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"Within the Jordan's sacred flood

the heav'nly Lamb in meekness stood

that He, of Whom no sin was known,
Might cleanse His people from their own.
Grace, Mercy and Peace unto you from God our Father and the
Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Today we commemorate the Baptism of our Lord. It is a joyous
occasion indeed. The Baptism of our Lord is to a different end
than yours and we have a different joy than say when your new
baby is washed in the cleansing flood of Christian Baptism. We
must distinguish His baptism from ours to this purpose, that we
recognize and receive our Christian Baptism with great joy.
Dear baptized children of God you have been washed and
regenerated in the Living waters of Christ, God has claimed you
as His own and given you faith to trust His Son. Through your
baptism that Jesus freely gave to you upon fulfilling His own He
has made it possible for you to have a clear conscience, that you
might not fear death and that you might live as a new man.
---John the Baptizer knew what His purpose on earth was, it was
to proclaim the coming of the Messiah. John heralded the long
coming Savior of the world, He spoke about the Son of God Who
baptizes not just with water but with the Holy Spirit. John
understood this much about Christian Baptism, that as we receive
the Name of Christ and are washed in the water we also receive
the Holy Spirit.
But to this end, that you might be cleansed by Jesus' blood, Jesus
had also to be baptized.
Jesus' baptism marks the beginning of His mission, His purpose,
His life lived and died and risen to atone for the sins of the world,
to redeem lost mankind, to "help us in the very midst of life", to
give us of Himself, even His own Spirit.

---After John baptized Jesus, immediately he saw the heavens

being torn open and the Spirit descending on Him like a
dove. And a voice came from heaven, "You are my beloved
Son; with you I am well pleased."
After John baptized Jesus, God the Father confirmed that baptism
of repentance and He anointed His Son with the Spirit. With the
approval of the Father Jesus began His baptismal journey toward
the cross.
Every instance of salvation and new beginning involves passing
through the water. From the waters that were present and the
beginning of creation, to the Red Sea when Moses lead Israel out
of slavery through the wilderness to the Promised Land, to the
Jordan River where Joshua lead God's people into that promised
And so this day we remember that through water God brings
salvation, today we return to the river Jordan where Jesus was
baptized. Yet, herein lies the difference between His baptism and
yours. Jesus did not need to be washed and cleansed from sin. He
had no obligation to repent of iniquity. He had no need to be freed
from slavery to Pharaoh or sin or anything; for He is Lord over all
Creation. But so that He might redeem His corrupted and defiled
creation that had willingly become enslaved to sin and death
Jesus too would pass through the waters. His willing reception of
John's baptism of repentance demonstrated that everything He
would say and do here forward would be to save you. He was
baptized to save, you are baptized to be saved.
Your journey of baptism is not to die on the cross like Him, you do
not have to make propitiation for your sins, that is the work of
Christ. Your journey of baptism however, is always under the cross
of Christ. That sorrowful place where the only innocent man was
brutally, scornfully, hideously abused. In Christ crucified you see
God's righteous wrath poured out, every last drop to the dregs

and Jesus willingly drank it. This is why we have a peculiar joy
today. Joy because Jesus was anointed that He might pardon our
sins. Yet, peculiar because of what He suffered in pardoning us.
Beginning at His baptism Jesus began to take upon Himself every
last sin of the whole world, from the day Adam and Eve were
banished from the Garden to the Last Day. The stain of man's sin
would utterly defile Christ, and because of this He was shamefully
For all the days when you have grieved the Holy Spirit through
your arrogant pride, thinking yourself better than your neighbor.
For when you 'murdered' your family member with spiteful
thoughts and festering hatred. For when you gave in to dirty little
sins of sexual perversion and lust. For every time you have fallen
---The fact is, none of your sins have been little, it was because of
them Jesus submitted to the Baptism of repentance, it was
because of your sin that Christ fulfilled his Baptism and was
crucified. Yes, in spite of your sin God has provided the necessary
solution. Even though you have failed to keep what is required.
Even though you have often despised your Baptism by neglecting
the mutual consolation of the brethren, the joyous hearing of the
Word, and the unparalleled meal of forgiveness, the Lord's
Supper; because Jesus was baptized, repented, took all your sin
onto Himself and died on the cross, therefore your Heavenly
Father looks down and is no longer displeased with you. Because
you have been washed in the cleansing flood of Jesus' Blood in
your baptism God will never pour out His wrath upon you.
---After John baptized Jesus, immediately he saw the heavens
being torn open and the Spirit descending on Him like a
dove. And a voice came from heaven, "You are my beloved
Son; with you I am well pleased."

God the Father is well pleased with Jesus because Jesus took your
sins away, He anointed Jesus to complete the mission of salvation
and He willingly laid down His life for you.
Now that Jesus' Baptism is accomplished, namely, that is He has
died and is risen, the Father's blessing and favor now extends to
those united to Jesus.
This is the difference between His Baptism and yours. He
submitted to repentance, scorn and death in taking your sins
away. Because He did this and overcame death, the baptism He
gave to you grants forgiveness, life and salvation.
As we clearly heard at the beginning of the service, He that
believes and is baptized shall be saved.
So beloved children of God, you who are baptized in the Name
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit forget
not Jesus' Baptism, which we joyously celebrate this day, for by it
He committed Himself to save you. As His pure body touched the
waters He cleansed all water which is used in His Name. As He
spilt His blood on the cross it was to purify all who have been
defiled by sin. As He breathed out the Spirit He has enlivened all
who hear His voice. These three testify Water, Blood and Spirit
that Jesus is the Christ and that He has saved you.
Dear beloved children of God, forget not your own Baptism,
remember and it with joy every day. Even as you struggle against
sin; and by your failings are reminded that Jesus was baptized to
take those sins onto Himself and die in your place, remember all
the more that after He took those sins away and buried them in
the grave, He rose and commanded that you be baptized into
Him, that all the reward of His labors are now yours. You are
Baptized, united to Christ; you have died to sin and are alive
to God in Him.
As our opening hymn so beautifully puts it:

Within the Jordan's sacred flood

the heav'nly Lamb in meekness stood
that He, of Whom no sin was known,
Might cleanse His people from their own. Amen
Now the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your
hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen

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