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410 Chapter #

Internet Resource Directory

The following is a sample of the thousands of Web sites that
offer information on race, ethnicity, religion, and other related
topics. They have been grouped by broad areas because most
sites touch on a number of areas and subjects. Web sites have
been selected that have stable URLs and are in English (or are
multilingual and include English). Most of these Web sites, in
turn, have links to other useful information.


African Americans
African American History and Culture
(The Smithsonian)
AfricanAmer ican_History.htm
African American Research (National Archives)
African Americans
Black Collegian Online
MelaNET (The UnCut Black Experience)
Official Kwanzaa Web Site
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

Asian Americans
and Pacific Islanders
Asian American Net
Asians and Pacific Islanders [enter Asian Americans]
Chinese Immigration Records
Densho: The Japanese American Legacy Project
The Fred Korematsu Story Of Civil Wrongs and Rights
(by Eric Paul Fornier)
Hmong Home Page
Internment Archives
Japanese American Citizens League
Japanese American Historical Society

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

All of Us Are Related, Each of Us Is Unique (Syracuse University),
Death Penalty Information Center
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Ethnic Media: New America Media
FBI Uniform Crime Reports (data on hate crimes)
Hate Crimes Laws
Hurricane Katrina
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Migration News
Minorities in Medicine (Association of American Medical Colleges)
The Prejudice Institute
Race Traitor (constructing Whiteness)
Refugees and Immigrants: Lutheran Immigration and Refugee
Refugees and Immigrants: U.S. Committee for Refugees and
Southern Poverty Law Center (tolerance education) and
U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Census Bureau Revisions to the Standards for the
Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity (Office of
Management and Budget)
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform

Internet Resource Directory 411

Japanese American National Museum
Japanese American Records (National Archives)
Little India (magazine)
Little Saigon Net
Nation of Hawaii
National Japanese American Memorial Foundation
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center

Muslims and Arab

AmericanArab Anti-Discrimination Committee
American Muslim Perspective
Arab American Institute
Council on AmericanIslamic Relations
Muslim American Public Affairs Council
South Asian American Living Together

Hispanics and Latinos

Afro Cubans as well as Cuba and the Caribbean
Hispanic American Records
International Boundaries Research Unit
Julian Samora Research Institute (Michigan State University)
Latin American National Information Center
Mexican American Studies and Research Center (University of
Mexican Migration Project
MexicoU.S. Binational Migration Study Report
National Council of La Raza
Nijmegen Centre for Border Research
Pew Hispanic Center
Puerto Ricans and the American Dream
Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

Jews and Judaism

American Jewish Committee
Anti-Defamation League
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
Jewish American History Research
Jewish Culture
Judaism and Jewish Resources

Native Americans
American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) Virtual
Bureau of Indian Affairs
National Congress of American Indians
National Indian Youth Council
Native American Records
Native Web
Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian

Ethnic Groups and Other

Subordinate Groups
Administration on Aging
Polish Americans: American Institute of Polish Culture
Catholics for a Free Choice
Colage: People with a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or
Queer Parent
Design for All Foundation (disability)
Disability Social History Project
Ellis Island Immigration Museum
Ethnicity in Twentieth-Century America (Thomas J. Archdeacon
at University of Wisconsin)
German Americans (German Embassy site)

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

412 Internet Resource Directory

Human Rights
Irish Americans: American Irish Historical Society
Norwegian American Historical Association
Norwegian Americans: Sons of Norway
Norwegian Americans: Vesterheim Norwegian American Museum
Polish American Association
Polish Americans: American Institute of Polish Culture

Outside the United States

Abya Yala Net (South and Meso American Indian Rights Center)
African National Congress (South Africa)
Peace People (Northern Ireland)

The Author
Richard T. Schaefer
(for e-mail correspondence)
(Web site)

Swedish American Museum
Society and Culture: Disabilities (Yahoo)
Swedish American Museum

Women and Men

National Organization for Women
National Womens History Project
Womensnet (South Africa)

ISBN 1-256-48952-2
Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Parenthetical numbers refer to the pages on which the term is

Bogardus scale Technique to measure social distance toward different racial and ethnic groups. (70)

abolitionists Whites and free Blacks who favored the end of

slavery. (180)

borderlands The area of a common culture along the border

between Mexico and the United States. (223)

absolute deprivation The minimum level of subsistence below

which families or individuals should not be expected to exist. (62)

braceros Contracted Mexican laborers brought to the United

States during World War II. (240)

acting White Taking school seriously and accepting the authority

of teachers and administrators. (200)

brain drain Immigration to the United States of skilled workers,

professionals, and technicians who are desperately needed in
their home countries. (94, 230)

affirmative action Positive efforts to recruit subordinate group

members, including women, for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities. (73)
Afrocentric perspective An emphasis on the customs of African
cultures and how they have pervaded the history, culture, and
behavior of Blacks in the United States and around the world.
(27, 179)
ageism Prejudice and discrimination against the elderlyolder
adults. (395)
amalgamation The process by which a dominant group and a
subordinate group combine through intermarriage to form a new
group. (24)
androgyny The state of being both masculine and feminine,
aggressive and passive. (348)

Anti-Jewish prejudice or discrimination. (328)

apartheid The policy of the South African government intended

to maintain separation of Blacks, Coloureds, and Asians from the
dominant Whites. (385)
apartheid schools All-Black schools. (200)
arranged marriage When ones marital partner is chosen by others and the relationship is not based on any preexisting mutual
attraction. (289)
assimilation The process by which a subordinate individual or
group takes on the characteristics of the dominant group. (24)
asylees Foreigners who have already entered the United States
and now seek protection because of persecution or a well-founded
fear of persecution. (109)
authoritarian personality A psychological construct of a personality
type likely to be prejudiced and to use others as scapegoats. (52)
bilingual education A program designed to allow students to
learn academic concepts in their native language while they learn
a second language. (97)
bilingualism The use of two or more languages in places of work
or education and the treatment of each language as legitimate. (97)

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

biological race The mistaken notion of a genetically isolated

human group. (10)
blaming the victim Portraying the problems of racial and ethnic
minorities as their fault rather than recognizing societys responsibilities. (17, 283)
blended identity Self-image and worldview that is a combination
of religious faith, cultural background based on nationality, and
current residency. (265)

chain immigration Immigrants sponsor several other immigrants

who, on their arrival, may sponsor still more. (88, 294)
Chicanismo An ideology emphasizing pride and positive identity
among Mexican Americans. (243)
civil disobedience A tactic promoted by Martin Luther King, Jr.,
based on the belief that people have the right to disobey unjust
laws under certain circumstances. (187)
civil religion The religious dimension in American life that
merges the state with sacred beliefs. (135)
class As defined by Max Weber, people who share similar levels
of wealth. (15, 208)
colonialism A foreign powers maintenance of political, social,
economic, and cultural dominance over people for an extended
period. (20)
color-blind racism Use of race-neutral principles to defend the
racially unequal status quo. (58)
color gradient The placement of people on a continuum from
light to dark skin color rather than in distinct racial groupings by
skin color. (221, 248, 374)
conflict perspective A sociological approach that assumes that the
social structure is best understood in terms of conflict or tension
between competing groups. (17)
contact hypothesis An interactionist perspective stating that
intergroup contact between people of equal status in noncompetitive circumstances will reduce prejudice. (70, 388)
creationists People who support a literal interpretation of the
biblical book of Genesis on the origins of the universe and argue
that evolution should not be presented as established scientific
thought. (141)
crossover effect An effect that appears when Native American
children who previously scored high on tests now score below
average in intelligence when tests are given in English rather than
their native languages. (163)
cultural capital Noneconomic forces such as family background
and past investments in education that are then reflected in
knowledge about the arts and language. (314)
culture of poverty A way of life that involves no future planning,
no enduring commitment to marriage, and no work ethic; this
culture follows the poor even when they move out of slums or
barrios. (241)

Hispanic folk medicine. (254)

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

414 Glossary
Segregation that is the result of residential

evacuees Japanese Americans interned in camps for the duration of World War II. (312)

deficit model of ethnic identity Ones ethnicity is viewed by others as a factor of subtracting away the characteristics corresponding to some ideal ethnic type. (262)

exploitation theory A Marxist theory that views racial subordination in the United States as a manifestation of the class system
inherent in capitalism. (52)

de jure segregation Children assigned to schools specifically to

maintain racially separated schools. (186)

familism Pride and closeness in the family that result in placing

family obligation and loyalty before individual needs. (252)

denomination A large, organized religion not officially linked

with the state or government. (134)

feminine mystique Societys view of a woman as only her childrens mother and her husbands wife. (352)

desi Colloquial name for people who trace their ancestry to

South Asia, especially India and Pakistan. (288)

feminization of poverty The trend since 1970 in which women

account for a growing proportion of those who live below the
poverty line. (359)

de facto segregation
patterns. (199)

Diaspora The exile of Jews from Palestine. (334, 380)

differential justice Whites being dealt with more leniently than
Blacks, whether at the time of arrest, indictment, conviction, sentencing, or parole. (211)
disability Reduced ability to perform tasks one would normally
do at a given stage in life. (398)
discrimination The denial of opportunities and equal rights to
individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary
reasons. (48, 61)
displaced homemakers Women whose primary occupation had
been homemaking but who did not find full-time employment
after being divorced, separated, or widowed. (359)
domestic partnership Two unrelated adults who have chosen
to share one anothers lives in a relationship of mutual caring,
who reside together, and who agree to be jointly responsible
for their dependents, basic living expenses, and other common
necessities. (405)
dry foot, wet foot Policy toward Cuban immigrants that allows
those who manage to reach the United States (dry foot) to
remain but sends those who are picked up at sea (wet foot) back
to Cuba. (228)
dual or split labor market Division of the economy into two areas
of employment, the secondary one of which is populated primarily by minorities working at menial jobs. (68)
dysfunction An element of society that may disrupt a social system or decrease its stability. (16)
Ebonics Distinctive dialect with a complex language structure
found among many Black Americans. (179)

Leaving a country to settle in another. (19)

environmental justice Efforts to ensure that hazardous substances are controlled so that all communities receive protection
regardless of race or socioeconomic circumstances. (72, 172)
ethnic cleansing Forced deportation of people accompanied by
systematic violence. (22)
ethnic group A group set apart from others because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns. (8)
ethnicity paradox The maintenance of ones ethnic ties in a way
that can assist with assimilation in larger society. (139)

ethnonational conflicts Conflicts between ethnic, racial, religious, and linguistic groups within nations, which replace conflicts
between nations. (372)
names. (36)

Ethnic or racial slurs, including derisive nick-

fringe-of-values theory Behavior that is on the border of conduct

that a society regards as proper and is often carried out by subordinate groups, subjecting those groups to negative sanctions. (329)
functionalist perspective A sociological approach emphasizing
how parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability. (16)
fusion A minority and a majority group combining to form a
new group. (24)
gender roles Expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females. (349)
genocide The deliberate, systematic killing of an entire people
or nation. (22)
gerrymandering Redrawing districts bizarrely to create politically advantageous outcomes. (214)
glass ceiling The barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified worker because of gender or minority membership. (78, 357)
glass escalator The male advantage experienced in occupations
dominated by women. (80)
glass wall A barrier to moving laterally in a business to positions
that are more likely to lead to upward mobility. (79)
globalization Worldwide integration of government policies,
cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade,
movements of people, and the exchange of ideas. (20, 106)
gook syndrome David Riesmans phrase describing Americans
tendency to stereotype Asians and to regard them as all alike and
undesirable. (292)
hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca to be completed at least once in a
Muslims lifetime. (264)

Jewish laws covering obligations and duties. (340)

Native Hawaiians term for Caucasians. (297)

hate crime Criminal offense committed because of the offenders bias against a race, religion, ethnic or national origin group,
or sexual orientation group. (64)
hijab A variety of garments that allow women to follow the guidelines of modest dress. (268)
Holocaust The state-sponsored systematic persecution and annihilation of European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators.
Holocaust revisionists People who deny the Nazi effort to exterminate the Jews or who minimize the numbers killed. (332)
hometown clubs Nonprofit organizations that maintain close
ties to immigrants hometowns in Mexico and other Latin
American countries. (223)

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

ethnocentrism The tendency to assume that ones culture and

way of life are superior to all others. (45)

fish-ins Native American tribes protests over government interference with their traditional rights to fish as they like. (158)

Glossary 415
The fear of and prejudice toward homosexuality.

maquiladoras Foreign-owned companies on the Mexican side of

the border with the United States. (27, 223)

hui kuan Chinese American benevolent associations organized

on the basis of the district of the immigrants origin in China. (307)

marginality The status of being between two cultures at the same

time, such as the status of Jewish immigrants in the United States.
(15, 342)


ilchomose The 1.5 generation of Korean Americansthose who

immigrated into the United States as children. (295)
immigration Coming into a new country as a permanent resident. (19)

Salaries, wages, and other money received. (71, 202)

informal economy Transfers of money, goods, or services that

are not reported to the government. Common in inner-city neighborhoods and poverty-stricken rural areas. (67)
ingroup virtues Proper behavior by ones own group; become
unacceptable when practiced by outsiders (outgroup vices). (329)
institutional discrimination A denial of opportunities and equal
rights to individuals or groups resulting from the normal operations of a society. (65, 400)
intelligence quotient (IQ) The ratio of a persons mental age (as
computed by an IQ test) to his or her chronological age, multiplied by 100. (11)
intelligent design View that life is so complex that it must have
been created by a higher intelligence. (141)
internal colonialism The treatment of subordinate peoples as
colonial subjects by those in power. (20, 146)
Intifada The Palestinian uprising against Israeli authorities in
the occupied territories. (382)
irregular or underground economy See informal economy. (67)
Islamophobia A range of negative feelings toward Muslims and
their religion that ranges from generalized intolerance to hatred.
Issei First-generation immigrants from Japan to the United
States. (310)
jihad Struggle against the enemies of Allah, usually taken to
mean ones own internal struggle. (264)
Jim Crow Southern laws passed in the late nineteenth century
that kept Blacks in their subordinate position. (180)
Judaization The lessening importance of Judaism as a religion
and the substitution of cultural traditions as the tie that binds
Jews. (326)
kashrut Laws pertaining to permissible (kosher) and forbidden
foods and their preparation. (338)
Kibei Japanese Americans of the Nisei generation sent back to
Japan for schooling and to have marriages arranged. (310)
kickouts or pushouts Native American school dropouts who
leave behind an unproductive academic environment. (165)

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

kye Rotating credit system used by Korean Americans to subsidize the start-up costs of businesses. (296)

Marielitos People who arrived from Cuba in the third wave of

Cuban immigration, most specifically those forcibly deported by
way of Mariel Harbor. The term is generally reserved for refugees
seen as especially undesirable. (228)
matrix of domination Cumulative impact of oppression because
of race, gender, and class as well as sexual orientation, religion,
disability status, and age. (364)
melting pot Diverse racial or ethnic groups or both, forming a
new creation, a new cultural entity. (24)
mestizo People in the Americas of mixed European (usually
Spanish) and local indigenous ancestry. (374)
migration A general term that describes any transfer of population. (19)
millenarian movements Movements, such as the Ghost Dance,
that prophesy a cataclysm in the immediate future, to be followed
by collective salvation. (152)
minority group A subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives than do the
members of a dominant or majority group. (6)
mixed status Families in which one or more members are citizens and one or more are noncitizens. (96, 253)
model or ideal minority A group that, despite past prejudice and
discrimination, succeeds economically, socially, and educationally without resorting to political or violent confrontations with
Whites. (281)
mojados Wetbacks; derisive slang for Mexicans who enter illegally, supposedly by swimming the Rio Grande. (240)
mommy tax Lower salaries women receive over their lifetime
because they have children. (363)
mommy track An unofficial corporate career track for women
who want to divide their attention between work and family. (357)
mulatto escape hatch Notion that Brazilians of mixed ancestry
can move into high-status positions. (379)
nativism Beliefs and policies favoring native-born citizens over
immigrants. (90)

Conferring of citizenship on a person after birth.

neocolonialism Continuing dependence of former colonies on

foreign countries. (246)
Neoricans Puerto Ricans who return to the island to settle after
living on the U.S. mainland (also called Nuyoricans). (245)
Nisei Children born of immigrants from Japan. (310)

labeling theory A sociological approach introduced by Howard

Becker that attempts to explain why certain people are viewed as
deviants and others engaging in the same behavior are not. (18)

normative approach The view that prejudice is influenced by

societal norms and situations that encourage or discourage the
tolerance of minorities. (53)

La Raza Literally meaning the people, the term refers to the

rich heritage of Mexican Americans; it is therefore used to denote
a sense of pride among Mexican Americans today. (240)

occupational segregation by gender The tendency for men and

women to be employed in different occupations from each other.

life chances Peoples opportunities to provide themselves with

material goods, positive living conditions, and favorable life experiences. (253)

orientalism The simplistic view of the people and history of the

Orient, with no recognition of change over time or the diversity
within its many cultures. (260)

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

416 Glossary
outgroup vices Ingroup virtues that become unacceptable when
practiced by outsiders. (329)

reverse discrimination Actions that cause better-qualified White

men to be passed over for women and minority men. (76)

panethnicity The development of solidarity between ethnic subgroups as reflected in the terms Hispanic and Asian American.
(13, 220, 285)

riff-raff theory Also called the rotten-apple theory; the belief

that the riots of the 1960s were caused by discontented youths
rather than by social and economic problems facing all African
Americans. (189)

pan-Indianism Intertribal social movements in which several

tribes, joined by political goals but not by kinship, unite in a common identity. (157)

rising expectations The increasing sense of frustration that

legitimate needs are being blocked. (190)

pass laws Laws that controlled internal movement by nonWhites in South Africa. (385)

Sansei The children of the Niseithat is, the grandchildren of

the original immigrants from Japan. (310)

pay equity The same wages for different types of work that are
judged to be comparable by such measures as employee knowledge, skills, effort, responsibility, and working conditions; also
called comparable worth. (356)

scapegoating theory A person or group blamed irrationally for

another persons or groups problems or difficulties. (51, 329)

Pentecostalism A religion similar in many respects to evangelical

faiths that believes in the infusion of the Holy Spirit into services
and in religious experiences such as faith healing. (255)
peoplehood Milton Gordons term for a group with a shared
feeling. (342)
pluralism Mutual respect for one anothers culture, a respect
that allows minorities to express their own culture without suffering prejudice or discrimination. (25)

secessionist minority Groups that reject assimilation and promote coexistence and pluralism. (140)
second shift The double burdenwork outside the home followed by childcare and houseworkthat is faced by many women
and that few men share equitably. (363)
segregation The physical separation of two groups, often
imposed on a subordinate group by the dominant group. (23)
self-fulfilling prophecy The tendency to respond to and act on
the basis of stereotypes, a predisposition that can lead one to validate false definitions. (18)

powwows Native American gatherings of dancing, singing,

music playing, and visiting, accompanied by competitions. (157)


prejudice A negative attitude toward an entire category of

people such as a racial or ethnic minority. (48)

sexual harassment Any unwanted and unwelcome sexual advances that interfere with a persons ability to perform a job and enjoy
the benefits of a job. (357)

principle of third-generation interest Marcus Hansens contention that ethnic interest and awareness increase in the third generation, among the grandchildren of immigrants. (119)

sinophobes People with a fear of anything associated with

China. (91)

Qubcois The French-speaking people of the province of

Quebec in Canada. (377)

slave codes Laws that defined the low position held by slaves in
the United States. (177)


Slave hideaways in Brazil. (379)

racial formation A sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhibited, transformed, and destroyed. (12, 178)
racial group A group that is socially set apart because of obvious
physical differences. (7)
racial profiling Any arbitrary police-initiated action based on
race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than a persons behavior.
(57, 271, 284)

A doctrine that one race is superior. (12)

The ideology that one sex is superior to the other. (348)

slavery reparations Act of making amends for the injustices of

slavery. (187)
social capital Collective benefits of durable social networks and
their patterns of reciprocal trust. (314)
social distance Tendency to approach or withdraw from a racial
group. (70)
sociology The systematic study of social behavior and human
groups. (15)

Tribal self-rule. (160)

redlining The pattern of discrimination against people trying

to buy homes in minority and racially changing neighborhoods.
(69, 210)

sovereignty movement Effort by the indigenous peoples of

Hawaii to secure a measure of self-government and restoration
of their lands. (298)

refugees People living outside their country of citizenship for

fear of political or religious persecution. (108)

stereotypes Unreliable, exaggerated generalizations about all

members of a group that do not take individual differences into
account. (18, 54)

relative deprivation The conscious experience of a negative discrepancy between legitimate expectations and present actualities.
(62, 189)
remittances The monies that immigrants return to their countries of origin. (105, 223)

The 1930s program of deporting Mexicans. (239)

restrictive covenants Private contracts or agreements that discourage or prevent minority-group members from purchasing
housing in a neighborhood. (184)

suffragists Women and men who worked successfully to gain

women the right to vote. (351)
sundown towns Communities in which non-Whites were systematically excluded from living. (185)
symbolic ethnicity Herbert Ganss term that describes emphasis
on ethnic food and ethnically associated political issues rather
than deeper ties to ones heritage. (121)

Chinese American secret associations. (307)

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

resegregation The physical separation of racial and ethnic

groups reappearing after a period of relative integration. (23)

stratification A structured ranking of entire groups of people

that perpetuates unequal rewards and power in a society. (15)

Glossary 417
total discrimination The combination of current discrimination
with past discrimination created by poor schools and menial jobs.
tracking The practice of placing students in specific curriculum
groups on the basis of test scores and other criteria. (200, 251)
transnationals Immigrants who sustain multiple social relationships that link their societies of origin and settlement. (107, 223)
tsu Clans established along family lines and forming a basis for
social organization by Chinese Americans. (307)
underemployment Working at a job for which the worker is
overqualified, involuntary working part time instead of full time,
or being intermittently employed. (204)

wealth An inclusive term encompassing all of a persons material

assets, including land and other types of property. (71, 202)
White primary Legal provisions forbidding Black voting in
election primaries; in one-party areas of the South, these laws
effectively denied Blacks their right to select elected officials.
White privilege Rights or immunities granted as a particular
benefit or favor for being White. (38)
world systems theory A view of the global economic system as
divided between nations that control wealth and those that provide natural resources and labor. (20, 150, 249, 372)

The fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners. (90)

victim discounting Tendency to view crime as less socially significant if the victim is viewed as less worthy. (211)

yellow peril A term denoting a generalized prejudice toward

Asian people and their customs. (283)

victimization surveys Annual attempts to measure crime rates

by interviewing ordinary citizens who may or may not have been
crime victims. (217)

Yiddishkait Jewishness. (340)

Viet Kieu

Vietnamese living abroad, such as in the United States.

visible minorities In Canada, persons other than Aboriginal or

First Nation people who are non-White in racial background. (378)

Zionism Traditional Jewish religious yearning to return to the

biblical homeland, now used to refer to support for the state of
Israel. (334, 381)
zoning laws Legal provisions stipulating land use and the architectural design of housing, often used to keep racial minorities
and low-income people out of suburban areas. (210)

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

visitability Building private homes to be accessible for visitors

with disabilities. (401)

Yonsei The fourth generation of Japanese Americans in the

United States; the children of the Sansei. (310)

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

418 Chapter #

Blue type denotes references citations new to this thirteenth edition.

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

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Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN 1-256-48952-2
Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

abolitionists, 180
Aboriginal people, Australias, 154
abortion, 3623
Abramoff, Jack, 164
absolute deprivation, 612
acknowledgment process, 161
acting white, 2001
Adler, Patricia, 349
affirmative action, 736
defined, 734
explained, 74
legal debate over, 746
relevance of, 204, 205
Africa, African Americans and, 1789
African Americans, 17495; see also African Americans
Africa and, 1789
Black leadership and, challenge of, 1813
Black Power and, 1901
Black protest and, reemergence of, 1835
Black-White income gap and, 18990
civil rights movement and, 1859
immigration and, new, 192
middle class and, 2089
population of, 176, 184
religious force and, 1912
slavery and, 17781
urban violence and oppression and, 18990
African Americans today, 197217
criminal justice and, 2101
economic picture and, 202
education of, 198202
family life and, 2069
healthcare and, 2112
housing and, 20910
politics and, 2124
African National Congress (ANC), 3867
Afrocentric perspective, 27, 120, 179
aged, see elderly
ageism, 3956
Ajrouch, Kristine, 263
Akaka, Daniel, 298
Alaska Native Settlement Act, 151
Alba, Richard, 122
Ali, Noble Drew, 266
Alito, Samuel, 129
Allah, 2634
Allotment Act, 151, 1523
Allport, Gordon, 329
al-Saud, Faisal, 266

amalgamation, 24
American Indian Movement (AIM), 1579
American Indian Religious Freedom Act, 151
American Indians, see Native Americans
American Sign Language (ASL), 401
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 400, 401
Andretti, Mario, 130
androgyny, 3489
annexation, 20
Anthony, Susan B., 350
anti-Chinese movement, 902
anti-Semitism, 32835
American Jews and Israel and, 3335
contemporary, 3335
defined, 325
Diaspora and, 334, 3802
fringe-of-values theory and, 329
Holocaust and, 3302
incidents of, 333, 334
in-group virtues and, 329
origins of, 32830
out-group vices and, 329
scapegoating theory and, 329
in United States, past, 3323
Zionism and, 334, 381
apartheid, 3857
apartheid schools, 200
Arab Americans, 26177
contemporary life of, in United States, 26872
education of, 26970
family life and gender and, 2689
immigration of, to United States, 2678
Muslims and, relationship between, 260
politics and, 2702
population of, 262
problem of, 272, 273
self-identifying as, 263
September 11, 2001 and, 267, 2702, 274
Arab countries, 261
Arab-Israeli conflicts, 382, 383
Arafat, Yasser, 383
Argentina, Jewish community in, 325
Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN), 248
arranged marriages, 289
Asante, MolefiKete, 27
Asian Americans, 278301; see also Chinese Americans;
Japanese Americans
arranged marriages and, 289
Asian Indians, 2889
Asian Pacific Islander groups in United States, 287

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

444 Index
Asian Americans (continued)
characteristics of, 282
diversity among, 287
economy of, 2823
education of, 2812
Filipino Americans, 2904
Hawaiians, 2968
immigration of, to United States, 280
Korean Americans, 2946
model or ideal minority image of, 2814
Pan-Asian identity of, 2857
politics and, 285
population of, 2801
prejudice and violence against, 2834
Southeast Asian Americans, 291
Asian Indians, 2889
current picture of, 2889
immigration of, to United States, 288
African Americans and, 186, 190
in Asian Americans, 286, 290, 2923, 294, 309, 317
Catholic Church and, 137, 254
defined, 245
ethnic paradox and, 120
in gay community, 4067
in Jewish Americans, 326, 340, 342
Latinos and, 231
marginality and, 15
Native Americans and, 152, 153, 161, 167, 168, 169
principle of third-generation interest and, 119
secessionist minorities and, 140
symbolic ethnicity and, 121, 131
assimilationists, 243
asylees, 109
authoritarian personality theory, 39

Cage, Nicholas, 130

camps, evacuation, 3123
Canada, multiculturalism in, 3758
First Nation and, 3767
immigration and race and, 3778
Qubcois and, 377
visible minorities and, 378
Capone, Al, 128
Carey, Mariah, 127
Carmichael, Stokely, 65, 190
Cartier, Jacques, 378
casino gambling, Native Americans and, 1635
Castro, Fidel, 227, 229
Cayetano, Benjamin, 291
Central and South Americans, 2302
characteristics of, 2289, 230, 232
El Salvador and, 231
immigration of, to United States, 230
chain immigration, 88, 280
Chappell, Courtney, 286
Chvez, Csar, 242
Chvez, Julio Csar, 242
Chvez and farm laborers, 242

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

Badgett, M. V. Lee, 76
Bakke, Allan, 75
Bales, Robert, 350
Banks, Dennis, 157, 158
Battle of Wounded Knee, 152
Battle of Wounded Knee II, 158
Bayoumi, Moustafa, 2723, 274
Bean, Frank, 122
Becker, Howard, 18
Bell, Derrick, 80
Bellah, Robert, 135
Bellecourt, Clyde, 157
Bem, Daryl, 366
Bem, Sandra, 366
Benny, Jack, 133
bias crimes, 645
bilingual education, 978
bilingualism, 978
bin Laden, Osama, 170
biological race, 101
biracial identity, 135

bisexuals, 402
Blackie, William, 148
Black leadership, challenge of, 1813
Niagara Movement and, 1823
politics of accommodation and, 182
Black Muslims, 192, 2657
Black Power, 1901
Black protest, reemergence of, 1835
Black-White income gap, 2023
Black-White wealth gap, 203
blaming the victim, 178, 283
blended identity, 265
Blyden, Edward Wilnot, 266
Bogardus, Emory, 51
Bogardus scale, 51
borderlands, Latinos and, 222, 2234
braceros, 240
brain drain, 945, 230
Brazil, race and ethnic relations in, 37880
Brazilian dilemma and, 380
mulatto escape hatch and, 379
racial democracy and, 379
slavery and, 3789
Brazilian dilemma, 380
Brewster, David, 394
Brody, Adrien, 133
Brown, Linda, 186, 193
Brown, Oliver, 193
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), 1538, 167, 168
Burgess, Ernest, 51
Burns, Ursula, 349
Bush, George W., 40, 63, 137, 271
Butler, Robert, 395

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

Cherry, Nicole Miyako, 304
Chicanismo, 243
Chicano movement, 243
childcare, women and, 3612
organizational life in, 3067
social problems in, 3078
Chinese Americans, 30410
census data on, 307
Chinatowns and, 3068
cultural relativism and, 309
early settlement patterns of, 3045
family life of, 30910
occupational profile of, 306
population of, 305
prejudice and discrimination and, 3178
Chinese Exclusion Act, 100
Cho, John, 43
Churchill, Winston, 12
Cisneros, Henry, 2223
civil disobedience, 1869
civil religion, 1356
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 189
civil rights movement, 1859
civil disobedience and, 1869
desegregation and, 186
major events in, 187
Clark, Kenneth, 46
Clark, Mamie, 46
class, 15, 2089
Cleveland, Grover, 182
Clinton, Bill, 205, 405
Clinton, Hillary, 27
Cocker, Uatakini, 280
collective action, Native Americans and, 1579
American Indian Movement and, 1579
Battle of Wounded Knee II and, 158
largest American Indian tribal groupings and, 159
overview of, 159
pan-Indianism and, 157
powwows and, 159
protest efforts and, 1589
Collier, John, 156
Collins, Patricia Hill, 364
colonialism, 201
colonialism in Republic of South Africa, 3845
color-blind racism, 434
color gradient, 221
Latinos and, 221
Mexican Indian people and, 3745
in Puerto Rico, 2489
Columbus, Christopher, 149, 327
conflict perspective, 178
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 184
Conrad, Joseph, 133
conservatives, 138
contact hypothesis, 513, 388


contemporary anti-Semitism, 3335

contemporary social concerns in immigration, 949
brain drain, 945
mixed-status families, 96
population growth, 956
Conyers, John, 181
Cook, James, 297
Coppola, Francis Ford, 130
Corbell, Eloise, 155
Cose, Ellis, 78
Coser, Lewis, 361
Coser, Rose Laub, 361
Cox, Oliver, 39
creationists, 141
criminal justice, African Americans today and, 2101
differential justice and, 211
victim discounting and, 211
victimization surveys and, 2101
cross-dressers, 402
Crowley, James, 42
Cuban Americans, 2279
characteristics of, 2289
immigration of, to United States, 2278
cultural relativism, 309
culture of poverty, 2412
curanderismo, 254
Custer, George, 1512
David, Gary, 262
Davis, Stacey, 14
de facto segregation, 199
deficit model of ethnic identity, 262
Degler, Carl, 379
de Guzman, Ben, 286
de jure segregation, 186
De Klerk, F. W., 3867
denominations, 1345
education of, 138
income and, 138
Denton, Nancy, 23, 209
desegregation, 186
desi, 288
Diaspora, 334
differential justice, 211
DiMaggio, Joe, 130
Din College (Navajo Community College), 166
disabilities, 398401
advocacy for rights and, 4001
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and, 400,
in contemporary society, 398
famous people with, 399
institutional discrimination and, 400
labeling the disabled and, 398400
visitability and, 401
disability rights, advocacy for, 4001
disabled, labeling, 398400

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

446 Index
discrimination, 357, 5883
affirmative action and, 736
Chinese Americans and, 3178
defined, 35, 61
economy and, 668
in economy of women, 3547
eliminating, 6871
environmental justice and, 723
gays and lesbians and, 4034
glass ceiling and, 7780
hate crimes and, 645
individual, 65
institutional, 656
Japanese Americans and, 3178
in job seeking, 63
LaPieres study of, 37
Mertons typology and, 36
relative vs. absolute deprivation in, 612
reverse, 767
total, 624
wealth inequality and, 712
displaced homemakers, 359
Ditka, Mike, 133
diversity training, 534
Dixon, Margaret, 397
domestic partnership, 405
Donnelly, Catherine, 34
Douglass, Frederick, 180, 182
dry foot, wet foot, 228
Du Bois, W. E. B., 8, 9, 28, 44, 178, 1813, 202, 208, 272
Dunham, Katherine, 380
Dunst, Kirsten, 125
Durkheim, Emil, 328
dysfunction, 167
Dyson, Michael, 201

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

early immigration, 902

of Irish Americans, 1256
of Italian Americans, 1278
of Polish Americans, 1312
Eastwood, Clint, 293, 294
Ebonics, 179
economic impact of immigration, 1035
global, 1078
negative trends in, 104
positive trends in, 1045
remittances and, 105
economy; see also economy of African Americans; economy of women; income
of Asian Americans, 2823
of Chinese Americans, 306
discrimination and, 668
of Japanese Americans, 3146
of Latinos, 224
of Mexican Americans, 2412
of Native Americans, 1625
of Puerto Ricans, 24950

economy of African Americans, 2026

Black-White income gap and, 18990, 2023
employment and, 2036
income and, 2023
wealth and, 2023
economy of women, 3529
discrimination in, 3547
displaced homemakers and, 359
executive advancement and, barriers to, 357
feminization of poverty and, 359
financial return on education for women and, 356
glass ceiling and, 3567
in Japan, gender inequality in, 355
mommy tax and, 3612
mommy track and, 357
occupational segregation by gender and, 353
pay equity and, 356
ratio of womens to mens earnings by occupation,
second shift and, 361
sexual harassment and, 3578
women as a percentage of all workers in selected
occupations, 354
Edmo, Dustina Abrahamson, 148
education; see also education of African Americans;
education of Native Americans
of Arab Americans, 26970
of Asian Americans, 2812
bilingual, 978
denominations and, 138
of Jewish Americans, 336
of Mexican Americans, 2512
of Muslim Americans, 26970
of Native Americans, 1658
Navajo way of learning and, 167
of Puerto Ricans, 2512
reducing prejudice and, 489
tracking, 251
of women, 356
education of African Americans, 198202
acting white and, 2001
apartheid schools and, 200
higher education of, 199, 2012
historically Black colleges and universities and, 201
percentage of adults receiving college degrees, 199
school segregation and, 199200
tracking and, 200
education of Native Americans, 1658
attainment and quality of, 1656
higher education of, 1667
kickouts or pushouts and, 1656
Navajo way of learning and, 167
overview of, 1678
Eisenhower, Dwight, 124
elderly, 3948
advocacy for rights and, 3978
ageism and, 3956

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

economic picture of, 3967
identifying, 395
Ellis Island, 92
Ellison, Keith, 270
El Salvador, 231
El-Shabazz, Malik, 266
emigration, 19
employment; see also economy of African Americans;
economy of women; employment of African
Americans; income
of Chinese Americans, 306
discrimination in job seeking and, 63
under employment and, 2045
of Jewish Americans, 3356
occupational segregation by gender and, 353
Employment Assistance Program (EAP), 151, 1567
employment of African Americans, 2036
affirmative action and, 2056
under employment and, 2045
occupations and, 206
English language acquisition, 225
immigration and, 108
Native Americans and, 16970
environmental justice, 723, 170
Eriksson, Leif, 149
Eskimos, 376, 377
Espinoza, Galina, 97, 98
ethnic cleansing, 22
ethnic diversity, 1167
in Brazil, 37880
in Canada, 3758
five-nation comparison of, 373
income distribution by race and, 381
in Israel, 3804
in Mexico, 3735
Protestants and, 1389
in Republic of South Africa, 3848
Roman Catholics and, 137
worldwide, 372
ethnic groups
defined, 8
in United States, 47
ethnicity, 11445; see also ethnic diversity; rediscovery of
ethnic paradox and, 120
German Americans and, 1215
Irish Americans and, 1257
Italian Americans and, 12731
Polish Americans and, 1313
religion and the courts and, 13941
religious pluralism and, 1339
symbolic, 1201
third-generation principle and, 11920
whiteness and, 1178
ethnic paradox, 120
ethnocentrism, 34


ethnonational conflict, 3723

ethnophaulisms, 35
evacuees, 312
Executive Order 9066, 3112, 315
exploitation theory, 39
expulsion, 22
extermination, 22
Eyre, Chris, 160, 161
Fakih, Rima, 260
familism, 253
family life; see also family life of African Americans; family life of women
of Arab Americans, 2689
of Chinese Americans, 30910
of Japanese Americans, 3167
of Jewish Americans, 3401
of Mexican Americans, 2523
of Puerto Ricans, 2523
family life of African Americans, 2069
family stability and, challenges to, 2067
living arrangements for children under 18,
middle class, 2089
strengths of, 2078
family life of women, 3613
abortion and, 3623
childcare and housework, 3612
farm laborers, Chvez and, 242
Farrakhan, Louis, 266
federal policies, Native Americans and, see reservation
life and federal policies, Native Americans and
feminine mystique, 352
feminist movement, 3502
suffragists and, 3501
womens liberation movement and, 3512
feminization of poverty, 359
Ferraro, Geraldine, 129
Filipino Americans, 2904
current picture of, 2901
immigration of, to United States, 290
First Nation, 3767
fish-ins, 1589
Fitzgerald, David, 123
Flay, Bobby, 127
Flores, Betty, 223
Fong, Paul, 309
Ford, Henry, 332
Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, 151
France, Muslims in, 271
Franklin, John Hope, 189
Frazier, E. Franklin, 208
Friedan, Betty, 352
fringe-of-values theory, 329
functionalist perspective, 167
fundamentalists, 138
fusion, 24

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

448 Index
Gutierrez, Luis, 249
Gypsies, 61
Hacker, Helen Mayer, 348
hajj, 264
halakha, 340
Hamilton, Charles, 65
Han, Jean, 285, 286
Handlin, Oscar, 1189
Hansen, Marcus, 119
Haoles, 297
Hara, Ben, 313
Harrell, Glenn, 208
Harris, Bobby, 401
Harris, Neil Patrick, 404
Hartmann, Heidi, 76
hate, ways to fight, 545
hate crimes, 645
Hawaiians, 2968
current picture of, 2978
historical background of, 297
racial composition of Hawaii and, 296
sovereignty movement and, 298
Hazama, Debbie, 304
of African Americans, 2112, 213
of Mexican Americans, 2534
of Native Americans, 168
of Puerto Ricans, 2534
Herrnstein, Richard J., 11
Herskovits, Melville, 178
heterosexuality, normalizing, 403
higher education
of African Americans today, 199, 2012
of Native Americans, 1667
hijab, 269
Hill, Robert, 207
Hispanics, see Latinos
historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), 201
Hitler, Adolf, 12, 38, 329, 330
Hmong community, case study of, 2934
Hochschild, Arlie, 361
Hoffman, Philip Seymour, 127
Holocaust, 3302
Holocaust revisionists, 332
hometown clubs, 223
homophobia, 4034
homosexuality, see gays and lesbians
Hoover, Herbert, 129
housework, women and, 3612
housing for African Americans today, 20910
redlining and, 210
residential segregation and, 20910
zoning laws and, 210
Howell, Sally, 273
hui kuan, 307
Huntington, Samuel P., 90

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

Gable, Clark, 125

Gandhi, Mahatma, 183
Gans, Herbert, 120
Garcia, Marlen, 220
Gardner, Alexander, 156
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 42
gays and lesbians, 4026
advocacy for rights and, 4046
bisexuals and, 402
domestic partnership and, 405
homophobia and, 4034
marriage debate and, 4056
normalizing heterosexuality and, 403
prejudice and discrimination and, 4034
transgendered persons and, 402
transvestites and, 402
in United States, 4023
Gehrig, Lou, 125
Arab American family life and, 2689
inequality of women in Japan, 355
gender groups, 10
gender roles, 349
genocide, 22
George III, King, 90
German-American National Alliance, 124
German Americans, 1215
settlement patterns of, 1224
twentieth-century, 1245
gerrymandering, 214
Gerson, Kathleen, 357, 358
Ghaffarpour, Mohammed Reza, 86
Giago, Tim, 41
Gibson, Mel, 329
Giuliani, Rudolph, 130
glass ceiling, 7780, 3567
glass escalator, 80
glass wall, 79
global economy and immigration, 1078
globalization, 20, 1078
Goering, John, 119
Goffman, Erving, 398
Goldscheider, Calvin, 342
Goldstein, Sidney, 342
Gomez, David, 255
Gomez, Jose H., 137
gook syndrome, 292
Gordon, Milton, 121, 342
Gore, Al, 336
Gorman, Bridget, 106
Graham, Lawrence Otis, 70
Grant, John, 398
Great Sioux Nation, 1512
Green, Victor, 193
Ground Zero Mosque, 274
Guer, Kevin, 153
Gust, Carole, 260

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

of Arab Americans, self-identifying as, 263
individual, 1612
of Jewish Americans, 33942
of Latinos, 2213
of Muslim Americans, blended, 265
of Native American, 15962
Pan-Asian, of Asian Americans, 2857
sovereignty and, 1601
Ignatiev, Noel, 117, 118
ilchomose, 295
illegal immigration, 99102
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
Responsibility Act of 1996, 100
immigration, 19, 84113; see also early immigration
of African Americans and, 192
American identity and, 1223
anti-Chinese movement and, 902
of Arab Americans, 2678
of Asian Americans, 280
of Asian Indians, 288
benefits and concerns in, 95
brain drain and, 945, 230
in Canada, 3778
of Central and South Americans, 230
chain, 88, 280
of Chinese Americans, 3045
contemporary social concerns in, 949
of Cuban Americans, 2278
economic impact of, 1035
environment and, 108
of Filipino Americans, 290
foreign-born population in United States and, 89
global economy and, 1078
illegal, 99102
international, 878
of Japanese Americans, 3101
of Latinos, 98
of Mexican Americans, 23941
naturalization and, 1023
patterns of, 889
policies, 100
of Puerto Ricans, 245
push and pull factors in, 88
refugees and, 10810, 2912
restrictionist sentiment in, 924
South Africa and, 102
transnationals and, 223
women and, 1056
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, 934, 100
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 100
income; see also economy; employment
of African Americans, 2023
denominations and, 138
of Jewish Americans, 3356
wealth inequality and, 712
Indian Arts and Crafts Act, 151


Indian Claims Commission, 151

Indian Financing Act, 151
Indian Gaming Regulation Act, 151
Indian Health Service (IHS), 168
Indian Removal Act, 1501
Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance
Act, 151
individual discrimination, 65
individual identity, 1612
in-group virtues, 329
Inouye, Daniel, 285
institutional discrimination, 656, 400
intelligence quotient (IQ), 112
intelligence tests, 112
intelligent design, 141
intergroup hostility, 468
intermarriage, 341
international immigration, 878
Intifada, 3823
Inuit, 376
Irish Americans, 1257
becoming white and, 126
contemporary picture of, 127
immigration of, to United States, 1256
Islamophobia, 2734
Israel, American Jews and, 3335
Israel, Palestinians and, 3804
Arab-Israeli conflicts and, 382, 383
Diaspora and, 334, 3802
Intifada and, 3823
solutions to violence and, 3834
Zionism and, 334, 381
Issei, 310
Italian Americans, 12731
contemporary picture of, 12931
identity of, constructing, 1289
immigration of, to United States, 1278
Iyer, Deepa, 286
Jaber, Faeza, 86
Jamal, Amaney, 263
James, LeBron, 19
Japanese Americans, 3108
economy of, 3146
family life of, 3167
immigration of, to United States, 3101
population of, 305
prejudice and discrimination and, 3178
wartime evacuation and, 3114
Jean, Wyclef, 109, 110
Jemison, Mae, 202
Jewish Americans, 32345; see also Jews
anti-Semitism and, 32835
cultural heritage and, 342
distinguishing traits for, 326
education of, 336
employment and income of, 3356

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

450 Index
Jewish Americans (continued)
family life and, 3401
identity of, 33942
immigration of, to United States, 3278
intermarriage and, 341
political activity of, 3367
population of, 324, 328
profile of, in United States, 335
religious life of, 3379
as subordinate group, 3267
Jews; see also Jewish Americans
in Argentina, 325
Diaspora and, 3801
worldwide distribution of, 324
jihad, 264
Jim Crow, 180
Jimnez, Toms, 120, 122
job seeking, discrimination in, 63
Johnson, Lyndon B., 93, 189
Johnson, Mark, 401
Johnson-OMalley Act, 151
Joseph, Joseph E., 86
Jurez, Benito, 373
Judaization, 326
Julius Wilson, William, 204
Kaczmarek, Jane, 133
Kallen, Horace, 124
karaoke, 160, 161
kashrut, 338
Kennedy, Anthony, 405
Kennedy, John F., 55, 73, 124, 248
Kennedy, Randall, 2045
Kibei, 310
kickouts, 1656
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 65, 1756, 1878, 189, 266
Kitagawa, Evelyn, 212
Klausner, Samuel, 335
Korean Americans, 2946
historical background of, 2945
sovereignty movement and, 2956
Korzeniowski, Jzef, 133
Kosciuszko, Thaddeus, 131
Krausz, Ernest, 382
Kubelsky, Benjamin, 133
Kubrick, Stanley, 133
kye, 296

Madonna, 130
Malcolm X, 266
Mandela, Nelson, 102, 3867
manumission, 379
maquiladoras, 223
marginality, 15, 342
Marielitos, 228
Marmout, Yarrow, 263
Martin, Karin, 403
Martinez, Matthew, 232
Marx, Karl, 39, 62, 117
Masayesva, Vernon, 168
Massey, Douglas, 23, 122, 209
mass media, reducing prejudice and, 4951
matrix of domination, 3645
Maya Kiche, 220
McCain, John, 226, 336, 3956
McClure, Kandyse, 50
McCourt, Frank, 127
McDonnell, Bob, 181
McIntosh, Peggy, 38
McKinley, William, 55
Means, Russell, 158
medical apartheid, 212, 213
melting pot, 24
Meredith, James, 186, 190
Merton, Robert, 36, 329
Mertons typology, 36
mestizo, 374
Mtis, 376
Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
(MALDEF), 2434

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

labeling theory, 189

La Guardia, Fiorello, 129
Landale, Nancy, 106
LaPiere, Richard, 37
LaPieres study, 37
La Raza, 240
Latinos, 21835
borderlands and, 222, 2234
Central and South Americans, 2302

color gradient and, 221

Cuban Americans and, 2279
economic picture of, 224
English language acquisition and, 225
familism and, 253
identity among, 2213
immigration of, 98
political presence of, 2267
population of, in United States, 220, 221
Lazarus, Emma, 92
Ledbetter, Lilly, 70
Lee, Spike, 266, 296
Lee, Wen Ho, 284
Leno, Jay, 130
lesbians, see gays and lesbians
Lewis, Oscar, 241
Liberace, 133
liberals, 138
Lieberman, Joseph, 336
life chances, 253
Lincoln, Abraham, 251
Lindbergh, Charles, 333
Loewen, James, 185
Lopez, Jennifer, 19

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

Mexican Americans, 23844
characteristics of, 241
contemporary picture of, 250155
economic picture of, 2412
education of, 2512
family life and, 2523
healthcare and, 2534
immigration and, 23941
political organizations and, 242 244
religion and, 2545
Mexico, diversity in, 3735
mestizo class of people and, 374
Mexican Indian people and color gradient and,
womens status and, 375
middle class, African American, 2089
migration, 1920
millenarian movement, 152
Mineta, Norman, 314, 315
minority groups, 5; see also subordinate groups
change in population of, by United States counties,
elderly as, 3948
gays and lesbians as, 4026
people with disabilities as, 398401
visible, 378
minority women, matrix of domination and, 3645
mixed status, 96, 253
model or ideal minority image of Asian Americans,
moderates, 138
Modi, Kalpen, 43
mojados, 240
mommy tax, 3612
mommy track, 357
mood of oppressed, 446
Moore, Joan, 243
mosques, 265
Mott, Lucretia, 350
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 207
Moynihan Report, 207
Muhammad, 2634, 265, 269
Muhammad, W. Fard, 266
mulatto escape hatch, 379
multiculturalism, 3758
multiracial identity, 135
Murray, Charles, 11
Musial, Stan, 133
Muslim Americans, 26377
Arab Americans and, relationship between, 260
Black, 2657
blended identity of, 265
contemporary life of, in United States, 26872
education of, 26970
family life and gender and, 2689
in France, 271
immigration of, to United States, 2678


Islam and, 2634

Islamophobia and, 2734
politics and, 2702
population of, 265
September 11, 2001 and, 267, 2702, 274
Muslim countries, 261
Myrdal, Gunnar, 110, 348
Nader, Ralph, 270
National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People (NAACP), 9, 183, 210
Legal Defense and Educational Fund, 186
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), 157
National Farm Workers Association, 242
national origin system, 923, 100
Nation of Islam, 192
Native American Church (NAC), 169
Native American Graves and Repatriation Act, 151
Native Americans, 14673
collective action and, 1579
economic development and, 1628
education of, 1658
environmental issues and, 16970
European contacts and, early, 14950
healthcare and, 168
identity of, 15962
population of, 149
religious and spiritual expression of, 16870
reservation life and federal policies and, 1547
treaties and warfare and, 1503
treatment of, todays, 1628
world systems theory and, 150
nativism, 90
naturalization, 1023
Navajo Community College (Din College), 166
Navajo way of learning, 167
Nee, Victor, 122
neocolonialism, 246
Neoricans, 245
Neugarten, Bernice, 395
Newton, Huey, 191
Nguyren, Tuan, 280
Niagara Movement, 1823
Nichols, Nichelle, 50
Nisei, 310
normative approach, 40
Norton, Michael, 118
Obama, Barack, 4, 13, 14, 24, 27, 445, 110, 118, 124,
137, 192, 204, 2123, 226, 248, 270, 285, 336, 363,
Obama, Michelle, 34
OBrien, Conan, 127
occupational segregation by gender, 353
Olmos, Edward James, 50
Olson, Theodore, 205
Omi, Michael, 12

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

452 Index
one-drop rule, 13
Operation Wetback, 240
Orapesa, R. S., 106
orientalism, 260
Orthodox tradition in Jewish American religion, 3378
Oslo Accords, 383834
out-group vices, 329
Pager, Devah, 63

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

Palestinians, see Israel, Palestinians and

Pan-Asian identity, 2857
panethnicity, 13, 15, 2201, 285
pan-Indianism, 157
Park, Robert, 51, 118
Parks, Rosa, 1867, 340
Parsons, Talcott, 350
pass laws, 385
Paterno, Joe, 130
Paul, John II, Pope, 132
pay equity, 356
Peele, Charles Wilson, 263
Pel, 380
Peltier, Leonard, 158
Penn, Sean, 404
Pentecostalism, 255
peoplehood, 121, 342
Perlmann, Joel, 130
Peron, Juan, 325
Pershing, John, 125
pillars of wisdom, 264
pluralism, 256, 133; see also religious pluralism
Chinese Americans and, 309
Polish Americans, 1313
contemporary picture of, 1323
immigration of, to United States, 1312
Polonia and, 132
of African Americans, 2124
Arab Americans and, 2702
Asian Americans and, 285
Jewish Americans and, 3367
of Latinos, 2267
of Mexican Americans, 242 244
women and, 3634
politics of accommodation, 182
Polonia, 132
population in United States
of African Americans, 176, 184
of Arab Americans, 262
of Asian Americans, 2801
of Chinese Americans, 305
of foreign-born, 89
growth in, immigration and, 956
of Japanese Americans, 305
of Jewish Americans, 324, 328
of Latinos, in United States, 220, 221
minority, change in by county, 35

of Muslim Americans, 265

of Native Americans, 149
culture of, 2412
feminization of, 359
Powell, Colin, 192
powwows, 159, 160, 161
prejudice, 3257; see also prejudice, reducing; prejudice, theories of
Chinese Americans and, 3178
color-blind racism and, 434
defined, 35
discrimination and, 357
gays and lesbians and, 4034
hate and, ways to fight, 545
intergroup hostility and, 468
Japanese Americans and, 3178
LaPieres study of, 37
Mertons typology and, 36
mood of oppressed and, 446
stereotypes and, 403
white privilege and, 38
prejudice, reducing, 4854
avoidance vs. friendship and, 513
diversity training and, 534
education of, 489
mass media and, 4951
prejudice, theories of, 3840
authoritarian personality theory, 39
exploitation theory, 39
normative approach, 40
scapegoating theory, 389
principle of third-generation interest, 11920
Protestants, 1389
public displays, 141
Puerto Ricans, 24450
characteristics of, 241
contemporary picture of, 250155
economy of, 24950
education of, 2512
familism and, 253
family life and, 2523
healthcare and, 2534
immigration and, 245
Neoricans and, 245
religion and, 2545
Puerto Rico, Island of, 24550
color gradient in, 2489
future of, 247
map of, 244
neocolonialism and, 246
race and, social construction of, 2489, 250
statehood and self-rule in, 2478
Pulaski, Casimir, 131
push and pull factors in immigration, 88
pushouts, 1656
Puzo, Mario, 130


ISBN 1-256-48952-2

Qubcois, 377
quilombo, 379
Quran, 2634
Rabin, Yitzhak, 383
Rabinowicz, Sima, 340
biological meaning of, 102
biracial and multiracial identity and, 135
in Canada, 3778
intelligence tests and, 112
in Puerto Rico, social construction of, 2489, 250
pure races, absence of, 11
social construction of, 123
sociology and study of, 159
racial democracy in Brazil, 379
racial formation, 12, 178
racial groups; see also subordinate groups
defined, 78
in Republic of South Africa, 385
in United States, 47
racial profiling, 423, 271
of Arab Americans and Muslim Americans, 271
of Asian Americans, 284
racism, 12
Randolph, A. Philip, 183, 184, 188
Randolph, Elmo, 42
ranking groups, 47
Ray, Rachel, 130
Raybon, Patricia, 364
Reagan, Ronald, 124, 135, 314
Reconstruction, 180
Red Cloud, 151
Redford, Robert, 158
rediscovery of ethnicity, 11821
ethnic paradox and, 120
symbolic ethnicity and, 1201
third-generation principle and, 11920
redlining, 69, 210
red summer, 183
Reform Jews, 3389
refugees, 10810, 2912
relative deprivation, 612, 189
religion; see also religion and the courts
African Americans and, 1912
civil, 1356
defined, 133
denominations and, 1345
Irish Americans and, 1256
Islam, 2634
Italian Americans and, 128
Jewish Americans and, 3379
Latinos and, 2545
Native Americans and, 16870
Pentecostalism, 255
Polish Americans and, 132
Protestants and, 1389


racial and ethnic makeup of selected religions in

United States, 136
Roman Catholics and, 137
religion and the courts, 13941
creationists and, 141
intelligent design and, 141
public displays and, 141
school prayer and, 13940
secessionist minorities and, 140
religious groups, 89
religious pluralism, 1339
defined, 133
Protestants and, 1389
Roman Catholics and, 137
relocation centers, 311
remittances, 105, 223
Removal Act, 151
Reorganization Act, 151, 153
repatriation, 239
Republic of South Africa, 3848
African National Congress in, 3867
apartheid in, 3857
colonialism in, 3845
contact hypothesis in, 388
pass laws in, 385
racial groups in, 385
reconciliation in, 3878
resegregation, 23
reservation life and federal policies, Native Americans
and, 1547
Employment Assistance Program and, 1567
lands and communities and, 155
legal claims and, 1556
Termination Act and, 156
resistance and change, 268
Reskin, Barbara, 76
restrictionist sentiment, 924
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 and, 934
national origin system and, 923
restrictive covenant, 184
reverse discrimination, 767
Riesman, David, 292
riff-raff theory, 189
rights advocates
for elderly, 3978
for gays and lesbians, 4046
for people with disabilities, 4001
rising expectations, 190
Roberts, Ed, 400
Robinson, Craig, 34
Rockefeller, John D., 125
Rodrguez, Clara, 221
Rolling Quads, 400
Roman Catholic Church, Latinos and, 2545
Roman Catholics, 137
Roma people, 61
Romney, Mitt, 135

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

454 Index
Roosevelt, Franklin, 183, 311, 315
Rosenberg, Tom, 342
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 135
Rumbaut, Rubn, 122
Ruth, Babe, 125
Ryan, William, 17

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

Sabin, Albert, 133

Sajak, Pat, 133
Sambora, Richie, 131, 133
Sanchez, Jos Ramn, 2501
Sansei, 310
Sawyer, Diane, 198
Scalia, Antonio, 129, 405
scapegoating theory, 389, 329
school prayer, 13940
school segregation, 199200
Scopes, John, 141
Seale, Bobby, 191
secession, 22
secessionist minorities, 140
second shift, 361
defined, 234
residential, 20910
school, 199200
self-fulfilling prophecy, 189
self-identifying as Arab Americans, 263
September 11, 2001, 267, 2702, 274
sexism, 348
sexual harassment, 3578
Shah, Naveed Ali, 260
Shaheen, Jack, 273
Shater, Walied, 40
Shepard, Matthew, 404
Shryock, Andrew, 273
Silberman, Charles, 166
sinophobes, 91
Sioux Indians, 1512
Sitting Bull, 151
Six-Day War, 382
slave codes, 1778
slavery, 17781, 3789
Africa and, 1789
aftermath of, 1801
attack on, 180
in Brazil, 3789
quilombo, 379
reflecting on, 181
slave codes and, 1778
slave concentration and, 179
slavery reparation, 181
social construction of race, 123
social distance, 51
social minorities, 392409
elderly as, 3948
gays and lesbians as, 4026
people with disabilities as, 398401

sociology, 159
defined, 15
perspectives of women and, 34950
stratification by class and gender and, 156
theoretical perspectives in, 169
Sommers, Samuel, 118
Sotomayor, Sonia, 76
South Africa and immigration, 102
South Americans, see Central and South Americans
Southeast Asian Americans, 291
current picture of, 2923
Hmong community and, case study of, 2934
refugees and, 2912
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1878
sovereignty, 1601
sovereignty movement, 298
Hawaiians and, 298
Korean Americans and, 2956
Special Force Operation, 240
spiritual expression of Native Americans, 16870
Srole, Leo, 118
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 350
statehood and self-rule in Puerto Rico, 2478
Status Indians, 376
defined, 18, 403
racial profiling and, 423
Stewart, Martha (Kostyra), 133
Stoops, Bob, 41
stratification by class and gender, 156
Stuyvesant, Peter, 332
subordinate groups
characteristics of, 6
defined, 5
ethnic, 8
gender, 10
Jewish Americans as, 3267
other, 10
racial, 78
ranking, 47
religious, 89
subordinate group status, consequences
of, 216
assimilation, 245
expulsion, 22
extermination, 22
fusion, 24
pluralistic perspective, 256
secession, 22
segregation, 234
subordinate group status, creation of, 1921
annexation and, 20
colonialism and, 20
migration and, 1920
suffragists, 3501
sundown towns, 185
Surapruik, Ann, 286
symbolic ethnicity, 1201

Takei, George, 50, 314
talented tenth, theory of, 1823
Termination Act, 151, 156
theoretical perspectives
conflict perspective, 178
functionalist perspective, 167
labeling theory in, 189
Thomas, William I., 18, 131
Thornton, Russell, 152
Tijerina, ReiesLpez, 243
tongs, 307
total discrimination, 624
tourism, Native Americans and, 163
tracking, 200, 251
Trail of Tears, 1501
transgendered persons, 402
transnationals, 1078, 223
transvestites, 402
treaties and warfare, Native Americans and, 1503
Allotment Act and, 1523
Battle of Wounded Knee and, 152
federal policies and, major, 151
Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 and, 151
Indian Removal Act and, 1501
millenarian movement and, 152
Reorganization Act and, 153
Sioux and, 1512
Truman, Harry, 248
Truth, Sojourner, 180
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 387
tsu, 3067
Tubman, Harriet, 180
Turner, Ted, 41

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

under employment, 2045

United Farm Workers (UFW), 242
United States; see also population in United States
anti-Semitism in, past, 3323
Asian Pacific Islander groups in, 287
early immigration to, 902
foreign-born workers in, by country, 53
gays and lesbians in, 4023
immigration to, patterns of, 889
legal immigrants admitted to, by region of last
residence, 94
race relations in, views on the state of, 45
racial and ethnic groups in, 47
religions in, racial and ethnic makeup of selected, 136
urban violence and oppression, 18990
Van Buren, Martin, 55
Ventula, Stanley, Jr., 133
victim discounting, 211
victimization surveys, 2101
Viet Kieu, 293
Vinton, Bobby, 133
visible minorities, 378
visitability, 401


Waitzkin, Howard, 212

Walesa, Lech, 132
Wallace, George, 186
Wallerstein, Immanuel, 20
Walzer, Susan, 361
warfare, Native Americans and, see treaties and warfare,
Native Americans and
Warner, W. Lloyd, 118
Warren, Earl, 186
wartime evacuation and Japanese Americans, 3114
camps and, 3123
evacuees and, 312
Executive Order 9066 and, 3112, 315
relocation centers and, 311
social significance of, 3134
Washington, Booker T., 28, 1813
Waters, Mary, 119
Wax, Murray, 163, 165
Wax, Rosalie, 165
of African Americans, 2023
Black-White gap in, 203
defined, 71
wealth inequality, 712
Weber, Max, 15, 79, 208
wet foot, 228
Wheeler-Howard Act, 151, 153
whiteness, 1178
white primary, 181
white privilege, 38
Wickham, De Wayne, 78
Wiesel, Elie, 331
Willeto, Angela A. A., 167
Williams, Patricia, 70, 71, 72, 210
Wilson, Richard, 158
Wilson, Ryan, 148
Wilson, William J., 209, 2412
Winant, Howard, 12
Wojtyla, Karol Jzef, 132
Wolfe, Ann, 336
women, 34669; see also economy
of women
education of, 35960
family life of, 3613
feminist movement and, 3502
gender roles and, 349
immigration and, 1056
in Japan, gender inequality in, 355
in Mexico, 375
minority, matrix of domination and, 3645
politics and, 3634
sociological perspectives and, 34950
womens liberation movement, 3512
Woods, Tiger, 70
Woodson, Carter, 178
world systems theory, 20, 24950, 372
World Trade Center (WTC), 274
Wu, David, 317

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

456 Index
xenophobia, 90
yellow peril, 283
Yew, Chay, 313
Yiddishkait, 340
Yonsei, 310

Zangwill, Israel, 394

Zapata, Emiliano, 374
Zapatista National Liberation Army, 3745
Zionism, 334, 381
Znaniecki, Florian, 131
zoning laws, 210

ISBN 1-256-48952-2
Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Black Population by County, 2010

Source: Map Courtesy of Social Explorer (

Change in Black Population, 20002010

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

Source: Map Courtesy of Social Explorer (

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Hispanic Population by County, 2010

Source: Map Courtesy of Social Explorer (

Change in Hispanic Population, 20002010

Source: Map Courtesy of Social Explorer (
ISBN 1-256-48952-2
Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Asian American Population by County, 2010

Source: Map Courtesy of Social Explorer (

Change in Asian American Population, 20002010

ISBN 1-256-48952-2

Source: Map Courtesy of Social Explorer (

Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

American Indian Population by County, 2010

Source: Map Courtesy of Social Explorer (

Change in American Indian Population, 20002010

Source: Map Courtesy of Social Explorer (
ISBN 1-256-48952-2
Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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