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# #####################################

# #####################################
technology =
{ id
= 6
= land_doctrines
= TECH_LD_NAME # Localized name
= TECH_LD_DESC # Localized description
# Firepower Focus Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6010
position = { x = 88 y = 16 }
= 1936
# Tactical unit - Battalion
component = { id = 6011 name = TECH_CMP_LD_1_1_NAME type
fficulty = 10 }
# Fire disciplin
component = { id = 6012 name = TECH_CMP_LD_1_2_NAME type
ty = 10 }
# Interlocking fields of fire
component = { id = 6013 name = TECH_CMP_LD_1_3_NAME type
ty = 10 }
# Drill and discipline mentality
component = { id = 6014 name = TECH_CMP_LD_1_4_NAME type
ty = 10 }
# Organic regimental firesupport
component = { id = 6015 name = TECH_CMP_LD_1_5_NAME type
ty = 10 }
required = { }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value
command = { type = counterattack value = 2 }
command = { type = deactivate which = 6210 }
command = { type = activate_unit_type which = hq }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 0 }
# Superior Firepower Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6020
position = { x = 24 y = 56 }
= 1936
# High Echelon Fire Support
component = { id = 6021 name = TECH_CMP_LD_2_1_NAME type
fficulty = 10 }
# Advance under Fire
component = { id = 6022 name = TECH_CMP_LD_2_2_NAME type
s difficulty = 10 }
# Tactical unit - Company
component = { id = 6023 name = TECH_CMP_LD_2_3_NAME type
tion difficulty = 10 }
# Indirect firesupport focus
component = { id = 6024 name = TECH_CMP_LD_2_4_NAME type
ncy difficulty = 10 }
# Officer training - West Point method
component = { id = 6025 name = TECH_CMP_LD_2_5_NAME type

= infantry_focus di
= training difficul
= training difficul
= training difficul
= training difficul

= 10 }

= infantry_focus di
= small_unit_tactic
= centralized_execu
= technical_efficie
= training difficul

ty = 10 }
required = { 6010 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = deactivate which = 6030 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
# Grand Battleplan Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6030
= 1936
position = { x = 136 y = 56 }
# High Echelon Fire Support
component = { id = 6031 name = TECH_CMP_LD_3_1_NAME type
fficulty = 9 }
# Advance under Fire
component = { id = 6032 name = TECH_CMP_LD_3_2_NAME type
s difficulty = 9 }
# General staff planning
component = { id = 6033 name = TECH_CMP_LD_3_3_NAME type
tion difficulty = 9 }
# Offensive spirit
component = { id = 6034 name = TECH_CMP_LD_3_4_NAME type
e difficulty = 9 }
# Officer training - Sandhurst method
component = { id = 6035 name = TECH_CMP_LD_3_5_NAME type
ty = 9 }
required = { 6010 }
effects =
{ command = { type = delay value = 2 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value
command = { type = assault value = 1 }
command = { type = deactivate which = 6020 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.2 }
# Delay Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6040
position = { x = 24 y = 88 }
= 1937
# Mid Echelon Fire Support
component = { id = 6041 name = TECH_CMP_LD_4_1_NAME type
fficulty = 10 }
# Enemy Contact and Delay
component = { id = 6042 name = TECH_CMP_LD_4_2_NAME type
s difficulty = 10 }
# Object Control Focus
component = { id = 6043 name = TECH_CMP_LD_4_3_NAME type
tion difficulty = 10 }
# Basic fire direction center
component = { id = 6044 name = TECH_CMP_LD_4_4_NAME type
ncy difficulty = 10 }

= 10 }

= infantry_focus di
= large_unit_tactic
= centralized_execu
= individual_courag
= training difficul

= 10 }

= infantry_focus di
= small_unit_tactic
= centralized_execu
= technical_efficie

# Limited NCO initiative

component = { id = 6045 name = TECH_CMP_LD_4_5_NAME type = training difficul
ty = 10 }
required = { 6020 }
effects =
{ command = { type = delay value = 2 }
command = { type = tactical_withdrawal value = 2 }
command = { type = counterattack value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = artillery when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.1 }
# Mobile Defense Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6050
position = { x = 24 y = 104 }
= 1938
# Pre-computed firing data
component = { id = 6051 name = TECH_CMP_LD_5_1_NAME type = combined_arms_foc
us difficulty = 10 }
# Enemy Contact and Lock Down
component = { id = 6052 name = TECH_CMP_LD_5_2_NAME type = small_unit_tactic
s difficulty = 10 }
# Area Control Focus
component = { id = 6053 name = TECH_CMP_LD_5_3_NAME type = decentralized_exe
cution difficulty = 10 }
# Improved fire direction center
component = { id = 6054 name = TECH_CMP_LD_5_4_NAME type = technical_efficie
ncy difficulty = 10 }
# Tactical unit - Platoon
component = { id = 6055 name = TECH_CMP_LD_5_5_NAME type = training difficul
ty = 10 }
required = { 6040 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = tactical_withdrawal value = 2 }
command = { type = counterattack value = 2 }
command = { type = delay value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = artillery when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.2 }
# Stand Off Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6060
position = { x = 144 y = 88 }
= 1939

# Mid Echelon Fire Support

component = { id = 6061 name = TECH_CMP_LD_6_1_NAME type = infantry_focus di
fficulty = 10 }
# Enemy Contact and Lock Down
component = { id = 6062 name = TECH_CMP_LD_6_2_NAME type = small_unit_tactic
s difficulty = 10 }
# Object Control Focus
component = { id = 6063 name = TECH_CMP_LD_6_3_NAME type = centralized_execu
tion difficulty = 10 }
# Basic air/land cooperation
component = { id = 6064 name = TECH_CMP_LD_6_4_NAME type = technical_efficie
ncy difficulty = 10 }
# Supressive fire emphasis
component = { id = 6065 name = TECH_CMP_LD_6_5_NAME type = training difficul
ty = 10 }
required = { 6020 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = ambush value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = artillery when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.1 }
# Integrated Support Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6070
position = { x = 144 y = 104 }
= 1940
# Low Echelon Fire Support
component = { id = 6071 name = TECH_CMP_LD_7_1_NAME type = infantry_focus di
fficulty = 10 }
# Enemy Contact and Destruction
component = { id = 6072 name = TECH_CMP_LD_7_2_NAME type = small_unit_tactic
s difficulty = 10 }
# Area Control Focus
component = { id = 6073 name = TECH_CMP_LD_7_3_NAME type = decentralized_exe
cution difficulty = 10 }
# Improved fire direction center
component = { id = 6074 name = TECH_CMP_LD_7_4_NAME type = technical_efficie
ncy difficulty = 10 }
# Basic Air/Land coordination
component = { id = 6075 name = TECH_CMP_LD_7_5_NAME type = training difficul
ty = 10 }
required = { 6060 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = counterattack value = 4 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 1 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 1 }
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = ambush value = 2 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 0 }

command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative

value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = artillery when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.2 }
# Regimental Combat Teams
application =
{ id
= 6080
position = { x = 80 y = 128 }
= 1942
# Tactical unit - Platoon
component = { id = 6081 name = TECH_CMP_LD_8_1_NAME type = infantry_focus di
fficulty = 10 }
# Organic battalion firesupport
component = { id = 6082 name = TECH_CMP_LD_8_2_NAME type = small_unit_tactic
s difficulty = 10 }
# Emphasis on NCO initiative
component = { id = 6083 name = TECH_CMP_LD_8_3_NAME type = decentralized_exe
cution difficulty = 10 }
# Advanced fire control center
component = { id = 6084 name = TECH_CMP_LD_8_4_NAME type = technical_efficie
ncy difficulty = 10 }
# Fire and movement platoon coordination
component = { id = 6085 name = TECH_CMP_LD_8_5_NAME type = training difficul
ty = 10 }
required = { 6070 6050 }
effects =
{ command = { type = tactical_withdrawal value = 4 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = delay value = 2 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 2 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 2 }
command = { type = ambush value = 1 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 2 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = 10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = artillery when = now where = relativ
e value = 10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = sp_artillery when = now where = rela
tive value = -10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = motorized when = now where = relativ
e value = -10 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 2 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.3 }
# Combined Arms Defense
application =
{ id
= 6090
position = { x = 25 y = 159 }

= 1943
# Time on Target firemissions
component = { id = 6091 name = TECH_CMP_LD_9_1_NAME type = combined_arms_foc
us difficulty = 10 }
# Fire and movement
component = { id = 6092 name = TECH_CMP_LD_9_2_NAME type = small_unit_tactic
s difficulty = 10 }
# Tactical unit - Squad
component = { id = 6093 name = TECH_CMP_LD_9_3_NAME type = decentralized_exe
cution difficulty = 10 }
# Advanced air/land coordination
component = { id = 6094 name = TECH_CMP_LD_9_4_NAME type = technical_efficie
ncy difficulty = 10 }
# Integrated operations
component = { id = 6095 name = TECH_CMP_LD_9_5_NAME type = training difficul
ty = 10 }
required = { 6080 }
effects =
{ command = { type = deactivate which = 6100 }
command = { type = tactical_withdrawal value = 4 }
command = { type = morale which = land value = 20 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 20 }
command = { type = counterattack value = 2 }
command = { type = delay value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = artillery when = now where = relativ
e value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = sp_artillery when = now where = rela
tive value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = motorized when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 2 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.3 }
# Mechanized Offensive
application =
{ id
= 6100
position = { x = 146 y = 159 }
= 1943
# Artillery Proximity fuses
component = { id = 6101 name = TECH_CMP_LD_10_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# Tactical unit - Squad
component = { id = 6102 name = TECH_CMP_LD_10_2_NAME type = small_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Air/Land mobility theory
component = { id = 6103 name = TECH_CMP_LD_10_3_NAME type = decentralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 10 }
# Advanced air/land coordination
component = { id = 6104 name = TECH_CMP_LD_10_4_NAME type = technical_effici
ency difficulty = 10 }
# Advanced squad level tactics
component = { id = 6105 name = TECH_CMP_LD_10_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6080 }
effects =

{ command = { type = deactivate which = 6090 }

command = { type = morale which = land value = 20 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 20 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 2 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 2 }
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = artillery when = now where = relativ
e value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = sp_artillery when = now where = rela
tive value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = motorized when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = mechanized when = now where = relati
ve value = -15 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 2 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.3 }
# Mass Assault Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6110
position = { x = 272 y = 48 }
= 1938
# Multiple pre-planned targets
component = { id = 6111 name = TECH_CMP_LD_11_1_NAME type = infantry_focus d
ifficulty = 9 }
# Concentrated Attack
component = { id = 6112 name = TECH_CMP_LD_11_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 9 }
# War by Timetable
component = { id = 6113 name = TECH_CMP_LD_11_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 9 }
# Over-the-Top Mentality
component = { id = 6114 name = TECH_CMP_LD_11_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 9 }
# Limited NCO initiative
component = { id = 6115 name = TECH_CMP_LD_11_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 9 }
required = { 6030 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 30 }
command = { type = counterattack value = 4 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 1 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 2 }
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = ambush value = 2 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 0 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
# Trench Warfare Doctrine
application =

{ id
= 6120
position = { x = 264 y = 120 }
= 1936
# Organic divisional artillery
component = { id = 6121 name = TECH_CMP_LD_12_1_NAME type = infantry_focus d
ifficulty = 9 }
# Fast Trench-building
component = { id = 6122 name = TECH_CMP_LD_12_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 9 }
# Stringent Hierarchy
component = { id = 6123 name = TECH_CMP_LD_12_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 9 }
# Defend-every-inch Mentality
component = { id = 6124 name = TECH_CMP_LD_12_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 9 }
# Static machine gun use
component = { id = 6125 name = TECH_CMP_LD_12_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 9 }
required = { 6030 }
effects =
{ command = { type = delay value = 4 }
command = { type = morale which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
# Preplanned Defense Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6130
position = { x = 264 y = 136 }
= 1940
# Multiple Bunker-lines
component = { id = 6131 name = TECH_CMP_LD_13_1_NAME type = infantry_focus d
ifficulty = 9 }
# Layered minefields
component = { id = 6132 name = TECH_CMP_LD_13_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 9 }
# Strongpoint-mentality
component = { id = 6133 name = TECH_CMP_LD_13_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 9 }
# Tunnel complex
component = { id = 6134 name = TECH_CMP_LD_13_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 9 }
# Local reserves
component = { id = 6135 name = TECH_CMP_LD_13_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 9 }
required = { 6120 }
effects =
{ command = { type = delay value = 4 }
command = { type = morale which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = tactical_withdrawal value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = anti_tank when = now where = relativ

e value = -5 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.1 }
# Central Planing Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6140
position = { x = 264 y = 152 }
= 1942
# Artillery divisions
component = { id = 6141 name = TECH_CMP_LD_14_1_NAME type = infantry_focus d
ifficulty = 9 }
# Multiple attack directions
component = { id = 6142 name = TECH_CMP_LD_14_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 9 }
# Advanced staff planning
component = { id = 6143 name = TECH_CMP_LD_14_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 9 }
# Centralized artillery control
component = { id = 6144 name = TECH_CMP_LD_14_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 9 }
# Tactical unit - Company
component = { id = 6145 name = TECH_CMP_LD_14_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 9 }
required = { 6130 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = counterattack value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = anti_tank when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.1 }
# Attritional Containment Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6150
position = { x = 408 y = 48 }
= 1942
# Field fortification emphasis
component = { id = 6151 name = TECH_CMP_LD_15_1_NAME type = infantry_focus d
ifficulty = 9 }
# Operational reserves
component = { id = 6152 name = TECH_CMP_LD_15_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 9 }
# Large unit counterattacks
component = { id = 6153 name = TECH_CMP_LD_15_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 9 }
# Static Gun emplacements
component = { id = 6154 name = TECH_CMP_LD_15_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 9 }
# Tactical unit - Company

component = { id = 6155 name = TECH_CMP_LD_15_5_NAME type = training difficu

lty = 9 }
required = { 6110 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 5 }
command = { type = assault value = 3 }
command = { type = ambush value = 1 }
command = { type = deactivate which = 6160 }
command = { type = deactivate which = 6170 }
command = { type = build_cost which = artillery when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = engineer when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.3 }
# Infiltration Assault Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6160
position = { x = 408 y = 16 }
= 1942
# Night Attacks
component = { id = 6161 name = TECH_CMP_LD_16_1_NAME type = infantry_focus d
ifficulty = 9 }
# Dispersed Combat Elements
component = { id = 6162 name = TECH_CMP_LD_16_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 9 }
# Staff: Terrain Assesment
component = { id = 6163 name = TECH_CMP_LD_16_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 9 }
# Hand-to-Hand combat focus
component = { id = 6164 name = TECH_CMP_LD_16_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 9 }
# Platoon level night combat training
component = { id = 6165 name = TECH_CMP_LD_16_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 9 }
required = { 6110 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 50 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 2 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 1 }
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = ambush value = 5 }
command = { type = deactivate which = 6150 }
command = { type = deactivate which = 6170 }
command = { type = night_move which = infantry value = 10 }
command = { type = night_move which = paratrooper value = 10 }
command = { type = night_move which = marine value = 10 }
command = { type = night_move which = bergsjaeger value = 10 }
command = { type = night_move which = artillery value = 10 }
command = { type = night_move which = anti_tank value = 10 }
command = { type = night_move which = anti_air value = 10 }
command = { type = night_move which = engineer value = 10 }
command = { type = night_attack which = infantry value = 10 }
command = { type = night_attack which = paratrooper value = 10 }
command = { type = night_attack which = marine value = 10 }
command = { type = night_attack which = bergsjaeger value = 10 }

command = { type = night_attack which = engineer value = 10 }

command = { type = night_defense which = infantry value = 10 }
command = { type = night_defense which = paratrooper value = 10 }
command = { type = night_defense which = marine value = 10 }
command = { type = night_defense which = bergsjaeger value = 10 }
command = { type = night_defense which = engineer value = 10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = marine when = now where = relative v
alue = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = militia when = now where = relative
value = -10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = armor when = now where = relative va
lue = 5 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.3 }
# Operational Stages Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6170
position = { x = 408 y = 80 }
= 1942
# Dedicated artillery
component = { id = 6171 name = TECH_CMP_LD_17_1_NAME type = infantry_focus d
ifficulty = 9 }
# Dedicated airsupport
component = { id = 6172 name = TECH_CMP_LD_17_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 9 }
# Secured Objectives Principle
component = { id = 6173 name = TECH_CMP_LD_17_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 9 }
# Squad SOP
component = { id = 6174 name = TECH_CMP_LD_17_4_NAME type = technical_effici
ency difficulty = 9 }
# Tactical unit - Platoon
component = { id = 6175 name = TECH_CMP_LD_17_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 9 }
required = { 6110 }
effects =
{ command = { type = tactical_withdrawal value = 2 }
command = { type = delay value = 2 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 15 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 2 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 2 }
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = ambush value = 2 }
command = { type = deactivate which = 6150 }
command = { type = deactivate which = 6160 }
command = { type = build_cost which = motorized when = now where = relativ
e value = -10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = 10 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.3 }
# Assault Breakthrough
application =
{ id
= 6180

position = { x = 408 y = 128 }
= 1944
# low level field artillery
component = { id = 6181 name = TECH_CMP_LD_18_1_NAME type = infantry_focus d
ifficulty = 9 }
# Penetration reserves
component = { id = 6182 name = TECH_CMP_LD_18_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 9 }
# Areas of responsibility
component = { id = 6183 name = TECH_CMP_LD_18_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 9 }
# Squad level light machine guns
component = { id = 6184 name = TECH_CMP_LD_18_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 9 }
# Squad SOP
component = { id = 6185 name = TECH_CMP_LD_18_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 9 }
required = { 6140 6150 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 25 }
command = { type = tactical_withdrawal value = 3 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 2 }
command = { type = assault value = 6 }
command = { type = ambush value = 2 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 2 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = build_cost which = artillery when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = engineer when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.3 }
# Infiltration in Depth
application =
{ id
= 6190
position = { x = 408 y = 152 }
= 1943
# Self sustaining units
component = { id = 6191 name = TECH_CMP_LD_19_1_NAME type = infantry_focus d
ifficulty = 9 }
# Isolated Combat Elements
component = { id = 6192 name = TECH_CMP_LD_19_2_NAME type = small_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 9 }
# Mobile command posts
component = { id = 6193 name = TECH_CMP_LD_19_3_NAME type = decentralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 9 }
# Do-or-die-mentality
component = { id = 6194 name = TECH_CMP_LD_19_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 9 }
# Infantry assault tactics
component = { id = 6195 name = TECH_CMP_LD_19_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 9 }
required = { 6140 6160 }

effects =
{ command = { type = breakthrough value = 2 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 2 }
command = { type = ambush value = 6 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 2 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = night_move which = infantry value = 40 }
command = { type = night_move which = paratrooper value = 40 }
command = { type = night_move which = marine value = 40 }
command = { type = night_move which = bergsjaeger value = 40 }
command = { type = night_move which = artillery value = 40 }
command = { type = night_move which = anti_tank value = 40 }
command = { type = night_move which = anti_air value = 40 }
command = { type = night_move which = engineer value = 40 }
command = { type = night_attack which = infantry value = 40 }
command = { type = night_attack which = paratrooper value = 40 }
command = { type = night_attack which = marine value = 40 }
command = { type = night_attack which = bergsjaeger value = 40 }
command = { type = night_attack which = engineer value = 40 }
command = { type = night_defense which = infantry value = 40 }
command = { type = night_defense which = paratrooper value = 40 }
command = { type = night_defense which = marine value = 40 }
command = { type = night_defense which = bergsjaeger value = 40 }
command = { type = night_defense which = engineer value = 40 }
command = { type = build_cost which = marine when = now where = relative v
alue = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = militia when = now where = relative
value = -10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = armor when = now where = relative va
lue = 5 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.3 }
# Branch Interoperability
application =
{ id
= 6200
position = { x = 408 y = 104 }
= 1944
# Combined arms operations
component = { id = 6201 name = TECH_CMP_LD_20_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 9 }
# Long-Range Reconnaissance
component = { id = 6202 name = TECH_CMP_LD_20_2_NAME type = small_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 9 }
# Forward command posts
component = { id = 6203 name = TECH_CMP_LD_20_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 9 }
# Fire direction centers
component = { id = 6204 name = TECH_CMP_LD_20_4_NAME type = technical_effici
ency difficulty = 9 }
# Tactical unit - squad
component = { id = 6205 name = TECH_CMP_LD_20_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 9 }
required = { 6140 6170 }
effects =
{ command = { type = tactical_withdrawal value = 4 }

command = { type = breakthrough value = 2 }

command = { type = encirclement value = 4 }
command = { type = ambush value = 1 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 2 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = build_cost which = mechanized when = now where = relati
ve value = -10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = armor when = now where = relative va
lue = -10 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 2 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.3 }
# Mobility Focus Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6210
position = { x = 88 y = 208 }
= 1936
# Motorized Reconnaissance
component = { id = 6211 name = TECH_CMP_LD_21_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# Basic infiltration tactics
component = { id = 6212 name = TECH_CMP_LD_21_2_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
# Shock tactics
component = { id = 6213 name = TECH_CMP_LD_21_3_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
# NCO responsibility
component = { id = 6214 name = TECH_CMP_LD_21_4_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
# Manuever disciplin
component = { id = 6215 name = TECH_CMP_LD_21_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 20 }
command = { type = deactivate which = 6010 }
command = { type = activate_unit_type which = hq }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 0 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = speed_cap_art which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = speed_cap_at which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = speed_cap_aa which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.1 }
# Spearhead Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6220
position = { x = 24 y = 250 }
= 1937
# Assault detachments
component = { id = 6221 name = TECH_CMP_LD_22_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# tactical reconnassaince

component = { id = 6222 name = TECH_CMP_LD_22_2_NAME type = small_unit_tacti

cs difficulty = 10 }
# Tactical unit - Platoon
component = { id = 6223 name = TECH_CMP_LD_22_3_NAME type = decentralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 10 }
# Infiltration to line of departure
component = { id = 6224 name = TECH_CMP_LD_22_4_NAME type = technical_effici
ency difficulty = 10 }
# Officer training - Bad Toelz method
component = { id = 6225 name = TECH_CMP_LD_22_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6210 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 5 }
command = { type = counterattack value = 2 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 2 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 4 }
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = ambush value = 1 }
command = { type = deactivate which = 6300 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 0 }
command = { type = build_cost which = light_armor when = now where = relat
ive value = -10 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = speed_cap_art which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = speed_cap_at which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = speed_cap_aa which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.2 }
# Delay Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6230
position = { x = 40 y = 272 }
= 1939
# Mobile Operational Deployments
component = { id = 6231 name = TECH_CMP_LD_23_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# Local Reserves
component = { id = 6232 name = TECH_CMP_LD_23_2_NAME type = small_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Reverse slope defence emphasis
component = { id = 6233 name = TECH_CMP_LD_23_3_NAME type = decentralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 10 }
# Multiple pre-planned artillery targets
component = { id = 6234 name = TECH_CMP_LD_23_4_NAME type = technical_effici
ency difficulty = 10 }
# Emphasis on NCO initiative
component = { id = 6235 name = TECH_CMP_LD_23_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6220 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 5 }
command = { type = delay value = 4 }
command = { type = ambush value = 1 }

command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative

value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = artillery when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.1 }
# Elastic Defense Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6240
position = { x = 40 y = 288 }
= 1940
# Mobile reserves
component = { id = 6241 name = TECH_CMP_LD_24_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# Local counterattacks
component = { id = 6242 name = TECH_CMP_LD_24_2_NAME type = small_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Local commands
component = { id = 6243 name = TECH_CMP_LD_24_3_NAME type = decentralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 10 }
# Nuisanse minefields
component = { id = 6244 name = TECH_CMP_LD_24_4_NAME type = technical_effici
ency difficulty = 10 }
# Infantry anti-tank tactics
component = { id = 6245 name = TECH_CMP_LD_24_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6230 }
effects =
{ command = { type = tactical_withdrawal value = 4 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 5 }
command = { type = counterattack value = 2 }
command = { type = delay value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = artillery when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.1 }
# Schwerpunkt Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6250
position = { x = 40 y = 312 }
= 1937
# Decentralized field artillery
component = { id = 6251 name = TECH_CMP_LD_25_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# Mobile Forward Elements
component = { id = 6252 name = TECH_CMP_LD_25_2_NAME type = small_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Tactical unit - Squad
component = { id = 6253 name = TECH_CMP_LD_25_3_NAME type = decentralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 10 }
# Screening Minefields

component = { id = 6254 name = TECH_CMP_LD_25_4_NAME type = technical_effici

ency difficulty = 10 }
# Squad level light machine guns
component = { id = 6255 name = TECH_CMP_LD_25_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6220 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 20 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 5 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 2 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 2 }
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = light_armor when = now where = relat
ive value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = light_armor_brigade when = now where
= relative value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = armor when = now where = relative va
lue = -10 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.3 }
# Blitzkrieg Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6260
position = { x = 40 y = 328 }
= 1938
# Concentrated combined arms employment
component = { id = 6261 name = TECH_CMP_LD_26_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# Gefechtsaufklaerung
component = { id = 6262 name = TECH_CMP_LD_26_2_NAME type = small_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Low level independent commands
component = { id = 6263 name = TECH_CMP_LD_26_3_NAME type = decentralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 10 }
# Forward air controllers
component = { id = 6264 name = TECH_CMP_LD_26_4_NAME type = technical_effici
ency difficulty = 10 }
# Advanced Infantry - Armor cooperation
component = { id = 6265 name = TECH_CMP_LD_26_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6250 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 20 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 4 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 4 }
command = { type = build_cost which = light_armor when = now where = relat
ive value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = armor when = now where = relative va
lue = -10 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = speed_cap_art which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = speed_cap_at which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = speed_cap_aa which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.3 }

command = { type = task_efficiency which = airborne_assault value = 0.2 }

# Kampfgruppe Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6270
position = { x = 360 y = 208 }
= 1941
# Self propelled support elements
component = { id = 6271 name = TECH_CMP_LD_27_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# operational reconnaissance tactics
component = { id = 6272 name = TECH_CMP_LD_27_2_NAME type = small_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Low level attachments
component = { id = 6273 name = TECH_CMP_LD_27_3_NAME type = decentralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 10 }
# Self-sufficient combat elements
component = { id = 6274 name = TECH_CMP_LD_27_4_NAME type = technical_effici
ency difficulty = 10 }
# Infantry mounted combat tactics
component = { id = 6275 name = TECH_CMP_LD_27_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6260 6240 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = ambush value = 3 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 2 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = build_cost which = mechanized when = now where = relati
ve value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = tank_destroyer when = now where = re
lative value = -5 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.4 }
# Firebrigade Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6280
position = { x = 303 y = 228 }
= 1943
# Fluid battle mentality
component = { id = 6281 name = TECH_CMP_LD_28_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# Flexible combat formations
component = { id = 6282 name = TECH_CMP_LD_28_2_NAME type = small_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Attack from march formation capability
component = { id = 6283 name = TECH_CMP_LD_28_3_NAME type = decentralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 10 }
# Advanced C3 capability
component = { id = 6284 name = TECH_CMP_LD_28_4_NAME type = technical_effici
ency difficulty = 10 }
# Deploying subunits
component = { id = 6285 name = TECH_CMP_LD_28_5_NAME type = training difficu

lty = 10 }
required = { 6270 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 5 }
command = { type = tactical_withdrawal value = 4 }
command = { type = counterattack value = 4 }
command = { type = delay value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = 10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = artillery when = now where = relativ
e value = 10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = motorized when = now where = relativ
e value = -10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = sp_artillery when = now where = rela
tive value = -10 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.2 }
# Spearhead HQs
application =
{ id
= 6290
position = { x = 415 y = 228 }
= 1943
# Deep reconnaissance focus
component = { id = 6291 name = TECH_CMP_LD_29_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# Advanced subunit SOP
component = { id = 6292 name = TECH_CMP_LD_29_2_NAME type = small_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Territorial zones of responsibility
component = { id = 6293 name = TECH_CMP_LD_29_3_NAME type = decentralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 10 }
# Enemy disorganization focus
component = { id = 6294 name = TECH_CMP_LD_29_4_NAME type = technical_effici
ency difficulty = 10 }
# Self sustaining units
component = { id = 6295 name = TECH_CMP_LD_29_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6270 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 5 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 4 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 2 }
command = { type = assault value = 1 }
command = { type = build_cost which = mechanized when = now where = relati
ve value = -10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = tank_destroyer when = now where = re
lative value = -10 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = speed_cap_art which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = speed_cap_at which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = speed_cap_aa which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.3 }
# Human Wave Doctrine

application =
{ id
= 6300
position = { x = 137 y = 250 }
= 1936
# High Echelon Fire Support
component = { id = 6301 name = TECH_CMP_LD_30_1_NAME type = infantry_focus d
ifficulty = 10 }
# Advance under fire
component = { id = 6302 name = TECH_CMP_LD_30_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# General staff planning
component = { id = 6303 name = TECH_CMP_LD_30_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 10 }
# Blocking detatchments
component = { id = 6304 name = TECH_CMP_LD_30_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 10 }
# Officer training - Frunze method
component = { id = 6305 name = TECH_CMP_LD_30_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6210 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 50 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value = -10 }
command = { type = counterattack value = 2 }
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = deactivate which = 6220 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = cavalry when = now where = relative
value = -10 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.1 }
# Large Front Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6310
position = { x = 184 y = 272 }
= 1937
# Artillery divisions
component = { id = 6311 name = TECH_CMP_LD_31_1_NAME type = infantry_focus d
ifficulty = 10 }
# Wide attack area
component = { id = 6312 name = TECH_CMP_LD_31_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Tactical unit - Battalion
component = { id = 6313 name = TECH_CMP_LD_31_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 10 }
# Multiple blocking detachments
component = { id = 6314 name = TECH_CMP_LD_31_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 10 }
# Discourage NCO initiative
component = { id = 6315 name = TECH_CMP_LD_31_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6300 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 10 }

command = { type = tactical_withdrawal value = 2 }

command = { type = breakthrough value = 2 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 1 }
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = cavalry when = now where = relative
value = -10 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.1 }
# Pocket Defense Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6320
position = { x = 184 y = 312 }
= 1941
# Artillery groups
component = { id = 6321 name = TECH_CMP_LD_32_1_NAME type = infantry_focus d
ifficulty = 10 }
# All-around defence
component = { id = 6322 name = TECH_CMP_LD_32_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Detailed army command planning
component = { id = 6323 name = TECH_CMP_LD_32_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 10 }
# Collective responsibility mentality
component = { id = 6324 name = TECH_CMP_LD_32_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 10 }
# Static machine guns
component = { id = 6325 name = TECH_CMP_LD_32_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6300 }
effects =
{ command = { type = counterattack value = 2 }
command = { type = delay value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = militia when = now where = relative
value = -10 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.1 }
# Deep Operations Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6330
position = { x = 184 y = 288 }
= 1940
# Mechanized forward elements
component = { id = 6331 name = TECH_CMP_LD_33_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# Self-sufficient commands
component = { id = 6332 name = TECH_CMP_LD_33_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Forward command posts
component = { id = 6333 name = TECH_CMP_LD_33_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 10 }

# Long-Range reconnaissance
component = { id = 6334 name = TECH_CMP_LD_33_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 10 }
# Tactical unit - Company
component = { id = 6335 name = TECH_CMP_LD_33_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6310 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 20 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 2 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 2 }
command = { type = ambush value = 2 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 0 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = militia when = now where = relative
value = -10 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.2 }
command = { type = task_efficiency which = airborne_assault value = 0.2 }
# Defense in Depth
application =
{ id
= 6340
position = { x = 184 y = 328 }
= 1941
# Counterpreparating artillery fire
component = { id = 6341 name = TECH_CMP_LD_34_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# Anti-tank gun fronts
component = { id = 6342 name = TECH_CMP_LD_34_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Army reserves
component = { id = 6343 name = TECH_CMP_LD_34_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 10 }
# Layered minefields
component = { id = 6344 name = TECH_CMP_LD_34_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 10 }
# Large formation camouflage
component = { id = 6345 name = TECH_CMP_LD_34_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6320 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = tactical_withdrawal value = 3 }
command = { type = counterattack value = 2 }
command = { type = delay value = 3 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = anti_tank when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.2 }

# Large Formation SOP Doctrine

application =
{ id
= 6350
position = { x = 360 y = 280 }
= 1941
# Operational deception
component = { id = 6351 name = TECH_CMP_LD_35_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 10 }
# Maskirovka
component = { id = 6352 name = TECH_CMP_LD_35_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 10 }
# Mobile command posts
component = { id = 6353 name = TECH_CMP_LD_35_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 10 }
# Counter-reconnaissance
component = { id = 6354 name = TECH_CMP_LD_35_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 10 }
# Organic tank battalions
component = { id = 6355 name = TECH_CMP_LD_35_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 10 }
required = { 6330 6340 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = counterattack value = 2 }
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 2 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = militia when = now where = relative
value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = cavalry when = now where = relative
value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = motorized when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = mechanized when = now where = relati
ve value = -5 }
command = { type = speed which = hq value = 1 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 1 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.2 }
# Breakthrough Priority Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6360
position = { x = 318 y = 309 }
= 1943
# Bind enemy in depth-operations
component = { id = 6361 name = TECH_CMP_LD_36_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 8 }
# Counterattack disruption priority
component = { id = 6362 name = TECH_CMP_LD_36_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 8 }
# Staff - Enemy assessment
component = { id = 6363 name = TECH_CMP_LD_36_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 8 }

# Strict formation coordination

component = { id = 6364 name = TECH_CMP_LD_36_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 8 }
# Prolonged endurance
component = { id = 6365 name = TECH_CMP_LD_36_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 8 }
required = { 6350 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 20 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 4 }
command = { type = assault value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = militia when = now where = relative
value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = cavalry when = now where = relative
value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = motorized when = now where = relativ
e value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = mechanized when = now where = relati
ve value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = armor when = now where = relative va
lue = -5 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 2 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.25 }
# Movement Speed Offensive Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 6370
position = { x = 426 y = 309 }
= 1943
# Airmobile combined-arms formations
component = { id = 6371 name = TECH_CMP_LD_37_1_NAME type = combined_arms_fo
cus difficulty = 8 }
# Deep penetration raids
component = { id = 6372 name = TECH_CMP_LD_37_2_NAME type = large_unit_tacti
cs difficulty = 8 }
# Multi-dimentional offensives
component = { id = 6373 name = TECH_CMP_LD_37_3_NAME type = centralized_exec
ution difficulty = 8 }
# Specialized anti-recon detachments
component = { id = 6374 name = TECH_CMP_LD_37_4_NAME type = individual_coura
ge difficulty = 8 }
# Camouflaged lines of departure
component = { id = 6375 name = TECH_CMP_LD_37_5_NAME type = training difficu
lty = 8 }
required = { 6350 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = land value = 20 }
command = { type = encirclement value = 2 }
command = { type = build_cost which = infantry when = now where = relative
value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = militia when = now where = relative
value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = cavalry when = now where = relative
value = 5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = motorized when = now where = relativ

e value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = mechanized when = now where = relati
ve value = -5 }
command = { type = build_cost which = armor when = now where = relative va
lue = -5 }
command = { type = hq_supply_eff value = 2 }
command = { type = sce_frequency value = 0.25 }
# Great War Hospital System
application =
{ id
= 14000
position = { x = 18 y = 376 }
= 1936
# ?
component = { id = 14001 name = TECH_CMP_LD_100_1_NAME type = centralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14002 name = TECH_CMP_LD_100_2_NAME type = training diffi
culty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14003 name = TECH_CMP_LD_100_3_NAME type = combined_arms_
focus difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14004 name = TECH_CMP_LD_100_4_NAME type = individual_cou
rage difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14005 name = TECH_CMP_LD_100_5_NAME type = mechanics diff
iculty = 8 }
required = { }
effects =
{ command = { type = attrition_mod value = 2 }
command = { type = trickleback_mod value = 5 }
# Early Hospital System
application =
{ id
= 14010
position = { x = 113 y = 394 }
= 1938
# ?
component = { id = 14011 name = TECH_CMP_LD_101_1_NAME type = centralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14012 name = TECH_CMP_LD_101_2_NAME type = infantry_focus
difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14013 name = TECH_CMP_LD_101_3_NAME type = small_unit_tac
tics difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14014 name = TECH_CMP_LD_101_4_NAME type = technical_effi
ciency difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14015 name = TECH_CMP_LD_101_5_NAME type = training diffi
culty = 8 }
required = { 14000 }

effects =
{ command = { type = attrition_mod value = 2 }
command = { type = trickleback_mod value = 5 }
# Basic Hospital System
application =
{ id
= 14020
position = { x = 225 y = 374 }
= 1941
# ?
component = { id = 14021 name = TECH_CMP_LD_102_1_NAME
ecution difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14022 name = TECH_CMP_LD_102_2_NAME
tics difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14023 name = TECH_CMP_LD_102_3_NAME
iculty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14024 name = TECH_CMP_LD_102_4_NAME
iculty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14025 name = TECH_CMP_LD_102_5_NAME
culty = 8 }
required = { 14010 }
effects =
{ command = { type = attrition_mod value = 2 }
command = { type = trickleback_mod value = 5 }
# Improved Hospital System
application =
{ id
= 14030
position = { x = 320 y = 394 }
= 1945
# ?
component = { id = 14031 name = TECH_CMP_LD_103_1_NAME
ecution difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14032 name = TECH_CMP_LD_103_2_NAME
tics difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14033 name = TECH_CMP_LD_103_3_NAME
iculty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14034 name = TECH_CMP_LD_103_4_NAME
tics difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14035 name = TECH_CMP_LD_103_5_NAME
culty = 8 }
required = { 14020 }
effects =
{ command = { type = attrition_mod value = 2 }
command = { type = trickleback_mod value = 5 }

type = centralized_ex
type = large_unit_tac
type = chemistry diff
type = mechanics diff
type = training diffi

type = centralized_ex
type = large_unit_tac
type = chemistry diff
type = small_unit_tac
type = training diffi

# Advanced Hospital System
application =
{ id
= 14040
position = { x = 429 y = 375 }
= 1950
# ?
component = { id = 14041 name = TECH_CMP_LD_104_1_NAME type = aeronautics di
fficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14042 name = TECH_CMP_LD_104_2_NAME type = large_unit_tac
tics difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14043 name = TECH_CMP_LD_104_3_NAME type = chemistry diff
iculty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14044 name = TECH_CMP_LD_104_4_NAME type = electronics di
fficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14045 name = TECH_CMP_LD_104_5_NAME type = training diffi
culty = 8 }
required = { 14030 }
effects =
{ command = { type = attrition_mod value = 2 }
command = { type = trickleback_mod value = 5 }
# Air Land Battle
application =
{ id
= 14050
= { x = 81 y = 177 }
= 1946
# ?
component = { id = 14051 name = TECH_CMP_LD_105_1_NAME type = aeronautics
difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14052 name = TECH_CMP_LD_105_2_NAME type = training dif
ficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14053 name = TECH_CMP_LD_105_3_NAME type = electronics
difficulty = 10 }
# ?
component = { id = 14054 name = TECH_CMP_LD_105_4_NAME type = individual_c
ourage difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14055 name = TECH_CMP_LD_105_5_NAME type = training dif
ficulty = 6 }
OR_required = { 6090 6100 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = morale which = land value = 10 }
command = { type = build_cost which = cavalry when = now where = relative
value = -5 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 3 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 2 }

# Mechanized Wave
application =
{ id
= 14060
position = { x = 364 y = 329 }
= 1946
# ?
component = { id = 14061 name = TECH_CMP_LD_106_1_NAME type =
rage difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14062 name = TECH_CMP_LD_106_2_NAME type =
tics difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14063 name = TECH_CMP_LD_106_3_NAME type =
culty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14064 name = TECH_CMP_LD_106_4_NAME type =
rage difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14065 name = TECH_CMP_LD_106_5_NAME type =
culty = 8 }
required = { 6360 6370 }
effects =
{ command = { type = morale which = armor value = 30 }
command = { type = morale which = mechanized value = 30 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 3 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 2 }
# Assualt Concentration Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 14070
position = { x = 263 y = 168 }
= 1946
# ?
component = { id = 14071 name = TECH_CMP_LD_107_1_NAME type =
focus difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14072 name = TECH_CMP_LD_107_2_NAME type =
difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14073 name = TECH_CMP_LD_107_3_NAME type =
ecution difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14074 name = TECH_CMP_LD_107_4_NAME type =
iculty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14075 name = TECH_CMP_LD_107_5_NAME type =
culty = 8 }
required = { 6140 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = artillery value
command = { type = morale which = artillery value = 20 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 3 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 2 }

training diffi
training diffi

artillery diff
training diffi

= 20 }

# Guerilla Warfare Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 14080
position = { x = 252 y = 250 }
= 1944
# ?
component = { id = 14081 name = TECH_CMP_LD_108_1_NAME type = infantry_focus
difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14082 name = TECH_CMP_LD_108_2_NAME type = individual_cou
rage difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14083 name = TECH_CMP_LD_108_3_NAME type = small_unit_tac
tics difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14084 name = TECH_CMP_LD_108_4_NAME type = training diffi
culty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14085 name = TECH_CMP_LD_108_5_NAME type = decentralized_
execution difficulty = 8 }
required = { 6300 }
effects =
{ command = { type = max_organization which = infantry value = -10 }
command = { type = morale which = militia value = 50 }
command = { type = delay value = 2 }
command = { type = ambush value = 4 }
command = { type = mountain_attack which = militia value = 5 }
command = { type = mountain_defense which = militia value = 10 }
command = { type = mountain_move which = militia value = 5 }
command = { type = hill_attack which = militia value = 5 }
command = { type = hill_defense which = militia value = 10 }
command = { type = hill_move which = militia value = 5 }
command = { type = swamp_attack which = militia value = 5 }
command = { type = swamp_defense which = militia value = 10 }
# Volksturm Doctrine
application =
{ id
= 14090
position = { x = 425 y = 265 }
= 1944
# ?
component = { id = 14091 name = TECH_CMP_LD_109_1_NAME type = decentralized_
execution difficulty = 8 }
# ?
component = { id = 14092 name = TECH_CMP_LD_109_2_NAME type = small_unit_tac
tics difficulty = 9 }
# ?
component = { id = 14093 name = TECH_CMP_LD_109_3_NAME type = centralized_ex
ecution difficulty = 6 }
# ?
component = { id = 14094 name = TECH_CMP_LD_109_4_NAME type = individual_cou
rage difficulty = 9 }
# ?
component = { id = 14095 name = TECH_CMP_LD_109_5_NAME type = training diffi

culty = 5 }
required = { 6290 }
effects =
{ command = { type = deactivate which = 14100 }
command = { type = max_organization which = infantry value = -10 }
command = { type = build_time which = militia when = now where = relative v
alue = -20 }
command = { type = morale which = infantry value = -10 }
command = { type = trickleback_mod value = 5 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 3 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 2 }
command = { type = urban_defense which = militia value = 10 }
command = { type = urban_defense which = infantry value = 10 }
command = { type = urban_defense which = garrison value = 10 }
command = { type = urban_defense which = paratrooper value = 10 }
command = { type = urban_defense which = marine value = 10 }
command = { type = urban_defense which = bergsjaeger value = 10 }
command = { type = urban_defense which = motorized value = 10 }
command = { type = urban_defense which = cavalry value = 10 }
command = { type = urban_defense which = mechanized value = 5 }
command = { type = urban_defense which = light_armor value = 5 }
command = { type = urban_defense which = armor value = 5 }
# Modern Blitzkrieg
application =
{ id
= 14100
position = { x = 361 y = 250 }
= 1947
component = { id = 14101 name = TECH_CMP_LD_10_3_NAME type = combined_arms_f
ocus difficulty = 8 }
component = { id = 14102 name = TECH_CMP_LD_37_3_NAME type = centralized_exe
cution difficulty = 8 }
component = { id = 14103 name = TECH_CMP_LD_105_2_NAME type = training diffi
culty = 8 }
component = { id = 14104 name = TECH_CMP_LD_105_3_NAME type = electronics di
fficulty = 10 }
component = { id = 14105 name = TECH_CMP_LD_9_4_NAME type = technical_effici
ency difficulty = 8 }
required = { 6290 }
effects =
{ command = { type = deactivate which = 14090 }
command = { type = max_organization which = land value = 5 }
command = { type = breakthrough value = 5 }
command = { type = new_model which = hq value = 3 }
command = { type = scrap_model which = hq value = 2 }

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