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This file contains details of the changes in each new version of PRISM.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 4.2 (beta first released 12/5/2014)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Parametric model checking
* New model checking and export functionality
- fast adaptive uniformisation for CTMC transient analysis
- added R[C<=k] operator for MDPs (sparse, explicit)
- new -exportmecs and -exportsccs switches
- additional functionality in explicit engine (export BSCCs, LTL)
- improved adversary strategy generation in explicit engine
- integer variables can be unbounded (e.g. "x:int;"), for simulation-based ana
* New options/switches:
- new -exportmodel and -importmodel convenience switches
- new -sumroundoff switch (used when checking probabilities sum to 1)
- some new '-help xxx' switches (const,simpath,exportresults,aroptions,exportm
- allow command-line switches of form --sw (as well as -sw)
- slight change to notation for -exportresults to match -exportmodel
* Additional functionality available in GUI:
- export steady-state/transient probabilities from GUI
- export/view labels from model/properties from GUI
- small improvements to usability of the GUI simulator transition table
- additional graph zoom functionality on popup menu
* Updates to build process
- fixed building on new versions of Cygwin (Windows)
- update CUDD to version 2.5.0
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 4.1 (first released 20/12/2012)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Multi-objective model checking for MDPs
* New explicit-state (pure Java) model checking engine
- coverage of much, but not all, of PRISM's model checking functionality
- new methods for MDPs: policy iteration (-politer -modpoliter) and Gauss-Seid
el (-gs)
- accompanying significant changes to underlying PRISM (Java) API
* GUI improvements
- easy plotting of graphs for simulation paths in the GUI
- command-line GUI call (xprism) takes both model and properties files as arg
- easier zoom-out (double click) for graphs in GUI
* CTL model checking (most operators)
- and counterexample/witness generation for A[G ...] or E[F ...]
* Changes to deadlock handling:
- new option for "fix deadlocks" (defaults to *true*) (and new switch -nofixdl
- consistent deadlock handling everywhere, incl. GUI and experiments

* Model checking improvements

- incremental computation of ranges of transient probabilities
when called from command-line (e.g. -tr 0.1:0.01:0.2)
- new "printall" filter (shows zero results too, unlike "print")
- -importinit option works for steady-state as well as transient probabilities
- additional output in log of progress for numerical solution techniques
* Improvements to simulation path generation using -simpath switch
- more efficient path generation (on-the-fly) where possible
- new 'snapshot' option to only show states at certain time-points
- added 'probs' option to display transition probabilities/rates
- rewards are not displayed by default; use 'rewards' option to show
* Changes to usage of PRISM settings file
- settings file ~/.prism only read by GUI (not command-line) by default
- new switch -settings to read a settings file from command-line PRISM
* New file extensions for model/properties files: .prism, .props
* New scripts for testing and benchmarking: prism-auto/prism-test/prism-filler
* New -exportdigital switch for exporting PRISM code built by digital clocks PTA
* New syntax for (CTMC) transient probabilities in P operator: P=? [ F=T "target
" ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 4.0.3 (released 30/1/2012)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Property names
- properties can be named, by prefixing with "name":
- properties can appear as sub-formulae of other properties using name referen
- command-line -prop switch allows selection of property to check by name
* New options for results export
- export in matrix form, e.g. for surface plots
- export in CSV (rather than tab-separated) form
- expanded switch: -exportresults file[,opt1,opt2,...] with options: matrix,cs
* Automatic engine switching if numerical computation not supported
* Optimised Rabin automata for a few common LTL formulae
* Added -pf as a command-line switch alias for -pctl/-csl
* Add .props as a properties file extension (in GUI)
* New switches -noprob0/-noprob1 to disable individual precomputation algorithms
* Added prominence given to log warning messages in command-line/GUI
* GUI on Macs uses Cmd, not Ctrl
* Added PrismTest class to illustrate programmatic use of PRISM
* Command-line scripts can signal termination via growlnotify/notify-send
* Bash completion scripts + additional syntax highlighters
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 4.0.2 (released 9/10/2011)

Better handling of undefined constants in properties

Added -exportprodtrans and -exportprodstates switches
More improvements to explicit engine
Simulator fix: ignores "max path length" for time-bounded properties
Fixed to compile on Java 7
Fixed anti-aliasing in GUI model editor

* Various bug fixes

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 4.0.1 (released 27/7/2011)

Added if-and-only-if operator (<=>) for use in models/properties

Updated version of explicit model checking library
Testing mode (-test and -testall switches)
Various bug fixes

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 4.0 (released 28/6/2011)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Support for probabilistic timed automata (PTAs)
- new modelling language features: clocks, invariants
- model checking of timed/untimed probabilistic reachability properties
- two model checking engines: abstraction-refinement, digital clocks
- support for expected reward properties (i.e. priced PTAs)
* New approximate/statistical model checking functionality
- additional confidence-interval (CI) based approximation methods
- acceptance sampling: sequential probabilistic ratio test (SPRT) method
* Optimal adversary generation for MDPs
- and for PTAs, via digital clocks engine
* Improvements to the property language and model checking
- enhanced filters for property result processing
- new, clearer reporting of results from PRISM
* Improved model export functionality
- option to include state information in dot files (e.g. -exporttransdotstates
- action labels included in dot/transition matrix exports
- clearer for file export for MDPs
* Additional functionality for transient/steady-state probabilities
- option to specify initial distribution for transient analysis
- option to export steady-state/transient probabilities to a file
* New components/libraries for developers:
- completely re-written discrete-event simulation engine
- explicit-state probabilistic model checking library
- a quantitative abstraction-refinement engine
* Other improvements/additions:
- Strict upper time-bounds allowed in properties
- Formulas used in properties are left unexpanded for legibility
- Added check for existence of zero-reward loops in MDPs
- New -exportprism/-exportprismconst/-nobuild switches
- New -exporttarget switch
- New versions of jcommon (1.0.16) and jfreechart (1.0.13)
* Changes since 4.0.beta2 (released 10/6/2011)
- None
* Changes since 4.0.beta (released 16/12/2010)
- Bug fixes: simulator, error messages, typos and examples)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 3.3.1 (released 22/11/2009)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Bug fixes:
- Building on new 64-bit Macs
- Simulator bug (crashes on min/max function)
- CTMC transient probs with MTBDD engine crash
- State/transition reward mix-up in parser
- Approximate verification of lower time-bounded properties for CTMCs
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 3.3 (released 29/10/2009)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Bug fixes:
- Building on new Macs
- Copy+paste bug in GUI
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 3.3.beta2 (released 29/7/2009)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Bug fixes:
- LTL model checking (svn: 1112, 1132)
- Approximate model checking (svn: 1214)
- Building on new Macs (svn: 1103, 1105, 1349)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 3.3.beta1 (released 20/5/2009) (svn: trunk rev 1066)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------* New language parser:
- improved efficiency, especially on large/complex models
- more accurate error reporting
* GUI model editor improvements:
- error highlighting
- line numbers
- undo/redo feature
* Expanded property specification language
- LTL (and PCTL*) now supported
- arbitrary expressions allowed, e.g. 1-P=?[...]
- support for weak until (W) and release (R) added
- steady-state operators (S=?[...], R=?[S]) allowed for DTMCs
- optional semicolons to terminate properties in properties files
* Modelling language changes:
- cleaner notation for functions, e.g. mod(i,n), not func(mod,i,n)
- function names can be renamed in module renaming
- language strictness: updates (x'=...) must be parenthesised
- ranges (x=1..3,5) no longer supported
- added conversion tool for old models (etc/scripts/prism3to4)
* Other minor technical changes to language:
- implication allowed in any expression (not just properties)
- floor/ceil are now identifiers, not keywords
- relational operators now have precedence over equality operators
- better but slightly different parsing of problem cases like "F<=a b"
* Improvements to memory handling, especially in sparse/hybrid engines
* Updated JFreeChart library
* Multiple -const switches allowed at command-line


Efficiency improvements to precomputation algorithms

Added symmetry reduction functionality
New -exportbsccs option
Initial state info for explicit import is now via -importlabels
Added prism2html/prism2latex tools (in etc/scripts)
Sparse/hybrid versions of instantaneous reward properties (R=?[I=k]) for DTMCs
Easier viewing of model checking results in GUI
Steady-state/transient probability computation for DTMCs

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 3.2.beta1 (released 25/2/2008) (svn: trunk rev 568)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Fix to allow building on Mac OS X v10.5 (Leopard)
* New option for displaying extra info during reachability (-extrareachinfo swit
* Addition of some missing reward model checking algorithms
- instantaneous reward properties (R=?[I=k]) for DTMCs/MDPs (MTBDD/sparse engi
nes only)
- cumulative reward properties (R=?[C<=k]) for DTMCs
- sparse engine version of reach reward properties (R=?[F...]) for MDPs
* New option for displaying extra (MT)BDD info (-extraddinfo switch)
* Font increase/decrease feature in GUI
* Labels (for use in properties file) can be defined in the model file
* Properties files can use formulas from model file
* Partially correct property files can be loaded into the GUI
* New icon set and graphics
* New graph plotting engine using JFreeChart
* Prototype SBML-to-PRISM translator
* New option for -simpath feature: can enable/disable loop checking
* New option for -simpath feature: generation of multiple paths to find deadlock
* New "rows" option for matrix exports (-exportrows switch)
* Support for 64-bit architectures
* Addition of F and G operators to property language (eventually/globally)
* Redesign of the simulator GUI, plus new features:
- ability to display cumulated time/rewards
- new "Configure view" dialog
- easier selection of next step (double click)
* Resizeable experiment results table
* Function "log" for use in expressions
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 3.1.1 (5/4/2007) (svn: derived from 3.1 tag)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Minor bug fixes:
- bug in "New Graph" dialog which fails on Java 6
- threading bug which can cause graph plotting to freeze
- fix to possible failure of Windows launch scripts
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 3.1 (15/11/2006) (svn: derived from 3.1.beta1 tag)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------* No changes
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 3.1.beta1 (3/11/2006) (svn: trunk rev 116)


New installer for Windows binary

Models can now have multiple (named) reward structures
New -simpath switch for command-line generation of random paths with simulator
Minor PRISM language improvements:
- type keyword does not need to be first thing in model file
- doubles in exponential form (1.4e-9) and unary minus (-1) allowed
PRISM settings file now used by command-line version too
Small GUI improvements
New option to disable steady-state detection for CTMC transient analysis
Bug fixes

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 3.0 (6/7/2006) (svn: trunk rev 55)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Bug fixes
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 3.0.beta1 (29/3/2006) (svn: trunk rev 45)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Changes to export functionality
- transition matrix graph can be exported to a Dot file (-exporttransdot)
- can export state/transition rewards
- can export labels and their satisfying states
- can export to stdout/log instead of a file
- can export in MRMC format
- improved support for Matlab format export
- exported matrices now ordered by default (by row)
- new/rearranged command-line switches
* Added new options to Model|View menu in GUI
* Additional checks when parsing models:
- synchronous commands modifying globals
(now disallowed, previously just advised against)
- modification of local variables by another module
(previously detected later at build-time)
* Improvements/changes to explicit import functionality:
- -importstates understands Boolean variables now
- -importinit option added
- Default module variable (x) indexed from 0, not 1
* Non-convergence of iterative methods is an error, not a warning
* Changed layout of simulator transition table (4 -> 3 columns)
* Bugfixes
* Makefile improvements
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev11.sim8 (3/3/2006)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Bug fix: computation of powers in simulator
* Bug fix: calculation of transition rewards from multiple actions
* Bug fixes: loop detection and deadlocks in simulator
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev11.sim7 (5/1/2006)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Bug fixes, tidying

Version 2.1.dev11.sim6 (16/12/2005)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Merged with simulator branch
* Improved options management including saving of user settings
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev11 (5/12/2005)
* Bugfixes in GUI syntax highlighting, esp. for large model files
* Bugfix: out-of-range initial values banned
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev10 (21/10/2005)

GUI syntax highlighting restructure and efficiency improvement

Bugfix/tidy in GUI experiments, esp. with Booleans
Bugfix/improvements in modulo operations
Improvements to checks of probabilities/rates, e.g. for NaN
Ability to disable checks of probabilities/rates

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev9 (27/05/2005)

* Tidied up simulator code/stubs
* Graphical model editor disabled
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev8 (11/05/2005)

Can now be built on OS X

Makefile improvements including better OS detection
Bug fix improving efficiency of BSCC computation
Improved reporting of multiple missing constants

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev7 (22/2/2005)

* Graphical model editor (temporarily?) enabled
* Addition of simulator code and stubs
* Tweaked main Makefile: stops after first error
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev6 (18/2/2005)

* Bug fix - alphabet for default synchronisation is now derived syntactically
* Updates to some APMC code
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev5 (11/2/2005)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Partially completed changes:
* PRISM Preprocessor
* Improved hybrid GS
* Improved syntax highlighting
* Max memory for Java VM modifiable via PRISM_JAVAMAXMEM environment variable
* Reorganisation of Linux/Solaris launch scripts
* New notation for functions in PRISM language: func(f,x,y)
* New built-in functions in PRISM language (new notation only) - power(pow), mod
* Upgrade to newest version of CUDD (2.4.0)
* GUI supports multi-line comments for properties
* Command-line override of model type allowed (-dtmc,-ctmc,-mdp switches)
* Tidy up of output generated by filters in P/S operators
* Added built-in label "deadlock", true in states where deadlocks fixed by PRISM
* Conditional evaluation operator now allows bracketless nesting, e.g. a?b:c?d:e
* Bug fixes
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev4 (21/1/2005)

New syntax for transition rewards (within rewards construct)

Bugfix in Prob1A precomputation algorithm
Bugfix: disappearing "{min}"/"{max}" from P/R operators
Numerous improvements to graph plotting tool
- Export of graphs to Matlab
- Import/export of graphs from/to XML
- Enhanced scale behaviour/options
- Improved editing of series properties/data
- Various bug fixes
* More thorough checks of commands during model construction
- each command must define transitions for all states satisfying guard
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev3 (17/11/2004)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Partially completed changes:
* Graphical model editor significantly improved (but disabled for now)
* Support for import of (explicit) transition matrix and state space

(command-line only, via -importtrans/-importstates switches (and -dtmc,-ctmc,mdp))

* Improvements to graph plotting functionality
* Log in GUI now operates with a limited size buffer to avoid out-of-memory prob
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev2 (20/10/2004)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Partially completed changes:
* Support for costs/rewards
- DTMC: R[F] H/S/M
- MDP: R[F] M ok, H partial
- CTMC: R[F] H/S/M, R[I=t] H/S/M, R[S] H/S/M, C[<=t] H/S/M
* Added facility to compute transient probabilities
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1.dev1 (7/10/2004)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Partially completed changes:
* Support for costs/rewards
* Checks during model construction that rates are non-negative and probabilities
sum to one
* Multiple initial states init...endinit
* Support for displaying min/max of a range of probabilities using {} notation
* New "compact" storage schemes (distinct values only) added to sparse/hybrid en
* Sparse storage schemes now use (more compact) counts instead of start indices
for rows/cols
* True Gauss-Seidel algorithm for hybrid engine
* New switches (-pgs, -psor, -bpgs, -bpsor) to access hybrid "psuedo" methods
* Language modification: updates can be "true", i.e. no variables change
* Added conditional evaluation operator (cond ? then : else) to PRISM language
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.1 (released 8/9/2004)
* Now possible to build/run PRISM on Windows
* Compilation/installation procedures slightly simplified
* Splash screen on load
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 2.0 (released 17/3/2004)

* Completely new graphical user interface, including:
- Text editor for PRISM language
- Automated results collection/graph plotting
* Enhancements to PRISM language:
- Types (ints, doubles and booleans) and type checking added
- Probabilities/rates can now be expressions
- Variable ranges/initial values can now be expressions
- Constant/formula definitions can be expressions (including in terms of each
- Process algebra style definitions allowed for MDPs too (via "system" constru
* Enhancements to property specifications:
- Probability/time bounds in PCTL/CSL properties can now be expressions
- Use of constants now permitted: both those from the model and newly declared
- Added "init" keyword to PCTL/CSL (atomic proposition true only in initial st
- Can define and reuse "labels" (atomic propositions) (like formulas in model
- Can write properties of the form "P=?[...]" which return the actual probabil
* Additional features:
- Automatic handling of multiple model checking computations,
e.g. check "P~p[true U<=k error]" for k=1..100
- Added -exportstates switch, exports reachable states to text file
- Added -nobscc switch for optional bypass of BSCC computation
- Added explicit versions of export options (including first export option for
- Export options can now be used in conjunction with each other and with model
- Added -version switch to display version
* Efficiency improvements
- Improved heuristics for hybrid engine (sb/sbmax/gsl switches -> sbmax/sbl/gs
- More efficient construction process for unstructured models
- General restructuring/improvements to model construction process implementat
* Miscellaneous
- Various bug fixes
- Fairness (for MDP model checking) now OFF by default (used to be ON)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.3.1 (released 20/2/2003)
* Bug fixes in model construction code

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.3 (released 10/2/2003)

* Steady-state probability computation improved to include strongly connected co
mponent (SCC) computation
* Extended support for CSL time-bounded until operator to include arbitrary inte
* More flexible parallel composition options in the PRISM language (for DTMCs an
d CTMCs)
* Added option to import PEPA process algebra descriptions as models
* Improved range of numerical methods: (Backwards) Gauss-Seidel and (Backwards)
SOR (plus variants for hybrid engine)
* Added -pctl/-csl switches to allow command line specification of properties
* Improved handling of deadlock states: can add self-loops to these states autom
atically (e.g. -fixdl switch)
* Steady-state probabilities are no longer automatically computed for CTMCs: use
the -ss switch
* Addition of {} operator to PCTL/CSL formulas to support printing of probabilit
* Resolved problem with PRISM language syntax: updates must now be parenthesised
* Default value for maximum number of iterations reduced from 500,000 to (more s
ensible) 10,000
* Added switches to control CUDD behaviour (-cuddmaxmem, -cuddepsilon)
* Additional example files
* Numerous bug fixes
* Now released under the GPL license
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.2 (released 17/9/2001)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------First public release

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