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1. The action takes place in a small town in South Wales.

(Interesting Things,
Waiting and other modern Stories)
This sentence consists of eleven words.
- This sentence uses simple present tense.
- The in this sentence is an article.
- The is a free grammatical morpheme because it is a determiner.
- Action is a verb and it is a lexical morpheme, because word action can stand
-Takes place is
-In is a free grammatical morpheme because it belongs to a preposition.
-A is a free grammatical morpheme because it belongs to a determiner.
-small is lexical morpheme because it belongs to adjective.
-town is lexical morpheme it belongs to a noun.
- In is a free grammatical morpheme because it belongs to a preposition.
- South Wales is a
2. The main film was on first. (Interesting Things, Waiting and other modern Stories)
This sentence uses simple past tense.
- This sentence consists of six words.
- The is a free grammatical morpheme because it belongs to determiner.
- Main is lexical morpheme because it belongs to adverb.
- Film is lexical morpheme because it belongs to noun.
- Was is lexical morpheme because it belongs to verb
- On belongs to free grammatical morpheme because it is a

First is lexical morpheme it because it belongs to a noun.

3. The second film promised to be full of interesting things. (Interesting Things,

Waiting and other modern Stories)
This sentence uses simple past tense.
- This sentence consists of ten words.
- The is a free grammatical morpheme because it belongs to determiner.
- Second is lexical morpheme because it belongs to a noun.
- Film is lexical morpheme because it belongs to noun.
- Promised is lexical morpheme because it belongs to verb.
- To belongs to free grammatical morpheme because it is a

Be is lexical morpheme because it belongs to verb.
Full is lexical morpheme because it belongs to noun.
Of belongs to free grammatical morpheme because it is a

Interesting is lexical morpheme because it belongs to adjective.
Things is free grammatical because it belongs to noun.

4. Mr. Huws-Evans had booked a table for two when she joined him. (Interesting
Things, Waiting and other modern Stories)
This sentence uses Past Perfect tenses.
- This sentence consists of eleven words.
- Mr. Huws-Evans is lexical morpheme because it belongs to noun.
- Had is lexical morpheme because it belongs to verb.
- Booked is lexical morpheme because it belongs to verb.
- A is a free grammatical morpheme because it belongs to determiner.
- Table is lexical morpheme because it belongs to noun.
- For belongs to free grammatical morpheme because it is a

Two is lexical morpheme because it belongs to noun.
When is a free grammatical morpheme because it belongs to

She is free grammatical morpheme because it belongs to pronoun.
Joined is lexical morpheme because it belongs to verb in past tense.
Him is lexical morpheme because it belongs to noun.

5. This was hard to answer, so she just nodded. (Interesting Things, Waiting and other
modern Stories)
This sentence uses simple past tense
- This sentence consists of nine words.
- This is lexical morpheme because it belongs to adverb.
- Was is lexical morpheme because it belongs to verb
- Hard is lexical morpheme because it belongs to adjective
- To belongs to free grammatical morpheme because it is a

Answer is lexical morpheme because it belongs to noun.
So is a free grammatical morpheme because it belongs to
She is free grammatical morpheme because it belongs to pronoun.
Just is free grammatical morpheme because it belongs to adverb
Nodded is lexical morpheme because it belongs to verb

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