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Cisco WLAN Proposal for Floor UNIRC > Residence > Piano 1

Pre pare d: Fri Apr 18 2014 07:46:57 GMT+0200 (ora le ga le Europa occidenta le)
Note : The following proposa l is va lid only for cisco de vice s.

Floor Plan Details

Floor Na m e

P ia no 1

Floor Conta ct

P ia no 1

Floor Num be r

RF Mode l

Cube s And W a lle d O ffice s

W a ll File (FP E)
Im age File Na m e

dom a in_0_1363107868507.png

Floor's Horizontal Spa n (m e ters)


Floor's Ve rtical Span (m e te rs)


Floor Plan Image

Voice over IP Requirements
W he n deploying 802.11 wire le ss LANs to support Voice ove r IP (VoIP ) tele phone s, a fe w spe cia l conside ra tions a re
ne e ded in the deploym e nt proce ss. For ex a m ple, se am less full cove rage with a n a ve ra ge use r throughput of 5 Mbps
or m ore is ide a l. Area s such a s sta irwa ys, ba throom s, cafe te ria s a nd outside a rea s m a y re quire spe cia l conside ration
and additional a ccess points. These are are as tha t are not typica lly critica l for da ta use rs but are critical cove ra ge
are a s for voice use rs who re quire se am le ss cove ra ge.

Coverage Area Requirements

Cove ra ge hole s a re are as where clients ca nnot rece ive a signa l from the wirele ss ne twork . W he n de ploying wire le ss
ne twork s, the re is a trade off be twe e n the cost of the initial network de ploym e nt and the prese nce of covera ge hole s
in the network . A re a sona ble cove ra ge hole criterion is betwee n 2 a nd 10 perce nt. This m e a ns tha t be twe e n two a nd
te n te st loca tions out of 100 ra ndom te st loca tions m a y re ce ive m argina l se rvice. After deploym e nt, wire less LAN
controllers use radio re source m a na ge m e nt algorithm s to identify these cove ra ge a re a s and re port them to the IT
m a nage r, allowing the IT m a na ger to fill holes based on use r de m a nd.

Average Client Throughput Requirements

Avera ge clie nt throughput is a function of the 802.11 protocol, AP signa l stre ngth, and AP de nsity. The 802.11b
protocol, for e x a m ple, ca n support a n a ve ra ge use r throughput of up to 6 MB/s; 802.11a a nd pure 802.11g ca n
support a typica l a ve ra ge use r throughput of up to 20 MB/s; 802.11n ca n support a typica l use r throughput of up to
30 MB/s (with rea sona ble ra dio de nsities). Ge nera lly, the stronger the signa l, the highe r the clie nt throughput.
Howeve r, the re is a point a bove which a stronge r signa l does not increa se clie nt throughput. For 802.11b ne twork s,
this point is typica lly -75 dBm , a bove which ave rage clie nt throughput is 5 to 6.5 MB/s re ga rdle ss of a n increa se in
signa l stre ngth. For 802.11a and pure 802.11 ne twork s, this point is typica lly be twe e n -50 dBm and -60 dBm , a bove
which a vera ge clie nt throughput is 24 to 27 MB/s re gardless of a n incre ase in signal strength. For 802.11n, this point
is typica lly the sam e, but the a ve ra ge client throughput is 27 to 30 MB/s. Note tha t for 802.11a , pure 802.11g and
802.11n, the range over which the ave ra ge clie nt throughput im prove s is be twe en -80 dBm and -50 dBm . It is also
im porta nt to note that the higher the de nsity of APs de ploye d in a given a re a , the highe r the like lihood of AP to AP
co-cha nne l inte rfe rence .

Building Type
Ide ntifying the building type and its RF cha ra cte ristics is critica l in dete rm ining how m a ny radios will be nee ded in a
W LAN de ploym ent. The following ta ble shows 3 ba sic building types tha t a re com m on in enterprise network s. If the
building doe s not fa ll into one of these ca tegorie s the n som e a m ount of profe ssiona l se rvice (R F P re diction with
O ptional Site Surve y) m a y be ne e de d to optim ize W LAN configuration.
O pe n O ffice : No wa lls at all a nd short cube s only.
C ube s and W alled O ffice s : Com bination of cube s a nd som e wa lle d office.
Indoor High C eiling : Indoor structures with ce iling he ight grea te r tha n or e qual to 25 fe et (7.62 m e te rs).
Drywa ll O nly : Mostly dry wa lle d office s.

Building Homogeneity
If a building or floor doe s not ha ve uniform RF chara cte ristics (i.e sim ila r wa ll types) throughout a covera ge are a , the
cove ra ge a re a should be divided into a re as with sim ila r cha racteristics and the de sign proce ss re pe ate d for ea ch a re a .
Ge nera lly, a n a tte m pt is m ade not to sta ck AP s dire ctly a bove e ach othe r on a djacent floors.

The guideline s in this docum e nt are ba se d on the following conditions a nd a ssum ptions:
C lie nt Da ta Te rm ina l Transm it (Tx ) Powe r: >=15 dBm .
C lie nt Da ta Te rm ina l Ante nna Ga in: >=0 dBi.
R ece iver sensitivity = -89 72 dBm @ 11/12 Mbps with 10 % pa ck e t e rror ra te .
Environm ental noise floor = -85 dBm .
C apa city: up to 15 Data clie nt Te rm inals or up to 14 VoIP clie nts per AP .
C lie nt Da ta Te rm ina l Transm it (Tx ) Powe r: >=15 dBm .
Handover Tim es: 37 m illise conds or le ss for La ye r 2 (sa m e controlle r) ha ndove rs, 48 m illiseconds or less
for La ye r 3 (inte r- controlle r and inter-subnet) handovers.
Q ua lity of Se rvice : Assigned on a pe r-W LAN ba sis. VoIP clients with Gold Q oS tak e prece de nce (90+% of
ba ndwidth) over clie nts with Silver or Bronze Q oS.
Note: These a ssum ptions a re typical for a vaila ble 802.11 clie nt Data Te rm inals a nd typical cubicle de nsitie s.

RF Prediction with Optional Site Survey

An RF pre diction is an estim ate of W LAN perform a nce and cove ra ge . It use s intellige nt a lgorithm s to e x am ine AP
be ha vior ba se d upon an im porte d floor pla n with a ssigne d building chara cte ristics. The accura cy of a n R F prediction is
de pe nda nt upon the confide nce le ve l with which the building's RF chara cteristics a re assigne d, and the a ccura cy of AP
pla cem ent. It is ide a l for typica l office e nvironm e nts with uniform wa ll types.
Com ple x e nvironm e nt m a y re quire a n optiona l surve y to ve rify the a ssum ptions use d in an RF pre diction. This
approa ch, ofte n re ferred to a s a m inim a l site survey, is m ost a ppropria te in the following types of e nvironm e nts:
Full Cove ra ge is require d with 2 to 10% cove rage hole s
The R F cha racte ristics of the building va ry throughout the cove ra ge are a

The building type is not typical (e .g. Are na, Conve ntion Ce nte r, Stock Excha nge, Hospita ls, C oncre te
Ba se m e nts)

Cabling Recommendation
Give n the long-te rm efforts in IEEE 802.11 for highe r throughput W LANs a nd typical installa tion costs, Cisco
re com m e nds providing two Ca t 6a ca ble s to e a ch AP , with 30 ft [10 m ] of e x tra cable spooled ne a r the AP, for
m a x im um future -proofing.

Autoplacement Criteria
Following a re criteria that a re spe cifie d during a utopla ce m e nt of APs. Note: a user m a y ha ve m odifie d AP positions or
adde d/de le te d AP s after Autopla ce m e nt.
User Specified Criteria
Are a 's Horizonta l Spa n (m e te rs) 26.3
Are a 's Ve rtica l Spa n (m e te rs)



802.11a /n & 802.11b/g/n

O ptim ized for High Throughput

Enable d

802.11a /n R ate (Mbps)


802.11b/g/n R a te (Mbps)


Deploying for Services

Da ta/Covera ge

Sa fe ty Margin: Ve ry Sa fe


Sa fe ty Margin: Ve ry Sa fe

Suggeste d AP C ount

Autopla ce m e nt Done on

Apr 18, 2014 7:44:30 AM

Proposed AP Placement
Be low is a cha rt with recom m e nde d pla ce m e nt of a ccess points (including a ntennae dire ction). This proposal a ssum e s
tha t the a cce ss points a re m ounte d on the ceiling.
NOTE: A Ps with white labels in dark rectangle are MONITOR mode A Ps

Name Type

A ntenna A ngle
A ntenna Name
Transmit Power (dBm)
Mode Corner
802.11a/n 802.11b/g/n 802.11a/n 802.11b/g/n 802.11a/n 802.11b/g/n

AP __1 AP

9 m E,
12 m S

Inte rna l3500i5GHz

Interna l3500i2.4GHz





AP __2 AP

19 m E,
21 m S

Inte rna l3500i5GHz

Interna l3500i2.4GHz





AP __3 AP

29 m E,
15 m S

Inte rna l3500i5GHz

Interna l3500i2.4GHz





WLAN Coverage HeatMaps

The se m aps show the color code d W LAN Cove ra ge in dBm (R SSI) at ea ch point on the floor m a p. This inform a tion is
useful to find out a vaila ble signal stre ngth at ea ch se ction of a W LAN.
NOTE: A Ps with white labels in dark rectangle are MONITOR mode A Ps




RSSI Color Lookup

43 45 47 49 51

dBm (Strong)

RSSI Coverage Map for 802.11a/n

RSSI Coverage Map for 802.11b/g/n











dBm (W e ak )

Data Rate HeatMaps

The se m a ps show the e xpe cte d da ta ra te of a clie nt device at e ach point on the floor m ap. This inform ation is use ful
to pla n W LAN pe rform a nce a t va rious loca tions a nd to m ak e adjustm e nts ba se d upon client re quire m ents.
NOTE: A Ps with white labels in dark rectangle are MONITOR mode A Ps

Data Rate Heatmap for 802.11n assumes supported bandwidth for both 20 & 40 MHz
Data Rate Color
1 2 5.5 6 9 11 12 18 24 36 40.5 48 54 65 78 104 108 117 121.5 130 135 162 216 243 300 324 364.5 405 450

Data Rate Map for 802.11a/n

Data Rate Map for 802.11b/g/n


Coverage Analysis
The following chart shows the perce nta ge of a rea cove re d within specific ra nge s of RSSI value s. This inform a tion gives
an indication of how well the W LAN provide s covera ge, ide ntifying spe cific a re a s where possible cove rage holes m ight
ex ist.

802.11a/n Coverage
RSSI Range

% A rea Covered

-40 dBm and a bove


be twee n -40 dBm a nd -45 dBm


be twee n -45 dBm a nd -50 dBm


be twee n -50 dBm a nd -55 dBm


be twee n -55 dBm a nd -60 dBm


be twee n -60 dBm a nd -65 dBm


be twee n -65 dBm a nd -70 dBm


be twee n -70 dBm a nd -75 dBm


be twee n -75 dBm a nd -80 dBm


be twee n -80 dBm a nd -85 dBm


-85 dBm and be low


802.11b/g/n Coverage
RSSI Range

% A rea Covered

-40 dBm and a bove


be twee n -40 dBm a nd -45 dBm


be twee n -45 dBm a nd -50 dBm


be twee n -50 dBm a nd -55 dBm


be twee n -55 dBm a nd -60 dBm


be twee n -60 dBm a nd -65 dBm


be twee n -65 dBm a nd -70 dBm


be twee n -70 dBm a nd -75 dBm


be twee n -75 dBm a nd -80 dBm


be twee n -80 dBm a nd -85 dBm


-85 dBm and be low


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