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I'll skip the graphical semiological anaylysis of written language for

now and my current study and focus on the glottal stop and the language

tables to talk about life, consciousness, and our planet as well as others.

so. on to planetary physics, biology, and some chemistry thrown in to explain

us and our planet, our inhabitance in it and it's existence in our solar

system. i am not an expert on astrophysics so I can't tell you much more than

that. Nor can most humans, besides the fact that there are 8-9 planets

depending on whom you ask, the 9th being a dwarf planet, Pluto, the 8th being

the planet Eris.

we are made of mostly water. 60% water by mass or so, to be exact.

personal quantum entangled information...

telepathy, emotionopathy, kinopathy, sonopathy. are these possible?

that's not what I'm here to answer. I'm here to explain how things work.

things micro (atom in human body vs human vs world vs solar system) you

figure out the rest.

so, atomically, at the nano-scale, we start with nanotube-like structure,

usually made up of a metal or carbon. mostly iron, carbona and calcium.

these are metals or conductive substances when molecules and substances are

made up of these at the nano level (solely nano level for carbon) and


iron in the blood is also conductive for EM energies. This includes cosmic

ray energy to electricity on a grand scale.

calcium is conductive for EM energies as well. This includes cosmic energies

and as well ionic-level electrical activity.

carbon is conductive for any energy, in large amounts as graphene or other

low-atom-thickness layers and in molecular forms, it can be used as a better

conductor than metals. (gold, et cetera)

the skeleton in the body is made up of mostly calcium.

the blood in the body is made up of mostly iron.

the cells in the body, both bone, blood and otherwise have nanostructure.
this nanostructure can be seen as a quantum energy conductive network, where

at the smalles level energies flow pumping mitochondrial structures to power

cells and perform other activities. in these cells DNA is compared and re-

compared in cellular mitosis and miosis to produce more cells.

at the DNA level, chemicals are produced in exact sequence by a cell,

comparing it to a series of chemicals held by a chemical and ionic bond in

the form of deoxy-rybo-nucleic acid and as well mRNA and RNA are found and

used to form, shape and message between cellular structures.

comparison between these reminds me of redundant sensory and intake

manifestations in the body such as nostrils, eyes and ears. the mouth and

anus and urinary ecxretion/reproduction organs are highly imporant to

survival as an individual. As well, the limbs, both legs and arms are

redundant, if lucky one may be replaced by a tool or one may use a device to

supplement it's loss, also if lucky. If you lose and arm or a leg, you will

likely die before medical treatment.

these acids are highly volatile in comparison with cellular water and thus

very influened by EM fields and pressures, as well as pressures internal to

the body and on a environmental (planetary) scale, such as atmosphere, heat,

pressure and other influences that are minor.

the earth itself on which we inhabit is made of metals at the base, center,

we humans being at about 98 degrees average on the surface thoughout our

body. The temperature that water turns into vapour is 200 degrees farenheit

when averaged. This temperature varies at different parts of the earth with

differing atmospheric pressures.

the average temperature on land on the earth is 56 degrees farenheit and the

lowest humanly recoreded is 129 degrees farenheit and the highest around 140

degrees farenheit.

(the words temperature and farenheit make me laugh, one is archaic and the
other german for fair-measure).

the earth's core is around 10000 degrees farenheit at it's solid core, 4000

miles below the earths surface ranging outward to around 7000 degrees

farenheit at it's outer reaches, and it's density is 10g/cm cubed and 13g/cm

cubed. This core is made of iron and nickel. These are elements Fe and Ni.

The crust is made up of oceanic and continental materiel, mostly igenous (as

in conglomorations of different elements making up rocks and minerals).

Likely calcium, on the earths surface is due to buildup of calcite and also

due to breakdown of iron and nickel from the earth's core in formation to the

outer surface of the earth as calcite and thus in life in plants and animals

via ionic interchange, whether digestion or through breakdown of higher

atomic mass elements into lower. iron is also predominant, especially in us,

the highest species on the planet. Evolved and intelligent and food chain are

relative to the wishes of the perspector from the perspector's view. Some

value intelligence, others strength and other traits.

The mantle is 7-1800 miles below the surface of the earth and between 2500

and is made up of igneous substances, varying of every element on the period

tables, including pockets of the gaseous elements. The surface is... well, if

you're human you know what the surface is like.

Cosmic rays and EM radiations causing the Earth to continue it's spin, as

well as other elemental forces from other planets and the sun in the form of

ionic interchange due to amount and mass of elements in each planetary body,

not including the sun, which is mostly hydrogen and helium in very large

amounts, in a decaying reaction and very massive, much like the earth is in a

decaying reaction called time, this, at a greater rate, is fusionic

breakdown. Compared to the Sun's temperature of 9000 degrees at the center

and 1,800,032 degrees. This radiative force and as well conductive force on a

quantum and small particle level creative a generative force that roil out in

waves, as the earth and other planets roll from a planetary to planetary
perspective and from a sun-central persective have planetary orbit.

That's it. That's us. Same with other planets. Energy + Decay = materiel,

organism and cells, et cetera ad relative until you have creatures; plants

and animals. Considering ourselves animal and not plant.

Life is also a relative term. I consider the smallest unit of consciousness

to be at the materiel level and then the organismic, as virii and bacterium

and then cells, ad relative until we get to humans and whales, the most

intelligent and communicative and active primary species on land and the most

intelligent and communicative and active primary species in ocean.

With this model of life and consciousness, does the exertive ionic and below

forces from the sun and the planet bind us both to the planet polarly, as

calcium and hydrogen are lower elements than that in the core and crust. The

breakdown of the materiels below the surface and on the surface produce tons

of hydrogen, oxygen, helium, , carbon, sodium, caclium with iron left over

and electrical current and electromagnetic fields being generated, which

electrical current is but a portion on the whole of these electromagnetic

fields, not a byproduct; electricity is merely and interactivity force as

seen from the human to human perspective, and at the ionic level is as real

as the polar force that binds matter together from the breakdown caused by

atomic decay by energy. This produces atomic elements and are moved by

electromagnetic spectrum energies.

This producing the effect time, whereas with distance only in an spin, which

is all that is relevant to human life, negates time-space leaving merely

space and existant matter. Without time this negates decay and leaves

illustratively morphological matter.

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