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Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

Transcrito Por: Elias C. Alves @unixelias

Fonte: My English Online
Verso 1.0

Este trabalho est licenciado sob os termos da

AtribuioSemDerivaes-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasil (CC BY-NC-ND

quaisquer nus aos direitos dos criadores do texto. Esta

apenas uma obra de transcrio e formatao, que foi

desenvolvida com a inteno de ajudar novos usurios

da plataforma online de aprendizagem em ingls
fornecida pelo MEC. A ideia surgiu devido a restries
de downloads nos sites onde as informaes foram
coletadas, ou seja, as mesmas esto disponveis nos
links citados. Meu trabalho foi apenas o de organizar e
formatar as informaes, sendo todos os crditos de
criao e propriedade dados aos autores.
No pretendo aqui infringir nenhum direito autoral,
criei o presente texto para facilitar meus estudos e de
demais pessoas interessadas, sem nenhum nus
financeiros aos autores ou usurios. Esta obra deve ser
usada apenas para compartilhamento de informaes
disponveis nas referncias citadas e para uso pessoal de
usurios da plataforma.
O criador desse documento se exime de quaisquer
atos ilegais que sejam praticados a partir desta obra sem
seu conhecimento.

Elias Alves

Nvel 1 - Iniciante

Nvel 1 - Iniciante............................................................................2
1.1 - Cronograma............................................................................2
1.2 - Nvel 1, Parte 1.......................................................................3
1.2.1 - ndice...................................................................................3
1.2.2 - Week 1: starting...................................................................3
1.2.3 - Week 2: starting...................................................................3
1.2.4 - Week 3: starting...................................................................4
1.2.5 - Week 4: starting...................................................................4
1.2.6 - Week 5: starting...................................................................4
1.2.7 - Week 6: starting...................................................................4
1.2.8 - Week 7: starting...................................................................5
1.2.9 - Week 8: starting...................................................................5
1.3 - Nvel 1, Parte 2.......................................................................5
1.3.1 - ndice...................................................................................5
1.3.2 - Week 1: starting...................................................................5
1.3.3 - Week 2: starting...................................................................6
1.3.4 - Week 3: starting...................................................................6
1.3.5 - Week 4: starting...................................................................6
1.3.6 - Week 5: starting...................................................................7
1.3.7 - Week 6: starting...................................................................7
1.3.8 - Week 7: starting...................................................................7
1.3.9 - Week 8: starting...................................................................7
1.4 - Nvel 1, Parte 3.......................................................................8
1.4.1 - ndice...................................................................................8
1.4.2 - Week 1: starting...................................................................8
1.4.3 - Week 2: starting...................................................................8
1.4.4 - Week 3: starting...................................................................9
1.4.5 - Week 4: starting...................................................................9
1.4.6 - Week 5: starting.................................................................10
1.4.7 - Week 6: starting.................................................................10
1.4.8 - Week 7: starting.................................................................10
1.4.9 - Week 8: starting.................................................................11
Nvel 2 - Bsico.............................................................................12
2.1 - Cronograma..........................................................................13
2.2 - Nvel 2, Parte 1.....................................................................13
2.2.1 - ndice.................................................................................13
2.2.2 - Week 1: This time things will be a little bit different!........13
2.2.3 - Week 2: starting.................................................................14
2.2.4 - Week 3: starting.................................................................15
2.2.5 - Week 4: starting.................................................................16
2.2.6 - Week 5: starting.................................................................17
2.2.7 - Week 6: starting.................................................................17
2.2.8 - Week 7: starting.................................................................18
2.2.9 - Week 8: starting.................................................................19
2.3 - Nvel 2, Parte 2.....................................................................20
2.3.1 - ndice.................................................................................20
2.3.2 - Week 1: Welcome to the second part of level 2!.................20
2.3.3 - Week 2: starting.................................................................20
2.3.4 - Week 3: starting.................................................................22
2.3.5 - Week 4: starting.................................................................22
2.3.6 - Week 5: starting.................................................................23
2.3.7 - Week 6: starting.................................................................24
2.3.8 - Week 7: starting.................................................................25
2.3.9 - Week 8: starting.................................................................26
2.4 - Nvel 2, Parte 3.....................................................................27
2.4.1 - ndice.................................................................................27
2.4.2 - Week 1: starting.................................................................27
2.4.3 - Week 2: starting.................................................................28
2.4.4 - Week 3: starting.................................................................29
2.4.5 - Week 4: starting.................................................................30
2.4.6 - Week 5: starting.................................................................31
2.4.7 - Week 6: starting.................................................................32
2.4.8 - Week 7: starting.................................................................33
2.4.9 - Week 8: starting.................................................................34
Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio...........................................................36

Nvel 1 - Iniciante

3.1 - Cronograma..........................................................................37
3.2 - Nvel 3, Parte 1.....................................................................37
3.2.1 - ndice.................................................................................37
3.2.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................37
3.2.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................38
3.2.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................39
3.2.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................40
3.2.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................41
3.2.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................42
3.2.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................43
3.2.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................44
3.3 - Nvel 3, Parte 2.....................................................................45
3.3.1 - ndice.................................................................................45
3.3.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................45
3.3.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................45
3.3.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................47
3.3.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................48
3.3.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................49
3.3.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................50
3.3.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................50
3.3.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................52
3.4 - Nvel 3, Parte 3.....................................................................53
3.4.1 - ndice.................................................................................53
3.4.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................53
3.4.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................53
3.4.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................54
3.4.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................55
3.4.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................56
3.4.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................57
3.4.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................59
3.4.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................60
Nvel 4 - Intermedirio..................................................................62
4.1 - Cronograma..........................................................................63
4.2 - Nvel 1, Parte 1.....................................................................63
4.2.1 - ndice.................................................................................63
4.2.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................64
4.2.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................64
4.2.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................65
4.2.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................66
4.2.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................67
4.2.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................69
4.2.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................69
4.2.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................71
4.3 - Nvel 4, Parte 2.....................................................................72
4.3.1 - ndice.................................................................................72
4.3.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................72
4.3.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................72
4.3.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................73
4.3.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................74
4.3.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................75
4.3.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................77
4.3.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................77
4.3.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................79
4.4 - Nvel 4, Parte 3.....................................................................80
4.4.1 - ndice.................................................................................80
4.4.2 - Week 1 : Starting................................................................80
4.4.3 - Week 2 : Starting................................................................81
4.4.4 - Week 3 : Starting................................................................82
4.4.5 - Week 4 : Starting................................................................83
4.4.6 - Week 5 : Starting................................................................84
4.4.7 - Week 6 : Starting................................................................85
4.4.8 - Week 7 : Starting................................................................86
4.4.9 - Week 8 : Starting................................................................88
Nvel 5 - Avanado........................................................................90
5.1 - Cronograma..........................................................................90

Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

Nvel 1 - Iniciante
Ao trmino do Nivel 1, o aluno ser capaz de desenvolver as habilidades descritas a seguir:
Bem Vindo a Nossa Sala de Aula
Cumprimentar os seus colegas.
Dizer e escrever nmeros de telefone.
Seguir instrues de sala de aula.
Unidade I
Informaes Pessoais
Identificar colegas.
Falar sobre nacionalidades.
Falar sobre estado civil.
Dizer e escrever o seu endereo.
Dizer e escrever datas.
Unidade II
Nossa Sala de Aula
Apresentar os seus colegas.
Descrever a sua sala de aula.
Identificar atividades de sala de aula.
Falar sobre horas.
Descrever o clima.
Unidade III
Identificar comidas comuns.
Falar sobre fome.
Falar sobre quantidade.
Fazer uma lista de compras.
Expressar preferncias.
Unidade IV
Identificar tipos de roupa.
Identificar e encontrar sesses numa loja.
Identificar cores e descrever roupas.

Fazer compras e contar dinheiro.

Ler propagandas.
Unidade V
Nossa Comunidade
Identificar e falar sobre locais.
Descrever casas.
Identificar tipos de transporte.
Expressas preferncias de transporte.
Dar e seguir direes.
Unidade VI
Vivendo Com Sade
Identificar partes do corpo.
Descrever sintomas e doenas.
Identificar Medicamentos.
Descrever hbitos saudveis.
Identificar aes na sala de espera.
Unidade VII
Identificar trabalhos.
Dar informaes sobre trabalho.
Identificar responsabilidades de trabalho.
Ler avaliaes.
Ler sinais e seguir direes.
Unidade VIII
Aprendizado e Reviso
Organizar materiais de estudo.
Fazer compras.
Dar e seguir direes.
Realizar objetivos.
Desenvolver um programa de estudo.

1.1 - Cronograma
Tempo necessrio realizao das tarefas:
Nvel 1

Pginas de contedo
Unidades por vdeo
Livros com vdeo e udio


Total por Nvel

Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por semana
Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por ms
Tempo previsto

Tempo Gasto (h)

102 Horas
4,25 Horas
17 Horas
6 Meses

Sugesto: 05 contatos semanais com aproximadamente 01 hora cada Em cada um destes contatos,
dedique: 20 minutos para o e-book 10 minutos para os vdeos 15 minutos para a gramtica 10
minutos para as leituras A cada 2 meses faa seu teste de progresso Ao final do curso faa seu teste
de mudana de nvel
Ol, parabns por iniciar o curso MEO (My English Online)! Voc far esse curso dentro de uma
plataforma online, mas tenha a certeza que no estar s. Estamos aqui com voc e participaremos


Nvel 1 - Iniciante

do seu processo de aprendizagem da lngua inglesa que, com certeza, ser um sucesso. Como voc
sabe, voc tem 2 meses (8 semanas) para concluir a primeira parte do Nvel 1. Ento, preparamos
um plano de estudos com uma sugesto de diviso do contedo do material. Veja como tudo fica
mais simples se houver um bom planejamento. Sugerimos que voc siga o cronograma para tirar o
mximo proveito do curso.

1.2 - Nvel 1, Parte 1

1.2.1 -





Nvel 1 Parte 1
Audio Video


Pre-unit - Pg. 1 a 4
Pre-unit - Pg. 5 a 6; Unit
1 - Pg. 1 a 2
Unit 1 - Pg. 3 a 8
Unit 1 - Pg. 9 a 12

Monkey Party - Pg. 2 a 7


Pre-unit - Pg. 1 a 6
Pre-unit - Pg. 7 a 9;
Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2
Unit 1 - Pg. 3 a 6
Unit 1 - Pg. 7 a 11

Unit 1 - Pg. 12 a 16

Unit 1 - Pg. 13 a 14


Unit 2 - Pg. 17 a 22
Unit 2 - Pg. 23 a 28

Unit 2 - Pg. 15 a 18
Unit 2 - Pg. 19 a 24

Unit 2 - Pg. 29 a 33

Unit 2 - Pg. 25 a 28

Monkey Party - Pg. 8 a 19

Monkey Party - quiz + video
Monkey Party - Pg. 22 a 23; Life on
the Orinoco - Pg. 2 a 7
Life on the Orinoco - Pg. 8 a 19
Life on the Orinoco + quiz
Life on the Orinoco Pg. 22 a 23 +

1.2.2 *

Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2
Unit 2 - Pg. 3 a 4

Week 1: starting...

{1 Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Pre-unit - Pg. 1 a 6; [GR] Pre-unit - Pg. 1 a 4;

Esse contato com o ingls gera um conhecimento prvio do idioma e essa habilidade que ser
usada na PRE-UNIT, com o objetivo de explorar essas noes bsicas e adicionar mais
conhecimento, aos poucos. Caso todo o contedo seja realmente novo pra voc, ento dedique-se
bastante neste comeo para que o aprendizado fique bem consolidado. Voc vai precisar dele ao
longo de todo o curso!
1.2.3 -

Week 2: starting...

{2 Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Pre-unit - Pg. 7 a 9; Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2; [GR] Pre-unit - Pg. 5 a 6; Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2; [RE] Monkey Party Pg. 2 a 7;

Vamos continuar reciclando seu conhecimento anterior e sempre adicionando um pouquinho

mais. Nessa segunda semana de estudos, sugerimos que voc estude as pginas 7, 8 e 9 da PREUNIT e adicione as pginas 5 e 6 da gramtica logo em seguida. No prximo dia, que tal iniciar a
unidade 1? So apenas 2 pginas do e-Book + 2 da gramtica. Finalize os estudos dessa unidade
com a leitura do livro Monkey Party. O contedo NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC! Ou seja, lindas
imagens e um texto muito interessante. Voc sabia que pode ouvir a narrao enquanto l? um
timo exerccio para descobrir a pronncia das palavras e a entonao. Alm disso, temos um vdeo
sobre o tema.
Um bom plano de leitura focar bem nas pginas 2 e 3. Depois, voc vai preparar o vocabulrio
que ser importante durante a leitura do livro. E ento partir para a leitura at a pgina 7. No

Notaes dos exerccios: Entre chaves, o nome da semana, acompanhado dos nmeros de nvel e parte, por exemplo: {1 Sem - #N1P1} = 1

semana do Nvel 1, Parte 1. Os tipos de exerccios diferentes em cada plano esto assim divididos: [EB] E-Book; [GR]
Grammar; [AU] Audio; [VI] Video; [RE] Reading. Em cada semana h uma descrio prvia dos exerccios contidos no
quadro de planejamento.

1.2 - Nvel 1, Parte 1

Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

esquea de assistir os vdeos, no final! Voc ter a oportunidade de ver o contedo estudado em
forma de dilogos. Dica: Ateno s imagens, elas nos ajudam a entender o que est escrito.
1.2.4 -

Week 3: starting...

{3 Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 3 a 6; [GR] Unit 1 - Pg. 3 a 8; [RE] Monkey Party - Pg. 8 a 19;

Revisando - Se achar a ideia interessante, sugerimos dedicar cerca de 1 hora para uma reviso
geral do que foi visto at agora. Vamos continuar na UNIT 1 do e-book, da pgina 4 at a pgina 6.
Para complementar esse contedo, siga para a gramtica e estude da pgina 3 at a pgina 6. O
tempo para essas atividades ser de aproximadamente 3 horas. Finalize a leitura do Monkey Party
at a pgina 19. Lembre-se que para fixarmos o contedo que aprendemos preciso praticar!!! No
basta ter contato uma vez s. Por isso, insistimos em rever as pginas que j foram estudadas.
Separe um tempo da sua semana para essa reviso. Isso far diferena, com certeza!
1.2.5 -

Week 4: starting...

{4 Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 7 a 11; [GR] Unit 1 - Pg. 9 a 12; [RE] Monkey Party - quiz + video;

Aproveite para revisar a leitura do livro MONKEY PARTY e finalizar esse material fazendo o
quiz e se divertindo com o vdeo. Voc deve precisar de 2 horas para esse contedo. Vamos
continuar o e-book da pgina 7 at a pgina 11. Reforce esse contedo estudando a gramtica entre
as pginas 9 e 12. Voc pode dividir essa parte em 2 dias, dedicando-se cerca de 2 horas a cada dia.
Nos outros dias da semana, lembre-se de revisar o contedo.
1.2.6 -

Week 5: starting...

{5 Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 12 a 16; [GR] Unit 1 - Pg. 13 a 14; [VI] Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 2; [RE] Monkey Party - Pg. 22 a 23;
Life on the Orinoco - Pg. 2 a 7;

Parabns! Basta finalizar as pginas 12 a 16 do e-book e as pginas 13 e 14 da gramtica para

que voc tenha uma unidade completa. Ao concluir a unidade 1, veja o quanto voc j aprendeu:
nacionalidade alfabeto estado civil nmeros datas endereo Assista aos vdeos da unidade 1
pginas 1 e 2. O contedo dos vdeos bem didtico e voc ter a oportunidade de ver o contedo
estudado em forma de dilogos. E agora vamos finalizar a leitura do livro Monkey Party com a
leitura extra das pginas 22 e 23. Quanto tempo voc usou para ler as 316 palavras? Voc pode
iniciar a leitura de Life on the Orinoco, preparando o vocabulrio nas pginas 2 e 3. Parabns pela
conquista e vamos em frente.
1.2.7 -

Week 6: starting...

{6 Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 17 a 22; [GR] Unit 2 - Pg. 15 a 18; [RE] Life on the Orinoco - Pg. 8 a 19;

Sabemos que voc est ansioso para comear a unidade 2, mas sempre bom revisar a unidade 1
antes disso. Dedique cerca de 1 hora para essa reviso e a voc estar preparado para o prximo
desafio. Vamos em frente? Comece pelo e-book da pgina 17 at a pgina 22 e complemente com o
contedo da gramtica da pgina 15 at a pgina 18. Separe 2 dias de estudo para as pginas desses
materiais. Se voc conseguiu separar o vocabulrio do livro LIFE ON THE ORINOCO na ltima
semana, siga a leitura at a pgina 19. Voc sabia que pode gravar a sua voz fazendo a leitura do
material? Excelente forma de praticar
No se esquea da reviso, ela ajuda muito no desempenho. Dica: fazer uma reviso de toda a
matria no meio da semana, que tal? releia o livro ouvindo o udio das pginas; grave sua leitura
(exercitando sua pronncia); faa o quiz.


Nvel 1 - Iniciante

1.2.8 -

Week 7: starting...

{7 Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 23 a 28; [GR] Unit 2 - Pg. 19 a 24; [RE] Life on the Orinoco + quiz;

Prosseguindo com a unidade 2, siga da pgina 23 at a pgina 28 do e-book e reforce esse mesmo
contedo com a gramtica da pgina 19 at a pgina 24. Separe 2 dias de estudo para essa parte.
Quando for responder as perguntas, voc deve procurar as respostas nas pginas do livro. O
objetivo interpretar, no decorar.
1.2.9 -

Week 8: starting...

{8 Sem - #N1P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 29 a 33; [GR] Unit 2 - Pg. 25 a 28; [VI] Unit 2 - Pg. 3 a 4; [RE] Life on the Orinoco Pg. 22
a 23 + video;

Estamos chegando ao fim de uma grande etapa. Parabns, voc est no caminho certo! Agora,
basta finalizar o contedo do e-book e da gramtica. Provavelmente voc usar somente 2 horas
para isso. No dia seguinte, voc deve fazer as atividades de vdeo da unidade 2, nas pginas 3 e 4.
Se der tempo, refaa as atividades de vdeo da unidade 1, vale a pena! Finalize o livro Life on the
Orinoco assistindo ao vdeo, uma boa dica para relaxar e ao mesmo tempo estudar e estar em
contato com o idioma.
O prximo passo, nessa semana, o PROGRESS TEST 1. Mas, para obter sucesso, revise tudo o
que aprendeu at aqui antes de realizar o teste. Esse o teste que voc far para avanar parte 2 do
nvel 1. ATENO: no descuide do prazo! Para realizar o teste voc tem prazo mximo de 2
meses aps ter iniciado as atividades do Nvel 1! Voc acaba de completar uma parte do curso!

1.2 - Nvel 1, Parte 1

Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

1.3 - Nvel 1, Parte 2

1.3.1 -





Nvel 1 Parte 2
Audio Video

Unit 3 - Pg. 1 a 6

Unit 3 - Pg. 1 a 4

Unit 3 - Pg. 7 a 12

Unit 3 - Pg. 5 a 8

Unit 3 - Pg. 13 a 17;

Unit 4 - Pg. 18 a 20

Unit 3 - Pg. 9 a 14

Unit 4 - Pg. 21 a 26

Unit 4 - Pg. 15 a 22

Unit 4 - Pg. 27 a 34

Unit 4 - Pg. 23 a 28

Unit 5 - Pg. 36 a 41

Unit 5 - Pg. 29 a 32

Unit 5 - Pg. 42 a 47

Unit 5 - Pg. 33 a 36

Unit 5 - Pg. 48 a 53

Unit 5 - Pg. 37 a 42

1.3.2 -

Unit 3 - Pg. 1 (Whats for

Unit 3 - Pg. 2 (My Story:
Breakfast, Lunch, and
Unit 4 - Pg. 3 (Thats a Good

The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg.
The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg.
8 a 19

The Lost City of Machu Picchu - quiz

+ video
The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg.
Unit 4 - Pg. 4 (My Story:
22 a 23; The Young Riders Of
Mongolia - Pg. 2 a 3
Unit 5 - Pg. 5 (Do You Live The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg.
Around Here?)
4 a 15
Unit 5 - Pg. 6 (My Story: The The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg.
Town Where I Live)
16 a 19 + quiz
The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg.
22 a 23 + video

Week 1: starting...

{1 Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 3 - Pg. 1 a 6; [GR] Unit 3 - Pg. 1 a 4;

Ol, chegamos na parte 2 do nvel 1! Vamos seguir juntos nessa jornada! Separe o primeiro dia da
semana para revisar o que foi visto at ento. Para saber tanto seus pontos fortes quanto aqueles que
precisam de mais ateno, voc precisa praticar! Aps separar esse tempo para reviso, inicie a Unit
3 do e-book at a pgina 6. Dica: prepare um lanchinho. Essa unidade fala sobre comida, ento...
com certeza voc sentir fome. Logo depois, reforce o contedo estudando a gramtica entre as
pginas 1 e 4.
1.3.3 -

Week 2: starting...

{2 Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 3 - Pg. 7 a 12; [GR] Unit 3 - Pg. 5 a 8; [VI] Unit 3 - Pg. 1 (Whats for Lunch?); [RE] The Lost City
of Machu Picchu - Pg. 2 a 7;

E a? Ficou curioso para abrir a geladeira e saber o nome dos alimentos em ingls? muito bom
trazer o que ns estudamos para a vida real. Para tornar o seu estudo ainda mais completo, essa
semana voc vai assistir a um vdeo e ainda iniciar a leitura do livro The Lost City of Machu
Picchu. Voc vai se surpreender! Contando que a semana de estudos tenha 5 dias (sim, bom
descansar), reserve:

1 dia para e-Book (entre as pginas 7 e 12);

1 dia para gramtica (pginas 5 at 8);

1 dia para vdeo (pgina 1) + exerccios;

1 dia para leitura (vocabulrio at pgina 7);

1 dia para reviso.


Nvel 1 - Iniciante

1.3.4 -

Week 3: starting...

{3 Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 3 - Pg. 13 a 17; Unit 4 - Pg. 18 a 20; [GR] Unit 3 - Pg. 9 a 14; [VI] Unit 3 - Pg. 2 (My Story:
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner); [RE] The Lost City of Machu Picchu - Pg. 8 a 19;

Ficou fascinado com Machu Picchu?! Aqui vai um link, tirado do Youtube, com mais
informaes: Aproveite essa viagem para
finalizar a leitura at a pgina 19. hora de revisar! Feito isso, voc est pronto para estudar da
pgina 13 a 17 do e-book. Em seguida, dedique-se gramtica, entre as pginas 9 e 14. Essa
semana importante comear a unidade 4 do e-book entre as pginas 18 e 20. Finalize a semana
com o vdeo da pgina 2 e seus respectivos exerccios.
1.3.5 -

Week 4: starting...

{4 Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 4 - Pg. 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 4 - Pg. 15 a 22; [VI] Unit 4 - Pg. 3 (Thats a Good Deal); [RE] The Lost
City of Machu Picchu - quiz + video;

6. Parabns pela dedicao! Seguindo em frente, vamos revisar e depois estudar as pginas 21
26, do e-book. Essa semana bem legal, estamos aprendendo a identificar roupas, cores e setores
em uma loja. Melhor ainda praticar, dar uma volta no shopping e fazer o seguinte exerccio
mental: ao olhar as peas de roupa nas lojas, lembre-se do vocabulrio em ingls. uma tima
Agora que voc j relaxou um pouco, estude a gramtica entre as pginas 15 e 22. J sabe dizer
quais roupas voc tem ou no tem? I have two blue shirts, but I dont have a yellow T-shirt. Viu
como voc j consegue colocar em prtica? Faa suas prprias frases! Assista ao vdeo da pgina 3
e termine a semana respondendo o quiz e assistindo ao vdeo do livro The Lost city of Machu
Picchu. Para terminar a semana, que tal dar uma olhada nesse vdeo? So duas amigas conversando
numa loja de departamentos no Japo, mas no se preocupe, elas falam em ingls. Elas falam em
ingls, claro! Clique no link:
1.3.6 -

Week 5: starting...

{5 Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 4 - Pg. 27 a 34; [GR] Unit 4 - Pg. 23 a 28; [VI] Unit 4 - Pg. 4 (My Story: Clothing); [RE] The Lost
City of Machu Picchu - Pg. 22 a 23; The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 2 a 3;

Prepare-se! Vamos finalizar a unidade 4: em um dia, estude as pginas 27 34 do e-book e, no

outro dia, estude as pginas 23 28 da gramtica. Separe outro dia para o vdeo da pgina 4 e seus
respectivos exerccios. Vamos fazer uma experincia? Conte em quantos minutos consegue fazer a
leitura das pginas 22 a 23 do livro The lost city of Machu Picchu. Assim, daqui a alguns dias repita
o processo e veja como ficar cada vez mais rpido. Ateno: no basta ler, preciso entender. Para
finalizar, inicie a leitura do prximo livro The young riders of Mongolia com as pginas 2 e 3.
1.3.7 -

Week 6: starting...

{6 Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 5 - Pg. 36 a 41; [GR] Unit 5 - Pg. 29 a 32; [VI] Unit 5 - Pg. 5 (Do You Live Around Here?); [RE]
The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 4 a 15;

Voc sabe descrever, em ingls, a vizinhana onde mora? Talvez ainda no saiba, mas vai
aprender j! Vamos fazer isso essa semana. Aps fazer aquela bela reviso no contedo, estude o ebook entre as pginas 36 e 41. L voc aprender a identificar localizaes e descrever moradias.
No dia seguinte, estude a gramtica entre as pginas 29 e 32. O vdeo Do you live around here?
(pgina 5) complementa esse contedo. E, para finalizar a semana, leia as pginas 4 at 15 do livro
The young riders of Mongolia.
E, para quem estudou muito a semana toda, que tal um pouquinho de diverso para relaxar? Olhe
esse link:
1.3 - Nvel 1, Parte 2

Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

1.3.8 -

Week 7: starting...

{7 Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 5 - Pg. 42 a 47; [GR] Unit 5 - Pg. 33 a 36; [VI] Unit 5 - Pg. 6 (My Story: The Town Where I Live);
[RE] The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 16 a 19 + quiz;

J evolumos bastante at aqui. Mas, ainda h muito o que aprender. Dica: revisar e adicionar
novo contedo, sempre. No e-book, essa semana, voc pode avanar da pgina 42 at a 47 para
aprender a falar sobre transporte. Estude a gramtica entre as pginas 33 e 36 e d bastante ateno
ao SIMPLE PRESENT, pois esse tempo verbal acompanhar voc para sempre.
O vdeo da pgina 6 o ltimo desse mdulo, portanto, aproveite! Leia at a pgina 19 do livro
The young riders of Mongolia e responda o quiz. Se tiver tempo, repasse a leitura, dessa vez
ouvindo o udio enquanto l. Ah, e voc ainda pode gravar sua voz para observar e melhorar a
prpria pronncia. Lembre-se de revisar! Esta semana teremos o PROGRESS TEST!
1.3.9 -

Week 8: starting...

{8 Sem - #N1P2} [EB] Unit 5 - Pg. 48 a 53; [GR] Unit 5 - Pg. 37 a 42; [RE] The Young Riders Of Mongolia - Pg. 22 a 23 +

Essa uma semana especial porque voc finaliza mais uma etapa. Parabns!!! Mais uma vez,
vamos dividir nossa semana em 5 dias:

1 dia para finalizar o e-Book entre as pginas 48 e 53;

1 dia para finalizar a gramtica entre as pginas 37 e 42;

1 dia para o vdeo do livro The young riders of Mongolia;

1 dia para Leitura extra do The young riders of Mongolia nas pginas 22 e 23 (lembre-se de
contar o tempo usado para essa leitura);

1 dia para reviso.

Separe mais uma parte da semana para uma boa reviso de todo o contedo estudado e assim
estar preparado para a ltima parte que ser o PROGRESS TEST 2. PROGRESS TEST 2.


Nvel 1 - Iniciante

1.4 - Nvel 1, Parte 3

1.4.1 -





Nvel 1 Parte 3
Audio Video

Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 6

Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 4

Unit 6 - Pg. 7 a 12

Unit 6 - Pg. 5 a 10

Unit 6 - Pg. 13 a 18

Unit 6 - Pg. 11 a 14

Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 24

Unit 7 - Pg. 15 a 18

Unit 7 - Pg. 25 a 30

Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 22

Unit 7 - Pg. 31 a 36

Unit 7 - Pg. 23 a 28

Unit 8 - Pg. 37 a 42

Unit 8 - Pg. 29 a 34

Unit 8 - Pg. 43 a 49

Unit 8 - Pg. 35 a 41

1.4.2 -


Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 2 (I've Got

Lots of Stress)
Unit 6 - Pg. 2 (My Story:
Sickness and Health)

Alaskan Ice Climbing - Pg. 2 a 7

Alaskan Ice Climbing - Pg. 8 a 19

Alaskan Ice Climbing Pg. 22 a 23 +

Unit 7 - Pg. 3 a 4 (Our Son is Alaskan Ice Climbing video; The
Going to Get a Job)
Giants Causeway - Pg. 2 a 3
Unit 7 - Pg. 4 (My Story: My
The Giants Causeway Pg. 4 a 19
Unit 8 - Pg. 5 a 6 (Its Easy to
The Giants Causeway Pg. 22 a 23
Get Organized)

Unit 8 - Pg. 6 (My Story:

The Giants Causeway quiz + video
Balancing School and Work)

Week 1: starting...

{1 Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 6; [GR] Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 4;

Voc sabe o quanto importante aprender as partes do nosso corpo em ingls?

Se voc est viajando e necessita de cuidados mdicos, ao chegar ao hospital, voc vai precisar
explicar o que sente e onde est doendo. Dominar o idioma tornar o seu atendimento muito mais
rpido e eficaz. H ainda outra vantagem: muitas pessoas gostam de assistir a seriados com a
temtica do dia a dia do hospital. Estamos dando mais um passo para nos vermos livres das
Nessa semana vamos estudar as pginas 1 a 6 no e-book (conhecer partes do corpo, falar sobre
sintomas, atender s ordens do mdico, ...) e complementar com as pginas 1 a 4 da gramtica.
1.4.3 -

Week 2: starting...

{2 Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 7 a 12; [GR] Unit 6 - Pg. 5 a 10; [VI] Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 2 (I've Got Lots of Stress); [RE]
Alaskan Ice Climbing - Pg. 2 a 7;

Vamos agora para o e-book entre as pginas 7 e 12, para complementar esse assunto de medicina.
Medicamentos e dicas de sade: Para dar suporte, vamos estudar as pginas 5 a 10 da gramtica,
onde encontramos os tempos verbais present simple e present continuous. Para sair um pouco da
rotina, separamos esse vdeo:
Separe um dia para assistir ao vdeo das pginas 1 e 2 que fala sobre stress e fazer os exerccios
relacionados a esse vdeo. Vamos iniciar o livro Alaskan Ice Climbing. Prepare o vocabulrio nas
pginas 2 e 3, e siga com a leitura at a pgina 7.
1.4.4 -

Week 3: starting...

{3 Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 13 a 18; [GR] Unit 6 - Pg. 11 a 14; [VI] Unit 6 - Pg. 2 (My Story: Sickness and Health); [RE]
Alaskan Ice Climbing - Pg. 8 a 19;

Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

Para conhecer mais sobre a histria contada no livro e praticar mais a lngua inglesa, acesse Para acompanhar essa leitura, siga at a pgina
19 do seu material de leitura complementar. Ateno: no deixe de usar os recursos de udio e
gravao de voz. Quanto mais voc expuser seus ouvidos pronncia original, mais facilmente
voc conseguir entender os nativos e melhor ser a sua pronncia!
Dedique-se s pginas 13 a 18 do e-book, para finalizar a unidade 6 com a temtica sade. Entre
as pginas 11 e 12 da gramtica voc estudar o modal should. O verbo usado para falar o que
deve ser feito. Por exemplo: se voc chegasse cansado em casa, depois de um dia de muito trabalho
ou estudo, o que deveria fazer?
You should sleep
Nas pginas 13 e 14 voc estudar o tempo verbal futuro com a auxiliar will. Vamos ver um
exemplo prtico: meu melhor amigo sedentrio e est sofrendo problemas de sade por causa do
seu estilo de vida. Ento, ele decide comear a praticar exerccios 3 vezes por semana. Veja como
ele pode dizer que ir executar uma determinada ao no futuro, em ingls:
I will (Ill) exercise three times a week
Para terminar, voc pode assistir ao vdeo da pgina 2 e fazer a tarefa correspondente. Vamos
finalizar com alguns conselhos sobre o que deve ser feito essa semana: You should study English.
You should practice more and you should relax in the weekend.
1.4.5 -

Week 4: starting...

{4 Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 24; [GR] Unit 7 - Pg. 15 a 18; [RE] Alaskan Ice Climbing Pg. 22 a 23 + quiz;

You should review unit 6. Logo aps a reviso, vamos iniciar a unidade 7, com o tema
TRABALHO (emprego, ocupao, tarefas, obrigaes, etc) Nas pginas 19 a 24 do e-book, voc
aprender a identificar algumas ocupaes, identificar o local de trabalho de alguns profissionais e
tambm a falar sobre o horrio do expediente.

Algumas perguntas...

What do you do?

Where do you work?

What time do you start and finish work?

Do you work on Saturdays?

Com certeza, ao fim da pgina 24, voc saber responder essas perguntas.
O tempo verbal simple present muito importante. Vamos aprender a aplic-lo com a temtica
da unidade, work:
I work. I am a teacher. My daughter doesnt work. She is a student.
Voc j consegue produzir muitas frases parecidas com essa, tenho certeza! Para isso, estude a
gramtica entre as pginas 15 e 18. Vamos finalizar a semana respondendo ao quiz do livro Alaskan
Ice Climbing e fazendo a leitura complementar das pginas 22 e 23. Em quanto tempo voc
consegue ler as 309 palavras?
1.4.6 -

Week 5: starting...

{5 Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 25 a 30; [GR] Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 22; [VI] Unit 7 - Pg. 3 a 4 (Our Son is Going to Get a Job);
[RE] Alaskan Ice Climbing video; The Giants Causeway - Pg. 2 a 3;



Nvel 1 - Iniciante

Vamos iniciar a semana revisando o contedo e assistindo ao vdeo do Alaskan ice climbing. No
incio do vdeo eles falam sobre o clima no Alaska. Como o clima na sua cidade? Is it hot or cold?
Is it sunny? Does it rain a lot? Estude as pginas 25 a 30 do e-book, voc aprender a falar sobre as
obrigaes de cada trabalhador.
Um profissional precisa...
Ser amigvel: Are you friendly?
Atender o telefone: Can you answer the phone?
Ser pontual: Do you come to work on time?
Para expressar o que uma pessoa consegue ou no fazer, precisamos aprender o verbo anmalo
Teachers can prepare lessons, but teachers cant treat a patient.
Ento, essa semana voc estudar as pginas 19 a 22 da gramtica. Alm do can voc ainda ter
mais um reforo nas formas afirmativa e negativa do verbo be.
Prepare a leitura do livro The Giants Causeway, estudando apenas as pginas 2 e 3, por
enquanto. O livro fala de uma formao rochosa na costa da Irlanda.
1.4.7 -

Week 6: starting...

{6 Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 31 a 36; [GR] Unit 7 - Pg. 23 a 28; [VI] Unit 7 - Pg. 4 (My Story: My Job); [RE] The Giants
Causeway Pg. 4 a 19;

O que voc sabe sobre a Irlanda? Conhea um pouco mais assistindo ao vdeo, produzido pela
histria acontece na Irlanda, vamos ler da pginas 4 19 e descobrir fatos bem interessantes.
Aproveite o dia de estudos, no somente para ler, mas tambm para escutar a narrao do material.
Para finalizar a unidade 7, estude o e-book entre as pginas 31 e 33, e faa a reviso da pgina 34 a
Na gramtica:

Pginas 23 a 28 - o primeiro tpico uma reviso do modo imperativo e depois voc inicia
com o tempo verbal simple past;

Pginas 25 e 26 - verbos regulares aqueles em que a forma no passado sempre com ed.
Exemplos: love loved, cook cooked, like liked, clean cleaned, file filed;

Pginas 27 e 28 - passado dos verbos irregulares - no h uma regra definida para a forma
desses verbos no passado, cada um diferente. Para ter sucesso no aprendizado, voc
precisa estudar uma boa quantidade desses verbos, entre 5 e 8 verbos por semana (aprenda
sua forma no passado e a aplique em frases e contextos reais).

Termine a semana com um dia mais tranquilo, assistindo ao vdeo da pgina 4.

1.4.8 -

Week 7: starting...

{7 Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 8 - Pg. 37 a 42; [GR] Unit 8 - Pg. 29 a 34; [VI] Unit 8 - Pg. 5 a 6 (Its Easy to Get Organized); [RE]
The Giants Causeway Pg. 22 a 23;

Nessa unidade, voc ver o vocabulrio sobre organizao de materiais de estudos, preos de
produto na loja, etc. Alm disso, aprender a perguntar sobre preos de itens em lojas e descobrir
como dar e seguir instrues. Para isso, estude da pgina 37 at a pgina 42 do e-book.


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

A gramtica entre as pginas 23 e 28 traz mais um reforo do verbo be e as funes necessrias

para a comunicao apresentada no e-book.
Assista ao vdeo que exemplifica as expresses how much e how many, e ainda revisa o
vocabulrio relacionado comida.
Assista: Veja tambm o vdeo das pginas 5
e 6, fazendo as tarefas correspondentes. Por fim, faa a leitura extra nas pginas 22 e 23 do livro
The Giants Causeway. Dessa vez voc ter 312 palavras.
1.4.9 -

Week 8: starting...

{8 Sem - #N1P3} [EB] Unit 8 - Pg. 43 a 49; [GR] Unit 8 - Pg. 35 a 41; [VI] Unit 8 - Pg. 6 (My Story: Balancing School and
Work); [RE] The Giants Causeway quiz + video;

Que maravilha! Parabns por mais uma etapa concluda! Para acabar a unidade 8, estude as
pginas 43 a 49 do e-book. J que estamos falando de organizao nessa unidade, vamos aprender a
estabelecer objetivos e traar um ponto de estudos. As duas ltimas pginas so para a reviso.
A gramtica entre as pginas 35 e 41 ser dividida em 3 partes:

Simple Present (atividades de rotina)

Can / May (verbos anmalos)

Frases sobre o que gostamos de fazer (ex: I like to have lunch at noon)

O ltimo vdeo est na pgina 6 e fala sobre trabalho e escola. Voc tambm trabalha e estuda?
difcil conciliar o tempo, no mesmo? S com muita organizao. Mas, voc consegue! Faa o
quiz e assista ao vdeo do livro The Giants causeway. Revise bastante antes de fazer o FINAL
COURSE TEST. Parabns pelo progresso! Congratulations!



Nvel 2 - Bsico

Nvel 2 - Bsico
Ao trmino do Nivel 2, o aluno ser capaz de desenvolver as habilidades descritas a seguir:
Unidade I
Amigos e Famlia
Encontrar e apresentar pessoas.
Identificar membros da famlia.
Descrever pessoas.
Dar informaes pessoais e da famlia.
Unidade II
Empregos no Mundo
Identificar trabalhos.
Falar sobre trabalhos.
Falar sobre pases.
Comparar trabalhos em diferentes pases.
Unidade III
Casas e Lares
Identificar cmodos numa casa.
Descrever sua casa.
Identificar objetos da casa.
Comparar casas.
Unidade IV
Minhas Coisas
Identificar objetos pessoais.
Falar sobre posse.
Comprar um presente.
Identificar uma posse especial.
Unidade V
Dia a Dia
Falar sobre atividades dirias.
Perguntar sobre atividades dirias.
Falar sobre o que voc faz no trabalho.
Ler e escrever sobre descries de trabalho.
Unidade VI
Seguir direes.
Ler e usar um mapa simples.
Falar sobre transporte.
Gravar uma jornada.
Unidade VII
Hora de Diverso
Identificar atividades.
Falar sobre atividades favoritas.
Discutir habilidades.
Descrever atividades esportivas.
Unidade VIII
Roupas que Gosto
Identificar tipos de roupas.
Fazer compras.
Identificar cores e descrever roupas.
Ler sobre fabricao de roupas.

Nvel 2 - Bsico

Unidade IX
Comer Bem
Pedir uma refeio.
Planejar uma festa.
Expressar quantidades.
Quantificar ou interpretar necessidades de comida e
Unidade X
Identificar partes do corpo.
Descrever sintomas e doenas.
Identificar medicamentos e tratamentos.
Descrever tratamentos de medicina alternativos.
Unidade XI
Fazer Planos
Marcar datas especficas.
Entender e usar um calendrio.
Falar sobre eventos especiais.
Descrever uma ocasio especial.
Unidade XII
Falar sobre frias passadas.
Discutir os prs e contras de viagens radicais.
Descrever o clima nas frias.
Falar sobre frias especiais.
Unidade XIII
Encontrar pessoas.
Pedir e dar informaes pessoais.
Descrever trabalhos diferentes.
Falar sobre pessoas e seus trabalhos.
Unidade XIV
Trabalho, Descanso e Diverso
Falar sobre um dia de trabalho.
Falar sobre horas de lazer.
Descrever um festival ou celebrao.
Comparar diferentes festivais.
Unidade XV
Ir a lugares
Pedir e dar informaes de viagens pessoais.
Dar conselhos de viagem.
Compartilhar dicas de viagem.
Unidade XVI
Falar sobre comida.
Pedir uma refeio.
Falar sobre dietas.
Discutir comidas favoritas e diferentes.


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

2.1 - Cronograma
Tempo necessrio realizao das tarefas:
Nvel 2

Pginas de contedo
Unidades por vdeo
Livros com vdeo e udio


Total por Nvel

Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por semana
Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por ms
Tempo previsto

Tempo Gasto (h)

120 Horas
5 Horas
20 Horas
6 Meses

Sugesto - 05 contatos semanais com aproximadamente 01 hora cada. Em cada um destes

contatos, dedique: 20 minutos para o e-book; 10 minutos para os vdeos; 15 minutos para a
gramtica; 10 minutos para as leituras; A cada 2 meses faa seu teste de progresso Ao final do curso
faa seu teste de mudana de nvel



Nvel 2 - Bsico

2.2 - Nvel 2, Parte 1

2.2.1 -

Nvel 2 Parte 1



Unit 1 Present tense be statements and

Unit 1 Lesson A, B, C (up to
vocabulary practice)
Unit 1 Lesson C, D; Unit 2
Lesson A (up to vocabulary



Unity 1 Pg 1 a 7

Unity 1 Pg 7 a 10 Unity 2
Unit 1 Be + adjectives
Pg 11 a 13

Unity 2 Pg 3 a 18

Unity 2 Pg 19 a 20 Unity Unit 2 Adjectives Before Noun; Unit 3 There is / Unit 2 Lesson B; Unit 3 Lesson Unity 2 Job for
Puffin Rescue! Pg 11 a 19
3 Pg 21 a 26
there are statements questions and short answers A, B


Unit 2 Pg 11 a 13, present tense be Yes/No

questions and short answers Singular and plural Unit 2 Lesson A, B, C
nouns forms, a/an

Unity 3 Pg 26 a 30 Unity Unit 3 Prepositions on place: in, on, under, next

4 Pg 31 a 32
to, between
Unit 4 This, that, these, those as subjectives and
Unity 4 Pg 33 a 37

Unit 3 Lesson C, D

Unit 4 Noun possessives; Simple present of have,

Unity 4 Pg 38 a 40 Unity
Unit 4 Lesson C, D; Unity 4
do and go affirmative statements; Unit 5 simple
5 Pg 41 a 44
Lesson A
present affirmative and negative statements

Unity 5 Pg 44 a 50

Unit 5 Simple present of have, do and go

affirmative statements, negative, Yes/No questions
and short answers with regular verbs. Adverbs of
frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never

Unit 3 A Very
Special Village

Unit 4 Lesson A, B, C (up to

vocabulary practice)

2.2.2 -

Unit 1 Animal
Puffin Rescue! - Pg 2 a 3

Puffin Rescue! Pg 4 a 10

Puffin Rescue! Pg 20 a 23 + video

+ quiz
A Disappearing Word Pg 2 a 3

Unit 4
Uncovering the A disappearing Word Pg 4 a 19
Unit 5 Zoo

A Disappearing Word Pg 22 a
23 + video + quiz

Week 1: This time things will be a little bit different!

{1 Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 1 Pg 1 a 7; [GR] Unit 1 Present tense be statements and contractions; [AU] Unit 1 Lesson A,
B, C (up to vocabulary practice);

First of all the official language for our communication is English, from now on. Then, its
important to tell you that you are going to study with a different material. Not only the e-book, but
also the grammar pages are different. In this first week, study from pages 1 to 7 of the e-book. The
topic of the unit is FRIENDS AND FAMILY. The unit starts with a great review of what you have
already seen, such as: greeting and introducing people, verb to be, family members and adjectives.
However, its not a repetition of what you have already seen. At this level, you can practice more. I
mean, more audios and more activities.
Let me be more specific. There are more audio tracks throughout the pages: 3 tracks on page 3, 1
track on page 4, 2 tracks on page 6 (one for the listening and another for pronunciation). There is
also more practice: vocabulary practice on page 3, 2 grammar practices on page 4, a listening
comprehension activity on page 5, and another vocabulary practice on page 7. Both audio tracks
and practices (vocabulary and grammar) can be found inside the folder called VIDEO. Besides the
grammar presented and explored on the book, you can also find more explanations and activities in
a folder called GRAMMAR. This week, study (or review) the Present tense be statements and
contractions. Get used to this new material and next week you start reading the extra book.
2.2.3 -

Week 2: starting...

{2 Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 1 Pg 7 a 10 Unity 2 Pg 11 a 13; [GR] Unit 1 Be + adjectives; [AU] Unit 1 Lesson C, D; Unit
2 Lesson A (up to vocabulary practice); [VI] Unit 1 Animal Families'; [RE] Puffin Rescue! - Pg 2 a 3;

How did things go during this first week? We hope you had time to do all your tasks. Its also
important to tell you how important it is to review the subject. So, before starting the activities

2.2 - Nvel 2, Parte 1


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

separated for this week, take a day of study to review. After this review youre prepared to go on.
This week, as a suggestion, your duties will be separated like this:
DAY 2 - e-book, starting at the bottom of page 7 and finishing the grammar on page 8. This
grammar point covers sentences (statements, questions and short answers) with the verb BE
followed by an adjective. And talking about it, we have some questions for you. Are you single or
married? Is your best friend tall or short?
DAY 3 - As soon as you finish this part, you can take some exercises on grammar. Go to the
folder called VIDEO and Lesson 1C inside Table of Contents. There you can find GRAMMAR
PRACTICE 1 and GRAMMAR PRACTICE 2. In the first activity youre supposed to complete the
sentences with the correct form of BE. The second activity asks you to find the correct answer for
each of the questions.
DAY 4 - Return to page 8 of the e-book to study the conversation. As we told you before, the
conversation activity is important so that you can improve your pronunciation of chunks of
language, instead of pronouncing words isolated. The exercise also deals with the correct
intonation. So, the more you practice, the better your spoken English will be. You can either click
on the audio icon on the page, or find the audio inside the VIDEO folder. Go for the best option.
In this conversation youll see the expression WHAT A SHAME! Its used in the context of this
conversation to show that Ana is not happy because she would like to date Richard, but he is
married. A good exercise to make this expression part of your vocabulary is to think about different
situations in which you could use it. You saw that Ana and Carol are showing photos of their
relatives to each other and describing them. What about describing your relatives and friends?
Moving to pages 9 and 10, you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen to the audio
passage (its inside the folder called VIDEO LESSON 1D READING PASSAGE: AUDIO).
After reading, there are some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more comprehension
activities inside the folder called VIDEO.
DAY 5 - You can start your day watching the video ANIMAL FAMILIES and taking the video
comprehension activities. Do you know that this story takes place in East Africa? Well, this is the
end of Unit 1. Now, we are going to start Unit 2. The topic of this unit is the universal experience of
work around the world. You are going to learn how to: a) identify jobs; b) talk about jobs; c) talk
about countries; d) compare jobs in different countries. On pages 11 and 12 you can see pictures of
different jobs. Can you name them? We invite you to make a list of any jobs you know in English.
DAY 6 - This is the last day of the week, because we imagine you need a break tomorrow, isnt it
right? So, lets close the week studying the vocabulary on page 13 of the e-book. According to the
theme of the unit, all the vocabulary is related to jobs. First, label the pictures. Then, listen to the
audio and correct your answers. Finally, listen again and repeat, you can see that the new
vocabulary is in a sentence, and not isolated. In your opinion, which of the jobs presented on this
page is boring? And which one is interesting? Complement your knowledge about this vocabulary
taking the Vocabulary Practice which is inside the folder called VIDEO.
Lets review the grammar you studied yesterday. Study BE + ADJECTIVE inside the folder
GRAMMAR. It means that youre supposed to watch the presentation, take the two grammar
practice exercises, as well as the listening and speaking activities and finish with the review. Finish
the week preparing the introduction for the book Puffin Rescue! on pages 2 and 3. The story is set
in a small town in Iceland. Prepare the vocabulary so that you can start reading the story next week.
2.2.4 -

Week 3: starting...

{3 Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 2 Pg 3 a 18; [GR] Unit 2 Pg 11 a 13, present tense be Yes/No questions and short answers
Singular and plural nouns forms, a/an; [AU] Unit 2 Lesson A, B, C; [RE] Puffin Rescue! Pg 4 a 10;



Nvel 2 - Bsico

Heres a suggestion for this third week, starting on the second day, since the first day is to review
the subject studied so far.
DAY 2 - This week you can start at the bottom of page 13 at the grammar section which deals
with the verb BE in the negative. As the topic of the unit is related to jobs, observe these examples:
I am a teacher. Im not an artist. Youre a student. Probably, you arent an architect. This week, there
are two grammar topics to be studied. They first topic is present tense of be yes/no questions and
short answers and the second topic is singular and plural noun forms, a/an. As you know, for each of
these topics you have a presentation, two grammar focus activities, a listening and a speaking
activity as well as a review.
DAY 3 - Just to refresh your mind about what was studied yesterday, do the grammar practice
exercises inside the folder VIDEO. Finish the day reading pages 4-9 of the book Puffin Rescue!
When you go to page 8, scan it. I mean, dont read the page carefully, only take a look at the page.
Return to page 7 and try to answer the questions at the bottom of this page. Finally, read (this time
more carefully) pages 8 and 9.
DAY 4 - Return to page 14 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the
conversation, play the audio and answer the question IS JILL MARRIED OR SINGLE? Then, read
the conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and intonation. Moving
to page 15, youll see pictures of three people. Can you guess these peoples jobs before listening to
the audio? Then, listen again and fill in the chart. After this, check the numbers. There are other
listening comprehension activities inside the VIDEO folder. Finish the day practicing the
contractions with BE. Listen and repeat as many times as necessary. This is how your pronunciation
will be better.
DAY 5 - On page 17 theres a language expansion activity. This time youll be introduced to
some countries and cities and youll also learn how to say what the weather is like in these places. Is
your city wet? Is it cold or hot? Do the activities for vocabulary practice inside the folder VIDEO.
DAY 6 - On this last studying day, lets go to the grammar which starts on the bottom of page 17
of the e-book. This time, you are going to study the structure BE + ADJECTIVE + NOUN. For
example: So Paulo is a crowded city. What can you say about the place where you live? ____ is
a/an _____ city. Do the activities on page 18 as well as the two exercises on grammar practice
inside the folder VIDEO. In the first exercise you complete the sentences with an adjective and in
the second you match questions and answers. The last activity of this week is the conversation on
page 18. Youll hear two friends Alan and Mohamed talking about the place where Mohamed
comes from. What do you learn about this place? Practice the conversation. Then, take a rest.
2.2.5 -

Week 4: starting...

{4 Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 2 Pg 19 a 20 Unity 3 Pg 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 2 Adjectives Before Noun; Unit 3 There is /
there are statements questions and short answers; [AU] Unit 2 Lesson B; Unit 3 Lesson A, B; [VI] Unity 2 Job for Children;
[RE] Puffin Rescue! Pg 11 a 19;

Lets get down to one more week of hard study. Be sure youre not alone. Well follow you on
your way : )
DAY 2 - Lets start the week reading about jobs in different countries on pages 19 and 20. Do you
think that, depending on the country where you live, the same job can have different duties? Think
about farmers in your country. What do they grow? Are the weather conditions good for farmers? Is
it interesting or boring to be a farmer? As soon as you finish, do the reading comprehension
activities in the folder VIDEO- 2D. Watch the video A JOB FOR CHILDREN. In this video youll
see how children can help the environment. Do the video comprehension activities in the folder
2.2 - Nvel 2, Parte 1


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

DAY 3 - Unit 3 talks about houses and apartments. Do you live in a house or an apartment? Look
at the different pictures on pages 20 and 21 of the e-book and check if any of these houses is similar
to yours.
In this unit youll learn to:
a) identify rooms in a house;
b) describe your house;
c) identify household objects;
d) compare houses.
Finish the day reading the book PUFFIN RESCUE! up to page 19. The story is based on the
video you watched yesterday.
DAY 4 - On page 23 of the e-book theres vocabulary related to rooms in a house. Do the
activities on this page as well as the activity in the folder VIDEO 3A. Think about your house. Is
there a dining room in your house? How many bedrooms are there? To ask and answer questions
like these, youll learn the verb there is/are. Study the charts on pages 23 and 24, and then do the
activities on page 24. In addition, do the grammar activities in the folder GRAMMAR: adjectives
before nouns and there is / there are statements, questions and short answers.
DAY 5 - Start your day reviewing what you studied yesterday. Go to the folder VIDEO Lesson
3A and do the two exercises. In both exercises youll be asked to fill in the blanks with the correct
option. On page 24, there is a conversation. Before reading the lines of the conversation, play the
audio and answer the question IS THERE A GARAGE? Then, practice the conversation as many
times as you can. Practice talking about your house. Write sentences about the place where you live.
Say the things there is and there are in your house.
DAY 6 - Look at the 5 houses on page 25. Can you describe them? After looking at these houses,
play the audio and match each person to the house where they live. Play the audio again and check
if the sentences on page 26 are true or false. Take the chance to do other listening comprehension
activities which are in the folder VIDEO Lesson 3B. In English, most of the plural nouns are
formed by adding s at the end. This final s has three different pronunciations.
Listen to the audio and check the correct column according to the sound. Practice as much as you
can. Finish the week taking the pronunciation practice in the folder VIDEO Lesson 3B.
2.2.6 -

Week 5: starting...

{5 Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 3 Pg 26 a 30 Unity 4 Pg 31 a 32; [GR] Unit 3 Prepositions on place: in, on, under, next to,
between; [AU] Unit 3 Lesson C, D; [VI] Unit 3 A Very Special Village; [RE] Puffin Rescue! Pg 20 a 23 + video + quiz ;

Are you around? So, lets get started!

DAY 2 - Last week you learned how to say what there is and what there are in your house. Now,
you can say, for example: In my house there is a kitchen and a bathroom. There are two bedrooms.
But, whats there in your bedroom? Go to page 27 of the e-book and youll learn how to say the
vocabulary related to furniture and household objects. Complement this topic studying the
vocabulary practice in the folder VIDEO Lesson 3C. Go to the expansion reading of the book
PUFFIN RESCUE! on pages 22 and 23 and finish the week watching the video and doing the quiz
of this material.
DAY 3 - The grammar point which starts at the bottom of page 27 covers prepositions of places.
Study the chart and fill in the blanks in the exercise on page 28. Complement the grammar studying
the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: prepositions of place: in, on, under, next to, between. Study


Nvel 2 - Bsico

the conversation on page 28 and answer the question WHERE IS TRACEYS MAGAZINE? After
practicing the conversation for a few times, substitute the underlined words for other words you
learned in this unit. Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO
Lesson 3C.
DAY 4 - Dedicate this day to the reading of the text on pages 29 and 30. Youll read about
different kinds of houses, unusual houses. Whats good about the houses in the text? And whats bad
about them? Listen to the audio for this reading passage and do the comprehension exercises both
on page 29 and in the folder VIDEO. Practice your reading.
DAY 5 - Today, watch the video A VERY SPECIAL VILLAGE. This story is set in a small city in
Italy called Camogli. Youll see how beautiful this art is. Take the comprehension as soon as you
finish watching the video. Watch as many times as necessary, until you can understand the video
without reading the subtitles.
DAY 6 - Lets finish the week starting Unit 4. It doesnt matter if we are old or young, rich or
poor, we all have certain possessions that mean a lot to us. What are your favorite possessions?
Look at the pictures on pages 31 and 32 and name the possessions you see. Are they similar to
In this unit youll learn how to:
a) identify personal possessions;
b) talk about personal possessions;
c) buy a present;
d) talk about special possessions.
2.2.7 -

Week 6: starting...

{6 Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 4 Pg 33 a 37; [GR] Unit 4 This, that, these, those as subjectives and adjectives; [AU] Unit 4
Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary practice); [RE] A Disappearing Word Pg 2 a 3;

DAY 2 - On page 33, complete the names of the objects in the pictures. Do you have any of these
objects? If you want to complete your list, here are some suggestions: money, pencil, appointment
book, etc. Before reading the conversation on page 34, listen to the audio and answer the question:
WHAT IS IN THE BAG? Then, practice the conversation.
DAY 3 - The grammar topic on page 28 shows demonstrative adjectives. Study the chart and do
the exercise. Complement the grammar studying the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: this, that,
these, those as subjects and adjectives. Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the
folder VIDEO Lesson 4A. In the first activity youll be asked to fill in the blanks with the correct
option. Match questions and answers in the second activity.
DAY 4 - Look at the photos on page 35, and think where these people might be. Hear two people
talking about whats in their bags. Listen to the audio again and do the activities on the page. Take
some time to do the listening comprehension exercises in the folder VIDEO.
DAY 5 - Do you know how to pronounce the word SHIP? And if you have to pronounce SHEEP?
Do you pronounce them in the same way or differently? Learn how to pronounce these similar
sounds on page 36. Theres more practice in the folder VIDEO. Start reading the book A
DISAPPEARING WORLD. Today, read the introduction on pages 2 and 3. The story is set in the
African countries of Congo and Gabon. The leader of the expedition written in this book is worried
that natural beauty disappears.

2.2 - Nvel 2, Parte 1


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

DAY 6 - Do you shop online? What are your favorite web shops? Label the items on page 37 and
then complete the sentences. What other electronic products are there in your house? Finish the
week with the vocabulary practice activity in the folder VIDEO lesson 4C.
2.2.8 -

Week 7: starting...

{7 Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 4 Pg 38 a 40 Unity 5 Pg 41 a 44; [GR] Unit 4 Noun possessives; Simple present of have, do
and go affirmative statements; Unit 5 simple present affirmative and negative statements; [AU] Unit 4 Lesson C, D; Unity 4 Lesson
A; [VI] Unit 4 Uncovering the past; [RE] A disappearing Word Pg 4 a 19;

DAY 2 - The grammar topic on page 38 deals with the verb HAVE in statements, questions and
short answers. Remember the electronic items you were presented to last week? Now, I can ask you:
Do you have a laptop computer? Does your roommate have a new camera? Study the chart on page
38 and do the exercises that follow. Then, complement this knowledge taking the exercises in the
folder GRAMMAR: noun possessives and simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements.
Still on page 38, there is a conversation between Sun-Hee and Hana. Listen to the audio and answer
the question WHAT DO THEY BUY? Then, listen again and practice the conversation. Finish the
day taking the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 4C.
DAY 4 - In this unit youll read a text about jewelry. What jewelry are you wearing? Are they
your special possessions? Read the text and do the activities on page 39. Complement, listening to
the audio related to this text. You can also take more reading comprehension activities in the folder
VIDEO Lesson 4D. In this activity youll have to choose the correct option in a multiple-choice
DAY 5 - Do you know what an archeologist does? Watch the video UNCOVERING THE PAST
and discover interesting things about the Maya civilization. Do the activity that follows match the
beginnings to the endings of the sentences. Go through the whole book A DISAPPEARING
WORLD. There are tasks on pages 7 and 15. In this book you learned that a team of explorers
wants to photograph and document the wild life in two beautiful African countries. Did they
complete their project? Could they do it safely? Take your time to study GRAMMAR: simple
present affirmative and negative statements.
DAY 6 - Lets start the last unit of this part of the course. In Unit 5, youll acquire vocabulary for
daily routines and learn the simple present tense to talk about them. Look at the pictures on pages
41 and 42. Which of the things from the pictures do you do every day?
The goals of this unit are:
a) tell time;
b) talk about peoples daily activities;
c) talk about what you do at work;
d) describe a job.
Page 43 is the last page to be studied this week. What time do you do the activities that appear on
the page? What time do you get up? After having studied page 43, finish the week taking the
vocabulary practice exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 5A.
2.2.9 -

Week 8: starting...

{8 Sem - #N2P1} [EB] Unity 5 Pg 44 a 50; [GR] Unit 5 Simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements, negative,
Yes/No questions and short answers with regular verbs. Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never; [VI] Unit 5
Zoo Dentists; [RE] A Disappearing Word Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz ;



Nvel 2 - Bsico

Well, this is a special week, because its the end of the first part of level 2.
DAY 2 - On page 45 youll see some typical activities in Joel Sartores daily life. Listen to the
audio and do the activities on this page. Then, think about a typical day in your life. What do you do
on Monday? What about on Tuesday? On page 46 youll practice intonation the way our voices
rise and fall when we speak. Listen to the audio and practice not only the exercises on page 46, but
also the exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 5B.
Study the GRAMMAR: simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements, negative. This
topic was introduced last week and wed like you to reinforce it, due to its great level of importance.
DAY 4 - The vocabulary presented on page 47 is related to work activities. Which of the
activities presented on the page do you do every day, or every week? Which of these activities dont
you do? What other things do you do at work or at college? There is more practice in the folder
VIDEO Lesson 5C. Dont miss it. Watch the video ZOO DENTISTS and find out what these
professionals do at work. Do they have a routine or do they do the same thing every day? Would
you like to be a zoo dentist? Take the video comprehension activities.
DAY 5 - The grammar topic starts at the bottom of page 47. It deals with the simple present and
adverbs of frequency. After studying the chart, do the activities on page 48 as well as the two
grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 5C. Match questions and answers in the
first activity and in the second one, fill in the blanks with the correct word. Listen to the audio for
the conversation on page 48 and answer the question WHAT DOES BRENDA DO AT WORK?
Then practice the conversation as much as possible.
Finish the day studying the GRAMMAR: simple present yes/no questions and short answers with
regular verbs and adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never.
DAY 6 - This last reading activity on pages 49 and 50 talk about robots at work. Read and listen
to the text and answer the questions on page 49 as well as the reading comprehension question in
the folder VIDEO Lesson 5D. The extra text in the book A DISAPPEARING WORLD talks about
the goals of a conservation society. How long does it take you to read the 304 words? In addition,
watch the video and do the quiz. Congratulations, you reached one more goal! : )

2.2 - Nvel 2, Parte 1


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

2.3 - Nvel 2, Parte 2

2.3.1 -

Nvel 2 Parte 2




Unit 6 Lesson A, B and C (up to

vocabulary practice)
Unit 6 Lesson C and D; Unit 7
Lesson A (up to vocabulary



Unit 6

A Special Kind of Neighborhood

Pg 2 a 3

Unit 6 Pg 1 a 8

Unit 6 Pg 8 a 10; Unit 7 Unit 6 Using affirmative and negative forms of

Pg 11 a 13
have to

Unit 7 Pg 13 a 18

Unit 7 Pg 19 a 20; Unit 8

Unit 8 Using can with permission
Pg 21 a 26

Unit 7 Lesson B; Unit 8 Lesson

A and B

Unit 7

Unit 8 Pg 26 a 30; Unit 9

Pg 31 a 32

Unit 8 Lesson C and D

Unit 8

A Special Kind of Neighborhood

Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz

Unit 9 Pg 33 a 37

Unit 9 Count and noun count nouns

The Last of the Cheju Divers Pg


Unit 9 Pg 38 a 40; Unit

10 Pg 41 a 44

Unit 9 Count and noun count nouns: a/an, some,

many in questions and answers, much, many, How
Unit 9 Lesson C and D; Unit 10
much?, How many?, Simple present affirmative and
Lesson A
negative statements. Simple present of have, do
and go, Yes/No questions and short answers.

Unit 9

The Last of the Cheju Divers Pg

4 a 19

Unit 10 Pg 45 a 50

Unit 10 Simple present Yes/No questions and

Unit 10 Lesson B, C and D
short answers with regular verbs. Should/Shouldn't.

Unit 10

The Last of the Cheju Divers Pg

22 a 23 + video + quiz

2.3.2 -

Unit 6 Imperative (negative and polite)


Unit 7 Present Continuous and Be able to/Can

Unit 7 Lesson A, B and C

Unit 9 Lesson A, B and C (up to

vocabulary practice)

A Special Kind of Neighborhood

Pg 4 a 10
A Special Kind of Neighborhood
Pg 11 a 19

Week 1: Welcome to the second part of level 2!

{1 Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 6 Pg 1 a 8; [GR] Unit 6 Imperative (negative and polite); [AU] Unit 6 Lesson A, B and C (up to
vocabulary practice);

This week you are going to study the e-book from pages 1 to 7. The grammar covered this week
is IMPERATIVES. Now, lets look at each part little by little. On pages 1 and 2 of the e-book there
are different kinds of transportation. Can you name them? Besides the ones which appear on these
pages, what other types of transportation do you use? On page 3, youll see different places that you
can find in your city, for example, and youre supposed to locate them on the map. The goal of this
page is not only locate the places on the map, but also ask for and give directions to these places.
In order to give messages, youll need to know how to use the verbs in the imperative. So, give a
break to the e-book and go to the grammar folder where you can find a presentation, two grammar
focus activities, a listening activity, a speaking activity, as well as a review. Maybe on the next day
you can return to the e-book and take the grammar activities on page 4 as reinforcement. Take the
conversation on the same page and practice your pronunciation, as well as your intonation. Follow
with the e-book up to page 7 and separate another day of this week to take the vocabulary and
grammar practices that youll find inside the video folder.
2.3.3 -

Week 2: starting...

{2 Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 6 Pg 8 a 10; Unit 7 Pg 11 a 13; [GR] Unit 6 Using affirmative and negative forms of have to;
[AU] Unit 6 Lesson C and D; Unit 7 Lesson A (up to vocabulary practice); [VI] Unit 6; [RE] A Special Kind of Neighborhood
Pg 2 a 3;

We hope you had a productive week. As you already know how important it is to review the
subject, before starting the activities separated for this week, take a day of study to review. After
this review youre prepared to go on. Here follows a suggestion for you:


Nvel 2 - Bsico

DAY 2 - Study the grammar on page 8 of the e-book. This grammar point covers the verb HAVE
TO in the simple present. Youll see the verb used in statements, questions and short answers. You
know that HAVE TO is used to talk about obligations. Lets think about your obligations as a
student: You have to take the lesson. You have to take exams. After completing the exercises on
page 8, close the e-book and go to the folder GRAMMAR to study the second grammar topic in
unit 6.
DAY 3 - Start the day taking the exercises on grammar related to Lesson 6C. In both activities
you have to fill in the gaps with one of the options to complete a sentence in the simple present. We
suggest you finish the day preparing the introduction for the book A Special Kind of Neighborhood
on pages 2 and 3. The story talks about an interesting and multicultural neighborhood in San
Francisco, California.
DAY 4 - Return to page 8 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the
conversation, play the audio and answer the question WHAT TIME DOES THE PLANE LEAVE?
Then, read the conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and
In this conversation you see an assistant telling a tourist how to get to some place. Use your
imagination. You are an assistant at a hotel (think about a neighborhood in your city where the hotel
is) and part of your job is to tell tourists how to get to tour spots. Write directions to the places and
say what transportation they have to take. Practice as much as you can. Moving to pages 9 and 10,
you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen to the audio passage (its inside the
folder called VIDEO LESSON 6D READING PASSAGE: AUDIO). After reading, there are
some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more comprehension activities inside the
folder called VIDEO.
DAY 5 - You can start your day watching the video VOLCANO TREK and taking the video
comprehension activities. Do you know that this story takes place in Ethiopia? Do you know
anything about this part of Africa? Well, this is the end of Unit 6. Now, we are going to start Unit 7.
The topic of this unit is related to the activities we do in our free time. The unit focuses on some of
the most common leisure time activities and on sports people do.
You are going to learn how to:
a) identify activities people are doing now;
b) talk about activities that are happening now;
c) talk about abilities and
d) talk about sports.
Just to start, what do you do in your free time?
DAY 6 - This is the last day of the week, because tomorrow is the break, remember? So, lets
close the week studying the vocabulary on page 13 of the e-book. According to the theme of the
unit, all the vocabulary is related to free time activities. First, label the pictures. Then, listen to the
audio and correct your answers.
Finally, listen again and repeat, you can see that the new vocabulary is in a sentence, and not
isolated. In your opinion, which of the activities presented on this page do you like? And which
dont you like? Complement your knowledge about this vocabulary taking the Vocabulary Practice
which is inside the folder called VIDEO.

2.3 - Nvel 2, Parte 2


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

2.3.4 -

Week 3: starting...

{3 Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 7 Pg 13 a 18; [GR] Unit 7 Present Continuous and Be able to/Can; [AU] Unit 7 Lesson A, B
and C; [RE] A Special Kind of Neighborhood Pg 4 a 10;

Dear students of level 2, take a look at the schedule suggestion that follows. It starts on Day 2
because the first day is dedicated to a review:
DAY 2 - This week you can start at the bottom of page 13 at the grammar section which deals
with the present continuous tense. As you already know, the present continuous is basically used
when you want to talk about something that is happening at this moment. For example: My sister
isnt studying now. Shes cooking. Take the opportunity do the exercise inside the folder VIDEO. In
the first activity you have to match questions and answers and in the second activity you have to
choose the correct answer.
DAY 3 - Start the day taking the first exercises on grammar related to Unit 7. Study all the
activities related to Present Continuous. Finish the day reading pages 4-9 of the book A Special
Kind of Neighborhood. On page 5 there are three sentences in which you check true or false. After
reading, you can also listen to the audio book.
DAY 4 - Return to page 14 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the
conversation, play the audio and answer the question WHAT IS DAVE DOING? Then, read the
conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and intonation.
Moving to page 15, youll listen to some telephone conversations. Put the conversations in the
order you hear. There are other listening comprehension activities inside the VIDEO folder. Finish
the day practicing the differences between the sounds sh and ch. Do you know how to pronounce
the words WATCH and WASH? The difference is subtle but important. Take this practice.
DAY 5 - On page 17 theres a language expansion activity. As we are dealing with the topic of
free time activities, you can learn how to say some sports in English. Wed like to know which
sports you play. Do you play soccer? Oh no, so do you swim? Theres more vocabulary practice
inside the folder VIDEO. Practice as much as you can.
DAY 6 - This is the last day of the week, before the break. So, lets close the week studying the
vocabulary on page 18 of the e-book where you find the grammar section. This time, you are going
to study CAN for ability. Tell us what you can do. Can you swim? What about soccer? Can you play
soccer? Complete the activities on page 18 as well as the grammar activity (inside the folder
GRAMMAR UNIT 7) and the two exercises on grammar practice inside the folder VIDEO. The
last activity of this week is the conversation on page 18. Youll hear two girls Julie and Yumi
talking about the things Yumis boyfriend can do.
2.3.5 -

Week 4: starting...

{4 Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 7 Pg 19 a 20; Unit 8 Pg 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 8 Using can with permission; [AU] Unit 7 Lesson
B; Unit 8 Lesson A and B; [VI] Unit 7; [RE] A Special Kind of Neighborhood Pg 11 a 19;

Lets get down to one more week of study. Good to see you here.
DAY 2 - Lets start the week reading about sports practiced now and in the past. Read the article
and mark the sentences true or false. Then, listen to the audio. Look at the pictures on these pages:
what are they doing? Can you do what they are doing? As soon as you finish, do the reading
comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO- 7D.
Watch the video LAND DIVERS OF VANUATU. Youll see that in this small South Pacific
island, people follow a tradition. A very unusual tradition, indeed. Do the video comprehension
activities in the folder VIDEO.


Nvel 2 - Bsico

DAY 3 - Unit 8 talks about clothes, youll begin by learning basic vocabulary and phrases to use
in shopping for clothing. Do you agree that what we wear expresses our personality, cultural values
and position in society?
In this unit youll learn to:
a) identify and buy clothes;
b) say what people are wearing;
c) express likes and dislikes;
d) learn about clothes and colors.
Finish the day reading the book A SPECIAL KIND OF NEIGHBORHOOD up to page 19. Did
this wonderful art technique impress you?
DAY 4 - On page 23 of the e-book theres vocabulary related to colors and clothes. Do you try
things on when you go shopping? Do the activities on this page as well as the activity in the folder
If you get in a shop, youre supposed to be polite. Learn on page 24 how to ask polite requests.
Study the chart on page 24, and then do the activity that follows.
In addition, do the grammar activity in the folder GRAMMAR: using can with permission. Its
important to remind you to watch the presentation, do the grammar exercises, as well as the
listening and speaking ones and finally stick to a review.
DAY 5 - Start your day reviewing what you studied yesterday. Go to the folder VIDEO Lesson
8A and do the two exercises. In the first exercise youll be asked to match questions and answers
and in the second one, fill in the blanks with the correct option.
On page 24, there is a conversation. Before reading the lines of the conversation, play the audio
and answer the question WHAT COLOR SHOES DOES THE CUSTOMER WANT? Then, practice
the conversation as many times as you can in order to improve your pronunciation and intonation.
DAY 6 - On page 25 you see four people wearing different clothing styles. Can you say what they
are wearing? Listen to the audio and match their names to the pictures. Take the chance to do
another listening comprehension activity which is in the folder VIDEO Lesson 8B.
In fact, casual speech native English speakers often put words together and pronounce them in a
short form. Lets practice both full and short forms on page 26. Finish the week taking the
pronunciation practice in the folder VIDEO Lesson 8B.
2.3.6 -

Week 5: starting...

{5 Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 8 Pg 26 a 30; Unit 9 Pg 31 a 32; [AU] Unit 8 Lesson C and D; [VI] Unit 8; [RE] A Special
Kind of Neighborhood Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz ;

Are you ready to learn more? Great!

DAY 2 - Go to page 27 of the e-book and learn more vocabulary on clothes and pieces of clothes.
What clothes do you like? And what colors do you like? Complement this topic studying the
vocabulary practice in the folder VIDEO Lesson 8C.
Go to the expansion reading of the book A SPECIAL KIND OF NEIGHBORHOOD on pages 22
and 23 and finish the week watching the video and doing the quiz of this material.

2.3 - Nvel 2, Parte 2


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

DAY 3 - The grammar point which starts at the bottom of page 27 shows you how to say things
you like and dislike. I can say, for example: My mother loves pink, but I dont like this color. I like
red, but my mother doesnt like it.
Study the chart and match questions and answers on page 28. Study the conversation on page 28
and answer the question WHAT PRESENT DO THEY BUY? After practicing the conversation for a
few times, practice it as much as you can.
Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 3C. In the
first exercise, match questions and answers. In the second, fill in the blanks with the correct option.
DAY 4 - Whats your favorite color? Are you wearing this color now? Read the text on pages 29
and 30, and youll learn more about colors and clothes. Listen to the audio for this reading passage
and do the comprehension exercises both on page 29 and in the folder VIDEO. Practice your
DAY 5 - Today, watch the video INUIT FASHION. This story set in Canada, talks about how the
Inuit get dressed, and why they wear certain clothes. Take the comprehension as soon as you finish
watching the video. Watch as many times as necessary, until you can understand the video without
reading the subtitles.
DAY 6 - Lets finish the week starting Unit 9. This unit approaches the topic of food from a
personal perspective. Look at the pictures on pages 31 and 32 and name as many foods as you can.
Whats your favorite food?
In this unit youll learn how to:
a) order a meal;
b) plan a party;
c) talk about a healthy diet;
d) talk about food for special occasions.
2.3.7 -

Week 6: starting...

{6 Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 9 Pg 33 a 37; [GR] Unit 9 Count and noun count nouns; [AU] Unit 9 Lesson A, B and C (up to
vocabulary practice); [RE] The Last of the Cheju Divers Pg 2 a 3;

Welcome to a new week.

DAY 2 - On page 33, youll see vocabulary related to food and how each of these foods is
separated on a menu. After taking the activities on this page, do the one in the folder VIDEO
Lesson 9A.
Before reading the conversation on page 34, listen to the audio and answer the question: WHAT
DOES THE CUSTOMERS ORDER? Then, practice the conversation. Now you know how to order
food at a restaurant, ok?
DAY 3 - The grammar topic on page 28 shows some and any. Study the chart and do the exercise.
Complement the grammar studying the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: count and noncount
nouns. Be aware that some verbs are count in our language, but noncount in English. So, understand
them without translating.
Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 9A. In the
first activity, fill in the blanks with SOME or ANY. Then, match questions and answers in the
second activity.


Nvel 2 - Bsico

DAY 4 - On page 35, you are going to hear two people planning a party. Look at the picture and
name the items you can see in it. Then, listen to the conversation and do the activities that follow.
Take some time to do the listening comprehension exercises in the folder VIDEO.
DAY 5 - In fact, casual speech, native English speakers often pronounce words in a short form.
This is not news; Ive already told you this. So, on page 36 lets learn how to pronounce the short
form of the word AND. Theres more practice in the folder VIDEO.
Start reading the book THE LAST OF THE CHEJU DIVERS. Today, read the introduction on
pages 2 and 3. The story is set in an island called Cheju which is in South Korea. This island is
known for its legendary women divers. Have you ever dived? If not, would you like to? Start
reading the book, and soon youll find out how this society is changing.
DAY 6 - Diet means all the food you eat. Is your diet good or bad? Why? Look at the plate on
page 37 and write the words in the correct part of the chart. Finish the week with the vocabulary
practice activity in the folder VIDEO lesson 9C.
2.3.8 -

Week 7: starting...

{7 Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 9 Pg 38 a 40; Unit 10 Pg 41 a 44; [GR] Unit 9 Count and noun count nouns: a/an, some, many
in questions and answers, much, many, How much?, How many?, Simple present affirmative and negative statements. Simple present
of have, do and go, Yes/No questions and short answers.; [AU] Unit 9 Lesson C and D; Unit 10 Lesson A; [VI] Unit 9; [RE] The
Last of the Cheju Divers Pg 4 a 19;

DAY 2 - The grammar topic on page 38 expands what you learned on page 34 this time youll
study how much and how many. How many hamburgers do you eat? How much milk do you drink?
Study the chart on page 38 and do the exercises that follow. Then, complement this knowledge
taking the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: more about count and noncount nouns: a/an, some,
many in questions and answers, much, many, how much, how many.
Still on page 38, there is a conversation between a doctor and a patient. Listen to the audio and
answer the question DOES THE PATIENT EAT WELL? Then, listen again and practice the
conversation. What about you? Do you eat well?
Finish the day taking the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 9C. In both
activities, youll be asked to fill in the blanks with the correct option.
DAY 4 - On pages 39 and 40, youll read a text about food for special occasions. On a typical day
in our lives, we eat ordinary food, that is, usual food. However, on special occasions we eat special
food. What is a special occasion for you? And what do you eat on this day? Read the passage (and
also listen to it) and do the activities on the page. Then, take more reading comprehension activities
in the folder VIDEO Lesson 9D, in which youll deal with a multiple-choice activity.
DAY 5 - You know what fast food is, dont you? But do you know what slow food is? Watch the
video SLOW FOOD and discover its benefits. Do the activity that follows. Then, think about it:
how can you slow down your life? Do you think its important?
Go through the whole book THE LAST OF THE CHEJU DIVERS. There are tasks on pages 13
and 19. In this book you learned that the women in South Korea have dived into the ocean to look
for seafood for a long time. Now, these women have more choices. What are these choices? Return
to page 44 of the e-book and listen to the conversation. Answer the question WHATS WRONG
WITH KIM? Then, practice the conversation.
DAY 6 - Lets start the last unit of this part of the course. In Unit 10, youll approach the topic of
health. The human body is the same all over the world, but peoples experiences with health and
illness vary widely. Look at the pictures on pages 41 and 42 and describe what you can see.
The goals of this unit are:
2.3 - Nvel 2, Parte 2


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

a) identify parts of the body to say how you feel;

b) ask about and describe symptoms;
c) identify remedies and give advice;
d) learn and talk about prevention.
On page 43 youll learn to identify parts of the body to say how you feel. For example, if your
head hurts, you can say that you have a headache. After having studied page 43, finish the week
taking the vocabulary practice exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10A.
The grammar starting at the bottom of page 43, shows sentences with FEEL and LOOK. You may
feel sick without looking sick.
FEEL is related to something inside yourself, while LOOK is related to your appearance. Do the
exercises on page 44 as well as the grammar practice activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10A.
Finish the week reviewing the GRAMMAR simple present affirmative and negative statements
and simple present of have, do, and go affirmative statements, negative statements, yes/no questions
and short answers.
2.3.9 -

Week 8: starting...

{8 Sem - #N2P2} [EB] Unit 10 Pg 45 a 50; [GR] Unit 10 Simple present Yes/No questions and short answers with regular
verbs. Should/Shouldn't.; [AU] Unit 10 Lesson B, C and D; [VI] Unit 10; [RE] The Last of the Cheju Divers Pg 22 a 23 + video
+ quiz ;

DAY 2 - Think about when you go to the doctor. What does a patient do at the doctor? What does
the doctor do? On page 45 youll listen to two conversations between patients and doctors. Listen to
the audio and do the activities on this page. Then, do the extra listening comprehension activity in
the folder VIDEO Lesson 10B.
On page 46 youll practice word stress. Stress means words and parts of words that sound
stronger when were speaking. Listen to the audio and practice not only the exercises on page 46,
but also the exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10B.
Study the GRAMMAR: simple present yes/no questions and short answers with regular verbs.
This topic has been studied before and is brought up again, due to its great level of importance.
DAY 4 - The vocabulary presented on page 47 is related to remedies things you can do at home
when you have a simple ailment. What remedies do you know? Do the activity on this page as well
as the one in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10C.
Watch the video PYRETHRUM and find out how dangerous a mosquito can be. Take the video
comprehension activities.
DAY 5 - The grammar topic starts at the bottom of page 47. It shows the grammar point
SHOULD for advice. Look, I feel terrible. I have a cold. What should I do? Yeah, I should see a
doctor. I should take some cold medicine. After studying the chart, do the activities on page 48 as
well as the two grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10C. Match a problem to
its advice in the first activity and in the second one, fill in the blanks with the correct word.
Listen to the audio for the conversation on page 48 and answer the question WHAT DOES
CASEY THINK BRENDA SHOULD DO? Then practice the conversation as much as possible.
Think of ailments and suggest a remedy and give advice to each of them.
Finish the day studying the GRAMMAR: should / shouldnt.



Nvel 2 - Bsico

DAY 6 - This last reading activity on pages 49 and 50 talks about how to prevent diseases. Read
and listen to the text and answer the questions on page 49 as well as the reading comprehension
question in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10D.
The extra text in the book THE LAST OF THE CHEJU DIVERS talks about a different kind of
holiday. Whats your favorite kind of holiday? How long does it take you to read the 327 words? In
addition, watch the video and do the quiz. Congratulations, you reached one more goal : )

2.3 - Nvel 2, Parte 2


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

2.4 - Nvel 2, Parte 3

2.4.1 -

Nvel 2 Parte 3


Unit 11 Pg 1 a 7



Unit 11 Feature with Be Going To

Unit 11 Lesson A, B, C (up to

vocabulary practice)



Unit 11 Pg 8 a 10; Unit 12 Unit 11 Wold like / would rather / prefer; unit 12 Unit 11 Lesson C, D; Unit 12
Pg 11 a 14
Simple past be affirmative and negative statements Lesson A

Unit 11 Making a
Water Sports Adventure Pg 2 a
Thai Boxing

Unit 21 Pg 15 a 20

Unit 12 Monarch Water Sports Adventure Pg 4 a


Unit 13 Pg 21 a 27


Unit 12 Irregular Simple Past

Unit 12 Lesson B, C, D

Unit 13 Present tense be statements and

contractions. Present tense be Yes/No questions,
and short answers
Unit 13 Be + adjectives before nouns. Noun
possessives; Unit 14 Simple present of have, do
Unit 13 Pg 28 a 30; Unit and go affirmative statements, negative statements,
14 Pg 31 a 34
Yes/No questions and short answers. Simple
present Yes/No questions and short answers with
regular verbs
Unit 14 Pg 35 a 40; Unit Unit 14 Adverbs of frequency: always, usually,
15 Pg 41 a 42
often, sometimes, never
Unit 15 Pg 43 a 50; Unit Unit 15 Possessive pronouns X possessive
16 Pg 51 a 52
adjectives. Should/ shouldn't. Polite imperatives.

Unit 16 Pg 53 a 60

2.4.2 -

Unit 13 Lesson D; Unit 13

Lesson B, C (up to vocabulary
unit 13 Lesson C, D; Unit 14 Lesson A

Unit 14 Lesson B, C, D
Unit 15 Lesson A, B, C, D

Unit 16 some with plural count nouns and with

non-count nouns. More about count and non-count
Unit 16 Lesson A, B, C, D
nouns: a/an, some, many, in questions and
answers: much, many, How much? How many?

Water Sports Adventure Pg 11 a


Unit 13 The Last

Water Sports Adventure Pg 22 a
od the Woman
23 + video + quiz
Unit 14 Hula

Dinosaur Search Pg 2 a 3

Unit 15 Beagle
Dinosaur Search Pg 4 a 19
Unit 16
Dinosaur Search Pg 22 a 23 +
Dangerous Dinner video + quiz

Week 1: starting...

{1 Sem - #N2P3} [EB] Unit 11 Pg 1 a 7; [GR] Unit 11 Feature with Be Going To; [AU] Unit 11 Lesson A, B, C (up to
vocabulary practice);

Welcome to the last part of level 2. This week you are going to study the e- book from pages 1 to
7. The grammar covered this week is FUTURE WITH BE GOING TO.
Now, lets look at each part little by little.
On pages 1 and 2 of the e-book there are different things happening. Can you say what is
happening in each picture? Do you plan to do any of these things next weekend? Oh no? so, what
are you going to do on Saturday?
On page 3, youll see different things to do on special days. As soon as you finish studying this
page, go to the vocabulary practice inside the video folder.
When you want to talk about your plans, you might need to use the verbs in the future. So, give a
break to the e-book and go to the grammar folder where you can find a presentation, two grammar
focus activities, a listening activity, a speaking activity, as well as a review on this topic.
Separate another day to return to the e-book and take the grammar activities on page 4 as
reinforcement. Take the conversation on the same page and practice your pronunciation, as well as
your intonation.
Follow with the e-book up to page 7 and separate another day of this week to take the vocabulary
and grammar practices that youll find inside the video folder.
Keep up the good work !


Nvel 2 - Bsico

2.4.3 -

Week 2: starting...

{2 Sem - #N2P3} [EB] Unit 11 Pg 8 a 10; Unit 12 Pg 11 a 14; [GR] Unit 11 Wold like / would rather / prefer; unit 12
Simple past be affirmative and negative statements; [AU] Unit 11 Lesson C, D; Unit 12 Lesson A; [VI] Unit 11 Making a Thai
Boxing Champion; [RE] Water Sports Adventure Pg 2 a 3;

Welcome to a new week of study. After taking the review, start on day 2.
DAY 2 - Study the grammar which starts at the bottom of page 7 of the e- book. This grammar
point covers WOULD LIKE TO for wishes. A wish is something you want for you in the future. For
example, imagine your friend Carla lives in a small apartment, but she wants a bigger apartment in
the future. So, she says: Id like to live in a bigger apartment. After completing the exercises on
page 8, close the e-book and go to the folder GRAMMAR to study the second grammar topic in
unit 11.
DAY 3 - Start the day taking the exercises on grammar related to Lesson 11C. In the first activity
you match questions and answers and in the second activity you fill in the blanks with the correct
We suggest you finish the day preparing the introduction for the book Water Sports Adventure on
pages 2 and 3. The story is set in Oregon and Washington, in the United States. What water sports
do you know?
DAY 4 - Return to page 8 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the
conversation, play the audio and answer the question WHAT WOULD WENDY LIKE TO DO?
Then, read the conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and
intonation. Could you notice the sarcasm in the conversation?
In this conversation you hear Wendy talking to her father about future plans. Look at the things
she would like to do. What about you? What would you like to do in the future?
Practice the conversation (pronunciation and intonation) before going on.
Moving to pages 9 and 10, you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen to the
audio passage (its inside the folder called VIDEO LESSON 11D READING PASSAGE:
AUDIO). After reading, there are some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more
comprehension activities inside the folder called VIDEO.
DAY 5 - You can start your day watching the video MAKING A THAI BOXING CHAMPION
and taking the video comprehension activities. What do you know about Thailand? In your opinion,
is it OK to train a boy to become a boxing champion?
Well, this is the end of Unit 11. Now, we are going to start Unit 12. The topic of this unit deals
with the reasons why people move to a new home city or country.
You are going to learn how to:
a) talk about moving in the past;
b) talk about moving dates;
c) talk about preparations for moving;
d) discuss migrations.
Do you live at the place you were born in, or have you moved?
DAY 6 - Go to page 13 of the e-book. According to the theme of the unit, all the vocabulary is
based on verbs related to moving. Observe the pictures which illustrate the meaning of the
vocabulary and circle the correct words in parentheses. Complement your knowledge about this
vocabulary taking the Vocabulary Practice which is inside the folder called VIDEO.
2.4 - Nvel 2, Parte 3


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

Finish the week studying the simple past on pages 8 and 9 as well as the grammar activities both
inside the folder GRAMMAR and VIDEO. Complement with the conversation and then, you really
deserve a break. Congratulations on your progress : )
2.4.4 -

Week 3: starting...

{3 Sem - #N2P3} [EB] Unit 21 Pg 15 a 20; [GR] Unit 12 Irregular Simple Past; [AU] Unit 12 Lesson B, C, D; [VI] Unit 12
Monarch Migration; [RE] Water Sports Adventure Pg 4 a 10;

Ready for week 3? Were sure you are. Follow the study plan below, after taking a review:
DAY 2 - On page 15, youll see 4 famous people who migrated to the United States. Do you
know their names? Write them under the photos and then listen to the audio and do the tasks on the
page. Complement the activity by taking the listening comprehension exercises in the VIDEO
Moving to page 16, youll hear and practice how to pronounce the final ed of the regular verbs.
The goal of this activity is to make you are aware of the difference in pronunciation. Then, we want
you to imitate the sound as accurate as you can. So, the secret is practice.
DAY 3 - On page 17 theres a language expansion activity. As we are dealing with the topic of
moving and migration, youll be introduced to more verbs that can help you convey this message. If
you are going to move, what do you need to do? Yes, you need to pack, buy the tickets, close the
bank account Theres more vocabulary practice inside the folder VIDEO. Practice as much as
you can.
Start studying the grammar on pages 17 and 18 which is SIMPLE PAST. Tomorrow you can
complement this grammar point studying more.
DAY 4 - You started studying the simple past yesterday, so today is a great time to complement
this knowledge. Go to the GRAMMAR folder and take all the activities related to the irregular
simple past in Unit 12. Then, take the two grammar practice exercises. In the first one you match
questions and answers and in the second one you fill in the blanks with the correct word.
DAY 5 - Play the audio of the conversation and answer the question WHERE ARE DAVID AND
LIANA MOVING? Identify the answer before reading the conversation. Then, practice as many
times as you want. A good suggestion is to replace some words in the dialogue for other words you
were introduced to on the previous page and you already know the meaning. Finish your studying
day reading from page 4 to page 10 of Water Sports Adventure. On page 11, the book asks you to
put the events in order.
DAY 6 - Today go to the Reading activity on pages 19 and 20. You can either read the paragraphs
silently or listen to the audio passage. The text is talking about human migration and you can see a
map showing the history of this migration. After reading, take the activities on page 19 as well as
the reading comprehension activities in the VIDEO folder.
Watch the video MONARCH MIGRATION / MONARCH BUTTERFLIES. These butterflies
migrate every year showing a nature spectacle. Were sure you want to learn more about these
beautiful butterflies. After watching, complete the video comprehension activities.
Now you deserve a break : )
2.4.5 -

Week 4: starting...

{4 Sem - #N2P3} [EB] Unit 13 Pg 21 a 27; [GR] Unit 13 Present tense be statements and contractions. Present tense be
Yes/No questions, and short answers; [AU] Unit 13 Lesson D; Unit 13 Lesson B, C (up to vocabulary practice); [RE] Water
Sports Adventure Pg 11 a 19;



Nvel 2 - Bsico

DAY 2 In English-speaking countries, one common topic of conversation when people first
meet is occupations and the work people do. This is the topic of Unit 13. Look at the people on
pages 21 and 22 of the e-book and guess who they are their names, their age, where they are from
and what they do.
In this unit youll learn to:
a) meet people;
b) ask for and give personal information;
c) describe different occupations;
d) talk about people and their occupations.
DAY 3 - Look at the map on page 23 of the e-book and look at the people their nationality and
occupation. Where are you from? What do you do? Which occupations from page 23 do you think
are the most difficult? First, take the activity on page 23 and then the vocabulary practice activity in
the folder VIDEO Lesson 13A.
Listen to the conversation on page 24 and answer the question WHERE IS SEAN FROM? before
reading the lines. Then, practice as much as you can, so that youll improve your pronunciation and
DAY 4 - The grammar presented in Unit 13 is a review and reinforcement of the verb BE, in
statements, questions, answers and contractions. As well as studying the chart and doing the activity
on this page, do the GRAMMAR: present tense be statements and contractions and present tense be
yes / no questions and short answers.
In addition, do the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13 A. Fill in the
blanks with the correct form of BE in the first exercise and choose the correct option in the second
DAY 5 - Do you like to watch TV game shows? Which ones? What happens at the beginnings of
these shows? Yes, thats right: the players are introduced! On page 25, you are going to hear part of
a TV game show. Fill in the blanks with the correct information. In the folder VIDEO youll find a
multiple choice activity.
Remember the contractions, which are used in fast informal speaking? So, listen to the audio on
page 26 and practice the contractions. Then do the activity that follows, as well as the activity in the
folder VIDEO Lesson 13B in which youll record your voice.
DAY 6 - Whats a boring job? Whats a safe activity? Which jobs have a good salary? Go to page
27 and learn more adjectives used to describe different occupations. Do both the activities on this
page as well as the one in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13C.
Finish the week reading up to page 19 of the book WATER SPORTS ADVENTURE. Listen to
the audio book, as well. Dont miss it!
2.4.6 -

Week 5: starting...

{5 Sem - #N2P3} [EB] Unit 13 Pg 28 a 30; Unit 14 Pg 31 a 34; [GR] Unit 13 Be + adjectives before nouns. Noun
possessives; Unit 14 Simple present of have, do and go affirmative statements, negative statements, Yes/No questions and short
answers. Simple present Yes/No questions and short answers with regular verbs; [AU] unit 13 Lesson C, D; Unit 14 - Lesson A;
[VI] Unit 13 The Last od the Woman Diver; [RE] Water Sports Adventure Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz ;

Lets get down to some more work. Glad to be with you.

DAY 2 - If I ask you to tell about your classes, you can say, for example: My classes are
interesting. You can also say: Its not a difficult class. Study the chart at the bottom of page 27 on
2.4 - Nvel 2, Parte 3


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

the e-book and do the activities that follow. Theres more grammar to be studied in the folder
GRAMMAR Unit 13: be + adjective, adjectives before nouns and noun possessives.
Listen to the conversation between Graham and Elsa talking about what they do and answer
WHAT DOES GRAHAM DO? First, listen and answer the question, then read the lines and practice
the conversation.
Finish the day reinforcing the grammar. Take the exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13C. In
the first exercise, fill in the blanks with the correct form of be.
Then, in the second exercise fill in the blanks with the correct words (adjective + noun).
DAY 3 - Read the text talking about people from around the world on pages 29 and 30. After
taking the activities on these pages, listen to the audio passage and do the extra exercise in the
folder VIDEO Lesson 13D.
The video THE LAST OF THE WOMAN DIVERS shows the story of the previous book you
read. Watch and do the video comprehension activity.
DAY 4 - Unit 14 will teach you how to talk about daily activities on a work day an also consider
your free time activities. Think about these questions: When do you work? When do you rest? And
when do you play? Go to pages 31 and 32 of the e-book and name the things you can see in each
picture. Then, answer: What do you do on working days? What do you do on weekends?
In this unit, youll learn to:
a) talk about a work day;
b) talk about free time;
c) describe a special celebration or festival and
d) compare different festivals.
Read the extra pages of the book WATER SPORTS ADVENTURE and also do the quiz and
watch the video.
DAY 5 - Match the pictures to the vocabulary about a work day. Tell me what you do first on a
work day. And then? And next? And finally? Think about your day and write your activities in a
The grammar in this unit is a review, because the topic is of such importance. Finish this day
studying the grammar: simple present affirmative and negative statements and simple present of
have, do, and go affirmative statements, yes/no questions and short answers.
DAY 6 - Go to the grammar chart on page 34 of the e-book to reinforce the simple present tense
and do the activities that follow. Then, study the grammar simple present yes/no questions and short
answers with regular verbs.
Listen to the conversation between Chris and Mia and answer the question DOES MIA WORK
ON SATURDAY? Then, practice the conversation as much as you can. Do you work or study on
Finish your week doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 14A.
Choose the correct option in both exercises.
2.4.7 -

Week 6: starting...

{6 Sem - #N2P3} [EB] Unit 14 Pg 35 a 40; Unit 15 Pg 41 a 42; [GR] Unit 14 Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often,
sometimes, never; [AU] Unit 14 Lesson B, C, D; [VI] Unit 14 Hula; [RE] Dinosaur Search Pg 2 a 3;



Nvel 2 - Bsico

Welcome to unit 6. Lets move on. Heres a study plan:

DAY 2 - On page 35 you are going to hear to an interview with an actor about his activities.
Listen to the audio and do the activities that follow. Bob Hardy is famous. Is his Sunday like yours?
Do you think famous people do usual things? Why, or why not? Do the activities in the folder
VIDEO Lesson 14B for more listening comprehension practice.
With HE or SHE, the verbs in the simple present tense take s at the end. This s has three
different pronunciations. Study the pronunciation section on page 36 and do the exercise that
follows. Then, take the extra pronunciation practice in the folder VIDEO.
DAY 3 - On page 37 of the e-book you will learn vocabulary to help you describe a special
celebration or festival. What does the text on this page talk about? What are the celebrations there
called? Do the activities that follow on this page as well as the vocabulary practice in the folder
VIDEO Lesson 14C.
Prepare the vocabulary of the book DINOSAUR SEARCH on pages 2 and 3. Are you interested
in this topic? Do you normally watch movies about it?
DAY 4 - I always get up early. What about you? To answer my question, study the grammar on
pages 37 and 38 as well as the GRAMMAR Unit 14: adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often,
sometimes, never.
Listen to the conversation between Neil and Carol talking about what they do on a special
occasion. Answer the question DOES CAROL HAVE A FAMILY MEAL ON NEW YEARS?
Then, practice the conversation to improve your pronunciation and intonation. Whats your favorite
celebration or festival? What do you do on this day?
Finish the day reinforcing the grammar. Go to the folder VIDEO Lesson 14C and do the
exercises which are there. First, fill in the blanks with the correct adverb of frequency, then choose
the correct option in a multiple-choice task.
DAY 5 - Read the text about a festival on pages 39 and 40. What do you know about Carnival?
What do you do on these days? Do the activities on these pages, as well as the reading
comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 14D. Remember that you can also listen to
the audio passage. Think about another important festival in your country. What is its name? When
do you celebrate this festival? Why do you celebrate it? What do you do on this day?
Watch the video HULA and take the video comprehension activity.
DAY 6 - Lets finish the week studying the beginning of Unit 15. The unit focuses on vocabulary
related to international travel, especially air travel. Travel is one of the worlds largest industries.
What are some ways to travel? How do you usually travel? Go to pages 41 and 42 of the e-book and
look at the pictures. Where are the people?
In this unit youll learn to:
a) identify possessions;
b) ask for and give personal travel information;
c) give travel advice;
d) share special travel tips with others.
2.4.8 -

Week 7: starting...

{7 Sem - #N2P3} [EB] Unit 15 Pg 43 a 50; Unit 16 Pg 51 a 52; [GR] Unit 15 Possessive pronouns X possessive adjectives.
Should/ shouldn't. Polite imperatives.; [AU] Unit 15 Lesson A, B, C, D; [VI] Unit 15 Beagle Patrol; [RE] Dinosaur Search Pg
4 a 19;

2.4 - Nvel 2, Parte 3


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

Willing a new week?

DAY 2 - Learn how to identify possessions on page 43. Study the page and do the activities that
follow. Take the activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15A, as well.
Study the grammar POSSESSIONS on page 44 and learn how to ask and answer question using
WHOSE: Whose pen is this? Its mine. In the folder GRAMMAR Unit 15, study: possessive
pronouns X possessive adjectives. Its useful to remind you that this folder contains: presentation,
grammar practice, listening practice, speaking practice and review.
Listen to the conversation on page 44 and answer the question WHO DOES THE BAG
BELONG TO? Then, practice the conversation.
Finish the day taking the activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15A. Choose the correct option
in the first activity, and fill in the blanks in the second activity.
DAY 3 - Look at the pictures on page 45 of the e-book and think about what people do in each
place. Hear three conversations and do the activities that follow. Besides, take the listening
comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15B.
In English, when we say a sentence containing a list of things, our voices rise when we say each
thing on the list, and falls when we say the last thing on the list. Learn more about rising intonation
on page 46. Practice using the activity on the page and the activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson
Read up to page 19 of the book DINOSAUR SEARCH. Also, listen to the audio of the pages you
are reading today.
DAY 4 - Do you know the names of the documents shown on page 47? Which ones do you use?
Complete the exercises related to travel documents and money. There is an extra activity in the
folder VIDEO Lesson 15C.
Last week you studied SHOULD to give advice. Now, lets study SHOULD /SHOULDNT on
page 48. Study the grammar chart and do the activities that follow. Imagine a friend from Italy
wants to take a vacation in your city. Lets give this person some advice. You should come here in
the summer. You shouldnt bring much money. Study the folder GRAMMAR Unit 15: should /
shouldnt and polite imperatives.
Listen to the conversation between Greg and Claudia and answer the question WHAT DOES
CLAUDIA WANT FROM THE UNITED STATES? Practice the conversation.
Finish the day with the grammar practice activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15C. Nvel 2,
Parte 3
DAY 5 - Read the text on pages 39 and 40. The text shares special travel tips. When you travel,
do you take lots of things or do you travel light? Why? Do the activities on these pages, as well as
the reading comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15D. Remember that you can
also listen to the audio passage. Think about travel tips for your country. Consider transportation,
how to carry money, etc.
The video BEAGLE PATROL talks about working dogs. Watch the video and do the video
comprehension activity. What are possible problems with dogs in airports?
DAY 6 - Food is a complex and interesting topic, with cultural, social, health, and even more
aspects. Our food preference is shaped not only by personal taste, but by custom, habit, and the
physical environment we live in.
In this unit youll learn to:


Nvel 2 - Bsico

a) talk about food;

b) order a meal;
c) talk about diets;
d) discuss unusual and favorite foods.
Go to pages 51 and 52 of the e-book and look at the pictures on these pages. Name as many
things as you can in each picture. Which foods in the picture are very healthy? Which foods in the
pictures do you eat every day / often / sometimes / never?
2.4.9 -

Week 8: starting...

{8 Sem - #N2P3} [EB] Unit 16 Pg 53 a 60; [GR] Unit 16 some with plural count nouns and with non-count nouns. More
about count and non-count nouns: a/an, some, many, in questions and answers: much, many, How much? How many?; [AU] Unit 16
Lesson A, B, C, D; [VI] Unit 16 Dangerous Dinner; [RE] Dinosaur Search Pg 22 a 23 + video + quiz ;

Congratulations! This week you are accomplishing one more goal!

DAY 2 - Look at the foods on page 53 of the e-book. Which of these foods do you like? Which
foods do you eat often? Do the activities on the page as well as the activity in the folder VIDEO
Lesson 16A.
Noncount nouns are things that we see as a whole and dont count. For example: water, air,
cheese. Some examples of count nouns are: eggs, bananas, tomatoes. Study the grammar chart on
page 53 and do the activity on page 54.
In the folder GRAMMAR Unit 16, study: count and noncount nouns; some with plural count
nouns and with noncount nouns.
Listen to the conversation on page 54 and answer the question WHAT DO YOU NEED TO
MAKE A SPANISH OMELET? Then, practice the conversation. Think about a food or dish you
like and list the ingredients you need to make it.
Finish the day taking the activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16A. Complete the sentences
with the correct word in both activities.
DAY 3 - Hear a conversation in a restaurant between a customer and a waiter and do the activity
on page 55. Then, take the listening comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16B.
When we speak quickly in English, some words and sounds are reduced pronounced
differently. Learn more about the reduced forms of do you have and would you like on page 56.
Practice using the activity on the page and the activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16B.
Read the expansion pages of the book DINOSAUR SEARCH on pages 22 and 23. Also, watch
the video and do the quiz.
DAY 4 - Why do people eat special diets? What kind of special diets do you know about? Read
the menus on page 57 of the e-book and do the activities that follow. There is an extra activity in the
folder VIDEO Lesson 16C.
Kim and Pat are talking about special diets. Listen to their conversation and answer the question
CAN PAT EAT POPCORN? Practice the conversation. Do you eat a special diet?
DAY 5 - How much coffee do you drink? How many vegetables do you eat? Study the chart on
page 48 and do the activities that follow. Study the folder GRAMMAR Unit 16: more about count
and noncount nouns: a/an, some, many in questions and answers, much, many, how much, how

2.4 - Nvel 2, Parte 3


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

At his point you might understand how important this grammar topic is, ok? Its being revisited
so that you have more chances to acquire this knowledge. Finish the day with the grammar practice
activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16C.
DAY 6 - Read the text which discusses unusual and favorite foods on pages 59 and 60. What
strange things do people eat in other countries? Do the activities on these pages, as well as the
reading comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16D. Remember that you can also
listen to the audio passage. Think about your favorite food. Consider the recipe, the ingredients,
how to make it, etc.
The video DANGEROUS DINNER talks about an expensive and dangerous fish eaten mainly in
Asia. Watch the video and do the video comprehension activity. Why do you think people like to eat
this kind of fish? Would you eat it?



Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio
Ao trmino do Nivel 3, o aluno ser capaz de desenvolver as habilidades descritas a seguir:
Unidade I
Falar sobre atividades esportivas que ocorrem agora
Comparar atividades presentes e dirias
Falar sobre esportes favoritos
Discutir feriados radicais
Unidade II
Falar sobre viagens de frias passadas
Trocar informaes sobre frias
Usar was/were para descrever experincias pessoais
Falar sobre um descobrimento do passado
Unidade III
Falar sobre comunicao pessoal
Dar e escrever detalhes de contatos
Descrever caractersticas e qualidades
Comparar diferentes tipos de comunicao
Unidade IV
O Futuro
Falar sobre planos
Discutir planos de longo e curto prazo
Prever o clima
Discutir o futuro
Unidade V
Comprar Roupas
Fazer comparaes
Explicar preferncias
Falar sobre materiais de roupas
Entender e descrever um processo
Unidade VI
Estilos de Vida
Dar conselhos sobre hbitos saudveis
Sugerir formas de melhorar maus hbitos
Perguntar sobre estilos de vida
Avaliar seu estilo de vida
Unidade VII
Falar sobre tarefas
Ser entrevistado para um emprego
Falar sobre realizaes da vida
Discutir realizaes cientficas
Unidade VIII
Falar sobre gerenciamento de dinheiro
Escolher como gastar dinheiro
Falar sobre como nossas aces podem ter consequncias
Discutir formas de prevenir hbitos destrutivos
Unidade IX
Comida da Terra

Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

Comparar o que as pessoas geralmente fazem com o que

fazem agora
Identificar comidas regionais
Falar sobre pratos tradicionais familiares
Entender como um prato regional se torna um prato
Unidade X
Comunicar com pessoas
Conversar com pessoas desconhecidas
Falar para "quebrar o gelo"
Aprender como profissionais falam
Unidade XI
Descrever sua cidade
Falar sobre um bom bairro
Discutir um plano de ao
Prever cidades no futuro
Unidade XII
O Corpo
Discutir formas de ser saudvel
Falar sobre estilos de vida
Sugerir remdios naturais
Entender como germes afetam o corpo
Unidade XIII
Falar sobre desafios
Refletir sobre realizaes passadas
Usar too/enough para falar sobre habilidades
Descrever um desafio pessoal
Unidade XIV
Usar o passado para falar sobre marcos na vida
Falar sobre a melhor idade para fazer algo
Usar perguntas com how para obter mais informaes
Descrever uma importante transio na vida
Unidade XV
Explicar como obter itens de luxo
Falar sobre necessidades e desejos
Discutir o que faz a vida das pessoas melhor
Avaliar o modo que propagandas criam desejo por
Unidade XVI
Usar o condicional para falar sobre situaes reais
Falar sobre possveis situaes futuras
Descrever o que os animais fazem
Dar sua opinio sobre problemas na natureza


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

3.1 - Cronograma
Tempo necessrio realizao das tarefas:
Nvel 3

Pginas de contedo
Unidades por vdeo
Livros com vdeo e udio


Tempo Gasto (h)

120 Horas
5 Horas
20 Horas
6 Meses

Total por Nvel

Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por semana
Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por ms
Tempo previsto

Sugesto - 05 contatos semanais com aproximadamente 01 hora cada Em cada um destes

contatos, dedique: 20 minutos para o e-book 10 minutos para os vdeos 15 minutos para a gramtica
10 minutos para as leituras A cada 2 meses faa seu teste de progresso Ao final do curso faa seu
teste de mudana de nvel

3.2 - Nvel 3, Parte 1

3.2.1 -

Nvel 3 Parte 1



Unit 1 - Simple present: regular verbs; Simple
present: have / do / go

Unit 1 - Lesson A, B, C (up to
Vocabulary Practice)
Unit 1 - Lesson C, D Unit 2 Lesson A (up to Vocabulary

Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 7

Unit 1 - Pg. 8 a 10 Unit 2 Unit 2 - Imperatives Have to / must

Pg. 11 a 13

Unit 2 - Pg. 14 a 18

Unit 2 - Pg. 19 a 20 Unit 3 Unit 3 - Present continuous; Be able to / can

Pg. 21 a 26

Unit 2 - Lesson D; Unit 3 - Lesson

A, B

Unit 3 - Pg 27 a 30; Unit 4 - Unit 4 - Be able to / can; Can / could Unit 3 Pg 31 a 32

Lesson C, D

Unit 3 - Wild Animal Tracker's

Unit 4 - Pg 33 a 37

Unit 4 - Pg 38 a 40 Unit 5 - Unit 5 - Count and non-count nouns; More about

Pg 41 a 44
count and non-count nouns

Unit 4 - Lesson A, B, C (up to

vocabulary practice)
Unit 4 - Lesson C, D; Unit 5 Lesson A

Unit 5 - Pg. 45 a 50

Unit 5 - Lesson B, C, D

3.2.2 -

Unit 5 Review of count and non-count nouns

Unit 2 A, B, C



Unit 1 - CheeseGorilla Watching Tours - Pg. 2 a 5

rolling races
Unit 2 - Machu
Gorilla Watching
Tours - Pg. 22 a
23 + video + quiz
Unit 4 - Solar

Gorilla Watching Tours - Pg. 4 a 10

Gorilla Watching Tours - Pg. 11 a
Gorilla Watching Tours - Pg. 22 a
23 + video + quiz
The Knife Markets of Sanaa - Pg.
The Knife Markets of Sanaa Pg.
4 a 21

Unit 5 - Traditional The Knife Markets of Sanaa - Pg.

Silk Making
22 a 23 + video + quiz

Week 1 : Starting...

{1 Sem - #N3P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 7; [GR] Unit 1 - Simple present: regular verbs; Simple present: have / do / go; [AU] Unit
1 - Lesson A, B, C (up to Vocabulary Practice);



Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

Welcome to the first part of level 3. This week you are going to study the e-book from pages 1 to
7. The grammar covered this week is THE SIMPLE PRESENT. Now, lets look at each part little by
On pages 1 and 2 of the e-book there are photos of different sports. How many sports can you
name in English? What about making a list? Is there any youd like to know how to say in English?
How about using a dictionary?
On page 3, youll see Annas conversation with some of her friends. When talking to people on
the phone, we generally say what we are doing. This is what you see in the conversations Anna
takes with her friends. Tell me: whats Bridget doing? What about Jill and Edith? Nvel 3, Parte 1
Move to page 4 and youll see an explanation and activities based on the PRESENT
CONTINUOUS. Take them, and as soon as you finish, complement this topic going to the grammar
folder where youll find a presentation, two grammar focus activities, a listening activity, a speaking
activity, as well as a review on the SIMPLE PRESENT, which complements the grammar on the ebook. Separate another day to return to the e-book on page 4 to take the conversation. Follow with
the e-book up to page 7 and separate another day of this week to take the vocabulary and grammar
practices that youll find inside the video folder.
Great effort
3.2.3 -

Week 2 : Starting...

{2 Sem - #N3P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 8 a 10 Unit 2 - Pg. 11 a 13; [GR] Unit 2 - Imperatives Have to / must; [AU] Unit 1 - Lesson
C, D Unit 2 - Lesson A (up to Vocabulary Practice); [VI] Unit 1 - Cheese-rolling races; [RE] Gorilla Watching Tours - Pg. 2 a 5;

Hello, there! Ready for another week? Great! Having taken the week review, follow the study
plan below:
DAY 2 - Study the e-book, starting the grammar on page 8. This grammar point covers stative
verbs. Do you know what stative verbs are? They are verbs used for feelings and thinking. We dont
use stative verbs in the present continuous. To complete your study day, do the activities on this
DAY 3 - Go to the VIDEO folder Lesson 1C inside Table of Contents. There you can find
GRAMMAR PRACTICE 1 and GRAMMAR PRACTICE 2. In both activities you are going to
choose the correct option.
Return to page 8 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the lines, listen to the
conversation and answer the question DOES ADRIAN WANT TO TRY ROCK CLIMBING? In
this conversation youll see the expressions ME TOO and ME NEITHER. The first one is used to
agree with a positive sentence. For example, if I say: I think running is great., and you agree with
me, then you say: Me too. On the other hand, if you say: I dont like indoor sports., and I want
to agree with your negative sentence, then I say: Me neither.
In this conversation Adrian and Christian are talking about rock climbing. What is their opinion
about this sport? Do you agree with them?
DAY 4 - Moving to pages 9 and 10, you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen
to the audio passage (its inside the folder called VIDEO LESSON 1D READING PASSAGE:
AUDIO). After reading, there are some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more
comprehension activities inside the folder called VIDEO.
DAY 5 - You can start your day watching the video CHEESE-ROLLING RACES and taking the
video comprehension activities. Do you know that this story takes place in England? Well, this is
the end of Unit 1. Now, we are going to start Unit 2. The unit talks about destinations. Youll talk
3.2 - Nvel 3, Parte 1


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

about your past travel experiences. Look at the pictures on pages 11 and 12 and name the places.
Which place in the picture do you want to go to? Why?
In this unit, you are going to learn how to:
a) talk about past vacation trips;
b) exchange information about vacations;
c) use was / were to describe a personal experience and
d) talk about a discovery from the past.
DAY 6 - On this last day, lets take a look at two grammar points already studied. As they are
considered of such importance, we decided to give you a new opportunity to practice them. Inside
the folder GRAMMAR, do all the activities form Unit 2: imperatives and have to / must. Then,
close the week studying the vocabulary on page 13 of the e-book. According to the theme of the
unit, all the vocabulary is related to vacation trips. First, match the photos to the activities from the
Then, separate the activities in two categories: activities you do before your vacation and
activities you do during your vacation. Complement your knowledge about this vocabulary taking
the Vocabulary Practice which is inside the folder called VIDEO.
Finish the week preparing the introduction for the book Gorilla Watching Tours on pages 2 and 3.
The story is set in a National Park in Uganda, Africa. Prepare the vocabulary so that you can start
reading the story next week. Tomorrow, take the day to relax.
3.2.4 -

Week 3 : Starting...

{3 Sem - #N3P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 14 a 18; [AU] Unit 2 A, B, C; [RE] Gorilla Watching Tours - Pg. 4 a 10 ;

Great to see you around! Follow the study plan after the review:
DAY 2 - This week you can start at the bottom of page 13 at the grammar section which deals
with the simple past tense. Ill give you some examples talking about what my neighbor Karen did
yesterday. Yesterday, Karen worked a lot. She woke up early and took the train to go to work. She
didnt get home until 10 p.m. Can you say something about your day yesterday? What did you do?
What didnt you have time to do? Study the chart on page 13 and do the activities on page 14.
DAY 3 - Lets start the day doing the grammar practice exercises inside the folder VIDEO. Both
of the activities deal with the simple past. In the first activity, you complete the sentences with an
appropriate word. In the second one, you choose the correct option.
Finish the day reading pages 4-10 of the book Gorilla Watching Tours. Dont do the activity at
the bottom of page 10, because it will be done next week. Instead, take the opportunity to listen to
the audio book.
DAY 4 - Return to page 14 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the
conversation, play the audio and answer the question HOW LONG DID MARIA STAY IN
CUZCO? Then, read the conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and
Moving to page 15, youll hear a conversation between two friends talking about their vacations.
Do the activities that follow. Id like to know if you tell your friends about your vacations. And do
you like to hear about their vacations? There are other listening comprehension activities inside the
VIDEO folder.



Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

Finish the day practicing the final sound of -ed. Listen and repeat as many times as necessary.
This is how your pronunciation will improve.
DAY 5 - On page 17 theres a language expansion activity. Youll learn some emphatic adjectives
to describe a personal experience. For example, I can tell you that I read an interesting book. But if I
tell you that the book I read was fascinating, Im sure Ill have to lend you the book straight away,
because you really feel like reading it! You see how the choice of adjectives can emphasize the
meaning of your sentence? Do the activities on the page, as well as the vocabulary practice inside
the folder VIDEO.
DAY 6 - On this last studying day, lets go to the grammar which starts on the bottom of page 17
of the e-book. The book is still dealing with the simple past. Do the activities on page 18 as well as
the two exercises on grammar practice inside the folder VIDEO.
The last activity of this week is the conversation on page 18. Youll hear two friends Gill and
Mike talking about their vacations. Practice the conversation until you consider your
pronunciation is good.
Take a rest and be prepared for the next week.
3.2.5 -

Week 4 : Starting...

{4 Sem - #N3P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 19 a 20 Unit 3 - Pg. 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 3 - Present continuous; Be able to / can; [AU] Unit 2
- Lesson D; Unit 3 - Lesson A, B; [VI] Unit 2 - Machu Picchu; [RE] Gorilla Watching Tours - Pg. 11 a 19;

Lets get down to some work together?

DAY 2 - Lets start the week reading about the city of Machu Picchu. Look at the picture of
Hiram Bingham. Do you think he is living now, or do you think he lived a long time ago? What is
he doing in the picture? Read the text and listen to the audio so that you can answer the questions on
page 19 of the e-book and the reading comprehension questions in the folder VIDEO LESSON
Watch the video MACHU PICCHU which is related to what youve just read. Do the video
comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO. After having learned more about this Peruvian city,
think about your country. What are the big tourist attractions in your country? Are there any
problems with tourism in your country? If so, what are they? In your opinion, is tourism good or
bad? Why?
DAY 3 - Communication is the field of human activity that has changed and developed the most
in recent years. Unit 3 begins by considering common ways to communicate and gives you the
vocabulary you need to discuss them. Look at the pictures on pages 20 and 21. What do they have
in common? Thats right: they all show ways to communicate or send messages. What ways do you
use to communicate? Whats your favorite way to communicate?
In this unit youll learn to
a) talk about personal communication;
b) give and write down contact details;
c) describe characteristics and qualities and
d) compare different types of communication.
Finish the day reading up to page 19 of the book GORILLA WATCHING TOURS. On pages 10
and 17 you have extra reading technique exercises.

3.2 - Nvel 3, Parte 1


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

DAY 4 - On page 23 of the e-book theres vocabulary related to personal communication. Do the
activities on this page as well as the activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 3A.
Ill ask you a question: Did you send someone an email yesterday? Who? Oh, really? So, you
sent your friend an email? This is an example of a sentence with a verb followed by a direct and an
indirect object. Study the charts on pages 23 and 24, and then do the activities on page 24. Review
the grammar points present continuous and be able to / can in the folder GRAMMAR.
DAY 5 - On page 24, there is a conversation between Ken and Chris. Before reading the lines of
the conversation, play the audio and answer the question HOW DID KEN COMMUNICATE WITH
CHRIS? Then, practice the conversation as many times as you can in order to improve your
pronunciation and intonation. In the middle of the conversation, Ken shows his impatience saying
COME ON! Can you think of a situation in which you could use the same expression? Write a list
of all the types of personal communication that you use.
DAY 6 - On page 25 you listen to a radio program and answer the questions that follow. Take the
chance to do other listening comprehension activities which are in the folder VIDEO Lesson 3B.
Then, practice the pronunciation of the numbers. Finish the week taking the pronunciation practice
in the folder VIDEO Lesson 3B.
3.2.6 -

Week 5 : Starting...

{5 Sem - #N3P1} [EB] Unit 3 - Pg 27 a 30; Unit 4 - Pg 31 a 32; [GR] Unit 4 - Be able to / can; Can / could Unit 3 - Lesson C,
D; [AU] Unit 3 - Wild Animal Tracker's; [VI] Gorilla Watching Tours - Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quiz ; [RE] Gorilla Watching Tours Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quiz ;

Welcome to this new week. See below a study plan we prepared for you:
DAY 2 - Go to page 27 of the e-book and youll learn how to say the five senses in English. Do
you prefer to sleep in a light or in a dark bedroom? Can you study at a quiet place or do you prefer
some music? Do you fancy spicy food? Is it pleasant to smell roses? What happens if you touch a
hot sauce pan? Complement this topic studying the vocabulary practice in the folder VIDEO
Lesson 3C.
Go to the expansion reading of the book GORILLA WATCHING TOURS on pages 22 and 23.
This extra text talks about National Parks. Are there any National Parks where you live? Finish the
week watching the video and doing the quiz of this material.
DAY 3 - The grammar point which starts at the bottom of page 27 shows the linking verbs. Study
the chart and fill in the blanks in the exercise on page 28.
Study the conversation on page 28 and answer the question WHATS WRONG WITH THE
MANS CAR? Susan and Bill are talking about a problem in Bills car. Can you notice a problem
just by listening to it? Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO
Lesson 3C. Choose the correct option in the first activity and then fill in the blanks with the correct
word in the second activity.
DAY 4 - How do animals communicate? Do you think they have a special language that only
their species can understand? How is human communication different from or similar to animal
communication? Dedicate this day to the reading of the text on pages 29 and 30. Youll read about
the secret language of dolphins. Listen to the audio for this reading passage and do the
comprehension exercises both on page 29 and in the folder VIDEO. Practice your reading.
DAY 5 - Today, watch the video WILD ANIMAL TRACKERS. This story is set in Africa and
shows a technological invention that breaks the language barrier and makes communication
possible. Take the comprehension as soon as you finish watching the video. Watch as many times as
necessary, until you can understand the video without reading the subtitles.


Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

DAY 6 - People in every country are fascinated with the future. They flock to science fiction
movies to see visions of what our lives could be like a hundred years from now. This is the topic of
Unit 4 The Future. Do you watch movies about the future? Look at the pictures on pages 31 and
32 and think about what is happening in each one. Do you like to talk and think about the future?
Why, or why not?
In this unit youll learn how to:
a) talk about plans;
b) discuss long- and short-term plans;
c) make weather predictions;
d) discuss the future.
The last activity of this week is a review of the grammar topics be able to / can and can / could
inside the folder VIDEO Unit 4. I hope the image helps you.
3.2.7 -

Week 6 : Starting...

{6 Sem - #N3P1} [EB] Unit 4 - Pg 33 a 37; [AU] Unit 4 - Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary practice); [RE] The Knife Markets of
Sanaa - Pg. 2 a 3;

Welcome to week 6 of level 3.

DAY 2 - On page 33, you are going to learn expressions for future plans. After having studied the
page, think: Which of these plans are in your future? Take the vocabulary practice activity in the
folder VIDEO Lesson 4A. Before reading the conversation on page 34, listen to the audio and
answer the question: IS KIRI GOING TO GO TO THE BEACH? Then, practice the conversation.
What are your plans for the weekend? What are you going to do on Saturday?
DAY 3 - The grammar topic at the bottom of page 33 shows the future with be going to. I have
lots of plans for the weekend. On Friday night, Im going to have dinner at a restaurant. On
Saturday morning, Im going to clean my house. On Saturday afternoon, Im going to go shopping.
What are you going to do on Friday night? Study the chart and do the exercises.
Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 4A. Match
questions and answers in the first activity, and then fill in the blanks with the correct option in the
second activity.
DAY 4 - On page 35 you are going to hear an interview with a famous pop singer. The singer
talks about her short- and long-term plans. Listen to the audio and do the activities on the page.
Take some time to do the listening comprehension exercises in the folder VIDEO.
DAY 5 - Learn how to pronounce the reduced form of going to on page 36. This is how people
pronounce when they are speaking quickly. This is also the way we hear in some songs. Theres
more practice in the folder VIDEO.
Start reading the book THE KNIFE MARKETS OF SANAA. Today, read the introduction on
pages 2 and 3. This story set in Africa, talks about the tradition of the knives. Prepare the
vocabulary and well start reading next week.
DAY 6 - How is the weather today? Which things do you need for cold weather? Do you watch
the weather forecast? Learn vocabulary related to weather conditions on page 37 and then do the
exercises that follow. Finish the week with the vocabulary practice activity in the folder VIDEO
lesson 4C.

3.2 - Nvel 3, Parte 1


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

3.2.8 -

Week 7 : Starting...

{7 Sem - #N3P1} [EB] Unit 4 - Pg 38 a 40 Unit 5 - Pg 41 a 44; [GR] Unit 5 - Count and non-count nouns; More about count
and non-count nouns; [AU] Unit 4 - Lesson C, D; Unit 5 - Lesson A; [VI] Unit 4 - Solar Cooking; [RE] The Knife Markets of Sanaa
Pg. 4 a 21;

Its good to see you here.

DAY 2 - The grammar topic at the bottom of page 37 shows the future with will. We use this kind
of future when we make predictions, that is, we are not sure about what will happen. Study the chart
on page 37 and do the exercises that follow. Still on page 38, there is a conversation between
Andrew and Barbara. They are talking about plans for the weekend. Where are they going to go?
Do they know what the weather is going to be like? Listen to the conversation and practice it. Finish
the day taking the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 4C. In the first activity,
choose the correct verb form. Then choose the correct option between WILL and GOING TO in the
second activity.
DAY 4 - What are some kinds of energy that we use? In this unit youll read a text about future
energy. Read the text and do the activities on page 39. Complement, listening to the audio related to
this text. You can also take more reading comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson
4D. After reading the text, think: Where will people live in the future? Will scientists find a cure for
AIDS? Will wars end?
DAY 5 - Watch the video SOLAR COOKING and do the activity that follows. Could you make a
solar oven? Do you know there are different types of solar cookers? There are more than 65
different designs available today. Go through the whole book THE KNIFE MARKETS OF
SANAA. Page 15 presents an inferring question, that is, you have to find an answer which is not
explicitly written in the text. On page 19, your opinion will be asked. In this book you learned about
the tradition of carrying beautiful knives in Sanaa. How can people keep their traditions? Are there
any traditions where you live?
Take some time to review the grammar topics count and noncount nouns and more about count
and noncount nouns in the folder GRAMMAR Unit 5.
DAY 6 - Lets start the last unit of this part of the course. Along so many other things, fashion
and the way we shop for clothes have changed in recent years. In Unit 5, youll acquire vocabulary
for clothing and learn to talk about your taste and preferences. What are you wearing today? Where
did you buy it? Look at the pictures on pages 41 and 42 and name the things you see in the pictures.
The goals of this unit are:
a) make comparisons;
b) explain preferences;
c) talk about clothing materials and
d) understand and describe a process.
On page 43 youll learn vocabulary related to clothing. After having studied page 43, finish the
week taking the vocabulary practice exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 5A.
The grammar topic of this unit will teach you how to make comparisons. Study page 44 and then
do the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 5A.
Listen to Danny and Elena shopping? Do you like to take a friend with you when you go
shopping? Listen to the conversation and answer WHAT IS ELENA LOOKING FOR? Practice the
conversation a few times to improve your pronunciation and intonation.


Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

3.2.9 -

Week 8 : Starting...

{8 Sem - #N3P1} [EB] Unit 5 - Pg. 45 a 50; [GR] Unit 5 Review of count and non-count nouns; [AU] Unit 5 - Lesson B, C, D;
[VI] Unit 5 - Traditional Silk Making; [RE] The Knife Markets of Sanaa - Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quiz;

Welcome to a new step. Follow the study plan below and have a nice week.
DAY 2 - Where do you go to buy shoes? Do you like shopping for shoes? On page 45 you are
going to listen to a conversation in a shoe store. Listen to the audio and do the activities on this
page. Then, remember theres a pronunciation practice in the folder VIDEO Lesson 5B.
When we say a sentence, our voices go up and down. Listen to the audio and practice not only
the exercises on page 46, but also the exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 5B.
Study the GRAMMAR: review of count and noncount nouns. This topic was introduced some
time ago and wed like you to reinforce it, due to its great level of importance.
DAY 3 - The vocabulary presented on page 47 is related to clothing materials. There is more
practice in the folder VIDEO Lesson 5C. Dont miss it. Watch the video TRADITIONAL SILK
MAKING and learn why silk is such an expensive fabric. After watching the video, think: Why do
you think Stefano Benelli is the only man in the video? Are men better at some jobs than women?
At which jobs are women better than men? Take the video comprehension activities.
DAY 4 - The grammar topic starts at the bottom of page 47. Last week you learned the
comparatives, so this week we complement the knowledge teaching you the superlatives. After
studying the chart, do the activities on page 48 as well as the two grammar practice exercises in the
folder VIDEO Lesson 5C. In the first activity, fill in the blanks with the correct form of the
superlative. Then, choose the correct option in the second activity.
DAY 5 - Listen to the audio for the conversation on page 48 and answer the question WHY
DOESNT STEVE LIKE THE LEATHER JACKET? Then practice the conversation as much as
possible. Which is your favorite material? Why?
DAY 6 - This last reading activity on pages 49 and 50 talks about silk. What kinds of clothes are
made of silk? Do you have anything made of silk? What is it? Read and listen to the text and answer
the questions on page 49 as well as the reading comprehension question in the folder VIDEO
Lesson 5D. The extra text in the book THE KNIFE MARKETS OF SANAA is, in fact, a letter
written by a traveler. How long does it take you to read the 320 words? In addition, watch the video
and do the quiz.
Congratulations, you reached one more goal.

3.3 - Nvel 3, Parte 2

3.3.1 -


3.3 - Nvel 3, Parte 2


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

Nvel 3 Parte 2






Unit 6 - Lesson A / Lesson B /

Unit 6 - Should / shouldnt; Should / shouldnt / had
Lesson C (up to Vocabulary
better / ought to
Unit 6 - Lesson C, D; Unit 7 Unit 6 - Pg. 8 a 10; Unit 7 Unit 6 - The
Unit 7 - Future with be going to
Lesson A (up to Vocabulary
Peruvian Weavers - Pg. 2 a 3
Pg. 11 a 13
Science of Stress
Unit 7 - Pg. 14 a 18
Unit 7 - Would like / would rather / prefer
Unit 7 - Lesson A, B, C
Peruvian Weavers - Pg. 4 a 10
Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 20; Unit 8 Unit 8 - Simple past: regular verbs; Simple past:
Unit 7 - Lesson D; Unit 8 - Lesson
Unit 7
Peruvian Weavers - Pg. 11 a 19
- Pg. 21 a 26
irregular verbs; Review of present and past
A, B
Unit 8 - Pg 27 a 30; Unit 9 Unit 8 - Missing Peruvian Weavers - Pg. 22 a 23 +
Unit 8 - Lesson C, D
Pg 31 a 32
video + quis
Unit 9 - Lesson A, B, C (up to
Unit 9 - Pg 33 a 37
Cheese-rolling Races - Pg. 2 a 3
vocabulary practice)
Unit 9 - Simple present: regular verbs; Simple
Unit 9 - Pg 38 a 40; Unit 10
Unit 9 - Lesson C, D; Unit 10 Unit 9 - Forbidden
present: have / do / go; Simple present questions;
Cheese-rolling Races - Pg. 4 a 19
- Pg 41 a 44
Lesson A
Present Continuous; Present Perfect
Unit 10 - Present Perfect with How Long, Since,
Unit 10 and For; Past tense and Present Perfect questions
Cheese-rolling Races - Pg. 22 a
Unit 10 - Pg. 45 a 50
Unit 10 - Lesson B, C, D
with Ever; Present Perfect with Already, Still, Yet,
23 + video + quiz
and Just
Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 7

3.3.2 -

Week 1 : Starting...

{1 Sem - #N3P2} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 7; [GR] Unit 6 - Should / shouldnt; Should / shouldnt / had better / ought to; [AU] Unit
6 - Lesson A / Lesson B / Lesson C (up to Vocabulary Practice);

So this is the second part of level 2. This week you are going to study the e-book from pages 1 to
7, as well as some modal verbs.
Now, lets look at each part little by little.
On pages 1 and 2 of the e-book there are photos of different lifestyles. Your lifestyle is your way
of living all the things you do every day. Do you consider you have a healthy lifestyle? What are
the most important things for a healthy lifestyle?
On page 3, youll see how to give advice on healthy habits. By the way, are you in good shape or
are you unfit? Do you eat a lot of junk food?
Move to page 4 and youll see an explanation and activities based on some modal verbs and how
strong they are used to convey messages. Take them, and as soon as you finish, complement this
topic going to the grammar folder where youll find a presentation, two grammar focus activities, a
listening activity, a speaking activity, as well as a review.
Separate another day to return to the e-book on page 4 to take the conversation. Follow with the
e-book up to page 7 and separate another day of this week to take the vocabulary and grammar
practices that youll find inside the video folder.
Were proud of you.
3.3.3 -

Week 2 : Starting...

{2 Sem - #N3P2} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 8 a 10; Unit 7 - Pg. 11 a 13; [GR] Unit 7 - Future with be going to; [AU] Unit 6 - Lesson C,
D; Unit 7 - Lesson A (up to Vocabulary Practice); [VI] Unit 6 - The Science of Stress; [RE] Peruvian Weavers - Pg. 2 a 3;

Hello, and welcome to a brand new week.

After the review, follow the suggestion below:
DAY 2 - Study the grammar which starts at the bottom of page 7 of the e- book. This grammar
point covers questions with HOW. You already know some of these questions, look here: How old


Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

are you? How many oranges are there in the kitchen? Now youre going to complement this
knowledge asking other questions with HOW. After completing the exercises on pages 8 and 9,
close the e-book and go to the folder VIDEO to reinforce this topic. There are two activities. Match
questions and answers in the first activity and fill in the blanks with the correct HOW question in
the second one.
DAY 3 - Prepare the introduction for the book Peruvian Weavers on pages 2 and 3. This story is
about a group of women weavers in a small village in Cuzco, Peru. Have you ever visited any
countries in South America? If not, which country would you like to visit?
Study the conversation on page 8 of the e-book. Before reading the conversation, play the audio
and answer the question WHATS THE PROBLEM WITH MR. LOPEZ? Then, read the
conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and intonation.
In this conversation Mr. Lopez sees a doctor because he feels tired, but cant sleep. The doctor
asks Mr. Lopez about his lifestyle. What can you say about your lifestyle?
DAY 4 - Moving to pages 9 and 10, you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen
to the audio passage (its inside the folder called VIDEO LESSON 6D READING PASSAGE:
AUDIO). After reading, there are some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more
comprehension activities inside the folder called VIDEO.
You can also watch the video THE SCIENCE OF STRESS and take the video comprehension
activities. Do you feel stressed? In your opinion, what situations cause stress? Do you know anyone
who suffers from physical stress? And what about mental stress?
DAY 5 - Lets start Unit 7. The unit talks about achievements important things people have
done. Which achievement in your life is the most important? Buying a house, meeting someone
special? Get prepared for your next achievement, learning English!
You are going to learn how to:
a) talk about todays chores;
b) interview for a job;
c) talk about lifetime achievements;
d) discuss scientific achievements.
As you are pursuing an achievement, here is something cute:
DAY 6 - Lets close the week studying the vocabulary on page 13 of the e- book. According to
the theme of the unit, all the vocabulary is related to daily chores. First, label the pictures. Then,
divide the activities in two categories: easy chores and difficult chores. What chores do you do
daily? How do you feel about these chores? Complement your knowledge about this vocabulary
taking the Vocabulary Practice which is inside the folder called VIDEO.
Finally, we separated the grammar FUTURE WITH BE GOING TO to be revisited. Take this
opportunity to reinforce this topic.
See you next week.
3.3.4 -

Week 3 : Starting...

{3 Sem - #N3P2} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 14 a 18; [GR] Unit 7 - Would like / would rather / prefer; [AU] Unit 7 - Lesson A, B, C; [RE]
Peruvian Weavers - Pg. 4 a 10;

Dear students of level 3, take a look at the schedule suggestion that follows. It starts on Day 2
because the first day is dedicated to a review:
3.3 - Nvel 3, Parte 2


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

DAY 2 - This week you can start at the bottom of page 13 at the grammar section which deals
with the present perfect tense. My brother Steve has played a lot of sports. Hes played tennis,
soccer and volleyball. What sports have you played? Study the grammar chart on page 13 and do
the activities that follow on page 14. Then, take the opportunity do the exercise inside the folder
VIDEO. Both activities provide more practice on the present perfect tense. In the first activity you
have to choose the correct answer and in the second activity you have to fill in the blanks. Nvel 3,
Parte 2
DAY 3 - Start the day reading pages 4-10 of the book Peruvian Weavers. On page 10 there are
three sentences in which you check true or false. After reading, you can also listen to the audio
Return to page 14 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the conversation, play
the audio and answer the question HAS LYNN DONE HER CHORES? Then, read the conversation
silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and intonation.
In this conversation Lynns Mom asks her to do two things before she comes home. What are
these two things? Is there anyone you generally ask to help you? And is there anyone who generally
asks for your help? Practice the conversation as much as you can. This practice will make your
pronunciation sounds better and better.
DAY 4 - Moving to page 15, youll listen to a job interview. Who do you think should get the job
Richard or Erin? Have you ever had a job interview? What happens at a job interview? Listen
again and do the activities on page 15. There are other listening comprehension activities inside the
VIDEO folder.
Finish the day practicing the reduced form of HAVE. First, listen and repeat. Then, listen and
identify the form full or reduced. Finally, practice as many times as necessary. Take an extra
practice inside the VIDEO folder.
DAY 5 - Start your day studying the topic would like / would rather / prefer inside the
GRAMMAR folder. This topic is being revisited due to its great level of importance.
On page 17 theres a language expansion activity. As we are dealing with achievements, youll
see vocabulary related to lifetime achievements. Label the pictures, and then think about the ones
you have already done. Have you passed your driving test? And have you traveled abroad? Theres
more vocabulary practice inside the folder VIDEO. Practice as much as you can.
DAY 6 - Lets finish the week with some grammar. At the bottom of page 17 you can see a chart
explaining the difference between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense. Look at these
examples: Last summer, my friend went to Europe. In this sentence, I mean my friend went to
Europe but is not there anymore its an action that started and finished at a specific time in the
past. My friend has been to many countries. Now, Im not being specific about the time this action
happened in the past. Can you see the difference? There are some exercises on page 18 that will
help you understand better. Complete the activities on this page as well as the two exercises on
grammar practice inside the folder VIDEO.
The last activity of this week is the conversation on page 18. Youll hear two people Simon and
Pete talking about an achievement. After practicing the conversation, think about your lifetime
achievements and write them down. For example: Ive already bought my own car.
3.3.5 -

Week 4 : Starting...

{4 Sem - #N3P2} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 20; Unit 8 - Pg. 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 8 - Simple past: regular verbs; Simple past:
irregular verbs; Review of present and past; [AU] Unit 7 - Lesson D; Unit 8 - Lesson A, B; [VI] Unit 7 Spacewalk; [RE] Peruvian
Weavers - Pg. 11 a 19;



Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

Congratulations on having come so far.

DAY 2 - What are some important things that scientists have done in the last 10 years? Read an
article about scientific achievements and then, listen to the audio. As soon as you finish, do the
reading comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO 7D.
Watch the video SPACEWALK. Why is it dangerous to go outside in space? Do the video
comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO. Then, think of other ways you could spend NASAs
budget to help people.
DAY 3 - Many of the headlines in the news today are about the consequences of past actions.
Unit 8 examines the topic of consequence on a personal level by talking about money and financial
decisions. Look at the pictures on pages 21 and 22 and name the things you see in them. When have
you made a bad decision? What were the consequences?
In this unit youll learn to:
a) talk about managing your money;
b) make choices on how to spend your money;
c) talk about how our actions can have positive consequences;
d) discuss ways to prevent habitat destruction.
Finish the day reading the book PERUVIAN WEAVERS up to page 19. How well does selling
this cloth affect the local people and economy?
DAY 4 - On page 23 of the e-book youll find vocabulary related to managing your money. How
do you manage your money? Do you make a plan or do you just spend as much money as you want
to? Do the activities on this page as well as the activity in the folder VIDEO 8A.
This week do a grammar review in the folder GRAMMAR: simple past: regular verbs and simple
past: irregular verbs. Its important to remind you to watch the presentation, do the grammar
exercises, as well as the listening and speaking ones and finally stick to a review.
Im going shopping this weekend. I want to buy a lot of things. If I have enough money, Ill buy
some new clothes. If I have enough money, Ill buy some CDs. What about you? What will you buy
if you have enough money? Study the chart at the bottom of page 23 and do the activities that
follow on page 24.
DAY 5 - Start your day reviewing what you studied yesterday. Go to the folder VIDEO Lesson
8A and do the two exercises. In the first exercise youll be asked to choose the correct option in a
multiple-choice task. In the second activity, match the beginnings to the endings of the words
On page 24, there is a conversation. Before reading the lines of the conversation, play the audio
and answer the question WHAT CHOICE DOES JIM HAVE TO MAKE? Then, practice the
conversation as many times as you can in order to improve your pronunciation and intonation.
DAY 6 - On page 25 youll hear to a conversation in a travel agency. What do people do in a
travel agency? Thats right: they plan a vacation, buy plane tickets, etc. Listen to the audio and do
the activities on page 25. Then, take the chance to do another listening comprehension activity
which is in the folder VIDEO Lesson 8B.
Ive already told you that intonation is as important as pronunciation. Finish the week taking the
pronunciation activity on page 25 and the pronunciation practice in the folder VIDEO Lesson 8B.
See you.

3.3 - Nvel 3, Parte 2


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

3.3.6 -

Week 5 : Starting...

{5 Sem - #N3P2} [EB] Unit 8 - Pg 27 a 30; Unit 9 - Pg 31 a 32; [AU] Unit 8 - Lesson C, D; [VI] Unit 8 - Missing Snows; [RE]
Peruvian Weavers - Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quis;

Lets keep going. Youve come far. Thats great!

DAY 2 - Do you know what habitats mean? The places where animals live in nature. Go to page
27 of the e-book and learn different habitats. How can our actions have positive consequences?
Study page 27 and complement this topic studying the vocabulary practice in the folder VIDEO
Lesson 8C.
Go to the expansion reading of the book PERUVIAN WEAVERS on pages 22 and 23 and finish
the week watching the video and doing the quiz of this material. In this extra reading, a reporter
talks about the experience of a traveler in Peru.
DAY 3 - The grammar point which starts at the bottom of page 27 shows real conditionals. What
will happen if the population of our city increases to 5 million? If the population of our city
increases to 5 million, we will build more houses.
Study the chart and do the activities that follow. Study the conversation on page 28 and answer
the questions WHAT IS JOHN WORRIED ABOUT? HOW CAN HE HELP? After practicing the
conversation for a few times, practice it as much as you can. Choose an important problem or
environmental issue. Make a list of the things you can do to help.
Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 8C. In the
first exercise, match the beginnings to the endings of sentences. In the second, choose the correct
DAY 4 - Do you know any animals that are endangered? What is the problem with these animals?
Read the text on pages 29 and 30, and youll learn more about habitat destruction. Listen to the
audio for this reading passage and do the comprehension exercises both on page 29 and in the folder
VIDEO. Practice your reading. Think about the things you can do to prevent habitat destruction.
DAY 5 - Today, watch the video THE MISSING SNOWS OF KILIMANJARO. This story set in
Tanzania, talks about the highest mountain in Africa. Take the comprehension as soon as you finish
watching the video. Watch as many times as necessary, until you can understand the video without
reading the subtitles.
DAY 6 - Lets finish the week starting Unit 9. The theme of this unit is how climate and
geography affect peoples food and ways of eating. What kinds of food grow in your country?
Where do they grow? Look at the pictures on pages 31 and 32 and name the things you can see in
each picture. What are some foods from other countries? What foods do you buy from other
In this unit youll learn how to:
a) compare what people usually do with what they are doing now;
b) identify regional staple foods;
c) talk about traditional family dishes;
d) understand how a regional food becomes an international dish.
3.3.7 -

Week 6 : Starting...

{6 Sem - #N3P2} [EB] Unit 9 - Pg 33 a 37; [AU] Unit 9 - Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary practice); [RE] Cheese-rolling
Races - Pg. 2 a 3;



Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

Welcome to a new week.

DAY 2 - Do you ever read blogs websites where people write their personal ideas about topics
that interest them? On page 33, youll read part of a travel blog about a trip to Argentina. After
taking the activities on this page, do the one in the folder VIDEO Lesson 9A.
Before reading the conversation on page 34, listen to the audio and answer the question: WHAT
DO JULIES COUSINS USUALLY EAT? Then, practice the conversation. Do you have relatives
who live in another city? Do they have the same diet as you or do they eat different things?
DAY 3 - The grammar topic at the bottom of page 33 deals with the difference between the
simple present and the present continuous. What do you do every day? What do you eat for
breakfast? Who cooks at your house? The answers to all these questions are given using the verbs in
the simple present. Otherwise, youll use the present continuous to answer the following questions.
What are you doing now? Whats your friend doing? Study the chart and do the exercise.
Complement the grammar studying the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: simple present: regular
verbs, simple present have / do / go, simple present questions and present continuous. Remember
that for each topic theres an introduction, grammar practices, listening and pronunciation practices
and review.
Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 9A. In both
activities, fill in the blanks with the correct verb.
DAY 4 - On page 35, you are going to listen to an interview of a rice farmer. After doing the
activities on this page, take some time to do the listening comprehension exercises in the folder
DAY 5 - On page 36, listen to the linking of the underlined words. Besides the activities on this
page, theres more practice in the folder VIDEO.
Start reading the book CHEESE-ROLLING RACES. Today, read the introduction on pages 2 and
3. The story is set in a small town called Brockworth in England. This town has a special event. Can
you find out what it is?
DAY 6 - Does your family have a traditional dish? One that is cooked on Sundays, when you get
together? What ingredients are used in this recipe? Look at the foods on page 37. Which of these
foods have you tried? Which ones do you like? Which ones can grow in your country? Finish the
week with the vocabulary practice activity in the folder VIDEO lesson 9C. Have a nice week.
3.3.8 -

Week 7 : Starting...

{7 Sem - #N3P2} [EB] Unit 9 - Pg 38 a 40; Unit 10 - Pg 41 a 44; [GR] Unit 9 - Simple present: regular verbs; Simple present:
have / do / go; Simple present questions; Present Continuous; Present Perfect; [AU] Unit 9 - Lesson C, D; Unit 10 - Lesson A; [VI]
Unit 9 - Forbidden Fruit; [RE] Cheese-rolling Races - Pg. 4 a 19;

I wish you a great week : )

DAY 2 - The grammar topic at the bottom of page 37 still deals with verb tenses. This time well
study the simple past. What did you do yesterday? Study the chart on page 38 and do the exercises
that follow. Then, complement this knowledge taking the exercises in the folder GRAMMAR:
simple past: the verb be, simple past: regular verbs, simple past: irregular verbs and review of
present and past. Still on page 38, there is a conversation between Albert and Mary. They are talking
about a special recipe made by Alberts aunt. Listen to the audio and answer the questions WHATS
ALBERT EATING? WHAT IS IT MADE FROM? Then, listen again and practice the conversation.

3.3 - Nvel 3, Parte 2


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

Finish the day taking the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 9C. In the
first activity, choose the correct option in a multiple-choice task. Then, in the second activity, fill in
the blanks with the correct verb.
DAY 4 - On pages 39 and 40, youll read a text about how a regional food becomes an
international dish. Do you ever eat pizza? What is pizza made of? Where did pizza come from?
How old do you think pizza is? Read the passage (and also listen to it) and do the activities on the
page. Then, take more reading comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 9D, in which
youll deal with a multiple-choice activity.
DAY 5 - You are going to watch a video about a fruit that is forbidden in a city called Kuching, in
Malaysia. Can you guess why a fruit would be forbidden? Watch the video FORBIDDEN FRUIT
and discover why. Do the activity that follows. If you were part of a group of hotel owners, what
would you forbid people to do in your hotel? Why? Go through the whole book CHEESEROLLING RACES. There are tasks on pages 6 and 19. In this book you learned how people have
fun in one town in England. How do people have fun in your town?
DAY 6 - Lets start the last unit of this part of the course. Different cultures have different rules
for and patterns of communicating. In Unit 10, youll learn about and consider some of these
cultural differences. How do we communicate with other people? Look at the pictures on pages 41
and 42 and think about where people are and what they are doing. What are some gestures that you
sometimes use? What do they mean? Why do we smile at people?
The goals of this unit are:
a) communicate with people from different cultures;
b) make small talk with new people;
c) use small talk to break the ice;
d) learn how professionals break the ice.
What are some problems in talking with people from another culture? On page 43 youll learn
how to communicate with people from different cultures. After having studied page 43, finish the
week taking the vocabulary practice exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10A.
The grammar starting at the bottom of page 43 deals with another verb tense: the present perfect.
Ive been very busy so far today. Ive taught three classes. Ive checked homework. Ive talked to
students. What about you? What have you done? Youll need to use the present perfect to answer
these questions. Study the chart and do the exercises on page 44 as well as the grammar practice
activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10A. Finish the week taking the GRAMMAR present

3.3.9 -

Week 8 : Starting...

{8 Sem - #N3P2} [EB] Unit 10 - Pg. 45 a 50; [GR] Unit 10 - Present Perfect with How Long, Since, and For; Past tense and
Present Perfect questions with Ever; Present Perfect with Already, Still, Yet, and Just; [AU] Unit 10 - Lesson B, C, D; [VI] Unit 10 Orangutan Language; [RE] Cheese-rolling Races - Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quiz;

Welcome to a brand new week.

DAYS 2/3 - Listen to the conversation on page 44 and answer the question WHY IS THE
WOMAN WORRIED? Practice the conversation as much as you can.


Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

On page 45 youll listen to two conversations between people meeting for the first time. What do
you usually say to a person when you meet them for the first time? Listen to the audio and do the
activities on this page. Then, do the extra listening comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO
Lesson 10B.
On page 46 youll review contractions short forms that combine two words and are used in fast
or informal speech. Listen to the audio and practice not only the exercises on page 46, but also the
exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10B.
Study the GRAMMAR: simple present yes/no questions and short answers with regular verbs.
This topic has been studied before and is brought up again, due to its great level of importance.
DAY 4 - Many people feel shy when they meet someone new. But finding an interesting topic
will make them feel more comfortable. The vocabulary presented on page 47 is related to small talk
how to break the ice to start a conversation. Do the activity on this page as well as the one in the
folder VIDEO Lesson 10C. Watch the video ORANGUTAN LANGUAGE and find out how these
animals communicate. Take the video comprehension activities.
DAY 5 - The grammar topic starts at the bottom of page 47. It shows signal words: already, ever,
yet. Answer these questions using the signal words: Have you ever visited another country? Have
you used English online? Have you ever met a famous person? After studying the chart, do the
activities on page 48 as well as the two grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson
10C. In both activities, youll fill in the blanks with the correct word.
Listen to the audio for the conversation on page 48 and answer the question WHAT DO THE
SPEAKERS DECIDE TO DO ABOUT THE HOMEWORK? Then practice the conversation as
much as possible, using subjects you are studying.
Finish the day studying the GRAMMAR: present perfect with how long, since and for, past tense
and present perfect questions with ever, and present perfect with already, still, yet, and just.
DAY 6 - This last reading activity on pages 49 and 50 talks about professionals break the ice. Do
you know what photographers do? What are some good things about this job? What are some bad
things? Read and listen to the text and answer the questions on page 49 as well as the reading
comprehension question in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10D.
The extra text in the book CHEESE-ROLLING RACES talks about another unusual and fun
competition. How long does it take you to read the 312 words? What is the goal of this
competition? In addition, watch the video and do the quiz. Congratulations, you reached one more


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

3.4 - Nvel 3, Parte 3

3.4.1 -

Nvel 3 Parte 3




Unit 11 - Lesson A, B, C (up to

Vocabulary Practice)
Unit 11 - Lesson C, D; Unit 12 Lesson A

Unit 11 - Pg. 1 a 7

Unit 11 - Pg. 8 a 10; Unit

12 - Pg. 11 a 14

Unit 12 - Comparative and superlative of adverbs

Unit 12 - Pg. 15 a 20

Unit 12 - Verbs followed by infinitives

Unit 12 - Lesson B, C, D

Unit 13 - Pg. 21 a 27

Unit 13 - Past continuous

Unit 13 - Lesson A, B, C (up to

vocabulary practice)

Unit 13 - Pg 28 a 30; Unit

14 - Pg 31 a 34

Unit 13 - Very / too / enough Phrasal verbs; Unit 14

- Present Perfect; Present Perfect with How Long, Unit 13 - Lesson C, D; Unit 14 Since, and For Past tense and Present Perfect
Lesson A
questions with Ever


Unit 11 - Future with will


Unit 14 - Pg 35 a 40; Unit

15 - Pg 41 a 42
Unit 15 - Pg 43 a 50; Unit
16 - Pg 51 a 52
Unit 16 - Pg. 53 a 60

3.4.2 -

Unit 14 - Lesson B, C, D

Unit 15 - Passive voice other tenses

Unit 15 - Lesson A, B, C, D

Unit 16 - Real and unreal conditionals. Affirmative

quantifiers Negative quantifiers

Unit 16 - Lesson A, B, C, D

Unit 11 FES
Unit 12 - The
Human Body

Making a Thai Boxing Champion Pg. 2 a 3
Making a Thai Boxing Champion Pg. 4 a 10
Making a Thai Boxing Champion Pg. 11 A 19

Unit 13 - Mega- Making a Thai Boxing Champion transect Project Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quis
Unit 14 - Nubian
Unit 15 - Cobber
Pedy Opals
Unit 16 - Happy

Wild Animal Trackers - Pg. 2 a 3

Wild Animal Trackers - Pg. 4 a 19
Wild Animal Trackers - Pg. 22 a 23
+ video + quiz

Week 1 : Starting...

{1 Sem - #N3P3} [EB] Unit 11 - Pg. 1 a 7; [GR] Unit 11 - Future with will; [AU] Unit 11 - Lesson A, B, C (up to Vocabulary

Welcome to the last part of level 3. This week you are going to study the e-book from pages 1 to
7. This time the grammar covers the topic FUTURE WITH WILL. Now, lets look at each part little
by little.
On pages 1 and 2 of the e-book there are photos of different cities. What is your city like? Can
you describe it what can you see downtown? Can you describe any city you have ever visited?
How different or similar is it to your city?
On page 3, youll see how to describe your city or town. Take the activities on page 3 as well as
the vocabulary practice inside the video folder.
On pages 3 and 4 the book covers the FUTURE WITH WILL for predictions. Can you make any
predictions about your city in the future? For example, do you think more people will live in
apartments? As soon as you finish, reinforce your knowledge on this topic going to the grammar
folder where youll find a presentation, two grammar focus activities, a listening activity, a speaking
activity, as well as a review.
Separate another day to return to the e-book on page 4 to take the conversation. Follow with the
e-book up to page 7 and separate another day of this week to take the vocabulary and grammar
practices that youll find inside the video folder. Lets keep going
3.4.3 -

Week 2 : Starting...

{2 Sem - #N3P3} [EB] Unit 11 - Pg. 8 a 10; Unit 12 - Pg. 11 a 14; [GR] Unit 12 - Comparative and superlative of adverbs; [AU]
Unit 11 - Lesson C, D; Unit 12 - Lesson A; [VI] Unit 11 FES; [RE] Making a Thai Boxing Champion - Pg. 2 a 3;

Welcome to a new step. Keep concentrated and go on



Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

DAY 2 - Study the grammar which starts at the bottom of page 7 of the e- book. This grammar
point covers WILL + time clauses. When you want to say that two things will happen in the future,
generally one action will happen before or after the other. For example: Ill take a rest after I finish
my lesson. After completing the exercises on pages 7 and 8, close the e- book and go to the folder
VIDEO to take more grammar activities.
DAY 3 - Return to page 8 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the
conversation, play the audio and answer the question WHAT DOES JENNIE WANT FOR HER
NEIGHBORHOOD? Then, read the conversation silently and play the audio to practice your
pronunciation and intonation.
In this conversation you hear Jennie and Dan talking about things they would like their
neighborhood to have. What does your city or neighborhood need? How can you get it? We suggest
you finish the day preparing the introduction for the book Making a Thai Boxing Champion on
pages 2 and 3. The story is set in Thailand and talks about fighting. Do you fancy fighting sports?
Get ready to start reading the book next week.
DAY 4 - Moving to pages 9 and 10, you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen
to the audio passage (its inside the folder called VIDEO LESSON 11D READING PASSAGE:
AUDIO). After reading, there are some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more
comprehension activities inside the folder called VIDEO. This reading passage makes predictions
about cities in the future. Do you live in a megacity? What do you think your city will be like in the
DAY 5 - You can start your day watching the video FES and taking the video comprehension
activities. This story about art takes place in Fes, a city in Morocco.
Well, this is the end of Unit 11. Now, we are going to start Unit 12. The unit looks at the ways our
lifestyle affects our health. How is your health? What are the things you do for better health? Are
the activities shown in the pictures good for your health?
You are going to learn how to:
a) discuss ways to stay healthy;
b) talk about lifestyles;
c) suggest helpful natural remedies;
d) understand how germs affect the body.
Go to page 13 of the e-book. According to the theme of the unit, all the vocabulary is based on
ways to stay healthy. How many parts of the body can you name? Listen to the audio and practice
the pronunciation of the parts of the body. Complement your knowledge about this vocabulary
taking the Vocabulary Practice which is inside the folder called VIDEO.
DAY 6 - Study the review of comparatives, superlatives and equatives on pages 8 and 9 as well
as the grammar activities both inside the folders GRAMMAR and VIDEO.
Finish the week practicing the conversation. Answer the question WHICH BODY PARTS DO
THE SPEAKERS MENTION? Are you aware of the things you eat? Is there anything you try to
avoid eating? After this, make a list of things you do to stay healthy. Have a great time.
3.4.4 -

Week 3 : Starting...

{3 Sem - #N3P3} [EB] Unit 12 - Pg. 15 a 20; [GR] Unit 12 - Verbs followed by infinitives; [AU] Unit 12 - Lesson B, C, D; [VI]
Unit 12 - The Human Body; [RE] Making a Thai Boxing Champion - Pg. 4 a 10;

Having taken the week review, follow the study plan:

3.4 - Nvel 3, Parte 3


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

DAY 2 - What determines how healthy you are? Are your genes or your lifestyle more important?
On page 15, youll listen to three people talk about their health. First match the speakers to the
correct pictures and then listen again to answer the questions. Complement the activity by taking the
listening comprehension exercises in the VIDEO folder.
Moving to page 16, youll hear and practice how to pronounce the linking sound of comparatives
and superlatives. Then, we want you to imitate the sound as accurate as you can. So, practice hard.
DAY 3 - On page 17 theres a language expansion activity which deals with everyday ailments.
After taking the activity on the page, think if you have ever used any of these remedies. Have they
worked? Theres more vocabulary practice inside the folder VIDEO. Use the correct ailment to fill
in the blanks.
Start studying the grammar on page 18 on INFINITIVE OF PURPOSE. Tomorrow you can
complement this grammar point studying more.
DAY 4 - You started studying the infinitive of purpose, so today is a great time to complement
this knowledge. Go to the GRAMMAR folder and take all the activities related to verbs followed by
infinitives in Unit 12. Then, take the two grammar practice exercises.
DAY 5 - Play the audio of the conversation and answer the question WHAT REMEDIES FOR
TIREDNESS DO THE SPEAKERS TALK ABOUT? Identify the answer before reading the
conversation. Then, practice as many times as you want. In the conversation Olivia is surprised that
Ashley is drinking coffee. To show her surprise, she says: Thats new. In which situation could
you use the same expression? Finish your studying day reading from page 4 to page 9 of Making a
Thai Boxing Champion. On page 7, there are 5 sentences to check true or false.
DAY 6 - Today, go to the Reading activity on pages 19 and 20. You can either read the paragraphs
silently or listen to the audio passage. The text is talking about how germs affect the body. After
reading, take the activities on page 19 as well as the reading comprehension activities in the VIDEO
folder. Why do we get sick? How does sickness go from one person to another?
Watch the video THE HUMAN BODY. Think about five things your body does every day. What
information from the video surprised you the most? What are some things you can do to take care of
your bodys system? After watching, complete the video comprehension activities. Enjoy a break.
3.4.5 -

Week 4 : Starting...

{4 Sem - #N3P3} [EB] Unit 13 - Pg. 21 a 27; [GR] Unit 13 - Past continuous; [AU] Unit 13 - Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary
practice); [RE] Making a Thai Boxing Champion - Pg. 11 A 19;

Great to see you around. Lets keep up the good job.

DAY 2 - People of all ages from all cultures are fascinated by challenges. In this unit, students
will consider many kinds of challenges both mental and physical. Youll talk about challenges you
have faced in your life and consider what you have accomplished. Look at pages 21 and 22 of the ebook and think: What is a challenge? What are some examples of challenges faced by people you
know? Look closely at the pictures on these pages and name the challenges you can see. Whats the
biggest challenge you have faced in your life? What are you proud of doing?
In this unit youll learn to:
a) talk about facing challenges;
b) reflect on past accomplishments;
c) use too and enough to talk about abilities;
d) describe a personal challenge.


Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

DAY 3 - Do you know what a reality show is? Good, its a show made with real people, not
actors. On page 23 of the e-book youll listen to part of a reality show. First, take the activity on this
page and then the vocabulary practice activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13A.
Listen to the conversation on page 24 and answer the question WHAT WAS HELENS
BIGGEST CHALLENGE LAST YEAR? before reading the lines. Then, practice as much as you
can, so that youll improve your pronunciation and intonation. Reflect on this question: What
challenges did you face last year?
DAY 4 - The grammar presented in Unit 13 deals with the difference in use between the simple
past tense and the past continuous tense. Last night I was correcting my students homework when
Chris called me. In this last sentence, correcting homework is an action that was in progress in the
past which was interrupted by another action Chris called me. Study the charts on pages 23 and 24
and do the activities that follow. Complement this knowledge studying the GRAMMAR: past
In addition, do the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13A. Choose the
correct option in the first activity and then, fill in the blanks with the correct verb in the second
DAY 5 - What endangered animals can you think of? On page 25, you are going to hear an
interview with a woman who works with endangered animals. Do the activities that follow. Then,
think: why are endangered animals important? In the folder VIDEO youll find a multiple choice
On page 26, the pronunciation section deals with the three different pronunciations of the final
ed in regular verbs. Do the activity that follows, as well as the activity in the folder VIDEO
Lesson 13B in which youll record your voice.
DAY 6 - A phrasal verb is a verb and one or two prepositions that are used together with a
meaning that is different from the meaning of the verb and the prepositions when used separately.
On page 27 youll read an article with some phrasal verbs. Do both the activities on this page as
well as the one in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13C.
Finish the week reading up to page 19 of the book MAKING A THAI BOXING CHAMPION.
There is a reading technique activity on page 17 which deals with scanning. Take the opportunity to
engage in this activity, this knowledge is useful for you. Listen to the audio book, as well. Dont
miss it! As you see in the book, Thai boxing offers boys many opportunities. Why is boxing so
important? What makes a champion?
3.4.6 -

Week 5 : Starting...

{5 Sem - #N3P3} [EB] Unit 13 - Pg 28 a 30; Unit 14 - Pg 31 a 34; [GR] Unit 13 - Very / too / enough Phrasal verbs; Unit 14 Present Perfect; Present Perfect with How Long, Since, and For Past tense and Present Perfect questions with Ever; [AU] Unit 13 Lesson C, D; Unit 14 - Lesson A; [VI] Unit 13 - Mega-transect Project ; [RE] Making a Thai Boxing Champion - Pg. 22 a 23 +
video + quis;

Lets keep up the good work. Glad to be with you.

DAY 2 - This week, the grammar at the bottom of page 27 shows how to use enough, not enough,
too + adjective. Look at this example: Can you run 10 kilometers? Im afraid not, its too distant for
me. Here we have another example: My sister is old enough to get married. Study the chart at the
bottom of page 27 on the e-book and do the activities that follow. Theres more grammar to be
studied in the folder GRAMMAR Unit 13: very / too / enough and phrasal verbs.
Listen to the conversation between Lisa and Mari. Theyre talking about a mountain Lisa wants
3.4 - Nvel 3, Parte 3


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

THE MOUNTAIN? First, listen and answer the question, then read the lines and practice the
conversation. Think about some challenges youll have to face. What do you have to do before
facing such challenges?
Finish the day reinforcing the grammar. Take the exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13C. In
both exercises, fill in the blanks with the correct option.
DAY 3 - Do you know where the Arctic is? What do you know about it? Read the text talking
about a challenge faced in the North Pole on pages 29 and 30. After taking the activities on these
pages, listen to the audio passage and do the extra exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13D.
The video MEGATRANSECT PROJECT takes place in the Congo Basin and talks about an
expedition to protect the rainforest. Can you imagine how challenging an expedition in Africa
would be? Watch and do the video comprehension activity.
DAY 4 - Unit 14 will talk about transitions. What does transition mean? The great transitions in a
persons life are the same around the world: birth, starting and completing your education, leaving
your parents home, finding a life partner, having a child, becoming a grandparent, stopping
working, etc. Go to pages 31 and 32 of the e-book and name the things you can see in each picture.
Can you think about other kinds of transitions?
In this unit, youll learn to:
a) use the simple past tense and past perfect tense to talk about milestones in your life;
b) talk about the best age to do something in your life;
c) use how questions to get more information;
d) describe an important transition in your life.
Read the extra pages of the book MAKING A THAI BOXING CHAMPION and also do the quiz
and watch the video.
DAY 5 - Match the vocabulary to the pictures, relating the phase of life each person might be.
What do you think a child can do? Which is the most important transition in a childs life? Why?
The grammar in this unit contrasts the simple past tense to the present perfect tense. How has
your life changed in the last five years? My friend has moved to a different apartment. He moved
two years ago. Finish this day studying the grammar: present perfect, present perfect with how long,
since and for and past tense and present perfect questions with ever.
DAY 6 - Listen to the conversation between Rick and Jason and answer the question WHERE
DID JASON GO? Then, practice the conversation as much as you can. Think about important
moments in your life: your infancy, your childhood, your adolescence, and your adulthood. Can you
talk or write about these moments using the past simple and the present perfect tense?
Finish your week doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 14A.
Choose the correct option in both exercises.
3.4.7 -

Week 6 : Starting...

{6 Sem - #N3P3} [EB] Unit 14 - Pg 35 a 40; Unit 15 - Pg 41 a 42; [AU] Unit 14 - Lesson B, C, D; [VI] Unit 14 - Nubian
Wedding; [RE] Wild Animal Trackers - Pg. 2 a 3;

Welcome again. Heres a study plan:

DAY 2 - What is the best age to do things in our life? On page 35 you are going to listen to a
radio program about a woman who has lived a lot! Do you think very old people have a happy life?
Why or why not? Listen to the audio and do the activities that follow. Would you like to live to be


Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

100? What would you do at this age? Do you know that in the United States there are now more
than 50,000 centenarians? Do the activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 14B for more listening
comprehension practice.
Study the pronunciation section on page 36 that shows how to pronounce unstressed words and
do the exercise that follows. Then, take the extra pronunciation practice in the folder VIDEO.
DAY 3 - Read the adjectives and descriptions of phases in life on page 37 of the e-book and think
about people who fit the descriptions people you know or famous people. Do the activities that
follow on this page as well as the vocabulary practice in the folder VIDEO Lesson 14C. What is
the age limit for starting school in our country? When do people come of age in this country?
Prepare the vocabulary of the book WILD ANIMAL TRACKERS on pages 2 and 3. Do you
agree that technology can help protect the environment?
DAY 4 - How tall are you? How tired do you feel at the end of a work week? How expensive is a
new car where you live? To answer these questions, study the grammar on pages 37 and 38 that
shows questions using how + adjective or adverb.
Listen to the conversation between Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Chen talking about something Mrs.
Ryans son got. Answer the question WHAT DID ERIK GET? Do you think its the correct age to
get it? Then, practice the conversation to improve your pronunciation and intonation.
Finish the day reinforcing the grammar. Go to the folder VIDEO Lesson 14C and do the
exercises which are there. First, choose the correct adjective to complete the how questions. In the
second activity, repeat the procedure, this time filling in the blanks with the correct adverb.
DAY 5 - At what age do people become adults? How do you know when someone is an adult?
Read the text on pages 39 and 40 describing how the Apache tribes celebrate this important
transition. Do the activities on these pages, as well as the reading comprehension activity in the
folder VIDEO Lesson 14D. Remember that you can also listen to the audio passage. Think about
an important transition in your life. How old were you when it happened? How did you feel before
and after it? Why was this transition important in your life?
Watch the video NUBIAN WEDDING and take the video comprehension activity. Nubia is the
region along the Nile River in the modern nations of Egypt and Sudan. Nubians have worked hard
to retain their culture and traditions. How many weddings have you attended? Were they all the
same or different?
DAY 6 - Lets finish the week studying the beginning of Unit 15. The unit talks about luxury
something expensive which is not necessary but gives you great pleasure. Go to pages 41 and 42 of
the e-book and look at the pictures. What can you see in each of them? Which of these things would
you like to have? Why? Why do you think people want luxury items?
In this unit youll learn to:
a) explain how we get luxury items;
b) talk about needs and wants;
c) discuss what makes peoples lives better;
d) evaluate the way advertising creates desire for products.

3.4 - Nvel 3, Parte 3


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

3.4.8 -

Week 7 : Starting...

{7 Sem - #N3P3} [EB] Unit 15 - Pg 43 a 50; Unit 16 - Pg 51 a 52; [GR] Unit 15 - Passive voice other tenses; [AU] Unit 15 Lesson A, B, C, D; [VI] Unit 15 - Cobber Pedy Opals; [RE] Wild Animal Trackers - Pg. 4 a 19;

Fancy facing a new week?

DAY 2 - Page 43 shows a picture with some luxury items. Study the page and do the activities
that follow. Take the activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15A, as well. What other luxury items
can you think of? Whats the difference between a car and a luxury car?
Where do we get Japanese cars? Cars are imported from Japan. Study the grammar PASSIVE
VOICE PRESENT TENSE on pages 43 and 44. The passive voice is not a tense, but a sentence
construction that emphasizes the receiver of an action. The passive voice is used especially for
sentences in which the agent of an action is not important or is unknown. In the folder GRAMMAR
Unit 15, study: passive voice simple present tense. Its useful to remind you that this folder
contains: presentation, grammar practice, listening practice, speaking practice and review.
Listen to the conversation on page 44 and answer the question WHO MADE ELLENS
BLOUSE? Then, practice the conversation. Look at everything youre wearing today. Do you know
who made your clothes and where they were made? Are you wearing anything imported? What are
your clothes, jewelry, watch, perfume, or other things youre wearing made from?
Finish the day taking the activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15A. In the first activity check
if the sentences are in the passive or active voice. In the second activity, match the beginnings to the
endings of an active or a passive sentence.
DAY 3 - Look at the pictures on page 45 of the e-book and tell me if anyone has ever given you
flowers for a present. What was the occasion? When do people usually give flowers? Listen to the
audio and do the activities that follow. Besides, take the listening comprehension activity in the
folder VIDEO Lesson 15B. Do you ever buy flowers? Why, or why not? Do you like to have
flowers in your house?
Content words are meaning words such as nouns, main verbs, question words, adjectives and
adverbs. Function words are grammar words such as pronouns, auxiliary verbs, the verb be, articles,
prepositions and conjunctions. In English, content words are pronounced stronger than function
words. Learn more about this on page 46. Practice using the activity on the page and the activity in
the folder VIDEO Lesson 15B.
Read up to page 19 of the book WILD ANIMAL TRACKERS. Also, listen to the audio of the
pages you are reading today.
DAY 4 - What makes your life better? Would luxury items make your life better? To talk about it
youll be introduced to the past participle of some irregular verbs on page 47. Complete the exercise
on this page as well as the extra activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15C.
Youve just studied passive voice in the present simple. Now, lets study the passive voice with
the preposition by. The by phrase is included in a passive sentence when the agent is important or
surprising information. Study the grammar chart and do the activity that follows on page 47. Then,
complete the following sentences: My favorite book was written by The clothes Im wearing
were made by Study the folder GRAMMAR Unit 15: passive voice / other tenses.
Listen to the conversation between Lance and Gary and answer the question ACCORDING TO
GARY, WHY IS EDUCATION VALUABLE? Practice the conversation. What do you think
improves peoples lives? Think about what you would like to have that would improve your life.
Maybe not only possessing things would improve your life, but also reading certain books, meeting
certain people, going to certain places,


Nvel 3 - Pr Intermedirio

Finish the day with the grammar practice activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15C. In the
first activity, complete the by phrases with the correct options. In the second one, match the
beginning to the ending completing the passive voice sentences with a by phrase.
DAY 5 - What is perfume / cologne made from? Do you know that perfume is worn by women
and cologne is worn by men? Read the text on pages 49 and 50 and find out how advertising can
make us desire a product. What do ads for perfume and cologne usually show? Do the activities on
these pages, as well as the reading comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15D.
Remember that you can also listen to the audio passage. Think about other products designed to
make people feel better about themselves. Do you think these products really do what theyre
supposed to do?
The video COOBER PEDY OPALS talks about Opal jewelry. Opals are beautiful precious stones
that contain a percentage of water trapped inside them. Opals can be white, gray, red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, magenta, rose, pink, slate, olive, brown or black. About 97 percent of Opals are
mined in Australia. Watch the video and do the video comprehension activity. Some of the holes and
tunnels in Coober Pedy are later converted into homes. What might be the advantages and
disadvantages of living in these underground homes?
DAY 6 - In every country of the world, the needs of the human population are making inroads on
the natural world. In developed countries, the growth of suburban areas around prosperous cities
and the roads needed to connect them are taking away countless acres of land every year. The topic
of this unit is the conflict between human needs and wants and the survival of the natural systems.
In this unit youll learn to:
a) use conditionals to talk about real situations;
b) talk about possible future situations;
c) describe what animals do;
d) give your opinion about a problem in nature.
Go to pages 51 and 52 of the e-book and look at the pictures on these pages. Which of these
animals have you seen? Which one is the most important / dangerous / beautiful? See you next
3.4.9 -

Week 8 : Starting...

{8 Sem - #N3P3} [EB] Unit 16 - Pg. 53 a 60; [GR] Unit 16 - Real and unreal conditionals. Affirmative quantifiers Negative
quantifiers; [AU] Unit 16 - Lesson A, B, C, D; [VI] Unit 16 - Happy Elephants; [RE] Wild Animal Trackers - Pg. 22 a 23 + video +

Congratulations! This week you are accomplishing one more goal!

DAY 2 - Have you ever been in a zoo? What did you see and do there? How often do you read
the information signs? Read the sign about Asiatic black bears on page 53 of the e-book and do the
activity that follows as well as the activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16A.
Study the grammar chart on page 54 and answer: If you have time tomorrow, what will you do?
Do the activity that follows. In the folder GRAMMAR Unit 16, study: real and unreal
conditionals. There are three types of conditional sentences with if. 1. The first conditional that is
used for real situations in the present or future, such as in this sentence: If I study hard, I will get a
good grade. 2. The second conditional that is used for unreal situations, such as in this sentence: If I
studied hard, I would get better grades. 3. The third conditional that is used for unreal situations in
the past, such as in this sentence: If I had studied hard, I would have gotten a better grade. In this
unit, focus on the first conditional.
3.4 - Nvel 3, Parte 3


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

Listen to the conversation on page 54 and answer the question WHAT IS KATIE AFRAID OF?
Then, practice the conversation. Would you be afraid if you were Katie? Katie said: If I see a bear,
Ill be really scared. Can you complete these sentences? Ill be very surprised if Ill have a great
time if Ill learn English faster if
Finish the day taking the activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16A. Match the beginnings to
the endings of the sentences in both activities.
DAY 3 - On page 55 you are going to listen to a radio program about fish and fishing. Do the
activities that follow on this page. Is fish cheap or expensive where you live? How often do you eat
fish? Do you know where the fish you eat comes from? Then, take the listening comprehension
activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16B.
A phrase is a group of words that together have a meaning. For example: the nature environment /
the place where I live. Learn how to pronounce the phrases on page 56. Practice using the activity
on the page and the activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16B.
Read the expansion pages of the book WILD ANIMAL TRACKERS on pages 22 and 23. Also,
watch the video and do the quiz.
DAY 4 - Adverbs are words that describe / modify a verb. They give information about how an
action is done. Page 57 of the e-book shows some adverbs of manner. Do the activities on this page
and then think about answers to these questions: How do you swim? How do you drive? How do
you speak English? There is an extra activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16C.
Dan and Carmen are talking about their visit to the zoo. Listen to their conversation and answer
the question WHAT DOES THE WOMAN WANT TO SEE AT THE ZOO? Practice the
conversation. Whats your favorite zoo animal?
DAY 5 - Look at the picture at the bottom of page 57. Do you know this animal? What do you
know about it? Read about raccoons and study the chart on page 58 and do the activity that follows.
Study the folder GRAMMAR Unit 16: affirmative quantifiers and negative quantifiers. How
much meat do you eat? How many eggs do you eat per week? Finish the day with the grammar
practice activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16C.
DAY 6 - Where are the national parks in your country? Have you ever visited them? What did
you see there? The text on pages 59 and 60 talks about Yellowstone National Park in the United
States and the gray wolf which is the largest animal in the dog family. The activities on these pages,
as well as the reading comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16D. Remember that
you can also listen to the audio passage. Do you know another kind of wild animal and any
problems that it faces? In your opinion, should the government help dangerous animals?
The video HAPPY ELEPHANTS talks about how elephants should be treated to live happy.
Watch the video and do the video comprehension activity. Have you ever seen an elephant? Where?
What was it doing? What do you think makes an elephant happy?
This is the end of level 3.



Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

Nvel 4 - Intermedirio
Ao trmino do Nivel 4, o aluno ser capaz de desenvolver as habilidades descritas a seguir:
Unidade I
Vida no Passado
Discutir a vida no passado
Falar sobre a vida dos avs
Comparar formas de realizar coisas no presente e no
Considerar o impacto do "Columbian Exchange"
Unidade II
Falar sobre preparaes para viagem
Falar sobre diferentes tipos de frias
Usar o ingls no aeroporto
Discutir os prs e contras do turismo
Unidade III
Discutir escolhas de carreiras
Pedir e responder questes relacionadas ao trabalho
Falar sobre planos de carreira
Identificar qualificaes de carreira
Unidade IV
Descrever um festival
Comparar feriados em diferentes pases
Falar sobre celebraes pessoais
Compartilhar tradies de feriados
Unidade V
Vida na Terra
Discutir o impacto do clima nas nossas vidas
Falar sobre condies de clima crnicas e severas
Dar razes para aes planejadas
Entender a seqncia de eventos
Unidade VI
A Mente
Falar sobre lembrana e esquecimento
Falar sobre seus sentidos
Falar sobre coisas que voc tem medo
Descrever uma experincia emocional
Unidade VII
Planeta em Mudana
Dar fora a declaraes e opinies
Distinguir fatos e preconceitos
Explicar causa e efeito de fenmenos naturais
Dividir uma opinio pessoal sobre uma causa importante
Unidade VIII
Descrever seus hbitos financeiros
Falar sobre tipos de dinheiro usados no passado
Usar o ingls para atividades de banco
Falar sobre riqueza
Unidade IX

Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

Expressar possvel causa e efeito
Discutir provveis reaes pessoais em situaes de
Falar sobre arrependimento
Mostrar sua admirao por trabalhadores de resgate
Unidade X
Relatar o que outra pessoa disse
Explicar suas opinies sobre arte
Discutir filmes favoritos
Falar sobre arte pblica
Unidade XI
Falar sobre avanos em transportes
Falar sobre escolhas em transporte
Usar o ingls para se locomover
Fazer recomendaes para melhorar o transporte
Unidade XII
Dar informao adicional
Entender e dividir informao sobre esportes
Discutir experincias competitivas pessoais
Tomar partido em jogos esportivos
Unidade XIII
Discutir que coisas so realmente perigosas
Falar sobre trabalhos perigosos
Falar sobre emergncias
Descrever uma situao em que voc se arriscou
Unidade XIV
Dar possveis explicaes
Interpretar relatos
Expressar crenas ou descrenas
Relatar um mistrio local
Unidade XV
Falar sobre planos e decises educacionais
Falar sobre o seu estilo de aprendizado
Discutir uma graduao de universidade
Dividir sugestes pessoais para melhorar escolas
Unidade XVI
Falar sobre o futuro
Entender e relatar fatos especficos
Discutir vantagens e desvantagens de aes
Dar e sustentar uma opinio


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

4.1 - Cronograma
Tempo necessrio realizao das tarefas:
Nvel 4

Pginas de contedo
Unidades por vdeo
Livros com vdeo e udio


Tempo Gasto (h)

120 Horas
5 Horas
20 Horas
6 Meses

Total por Nvel

Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por semana
Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por ms
Tempo previsto

Sugesto - 05 contatos semanais com aproximadamente 01 hora cada Em cada um destes

contatos, dedique: 20 minutos para o e-book 10 minutos para os vdeos 15 minutos para a gramtica
10 minutos para as leituras A cada 2 meses faa seu teste de progresso Ao final do curso faa seu
teste de mudana de nvel

4.2 - Nvel 1, Parte 1

4.2.1 -

Nvel 4 Parte 1









Unit 1 - Lesson A, B, C (up to

Vocabulary Practice)
Unit 1 - Lesson C, D; Unit 2 Unit 1 - Columbus
Unit 1 - Pg. 8 a 10; Unit 2 - Unit 1 - Passive voice other tenses; Passive voice
Lesson A (up to Vocabulary
and the New Butler School - Pg. 2 a 3
Pg. 11 a 13
modals in the past
Unit 2 - Have to / must; Continuous forms of
Unit 2 - Pg. 14 a 18
modals; Present perfect forms of modals; Passive Unit 2 - Lesson A, B, C
Butler School - Pg. 4 a 15
voice modals
Unit 3 - Should / shouldnt; Should / shouldnt / had
Unit 2 - Adventure
Unit 2 - Pg. 19 a 20; Unit 3 better/ ought to; Continuous forms of modals;
Unit 2 - Lesson D Unit 3 - Lesson
Capital of the Butler School - Pg. 16 a 27
- Pg. 21 a 26
Present perfect forms of modals; Passive voice A, B
Unit 3 - Pg. 27 a 30; Unit 4
Unit 3 - Trinidad Butler School - Pg. 22 a 23 +
Unit 3 - Indefinite pronouns and adverbs
Unit 3 - Lesson C, D
- Pg. 31 a 32
Bird Man
video + quiz
Unit 4 - Lesson A, B, C (up to
Unit 4 - Pg. 33 a 37
Unit 4 - As as
One Boys Journey - Pg. 2 a 3
vocabulary practice)
Unit 4 - Would like / would rather / prefer; Present
Unit 4 - Pg. 38 a 40; Unit 5 Continuous; Present perfect; Present perfect with Unit 4 - Lesson C, D; Unit 5 Unit 4 - Young
One Boys Journey - Pg. 4 a 19
How long, Since, and For; Present perfect with
- Pg. 41 a 44
Lesson A
Riders of Mongolia
already, still, yet, and just
Unit 5 - San
One Boys Journey - Pg. 22 a 23 +
Unit 5 - Pg. 45 a 50
Unit 5 - So / such: so + adjective + that
Unit 5 - Lesson B, C, D
video + quiz
Missions District
Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 7

Unit 1 - Used to


Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

4.2.2 -

Week 1 : Starting...

{1 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 1 a 7; [GR] Unit 1 - Used to; [AU] Unit 1 - Lesson A, B, C (up to Vocabulary Practice);

This week is the beginning of level 4. This week you are going to study the e-book from pages 1
to 7 and the grammar covers the topic USED TO.
Now, lets look at each part little by little
On pages 1 and 2 of the e-book there are different images of life in the past. How are these
images of the past different from life today? We know that life has changed over the past 500 years,
but what things have made our lives better? On the other hand, what things have made our liver
On page 3, youll listen to a TV documentary about life in the past. Take a look at the words you
circle, what do you think each one means?
On pages 3 and 4 the book covers USED TO and WOULD. You know you can use both to talk
about something you had the habit of doing in the past, but you dont do anymore, ok? For example:
When I was a child, I used to / would play with my friends after school. However, if we are talking
about our appearance in the past, we can only use USED TO: I used to have long hair as a child.
As soon as you finish, reinforce your knowledge on this topic going to the grammar folder where
youll find a presentation, two grammar focus activities, a listening activity, a speaking activity, as
well as a review.
Separate another day to return to the e-book on page 4 to take the conversation. Follow with the
e-book up to page 7 and separate another day of this week to take the vocabulary and grammar
practices that youll find inside the video folder. Lets keep going : )
4.2.3 -

Week 2 : Starting...

{2 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 1 - Pg. 8 a 10; Unit 2 - Pg. 11 a 13; [GR] Unit 1 - Passive voice other tenses; Passive voice
modals in the past; [AU] Unit 1 - Lesson C, D; Unit 2 - Lesson A (up to Vocabulary Practice); [VI] Unit 1 - Columbus and the New
World; [RE] Butler School - Pg. 2 a 3;

We wish you a good week. Heres a study plan:

DAY 2 - Study the e-book, starting the grammar at the bottom of page 7. This grammar point
covers past passive voice. I was woken up by a hard noise last night. There are more examples in
the chart on page 7. After studying the chart, do the activities on page 8.
DAY 3 - Go to the VIDEO folder Lesson 1C inside Table of Contents. There you can find
GRAMMAR PRACTICE 1 and GRAMMAR PRACTICE 2. In one activity you are going to
choose the correct option to complete the sentences. In the other, match questions and answers.
Return to page 8 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the lines, listen to the
conversation and answer the question WHAT WAS LIFE LIKE FOR CARLS GRANDPARENTS?
After practicing the conversation, think about this: How were things done before postal service
was developed? How are things done now? What about city water system and garbage collection
DAY 4 - Moving to pages 9 and 10, you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen
to the audio passage (its inside the folder called VIDEO LESSON 1D READING PASSAGE:
AUDIO). The reading is about the Columbian exchange. Why did the world change a lot after
1942? After reading, there are some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more
comprehension activities inside the folder called VIDEO.

4.2 - Nvel 1, Parte 1


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

DAY 5 - You can start your day watching the video COLUMBUS AND THE NEW WORLD and
taking the video comprehension activities. What do you know about Columbus? Would you like to
compare how different Columbuss voyage was from a journey today? Here are some examples:
communication (none X radio and satellite).
Well, this is the end of Unit 1. Now, we are going to start Unit 2. The unit talks about travel.
Where have you traveled? Where would you like to travel in the future? Look at the pictures on
pages 11 and 12 and name the things you see. Have you done any of the things shown in the
In this unit, you are going to learn how to:
a) talk about preparations for a trip;
b) talk about different kinds of vacations;
c) use English at the airport;
d) discuss the pros and cons of tourism.
DAY 6 - Close the week studying the vocabulary on page 13 of the e-book. The vocabulary is
related to preparations for a trip. Are you busy before you go on a trip? What do you do?
Complement your knowledge about this vocabulary taking the Vocabulary Practice which is inside
the folder called VIDEO.
Finish the week preparing the introduction for the book Butler School on pages 2 and 3. The
story is set in England and talks about a school that prepares people to be butlers. In your opinion,
what are the advantages and disadvantages of being a butler? Great to see you around
4.2.4 -

Week 3 : Starting...

{3 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 14 a 18; [GR] Unit 2 - Have to / must; Continuous forms of modals; Present perfect forms of
modals; Passive voice modals; [AU] Unit 2 - Lesson A, B, C; [RE] Butler School - Pg. 4 a 15;

Ready for a new week? We hope so. Lets get started:

DAY 2 - This week you can start at the bottom of page 13 at the grammar section which contains
modals of necessity must, have to, have got to, dont have to. Suppose that youre going to travel.
What do you need? You must have a passport. You have to make reservations. Study the chart on
page 13 and do the activities on page 14.
Go to the folder GRAMMAR and study the topics have to / must and continuous forms of modals
in Unit 2. Both topics contain a presentation, two practices, a speaking and a listening activity, as
well as a review.
DAY 3 - Lets start the day doing the grammar practice exercises inside the folder VIDEO. In the
first activity, you complete the sentences with the correct modal. In the second one, you match the
beginnings to the endings of the sentences.
Finish the day reading pages 5-10 of the book Butler School. On page 11 there are 4 sentences to
check true or false.
DAY 4 - Return to page 14 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the
conversation, play the audio and answer the question WHERE IS PETER GOING ON HIS
VACATION? Then, read the conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation
and intonation.



Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

In this conversation, Ed and Peter are talking about where Peter is going to go on his vacation
and the things he has to do before going. If you go to Turkey, do you need a passport? Do you have
to get a vaccination if you go to Australia? What do tourists need to do before coming to Brazil?
Moving to page 15, you have three pictures of different vacations and descriptions for them. Can
you match each picture to a description? Listen to people talking about their vacations and complete
the activities. What kind of vacation would you prefer to take? There are other listening
comprehension activities inside the VIDEO folder.
Finish the day practicing the reduction sound of have to, has to, got to. The more you practice
(listen and repeat), the better your pronunciation will be.
DAY 5 - On page 17 theres a language expansion activity. Youll learn vocabulary used at the
airport. Before doing the activity, I have some questions for you: Where is the nearest airport? Have
you been there? What is it like? Do the activities on the page, as well as the vocabulary practice
inside the folder VIDEO.
Go to the grammar which starts at the bottom of page 17 of the e-book. We continue studying the
modals, but this time we have modal of prohibition must not, cant. If I travel by plane, I must not
take anything dangerous. Do the activities on page 18 as well as the grammar practice inside the
folder VIDEO.
DAY 6 - On this last studying day, lets go to the conversation on page 18. Youll hear a check-in
agent and a traveler at the check in counter. Before reading the lines, play the audio and answer the
question: WHAT TIME WILL THE TRAVELER GET ON THE PLANE? Practice the conversation
until you consider your pronunciation is good.
The last activities of this week are the grammar exercises inside the GRAMMAR folder, on
present perfect forms of modals and passive voice modals. Then, relax and recharge your batteries
for next week.
4.2.5 -

Week 4 : Starting...

{4 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 2 - Pg. 19 a 20; Unit 3 - Pg. 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 3 - Should / shouldnt; Should / shouldnt / had
better/ ought to; Continuous forms of modals; Present perfect forms of modals; Passive voice modals; [AU] Unit 2 - Lesson D Unit
3 - Lesson A, B; [VI] Unit 2 - Adventure Capital of the World; [RE] Butler School - Pg. 16 a 27;

Looking for challenges? You may find here.

DAY 2 - When we need to make a choice, its important to analyze the pros and cons. I mean: the
advantages and disadvantages of each option. This is what you are going to read on the text on
pages 19 and 20. Remember to listen to the audio so that you can answer the questions of the ebook and the reading comprehension questions in the folder VIDEO LESSON 2D. After reading,
think about what tourists can do about the problem in Khumbu. For example: They must / They
must not / They have to / They dont have to
Watch the video ADVENTURE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD about a story which takes place in
New Zealand. Do the video comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO. Plan a three-day tour of
your country for foreign visitors. What kind of tour will they have: an adventure, a history, or a
nature one? Which places will they visit? What will they do in each place?Use your imagination.
DAY 3 - In virtually every country in the world, career patterns are shifting. According to
experts, the average person in the United States will hold 10 different jobs between the ages of 18
and 38. The theme of Unit 3 is careers. Look at the pictures on pages 21 and 22 and name the
careers you see in each picture. Which of these careers would you enjoy the most? Why? Which of
these careers would you not like to have? Think about your reasons.
4.2 - Nvel 1, Parte 1


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

In this unit youll learn to:

a) discuss career choices;
b) ask and answer job-related questions;
c) talk about career planning;
d) identify career qualification.
Finish the day reading up to page 27 of the book BUTLER SCHOOL. On pages 11, 15 and 27
you have extra reading technique exercises.
DAY 4 - In some countries, high-school students have part-time jobs after school (such as
working for a few hours in a store or fast-food restaurant) and might also do volunteer work (such
as reading stories to children in a hospital).
Then, they need to talk to a career advisor a teacher who helps students choose and prepare for
their future careers. On page 23 of the e-book you are going to hear a conversation in a high school
between a student and a career advisor. Do the activities on this page as well as the activity in the
folder VIDEO Lesson 3A.
What should Marcy do to start her own business? Study the chart at the bottom of page 23 and
think about more advice you could give Marcy using should, shouldnt, ought to and had better
(not). Then do the activity on page 24 and study the following topics inside the folder GRAMMAR:
should / shouldnt, should / shouldnt / had better / ought to, continuous forms of modals, present
perfect forms of modals and passive voice modals.
DAY 5 - On page 24, there is a conversation between Miranda and Bob. Bob is talking about his
new job, but it seems that he doesnt like it. Before reading the lines of the conversation, play the
audio and answer the question WHY DOESNT BOB LIKE HIS JOB? Then, practice the
conversation as many times as you can in order to improve your pronunciation and intonation.
Look at this list of careers: sales representative, lawyer, computer software engineer, homemaker,
information technology specialist and health care worker. Choose one of them and describe the
training, experience, and other qualifications required for that career.
DAY 6 - What are the attributes of a good job? Here you have some of them. Rank these
attributes from the most important to the least important, according to your opinion: amount of
vacation time, wage or salary level, working alone or with others, distance from home, long-term
employment and interesting job duties.
Then, on page 25 of the e-book you listen to an interview with a man about his job. Listen to the
audio and do the activities that follow. Would you like to have your uncle as your boss? Why, or
why not? Take the chance to do other listening comprehension activities which are in the folder
VIDEO Lesson 3B.
Then, practice the intonation of questions. Notice how to pronounce yes/no questions and whquestions. Finish the week taking the pronunciation practice in the folder VIDEO Lesson 3B.
4.2.6 -

Week 5 : Starting...

{5 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 3 - Pg. 27 a 30; Unit 4 - Pg. 31 a 32; [GR] Unit 3 - Indefinite pronouns and adverbs; [AU] Unit 3 Lesson C, D; [VI] Unit 3 - Trinidad Bird Man; [RE] Butler School - Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quiz;

Good to see you prepared for a new week.

DAY 2 - 911 is the telephone number in the United States for any kind of emergency a person
might have. Go to page 27 of the e-book and read the article about a volunteer firefighter, and then


Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

do the activities that follow. Complement this topic studying the vocabulary practice in the folder
VIDEO Lesson 3C.
Go to the expansion reading of the book BUTLER SCHOOL on pages 30 and 31. Its the story
about a rich family and their butler. Finish the week watching the video and doing the quiz of this
DAY 3 - Yesterday, I got out some old clothes that I dont wear very often. In one pair of pants,
there was something in the pocket. I didnt know what it was. I looked, and I found $10! So I
looked in all my other pockets. But there was nothing special. What about you, right now? Is there
anything in your pocket? Oh good, there is something. What is it? Ah, there is nothing! What a
shame! Go to the bottom of page 27 and study the indefinite pronouns. Then, do the exercises on
page 28 and the activities in the folder GRAMMAR indefinite pronouns and adverbs.
Two young people Parker and Kimberly are talking about their plans for when they finish
high school. Listen to the conversation on page 28 and answer the question WHATS THE MAN
PLANNING TO DO? Practice the conversation as much as you can. Then think: what kind of
career would be interesting and satisfying to you? What are you doing now to prepare for your
future career?
Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 3C. In both
activities, choose the correct indefinite pronoun to complete each sentence.
DAY 4 - Whats a rain forest? Where are they? What kinds of plants and animals live there? After
thinking about these questions and the ones proposed by activity A on page 29 of the e-book, read
the text and do the activities that follow. Listen to the audio for this reading passage and also do the
comprehension exercises in the folder VIDEO. Practice your reading.
DAY 5 - Today, watch the video TRINIDAD BIRD MAN. This video you are going to watch is
about a man who works in Trinidad and Tobago. Take the comprehension as soon as you finish
watching the video. Watch as many times as necessary, until you can understand the video without
reading the subtitles.
Would you like to become a wildlife photographer? Check if you fit the profile. What time do
you like to get up in the morning? How do you feel about spending a lot of time outdoors? Are you
a very patient person? Why, or why not? Do you prefer to wear casual clothes or stylish clothes?
What do you think is the most interesting kind of wildlife? And then, would this job be good for
DAY 6 - Every culture around the world has special days of celebration. These may be traditional
holidays such as New Years Day or religious celebrations. They may be modern innovations like a
music festival or a craft fair. Or they may be personal celebrations such as a birthday or a wedding
anniversary. In unit 4, you will learn about and discuss all three kinds of celebrations. Look at the
pictures on pages 31 and 32 and think about what is being celebrated in each one.
In this unit youll learn how to:
a) describe a festival;
b) compare holidays in different countries;
c) talk about personal celebrations;
d) share holiday traditions.
Have a nice week.

4.2 - Nvel 1, Parte 1


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

4.2.7 -

Week 6 : Starting...

{6 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 4 - Pg. 33 a 37; [GR] Unit 4 - As as; [AU] Unit 4 - Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary practice);
[RE] One Boys Journey - Pg. 2 a 3;

Welcome to week 6 of level 4.

DAY 2 - What is special about December 31? What do people usually do in the evening? Read
the article about a special New Years celebration on page 33 and do the activity that follows. After
having studied the page, think: What festivals have you participated in? What other festivals do you
know about? Would you like to participate in Hogmanay in Edinburgh? Why, or why not? Take the
vocabulary practice activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 4A.
Dave and Yuki are talking about special festivals in Yukis city Tokyo. Before reading the
conversation on page 34, listen to the audio and answer the question WHEN IS THE FESTIVAL
THEY TALK ABOUT? Think about a special celebration in your city. When, why, and how do you
celebrate this festival?
DAY 3 - The grammar topic at the bottom of page 33 shows comparison. Study the chart and do
the exercises that follow on page 34. Take the activity in the folder GRAMMAR as as. Can
you compare two cities using as .. as? For example: Rio de Janeiro is as busy as Belo Horizonte.
Now you can compare two TV programs, two sports, etc.
Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 4A. Match
the beginnings to the endings of the sentences in the first activity, and then fill in the blanks with the
correct comparison in the second activity.
DAY 4 - On page 35 you are going to hear three people talking about holidays that they celebrate.
Listen to the audio and do the activities on the page. Take some time to do the listening
comprehension exercises in the folder VIDEO.
DAY 5 - Learn how to pronounce question intonation with lists on page 36. Theres more practice
in the folder VIDEO.
Start reading the book ONE BOYS JOURNEY. Today, read the introduction on pages 2 and 3.
This story is set in two countries near the Sahara Desert in Africa. Prepare the vocabulary and well
start reading next week.
DAY 6 - When do you send greeting cards to people? What kinds of cards do you like to send?
Learn vocabulary related to greetings for celebrations on page 37 and then do the exercises that
follow. Finish the week with the vocabulary practice activity in the folder VIDEO lesson 4C.
4.2.8 -

Week 7 : Starting...

{7 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 4 - Pg. 38 a 40; Unit 5 - Pg. 41 a 44; [GR] Unit 4 - Would like / would rather / prefer; Present
Continuous; Present perfect; Present perfect with How long, Since, and For; Present perfect with already, still, yet, and just; [AU]
Unit 4 - Lesson C, D; Unit 5 - Lesson A; [VI] Unit 4 - Young Riders of Mongolia; [RE] One Boys Journey - Pg. 4 a 19;

Its nice to meet you again !

DAY 2 - The grammar topic at the bottom of page 37 shows would rather. We use would rather +
infinitive to express a preference among alternatives. Look at this example: Would you like to have
pizza tonight? No, Id rather have steak. Study the chart on page 37 and do the exercises that follow
on page 38. Study the topic would like / would rather / prefer in the folder GRAMMAR.
Still on page 38, there is a conversation between Mike and Katie. They are talking about how
they would rather celebrate a special day that is coming next week. Listen to the conversation and
answer the question WHICH CELEBRATION IS COMING SOON? Then, practice the
conversation as much as you can.


Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

Finish the day taking the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 4C. In both
activities, match the phrases in the right to the ones in the left.
DAY 3 - Are there any differences between new holidays and old ones? Are new holidays as good
as old ones? Think about these questions and the ones proposed by the e-book. Then, read the text
about starting a new tradition on page 39 and do the activities that follow. Complement, listening to
the audio related to this text.
You can also take more reading comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 4D. After
reading the text go to the Internet and find information about one of these holidays in Englishspeaking countries: Thanksgiving, Guy Fawkes Day, Boxing Day, Groundhog Day.
DAY 4 - Mongolia is a large country in Central Asia. Most of its area is desert and mountains,
and there is very little land suitable for farming. The Naadam festival has taken place for centuries
and is devoted to the three main Mongolian sports: archery, wrestling, and horse racing. Watch the
video YOUNG RIDERS OF MONGOLIA and do the activity that follows. What are some
traditional sports in your country? Are they still popular?
Go through the whole book ONE BOYS JOURNEY. Page 5 asks you to skim for the gist, that is,
you will have to read through the entire book quickly in order to answer the questions. Dont give
much attention to new vocabulary at this moment, youll have another opportunity to read again.
Then, on page 19, you will be asked to summarize the story.
DAY 5 - Lets start the last unit of this part of the course. The theme of Unit 5 is drawn from the
field of human geography, which studies peoples interaction with the environment. Traditional
cultures developed in response to the natural environments in which they lived, leading to
differences in food, livelihoods, housing and beliefs. Now, with increasingly mobility in the world,
people and cultures are mingling as never before. Look at the pictures on pages 41 and 42 and name
the things you see in each one. What are some good things about your city? And what are some bad
The goals of this unit are:
a) discuss reasons for living where you do;
b) explain why you plan to stay or leave;
c) describe a new place;
d) examine human migration.
On page 43 youll learn vocabulary related to reasons for living where you do. After having
studied page 43, take the vocabulary practice exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 5A.
DAY 6 - The grammar topic of this unit will review the PRESENT PERFECT and introduce the
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS. What have you done so far this week? What projects have
you been working on that arent finished? Study the chart on page 43 and the exercises on page 44.
Then do the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 5A.
Jacob and Sonia are describing the place where they live. Listen to the conversation and answer
conversation a few times to improve your pronunciation and intonation. Why do you live where you
live? Has your family lived there for a long time? What do you like and dislike about living there?
Have you ever moved to a new place?
Finish the week studying the following topics in the folder GRAMMAR present continuous,
present perfect, present perfect with how long, since, and for, present perfect with already, still, yet,
and just.
4.2 - Nvel 1, Parte 1


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

4.2.9 -

Week 8 : Starting...

{8 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 5 - Pg. 45 a 50; [GR] Unit 5 - So / such: so + adjective + that; [AU] Unit 5 - Lesson B, C, D; [VI]
Unit 5 - San Francisco Missions District; [RE] One Boys Journey - Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quiz ;

Wow, the end of one more part. Congratulations!

DAY 2 - Do you remember the reasons you gave for living where you do? Some of the reasons
might be: the climate, having family members nearby, employment opportunities, environmental
qualities. On page 45 you are going to listen to four people talk about the places where they live.
Listen to the audio and do the activities on this page. Ok, you have already said the reasons why
you live where you live. Now think: how are your reasons different from your parents or
grandparents reasons? What might make you want to move to a new place? Then, remember theres
a listening comprehension practice in the folder VIDEO Lesson 5B.
Contractions are short combinations of two words. Using contractions in casual speech will help
you sound more natural. Listen to the audio and practice not only the exercises on page 46, but also
the exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 5B.
DAY 3 - The vocabulary presented on page 47 is related to climate. There is more practice in the
folder VIDEO Lesson 5C. Dont miss it.
Watch the video SAN FRANCISCOS MISSION DISTRICT and learn more about this part of
California. After watching the video, think: If you lived in San Francisco, what would you enjoy
about the neighborhood? How does the neighborhood where you live compare to the Mission
District? Take the video comprehension activities.
DAY 4 - I was very, very tired last night. I was so tired that I didnt watch TV. I was so tired that I
went to bed at ten oclock. Where you tired last night? How tired were you? Complete: I was so
tired that This grammar topic starts at the bottom of page 47. After studying the chart, do the
activities on page 48 as well as the two grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson
5C. In the first activity, match the result to the condition. Then, choose the correct option in the
second activity.
DAY 5 - Listen to a telephone conversation between Sandra and Ryan on page 48 and answer the
question HOW HAS RYANS LIFE CHANGED RECENTLY? Then practice the conversation as
much as possible. Imagine that youve been living in a new place for a few weeks. Where are you?
Think about your life in your new home.
DAY 6 - This last reading activity on pages 49 and 50 talks about human migration. Who were
the first people in our country? Where did they come from? How did people travel thousands of
years ago? Why do you think they moved to new places? Read and listen to the text and answer the
questions on page 49 as well as the reading comprehension question in the folder VIDEO Lesson
The extra text in the book ONE BOYS JOURNEY talks about the story of real cowboys. How
long does it take you to read the 340 words? In addition, watch the video and do the quiz.
Congratulations on reaching one more goal.



Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

4.3 - Nvel 4, Parte 2

4.3.1 -

Nvel 4 Parte 2



Unit 6 - Gerunds as subjects of sentences . Using
gerunds with prepositions

Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 7

Unit 6 - Pg. 8 a 10; Unit 7 Unit 6 - May / might

Pg. 11 a 13

Unit 7 - Pg. 14 a 18


Unit 7 - Passive voice simple present tense;

Passive voice other tenses; Complex passives;
Passive voice modals; Passive forms of stative
verbs;Past perfect;
Unit 8 - Gerunds as subjects of sentence; Verbs
Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 20; Unit 8
followed by infinitives; Using gerunds with
- Pg. 21 a 26
Unit 8 - Passive voice simple present tense;
Unit 8 - Pg. 27 a 30; Unit 9 Passive voice other tenses; Complex passives;
- Pg. 31 a 32
Passive voice modals; Passive forms of stative
Unit 9 - Present unreal conditional; Past unreal
Unit 9 - Pg. 33 a 37
Unit 9 - Pg. 38 a 40; Unit Unit 9 - Present and past wishes; Unit 10 10 - Pg. 41 a 44
Reported speech; Pronouns and possessives
Unit 10 - Adjective clauses with Who, Which, and

Unit 10 - Pg. 45 a 50

4.3.2 -

Unit 6 - Lesson A / Lesson B /
Lesson C (up to Vocabulary
Unit 6 - Lesson C, D; Unit 7 Lesson A (up to Vocabulary
Unit 7 - Lesson A, B, C
Unit 7 - Lesson D; Unit 8 - Lesson
A, B



Unit 6 - Memory
Killer Bees - Pg. 2 a 3

Killer Bees - Pg. 4 a 15

Unit 7 - The
Rising Water

Killer Bees - Pg. 16 a 27

Unit 8 - Lesson C, D

Unit 8 - Making a Killer Bees - Pg. 22 a 23 + video +


Unit 9 - Lesson A, B, C (up to

vocabulary practice)
Unit 9 - Lesson C, D; Unit 10 Lesson A

The Lost Temples of The Mayas Pg. 2 a 3

Unit 9 - Andean The Lost Temples of The Mayas Weavers
Pg. 4 a 27

Unit 10 - Lesson B, C, D

Unit 10 - Rock Art

The Lost Temples of The Mayas Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quiz

Week 1 : Starting...

{1 Sem - #N4P2} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 1 a 7; [GR] Unit 6 - Gerunds as subjects of sentences . Using gerunds with prepositions;
[AU] Unit 6 - Lesson A / Lesson B / Lesson C (up to Vocabulary Practice);

Welcome to the second part of level 4. This week you are going to study the e-book from pages 1
to 7 and the grammar covers the topic GERUNDS AS SUBJECTS.
Now, lets look at each part little by little.
On pages 1 and 2 of the e-book there are pictures showing people using different senses. What
are some things that you enjoy seeing, smelling, tasting, hearing, and touching?
On page 3, youll read an article talking about memory. After reading the article, try to answer
these questions: Have you ever traveled to a large city? How did you learn where the streets were?
On pages 3 and 4 the book covers GERUND AS SUBJECTS AND AFTER PREPOSITIONS.
Take a look at the explanation and do the exercises that follow. After this, reinforce your knowledge
on this topic going to the grammar folder where youll find a presentation, two grammar focus
activities, a listening activity, a speaking activity, as well as a review.
Separate another day to return to the e-book on page 4 to take the conversation. Follow with the
e-book up to page 7 and separate another day of this week to take the vocabulary and grammar
practices that youll find inside the video folder. Lets keep going.
4.3.3 -

Week 2 : Starting...

{2 Sem - #N4P2} [EB] Unit 6 - Pg. 8 a 10; Unit 7 - Pg. 11 a 13; [GR] Unit 6 - May / might; [AU] Unit 6 - Lesson C, D; Unit 7 Lesson A (up to Vocabulary Practice); [VI] Unit 6 - Memory Man; [RE] Killer Bees - Pg. 2 a 3;

After the week review, follow the suggestion below and have a nice week:
4.3 - Nvel 4, Parte 2


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

DAY 2 - Study the grammar which starts at the bottom of page 7 of the e-book. This grammar
point covers some modals of possibility may, might, could. Think about the animals you are afraid
of and answer: Why are you afraid of (dogs)? Maybe because they could bite you. Study the chart
on page 7 and after completing the exercises on page 8, close the e-book and go to the folder
VIDEO to reinforce this topic. There are two activities. Match the beginnings to the endings of the
sentences in the first activity and fill in the blanks with the correct option in the second one.
DAY 3 - Prepare the introduction for the book Killer Bees on pages 2 and 3. This story is set in
Latin America, more specifically in the countries of Panama and Mexico.
Study the conversation on page 8 of the e-book. Before reading the conversation, play the audio
and answer the question WHATS ANDY AFRAID OF? Then, read the conversation silently and
play the audio to practice your pronunciation and intonation. Think about something you are afraid
of. Why are you afraid of it? Use MAY, MIGHT or COULD in your answer.
Finish the day studying the grammar may / might inside the folder GRAMMAR in Unit 6.
DAY 4 - Moving to pages 9 and 10, you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen
to the audio passage (its inside the folder called VIDEO LESSON 6D READING PASSAGE:
AUDIO). After reading, there are some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more
comprehension activities inside the folder called VIDEO. The text talks about how you describe
emotional experiences. How do you know how a person feels? Do you think peoples faces show
the same feelings in all countries? Think about a time you felt one of the emotions in the reading.
What happened? How did you feel? What did you do? What did you learn from the experience?
You can also watch the video MEMORY MAN and take the video comprehension activities. This
video shows the story of an Italian man who has a great memory. How can he remember things like
this? After watching the video, think: Why does Gianni Golfera has such a good memory? Would
you like to take Giannis memory class?
DAY 5 - Lets start Unit 7. In this unit youll look at two different ways in which human activity
affects the planet as a whole. How is our planet changing? The unit also looks at the complex
problem of invasive species of plants and animals.
You are going to learn how to:
a) discuss causes and effects;
b) suggest solutions to the climate change problem;
c) understand the complex problem of invasive species;
d) consider the ways present actions affect the future.
In your opinion, what is the most serious problem in the world today? Do you have any ideas
about how to solve this problem?
DAY 6 - Lets close the week studying the vocabulary on page 13 of the e- book. First, look at the
pictures on the page what do you see in them? What causes these situations? What effects do these
situations produce on the environment? Read the article and match the words in blue to the
meanings. Complement your knowledge about this vocabulary taking the Vocabulary Practice
which is inside the folder called VIDEO.
4.3.4 -

Week 3 : Starting...

{3 Sem - #N4P2} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 14 a 18; [GR] Unit 7 - Passive voice simple present tense; Passive voice other tenses;
Complex passives; Passive voice modals; Passive forms of stative verbs;Past perfect;; [AU] Unit 7 - Lesson A, B, C; [RE] Killer
Bees - Pg. 4 a 15;



Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

Lets get down to some work. Have a nice week

DAY 2 - This week you can start at the bottom of page 13 at the grammar section which deals
with the passive voice. Study the chart on pages 13 and 14 and go to the exercises on page 14.
Then, take the opportunity to do the exercise inside the folder VIDEO. Both activities provide more
practice on the passive voice. In the first activity you have to choose the correct option and in the
second activity match the beginnings to the endings of the sentences.
In the folder GRAMMAR Unit 7 there are 5 grammar topics to be studied. Take the three first
ones today: passive voice simple present tense, passive voice other tenses and complex passives.
The other two topics you can study tomorrow.
DAY 3 - Start the day reading pages 4-9 of the book Killer Bees. On page 9 there are two
activities asking you to identify the main idea. Now take the two grammar topics that were
previously mentioned: passive voice modals and passive forms of stative verbs.
DAY 4 - Move to page 15. Do you usually listen to the weather forecast? Does any type of
extreme weather occur in our country? Listen to the audio and do the activities on the page. There
are other listening comprehension activities inside the VIDEO folder.
Finish the day practicing the sound of linking words together. Take an extra practice inside the
VIDEO folder.
DAY 5 - Before listening to the conversation on page 16, play the audio and answer the question:
practice the conversation between Sonia and Pedro. How is climate change affecting your country?
Make a list of ways people could help solve the climate change problem.
On page 17 theres a language expansion activity related to the complex problem of invasive
species. Theres more vocabulary practice inside the folder VIDEO. Practice as much as you can.
DAY 6 - Lets finish the week with some grammar. On page 18 you can see a chart for the past
perfect tense. Take the activity that follows as well as the two exercises on grammar practice inside
the folder VIDEO.
The last activity of this week is the conversation on page 18. Youll hear two people Abdullah
and Henry talking about invasive species. After practicing the conversation, think about why it is
so difficult to get rid of invasive species plants or animals. Enjoy your progress! Nvel 4, Parte 2
4.3.5 -

Week 4 : Starting...

{4 Sem - #N4P2} [EB] Unit 7 - Pg. 19 a 20; Unit 8 - Pg. 21 a 26; [GR] Unit 8 - Gerunds as subjects of sentence; Verbs followed
by infinitives; Using gerunds with prepositions; [AU] Unit 7 - Lesson D; Unit 8 - Lesson A, B; [VI] Unit 7 - The Netherlands: Rising
Water; [RE] Killer Bees - Pg. 16 a 27;

Lets get down to some work. Are you ready?

DAY 2 - Why is carbon so important today? Yes, its because carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is
causing global warming. Read an article about the carbon connection and then, listen to the audio.
As soon as you finish, do the reading comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO 7D.
Watch the video THE NETHERLANDS: RISING WATER. The Netherlands is a kingdom in
Northern Europe. This country is the most densely populated in the world, with over 16 million
people. Nonetheless, farming is very important there, and the country is well-known for cheese,
other dairy products, and cut flowers. The Netherlands is also known for its very modern and liberal
policies on social issues. Do the video comprehension activities in the folder VIDEO. Then, think
about the advantages and disadvantages of letting some of the land in the Netherlands fill up with
4.3 - Nvel 4, Parte 2


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

DAY 3 - The history of money may date back more than 100,000 years. When people first began
to exchange goods, some goods were more valuable than others and could be exchanged for
anything. Necklaces or shell beads may have been one of the first kinds of money. Unit 8 teaches
the vocabulary for daily transactions with money and talks about habits and beliefs about it. Look at
the pictures on pages 21 and 22 and name the forms of money you see in them. What pictures are
on the paper money in our country? Can you remember them all without looking? Why were these
pictures chosen for the money?
In this unit youll learn to:
a) describe your money habits;
b) discuss things that people value;
c) talk about banking;
d) talk about wealth.
Finish the day reading the book KILLER BEES! up to page 27. Could you imagine everything
you learned about these little insects?
DAY 4 - On page 23 of the e-book youll find vocabulary related to money habits. Do the
activities on this page as well as the activity in the folder VIDEO 8A. Complement your
vocabulary with these budget categories: food, clothing, housing (rent / mortgage), utilities (water,
gas, electricity, phone, sewer), educational expenses, transportation, entertainment, charitable
When we use two verbs together, the second verb is in either the gerund or infinitive form. Study
the chart at the bottom of page 23 and learn the rule that tells which verbs are followed by gerunds
and which are followed by infinitives. Do the activities that follow on page 24 as well as the
grammar practice in the folder VIDEO.
Study the following grammar topics in the folder GRAMMAR: gerunds or subject of sentence,
verbs followed by infinitives, using gerunds with prepositions.
DAY 5 - On page 24, there is a conversation between Beth and Rick talking about something they
did to save money. Before reading the lines of the conversation, play the audio and answer the
question WHEN DOES THE MAN GO OUT WITH HIS FRIENDS? Then, practice the
conversation as many times as you can in order to improve your pronunciation and intonation. Do
you have any money-saving ideas to share? Are your money habits similar to your friends habits or
DAY 6 - On page 25 youll hear a radio program about the history of money. Why do people
want money? Does having more money always make people happier? Think about things that
people value in our society. Are these things different now than in the past? Listen to the audio and
do the activities on page 25. Then, take the chance to do another listening comprehension activity
which is in the folder VIDEO Lesson 8B.
In informal speaking, the word to is reduced and pronounced with a schwa sound. Finish the
week taking the pronunciation activity on page 26 and the pronunciation practice in the folder
VIDEO Lesson 8B.
4.3.6 -

Week 5 : Starting...

{5 Sem - #N4P2} [EB] Unit 8 - Pg. 27 a 30; Unit 9 - Pg. 31 a 32; [GR] Unit 8 - Passive voice simple present tense; Passive
voice other tenses; Complex passives; Passive voice modals; Passive forms of stative verbs; [AU] Unit 8 - Lesson C, D; [VI]
Unit 8 - Making a Deal; [RE] Killer Bees - Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quiz;



Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

I wish you a nice week!

DAY 2 - Do you have a bank account? How often do you go to the bank? Go to page 27 of the ebook and learn vocabulary related to banking. Study page 27 and complement this topic studying
the vocabulary practice in the folder VIDEO Lesson 8C.
Go to the expansion reading of the book KILLER BEES! on pages 30 and 31 and finish the week
watching the video and doing the quiz of this material. In this extra reading, youll learn more about
another insect the butterflies.
DAY 3 - The grammar point which starts at the bottom of page 27 is a review of the PASSIVE
VOICE. Just to remind you, passive sentences emphasize the result of an action, rather than the
agent who does the action. The subject of a passive-voice sentence is the object that is receiving an
action. Study the chart and do the activities that follow.
Take the opportunity to study the following topic in the folder GRAMMAR passive voice
simple present tense, passive voice other tenses, complex passives, passive voice modals,
passive forms of stative verbs.
Study the conversation on page 28 and answer the question HOW MUCH MONEY DOES THE
WOMAN WANT? After listening the conversation for a few times, practice it as much as you can.
Make new conversations pretending you want to deposit $200 in your checking account and
withdraw $150 from your savings account.
Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 8C. In both
exercises, fill in the blanks with the correct passive voice.
DAY 4 - Does money always make people happy? Read the text on pages 29 and 30, about how
your life can change after winning much money, such as hitting the jackpot. Listen to the audio for
this reading passage and do the comprehension exercises both on pages 29 and 30 and in the folder
VIDEO. Practice your reading. If you want, search on the Internet using the term lottery winner to
find out about the experiences of one person who won the lottery. You could also survey friends and
family members about their opinions of lotteries.
DAY 5 - Today, watch the video MAKING A DEAL. This story set in Morocco, talks about
shopping in a marketplace in Marrakech. What kinds of things are sold at open-air markets? Take
the comprehension as soon as you finish watching the video. Watch as many times as necessary,
until you can understand the video without reading the subtitles. Nvel 4, Parte 2
DAY 6 - Lets finish the week starting Unit 9. With the increase in extreme weather caused by
global warming, natural disasters are becoming more prominent in the news. Hurricanes in the
Caribbean, floods in southern Asia, droughts in Australia, and severe cold and heat in Europe have
all made headlines in recent years. In this unit you will begin by looking at natural disasters and the
things people do to prepare for them. Look at the pictures on pages 31 and 32 and think about the
questions proposed by the book. Were you, or someone you know, ever in a dangerous situation?
What did you do to survive?
In this unit youll learn how to:
a) talk about emergency situations;
b) evaluate survival methods;
c) consider animal survival;
d) describe a survival school.

4.3 - Nvel 4, Parte 2


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

4.3.7 -

Week 6 : Starting...

{6 Sem - #N4P2} [EB] Unit 9 - Pg. 33 a 37; [GR] Unit 9 - Present unreal conditional; Past unreal conditional; [AU] Unit 9 Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary practice); [RE] The Lost Temples of The Mayas - Pg. 2 a 3;

Welcome again.
DAY 2 - What kind of natural disasters can happen where you live? What equipment and supplies
do people need to survive these natural disasters? On page 33, youll read part of a survival
brochure. After taking the activities on this page, do the one in the folder VIDEO Lesson 9A.
Before reading the conversation on page 34 between Isabel and Nathan talking about things that
make them worry, listen to the audio and answer the question: WHAT ADVICE DOES NATHAN
GIVE ISABEL? Then, practice the conversation. Think about emergency situations that are likely
to happen where you live. What would you do in these situations? Nvel 4, Parte 2
DAY 3 - I dont have a million dollars. Im not rich. But if I had a million dollars, I would buy a
big house. If I had a million dollars, I would buy presents for all my friends. What about you? What
would you do if you had a million dollars? The grammar section which starts at the bottom of page
33 introduces the second of the three types of conditional sentences in English. Study the chart and
do the exercises that follow on page 34. Complement the grammar studying the exercises in the
folder GRAMMAR: present unreal conditional, and past unreal conditional. Remember that for
each topic theres an introduction, grammar practices, listening and pronunciation practices and
Finish your day doing the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 9A. In the
first activity, match the condition to a result. Then, in the second activity, fill in the blanks with the
correct option.
DAY 4 - Do you ever listen to radio call-in shows programs where listeners can phone with
questions or comments about a topic and be on the radio? On page 35, you are going to listen to a
radio call-in show. After doing the activities on this page, take some time to do the listening
comprehension exercises in the folder VIDEO. Nvel 4, Parte 2
DAY 5 - In casual speaking, many words are pronounced with a reduced form. On page 36, listen
to the reduced forms of do you and did you. Besides the activities on this page, theres more
practice in the folder VIDEO.
Start reading the book THE LOST TEMPLES OF THE MAYA. Today, read the introduction on
pages 2 and 3. The story is set in Guatemala, in Central America and talks about the Maya
DAY 6 - Animal survival is related to species of animals that are experiencing conditions that
could kill them. Read the article on page 37 about New Zealand Coastal Reserves and do the
exercises that follow. Finish the week with the vocabulary practice activity in the folder VIDEO
lesson 9C. Have a nice week.
4.3.8 -

Week 7 : Starting...

{7 Sem - #N4P2} [EB] Unit 9 - Pg. 38 a 40; Unit 10 - Pg. 41 a 44; [GR] Unit 9 - Present and past wishes; Unit 10 - Reported
speech; Pronouns and possessives; [AU] Unit 9 - Lesson C, D; Unit 10 - Lesson A; [VI] Unit 9 - Andean Weavers; [RE] The Lost
Temples of The Mayas - Pg. 4 a 27;

Fancy a new week? Here it is!

DAY 2 - The grammar topic at the bottom of page 37 deals with wish in the present. Study the
chart on page 38 and do the exercises that follow. Then, complement this knowledge taking the
exercises in the folder GRAMMAR: present and past wishes. Write three wishes: one for your city,


Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

one for your country, and one for the world. For example: I wish the air in this city were cleaner. I
wish we had better schools in this country. I wish countries could get along. So, what are your
Still on page 38, there is a conversation between Andrew and Caleb. They are talking about some
wishes they have. Listen to the audio and answer the question IN WHAT WAYS DO MEERKATS
COOPERATE IN ORDER TO SURVIVE? Then, listen again and practice the conversation. Make a
list of several animals and think about some of the things these animals do to survive.
Finish the day taking the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 9C. In the
first activity, choose the correct option in a multiple- choice task. Then, in the second activity, fill in
the blanks with the correct verb.
DAY 4 - Think about the idea of a survival school. What do you think people could learn there?
On pages 39 and 40, youll read a text about a survival school in Utah, the USA. Read the passage
(and also listen to it) and do the activities on the page. Then, take more reading comprehension
activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 9D. There are a number of survival schools in the United
States, and BOSS is considered the most physical demanding. Participants carry only a knife, water
cup, blanket, and poncho. Some of the skills they learn include catching fish with their hands and
killing a sheep with a knife. Think of a place in your country where a survival school would work
well. Consider the reasons why it would be a good place for a survival school and also mention the
things the students at the school would learn and experience.
DAY 5 - You are going to watch a video which takes place in Chinchero, a small village in the
Andes Mountains, in Peru. Watch the video ANDEAN WEAVERS and discover more about this
people. Do the activity that follows. What traditional products are made where you live
Go through the whole book THE LOST TEMPLES OF THE MAYA. There are tasks on pages 9,
13 and 25. What was impressive about the way this people lived?
DAY 6 - Lets start the last unit of this part of the course. Unit 10 talks about art. Art is as old as
human history itself. Sculptures and cave paintings have been found that are 40,000 years old.
Today, a wider range of people are creating visual art. Look at the pictures on pages 41 and 42 and
name the things you see in each one. Where can you go to see art like this? Do you enjoy looking at
art? Why, or why not?
The goals of this unit are:
a) report what another person said;
b) express your opinions about a piece of art;
c) describe your favorite artists and their art;
d) talk about public art.
Look at the picture in the article on page 43. Do you know where the artist is from? Read the
article and do the activity that follows. After having studied page 43, finish the week taking the
vocabulary practice exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10A. Other kinds of visual artists are:
painter, sculptor, printmaker, photographer, architect, weaver and woodcarver.
The grammar starting at the bottom of page 43 teaches REPORTED SPEECH. In reported speech
statements, the verb generally changes to the past tense, because the statement that is reported was
made during past time. Study the chart and do the exercises on page 44 as well as the grammar
practice activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10A.
Finish the week taking the GRAMMAR reported speech, and pronouns and possessives in
reported speech. Nvel 4, Parte 2
4.3 - Nvel 4, Parte 2


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

4.3.9 -

Week 8 : Starting...

{8 Sem - #N4P2} [EB] Unit 10 - Pg. 45 a 50; [GR] Unit 10 - Adjective clauses with Who, Which, and That; [AU] Unit 10 Lesson B, C, D; [VI] Unit 10 - Rock Art; [RE] The Lost Temples of The Mayas - Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quiz;

Welcome to the last week of this part. Congratulations!

DAY 2 - Listen to the conversation on page 44 and answer the question WHAT DID JENNIES
BROTHER SAY ABOUT THE PAINTINGS? Practice the conversation as much as you can.
Can you describe the paintings on page 45? Youll hear people talking about three of the
paintings. Listen to the audio and do the activities on this page. Then, do the extra listening
comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10B. If you are interested in art, heres
information about the paintings on page 45. Painting A is called Homage to Matisse, produced in
1954 by Mark Rothko. Painting B is called Sous La Pluie, produced in 1912 by Franz Marc.
Painting C is called Summer Garden, produced in 2007 by Todd Muskopf. Painting D is called On
The Dogger Bank, produced in 1846 by William Clarkson Stanfield. Finally, painting E is called
Still Life of Fruit, produced by Giuseppe Falchetti.
DAY 3 - Theres a difference in stress and intonation in quoted and reported speech. On page 46
youll listen to and notice this difference. Listen to the audio and practice not only the exercises on
page 46, but also the exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10B.
Refer to the paintings on page 45 again, and imagine you can pick the best one to hang in each of
these places: a very expensive restaurant, the waiting room in a hospital, the living room of a family
apartment, and the office of a company president. What would you take into consideration to make
your choice? Which of the paintings do you like the most? And the least?
DAY 4 - On page 47 youll learn how to describe your favorite artists and their art. Read the
advertisement to learn useful vocabulary. If you want to complement your vocabulary list, here are
some other materials: plastic, vinyl, suede, nylon, cotton, wool, silk, cardboard, concrete, iron, steel,
copper, silver, glass. Do the activity on this page as well as the one in the folder VIDEO Lesson
Australian aborigines were the first human inhabitants of the continent of Australia. The
aborigines are divided into many different ethnic groups and spoke more than 250 different
languages. Watch the video ROCK ART and take the video comprehension activities to learn more
about aboriginal art. After watching, think: why do people want to buy aboriginal paintings? Would
you like to have an aboriginal painting in your house?
DAY 5 - I have a friend. He makes sculptures. I have a friend who makes sculptures. I have a
cousin. She makes nature videos. I have a cousin who makes nature videos. The grammar topic
which starts at the bottom of page 47 shows SUBJECT ADJECTIVE CLAUSES. An adjective
clause is a clause that gives more information about a noun. In a subject adjective clause, a relative
pronoun replaces the subject of the subordinate clause. After studying the chart, do the activities on
page 48 as well as the two grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 10C. In both
activities, choose the correct option in a multiple-choice task.
Listen to the audio for the conversation on page 48 and answer the question WHAT KIND OF
CRAFTS DOES CARRIE LIKE? Then practice the conversation as much as possible. You can also
make new conversations using your opinion about paintings, cooking utensils, and clothes.
Can you describe your favorite artists and their creations?
Finish the day studying the GRAMMAR: adjective clauses with who, which, and that.



Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

DAY 6 - Where can you see art in your city? What can you see in each place? This last reading
activity on pages 49 and 50 talks about public art. Remember that art is seen not only in museums,
but also in parks, public buildings, shops, galleries, and so forth. Read and listen to the text and
answer the questions on page 49 as well as the reading comprehension questions in the folder
VIDEO Lesson 10D.
If possible, visit the Web site of a famous museum such as the Louvre (Paris), the Hermitage (St.
Petersburg), the Egyptian Museum (Cairo), or the Prado (Madrid). Find three important works of art
at the museum youve chosen. The extra text in the book THE LOST TEMPLES OF THE MAYA
talks more about the Maya civilization, such as their numbering system. How long does it take you
to read the 322 words? In addition, watch the video and do the quiz. Congratulations, youve just
reached one more goal.

4.4 - Nvel 4, Parte 3

4.4.1 -

Nvel 4 Parte 3




Unit 11 - Pg. 1 a 7

Unit 11 - Passive voice other tenses

Unit 11 - Lesson A, B, C (up to
Vocabulary Practice)



Unit 11 - Pg. 8 a 10; Unit

12 - Pg. 11 a 14

Unit 11 - Embedded questions

Unit 11 - Lesson C, D; Unit 12 Lesson A

Unit 11 - Big City

Capoeira: The Fighting Dance Bicycle
Pg. 2 a 3

Unit 12 - Pg. 15 a 20

Unit 12 - Adjective clauses with Who, Which, and

That; Relative clauses restrictive and

Unit 12 - Lesson B, C, D

Unit 12 - Women Capoeira: The Fighting Dance in the Rodeo Pg. 4 a 10

Unit 13 - Pg. 21 a 27

Unit 13 - Tag questions

Unit 13 - Lesson A, B, C (up to

vocabulary practice)


Unit 13 - Phrases and clauses with before, during,

Unit 13 - Pg. 28 a 30; Unit and after; Adjectives and adverbial prepositional
Unit 13 - Lesson C, D; Unit 14 phrases; Unit 14 - Present Perfect forms of modals; Lesson A
14 - Pg. 31 a 34
Passive voice modals
Unit 14 - Pg. 35 a 40; Unit
Unit 14 - Future in past time frame
Unit 14 - Lesson B, C, D
15 - Pg. 41 a 42
Unit 15 - Pg. 43 a 50; Unit
Unit 15 - Present perfect forms of modals
Unit 15 - Lesson A, B, C, D
16 - Pg. 51 a 52
Unit 16 - Future with be going to; Future with will;
Unit 16 - Pg. 53 a 60
Unit 16 - Lesson A, B, C, D
Modals for certainty present and future

4.4.2 -

Capoeira: The Fighting Dance Pg. 11 a 19

Unit 13

Capoeira: The Fighting Dance Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quiz

Unit 14 - Crop
Unit 15 - Butler
Unit 16 - Comet

Solar Cooking - Pg. 2 a 3

Solar Cooking - Pg. 4 a 19
Solar Cooking - Pg. 22 a 23 +
video + quiz

Week 1 : Starting...

{1 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 11 - Pg. 1 a 7; [GR] Unit 11 - Passive voice other tenses; [AU] Unit 11 - Lesson A, B, C (up to
Vocabulary Practice);

Well, so this is the last part of level 4. This week you are going to study the e-book from pages 1
to 7 and the grammar covers the topic PASSIVE VOICE.
Now, lets look at each part little by little.
On pages 1 and 2 of the e-book you see different options for getting around. Name the things you
see in each picture. What kinds of transportation are important now and what kinds will be
important in the future? Still talking about transportation, what kind do you use the most often?
What are its advantages and disadvantages?

4.4 - Nvel 4, Parte 3


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

On page 3, youll read an article about the future of flying. In your opinions, which new ideas
sound good and which do not sound so good?
On pages 3 and 4 the book covers the topic PASSIVE VOICE, which is, in fact, a review. Take a
look at the explanation and do the exercises that follow. After this, reinforce your knowledge on this
topic going to the grammar folder where youll find a presentation, two grammar focus activities, a
listening activity, a speaking activity, as well as a review.
Separate another day to return to the e-book on page 4 to take the conversation. Follow with the
e-book up to page 7 and separate another day of this week to take the vocabulary and grammar
practices that youll find inside the video folder. See you next week.
4.4.3 -

Week 2 : Starting...

{2 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 11 - Pg. 8 a 10; Unit 12 - Pg. 11 a 14; [GR] Unit 11 - Embedded questions; [AU] Unit 11 - Lesson C,
D; Unit 12 - Lesson A; [VI] Unit 11 - Big City Bicycle Messengers; [RE] Capoeira: The Fighting Dance - Pg. 2 a 3;

We invite you to keep moving. Lets go!

DAY 2 - Study the grammar which starts at the bottom of page 7 of the e-book. This grammar
point covers indirect questions. Indirect questions are used in polite speech when we are talking to
someone we dont know. Read the explanation in the box and do the activity on page 8. Then go to
the folder VIDEO to take more grammar activities.
Finish the day studying the grammar point embedded questions in the folder GRAMMAR Unit
DAY 3 - Return to page 8 of the e-book to study the conversation. Before reading the
conversation, play the audio and answer the question WHERE DOES LUIS WANT TO GO? Then,
read the conversation silently and play the audio to practice your pronunciation and intonation.
In this conversation Luis is in a subway station in Tokyo and he needs information to get to the
Imperial Palace Garden. How could you help a tourist in your city?
We suggest you finish the day preparing the introduction for the book Capoeira: The Fighting
Dance on pages 2 and 3. The story is set in Bahia, Brazil. Are you from Bahia? Have you ever been
DAY 4 - Moving to pages 9 and 10, you have the Reading. You can either read silently or listen
to the audio passage (its inside the folder called VIDEO LESSON 11D READING PASSAGE:
AUDIO). After reading, there are some comprehension questions on page 9, as well as more
comprehension activities inside the folder called VIDEO. Do you know that the transportation in
the picture is a rickshaw? Rickshaws are used in Asia. After reading, can you answer this question:
What should the city of Kolkata do about the rickshaw problem?
DAY 5 - You can start your day watching the video BIG CITY BICYCLE MESSENGERS and
taking the video comprehension activities. This story talks about the bicycle messengers in New
York City. Look at how crazy their lives are.
Well, this is the end of Unit 11. Now, we are going to start Unit 12. The unit focuses on
competition in the context of sports. Do you like to watch competitions? Why or why not? Do you
enjoy participating in competitions? Why or why not?
You are going to learn how to:
a) give your opinion about sports;
b) choose the best sport for your personality type;


Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

c) talk about positive and negative aspects of competitions;

d) discuss competitive advantages.
Go to page 13 of the e-book. According to the theme of the unit, the vocabulary is related to
sports. Listen to the audio and do the activity that follows. Complement your knowledge about this
vocabulary taking the Vocabulary Practice which is inside the folder called VIDEO.
DAY 6 - Study the grammar topic negative questions at the bottom of page 13. Look at my
question: Do you have a test tomorrow? When I ask you this question, I dont expect any particular
answer. But if I ask you: Dont you have a test tomorrow? I think the answer is yes. Take a look at
the grammar chart for a deeper explanation and do the exercises on page 14. Inside the folder
VIDEO, there are more two grammar practices.
Finish the week practicing the conversation. Answer the question HOW MANY DIFFERENT
SPORTS DO THE SPEAKERS MENTION? After practicing the conversation, think about the
sports you like and dont like.
Great to see you around.
4.4.4 -

Week 3 : Starting...

{3 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 12 - Pg. 15 a 20; [GR] Unit 12 - Adjective clauses with Who, Which, and That; Relative clauses
restrictive and nonrestrictive; [AU] Unit 12 - Lesson B, C, D; [VI] Unit 12 - Women in the Rodeo; [RE] Capoeira: The Fighting
Dance - Pg. 4 a 10;

Having taken the week review, follow the study plan:

DAY 2 - What kind of sports to you enjoy more: individual or team sports? Write the sports in the
correct diagram on page 15. Then, listen to the audio and do the activities that follow. Complement
the activity by taking the listening comprehension exercises in the VIDEO folder.
Moving to page 16, youll practice the intonation to show surprise. Remember that intonation is
as important as pronunciation. So, devote some of your time to practice. Additionally, take the extra
pronunciation practice inside the folder VIDEO Unit 12.
DAY 3 - On page 17 theres a language expansion activity which deals with vocabulary related to
sports. After taking the activity on the page, theres more vocabulary practice inside the folder
Start studying the grammar at the bottom of page 17 which is object adjective clauses. Study the
explanation in the chart and do the exercises on page 18.
DAY 4 - Today you can study the grammar topics in the folder GRAMMAR Unit 12: adjective
clauses with who, which, and that and relative clauses restrictive and nonrestrictive. Finish the
day taking the grammar practices inside the folder VIDEO Lesson 12C.
DAY 5 - Play the audio of the conversation and answer the question WHAT DOES THE MAN
DECIDE TO DO?, before reading the lines. Then, practice as many times as you want. In the
conversation Dean and Kirsten are discussing the best sport for them. Dean says that he is
sometimes competitive. Are you competitive? In which situations? When being competitive is good
motivation or simply fun?
Finish your studying day reading from page 4 to page 10 of Capoeira: The fighting Dance. On
page 5, the activity asks you to read through the entire book quickly to answer the two questions.
When they ask you to read quickly, it means that you should read moving just your eyes fast. Then,
on page 11 there are 4 sentences to check true or false.

4.4 - Nvel 4, Parte 3


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

DAY 6 - Today, go to the Reading activity on pages 19 and 20. You can either read the paragraphs
silently or listen to the audio passage. The text is talking about competitive advantages in sports.
After reading, take the activities on page 19 as well as the reading comprehension activities in the
VIDEO folder. A competitive advantage is something that makes you more likely to win or succeed.
Besides wearing the color red, what are other things that can give an athlete a competitive
Watch the video WOMEN IN THE RODEO. What do you know about cowboys? What is a
cowboys work? After watching, complete the video comprehension activities. Have a great week
4.4.5 -

Week 4 : Starting...

{4 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 13 - Pg. 21 a 27; [GR] Unit 13 - Tag questions; [AU] Unit 13 - Lesson A, B, C (up to vocabulary
practice); [RE] Capoeira: The Fighting Dance - Pg. 11 a 19;

Lets get down to one more week of study.

DAY 2 - Earthquakes. Airplane crashes. New diseases. Every day, the newspaper brings up
articles about more things to be afraid of, and it often seems like we are living in a very dangerous
time. In Unit 13, you will look at a number of different kinds of danger, and ways to stay safe. Look
at pages 21 and 22 of the e-book and answer the questions provided by the book. Then, think: what
are the most common dangers that people face in this country? Are there things in our houses which
are dangerous?
In this unit youll learn to:
a) discuss ways to stay safe;
b) talk about dangerous work;
c) discuss personal emergencies;
d) discuss taking risks.
DAY 3 - On page 23 of the e-book there are pictures of things that might represent danger. Rate
the things in the pictures for their degree of danger. Then, do the activity that follows on this page
and the vocabulary practice activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13A. There are other animals
that could represent danger, such as: crocodile, scorpion, spider, lizard, rattlesnake, lion, tiger,
wildcat, polar bear, grizzly bear, cobra. For you, which of them is the most dangerous?
Listen to the conversation on page 24 and answer the question WHY IS THE WOMAN
WORRIED? before reading the lines. Then, practice as much as you can, so that youll improve
your pronunciation and intonation. Think about how you can stay safe in these situations and make
new conversations: thunderstorms, flying on an airplane, fixing the roof.
DAY 4 - The grammar presented in Unit 13 shows TAG QUESTIONS. Weve been studying
together for three months now. Weve gotten to know a lot about each other. Lets see how much I
remember Carina, you play tennis, dont you? Sam, youre a businessman, arent you? Tag
questions are used by native speakers to perform two different functions: to check information that
they are not sure of and to ask for agreement. Study the chart on pages 23 and do the activities that
follow. Complement this knowledge studying the GRAMMAR: tag questions.
In addition, do the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13A. Match the
sentence to its corresponding tag in the first activity and then, choose the correct option in a
multiple-choice task in the second activity.
DAY 5 - Do you think your job is boring? But now youll see a man who puts his life at risk
every day he goes to work. On page 25, you are going to hear a radio program about an unusual and


Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

dangerous job. Do the activities that follow. Then, think: what are the good points and bad points of
Mathura Prasads job? Why do you think he did this job? In the folder VIDEO youll find a multiple
choice activity.
You remember that we use tag questions for two different reasons, dont you? A difference in
intonation shows the reason for the tag question. Do the activities on page 26, as well as the activity
in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13B in which youll record your voice.
DAY 6 - Can you think of any emergencies people sometimes experience when they are traveling
in other countries? And what are the situations in which you would need a pharmacy, an ambulance,
and so on? On page 27 youll find vocabulary related to personal emergencies. Do both the
activities on this page as well as the one in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13C.
Finish the week reading up to page 19 of the book CAPOEIRA: THE FIGHTING DANCE.
When you get to page 5, youll be asked to read through the entire book to skim for the gist. There
is another reading technique activity on page 11.
4.4.6 -

Week 5 : Starting...

{5 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 13 - Pg. 28 a 30; Unit 14 - Pg. 31 a 34; [GR] Unit 13 - Phrases and clauses with before, during, and
after; Adjectives and adverbial prepositional phrases; Unit 14 - Present Perfect forms of modals; Passive voice modals; [AU] Unit
13 - Lesson C, D; Unit 14 - Lesson A; [VI] Unit 13 Destroyers; [RE] Capoeira: The Fighting Dance - Pg. 22 a 23 + video + quiz;

Its good to meet you again.

DAY 2 - This week, the grammar at the bottom of page 27 shows ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF
TIME. There are many types of adverbial clauses, such as clauses of purpose, manner, condition,
and result. All of these give further information about the verb of the main clause. Time clauses can
also begin with while, as, since, once, by the time, until. Study the chart at the bottom of page 27 on
the e-book and do the activities that follow. Theres more grammar to be studied in the folder
GRAMMAR Unit 13: phrases and clauses with before, during, and after and adjective and
adverbial prepositional phrases.
Listen to the conversation between Jen and Lily talking about a problem that happened at Jens
house. Answer WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM AT JENS HOUSE? First, listen and answer the
question, then read the lines and practice the conversation. Think about an emergency or serious
problem that you had. How can you express this in English?
Finish the day reinforcing the grammar. Take the exercises in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13C. In
the first exercise, match the beginnings to the endings. Then, in the second one, choose the correct
option in a multiple-choice activity.
DAY 3 - Are some sports dangerous? Why do people like to do them? What are some other
dangerous activities that people do for fun? One of these activities is eating an exotic dish in Japan.
Read the text on pages 29 and 30 to learn more about this dish. After taking the activities on these
pages, listen to the audio passage and do the extra exercise in the folder VIDEO Lesson 13D.
Why do you think people like to eat fugu? Why do some people enjoy doing risky things? Do you
enjoy taking risks?
The video DESTROYERS shows how appliances we commonly have at home might represent
risks to our lives. Watch and do the video comprehension activity. After watching the video, think:
why do people have accidents at home? If a person uses a product wrong and gets hurt, who is
responsible, the person or the maker of the product?
DAY 4 - Unit 14 will talk about mysteries. A mystery is anything secret, unexplained, or
unknown. This unit focuses on mysteries in history and the natural world. Go to pages 31 and 32 of
the e-book and name the things you can see in each picture. What is mysterious about them?
4.4 - Nvel 4, Parte 3


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

In this unit, youll learn to:

a) speculate about mysteries;
b) discuss types of mysteries you like and dislike;
c) talk about plans you used to have;
d) explain a mysterious image.
Read the extra pages of the book CAPOEIRA: THE FIGHTING DANCE and also do the quiz
and watch the video.
DAY 5 - Read the information about mysteries on page 33. If you fancy reading mystery novels,
these words might be useful: detective, criminal, witness, clue, suspect, arrest, victim, murder,
robbery, body, blackmail.
Modal verbs (can, must, should, ) serve many different functions depending on the tense and
context. Used with the present perfect tense, they are used to speculate about the past causes of a
current situation or result, with different degrees of certainty. For example: Someone who works in
the bank could have stolen the money. The grammar in this unit shows modals for speculating about
the past. Study the chart at the bottom of page 33 and do the exercises on page 34.
DAY 6 - Finish this week studying the grammar: present perfect form of modals and passive
voice modals. Complement the topic taking the grammar practice exercises in the folder VIDEO
Lesson 14A. Choose the correct option in the first exercise and match the beginnings to the endings
in the second one.
4.4.7 -

Week 6 : Starting...

{6 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 14 - Pg. 35 a 40; Unit 15 - Pg. 41 a 42; [GR] Unit 14 - Future in past time frame; [AU] Unit 14 Lesson B, C, D; [VI] Unit 14 - Crop Circles; [RE] Solar Cooking - Pg. 2 a 3;

Welcome to a new week.

DAY 2 - On page 35 you are going to listen to stories about sea monsters. Have you ever heard of
the monsters in the pictures on this page? Listen to the audio and do the activities that follow.
Which sea monster story was the most interesting for you? If you could talk to the expert, what
questions would you ask? Do the activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 14B for more listening
comprehension practice.
Its important to remind you of the concept of intonation the rising and falling pattern of our
voices in speaking. Study the pronunciation section on page 36, do the exercise that follows and
then, take the extra pronunciation practice in the folder VIDEO.
Joan and Tommy are talking about a mystery novel Tommy is reading. Before reading the lines of
the conversation, answer the question WHY DOES THE MAN THINK THE WOMAN WONT
LIKE THE BOOK? Listen and practice as much as possible. Some people like a good ghost story.
Others enjoy murder mysteries. What kind of mysteries do you enjoy hearing about or reading
about? On the other hand, what are mysterious things that youd rather not hear or read about?
DAY 3 - On page 37 of the e-book there is a picture if Stonehenge. What do you know about this
place? You are going to hear to a conversation with some surprising facts about Stonehenge. Do the
activities that follow on this page as well as the vocabulary practice in the folder VIDEO Lesson
Prepare the vocabulary of the book SOLAR COOKING on pages 2 and 3. Do you believe in the
use of alternative energy?


Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

DAY 4 - I had big plans for last weekend. I was going to get up early every day but I slept
late. I was going to clean my house but I went to a movie instead. What about you? What were
your plans last weekend? Did you do them? The grammar on pages 37 and 38 shows the future in
the past. Study the chart and do the exercises that follow. Remember to study future in past time
frame in the folder GRAMMAR.
Listen to the conversation between Angela and Yada talking about plans they had in the past.
SHE WAS A CHILD? Practice the conversation to improve your pronunciation and intonation.
What were your plans for the future when you were a child? What were you going to be when you
grew up? Where were you going to live? What was your life going to be like?
Finish the day reinforcing the grammar. Go to the folder VIDEO Lesson 14C and do the
exercises which are there. First, choose the correct option in a multiple-choice task. In the second
activity, complete the sentence with the correct option.
DAY 5 - When you imagine scientists at work, where do you see them? Do you think its
important to know about prehistoric people? Read the text on pages 39 and 40 talking about a
mysterious image found by archaeologists. Do the activities on these pages, as well as the reading
comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 14D. Remember that you can also listen to
the audio passage. Amazing photographs are easy to find on the Internet, but since images can be
changed with computer software programs, you cant always believe what you see. Can you find an
example of a fauxtography on the Internet?
Watch the video CROP CIRCLES and take the video comprehension activity. Crop circles are big
patterns that suddenly appear in farm fields in England with no explanation. After watching the
video think about what surprised you the most. What do you still want to know about crop circles?
DAY 6 - Lets finish the week studying the beginning of Unit 15. In recent years, the concept of
learning has expanded far outside of the traditional classroom (you are a good example of it).
Today, people of all ages learn new subjects and skills in a variety of ways. Unit 15 presents you
with a spectrum of different forms of learning. Go to pages 41 and 42 of the e-book and describe the
types of learning in the pictures. How can you compare them to your own learning experience?
What are some other ways to learn? Do you think all people learn in the same way?
In this unit youll learn to:
a) talk about educational plans and decisions;
b) discuss your learning style;
c) talk about choosing a university major;
d) propose a new approach to teaching.
4.4.8 -

Week 7 : Starting...

{7 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 15 - Pg. 43 a 50; Unit 16 - Pg. 51 a 52; [GR] Unit 15 - Present perfect forms of modals; [AU] Unit
15 - Lesson A, B, C, D; [VI] Unit 15 - Butler School; [RE] Solar Cooking - Pg. 4 a 19;

Here we are together for a new week.

DAY 2 - Page 43 brings an article that talks about a study abroad program. Study the page and do
the activities that follow. Take the activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15A, as well. If you could
change anything in your educational plan, what would it be?
Jack is a terrible student. He got 40 percent on his last math test because he never went to class.
What should he have done? He should have studied harder. He should have asked the teacher for
4.4 - Nvel 4, Parte 3


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

help. He should have gone to class. On pages 43 and 44 youll see PERFECT MODALS. They are
used to talk about actions in the past that werent completed or realized. Study the pages and the
folder GRAMMAR Unit 15: present perfect forms of modals. Its useful to remind you that this
folder contains: presentation, grammar practice, listening practice, speaking practice and review.
Listen to the conversation on page 44 between Kelly and Josh and answer the question WHERE
DOES JOSH WANT TO STUDY NEXT YEAR? Then, practice the conversation. You can make
new conversations using: studying art history in Rome and any other idea from you.
Finish the day taking the activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15A. In the first activity choose
the correct modal form to complete the sentences. In the second activity, choose the correct option
in a multiple-choice activity.
DAY 3 - On page 45 of the e-book youll be presented to different learning styles. Listen to the
audio where people talk about their experiences with learning different things and do the activities
that follow. Besides, take the listening comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15B.
You know that in informal speaking some words have a reduced pronunciation. Learn more about
this on page 46. Practice using the activity on the page and the activity in the folder VIDEO
Lesson 15B.
Read up to page 19 of the book SOLAR COOKING. Also, listen to the audio of the pages you
are reading today.
DAY 4 - Do you know what a major is? The main subject a student studies at college or
university. For example: history, sociology, political science, philosophy, literature, music, art,
religious studies, physics, zoology, botany, library science, nursing, medicine. Do the exercise on
page 47 as well as the extra activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15C.
The grammar topic present at the bottom of page 47 is NOUN CLAUSES. A clause is a sentence
part that contains a noun and a verb. A noun clause can replace a noun in any part of a sentence. For
example: What Fred wrote was very interesting. We talked about what Fred wrote. Another example
is: Im interested in how children learn. Study the chart and the activities on pages 47 and 48. What
are some things you are curious about? What was your favorite class in elementary school? What
did you learn about? Are you worried about anything? What do you worry about? Answer these
questions using a noun clause.
Listen to the conversation between Mike and Annie and answer the question WHAT TWO
MAJORS IS ANNIE THINKING ABOUT? Practice the conversation.
Finish the day with the grammar practice activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15C. In the
first activity, choose the correct option. Then, match the sentence parts in the second activity.
If time permits, you can complete the following sentences with a noun clause: I would really like
to know I wonder about I cant understand Im interested in Im not sure
DAY 5 - What did you like about your elementary school? What didnt you like? What are the
most important things for children to learn in elementary school? Read the text on pages 49 and 50
and find out more about a different school in South Africa. Do the activities on these pages, as well
as the reading comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 15D. Remember that you can
also listen to the audio passage. How should schools in your country be improved?
The video BUTLER SCHOOL talks about a special school where men and women learn how to
serve rich people. Watch the video and do the video comprehension activity. Traditionally, the butler
was the head of the whole staff of servants in a wealthy English household.



Nvel 4 - Intermedirio

He was in charge of the dining room, wine cellar, and the group of housekeepers who took care
of the house. Today, the butlers work is much simpler, since few families employ huge staffs of
servants, but a butler is still expected to be refined, well-spoken, discreet, and knowledgeable.
DAY 6 - At one time or another, every person who ever lived has probably stood looking at the
night sky and wondered about what was up there. The stars, planets, and galaxies have fascinated
us throughout human history. The topic of Unit 12 is space.
In this unit youll learn to:
a) talk about the future;
b) consider the realities of living in space;
c) discuss the future of space exploration;
d) summarize a sequence of events.
Go to pages 51 and 52 of the e-book and look at the pictures on these pages. What can you see?
In your opinion, why do people want to explore space? What are some amazing things that people
have done in space?
4.4.9 -

Week 8 : Starting...

{8 Sem - #N4P1} [EB] Unit 16 - Pg. 53 a 60; [GR] Unit 16 - Future with be going to; Future with will; Modals for certainty
present and future; [AU] Unit 16 - Lesson A, B, C, D; [VI] Unit 16 - Comet Watchers; [RE] Solar Cooking - Pg. 22 a 23 + video +

Congratulations! This week you are accomplishing one more goal!

DAY 2 - Read the article about space exploration on page 53 of the e-book and do the activity
that follows as well as the activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16A.
You have studied several different ways of talking about events in the future. Now, study the
grammar chart at the bottom of page 53 to get a summary of the future tenses. Heres another brief
explanation: will is used to express general truths; to make predictions; for promises; and for
sudden decisions. Going to is used for predictions; plans; and to talk about the immediate future.
The present progressive tense is used to talk about arrangements that have been made. Finally, the
simple present tense is used to talk about future events on a set schedule. Do the activity that
follows. In the folder GRAMMAR Unit 16, study: future with be going to and future with will.
Listen to the conversation on page 54 and answer the question WHEN DOES THE TRAINING
PROGRAM START? Then, practice the conversation. Think about your own future. What will you
probably do in the immediate future (this afternoon, tonight, tomorrow)? The near future (next
month, next year, after you graduate)? The more distant future (in five years, in ten years, when you
Finish the day taking the activities in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16A. Fill in the blanks with the
correct option in the first activity. Then, choose the correct option in the second activity.
DAY 3 - On page 55 you are going to listen to a radio interview with an astronaut. Do the
activities that follow on this page. Why do you think Dr. Foster wants to return to the International
Space Station? Why are the results of the experiments conducted in space important? Then, take the
listening comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16B.
Learn more about the stress in compound nouns on page 56. Practice using the activity on the
page and the activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16B.
Read the expansion pages of the book SOLAR COOKING on pages 22 and 23. Also, watch the
video and do the quiz.
4.4 - Nvel 4, Parte 3


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DAY 4 - Listen to two speakers two university professors on page 57 of the e-book and do the
activities that follow. There is an extra activity in the folder VIDEO Lesson 16C.
Jacob and Matthew are discussing the future of space exploration. Listen to their conversation
and answer the question WHICH SPEAKER IS THE MOST CONVINCING TO YOU? Practice
the conversation. What kind of space exploration is happening now? What will space exploration be
like in the near future and in the distant future?
DAY 5 - The grammar section which starts at the bottom of page 57 deals with FUTURE
MODALS. Study the chart and do the activity that follows. Study the folder GRAMMAR Unit
16: modals for certainty present and future. Finish the day with the grammar practice activities in
the folder VIDEO Lesson 16C.
DAY 6 - What do we use telescopes for? What can people see through a telescope? Do you know
anything about the Hubble Telescope? The text on pages 59 and 60 will teach you about it. Do the
activities on these pages, as well as the reading comprehension activity in the folder VIDEO
Lesson 16D. Remember that you can also listen to the audio passage. Could you make a list of
important events in your life and some of your future plans?
Watch the video COMET WATCHERS to discover more about comets. Do the video
comprehension activity. Why do people become amateur or professional astronomers?
This is the end of level 4. Congrats!



Nvel 5 - Avanado

Nvel 5 - Avanado
Ao trmino do Nivel 5, o aluno ser capaz de desenvolver as habilidades descritas a seguir para
cada exame:
Prtica Auditiva
Uso do Ingls
Prtica Auditiva
Prtica de Conversao


Uso do Ingls
Prtica Auditiva
Prtica de Conversao

5.1 - Cronograma
Tempo necessrio realizao das tarefas:
Nvel 1

Pginas de contedo
Unidades por vdeo
Livros com vdeo e udio


Total por Nvel

Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por semana
Quantidade de horas que pretendo estudar por ms
Tempo previsto

Tempo Gasto (h)

102 Horas
4,25 Horas
17 Horas
6 Meses

Sugesto: 05 contatos semanais com aproximadamente 01 hora cada Em cada um destes contatos,
dedique: 20 minutos para o e-book 10 minutos para os vdeos 15 minutos para a gramtica 10
minutos para as leituras A cada 2 meses faa seu teste de progresso Ao final do curso faa seu teste
de mudana de nvel

* O nvel 5 no foi detalhado por ser constitudo de mdulos optativos para realizao de testes.
Porm em breve sero lanados como anexos em novas revises deste.

5.1 - Cronograma


Plano de Estudos MEO (My English Online)

Referncias Bibliogrficas
CREATIVE COMMONS BRASIL. Licena Jurdica Creative Commons, 2014. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso em: 22 abr. 2014
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 2 - parte 3, 20:06:31 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso
em: 22 abr. 2014a
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 1 - parte 1, 14:00:51 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso em: 22 abr.
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 1 - parte 3, 17:50:34 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso em: 22 abr.
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos nivel 1 - parte 2, 17:42:28 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso
em: 22 abr. 2014
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 2 - parte 1, 13:27:27 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso em: 22 abr.
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 2 - parte 2, 17:47:33 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso em: 22 abr.
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 2 - parte 3, 20:06:31 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso
em: 22 abr. 2014b
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 3 - parte 1, 13:18:07 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso
em: 22 abr. 2014
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 3 - parte 2, 20:08:27 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso
em: 22 abr. 2014
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 3 - parte 3, 13:23:31 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso
em: 22 abr. 2014
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 4 - parte 1, 19:40:58 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso em: 22 abr.
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 4 - parte 2, 19:36:33 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso em: 22 abr.


Nvel 5 - Avanado

MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 4 - parte 3, 13:12:24 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso em: 22 abr.
MY ENGLISH ONLINE. Plano de estudos - nivel 5 - fce, 16:26:06 UTC. Disponvel em:
<>. Acesso em: 22 abr. 2014
My English Online - CAPES/MEC. Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em: 22 abr. 2014.

5.1 - Cronograma


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