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The best way to learn programming is to start when you're young, it's when the

brain is better predisposed to learn new things with greater flexibility. I learned to program
when I was 16, and I realized as students in class with less age learned faster than those
who had rather more age than us.
In the first language in which I learned to program was in Cobol (with punched
cards) but then in Basic language was where I did most applications. Basic was a
language that was more difficult to program than the current most evolved languages that
allow modular programming languages, structured and object-oriented. In that ancient
version of Basis was necessary to number the instructions and there was the GOTO
statement XX, which made it quite difficult to make changes or maintenance to a program
made by another developer.
Learning to program is often difficult in general and especially when the first
programming language to learn, as it confronts one another logic which is not usually used
a logic that is not used in everyday life.
Another of the problems facing those who learn a programming language by first
time is the fact of having to tell the computer all possible options, which in ordinary speech
between humans is not necessary, humans understand one context and make logical
decisions, but the computer does not make decisions that ne have been established prior
into the program, which makes programs sometimes come in an endless loop, or provide
unexpected or unwanted results. That is why the testing with different data are important to
check that the results are as required.
The grammar also causes many headaches at first, especially when the interpreter
gives syntax error, it takes time to get used to correct those little mistakes that cause the
program to stop abruptly.
It is also important to understand the problem to try to perfection, sometimes the
inexperienced programmer focuses on solving the problem even when still have not fully
understood what the problem is treated, either because they have not explained correctly
or did the questions necessary for full understanding.
Another factor that complicates the programming, though in a more advanced stage
is that you have to learn about the different areas to apply the programming, for example
for accounting programs is necessary to have some understanding of accounting, or make
programs on business management of a company must know what are the requirements
and needs of that particular company.
But programming is a rewarding activity and constant mental challenge that keeps
our brain in constant activity and good shape.
* Originally written in Spanish and translated by Google Translate.

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