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mr.sci Varcakovic Kristina

Hasib Sejdinovi, br.indexa:


Brko, Januar 2015. godine

Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is
the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical,
mental or social challenges.
Achieving and maintaining health is an ongoing process, shaped by both the evolution
of health care knowledge and practices as well as personal strategies and organized
interventions for staying healthy known as Lifestyle Management. Those of us who
participate in regular physical activity do so partly to improve the current and future level of
our health. We strive toward an optimal state of well-being. As our lifestyle improves, our
health also improves and we experience less disease and sickness.
Some people don't understand how much our health is important, they realize it when it is too
late, when they get sick and when there is no way back.

Why smoking is harmful ?

We all know that smoking of cigarettes and tobacco in general is bad for our health. However
there is a question why is it harmful ? Majority will simply answer ''Because of nicotine.''. But
that is not correct. Nicotine makes us calm, but creates addiction as well. However nicotine
for itself is not dangerous in small doses for our organism and it will fight it and neutralize it.
In small doses it is brain stimulus. But only in large doses, which you won't find in cigarettes,
it becomes poisonous.
The truth of harmfulness lies in 4000 other ingredients created by the combustion of tobacco.
So tobacco smoke contains 4000 ingredients of wich 400 are toxic and about 43 carcinogenic.
Those are: tar, carbon monoxide, arsenic, acetone, ammonia, benzene, cadmium, hydrazine,
nickel, phenol, polonium and others.
When you inhale tobacco smoke into your lungs all of those ingredients are deposited inside
the lungs, they also enter into your bloodstream and spread all over the body. Human
organism has its immune system wich tends to fight every intruder, including against
constituents of tobacco smoke. Immune system cells constantly clean the lungs and the whole
body of these ingredients. However the problem is this way exhausts the immune system,
immune cells are constantly consumed. Over time, the immune system is weaker, and the
body becomes more vulnerable to various diseases. In the extreme case, the immune system
has no more strength to fight against harmful substances and may incur cancer and death.
About 5,4 million people die around the world of smoking consequences.

Chokeberry superhero of berries

What is Asai berry in the Amazon, elder in Austria, the macula in Patagonia, and sea
buckthorn in Asia, it is chokeberry in North America.
It is usually found in forests and swamps, and since the forties of the last century chokeberry
has commercially cultivated in Russia, and since fifties in Europe. It is found in three colors,
red, purple and a color of black wine. The last one is usually grown and it atracts scientist's
attention. It was found that its fruits are full of antioxidants, anthocyanins, which protect the
cells form inflamation. However it is just the beginning of its long list of beneficial effects.
It also contains caffeic acid, cyanidin 3 galaktosid, delphinidin, epicatechin, maldivin and
many other useful ingredients. It has been discovered recently that all of these components are
giving antibacterial, antiviral and anti-diabetic effects. Also, they are fighting against the
formation of arterial plaque, reduce cholesterol and protect the liver from toxins.
Several components of chokeberry are natural fighters against cancer, and they particularly
protect against the development of tumors of the bladder, breast, colon, lung, ovary and skin.

In addition, these ingredients are good for people with Crohn's disease, they reduce
discomfort during the premenstrual syndrome, and preliminary studies have shown that
chokeberry may be useful in the fight against glioblastoma - a fatal form of brain cancer.
Chokeberry has a powerful antioxidant effect of blackberry, blueberry, strawberry, cherry,
pomegranate, goji berry and mangosteen. Unlike strawberries and many other fruit trees,
chokeberry is naturally repulsive to parasites and do not require the use of pesticides.
Lately, you can find various products of its fruit on our market, but its seedlings as well.

10 groceries for healthy body

Food is not just used to feed ourselves. It can be a cure.We present you some of the best
groceries for your hair, skin, eyes, heart and other body parts.
Kiwi for our bones
Kiwi will make your bones stronger. One peeled kiwi has more vitamin C than the same
amount of orange. Additionally, it neutralizes free radicals, the triggers of heart diseases and
Avocado for shiny hair
Avocado has long been considered a miracle for hair because it is full of vitamins B and E that
help new hair growth. Also, are rich in monounsaturated fats that make sure your hair is all
Chickpeas against gray hairs
Since the hair is primarily composed of protein keratin, it is important to take enough food
rich in these ingredients, so the hair would not fall out or break. Chickpeas are full of protein,
in addition to the mineral manganese, which are known to prevent the change in
Oysters for eyes
Oysters are rich in zinc and selenium, natural antioxidants, which protect sight and prevent
eye diseases.
Coriander for hair loss
Coriander helps to rid the body of toxic metals, which normally prevents the flow of useful
nutrients throughout the body. Because they are to blame for hair loss, and coriander prevents

Salmon for heart
A diet rich in omega 3 acids protect us from heart diseases. A study published in the journal
Diabetes and Metabolism found that omega-3 also reduces the secretion of cortisol, a stress
hormone and prevents adrenaline rush.
Ginger, turmeric, cocoa, cayenne pepper and cinnamon for blood
These spices are powerful antioxidants and have anti-inflammation effect on your body. Also,
they maintain the balance of sugar in blood and can easily be combined with a variety of other
Hemp powder for dry scalp
Add a tablespoon of hemp powder in the smoothie you are making and thus provide your hair
essential fatty acids, in whose absence the hair becomes dry and brittle.
Banana for libido
Banana is full of B vitamins and stimulates the secretion of testosterone, which is responsible
for sexual desire of men and women.

Why smoking is harmful...............................................................................2
Chokeberry-super hero of berries..................................................................2
10 groceries for healthy body........................................................................3
Kiwi for our bones..................................................................................3
Avocado for shiny hair............................................................................3
Chickpeas against gray hair.....................................................................3
Oysters for eyes........................................................................................3
Coriander for hair loss..............................................................................3
Salmon for heart........................................................................................4
Ginger, turmeric, cocoa, cayenne pepper and cinnamon for blood...........4
Hemp powder for dry scalp.......................................................................4
Banana for libido........................................................................................4

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