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AP Psychology Chapter 8 Notes

General Physical factors:

Hypothalamus: 4 F's (pain, pleasure, fear, rage, hunger, thirst, sex)
Neropeptide Y - released when there is negative energy balance: hunger
Thyroid: controls metabolism
Hypothyroidism: slow metabolism, no energy
Hyperthyroidism: fast metabolism, can't relax
Reticular formation: spread all over the brain, controls activity and arousal.
Pancreas: makes insulin.
Pituitary Gland: Master Gland.
Adrenal gland: secretes adrenaline
Basal metabolic rate - minimum energy use when a person is idle - minimum calori
es needed to function idly
Adipose tissue - body fat, stored calories
*If calorie intake > basal metabolic rate, increase fat
calorie intake < basal metabolic rate, decrease fat
calorie intake = basal metabolic rate, no net fat gained
Leptin - hormone makes you feel full
Ghrelin - hormone that tells you you're hungry
Stoamch goes GHRRR (Ghrelin)
Released from adipose tissue (fat), sends afferent (arriving) signal to brain
May be caused by external factors:
1. Attractiveness (food look good or nah?)
2. Social cues (does the societal situation allow it?)
3. Availability (eat food because its there) *if you don't have food, you can
avoid over-eating!
4. Emotional stress (coping with a breakup?)
5. How one is taught to: eat, shop, cook
6. Gender issues: eating standards (girls shouldn't pig out, guys usually do)
Internal/Biological Factors.
1. Low blood sugar
2. Higher insulin levels - more hunger and more foods eaten
3. Higher ghrelin levels - ghrrrr
4. Tongue - taste receptors
Oral signals: desire to taste and chew stuff, and that thingy that makes t
he 8th donut
less satisfying than the 1st helps to prevent you from eating too much
5. Stomach signals - as stomach streches to fit more food, neurons are relayed
to brain, helps trigger satisfaction feeling
6. Ventromedial hypothalamus: stop eating center - receives chemicals from inte
stines called CCK
Lesioned: overeating
Stimulated: reduced eating
7. Lateral hypothalamus: start eating center - tests shown that damaged rats st
arve because they don't feel hungry
Lesioned: reduced hunger
Stimulated: increased hunger
8. Leptin - hormone that tells you you're full
9. Cholecystokinin: CCK - hunger surpressant
10. Ghrelin - hormone that makes you wanna eat - GHRRRR

Eating Disorders.
1. Anorexia Nervosa
a. Intense fear of being too fat - only in the beautiful US of A!
b. starts during adolescent time
c. often the result of several bad factors - depression, culture, etc
d. follows a pattern - like many other mental illnesses - but its not the sam
e for everyone
e. personality facotrs - type A: control high achieving, rigid, tense
i. body sends hunger signals but the mind overrides it
ii. women more than men - nature vs. nuture?
*hunger is simply information, sometimes we should listen, sometimes we shoul
d not. Our body is rarely wrong, such that people think that our bodies
are o
ur unconsciousness
2. Bulimia Nervosa - Binge eating and purging
a. Eat to distract thoughts
b. purge to deal with guilt of overeating
c. occurs later in life - 20s?
d. easy to hide, hard to diagnose
e. lasts long throughout life
f. tell-tale signs: sore throat, tons of lozenges
3. Obesity - BMI of >30 (BMI = lbs / in^2)
a. lack of dopamine in striatum, interferes with normal pleasure seeking beha
b. can be seen as like an addiction
*. Glucose is the food of the brain.
c. Fat cells: send signals to brain - homeostasis
i Number
ii. Size
iii. fat cells may shrink, but will never disappear
iv. Evolution - we crave fat back then, but now its ez to get
d. Set Point Theory - weight thermostats are set to maintain body weight with
in higher than average range.
i. yo-yo dieting - fighting your set point
e. Settling Point Theory - weight stays same unless there are other factors,
then weight will slowly go up. - wrong animal in wrong zoo?
f. Genetic Factor - weight/shape will probably resemble that of the parents
i. Kids may learn shopping, eating, cooking, and exercise from parents?
Cultural influence: What is beauty? Who defines beauty? Different cultures? Diff
erent times?
a. Dry Tongue
b. Receptor in the intestine
c. Temperature receptors or tongue: triggers desire for cold drinks in the su
mmer and hot ones in the winter
d. Balance of water in body cells
Sexual Thirst.
a. Evolution says: natures way of making people procreate - survival
b. Sexuality
i. interest begins in adolescence
ii. exclusively mental and symbolic, rarely physical. its a seconday role
c. Psychology of Sex
i. Cognitive paradigm
-imaginitive stimuli (dreams, fantasies)
-nature vs. nurture motivation to sex comes from physiology, health, cu
lture, imagination, religion

ii. Biological paradigm: sex = chemicals

-Androgens: male hormones that increase sexual interest in men/women
-sex arousal can be an independent variable as well as dependent of i
ncreased hormone levels (either cause or effect)
-Testosterone - male traits
-Estrogen - increase desire
-Progesterone: lack of desire
-Oxytocin - cuddle, trust, love hormone
-Present in nursing mothers/couples, can be administered through na
sal spray
-Pheromones - subtle unconscious orders that could make a human h0rny
-Castration: remove nuts to reduce sex drive
-Do people need sex? need to define NEED and define SEX
-Masturbation - fap fap fap - is it a need?
-No physical harm, but culture views as bad
d. sexology - study of sex
e. Sociology of Sex - Alfred Kinsey's surveys
i. sexual practices
- lots of resistence to his work
- basically survey/interview based
f. Physiology of Sex - William Masters/Virginia Johnson:
i. Experimental based
ii. Masters was medical doctor
iii. Stages of Sex:
1. Appetitive - presence of sexual desire/fantasy
2. Excitement - period of subjective pleasure/physiological changes
3. Orgasm - climax, females feel this more
4. Resolution - refractory period, period of feeling pleasure/well-bein
iv. Female brains = more interconnected, so men can disengage emotions from
generally men want sex more, and society says its bad for women to want
Non-physical variables
1. Evolutionary: Males want more sex b/c spread seed as much as possible
Women want sex less b/c effort to raise kid, be more selecti
2. Cultural: Boys taught to be cultural
Girls taught to get along
3. Abnormal sex: homosex is not a diagnosable disorder 1974
1.5-5% of people are homosex
4. Paraphilia - sexual attraction to THINGS
Freud: traced sexual deviations in adulthood to childhood. THIS IS FALSE.
Sex is powerful drive. involves tons of factors
-One's feelings after the first time influences sexual attitudes for LIFE
Non survival needs.
a. Harry Harlow's Monkey experiment: is love a need? No, he just proves that
we need human contact/cuddling
?. What is the real reason why people do stuff? - always another layer of WHY
i. for a paycheck?
ii. satisfy unconscious urges?
iii. meet society's standards - how to learn that?
iv. to get better? to improve?
1. Humanistic Theory - hierarchy of bodily needs: physiological, safety, love
, esteem, self-actualization

2. Intrinsic Motivation - self-satisfaction - for the sake of doing something

- self-discipline
a. overjustification effect - rewarded for doing something will cause us t
o stop liking that hobby/action
b. self-efficacy - belief one can do something
i. modesty bias - people believe they are above average
c. self-fulfilling prophesies
d. learned helplessness
e. self-handicapping - blame some other thing for one's lack of 100% effor
f. Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - IN THE ZONE
3. Freud's unconscious motivation: unconscious motivation. That's it
4. Competence Motivation: BUT YOU WANNA BE BAD JUST BEAT IT (able to excercis
e control in some situation, "inferiority complex")
5. Achievement Motives: Measured by Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
6. Individual achievement: Western idea to be independent.
7. Collectivism: Eastern idea to support the fam
8. Curiosity Motives: what does this shit do though
9. Manipulation Motive: drive for a subject to manipulation objects in the en
1. Hard af to define
a. No artificial concept
b. Operational definition can't be applied: if/then applies to behavior
c. Lack of empiricism
2. Components that are agreed upon
a. usually transitory (temporary) - clear beginning and end of emotions
i. "No one can cry forever."
b. valence (value) - usually good or bad, and not in the middle
i. Is it because we have difficulty detecting change from homeostasis?
c. subjective experience / cognitive appraisal
i. is a "passing" C good or bad?
ii. Thought is an independent variable
A. if thought, then emotion
d. Cognition is affected by emotion - so ____ can't think straight!
i. Thought would then be a dependent variable
A. if emotion, then thought
e. elicits a "drive" to get out of the emotional state - need homeostasis
i. tragedies lead to political causes - starvation? 9/11? holocaust?
f. little to no voluntary control - "fall in love" or "overcome by grief"
i. True laughter and most crying are not voluntary - hard af to do
g. Usually automatic - linked to the implicit memory system
3. Mind: Feels the emotions. Body: shows the emotions. FACECRIME
1. James-Lange Theory
Peripheral theory of emotion
Emotion follows physical cues.
Ex. You were scared because you had that face on and your heart was beatin
2. Cannon-Bard Theory
Physical cues AND emotions happen at the SAME TIME
fight-or-flight response was coined by Walter CANNON - or FREEZE?
3. Yerkes-Dodson Theory
Emotion affects performance on tasks
low emotion - complex tasks

medium emotion - medium tasks

high emotion - easy tasks
inverted U graph
4. Schachter-Singer Theory
i. Two-factor Theory
ii. physical response
iii. Cognitive appraisal - thinking about emotion
Ex. Adrenaline and fear/excitement? Chased by knife guy or roller coaster.
5. The opponent process theory
8 primary emotions groups on positive/negative basis
i. just like color vision theory
*. basic emotions can be modified to be more complex - approach-avoidance
conflict or cognitive dissonance
1. Empathy
the ability to feel what ithers are feeling
Bullies? don't see victims as people, only a thing
-that would lead to cognitive dissonance
Is it a skill?
-Can it be taught to children?
-Can it be practiced?
-Neuroplasty - neurons that fire together wire together
2. Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman
The ability to understand and control emotional responses
does it grow with the brain? Frontal lobe?
Toddlers? Teens?
5 things: are they skills or talents?
i. soothe onesely
ii. Delay gratification
-impulse control
-controlling one's desire is a symptom of many disorders
iii. Read feelings of others
iv. Manage anger
v. Respond to group
3. communicating emotion
Paul Eckman
i. emotions/expressions are hardwired into us
-newborns are not taught to grimace in pain or smile
ii. Duchenne smile - "eye smile" with muscles around eyes
iii. Micro-expression - small expressions that convey an emotion

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