station to create bail arrangements for two of the Muslims. Johnson wasn’t
bailed out immediately and the police said that he couldn’t go back to the hospital until his
arraignment the following day. On April 27, 1957, the Nation of Islam paid Hinton’s bail and he
when was escorted to Sydenham Hospital in Harlem. According to Peter Goldman’s biography of
Malcolm X, James Hicks spoke to Malcolm X in order for him to end the protest. Hicks was Malcolm
X’s friend and neighbor. Hicks was also managing editor of the New York Amsterdam News. The
protests against protest police brutality was on 123rd Street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues.
Thousands of people were there. Later, Malcolm X stepped outside the station and gave a hand
signal to the crowd. Nation of Islam members silently left. The crowd dispersed too. Deputy
Inspector McGowan of the NYPD was there. One police officer told the New York Amsterdam News:
"No one man should have that much power.” Within a month the New York City Police Department
arranged to keep Malcolm X under surveillance; it also made inquiries with authorities in other
cities in which he had lived, and prisons in which he had served time. A grand jury declined to indict
the officers who beat Johnson. On October 1957, Malcolm X sent a very critical telegram to the
police commissioner. Soon the police department assigned undercover officers to infiltrate the
Nation of Islam. Johnson X survived his injuries. He had many brain surgeries and lived with a metal
plate in his head.

Johnson X also sued the NYPD and an all-white jury awarded him $70,000 which was miraculous
back in the day. This was the largest police brutality settlement in New York City during that time.
So, this story proved that the vicious evil of police brutality has a long history in the black
community. Not only did Malcolm X saved the life of a black person, but the NYPD still wanted to
monitor him for unjustified reasons. Malcolm X continued to enact courageous actions after the
Hinton incident too. Malcolm X stood up to the NYPD and won a serious battle against racial

Warrior, inspirational person, and lover of justice all describe Sister Betty Shabbaz's beautiful qualities
accurately. She was her own woman and married one of the greatest black leaders in human history, who was
Malcolm X. She was raised in Detroit, Michigan. She experienced racism like her parents. Also, she was
resilient and fought for her human rights too. While she was in New York City, she worked as a nurse. So, she
greatly understood the complexities and the physiological parameters of the human body. After Malcolm X
gave a speech, she had dinner with Malcolm X being impressed by his leadership. After Malcolm X's tragic,
evil assassination in 1965, Betty Shabbaz was very heartbroken and she would be a Sunni Muslim. She
experienced nightmares. Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee helped Betty Shabbaz and her family (with six daughters)
too. That is why I give great honor to Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee since they were heroic social activists
throughout their lives. Subsequently, Betty Shabbaz worked with Black Panthers and other groups for social
change. She became a friend to Coretta Scott King and Myrlie Evers-Williams. All three women experienced
the loss of their husbands via assassination by evil people. She worked in education diligently and taught
students in a college. She volunteered constantly. Her legacy does revolve around volunteering and advancing
the same pristine goal of justice for everyone. She was just as much a warrior as Malcolm X was. We honor
her life by doing the work of helping others, standing up for our freedom, and living our lives in the righteous
way (in opposing injustice). She was our hero and our total inspiration.

Rest in Power Sister Betty Shabbaz

Bless Black Love
Betty Shabbaz saw Malcolm X speaking in a meeting. They later met formally in a dinner party. Each
person respected and loved each other a great deal. Betty Shabbaz was impressed with Malcolm X's
leadership and work ethic. They dated in museums, dinner parties, meetings, etc. Soon, they
married on January 14, 1958. The couple had six daughters. Their names were Attallah, who was
born in 1958 and she was named after Attila the Hun. Qubilah was born in 1960 and she was named
after Kublai Khan. Ilyasah was born in 1962 and she was named after Elijah Muhammad. Gamilah
Lumumba was born in 1964 and she named after Patrice Lumumba. The twins, Malikah and Malaak,
were born in 1965 after their father's assassination and they were named after him. The
mainstream media's "The Hate that Hate Produced" documentary presented the NOI to most of
American society for the first time in history. Louis Lomax and Mike Wallace were involved in the
documentary. That's an interesting title of that documentary since it was the racist hate from white
racists that oppressed black people for centuries. This documentary came about years after the
brutal murder of Emmitt Till. The evil murder of Emmitt Till inspired a new wave of civil rights
activists throughout America during the midst of the Cold War. So, the Nation of Islam's existence
was created in reaction to oppression. There is no justification for any form of racial hatred, but
we can never solve our problems without exposing the origins of our problems in the first place.

After 1959, Malcolm X's popularity grew all over the United States of America. Malcolm X spoke
with Fidel Castro (who was involved in the Cuban Revolution, which overthrew the reactionary
Batista regime. The Batista regime harmed the rights of the people and was funded by American
corporate interests) for thirty minutes at the Hotel Theresa in Harlem in September 21, 1960. He
also spoke in the area of Hotel Theresa to honor Kwame Nkrumah or the then President of Ghana
during the same year. In 1961, he (along with other NOI members) protested in front of the United
Nations over the death of Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of the Congo. Malcolm X was a good
friend of Brother Louis H. Michaux. Louis Michaux was an activist and he sold books on black history
and black culture in Harlem. Since Malcolm X was an avid reader, Louis Michaux would allow him to
read books for hours in Harlem, NYC. He supported Pan-Africanism too. “No Crystal Stair: A
Documentary Novel of the Life and Work of Lewis Michaux, Harlem Bookseller” (from 2012) is a
book, which was written by Vaunda Michaeaux Nelson. It outlines his life in great detail. Louis H.
Michaux passed away in 1976.

RIP Brother Ronald Stokes

There was the case of the evil death of Brother Ronald Stokes. Brother Ronald Stokes was a NOI
member who was killed unjustly by the LAPD in April 27, 1962. Stokes was a Korean War veteran.
Stokes was in a mosque expressing his religious liberty rights. The police stormed the mosque in
retaliation of the Muslims being acquitted over various charges. The police shot and killed Stokes
when his hands were up. Malcolm X wept over the death of Stokes since Stokes was a great friend
of Malcolm X when Malcolm X traveled into the West Coast. Malcolm X immediately gave a speech
in Los Angeles (in April 28, 1962 in the Abyssinian Baptist Church) to condemn police brutality,
racism, and injustice. In that speech, he made the accurate point that black people are not
oppressed because of their religion or their membership in organizations. We are oppressed by
racist terrorists, because WE ARE BLACK. Malcolm X wanted widespread demonstrations to fight
police brutality in Los Angeles. Elijah Muhammad called off these massive demonstrations. Malcolm
X disagreed with this action in private. More disagreements would cause Malcolm X to leave the
Nation of Islam. Also, it is important to show that the FBI illegally monitored Malcolm X and the
NOI all of the time. The FBI used divide and conquer strategies as a way for the feds to divide
Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad intentionally (so, the black liberation struggle can be
On July 22, 1962, Malcolm X spoke at a labor rally, which was held at 72nd Street and 3rd Avenue
in New York City. It was sponsored by the Committee for Justice to Hospital Workers. The rally
was for the Hospital Workers Local 1199. A. Philip Randolph was involved in the rally too. There
was a giant backdrop in the location reading the words: “"Negro and Puerto Rican Communities
Support 1199's Fight for Union Rights for Hospital Workers." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was not there,
but taped a message to the crowd. The rally was about promoting workers’ rights. After Malcolm X
gave his speech in NYC, the crowd (filled with Black people, Puerto Ricans, white people, etc.)
cheered wildly. The 1199 union was a very powerful union back then. He said in the speech the
following great words:

“…The hospital strikers have demonstrated that you don’t get a job done unless you show
the Man you’re not afraid to go to jail. If you’re not willing to pay that price, then you
don’t deserve the rewards or benefits that go along with it.”
Malcolm X's Message to the Grassroots speech in Detroit on November 10, 1963 outlined the
further description of his views while he was in the Nation of Islam. The speech was delivered in the
Northern Negro Grassroots Leadership Conference in King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit,
Michigan. Detroit is home to strong black people (then and now) and home to a strong black
nationalist community. In the speech, Malcolm X had shown the differences between a real Black
revolution and the fake “Negro” revolution. He called house Negroes those who loved the interests
of the white establishment and field Negroes as people who wanted real revolution so justice can
be established. He criticized the 1963 March on Washington as a carefully organized farce or circus
used to pacify the black community (since the March was aided by corporate dollars and corporate

The 1963 March on Washington has a long, extensive history. Such a march had been planned by
Black labor leader A. Philip Randolph back in 1941. He wanted jobs for African Americans and the
1941 march was cancelled when concessions came about for some African American workers. 22
years later, ironically A. Philip Randolph and the pacifist Bayard Rustin would help to organize the
1963 March on Washington. The Kennedy White House opposed such a march for political reasons
at first, but it existed anyway. The 1963 March on Washington had about 200,000 people present.
Even SNCC leader John Lewis had to tone down his speech. John Lewis cut portions of his speech
include the following words:
“…In good conscience, we cannot support wholeheartedly the administration's civil rights bill, for it
is too little and too late. There's not one thing in the bill that will protect our people from police
brutality…The revolution is at hand, and we must free ourselves of the chains of political and
economic slavery. The nonviolent revolution is saying, "We will not wait for the courts to act, for we
have been waiting for hundreds of years. We will not wait for the president, the Justice
Department, nor Congress, but we will take matters into our own hands and create a source of
power, outside of any national structure, that could and would assure us a victory….”

The March on Washington was multiracial. It included a combination of progressive working class
people, local activists, everyday citizens, and the more conservative/moderate parts of the civil
rights movement with groups like the Urban League & the NAACP (who were overtly anti-
communist during that time). Dr. King and the SCLC wanted to balance the conservative leaders
and the more militant young people including the workers. The militant people from SNCC, CORE,
and the workers drove the civil rights movement forward too. The March allowed the civil rights
leaders to assert their mass movement’s agenda nationally not just in the South. Additionally, the
role of women and socialists in the March must be described. It is sad and wrong that the 1963
March on Washington didn’t allow many official speakers at the March to be women. There were
female singers, actresses, and performers and that was great, but Jo Ann Robinson, Rosa Parks, Ella
Baker, Gloria Richardson, Diane Nash, Myrlie Evers (she was the widow of assassinated NAACP Field
Secretary Medgar Evers), and Fannie Lou Hamer (she and Baker were members of SNCC) didn’t
speak. Daisy Bates of the NAACP only spoke for just over one minute. We know that the Sisters
carried the movement. Women filled the pews at church rallies, they organized voter registration
drives, and they feed and housed young civil rights workers (who were black, white, etc.). Women
were just as brave as men in the civil rights struggle. Sexism, anti-communism (which even the AFL-
CIO adopted), and racism as found in mainstream society undercut class consciousness and harmed
many innocent people. Socialists like A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin, and others were involved in
establishing the March (socialist speaker Norman Thomas spoke there in 1963) as well.

Many people in the march sincerely voiced their economic demands for the working class African
Americans in America. We all remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous & extremely eloquent
“I Have a Dream Speech.” It is important to note that Dr. King’s speech in Washington discussed
about hope for the future, but it was also an indictment of American society for its brutality and
mistreatment against black Americans. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was clear in his “I Have a
Dream” speech that: “…It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note,
insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America
has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds…”
The historical fact is that the people in the March on Washington during 1963 sincerely wanted
jobs and freedom (so, society can exist where equality is made real for all people). Courageous
men, women, and children came from all over the nation to Washington, D.C. as a way to express
their grievances and to call for real justice.

Over 50 years later, we have an unfinished revolution to complete as human beings. The post racial
myth must be opposed and oppression is endemic in the structure of society too. The USA has more
police murders of people than any other industrialized nation on Earth. There are racial disparities
in poverty, health care, education, employment, and other things. Classism is still a problem (as
Wall Street have used privatization schemes to harm many communities in the world) that we must
confront as well. We want not only our voting rights protected nationally. We want quality housing,
adequate universal health care, quality schools, jobs, an end to racism & discrimination, an end to
police terrorism, and living wages. We don’t want drone attacks, state assassinations of American
citizens without due process of law, illegal spying on the population (and other police state
measures domestically), and the war on terror. Poverty must be eliminated if we are to be free. The
concepts of democracy and equality are aims that we still fight for today in 2015.
The Message to the Grassroots speech from Malcolm X showed the history of numerous
revolutions in the world. In the speech, Malcolm X said that:

“…The white man knows what a revolution is. He knows that the black revolution is world-wide
in scope and in nature. The black revolution is sweeping Asia, sweeping Africa, is rearing its
head in Latin America. The Cuban Revolution — that’s a revolution. They overturned the
system. Revolution is in Asia. Revolution is in Africa. And the white man is screaming because
he sees revolution in Latin America. How do you think he’ll react to you when you learn what a
real revolution is? You don’t know what a revolution is. If you did, you wouldn’t use that word.
A revolution is bloody. Revolution is hostile. Revolution knows no compromise. Revolution
overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way. And you, sitting around here like a knot
on the wall, saying, “I’m going to love these folks no matter how much they hate me.” No, you
need a revolution. Whoever heard of a revolution where they lock arms, as Reverend Cleage was
pointing out beautifully, singing “We Shall Overcome”? Just tell me. You don’t do that in a
revolution. You don’t do any singing; you’re too busy swinging. It’s based on land. A
revolutionary wants land so he can set up his own nation, an independent nation. These Negroes
aren’t asking for no nation. They’re trying to crawl back on the plantation…”
This speech was very important, because it was one of his last speeches while he was in the Nation
of Islam. Also, it dealt with political issues and it showed the uncompromising truths that some
were afraid of hearing, but nevertheless it had to be told.
The Beginning of the Split
Malcolm X said that after the Kennedy assassination that it was the case of the chickens coming
home to roost. Malcolm X's statements were misinterpreted. Malcolm X conveyed the point that
the climate of hate contributed to the dangerous atmosphere which caused the unfortunate
assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Malcolm X was never trying to intentionally slander JFK
or his family at all. Still, Malcolm X was suspended for 90 days by Elijah Muhammad. Later, he was
suspended indefinitely.
Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars of poverty are fought to map
- Brother Muhammad Ali
Malcolm X had many friends like Muhammad Ali. Each man has similarities. Both were members of
the Nation. Both were honest and both were unashamed of their black heritage. They spoke their
minds and they had great confidence. They first met as friends in 1962. Malcolm X would encourage
Muhammad Ali as a mentor and an advisor. He prayed for Muhammad Ali just before he fought
Sonny Liston the first time on February 25, 1964 (at the Miami Convention Center. Muhammad Ali
trained in Miami all of the time). Malcolm X was in the audience. Sonny Liston lost by the seventh
round. Muhammad Ali proclaimed himself as “the Greatest.” Muhammad Ali’s proclamations
inspired confidence and courage in black people. He won the world heavyweight championship at
age 22 and would become the greatest heavyweight boxer in history. Sam Cooke, Malcolm X, Jim
Brown, and Muhammad Ali were great friends and communicated with each other. One day after
the fight, Muhammad Ali said that he is now a member of the Nation of Islam. He once called
himself Cassius X and Elijah Muhammad later placed his new name Muhammad Ali upon him. As
the rift grew between Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X, Muhammad Ai choose to stick with Elijah
Muhammad (Muhammad Ali admitted later that this was a big mistake and he regretted shunning
Malcolm X. Muhammad Ali would courageously and rightfully oppose the unjust Vietnam War and
he spoke across the country). Muhammad Ali was a friend of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as well. Both
men would oppose the Vietnam War too. By 1975, Muhammad Ali would be part of Sunni Islam and
by 2005, Muhammad Ali became a Sufi Muslim. Muhammad Ali is a strong Black Man.
Malcolm X (under his suspension) could not preach in any Nation of Islam mosque and he could not
make statements on behalf of the NOI. Malcolm X was hurt and tried to get back and end the
suspension. He was unsuccessful. Therefore, on March 8, 1964, he publicly stated that he has left
the Nation of Islam officially. He wanted to use more independent action in getting racism
eradicated in the world. He had ideological disagreements with the Nation of Islam, because
Malcolm X believed that the Nation of Islam didn't go far enough in executing political, social action
which can cause liberation for black people. Also, Malcolm X found out about the allegations that
Elijah Muhammad committed adultery against his wife
and had many children (from sectaries and other NOI
women) who were not from his wife. Malcolm X in a
public interview said the following about this issue:
“…They're afraid that I will tell the real reason that
they've been -- that I'm out of the Black Muslim
movement, which I never told, I kept to myself. But the
real reason is that Elijah Muhammad, the head of the
movement, is the father of eight children by six different
teenaged girls, six different teenaged girls who were his
private personal secretaries." This greatly disturbed
Malcolm X, because the NOI in his mind should be an
excellent example of morality.

He founded Muslim Mosque Inc. which was an

independent Black Muslim organization. The MMI was A very true quotation
totally dedicated to the liberation and freedom of black from Brother
people. It was heavily religious. He also created the
OAAU or the Organization of Afro-American Unity. The Malcolm X
OAAU was secular in allowing any black person
(regardless of a black human being’s religious
background, nationality, or gender) to join. The OAAU
was dedicated to the freedom of black people too. The OAAU believed in pan-Africanism. Malcolm
X in his March 12, 1964 Declaration of Independence wanted to work with any legitimate
organization that wanted to fight for the liberation of black people:

"...I’m not out to fight other Negro leaders or organizations. We must find a common approach, a
common solution, to a common problem. As of this minute, I’ve forgotten everything bad that
the other leaders have said about me, and I pray they can also forget the many bad things I’ve
said about them. The problem facing our people here in America is bigger than all other personal
or organizational differences. Therefore, as leaders, we must stop worrying about the threat that
we seem to think we pose to each other’s personal prestige, and concentrate our united efforts
toward solving the unending hurt that is being done daily to our people here in America..."
From March 8, 1964 to May of 1964 was the transitional period of Malcolm X’s life. This period was
from his split from the Nation of Islam to a little after his famous Hajj. During this period, he further
developed his views. Malcolm X gave an interview about his views with A.B. Spellman on March 3,
1964. Malcolm X said that he wanted to think for himself and he did. When Malcolm X left the
Nation of Islam, many human beings left with them. Some of these people were James 67X
Shabbaz, Benjamin 2X Karin, and Charles 37X Kenyatta. They supported Malcolm X and protected

One of his greatest speeches that he ever gave was the “Ballet or the Bullet” speech. No one can
understand fully about Malcolm X without reading, listening, and comprehending what that speech
was talking about. Malcolm X stood up for human beings’ right of self-defense. As he said in March
12, 1964: "...Concerning nonviolence: it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is
the constant victim of brutal attacks. It is legal and lawful to own a shotgun or a rifle. We believe in
obeying the law..." He delivered The Ballot or the Bullet speech at the symposium sponsored by
CORE (or the Congress of Racial Equality. CORE at this time was more militant than the SCLC. CORE
became more conservative by the late 1960’s and in the 1970’s. For example, CORE leaders
supported the presidency of the reactionary Richard Nixon in 1968 and 1972, which was wrong).

Malcolm X’s “Ballot or the Bullet” was a historic speech, which took place on April 3, 1964 in
Cleveland. He also gave his later, definitive Ballot or the Bullet speech, which people know about,
on April 12, 1964 inside of King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan. That speech not
displayed black intellectual strength, but it advocated revolutionary political solutions. The ghetto is
a domestic colony and Malcolm X supported the interests of the oppressed courageously. Malcolm
X knew about the ghetto for real. The Ballot or the Bullet speech was heavily about the legitimate
promotion of political independence. He condemned not only liberal establishment figures, but the
Democratic Party itself, because the Democratic Party have executed racism against the black
community for a long time (Many people have to witness that George Wallace and other racists
were Democrats).

As Malcolm X said in the Ballot or the Bullet speech:

"...The Dixiecrats in Washington, D.C., control the key committees that run the government.
The only reason the Dixiecrats control these committees is because they have seniority.
The only reason they have seniority is because they come from states where Negroes can't
vote. This is not even a government that's based on democracy. lt. is not a government that
is made up of representatives of the people. Half of the people in the South can't even vote.
Eastland is not even supposed to be in Washington. Half of the senators and congressmen
who occupy these key positions in Washington, D.C., are there illegally, are there
unconstitutionally....When you expand the civil-rights struggle to the level of human rights,
you can then take the case of the black man in this country before the nations in the UN.
You can take it before the General Assembly. You can take Uncle Sam before a world
court. But the only level you can do it on is the level of human rights. Civil rights keeps you
under his restrictions, under his jurisdiction. Civil rights keeps you in his pocket. Civil rights
means you're asking Uncle Sam to treat you right. Human rights are something you were
born with. Human rights are your God-given rights. Human rights are the rights that are
recognized by all nations of this earth. And any time any one violates your human rights,
you can take them to the world court...."

Malcolm X wanted black people to display

a more united front to fight evil and
oppression. He admitted that he didn’t
see any American dream, but an American
nightmare. Malcolm X in his speech
condemned the token acts of both major
parties and wanted black people to
register as political Independents, so they
can vote for the best candidates. Malcolm
X was right to say in the Ballot or the
This is Harlem, NYC. It is important to Bullet speech that if the government
mention this since Malcolm X loved Harlem continued to refuse allow black Americans
and Harlem is one major cultural epicenter of to have full equality (as he eloquently
proved how the federal government
Black America. deprived black people of their human
rights in the Ballot or the Bullet), then
African Americans have every right to use self-defense by any means necessary to defend plus
protect their own communities. The Ballot or the Bullet speech endorsed Black Nationalism (or the
view that African Americans should use their own power to govern the affair of their own
communities). The speech wanted more political action. His April 8, 1964 speech called “The Black
Revolution” outlined his revolutionary views further. He said in the speech that: "...So today, when
the black man starts reaching out for what America says are his rights, the black man feels that he is
within his rights when he becomes the victim of brutality by those who are depriving him of his
right to do whatever is necessary to protect himself..." In the same speech, Malcolm X gave a
profound statement about what he wanted in April 8, 1964. He said the following words:

"....All of our people have the same goals, the same objective. That objective is freedom, justice,
and equality. All of us want recognition and respect as human beings. We don't want to be
integrationists. Nor do we want to be separationists. We want to be human beings. Integration is
only a method that is used by some groups to obtain freedom, justice, and equality and respect as
human beings. Separation is only a method that is used by other groups to obtain freedom, justice,
and equality or human dignity. Our people have made the mistake of confusing the methods with
the objectives. As long as we agree on objectives, we should never fall out with each other just
because we believe in different methods or tactics or strategy to reach a common objective. We
have to keep in mind at all times that we are not fighting for integration, nor we are fighting for
separation. We are fighting for recognition as human beings. We are fighting for the right to live as
free human beings in this society. In fact, we are actually fighting for rights that are even greater
than civil rights that is human rights..." The Black Revolution speech of April 1964 said that America
can have a chance to bring about to have a bloodless revolution.
The NOI files eviction proceedings against Malcolm X also in early April of 1964. He starts to further
travel internationally.

The Hajj
He travels under the name of Malik El-Shabbaz. By April 19, 1964, he traveled in to Mecca to have
his famous pilgrimage (which is a requirement of every Muslim to do if one is able). While in Mecca,
Malcolm X saw an unique brotherhood among people of different colors that he didn’t witness in
America. He gets a more progressive insight on racial matters. Malcolm X witnessed Muslims of all
colors worshiping Allah, working together, and respecting each other as one human family while he
was in the Hajj. He believed that the religion of Islam can contribute to end the antagonism that
exists among white Americans. Saudi Arabia’s Prince Faisal honored Malcolm X as a guest of the
state on April 21-30, 1964. Here is an excerpt from Malcolm X's letter from Mecca on April 20, 1964:

"...Never have I witnessed such sincere hospitality and overwhelming spirit of true brotherhood as
is practiced by people of all colors and races here in this Ancient Holy Land, the home of Abraham,
Muhammad and all the other Prophets of the Holy Scriptures. For the past week, I have been
utterly speechless and spellbound by the graciousness I see displayed all around me by people of all
colors. I have been blessed to visit the Holy City of Mecca. I have made my seven circuits around the
Ka'ba, led by a young Mutawaf named Muhammad. I drank water from the well of the Zam Zam. I
ran seven times back and forth between the hills of Mt. Al-Safa and Al-Marwah. I have prayed in the
ancient city of Mina, and I have prayed on Mt. Arafat.
There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world. They were of all colors, from
blue-eyed blonds to black-skinned Africans. But we were all participating in the same ritual,
displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in America had led me to believe
never could exist between the white and non-white.

America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the
race problem. Throughout my travels in the Muslim world, I have met, talked to, and even eaten
with people who in America would have been considered 'white'--but the 'white' attitude was
removed from their minds by the religion of Islam. I have never before seen sincere and true
brotherhood practiced by all colors together, irrespective of their color. You may be shocked by
these words coming from me. But on this pilgrimage, what I have seen, and experienced, has forced
me to re-arrange much of my thought-patterns previously held, and to toss aside some of my
previous conclusions. This was not too difficult for me. Despite my firm convictions, I have always
been a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new experience and new
knowledge unfolds it. I have always kept an open mind, which is necessary to the flexibility that
must go hand in hand with every form of intelligent search for truth.

During the past eleven days here in the Muslim world, I have eaten from the same plate, drunk
from the same glass, and slept in the same bed (or on the same rug)--while praying to the same
God--with fellow Muslims, whose eyes were the bluest of blue, whose hair was the blondest of
blond, and whose skin was the whitest of white. And in the words and in the actions in the deeds of
the 'white' Muslims, I felt the same sincerity that I felt among the black African Muslims of Nigeria,
Sudan, and Ghana.
Malcolm X on his visit to Saudi Arabia.

We were truly all the same (brothers)--because their belief in one God had removed the white from
their minds, the white from their behavior, and the white from their attitude.

I could see from this, that perhaps if white Americans could accept the Oneness of God, then
perhaps, too, they could accept in reality the Oneness of Man--and cease to measure, and hinder,
and harm others in terms of their 'differences' in color..."
“So the purpose of the Organization of Afro-American Unity is to unite everyone in
the Western Hemisphere of African descent into one united force. And then, once we
are united among ourselves in the Western Hemisphere, we will unite with our
brothers on the motherland, on the continent of Africa.”
-Malcolm X

The Later Events of Malcolm X's Life

From 1964 to 1965, Malcolm X developed both of his MMI and OAAU organizations. The MMI or
the Muslim Mosque Incorporated was purely religious and it was used to express Islamic expression
(outside of the framework of the Nation of Islam). The OAAU organization was a political group that
accepted black people who were religious, secular, etc. The OAAU stands for the Organization of
Afro-American Unity. The OAAU wanted to unify black people globally as a way for the black
community to have freedom, justice, and equality. Both the MMI and the OAAU were formed in
June of 1964. Malcolm X held a meeting in early June of 1964 among black activists and secularists
to finalize the development of the OAAU. In that meeting were Lynne Shifflett, the great historian
John Henrik Clarke, the photographer Robert Haggins, the novelist John Oliver Killens, and the
journalist Sylvester Leeks. In the meeting John Henrik Clarke wanted the name of the group to be
the OAAU, which was named after OAU (or the Organization of African Unity). Lynne Shifflett was
once the organizing secretary of the OAAU. Malcolm X had written the group's charter with John
Henrik Clarke, Albert Cleage, Jesse Gray, and Gloria Richardson, among others. Malcolm X publicly
stated the establishment of the Organization of Afro-American Unity on June 28, 1964.
At the heart of the OAAU was that it was a Black Nationalist organization whose goal was building
up the black community, having voter registration drives, setting up black enterprises, and allowing
black people to control their own community. There were many women who were allies or
supported the OAAU. One woman was Muriel Feelings, who met Malcolm X and Betty Shabbazz.
Another woman who worked in the OAAU was Alice Mitchell. Sister Muriel Feelings worked in
Africa and became an amazing author. These were strong black women. Also, one of Malcolm X’s
great friends was a Japanese American woman named Yuri Kochiyama. She was a human rights
activist. He talked with Malcolm X about the oppression that Japanese human beings have gone
through (from the internment camps to the evil droppings of the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki back in 1945). Later, Yuri became a member of the OAAU. Muriel Feelings and Yuri
Kochiyama were in the Audubon Ballroom when Brother Malcolm X was murdered. These strong,
brave women represented Malcolm X’s progressive attitude on women in general. Malcolm X
allowed many women have leadership positions in the OAAU, which some MMI members (whom
some embraced patriarchy) adamantly opposed.
Malcolm X had shown progressive insights on women as showing by his own words saying the
following in his November 1964 Paris interview:

“…One thing that I became aware of in my traveling recently through Africa and the Middle East;
in every country that you go to, usually the degree of progress can never be separated from the
woman. If you’re in a country that’s progressive, the woman is progressive. If you’re in a country
that reflect the consciousness toward the importance of education, it’s because the woman is
aware of the importance of education…So one of the things I became thoroughly convinced of in
my recent travels is the importance of giving freedom to the woman, giving her education, and
her the incentive to get out there and put that same spirit and understanding in her children.
And, I frankly, am proud of the contributions that our women have made in the struggle for
freedom and I’m one person who’s for giving them all the leeway possible because they’ve made a
greater contribution than many of us men.”

Peter Bailey is man who was a dedicated member of the OAAU too. Brother Peter Bailey viewed
Malcolm X as a great teacher. The OAAU and the MMI both wanted freedom for black people
despite their differences.

Malcolm X was still threatened by NOI members. On July of 1964, 4 men with knives approached
him in front of house as he steps into his car. He speaks in the 2nd OAAU rally in the same month.

Blood, sweat, and tears from Brothers and Sisters caused the Civil Rights Act to exist. The evil of
legalized apartheid, known as Jim Crow, was ended by the work of millions of African American
workers, the youth, the poor, and many people of many backgrounds. The civil rights struggle
represented an egalitarian impulse (which was against the white racist Southern aristocracy) where
people fought for the improvement of living standards and the expansion of democratic human
rights for all people. The Civil Rights Act (which banned racial segregation in public facilities, forbade
discrimination in hiring, and restrict unequal application of voter registration requirements) was
signed by President Lyndon Baines Johnson on July 2, 1964. From the moment when the law was
signed, the Republicans became the most racist and reactionary component of the American
political establishment. After the bill became law, racist violence swept the South. Legal apartheid
(or the system of white supremacy using segregation as a way to deprive black people of human
rights) being gone is great, but we still face economic oppression. Legal equality is not enough
when there is immense poverty in America and deindustrialization has crippled many cities of the
North including other regions of America for so long. Even Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. came about
with this conclusion by the late 1960’s. Racial oppression and class exploitation go hand in hand.
That is why people need not only political freedom, but economic justice as well.

The more times have changed, the more some things remain the same. Back then and today,
reactionaries like Rudy Giuliani (including his supporters in FOX News) distort crime statistics as a
means for them to demonize black people and they try to justify police violence in our
communities. 50 years ago, in Selma, the police used dogs including water cannons including billy
clubs on the protesters. Today, the cops have used sound weapons and tear gas on protesters in
Ferguson and all across America. Back then, many establishment figures supported the evil
bombing of the Congo (which was falsely classified by Western imperialists as “humanitarianism”).
Today, many deluded establishment people support massive bombings of sovereign territories in
the name of “democracy” and “humanitarianism.” Malcolm X had a very much honest appraisal of
the situation. Malcolm X said that the U.S. government (among all levels) failed the black people of
America by refusing to enforce anti-racist laws and outright oppressed the black community. This is
why Malcolm X wanted to promote human rights and take America to international court for its
violations of the human rights of black Americans. Malcolm X believed that freedom doesn’t have to
be enacted by proclamations from Congress or the President. Freedom should ours by birthright.
He’s right. We are free, because we are human. We exist, so no one should deprive us of our
freedom at all.

By July 6, 1964, using the name of Malik El-Shabazz, Malcolm X has a ticket to travel across the
Earth. He comes to Cairo via London by July 9th. He travels the world and won’t return into the USA
until November 24, 1964. This time is one of the most important parts of Malcolm X’s life. He comes
first into Cairo where he acts as a representative of the OAAU. He wants the humanity of 22 million
black people in America to be respected. He tours all over Africa beyond Egypt at September of

Malcolm X traveled overseas to meet with African heads of state to not only promote pan-African
unity. He wanted to gain their support, so America can be tried in international court for America
committing human rights abuses against African Americans. He met with Kwame Nkrumah of
Ghana and Nasser of Egypt as a way to defend the interests of the Third World. Malcolm X
supported the independent revolutions of Africa and the Third World as a means for human beings
to stand up to the Western, imperial hegemony. Malcolm X also meets with Che Guevara. As time
went on, Malcolm X spoke in more international terms. He said that black people are in an
international struggle for freedom in fighting for human rights. Malcolm X opposed imperialism and
he criticized capitalism by his own words. The Socialist Workers Party supported Malcolm X as well.
An African-American socialist named Clifton DeBerry was the 1964 Presidential candidate and he
was a member of the SWP (DeBerry introduced Malcolm X before he gave a speech in 1964).
Malcolm X was not a socialist, but he corresponded with socialists, he gave interviews for socialist
magazines, he was anti-capitalist, and he was very tolerant of diverse social & economic

We know that some NOI members threatened his life. Harassing phone calls from NOI members
were sent to him and to his wife. On July 9, 1964 Muhammad aide John Ali (suspected of being an
undercover FBI agent) referred to Malcolm X by saying, "Anyone who opposes the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad puts their life in jeopardy." Louis Farrakhan back then said that Malcolm X was a man
“worthy of death” (in the December 4, 1964 issue of Muhammad Speaks) because of Malcolm X’s
statements about Elijah Muhammad. Back during the 1960’s, Louis Farrakhan was known as Louis X.
He wrote a three part article in the newspaper “Muhammad Speaks” under the headline
“Malcolm’s Treachery, Defection.” The newspaper featured a cartoon of Malcolm X’ head bouncing
down the sidewalk to join other what the NOI deemed “traitors.” Also, the FBI and the CIA
monitored him worldwide illegally not just in the States. Malcolm X attends the second African
Summit Conference in Cairo in August 8, 1964. In the fall of 1964, Martin Luther King Jr., asked by
a reporter about Malcolm's break with the NOI, said, "I look forward to working with him."

On November 24, 1964, Malcolm X returned to the United States of America. During that time, he
spent a total of 25 weeks abroad during the year. During this time, LBJ was re-elected and there was
the U.S. government's intervention in the Congolese civil war (in trying to make the Congo a pro-
Western puppet state). In Malcolm X's December 12, 1964 (in the Audubon) mentioned that he
went to talk to African heads of State to get African support for his action of bringing attention to
the human rights of then 22 million African Americans. In the speech, he praised President Julius
Nyerere as well and he condemned the U.S. involvement in the Congolese civil war. Malcolm X by
late 1964 was a great friend of social activist Dick Gregory. Also, Malcolm X supported the efforts of
strong black women like Fannie Lou Hamer and Gloria Richardson (who fought for freedom in
Cambridge, Maryland).

The image to the left is from the September 1964 issue of Ebony.
It dramatized Malcolm X's defiance of these threats by publishing a
photograph of him holding an M1 carbine while peering out a window.
The image to the right is Malcolm X with others in Oxford, England
during December 5, 1964.
Malcolm X's views are furthered articulated when he speaks in Oxford University in England on
December 3, 1964. In that speech, he exposes the hypocrisy of American “democracy,” and he
endorses self-defense. He said that: “…extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in
the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” In the Oxford debate, he closed his remarks by saying the
following words:

“…The racialists never understands a peaceful language, the racialists never understands the
nonviolent language, the racialist has spoken his type of language to us for over four hundred
years. We have been the victim of his brutality, we are the ones who face his dogs, who tear the
flesh from our limbs, only because we want to enforce the Supreme Court decision. We are the
ones who have our skulls crushed, not by the Ku Klux Klan, but by policeman, all because we
want to enforce what they call the Supreme Court decision. We are the ones upon whom
waterhoses are turned on, practically so hard that it rips the clothes from our back, not men, but
the clothes from the backs of women and children, you’ve seen it yourself. All because we want
to enforce what they call the law. Well any time you live in a society supposedly and it doesn’t
enforce it’s own laws, because the color of a man’s skin happens to be wrong, then I say those
people are justified to resort to any means necessary to bring about justice where the
government can’t give them justice…And in my opinion, the young generation of whites, blacks,
browns, whatever else there is, you’re living at a time of extremism, a time of revolution, a time
when there’s got to be a change, people in power have misused it, and now there has to be a
change. And a better world has to be built and the only way it’s going to be built is with extreme
methods. And I, for one, will joint in with anyone—don’t care what color you are—as long as you
want to change this miserable condition that exists on this earth. Thank you…”

Malcolm X spoke in December of 1964 to support Fannie Lou Hammer and the Mississippi Freedom
Democratic Party. Malcolm X speaks at the Militant Labor Forum in his “Prospects for Freedom in
1965.” By January of 1965, Malcolm X’s views evolved rapidly. He was ideologically become more
progressive and he allowed women to have leadership positions in the OAAU. During the last
months of his life, Malcolm X was developing a revolutionary, anti-racist, pro-internationalist, and
anti-capitalist approach in fighting oppression. Malcolm X gave an interview to the Young Socialist
magazine. In the interview on January 18, 1965, Malcolm X criticized capitalism as a vulture-like
system and how it will fall inevitably. In the same interview, he wanted to encourage the youth to
fight for justice throughout the Earth as the youth readily have the revolutionary spirit. He planned
to send a petition to the United Nations as a way to make America accountable for its human rights
violations against black Americans. He not only criticized the Kennedy administration for its
response to the civil rights issue. He opposed Lyndon Johnson for his reformist rhetoric, his support
of the Western imperial bombings of the Congo, and for his advocacy of the Vietnam War.
On February 2, 1965, Malcolm X came into Selma to support the Selma voting rights movement. In
Selma, the DCVL, the SCLC, SNCC, and others were in a proletarian movement for voting rights.
Black people wanted their rights to be promoted, which we have every right to do. Many people
shed blood (which included both black and white human beings like Jimmie Lee Jackson, Rev. James
Reeb, Viola Liuzzo, etc.) in order for the Voting Rights to be signed and for human rights to be
advanced. Heroic workers, socialists, religious clergymen, religious clergywomen, political activists
(like Hosea Williams, James Forman, John Lewis, Annie Lee Copper, Amelia Boynton, Kwame Ture,
etc.), and a wide spectrum of human beings fought to give voting rights to black people. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. acted as a balance between the conservative leaders of the civil rights movement
(which included members of the NAACP, the Urban League, and some in the black church) and the
more militant people of the movement (which included SNCC, CORE, etc.) The police enacted police
brutality against innocent protesters on Bloody Sunday (during March 7, 1965), but that didn’t stop
the movement. The Selma movement persisted and County Sheriff Jim Clark was defeated. In the
midst of the Cold War and the U.S. imperial policies, the civil rights movement persisted. Marchers
traveled from Selma to Montgomery in advancing human rights. By March 25, 1965, the heroic
marchers reached Montgomery, Alabama. The Voting Rights Act was finally signed on August 6,
1965. The Selma movement represented the end of the early era of the civil rights movement. More
than 50 years later, we are still fighting for freedom, but we will always respect the sacrifice of our
forebears who stood up against white supremacist, Jim Crow oppression. Malcolm X said in Selma,
Alabama that:

“…I’d rather not say right now what I’m going to do. But I’m going to do, while I’m here, whatever
will produce some positive and constructive results. I might point out that I am 100 percent for any
effort put forth by Black people in this country to have access to the ballot. And I frankly believe that
since the ballot is our right, that we are within our right to use whatever means is necessary to secure
those rights. And I think that the people in this part of the world would do well to listen to Dr. Martin
Luther King and give him what he’s asking for, and give it to him fast, before some other factions
come along and try to do it another way. What he’s asking for is right. That’s the ballot. And if he
can’t get it the way he’s trying to get it, then it’s going to be gotten, one way or the other… I don’t
believe in any kind of nonviolence. I believe that it’s right to be nonviolent with people who are
nonviolent. But when you’re dealing with an enemy who doesn’t know what nonviolence is, as far as
I’m concerned you’re wasting your time…Whatever means will get results in Selma is the means that
should be used. Dr. King and his followers are very intelligently trying to impress the people of
this area that they should give the Black man the right to vote. Now, if the people in this area are
not intelligent enough themselves to recognize what they consider an intelligent approach, then I
think the intelligence of the Black people in this area will compel them to devise another method
that will get results….”

Malcolm X talked with Coretta Scott King (while Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is in jail) and Malcolm X
said in a speech (to allow of the youth as SNCC members were inspired by Malcolm X) if the federal
government won’t the stop the Klan than we (as black people) will stop the Klan. Malcolm X said
that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was right to fight for voting rights in Selma. Malcolm supported the
fight for voting rights in Selma, Alabama. He traveled there to meet with representatives of civil
rights groups to try to formulate a common strategy as the bloody confrontation--depicted in the
recent movie Selma--finally forced President Lyndon Johnson to begin to move on voting rights
legislation. Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King's wife, met with Malcolm while King was in jail.
"He wanted to present an alternative; that it might be easier for whites to accept Martin's proposals
after hearing him," Coretta King recalled. "He seemed sincere." Also, A book entitled, "February
1965: The Final Speeches" shows his comments that he said while he was in Smethwick, UK. During
that time, Malcolm X spoke up against the racism that black people and the Asian people
experienced decades ago in the UK. A lot of reactionaries in the UK back then were xenophobic too
as there was a black and an Asian immigrant population growing during that time period. Here is
one quote that Malcolm X said about Smethwick on February 12, 1965:

'I have come,' he told the press, 'because I am disturbed by reports that coloured people in
Smethwick are being treated badly. I have heard that they are being treated as the Jews were under
Hitler. If colored people continued to be oppressed, it will start off a bloody battle."'

On February 14, 1965, his house is firebombed. His wife and his daughters also survive the attack. It
happened in 2:46 am. He comes to Detroit to speak about it.
Here is the very strong, intelligent, and beautiful Sister Miriam Makeba.

Mungu ibariki Afrika

His speech after his house was bombed in Detroit would his one of his last public speeches. It was a
great speech and it showed what he was thinking at the time of his evil assassination. Here are
some great excerpts of that speech (which took place on February 14, 1965):

"...So we saw that the first thing to do was to unite our people, not only unite us internally, but we
have to be united with our brothers and sisters abroad. It was for that purpose that I spent five
months in the Middle East and Africa during the summer. The trip was very enlightening, inspiring,
and fruitful. I didn't go into any African country, or any country in the Middle East for that matter,
and run into any closed door, closed mind, or closed heart. I found a warm reception and an
amazingly deep interest and sympathy for the Black man in this country in regards to our struggle
for human rights. While I was traveling, I had a chance to speak in Cairo, or rather Alexandria, with
President [Gamal Abdel-]Nasser for about an hour and a half. He's a very brilliant man. And I can
see why they're so afraid of him, and they are afraid of him -- they know he can cut off their oil. And
actually the only thing power respects is power. Whenever you find a man who's in a position to
show power against power then that man is respected. But you can take a man who has power and
love him all the rest of your life, nonviolently and forgivingly and all the rest of those ofttime things,
and you won't get anything out of it.

So I also had a chance to speak to President [Julius K.] Nyerere in Tanganyika, which is now
Tanzania, and also [President Jomo] Kenyata -- I know that all of you know him. He was the head of
the Mau Mau, which really brought freedom to many of the African countries. This is true. The Mau
Mau played a major role in bringing about freedom for Kenya, and not only for Kenya but other
African countries. Because what the Mau Mau did frightened the white man so much in other
countries until he said, "Well I better get this thing straight before some of them pop up here." This
is good to study because you see what makes him react: Nothing loving makes him react, nothing
forgiving makes him react. The only time he reacts is when he knows you can hurt him, and when
you let him know you can hurt him he has to think two or three times before he tries to hurt you.
But if you're not going to do nothing but return that hurt with love -- why good night! He knows
you're out of your mind.

And also I had an opportunity to speak with President [Nnamdi] Azikiwe in Nigeria, President
[Kwame] Nkrumah in Ghana, and President Sekou Toure in Guinea. And in all of these people I
found nothing but warmth, friendship, sympathy, and a desire to help the Black man in this country
in fighting our problem. And we have a very complex problem..."

"...So before I get involved in anything nowadays, I have to straighten out my own position, which
is clear. I am not a racist in any form whatsoever. I don't believe in any form of racism. I don't
believe in any form of discrimination or segregation...But when you just judge a man because of
the color of his skin, then you're committing a crime, because that's the worst kind of judgment. If
you judged him just because he was a Jew, that's not as bad as judging him because he's Black.
Because a Jew can hide his religion. He can say he's something else -- and which a lot of them do
that, they say they're something else. But the Black man can't hide. When they start indicting us
because of our color that means we're indicted before we're born, which is the worst kind of crime
that can be committed...I say again that I'm not a racist, I don't believe in any form of segregation
or anything like that. I'm for the brotherhood of everybody, but I don't believe in forcing
brotherhood upon people who don't want it. Long as we practice brotherhood among ourselves,
and then others who want to practice brotherhood with us, we practice it with them also, we're
for that. But I don't think that we should run around trying to love somebody who doesn't love us.
Thank you..."

On February 20, 1965, Malcolm X had a telephone conversation with Alex Haley. Malcolm X told
Haley that, “…the more I keep thinking about this thing, the things that have been happening lately,
I'm not at all sure it's the Muslims. I know what they can do, and what they can't, and they can't do
some of the stuff recently going on. . . The more I keep thinking about what happened to me in
France, I think I'm going to quit saying it's the Muslims." Malcolm X was right. International
intelligence agencies were monitoring him as he was a threat to the establishment. Malcolm X
spoke more about international affairs and wanted liberation for humanity. While addressing an
OAAU rally at the Audubon Ballroom, Malcolm X is shot several times and murdered on February
21, 1965.
Many Photos of the Black Freedom Struggle

This was Malcolm X when he These are the women whose Claudia Jones, Paul Cicely Tyson and Rosa
was in Ghana during the year names are Fannie Lou Hamer, Robeson, an Amy Parks made history in
of 1964.He traveled the Victoria Jackson Gray, and Annie Ashwood were in many ways. Tyson is a
world to fight for justice Devine in Washington, D.C. in London to fight for legendary actress. Rosa
internationally. 1965. Fannie Lou Hamer ran for freedom and justice for Parks opposed Jim Crow,
Congress, opposed the Vietnam black people. Each of supported self-defense,
War, supported the Poor People’s them did amazing work respected Malcolm X,
Campaign, and supported farmers. and they were opposed apartheid,
She was a very inspirational hero. revolutionary heroes. disagreed with the
Vietnam War, and
endorsed social change
throughout her life.

These are great words from Sister Rosa Parks: “I have learned over the
years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing
what must be done does away with fear.”
— From “Quiet Strength:
Strength: the Faith, the Hope, and the Heart of a
Woman Who Changed a Nation”
The picture to the right was taken on February 21, 1965.

His Assassination
The revolutionary Malcolm X was killed on February 21, 1965 in Manhattan’s Audubon Ballroom.
He wanted to address the Organization of Afro-American Unity. The audience was about 400 people
and his wife including his children were present. Benjamin X introduced him. When Malcolm X got
on stage, he first said the Islamic greeting “As-Salamu Alaykum.” Then, one person said, “N____ Get
your hand outta my pocket!” Malcolm X and his bodyguard tried to end the disturbance and then a
man came forward and shot him once in the chest with a sawed off shotgun. Later, 2 other men
charge the stage and fired semi-automatic handguns at Malcolm X. The secret undercover agent
Gene Roberts tried to save Malcolm X’s life. Malcolm X’s wife protected her children and she was
crying. Malcolm X was pronounced dead at 3:30 pm., which was shortly after arriving at Columbia
Presbyterian Hospital. One gunman named Talmadge Hayer (who was a member of the Nation of
Islam during the time of the assassination) was beaten by the crowd before the police came about.
During this day, there were no cops unlike previous events. Witnesses have said that the person
who used the shotgun was a large Black man with a navy blue gray trench coat. People have said
that the man who shot the shotgun was William Bradley. Talmadge Hayer had said this too and
William Bradly recently via his lawyer has denied the allegations. One thing is true though. The
assassination of Malcolm X was a conspiracy and the U.S. government illegally monitored Malcolm
X’s activity domestically and internationally (via the NYPD, the CIA, and the FBI). In one document
that has since come to light, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover told the agency’s New York office to “do
something about Malcolm X.” FBI agents (who illegally monitored him) found Malcolm X to have
high character, strong morality, and a strong intellect. Malcolm X was an extremely upright man.

That is a fact and that has been documented by Karl Evanzz’s excellent book entitled, “The Judas
Factor” where he writes that John Ali (of the NOI) was an FBI informant. We know that Talmadge
Hayer was one gunman. In the beginning, Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X were tried and
convicted in March 1966. Later, Hayer issued a confession on 1977 and 1978. His confession has
been called the Hayer affidavits. The affidavits said that Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X
Johnson were not the assassins. Hayer said that the conspiracy involved members of the Nation of
Islam’s Newark, New Jersey, Temple Number 25 with people like Wilbur McKinley (who shouted
and threw a smoke bomb to create a diversion), William Bradley (he is Al-Mustafa Shabazz today.
He denies involvement in the evil assassination of Brother Malcolm X), Leon Davis, and Benjamin
Thomas. Leon Davis, according to Hayer fired his pistol at Malcolm X after the diversion. Benjamin
Thomas, according to Hayer, was involved in the conspiracy. Also, we can’t omit the role of the FBI,
the CIA, and the NYPD had in the oppression of Malcolm X either. The FBI and the CIA illegally
surveilled Malcolm X constantly. The CIA monitored Malcolm X’s meetings in Europe and Africa
including Asia where he met heads of State (and wanted to go into the Bandung Conference of
March 3, 1965. Malcolm X also wanted charges to be brought against America for its overt human
rights violations of African Americans at the UN and at the International Court of Justice at The
Hague. His petition was scheduled at The Hague on March 12, 1965).

The Judas Factor book documents how the FBI’s William C. Sullivan used BOSSI (or the New York
Police Bureau of Special Services) to infiltrate the OAAU via black American agents. BOSSI Director
Anthony Ulasewicz supported this action. The author Karl Evanzz used documents from the FBI,
books, and documents to show this research. Another author named Baba Zak Kondo also
documents that John Ali was most likely a FBI agent. It is no secret that the FBI’s COINTELPRO
operation wanted to neutralize Elijah Muhammad, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and any
revolutionary or black nationalist leader who could be a black Messiah (in galvanizing the masses of
black people in establishing real social change). There were diverse reactions to the assassination of
Malcolm X. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. sent a respectful telegram to Sister Betty Shabazz saying that
he was sad at the shocking and tragic assassination of Malcolm X.
These are heroic Sisters who stood up for humanity.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. mentioned that:

“…While we did not always see eye to eye on methods to solve the race problem, I always
had a deep affection for Malcolm and felt that he had a great ability to put his finger on the
existence and root of the problem. He was an eloquent spokesman for his point of view and
no one can honestly doubt that Malcolm had a great concern for the problems that we face
as a race…”

Elijah Muhammad in my view said disrespectful comments about Malcolm X even after he was
assassinated. Elijah Muhammad told the annual Savior’s Day convention on February 26 that, “
Malcolm X got just what he preached…We know such ignorant, foolish teachings would bring him to
his own end….” Elijah Muhammad said that Malcolm X preached violence when he did not.
Malcolm X preached self-defense and human freedom. The YouTube video entitled, “X: Malcolm’s
Final Years” showed a video of Elijah Muhammad saying that he believed that God himself had
something to do with the death of Malcolm X. That comment from him was disgraceful and evil.
Writer James Baldwin, who had been a friend of Malcolm X's, was in London when he heard the
news of the assassination. He responded with indignation towards the reporters interviewing him,
shouting, "You did it! It is because of you—the men that created this white supremacy—that this
man is dead. You are not guilty, but you did it.... Your mills, your cities, your rape of a continent
started all this." Many of the Western news media individuals were disrespectful to Malcolm X also
in response to his assassination. The New York Times wrote that Malcolm X was "an extraordinary
and twisted man" who "turn[ed] many true gifts to evil purpose" and that his life was "strangely
and pitifully wasted". TIME called him "an unashamed demagogue" whose "creed was violence."
TIME will also slander Dr. King after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would courageously oppose the
Vietnam War (which was done after his Riverside Church speech in April 4, 1967).

Outside of the U.S., and particularly in Africa, the press was sympathetic. The Daily Times of Nigeria
wrote that Malcolm X "will have a place in the palace of martyrs." The Ghanaian Times likened him
to John Brown and Patrice Lumumba, and counted him among "a host of Africans and Americans
who were martyred in freedom's cause". Guangming Daily, published in Beijing, stated that
"Malcolm was murdered because he fought for freedom and equal rights", while in Cuba, El Mundo
described the assassination as "another racist crime to eradicate by violence the struggle against
discrimination.” There must be the release of all government filed at it relates to the assassination
of Malcolm X. Decades have past and now is the time for this action to be done. The CIA and the
FBI are directly responsible for the events leading up to Malcolm X’s assassination. Elements of
the intelligence community hated Malcolm X and their crimes should not be omitted.

Let's clear up one thing too. Malcolm X was never evolving into a pro-liberal establishment, pro-
Democrat person. Malcolm X was a revolutionary and progressive black nationalist leader by the
time of his assassination. He was becoming more progressive and more internationalist. Malcolm X
criticized capitalism, imperialism, Zionism, and racism in uncompromising terms. Malcolm X would
never support the neocolonial, vicious, and murderous war on terror. Malcolm X would never
support the murders of Eric Garner, Aiyana Jones, and other innocent, unarmed Brothers and
Sisters. Malcolm X would reject neoliberalism and the corporate two party system today. Malcolm X
was a man. He was a man who believed in justice. There must be an independent investigation of
the assassination of Malcolm X.

The Funeral
There was the public viewing of Malcolm X from February 23-26, 1965 at Unity Funeral Home in
Harlem. It was attended by from 14,000 to 30,000 mourners. Malcolm X always loved Harlem and
Harlem loved Malcolm X as well. The funeral took place on February 27, 1965. There were
loudspeakers set up for the overflowing crowd outside of Harlem’s thousand seat Faith Temple of
the Church of God in Christ. A local television station carried the service live. There were many
people who attended the funeral including members of the civil rights movement. These people
were John Lewis, Bayard Rustin (that’s ironic since Rustin was one of his greatest ideological critics),
James Forman, James Farmer, Jesse Gray, and Andrew Young. The actor and human rights activist
himself Ossie Davis gave a stirring, great, and eloquent who delivered a great eulogy. His eulogy
personified the truth that Malcolm X was our shining black prince and he was our living black
manhood. Malcolm X was buried at Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, New York. Friends used the
gravediggers’ shovels to complete the burial themselves out of respect for Brother Malcolm X.

Ossie Davis’ historic and excellent eulogy of Brother Malcolm X includes the following:

“Here – at this final hour, in this quiet place – Harlem has come to bid farewell to one of
its brightest hopes -extinguished now, and gone from us forever. For Harlem is where he
worked and where he struggled and fought – his home of homes, where his heart was, and
where his people are – and it is, therefore, most fitting that we meet once again – in
Harlem – to share these last moments with him. For Harlem has ever been gracious to
those who have loved her, have fought her, and have defended her honor even to the
It is not in the memory of man that this beleaguered, unfortunate, but nonetheless proud
community has found a braver, more gallant young champion than this Afro-American who
lies before us – unconquered still. I say the word again, as he would want me to : Afro-
American – Afro-American Malcolm, who was a master, was most meticulous in his use of
words. Nobody knew better than he the power words have over minds of men. Malcolm
had stopped being a ‘Negro’ years ago. It had become too small, too puny, too weak a
word for him. Malcolm was bigger than that. Malcolm had become an Afro-American and
he wanted – so desperately – that we, that all his people, would become Afro-Americans
too. There are those who will consider it their duty, as friends of the Negro people, to
tell us to revile him, to flee, even from the presence of his memory, to save ourselves by
writing him out of the history of our turbulent times. Many will ask what Harlem finds to
honor in this stormy, controversial and bold young captain – and we will smile. Many will
say turn away – away from this man, for he is not a man but a demon, a monster, a
subverter and an enemy of the black man – and we will smile. They will say that he is of
hate – a fanatic, a racist – who can only bring evil to the cause for which you struggle!
And we will answer and say to them : Did you ever talk to Brother Malcolm? Did you ever
touch him, or have him smile at you? Did you ever really listen to him? Did he ever do a
mean thing? Was he ever himself associated with violence or any public disturbance? For
if you did you would know him. And if you knew him you would know why we must honor
Malcolm was our manhood, our living, black manhood! This was his meaning to his people.
And, in honoring him, we honor the best in ourselves. Last year, from Africa, he wrote
these words to a friend: ‘My journey’, he says, ‘is almost ended, and I have a much
broader scope than when I started out, which I believe will add new life and dimension to
our struggle for freedom and honor and dignity in the States. I am writing these things so
that you will know for a fact the tremendous sympathy and support we have among the
African States for our Human Rights struggle. The main thing is that we keep a United
Front wherein our most valuable time and energy will not be wasted fighting each other.’
However we may have differed with him – or with each other about him and his value as a
man – let his going from us serve only to bring us together, now.

Consigning these mortal remains to earth, the common mother of all, secure in the
knowledge that what we place in the ground is no more now a man – but a seed – which,
after the winter of our discontent, will come forth again to meet us. And we will know
him then for what he was and is – a Prince – our own black shining Prince! – who didn’t
hesitate to die, because he loved us so.”
— Ossie Davis’s eulogy, February 27, 1965, Faith Temple Church, New York City

Sister Ilyasah Shabazz is the daughter of the

late, great human rights activist Malcolm X. To
this very day, she is a great author, social
activist, educator, and motivational speaker.
She has written many books that detailed the
heroic life of Brother Malcolm X like Growing
Up X and a children’s book entitled, “The Boy
Who Grew up to Become Malcolm X.” She
teaches at the John Jay College of Criminal
Justice. She is a trustee for the Malcolm X and
Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial Educational
Center, the Malcolm X Foundation, and the
Harlem Symphony Orchestra. We all wish
more blessings to this magnificent black
Books and Research
The following pieces of sources are what I recommend for anyone to gain further understanding
about Malcolm X and the black liberation struggle. There are tons of other books, speeches, and
other sources that can be of use too, but I show these sources because they carry very special

Malcolm X’s Autobiography was assisted by Alex Haley (who was a liberal Republican). To
understand Malcolm X’s thinking and thoughts, Malcolm’s Autobiography is a critical resource in
understanding the philosophies and views of Malcolm X. Alex Haley was a great journalist and
interviewer. He interviewed many people from Jim Brown, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and to
Muhammad Ali. He is famous for being the author of the bestseller “Roots,” which would be a
famous miniseries. The book and the miniseries were about the story of Alex Haley’s ancestry from
Africa to America. It dealt with slavery, oppression, the Civil War, and freedom. His story is an
American story. The Autobiography of Malcolm X has inspired black people all over the world
including human beings of all colors as well. The book was first published in 1965. The book has
been based on interviews between Malcolm X and Alex Haley between 1963 and 1965. Malcolm X
wanted a strong autobiography, so he constantly edited information and added necessary
information. The book described Malcolm X’s views as having the love of blackness, believing in
Black Nationalism, and following pan-Africanism. Malcolm X took control over the composition of
the work. The book has the foreword and then the Introduction. There are 19 chapters in the great
book. The last Chapter is entitled, 1965. The epilogue was written by Alex Haley and there are
words form Ossie Davis on Malcolm X.

In 1992, attorney Gregory Reed bought the original manuscripts of The Autobiography of
Malcolm X for more than $100,000 at the sale of the Haley Estate. The manuscripts included three
"missing chapters" that were omitted from the original text. In a 1964 letter to his publisher, Haley
had described these chapters as, "the most impactful material of the book, some of it rather lava-
like.” The titles of the chapters are “The Negro”, “End of Christianity”, and “Twenty Million
Muslims.” These chapters have been released to the public in 2010. “My life has been a mirror of
what the black ghetto across America present as a community of despair,” Reed read from the
chapters, “and a way of life that warps millions of Negro minds into social problems of broken
homes and families and tragedies. The word ‘ghetto’ today often meets our eyes and ears, but
not even those who live there can convey its actual horror to anyone who lives somewhere else. I
can only hope that the reporting of my life will show what happened to me. And that one can
transform his circumstances to better one ’s self and their children.” “The races in America have
just declared war with each other,” Reed read. “The black man is accusing and bitter. The white
man is guilty, alarmed and confused. In this turmoil for them both, I think that when my life is
looked upon in the right way, there might be drawn from it something of value for humanity.” In
other excerpts, Reed read, Malcolm also reflected on his own life. “Today, it is my mission to end
the white man’s continuous enslavement and imprisonment of America’s black man’s mind,” Reed
read. “When I was for a decade, another ghetto hustler, once called Detroit Red, talking out of the
side of my mouth. Today, the New York Times reports me as the second most sought after speaker
on university campuses, after Barry Goldwater.” In another excerpt, Malcolm wrote, “Today, the FBI
and other agencies watch me wherever I go. Once every word I uttered was slang, or foul and today
I am interviewed and quizzed by panels or experts on the major television and radio programs.”
Just days before his death (in 1965), Malcolm told a group of Columbia University students that it
was "incorrect to classify the revolt of the Negro as simply a racial conflict of Black against white,
or as purely an American problem. Rather, we are seeing today a global rebellion of the
oppressed against the oppressor, the exploited against the exploiter."

William Alex Haley (who is Alex Haley’s son) said that Malcolm X and Haley spent about three years
meeting on Grove Street in Greenwich Village in order to complete the autobiography. William said
that both men were friends. Ilyasah al-Shabazz or the daughter of Malcolm X praised his father as a
man of integrity (during the Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial & Education Center when
the rediscovered chapters were released to the public. The center was the former Audubon
Ballroom in Manhattan). Hopefully, these lost chapters can be included in future additions of the
“Autobiography of Malcolm X.” Therefore, I recommend “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” 100
These sources show his life, the life of his family including his friends plus allies. Here are
the following sources:

1). A. Peter Bailey's (along with Malcolm X's nephew Rodnell P.Collins) of "A Seventh
Child: A Family Memoir of Malcolm X" (2002). A. Peter Bailey was one of the members of
the OAAU.

2). "February 1965: The Final Speeches" by Betty Shabazz, Steve Clark, and Pathfinder Press

3). George Breitman's "The Last Year of Malcolm X: The Revolution of a Revolutionary"

4). Ilyasah Shabazz's "Growing Up X" (2002). Sister Illyasah also wrote a new novel in 2015
entitled, "X: A Novel." She worked with Kekla Magoon as well. Sister Ilyasah Shabazz is the
daughter of Malcolm X.

5). James Cone's "Martin and Malcolm: A Dream or a Nightmare"

6). Komozi Woodard’s “A Nation Within a Nation: Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) and Black
Power Politics” (1999).

7). Karl Evanzz's "The Judas Factor: The Plot to Kill Malcolm X" and his book entitled, "The
Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad."
8). Louis Lomax's "To Kill a Black Man: The Shocking Parallel in the Lives of Malcolm X and
Martin Luther King Jr." (1968).

9). "Malcolm X Speaks" which was edited by George Breitman

10). Manning Marable's "Race, Reform, and Rebellion: The Second Reconstruction and
Beyond in Black America, 1945-2006" (2007).

11). Roland Sheppard's "Why the Government Assassinated Malcolm X And Martin Luther
King Jr." (2014). Roland Sheppard is one of the living witnesses to the assassination of
Malcolm X.

12). Rosemari Mealy's "Fidel and Malcolm X: Memories of a Meeting" (1993).

13). "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" by Malcolm X (it was edited by Alex Haley).

14). William Sales Jr.'s "From Civil Rights to Black Liberation: Malcolm X and the
Organization of Afro-American Unity (South End Press, 1994).

15). Zak A. Kondo's "Conspiracy: Unraveling the Assassination of Malcolm X” (1993).

16). “A Lie of Reinvention: Correcting Manning Marable’s Malcolm X” by Jared A. Ball and
Todd Steven Burroughs. (2012).

17). “Betty Shabazz, Surviving Malcolm X: A Journey of Strength from Wife to Widow to
Heroine” by Russell Rickford. The foreword to the book was written by Sister Myrlie Evers-
Williams. (2003).

18). The documentary of “Malcolm X: Make it Plain” is a great documentary that people
should watch.

19). PBS’ The Eyes on the Prize’s series.

20). Spike’s Lee “Malcolm X” movie from 1992.

“He wanted to uplift his people, re-liberate his people, he understood that they had
purpose and life and had to ensure that we empowered the next generation…When
we understand history we understand that we can’t sit back and wait for someone to
do something for us. It’s our responsibility. We have to do it.”

- Ilyasah Shabazz

Ilyasah Shabazz’s “What Would Malcolm X Think?”

Also, I have read the article that Sister Ilyasah Shabbaz (or Malcolm X’s daughter) has written. Her
article entitled, “What Would Malcolm X Think?” was a critique of the Black Lives Movement. First, I
had to step back and look at history (since I love history as many others do). Back during the late
1960’s, rebellions occurred because of racial oppression and police terrorism in our black
communities. The capitalist elite later had no choice but to accept concessions. Later after Dr. King
was killed, many black people decided to join the bourgeois and accept the neoliberal society (of
the prison industrial complex, of economic regressive policies, of scapegoating the black poor
especially, and neo-imperialism). The events of Diallo, Troy Davis, Trayvon Martin, Aiyana Jones,
Michael Brown, etc. inspired the development of the Black Lives Matter movement. Many of the
youth know what time it is. I am 31 and I know about why riots occur and the historical, political
breakdown of many aspects of Western society. Sister Ilyasah is right to say that Malcolm X would
fairly critique this new movement. Back then, Malcolm X critiqued the civil rights movement,
sometimes in strong terms. So, he would critique this current movement. He would want solutions,
but he would also encourage the movement as an elder. We are fighting the system of white
supremacy and Malcolm X would make that point explicitly. Also, another point is to be made as
well. Many organizations in this current movement have outlined demands and solutions. Hands UP
Coalition DC has called for the demilitarization of the local police, immediate prosecution of
crooked cops, the end to the War and Drugs, and other direct proposals. Ferguson Action is one
group that has specific agendas in their website and I have seen it. Many relatives of the victims of
police brutality have spoken up and are part of such organizations now. This movement has very
politically independent people in them (as some of them are opposed to the agendas of the
Republicans and the Democrats).
“…when you select heroes about which black children ought to be taught, let them
be black heroes who have died fighting for the benefit of black people. We never
were taught about Christophe or Dessalines. It was the slave revolt in Haiti when
slaves, black slaves, had the soldiers of Napoleon tied down and forced him to sell
one half of the American continent to the Americans. They don’t teach us that. This
is the kind of history we want to learn.” – Malcolm X

Malcolm X was politically independent and criticized both major parties without apology.
Movements don’t have to be centralized. This movement is decentralized and has many grassroots
organizing. Leadership is not necessarily centralized by a few people. Leaders can be ordinary
human beings fighting for real social change. Ilyasah Shabbaz’s article is a great article. She has the
right to her views. We can’t rely totally on slogans. Also, we should oppose imperialism as Malcolm
X was anti-imperialist, he criticized capitalism, and he wanted opportunities for women. By 1965,
Malcolm X was a progressive black revolutionary. Malcolm X opposed imperialism and wanted pan-
African unity. So far, the Black Lives Movement (which existed spontaneously and independently)
has existed longer than the Occupy Movement. Any movement has to be critiqued. This new
movement is no exception. We should encourage the youth, give advice, and establish strategies
plus solutions. I wish more peace and blessings for Sister Ilyasah Shabbaz.
*Another Great Point
Many human beings are right to never ignore the Sisters' contributions in the black liberation
struggle. Women give birth, are leaders, and they have been made huge contributions in the lives of
humanity in general. Ida B. Wells not only stood up against lynching, but she wanted racial justice.
She worked throughout her life for the freedom of black people. Septima Clark, Ella Baker, Fannie
Lou Hamer, Martha Prescod Norman Noonan, and other Sisters sacrificed and were heavily active
in standing up for human rights. Black people and humanity in general ought to know about their
stories and the great work that they did in society. Malcolm X was heavily influenced by his wife
Betty Shabazz, Gloria Richardson, Fannie Lou Hamer, and other women. Dr. King was greatly
influenced by his wife Coretta Scott King, Marian Wright Edelman, and other strong black women.
Black women today are involved in social movements (and are doing great work) as well. Strong
black women and Strong black men should always be respected. The struggle for liberation is not
over, but we will not give up. We will continue to fight wherefore we want justice to be made into a
reality. We want freedom from police terrorism and racial discrimination. We want freedom from
economic oppression and imperialism. We want Nature to be respected and our civil liberties to be
preserved. The truth will continue to be flawless. We are inspired by our ancestors and we will keep
on living our lives and struggle for freedom.
For a long time, many black people have stood up for liberation, truth, and justice. Malcolm X was a
strong black man who was honest. He said in public what many human beings said in private. His
voice was strong, courageous, and uncompromising. When he was in the NOI and when he left, he
always advocated the total liberation of the black community. By traveling all over the world,
Malcolm X understood greatly about how the Third World have every right to fight for freedom
against Western imperialism. He wanted to internationalize the struggle of African Americans. He
wanted human rights. Malcolm X talked in many locations and had a great charisma. He stood up
and defended the human rights of black people. One of his greatest gifts was that he developed
transformation in his intellectual development. He constantly learned information and Malcolm X
became more progressive as time moved on in his life. He loved to study, speak, and write. He loved
his wife, his children, and his family. Malcolm X loved Black people. He loved black people so much
that he risked his life in speaking the truth without fear. Malcolm X condemned police brutality
and accurately predicted the rebellions that would sweep America from 1964 to 1968. The Sunni
Muslim Malcolm X accurately stated that we live in a struggle between the oppressor and the
oppressed. Malcolm X had a rapid political evolution in the last year of his life. He met with many
heads of the state who were anti-imperialist or pro-nationalist like Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt,
Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, and Sekou Toure of
Guinea Conakry.

His international travels gave him a broader outlook on how the world works. He exposed the
psychology of evil international oppression. Also, it is important to note that societies must have
working class emancipation and workers’ power. We need not only freedom from colonialism, but
we need to extinguish economic corruption once societies are free. Also, Malcolm X wanted to work
with the Southern black freedom struggle. Malcolm X‘s revolutionary and prophetic views have
been proven to be accurate. The black rebellion in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Watts (in 1965)
was about working people and the poor being tired of racist police repression, economic
deprivation, and other injustices inflicted on people. LBJ escalated the Vietnam War. Bobby Seale
and Huey P. Newton were greatly influenced by the views of Malcolm X too.

Later, Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton established the BPP for Self Defense in Oakland, California
(in 1966, which was the same year that Kwame Ture called for Black Power in Mississippi). The Black
Panthers wanted to build up the community as a way for them to counteract police terrorism (and
to allow power to be in the hands of the people not the oligarchy). Their 10 Point Program
demanded democratic rights, it wanted reparations, and it was progressive. They patrolled the
police to prevent the harassment of African Americans. The nationalist Black Panthers loved
socialism and rejected imperialism. The revolutionary, socialist Black Panther Party were illegally
monitored, harassed, and killed not only by the FBI but by local police agents nationwide. DRUM or
the Dodge Revolutionary Union movement also fought for black liberation during the late 1960’s
and during the early 1970’s. Spike Lee’s “Malcolm X” film and the massive Los Angeles rebellion of
1992 inspired young people to study Malcolm X in a higher level. Malcolm X has been claimed by
nationalists, leftists, and socialists. Yet, Malcolm X was for the masses of the people not just for a
certain people with a specific ideology. In this new generation, young people are fighting against
police terrorism, mass incarceration (when African Americans are incarcerated at six times the
rates of whites), and economic injustice. This new generation, as found in a new century and in a
new decade, are asserting themselves as Brothers and Sisters.

Malcolm X's words, speeches, and interviews in 1965 have shown some of the most profound
commentaries on society in American history. Malcolm X was not a reactionary and he wasn't a
member of the liberal establishment. Malcolm X taught us to be anti-imperialist, to expose the
façade of Western “democracy,” to oppose racism, and to express self-determination. He wanted
the unification of black people globally, so human rights would exist for people. He wanted a
revolutionary transformation of society in America and internationally. Malcolm X was certainly
ahead of his time. He inspired many men, women, plus children globally. He inspired SNCC and the
Black Panthers (both organizations would rightfully oppose the Vietnam War). Malcolm X opposed
the Vietnam War as early as 1954. Malcolm X was a revolutionary and an internationalist.

Courageous black revolutionary organizations came about with influence from Malcolm X like the
League of Revolutionary Black Workers. We should understand our revolutionary history, so a just
future can exist. We have to not only talk about these issues. We have to do the work. In other
words, we have to support genuine liberation movements. We have to teach our people the value
and greatness of blackness. We have to confront anyone disrespecting black people and we have to
fight against misogyny. We have to work in our communities and be part of the solution. No
civilization is great unless it treats women as equal human beings. We have to sacrifice since
sacrifice can bring positive results. We deserve justice without exception.
Promoting Liberation is Righteous
*Nnamdi Azikiwe *Steve Biko *Abdias do Nascimento
*Kwame Nkrumah *W.E.B. DuBois *Marcus Garvey
*George Padmore *John G. Jackson * Kwame Ture
Famous Proponents *Zephania Mothopeng *Anna Julia Cooper
of Pan-African Black *Amy Ashwood Garvey *Amy Jacques Garvey
*Claudia Jones *Paul Robeson * Dr. Ajamu Nangwaya
Liberation *Queen Mother Moore *Benedita da Silva

There is a connection between the oppression going on in Ferguson and neoliberalism. The U.S.
Department of Justice report on racist policing practices in Ferguson, Missouri should wake anyone
up on what we need to do. The report proves that many Ferguson officers have used race based
repression in Ferguson along with financial exploitation. This exploitation involved fines and
penalties extracted mostly from the poor and middle class black Americans. The corporate acts of
using contract law, state institutions, and monopoly has been used nationwide (as a way to stop the
right of people to resist evil). Many white and even black reactionaries follow the myth that police
repression is not systemic (but individual) and that capitalist “democracy” is shown in America.
The same DOJ report documents that the Ferguson police used dogs on residents, sometimes
without warning. The police in Ferguson used racist e-mails
as well. The police department did little to nothing to make
sure that officers were held accountable for inappropriate
conduct. The use of police forces to do economic extraction
in Ferguson ties to racial and economic history. We also see
the administration ironically enough advancing TPP and TIPP
trade deals, which want to replace state power with
corporate power. This will allow Western states to be forced
to follow the interests of select multinational corporations
under the illusion of “democratic control” when the
This image shows Malcolm X corporations dominate trade policies not the masses of the
people. We see the discovery of the police “black site” or
Boulevard in New York City.
concentration camp in Chicago. Racist violence in America
has existed for decades. There are also debtor prisons and
the infamous civil forfeiture laws which allow the police to take the belongings of people without
evidence of crime.
The lawlessness of the police is real. There has been the evil, illegal surveillance done by the NSA,
DEA, FBI, CIA, etc. against citizens and non-citizens now and for decades. We know that the CIA and
the FBI then and now have done terrorism, illegal spying, etc. Extra-judicial powers have been
claimed by the current administration. The previous administration (which has done overt war
crimes too) and the current one refused to send corrupt bankers into prison in high numbers. The
law for centuries has been manipulated to benefit the oligarchy not the masses of the people. Many
laws are unjust. Neoliberalism follows the lie that market forces ought not to be regulated at any
circumstances. It follows the façade that capitalism is indivisibly linked to democracy. The TTP and
TTIP trade deals being pushed by Mr. Obama are designed with analogous levers for extorting
wealth. The investor resolution clauses in TTIP have a supranational judiciary ruling on ‘investor’
lawsuits against governments for hypothetical lost profits and taxpayers on the hook for adverse
rulings. The relative absence of remaining trade restrictions and tariffs is well covered territory.
What remains to be accomplished with these ‘agreements’ is the consolidation of economic power
as the power to extract wealth. As with proposals for tradable carbon credits, the ‘product’ of the
agreements combines the right to extort by putting forward projects never intended to be built
with guarantees against adverse economic developments. So, the law in Ferguson has been used
to extract wealth from the poor and middle class people of the city. Slavery was once legal until
people fought to end legalized slavery. Police in Ferguson and all over America readily kill people
with impunity. In neoliberalism, corporate governance not civil governance is the order the day.
Neoliberalism causes the rights and privileges of civil society to be subordinated to corporate
interests. Racial and class oppression must end. Black people in Ferguson has been harassed,
assaulted, killed, and disproportionately jailed and forced to pay money unfairly. This problem is
found in Chicago, New York, Detroit, Philadelphia, etc. Black people want liberation.
Regardless of where we were born, we are all of black African descent (for those of us who
are of black African descent. I am black). That is why we (regardless of color) should study
Africa and all aspects of the black African Diaspora. It is not only fun and cool to do so, but
we can learn something new every day.

Malcolm X was a progressive, black revolutionary. The Malcolm X of 1965 was more revolutionary
and more progressive than the Malcolm X of 1960. The anti-capitalist Brother Malcolm X was a hero
and a warrior for our people (and for the human race in general). So, we should learn about the
past, work in the present, and fight for a better future. We ought to know what time it is if we want
to be free. Our time is now. We should work in our communities. We should not only do that. We
have to have a racial and class consciousness. We ought to form alliances with people of black
African descent globally (as Afro-Brazilians, Afro-French, Afro-British, the Africans, all Afro-Latinos,
Afro-Caribbeans, etc. are our Brothers and our Sisters. We are one people). Malcolm X’s family,
friends, and colleagues, are still upholding Malcolm X’s principles and his legacy in our generation.
Yes, the Black Lives Matter Movement is here to stay without question. The oppressive Broken
Windows policy in NYC must end. A living wage and full employment are legitimate goals to fight for
too. There is nothing with Love. We need more love in the world and we need true justice. We
certainly need to talk to and collaborate with the elders in gaining wisdom, advice, and
cooperation in this fight for justice. The entire human race should have freedom, justice, and
equality. He was an independent thinking activist. 2015 is a new opportunity for us to do the work
in which Malcolm X has done. We have to remember to respect Nature. From Nature, life exists.
You can’t be a revolutionary without believing in improving the environment. We have to love our
neighbors as ourselves and we have to fight evil. One part of doing good is by fighting injustice. We
not only need economic and social justice. We deserve total liberation as human beings.
By Timothy

RIP Brother Malcolm X

A luta Continua

This work is dedicated to the ancestors, to my black people,

and to all freedom loving peoples of the world (as all of

humanity should have freedom and justice).

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