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In Defense of Inspiration

While it is true that most of us students come to school each day with the
hope in mind that we will go home in the afternoon bringing with us education at its
best and knowledge at its finest, it could not be denied that there are those of us who
come to school for the sole reason that we have to come to school or else On the
one hand, there are students who come to school intent at unraveling even the depths
of the oceans in search for wisdom. These are the students upon whom we can pin our
hopes for a better future the students who define the task of teachers.
On the other hand, some of us come to school so we could get our allowances.
Or worse, there are those who come to school without really knowing why they do so.
But they go to school, anyway. Perhaps to tag along, perhaps to play. These are the
students who, before they could be made to learn, must first be inspired the
students who redefine and refine the task of teachers.
The academic community is a melting pot of various students with various
intellectual capacities and inclinations. Well actually, it is a melting pot of various
students, period. Some of these students have intellectual capacities. Others have
none. For these reasons, the school should serve not only as an avenue where lessons
are taught and learning is advanced but also as a haven where attitudes are redefined
and lives are molded.
For this reason, a salutation is due to our teachers whose two-fold task towards
the students, may have been the most noble of all tasks. While our teachers are

expected to advance the frontiers of learning in efforts to provide the best instruction
for the intellectual students, they never took for granted their responsibility to go down
to the level of those students at the opposite end of the spectrum and prod them all
the way up until their capabilities commensurate to that of a student not an
intellectual student perhaps, but a student nevertheless.
In the surface, this two-fold task may seem pretty simple. At a closer glance
however, this task is very laborious and taxing and many who are not trained teachers
might frown at the mere mention of it. It would start with our recognition and
acceptance of the fact that not everyone is the same. Individual differences exist
everywhere. This existence did not spare the academic community. Students are
different and so are their needs. Our teachers work night and day to design their
lessons in such way that they can cater to our individually differentiated capacities
and needs to ensure that everyone of us gets benefited by whatever goods the academe
has to offer.
I render this write up as a means of heightening the communitys awareness of
the hardships and challenges built-in to the teaching profession into a height high
enough to let everyone understand that teachers do not only teach they also do all
sorts of other things if only to uplift the intellectual well-being of students. Further, let
this inkblot of gratitude to the undertakings of our teachers serve as an inspiration to
rekindle their flame of devotion to the very profession they have unconditionally sworn
themselves into.

Take pride, our beloved teachers for yours is the noblest profession of all. No
questions. No arguments. Just a notion. Shun not away from this calling for this is the
very essence of your existence. After all, more than we students will remember you as
the teacher who taught, we will remember you as the teacher who inspired.

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